If you could turn any franchise into a mumorperger, which would it be? I would love to see AtLA/LoK turned into one. Pic somewhat related as well.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Some tv show turned into an MMO is bound to be gimmicky and lame.

    • 2 years ago

      >swords of legend online
      The arena pvp was solid, though.


      If you could turn any franchise into a mumorperger, which would it be? I would love to see AtLA/LoK turned into one. Pic somewhat related as well.


      • 2 years ago

        >chinese mmo
        hard pass.

        • 2 years ago

          I didn’t say it was good. I said the arena was good. The rest of it is pretty lame.

    • 2 years ago

      > dot hack
      > turned imto single player mmo
      IMOQ was fun but still repetitive as shit

  2. 2 years ago

    Planetside 1 style Battletech MMO.

    F2P nerds get to play as faction meatgrinder soldiers in logistically cheap shit tier stock mechs

    Subscription players can play as mercs with their own custom mechs.

  3. 2 years ago

    Mass Effect

  4. 2 years ago

    Final Fantasy Tactics or Ogre Battle.

    Imagine a BR tactics game where each Unit is a single person, fighting it out with weapons they pick up in the battlefield.
    Or even just classic TDM or CTF.
    Shit would be very cool if handled the right way.

  5. 2 years ago

    Fantasy Earth Zero remastered

  6. 2 years ago

    I was playing tes3mp the other day and it worked pretty well. Daggerfall and Morrowind would work great as MMOs

  7. 2 years ago

    Can I turn an MMO into a single player game instead? Because Ankama needs to make Wakfu and Dofus into single player SRPGs right fricking now!

  8. 2 years ago

    >If you could turn any franchise into a mumorperger, which would it be?
    Civilization or HoMM

  9. 2 years ago

    Warhammer 40k MMO but with Mordhau/Chivalry Mechanics

    • 2 years ago

      Wasn't there some Warhammer 40k MMO in the works with a surprisingly flavorful monetization scheme where F2P could only be Orks?

      • 2 years ago

        that sounds amazing

        make the F2P both Orks and Tyrannids and I'm sold

      • 2 years ago

        barred mobile games recent multiplayer games with 40k theme are eternal crusade and the upcoming darktide. the guns gore and cannolis guys are making a ork theme game based on their formula but it's not only multi, i don't even know if it has multi

        ah yes it's eternal crusade prolly (https://www.polygon.com/2014/10/31/7137991/warhammer-40k-eternal-crusade-ork-free-to-play) but it shut the server down in 2021 i dunno about private server

      • 2 years ago

        that sounds amazing

        make the F2P both Orks and Tyrannids and I'm sold

        There was two actually. And like most devs now a days, they bite off more than they could chew. The first one was from THQ. It went from a MMO to "refocusing" on a singleplayer experience. Which would've been weird because it was shown to be traditional tab targeted combat (This was during the TBC era when everyone wanted to be WoW). THQ went bankrupt so that went away.

        The second one was Eternal Crusade. They promised A LOT. Like "Planetside in Warhammer 40k". When the original guy who led the project stepped down and an eve dev veteran came in to take over. He basically came out and said "Listen, previous guy promised way too much. We can't do all this and meet deadlines in the time given. This is a gigantic undertaking that will take years. This of course pissed people off, especially those who bought founders packs at this point. This drama of course imploded the playerbase, review bombed the game, etc etc. Money hungry publisher comes in and fricks everything up. Eventually the devs pretty much just gave up when they realized the title's reputation was forever tainted. I bought early access when it came out. It was very rough around the edges. There were people cheating, of course (what shooter game doesn't have this now a days). And it was not new player friendly. It took a lot of getting used to and training. You'd spawn or be walking around (frick so much walking it felt like). And then boom just instantly die and have no idea. There wasn't a great feedback loop inside the game to let players get better. So new player experience was shit and a lot of people wrote it off. The last thing they tried to do before closing down was a PvE experience with tyranids. Like a wave battle thing. And it was ok, not the worse thing I've seen. But yeah at this point, it had almost been 7 years since it was announced. And just everything went wrong at every step of the way. Finally they closed it down.

  10. 2 years ago

    All this talk of Warhammer reminded me that this existed.

    It had a lot of good points...Interesting class design (like engineers who '''tanked''' by creating disposable turrets to taunt and eat hits, mages who could overcharge their spells for risk/reward, etc). It was also a mobile MMO without autoplay, which was great. It wasn't good, of course...Kind of slow and dead, quests were boring, etc. It folded without much fanfare which is too bad.

  11. 2 years ago

    BioShock, set during Rapture's height.

  12. 2 years ago

    No franchinse in particular, i'd like anything with vindictus' amazing combat and massive selection of boner worthy bosses with epic BGMs.
    I'm kind of amazed by how they're still regularly releasing new updates, the couple dozen players that are still there must be huge whales, but then again, that's probably the basic requirement to do raids nowadays.

    • 2 years ago

      Unless much has changed since I last played Vindictus is actually so content rich you can get a lot out of it without spending any dosh. There's like what, a decade now? worth of dungeons and shit to do, and it doesn't feel like a grind because the combat is actually engaging instead of tab, 1 2 3, turn in quest, rinse repeat.

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