What MMORPGs are you playing right now?

For me it's Warhammer Online: Return of Reckoning and RIFT.

Been tempted to try EQ2 and LotRO again but it feels like there's nothing but single-player content in those.

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  1. 2 years ago

    guild wars 2
    it's very boring though

    • 2 years ago

      I liked it until I reached level cap.

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but I pvp mostly and it’s a complete mess. I’d say it was badly balanced, which it absolutely is, but it doesn’t even matter because the game’s shitty matchmaking makes it so nothing you do actually matters since you’re going to have around a 50% win rate in solo queue anyway and WvW feels like a tacked on afterthought. I’m thinking about going to UO Outlands or maybe just being done with online games in general.

      • 2 years ago

        same. gw2 has the worst endgame ive ever seen. who the frick thought "you can only craft this very expensive endgame crafting material once a day! also, you need ten of them to make a single crafting component!" was a good way to keep players engaged? like actually what kind of moron thought of that?

        stats barely mattering is also hilarious. it's fun in the early stages of the game, where it means that you can play whatever is fun and youll still progress, but it just means that gear almost doesnt matter at all in the lategame and then what the frick are you playing for? mediocre skins that nobody but you will ever look at?

        whoever designed gw2 past the zone-to-zone progression should be fired from all game design ever

        • 2 years ago

          Guild Wars 2 endgame is "do whatever the frick you want".
          Yeah crafting is moronic, but it's not the important stuff you should be doing.
          >then what the frick are you playing for?
          Not chasing the ever moving level cap like Wow. The game is designed in a way so you can play how long you want whenever you want, even have a year long hiatus and not end up being behind and your gear utterly irrelevant. You are not a slave to the game.
          Also, mounts. Best mounts in any MMO period. Racing with the beetle or flying on a griffon is pure kino.

          • 2 years ago

            "do whatever the frick you want" isnt a good way to keep players engaged. it doesnt have to be the same uncreative slog as WoW, it just needs to give you something to work towards besides meaningless skins and legendary equipment thats way too hard to achieve

            but yes the mounts are nice, except for (again) the unreasonable demands they make to give you a skyscale

            • 2 years ago

              >it just needs to give you something to work towards besides meaningless skins
              That might not be for you, but looking at MMOs in general, that's what most people end up doing.
              Heck, even bloody Monster Hunter ends up with people fashion hunting once they finish the endgame.

              • 2 years ago

                LOTRO even has "collections" windows that will show you what mounts and pets you don't have. A lot of them are from the cash shop too.

              • 2 years ago

                There's a good few MMOs with something like that now. WoW, LOTRO, ESO and RuneScape come to mind. GW2 as well, for outfits at least. It makes sense since most of those are trying to sell you the contents, yes.

                "do whatever the frick you want" isnt a good way to keep players engaged. it doesnt have to be the same uncreative slog as WoW, it just needs to give you something to work towards besides meaningless skins and legendary equipment thats way too hard to achieve

                but yes the mounts are nice, except for (again) the unreasonable demands they make to give you a skyscale

                For me in GW2 it was the lack of a sense of progression in general. Now that all the weapon abilities are open as soon as you can equip them there was basically no change from when I hit level 10 to when I hit level 80. Because the entire world scales for dailies and things, it doesn't feel like getting more powerful either. All the passives just felt like QOL upgrades. Not playing with people except in overworld zergs means you don't get a sense of your power progressing relative or in concert with other people. The Elite specs are the first time it really opens up because they introduce new mechanics and weapons to your class...But for me at least it all still felt pretty much the same. Like I just tried getting into it again and leveling a warrior, switching to gunblade...Having charges and holding power for big strikes was a nice change but it was still doing the same things in the same ways more or less. It's not like most fights lasted long enough or were threatening enough to feel the differences or even use most of the new abilities. It wasn't an evolution of the previous skillset so much as a replacement with a mostly similar one.

              • 2 years ago

                >for outfits at least
                GW2 has it for anything collectable, including colors.

              • 2 years ago

                I had enough of collecting after playing both of the PS2 Katamari games.

              • 2 years ago

                yes exactly. elite specs are a good start but by the time you reach 80 you have so many hero points that you cant NOT have unlocked everything, which makes the points you invested thoughtfully early on meaningless. one of GW2's biggest strengths is that, with masteries, certain areas/events/etc. are locked to you, so until you unlock those masteries you cant participate in certain aspects of the game. it's kind of like a metroidvania where you progress through an area, do the baseline, then return once you have stuff unlocked. the sad part is that that's pretty much all the longevity that GW2 has, so after you unlock everything, youre done. like you said, the big fights arent complex enough to actually be entertaining, and then the pvp is ass and fractals are repetitive and lazy

                it's such a shame cause i had A LOT of fun playing for the first time through 1-80, HoT, and PoF, but i just ran out of meaningful stuff to do

              • 2 years ago

                having fashion collections is fine but there has to be more substance. WotLK had great late game because there were a lot of raids to progress through and most of the fights were genuinely pretty creative. they werent all that complex but you had to think at least a little to get through all the mechanics. doing that while coordinating with the rest of your group made the experience really fun, and if you managed to find a good piece of gear for yourself during the raid, that was usually a big upgrade that could potentially mean you were ready for the next raid. the prep for raids was also a big deal because you had to find people with specific professions that could fill in all the roles that you couldnt; getting the right potions, cooks, enchanters to give your gear that extra edge, etc.

                there were cosmetics involved that you could unlock but that wasnt the entire lategame, that was just something you could do on the side, and it most certainly wasnt what most people cared about. even after you finished all the raids and reached the theoretical limit on your gear, lots of people would continue to play the icecrown raid cause it was just fun

                this isnt even to mention that you could just start a new character and play a noticeably different game with a different class/spec/professions. GW2 makes new characters pretty much meaningless cause everything is shared and the gameplay styles between classes honestly dont differ that much

                not all mmorpgs have to be like WotLK but they shouldnt have as meaningless of an endgame as GW2

              • 2 years ago

                GW2 also has raids. And fractals. And strike missions.

              • 2 years ago

                fractals are repetitive and lazy. progressing through the tiers is such a fricking slog that's a shock to me that ANYONE does it. nobody plays them except to do the dailies, either, so theyre essentially timegated

                who the frick raids

                the strike missions are also repetitive and boring as shit

                none of them are worth the time investment

              • 2 years ago

                fractals are repetitive and lazy. progressing through the tiers is such a fricking slog that's a shock to me that ANYONE does it. nobody plays them except to do the dailies, either, so theyre essentially timegated

                who the frick raids

                the strike missions are also repetitive and boring as shit

                none of them are worth the time investment

                this all isnt even to mention: WHY would anyone participate in any of these? for mats? for gold? karma? there's no way it's for the pure fun of it, cause 1: theyre insanely repetitive and uncreative, and 2: when i asked people in-game, everyone literally said that they only did these things to get them out of the way, not because they found them fun to do. so why would anyone want to participate in strike missions/fractals/raids? oh... it's to get materials and collection items for skins...

              • 2 years ago

                >oh... it's to get materials and collection items for skins...
                So like any other MMO??
                It's interesting that you are praising others games for having this and claiming that GW doesn't, but then b***h that GW has it.

              • 2 years ago

                no, not like any other mmo. i literally described how wotlk's lategame is NOT like this, just as one example, you absolute moron. in wotlk, you get materials for stats, which are important for you to be able to amp up your build and progress to other raids. these are NOT just skins

              • 2 years ago

                But it's still repetitive, only now you are chasing numbers instead of fashion. Not to mention now you need to keep playing out of necessity to stay relevant.

              • 2 years ago

                >But it's still repetitive
                the simple fact that you are repeating something doesnt make it repetitive. the raids are so big and the bosses varied enough that it doesnt feel repetitive. that isnt even to mention that in wotlk there's a lot of stuff for you to be doing between raids
                >only now you are chasing numbers instead of fashion
                yeah that's a HUGE difference. the numbers let you actually play the game differently and PROGRESS, whereas fashion just makes you say "oh that looks cool" and then it literally doesnt matter
                >Not to mention now you need to keep playing out of necessity to stay relevant.
                so? youll fall behind if you stop playing but it's not like you can never catch up. this comment stinks of "waahh i'm a casual gamer and the game doesnt cater to my needs of only being able to play 2 hours a week." just because you cant or dont want to keep up with your guildies in a game and you end up falling behind, doesnt mean that that's a poorly designed endgame. if you want to play shit tier casual games like GW2 because that's all you can handle then be my guest, but dont claim that it has a good lategame or that all MMOs are similar to it. wotlk is several tiers better in terms of lategame design

              • 2 years ago

                >the simple fact that you are repeating something doesnt make it repetitive. the raids are so big and the bosses varied enough that it doesnt feel repetitive. that isnt even to mention that in wotlk there's a lot of stuff for you to be doing between raids
                Damn, look at those mental gymnastics. Repetitive stuff isn't repetitive because there's a lot of it.
                Also, the second part is just pure double standards, in GW there's also lot of stuff to do between raids and fractals, but let me guess, "blah blah something something it's bad".
                Either measure the games with the same standard, or frick off.

              • 2 years ago

                the quality of something is ALWAYS the caveat you bumbling moron

                and damn youre actually just straight up incapable of understanding my basic english. i didnt say "repetitive stuff isnt repetitive," i said that the repeating elements dont FEEL repetitive. that's a big fricking difference but i guess it's hard to read when you have ANet's wiener shoved into your ears. have fun shilling for your poorly designed casual fashion mmo

              • 2 years ago

                >>the quality of something is ALWAYS the caveat
                >>i said that the repeating elements dont FEEL repetitive
                >do thing
                >thing becomes obsolete
                >do new thing
                >repeat cycle
                Honestly, at this point I think it's your sunken cost fallacy talking.
                Jumping into a game and doing whatever I want without it becoming obsolete is infinitely better than chasing numbers forever.

              • 2 years ago

                it's great if you can play games that way, but most people like their games to have some sort of goal so that they dont feel like theyre COMPLETELY wasting their time

              • 2 years ago

                >yeah that's a HUGE difference. the numbers let you actually play the game differently and PROGRESS
                All you are doing is progressing towards more "progress", so again, just chasing numbers. And the numbers you chased before become irrelevant later on. Unlike stuff you get to unlock and keep forever.

          • 2 years ago

            >Not chasing the ever moving level cap like Wow. The game is designed in a way so you can play how long you want whenever you want, even have a year long hiatus and not end up being behind and your gear utterly irrelevant.
            I feel like this mentality is a leftover from classic/TBC where doing every new piece of content meant having to do all of the previous ones. In most modern MMOs, and WoW is a decent example, if you realize that the gear treadmill is ever-resetting then you also realize that there's no point in playing more than you want to play it, because next time you come back it'll be simple to catch up again. All the constant treadmill exists for is a way to keep gaining power between jolts if you want to keep playing.

          • 1 year ago

            >"do whatever the frick you want".
            That's fine when there's actually frick to do.
            >Also, mounts. Best mounts in any MMO period. Racing with the beetle or flying on a griffon is pure kino.
            Mounts are not content. GW2 drones going s o y face over this basic feature is some creepy cult shit. Mounts fricking suck and kill immersion. Especially flying mounts. Pure cancer. The only sort of mounts that should ever be in mmos are horses, camels, donkeys or their fantasy alternatives, and they have to be actual living creatures within the world. Summoned mounts are pure undistilled AIDS.

            • 1 year ago

              >brooo the mounts have abilities!
              >omggg they have a wide turning circle!!!
              >the griffon can dive! i'm pogging so hard!!!!
              >Game of the Heckin' Year!!!!!!!

        • 1 year ago

          >stats barely mattering is also hilarious. it's fun in the early stages of the game
          >then what the frick are you playing for?
          listen to yourself. If you're not having fun without digital carrots leading you to perpetual stat inflation, then don't play. GW2 end game is designed so there is a period of initiation, then gives players free reign to pursue to entirety of
          that content with or without as much gear treadmill as they want. Replay content with different builds/skills/party composition. Doesn't sound fun and you want bigger numbers. Absolutely, it is not the game for you.
          I love the philosophy, but I don't enjoy the execution. Its some of the worst of 'mechanics' heavy MMO with stacking 'circles' that players are simultaneously supposed to stand in, and not stand in, with each class dropping half a dozen. I'll take the lateral progression - just give it to me in a completely different game.

          • 1 year ago

            yeah of course im not playing anymore, moron

    • 1 year ago

      guild wars sucks

      • 1 year ago

        guild wars 2 does suck

  2. 2 years ago

    I liked eso better than lotro, still shit though.

  3. 2 years ago

    Turtle WoW and LOTRO.
    I've been feeling it for RIFT again lately but I never even grinded my way to level cap last time i played about 3 years ago and I know I'd get burned out again. I wish there were a way to make a private server.

    • 2 years ago

      how good is turtle wow? how active is it?

      ive never heard of it before but after a brief glance, im super interested. dont want to get my hopes up too high though. i really loved wotlk

      • 2 years ago

        Not him but it's okay. Active, not hard to get leveling groups, the new zones and quests are really poorly designed and clearly made by someone over the course of five minutes each.

        • 2 years ago

          im back after playing a bit on it

          worst gms ive ever seen. they legit banned me for saying that i think they overmoderate

          let me know if you know of a wow private server that doesnt have this kind of bullshit going on

          • 2 years ago

            They are full blow sjw schizos it's not a good place to play.

            • 2 years ago

              wish i knew that before i spent 24+ hours playing on it but here we are

              glad i'm not the only one who came to that conclusion, at least

      • 1 year ago

        It’s a classic wow private server made for safe space social media gamers, the server is known as (Troon)dlewow
        If that’s cool with you, go have fun bro/sis

  4. 2 years ago

    Haven and Hearth, sometimes Tibia and Wurm Online. My favorite trio, the big ones are not my cup of tea.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh I just started playing Haven&Hearth this week after few years not touching it. Gotta love flotsams giving me everything I can wish. Found a 79q stone axe yesterday.

  5. 2 years ago

    Dragon Ball Online.

    • 2 years ago

      How is the private server? Man, I wish the times of TW DBO would come back, shit was cash.

      • 2 years ago

        Overbearing populace. I could not quest in peace.

    • 1 year ago

      Just started ESO


  6. 2 years ago

    New World.
    It honestly isn't bad but the new content drops around level 25 and I haven't gotten that far yet.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine having taste this bad

      • 2 years ago

        tbf he hasnt gotten past the early game, which is widely regarded as the only good part of the game

  7. 2 years ago

    Why can't any new ones do magic acquisition like ffxi? Make rare magic drop from rare monsters or hard quests.

  8. 2 years ago

    Guild Wars 1, the fall ambience is really comfy and fits with the current weather. Also Lotro.

    • 2 years ago

      First guild wars is still alive?

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Will always be. Based devs said they will keep the servers online indefinitely because it costs them basically nothing.

  9. 2 years ago

    Lineage 2
    I do not recommend you play it
    Please dear god give me 2-4 DDs I can actually use

  10. 2 years ago

    Fallen Earth because it's 100% free and you have full access to what was once exclusive to subscribed players.
    Kind of stopped playing because of inventory bullshit. There are four kinds of bank space and not all settlements/towns have all four so it's a lot of tedious back and forth that pulls me out of the fun.

    • 2 years ago

      I just wish when they reopened the server as everythign is free they also rolled back to before they made all the moronic unrelated changes that came along with the F2P patch. Not that the current one is bad, just used to be so much better. The most important bit they removed being that you really could scavenge and salvage everything you could ever need to craft everything and never need to visit and npc shop to do so.

  11. 2 years ago

    is there people playing RIFT PvP?
    What about RoR, did they fix having the best open world sets inside the battleground grind and vice versa?
    is the goblin archer still forced to become some dinosaur Black person?
    what about the human archer, does he still look like his animations were made in 1970?
    kek, I'm actually curious

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like people are so desperate for decent PvP that if you were some underdog MMO at this point and you managed to avoid being totally moronic with your balancing you could potentially draw in players on that promise alone. It's the one big edge they could actually have because they probably don't have the resources to really churn out good quality expansions, so they could just turn around and start tuning their current content to perfection while all these other MMOs flail around like morons trying to keep giving people dopamine hits by shifting the metas around left and right. I'm just amazed with how often these MMOs get it totally wrong.

      • 1 year ago

        God I would love a great PvP MMO. I was even digging FFXIV's Frontlines shit because it was the only massive PvP game I could find.

        • 1 year ago

          >I was even digging FFXIV's Frontlines shit because it was the only massive PvP game I could find.

    • 2 years ago

      RoR is not fixed.

  12. 2 years ago

    None... I've tempted to play New World but is the same shit as every mmo

  13. 2 years ago

    Currently playing Rift, Lotro and Warhammer Online
    I seriously hope Rift stays in maintenance mode forever, I really like it and tbh putting it in maintenance mode is the best course of action for it. They should just release that one final patch and be done with it. Hell, they can even keep the whole paid stuff. If Age of Conan can be in Maintenance mode for years, this should too.

    • 2 years ago

      >Currently playing Rift, Lotro and Warhammer Online
      So we're playing 2/3 of the same MMOs. Why do you like LotRO? I never get very far in that game because it usually feels sloggish to me and as far as I know there's no group content (at least before level cap). Am I wrong?

      • 2 years ago

        I like LotRO despite its age and jankyness, mostly because I can experience most of the content alone and see all these places mentioned in The Hobbit, LotR and the other books, I mean there's group content starting from LVL 20, like Skirmishes and Instances.
        Skirmishes are divided into Defense Skirmishes, Offense Skirmishes, Survival Skirmishes. There are also Epic Battles that you can do when you reach LVL 10, but you get scaled to LVL 100 and play someone else.

        I'll be honest though, I played it when it still was paid and with subs but never really played it extensively, I started a few weeks ago and have some characters that I play.

        • 2 years ago

          >I mean there's group content starting from LVL 20, like Skirmishes and Instances.
          How do you get into those? Do people actually still run them?

          • 2 years ago

            Check the instance finder in your menu. Alternatively, ask in world. Good luck though, hard to fill most of the time. The typical way to fill a group in /world is by saying the dungeon you're running then however many people you have like say Great Barrows at 20 would be like "GB 20+ 2/6"

            • 2 years ago

              Thanks anon I'll give it a try. Just tried EQ2 again to do the dungeons and hated it so it'll be nice if LotRO is a keeper.

              • 2 years ago

                There's a group finder in LOTRO but no one uses it. forming the group in the global /LFF chat is the way to go though it can be hard to get groups together for lower level instances

    • 2 years ago

      What are you even doing in RIFT?

  14. 2 years ago

    Usually rotate between WoW, Gw2, New World. Might pick up gw1 again. Keeping an eye on fractured online and occasionally pop in to test our latest stuff.

  15. 2 years ago

    It was fun for the first 4 years of that game's life, but I can't bring myself back to it since gamigo owns it now (Trion wasn't any better with their shitty management)

    I currently play Star Trek Online
    >never finished the story
    holy frick i forgot how buggy the game is, it is not unplayable but jesus
    I am also booting up Guild Wars 2 again because some rl buddies want to frick around on it so I am going to finish up expansions and content I have not done yet.

    I want to get around to playing LoTRO probably after I finish up Star Trek Online, because they recently made everything up to Moria free now

    • 2 years ago

      >up to Moria
      It's up to Helm's Deep (85)

      • 2 years ago

        >It's up to Helm's Deep (85)
        even better

    • 2 years ago

      >up to Moria
      It's up to Helm's Deep (85)

      If you play during October or so, they have a code that unlocks bunch of quest packs for free (up to all but the latest mini-expansions), and a bunch of higher regions are on sale for 95LP each.

  16. 2 years ago

    UO Outlands and DDO

    • 2 years ago

      Is it possible to get into it as a healer nowadays? Low levels seemed entirely dead.

  17. 2 years ago

    what mmo has the absolute most group pvp activity in the genre? i don't want to do 3v3s or 5v5s, I want to do wars and such and fill a role like what BDO has. I hear ror and daoc are good for this. anything else? not interested in node wars

    • 2 years ago

      Hmm, something that doesn't involved node wars? That's tough. Only thing that comes to mind is Gw2's WvWvW gameplay (3 servers, I think each can have at most 100 players per server per map. Best experience is when you join a guild who can organize a group of 30+ players). Or ESO's Cyrodiil gameplay. ESO is probably much greater on the guild requirement than Gw2. Gw2 I always found easy to jump in. But with ESO the maps are like 4 times the size of Gw2's, so its harder to organize randoms into big battles. You really gotta try hard to find a guild that does it. I think WoW's BGs and New World's OPR are too small for what you're looking for. FF14 is a no go. I've heard good things about RoR and DaoC, but those are all private servers so I'd say make sure you do your research to make sure you find one that's populated.

      Gw2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7q3Zj4cQbc
      It can look confusing as hell as to what is going on. But once you learn the game it isn't too bad. WvW zerg fights are more like a blob vs blob than a personal thing. So you learn to watch your own health and use abilities on either the collection of green text blob or red text blob. What abilities you use and where will depend on your role, class, battle situation, etc.

      Eso - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOWpvj2DkQY
      ESO I always felt had less frequent zerg battles between huge groups of people. It was more of 5-15 players per side. It also requires more PvE grind to really get good at it. But it does offer a more personal fight instead of blob vs blob.

      Both games have siege mechanics for taking/keeping objectives.

      • 2 years ago

        >Hmm, something that doesn't involved node wars
        I don't know why I said that, disregard that. I think I meant to say I'm not interested in new world kek, probably a brainfart or something. Thanks for the suggestions, I really hate gw2 but I'll try it out if it has decent pvp. If that doesn't work out ESO looks pretty good

        • 2 years ago

          Guild Wars 2 is more of the same scripted matchmaking bullshit you’ve encountered. DAOC and UO Outlands are PvP games that can still have random, unpredictable, impactful gameplay.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't really mind matchmaking stuff. I'm a little tired of having to show up for organized fights and all of that because sometimes I just can't. I might miss war for but an hour or two after it's over, or I just can't show up that day but I still want to do medium to large scale pvp and there's nothing really going on after the war. Seems like a shit situation overall, I just have some mediocre MMOs with a forced grind to go through. Shooter fans have stuff like foxhole, planetside and battlefield where there's always big chaotic fights happening. hell there's even mordhau and chiv for medieval fans, but for fantasy stuff there's not that much. seems like a seriously untapped market

            • 2 years ago

              Ahh yeah if you don't want to have to deal with the hoops of trying to get guild groups together and such and doing this whole organizational thing akin to what you see in new world's war stuff, yeah ESO/Gw2 may be something to look at. Gw2 is kind of matchmaking. Its easier to just read this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World#Match-making_and_Server_Linking. They're doing a whole beta system where instead of servers, it will be teams based off of guild alliances + player performances + player play times. So like if you're a solo player who usually gets a good individual score/participation in WvW + you play on "off hours" for the region you're in, then that will be accounted for. Since the matches are "up" 24/7 and new teams are selected once a week; they're trying to make sure all teams have consistent coverage 24/7 via this matchmaking system they're testing. That way whenever you jump in, you've got a good chance of finding fun fights. Reason I like Gw2 the most is because there's little PvE grind (or grind in general) that you have to do. It's fairly easy/quick to get good gear and be good in WvW.

              ESO requires more grind in PvE. It can be fun. You just aimlessly wander a huge map. Maybe organized with a small group if you find one. Most of the time it seems like each "team" has a core group that comes on at certain times. So figuring that out will help.

              If you're ok with node wars, maybe give Albion a try? Though it is another guild heavy endgame PvP system. They have put in more casual stuff though so you can find a big zerg group of pugs that are running around PvPing. Crowfall went back into development, so can't do that one. Maybe fractured online when it releases in like 4 months? That's a 50/50 since its an indie MMO. Mortal Online 2 is super low population, so meh. But yeah its a niche market, so there isn't going to be a lot out there.

              • 2 years ago

                It just sucks that the idea of large scale fantasy pvp has to be connected to the idea of having a laundry list of PvE bullshit to do and learn before you can play the game. I never had any hope with Crowfall because it involved the same exact thing, mandatory PvE for at least a large chunk of the playerbase. I just don't get why devs waste so much time and resources developing a lot of bullshit when they could just save time, get to the point and let people kill each other. I suppose I could go back to foxhole or planetside, but damn I really just want to throw spells or arrows at people in a steel and sorcery game without being a slave to some lame ass arbitrary player retention system that isn't pure pvp. I'm clearly not looking for MMOs but hell, they're the only thing that offers close to what I'm looking for

              • 2 years ago

                >tfw feel the same
                >tfw GuildWars1 is like this
                >create dedicated pvp characters
                >unlock everything through pvp
                >tfw 2022
                >pvp pretty much ded apart from weekends

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah I think the issue is because player retention only though PvP usually sucks. Back in the 2000s and before it was fairly popular, I will agree. You could easily find PvP and things to do what seemed like all the time. But after ~2010 you had wotlk release and change the way PvP was focused on (though it honestly started in TBC). You also had MOBAs and other similar PvP focused games like DayZ start becoming mainstream. Many PvPers I knew back then who played MMORPG-PvP games bounced. Why bother going through the grind? The asymmetric balance and time spent vs skill rewards? They just want to PvP. So that caused a huge dip in the amount of PvPers in MMORPGs. Even now a days you've had numerous PvP focused MMORPGs fail in the past ~12 years. On top of every active MMORPG right now, usually, has a PvE population that is significantly larger than the PvP. Exceptions being probably EvE and Albion. Even if they do remove grind, most PvPers have just moved on like

                >tfw feel the same
                >tfw GuildWars1 is like this
                >create dedicated pvp characters
                >unlock everything through pvp
                >tfw 2022
                >pvp pretty much ded apart from weekends

                is show casing. A lot of publishers out there are, as a result, very tentative when it comes to funding PvP focused MMORPGs. The bad reputation of their communities combined with low success rate makes them not popular in publishing circles.

                That being said, I still will always shill for Gw2's PvP structure. Yeah the game has issues in PvE, story, and some may not like the combat. But the framework of their PvP is 10/10 in my eyes. You've got sPvP which everyone is on even levels. No gear grind. No stat grind. Makes it very easy to jump in and out of because you don't have to play catchup. Then you've got WvW which is similar, but requires a bit more grind to be on even levels. Still that grind is a drop in the bucket compared to other MMORPGs. I can with high confidence jump in during anytime when I'm awake and find a group of 20-50 players to play WvW with. They just make it so gosh darn easy.

                But yeah sadly it's just not a common thing. I wish more games would take Gw2's lead.

              • 2 years ago

                I think the problem starts mainly with devs having a PVP game with a fantasy setting in mind but attaching an MMORPG and it's worst aspects to their game when it's not really necessary. I don't even play foxhole but I keep bringing it up cause it's such a good example of how you can make a giant war effort matter to players without having to make them worry about levels, currencies, skills, the market, etc. Every player is frontline-ready as soon as they load into the game and they aren't forced to do logistics. If they do want to do logistics they don't have to go through a 30+ hour treadmill to participate efficiently, they can up and go do truck deliveries, gather mats, reinforce important areas, or just go grab guns and start shooting at the enemy.

                It's had it's ups and downs but it's maintained a few thousand players for over a year now without having to manipulate them into staying by mandatory grinds, fomo and other lame tactics MMO devs feel justified in doing to retain players. I don't really know how they do it since I haven't played in a long time but I don't see why the idea couldn't work in a fantasy setting without it having to be an MMORPG. It really only takes one good game to come up with the idea of a persistent war effort or very large scale wars contained in an instance to fill the niche. It seems no one has really tried it though. Crowfall did but it had too much PvE.

                I really don't see why this wouldn't be appealing to the market, a lot of people grew up watching stuff like LOTR and other flicks where war, swords and magic go hand in hand. It's been glorified about as much as modern warfare has, yet when you think of a fantasy game with PVP and wars in it you know damn well it's going to have a slurry of meaningless RPG mechanics attached to it. On the other hand when you think of large scale PVP shooters you know the core of the game is to shoot at other people instead of worrying about grinding your bullet crafting skill

              • 2 years ago

                A "fantasy foxhole" is basically my dream game. Only I would try to shoehorn in a "PvE war effort" where players can fight to clear wild areas of the map to secure more resources for their PvP faction

              • 2 years ago

                Well a fantasy foxhole would still have resource gathering and that's all the PvE would be there for. Vehicles would have to be unlocked by going out and hunting specific monsters to have them sent back to base nursery for breeding, you'd get most of your ore from hunting golems in the fields or whatever. I don't really want dungeons and instances or anything because then it would just be like Albion. Gear and materials would have to come from a general inventory instead of some grind addict's personal storage.

                I'd keep it somewhat low fantasy too, mages would be uncommon and the equivalent of the FA or a mortar where it takes a coordinated crew to cast these spells on the battlefield, or rpgs/anti-vehicle launchers that are used sparingly since you can't just blow your load and get a way scot-free. The monster vehicles would also either have ranged magic i.e. spit fireballs and the like, or mounted hwachas and ballistas, some with room for a few archers to better replicate the devastating effect vehicles can have in foxhole. I wish I was motivated to make games, I have a pretty vivid idea.

              • 2 years ago

                Spell break was amazing but they made it a battle royale which fricked it up. The combat was great though, and the aesthetics.

              • 2 years ago

                I think the problem starts mainly with devs having a PVP game with a fantasy setting in mind but attaching an MMORPG and it's worst aspects to their game when it's not really necessary. I don't even play foxhole but I keep bringing it up cause it's such a good example of how you can make a giant war effort matter to players without having to make them worry about levels, currencies, skills, the market, etc. Every player is frontline-ready as soon as they load into the game and they aren't forced to do logistics. If they do want to do logistics they don't have to go through a 30+ hour treadmill to participate efficiently, they can up and go do truck deliveries, gather mats, reinforce important areas, or just go grab guns and start shooting at the enemy.

                It's had it's ups and downs but it's maintained a few thousand players for over a year now without having to manipulate them into staying by mandatory grinds, fomo and other lame tactics MMO devs feel justified in doing to retain players. I don't really know how they do it since I haven't played in a long time but I don't see why the idea couldn't work in a fantasy setting without it having to be an MMORPG. It really only takes one good game to come up with the idea of a persistent war effort or very large scale wars contained in an instance to fill the niche. It seems no one has really tried it though. Crowfall did but it had too much PvE.

                I really don't see why this wouldn't be appealing to the market, a lot of people grew up watching stuff like LOTR and other flicks where war, swords and magic go hand in hand. It's been glorified about as much as modern warfare has, yet when you think of a fantasy game with PVP and wars in it you know damn well it's going to have a slurry of meaningless RPG mechanics attached to it. On the other hand when you think of large scale PVP shooters you know the core of the game is to shoot at other people instead of worrying about grinding your bullet crafting skill

                With that being said I think I'll go and check out gw2 to see what it has to offer. Hopefully I can get away with doing the absolute minimum pve required cause I'm not really interested in grinding another MMO. Thanks for the effortposts anon

              • 2 years ago

                GW2 is alright I play it to kill time when I'm bored, but there's no end game, but lots of things to do in the world.

                PvP is scaled and structured (5v5) so you can jump right into it and start learning though you'll need the expansions to unlock the elite specs or "job advancements" for each class. That said you can probably net deck a build for core classes.

                The "open" world pvp is wvw, but I believe your gear matters there and its more about zerging and taking points on a map like ESO (I only played the mode to unlock the cat mount).

                Though gonna be honest sometime it takes forever to find a match too. Sometimes I feel like GW2 is for RP/Social players who can't afford/don't like the FF14 sub.

              • 2 years ago

                Gw2 Ranked Pvp and tournaments are run by a wintrade mafia. This is a documented event but Anet still won't ban these fricks.

              • 2 years ago

                >there's no end game
                Literally 90% of the game is endgame once you hit level 80.

              • 1 year ago

                I started playing GW2 after that post, feels so good. it's so fricking fun. already bought all of the expansions and LW season.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm in the same boat as these anons

      A "fantasy foxhole" is basically my dream game. Only I would try to shoehorn in a "PvE war effort" where players can fight to clear wild areas of the map to secure more resources for their PvP faction

      where I want a great faction war MMO, but there just aren't any good options on the market right now.

      The best time I had playing MMOs was in Space Cowboy Online (aka ACE Online or Air Rivals). There was a PVE questline but it was just to level you up for PvP and to give you a little bit of flavor context as to what your nation is like and what you are fighting for. Once a month, the players of each nation would elect a nation leader who could set vendor taxes and distribute the nation's warchest and schedule when wars happened (usually on weekend afternoons). During war, you had hundreds of players pushing into enemy territory and capturing points, people flying ahead to scout out for enemy movements, people infiltrating deep into enemy territory trying to find a spot to hide in and start portalling in reinforcements. You had desperate battles at chokepoints and counter pushes. Eventually one side would reach the gates of the enemy city and there would be a climatic showdown to blow up their mothership. During week days, there were smaller wars over capturable airships and space stations, which functioned as guildhalls for whichever brigade claimed them. Sadly that game was killed off by the implementation of a literal P2W slotmachine that gave you the best armors in the game.

      I am currently playing GW2. WvW is fun in small doses, but there is no flavor. You are not fighting for the Anti-Nationalists against the Imperialists or for the Horde against the Alliance. You're red team fighting against green and blue team, who are indistinguishable from you in aesthetics, and there is no lore. You don't feel like you are fighting in the name of your country. You can claim forts in the name of your guild, but you can't decorate the fort, and the keep gets taken back by the enemy within an hour anyway. Sadly WvW has been forgotten by the dev team and will never become more than what it is now.

      part 1/2

      • 2 years ago

        part 2/2

        GW2 is alright I play it to kill time when I'm bored, but there's no end game, but lots of things to do in the world.

        PvP is scaled and structured (5v5) so you can jump right into it and start learning though you'll need the expansions to unlock the elite specs or "job advancements" for each class. That said you can probably net deck a build for core classes.

        The "open" world pvp is wvw, but I believe your gear matters there and its more about zerging and taking points on a map like ESO (I only played the mode to unlock the cat mount).

        Though gonna be honest sometime it takes forever to find a match too. Sometimes I feel like GW2 is for RP/Social players who can't afford/don't like the FF14 sub.

        >I feel like GW2 is for RP/Social players who can't afford/don't like the FF14 sub.
        I am subbed to FF14 but I only play when new batch of MSQ drops. I find FF14's engine and gameplay to very clunky, whereas GW2 is snappy and feels fun. There isn't any sandbox content in FF14 to do and it's PvP is horrible for the aforementioned reasons, while I quite like PvPing and doing some WvW in GW2.

        • 1 year ago

          Ugh I wish I could find a good social mmo. Leveling in ff14 is so boring and I don’t know what spaces people hang out there.

          Wow used to be so good but now it’s like edgy minmaxer zoomers and pissy minmaxer boomers.

          • 1 year ago

            >and I don’t know what spaces people hang out there.
            When last I played RPgays went to the quicksand in Ul'Dah, the market board/aetheryte area in Limsa was the designated AFK/concert spot, and then there was whatever expansion capital was current at the time.

    • 1 year ago

      Lineage 2 by far. It's an old game (2003) but has a lot of choice between all the official versions of the game and private servers.

  18. 2 years ago

    Currently playing SWG: Empire in Flames. It's a pre-CU server, but unlike the rest of the pre-CU servers, it's actually aware of the shitty parts of that era, and took steps to make them less shitty.

    • 1 year ago

      patrician's taste

  19. 2 years ago

    >4 months later
    >not a single anon can tell me what they are doing in RIFT

    • 2 years ago

      I was banned for 2 weeks for posting a white women frick dogs meme ironically. I quit RIFT in that time since it's boring.

  20. 2 years ago

    Trying to give Albion Online another go. I bought it at release with my friends and had a lot of fun, but my friends didn't so I left with them. I always thought about getting back in to it and apon redownloading it, I have no idea what is going on. Gonna try my best to power through everything cause I really do not want to restart fully.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not the same game anymore. A lot has changed for the better.
      You probably have tons of learning points that you should only use to advance to the next gathering tier (not level). Don't gather stone. It's not worth the effort.
      You might be sitting on legacy skins that are worth a ton now (recruiter skins for example). Don't use them. Don't fall for scams. Check the est. market value. They used to be mounts but they turned them into consumables that unlock account-bound skins. Players pay billions for them.
      There is no reason to ever restart. You can't really fall behind. Maybe play the new tutorial once on a new character but please don't delete the old character that has all the founder goodies like the special first letter in your username and unique skins.
      There is a big update coming on Monday that adds new solo/duo content. It's a great time to get back into it.

      • 2 years ago

        what makes stone so worthless? My character left off at general T4 for just about everything. Right now I am focusing on getting skinning to T4 and working on double handed axe. THe only MMO I ever really played was WoW. Death knight is my favorite class, lets say I want to make a death knight for both tank and DPS spec what armor/weapons should I be focusing on?

        • 2 years ago

          You don't pick a class. You pick the equipment that's good at what you are doing. In your case solo PvE to get fame and silver.
          Cleric Robe, Mage Cowl, Soldier Boots (those are versatile and worth speccing up first) and literally any weapon that isn't a tank weapon (no mace or hammer). Even healer weapons are now great at solo PvE. Pick a weapon tree on the destiny board and use the first weapon on the list.
          Buy every possible T3 weapon and try them out. You have most of the skills unlocked already. Spear is the most versatile weapon tree in the game.
          Stone isn't used in crafting. Players only need it to build structures. There is not much demand. Hide gives by far the most silver. Ore, Wood and Fiber are roughly worth the same.

          • 2 years ago

            I know you don't pick a class and everything is based off what you wear, but that's not to say there aren't "classes" in the game or that you can't thematically pair things up to be X Y and Z. If I wanted to make a build like that of a Death Knight what would be most reccomended? Does Albion have a site to make builds or is it just the wiki?

            • 2 years ago

              Each equipment only has one unique skill. Go through them and pick what you think is best for what you want to do. You have everything unlocked at T4. There is a Character Builder on the official page.

  21. 2 years ago

    Everquest 1 and Dungeon and Dragons online

  22. 2 years ago

    WoW, LOTRO, PSO2NGS and New World, basically in that order of most to least playtime.
    >forced myself to start over in WoW with a new account, enjoying myself and the new changes, have a soft spot for small group content the way that game delivers it
    >LOTRO just had an update yesterday that removed the cancer that was earning trait points - probably wouldn't need WoW in my life if I could actually get a group in this game reliably, but even at max level it's a crapshoot
    >NGS/New World, I just enjoy the combat a lot, but don't often play them for longer than to do dailies for other game design reasons

  23. 2 years ago

    I've gotten back into Black Desert again. Leveling has been a bit of a slog, but I'm getting though it at least.

  24. 2 years ago

    Picked up new world for their fresh start but already hit the shitty endgame. Unbelievable that they launched fresh servers and an expansion and I caught up in 2 weeks only playing an hour or 2 a day. Performance is also shit, hearing that weapon swapping is causing GPU performance issues. Staying away until that gets resolved.

  25. 2 years ago

    are there any small indie MMOs these days? used to be a few around back in the day that were pretty awesome

    • 2 years ago

      Shroud of the Avatar is one

      • 2 years ago

        i played that last year and it's a complete scam. the double-digit amount of players still playing the game are all like 50+ years old. the game's history is also packed with shady shit, it's more interesting to read about the game than to play it.

        on another note i'm trying this vanguard saga of heroes private server but i kinda got catfished on the population as there are only 10 people on on a saturday afternoon (the post said 100+.)

        • 2 years ago

          >the double-digit amount of players
          >he thinks anybody plays from Steam

          • 2 years ago

            no one plays the game at all lil bro. never thought i'd see an atos drone on here.

            • 2 years ago

              sorry it raped your dog anon
              also sorry there aren't enough 15 year olds for you

              • 2 years ago

                factually no one plays the game so i think you need to be on some form of medication if you choose to continue this conversation.

        • 2 years ago

          How shitty the vanguard server is? I loved the game when it was around, wouldn't mind some nostalgia trip if it is at least properly playable and not just an empty shell.

          • 2 years ago

            i really couldn't tell ya cuz it was my 1st time playing today. 9 years of development and people in-game were still calling it an alpha so that's not too promising. only a few of the 15 players online were using global chat. u can check out the vgoemulator discord if ur interested.

  26. 2 years ago

    FFXI, Dragon Nest Origins and www.tomoshibi.net/guide/rolo/

    • 2 years ago

      >Dragon Nest Origins
      How many people are online?

  27. 2 years ago

    Dragon Quest X
    Discovered last week it has an English translation that finally makes it playable and I've been have a blast. I'm a big Dragon Quest fan and have been wanting to play this ever since it came out 10 years ago. It's been everything I wanted and more.

    • 2 years ago

      >Discovered last week it has an English translation that finally makes it playable and I've been have a blast.
      Oh shit, really? Do you have to VPN and shit or anything?

      • 2 years ago

        Only if you live outside of the US.

        • 2 years ago

          Nice, thanks.

    • 1 year ago

      >Let's release our game to less than 1% of the world, our own country and only our country
      >WTF why did this game fail? CANCEL IT!
      Many such cases. Why is Japan so moronic?

      • 1 year ago

        It was worth it to them having somewhere with no moronic gaijin to shit up the place.

        • 1 year ago

          Make a gaijin paypiggy server to fund the 100% grorious nippon server, then. Win/Win for everyone.

          • 1 year ago

            >look at my gaijin money and suck my dick
            thanks for the example

    • 1 year ago

      I feel like I'd love this game, the combat looks really fun. Unfortunately I'm not in Japan or the US so getting it to play feels like too much work for a video game.

  28. 2 years ago

    I'm back on WoW

  29. 2 years ago

    Black desert online. Game is confusing as frick but has the best action combat as well as tons of shit to do

    • 2 years ago

      It's pretty overwhelming when you first start, but it's a pretty fun game. Grind is kinda shit, though.

  30. 2 years ago

    more MMOs need breasts + ass + large variety of outfits. the only quality options right now for that are BDO and FFXIV. special mention to modded WoW.

  31. 2 years ago

    LOTRO and ESO

  32. 2 years ago

    New World is doing something for me right now. I played when it launched and it was a trash fire, but I jumped back in with the new expansion with my brother, and have been having a blast. Just hit 60 today.

    Been thinking of hitting up FFXI again also. Seems to be incredibly active still today, and FFXIV just does nothing for me.

    Aside from that every couple months I’ll pop in ESO on PS5 for a like a week, get bored and forget about it for a few months.

  33. 1 year ago

    Lotro, been playing since day one, did the be in a kin and do endgame in the level 50 Angmar days but spend time going solo nowadays after I got bored with the inevitable dramas tha come with playing in organised groups.

  34. 1 year ago

    I want to play an MMO but none of them appeal to me

  35. 1 year ago

    Flyff Universe
    Just got my hoverboard, am flying, am fun

  36. 1 year ago

    Started playing mabinogi again
    very fun mmo
    guild is still active

  37. 1 year ago

    I miss playing GW2 at launch, it had so much potential and Anet squandered all of it.

  38. 1 year ago

    Playing Turtle WoW as a ret paladin. Met a couple chill people there definitely a better community that classic wow was.

    • 1 year ago

      not if you consider the sjw gms. frick that place

      • 1 year ago

        Bro I'm going around and wacking people with a club and doing dungeons who gives a frick about politics of the gms? Just have fun and don't start shit needlessly.

      • 1 year ago

        anyone that ever cries about turtle having some "sjw gms" is usually a schizo that couldn't stop his mentally ill self from spouting some horse shit in the new player guild chat.

        • 1 year ago

          i got banned purely for saying that i think the gms overmoderate a bit

          so no, good try

          • 1 year ago

            Do you often join other people's servers and question their leadership directly? It's their sandbox they don't have to cater to you. Anyway hit up Grotsmasher the paladin if anyone wants to do some quests or dungeons together.

            • 1 year ago

              imagine defending this behavior. youre actually disgusting

              do you often defend people's poor behavior by saying "well they can legally do it so it's okay heheh"? dumbass

              • 1 year ago

                Telling confrontational shit stirrers to pound sand is not poor behavior. I'm sorry you're maladjusted.

            • 1 year ago

              >question their leadership
              So submissive you sound like a woman.

          • 1 year ago

            it's unfortunate if this happened to you but i highly doubt you're giving us the whole story.

            • 1 year ago

              i literally am. people were talking about gms in global and i chimed in and said "i think gms overmoderate a tad," got privately told to shut up by a gm, and then got banned when i asked wtf that was about

              Telling confrontational shit stirrers to pound sand is not poor behavior. I'm sorry you're maladjusted.

              it's extremely poor behavior to not allow criticism of leadership on your server. theyre free to ban whoever they want but that kind of behavior is pathetic and amoral. sorry that you have no understanding of free speech or principles of any kind

            • 1 year ago

              sounds to me like both anon and that gm were being homosexuals

              • 1 year ago

                >and yet only one of them gets punished
                yeah the troondlewow hatred is totally undeserved…

  39. 1 year ago

    Playing EQ2 for free on the RP server. It's very empty of players but luckily I'm a solo player anyway. I just like big D&D-inspired fantasy worlds to explore. The single player content is fine to me, although I do wish there were more people around or that everything the normies like wasn't paywalled.

  40. 1 year ago

    Star Wars: The Old Republic, I played it at launch and picked it up again recently and am enjoying playing through the Imperial Agent storyline. It's fun to play while I watch youtube videos and relaxing and turning off my brain.

  41. 1 year ago

    I don't know what to play anymore. Every MMO seems to be deceased. Even multiplayer games you either play a game with no communication features, or you play a fricking walking simulator with guns that is full of teenagers like fork-knife.

    If you're 35, american, playing on personal computer.... are there just no games left? Can't even go back to cozy old people games like CSGO because it's f2p aka cheat to lol.

    I just want like, a nice comfy social gaming experience. And it's no longer in existence. How did social gaming actually get worse over the last 25 years?

    • 1 year ago

      It's not my thing but people seem to make friends and play in groups a lot in dead by daylight. I have a NEET friend who's social circle is pretty much just people from that game. I have another friend who met his GF through it.

      • 1 year ago

        How do you make friends on DBD though? There's no way to communicate, like no chat or anything.

        • 1 year ago

          there's postgame chat on PC and you can add people to your friends list and play together if you particularly liked them, or meet people outside of the game like discord

    • 1 year ago

      get into lineage 2, it still has well-populated private servers

    • 1 year ago

      >How did social gaming actually get worse over the last 25 years?
      basically the internet was flooded with normalgays and we can never go back

  42. 1 year ago

    I've got a couple of leveled characters on LOTRO but the caveat is that I'm playing on Gladden and not the server everyone in here plays on
    I'm stuck with geriatrics and weird RPers when I just want to do instances and level with more "normal" people
    such is the life of F2Poors like me

    • 1 year ago

      God I love Lotro
      Playing WoW now with coworker and all I want is to play lotro
      How do wow players cope with how empty there shitty world is? There's nothing to discover and the only lore comes from the sparse quests

      i recently started lotro, playing a hunter on Gladden

      im at lvl 28 now, named Faranviel

    • 1 year ago

      yeah gladden is just boomer daycare, though ive built up a connection of pretty cool guys to raid with (and some qt grills to sext with)

    • 1 year ago

      yeah gladden is just boomer daycare, though ive built up a connection of pretty cool guys to raid with (and some qt grills to sext with)

      aside from paid servers, what are the "good" ones? is Gladden emptier? even hub cities like Bree seem unpopulated

      • 1 year ago

        gladden is pretty dead, from what ive heard arkenstone for US and evernight & gwaihir for EU are the more populated ones where it will be easier to find instance groups

        • 1 year ago

          Hopefully with the update package coming SOON there will be enough players sticking around to find fellowships in levelling zones

          Brandywine always has people around.

          thank you bros
          i dont mind playing alone, and LotR 3rd age is a very lonely setting, but most of the time it feels like there are 3 to 5 players on each area (on gladden, i mean)

          • 1 year ago

            Every server is dead.

            Evernight is the peak EU server, and Arkentstone is peak US. Arkenstone peaks ~650-800 people online stretched across 140 levels (Evernight gets more for eurobros but it's like 100 online dead at US hours). The social tab ingame will show you a count of how many people are online and not /anon. It's active enough to get endgame groups, I started over there recently because the server I was on (Landroval) peaks at about 66% of those numbers and even at 140 getting a group was pulling teeth. Brandywine I think is pretty close to Arkenstone though.

            I like LOTRO but some of the quest design is actually torture and having nobody around while leveling to break up the quests with dungeons or something is harsh. It's making it hard to level new characters because as much as I like the different classes I've done the story before so it doesn't feel like there's much left.

            • 1 year ago

              my hunter just got to level 34 and its becoming a drag

              gonna try a different server next, arkenstone as my time is closer to US

              and yes, some of the quest design is absolutely horrible
              >find missing person (surprise, he's dead)
              >kill bandits
              >get 18 stolen crates
              >now kill boss bandit
              >next quest line, 400km away


              • 1 year ago

                For me, it's
                >quest to pick up 12 things
                >map has a giant circle of where things could be
                >they might be on the edge or just past that circle
                >there are exactly 12 of the item in that area, can't pick up the same one twice
                >bonus points if it's in a cave/dungeon/tower so you can't use the map
                Durthang is exactly my kind of place but FRICK there are like three quests in there like that and it's an interior location so you better be slapping that "target nearest interactable object button" every 5 seconds if you don't want to comb up and down that tower 6 times.

              • 1 year ago

                For me, it's
                >quest to pick up 12 things
                >map has a giant circle of where things could be
                >they might be on the edge or just past that circle
                >there are exactly 12 of the item in that area, can't pick up the same one twice
                >bonus points if it's in a cave/dungeon/tower so you can't use the map
                Durthang is exactly my kind of place but FRICK there are like three quests in there like that and it's an interior location so you better be slapping that "target nearest interactable object button" every 5 seconds if you don't want to comb up and down that tower 6 times.

                The best is when the quest arrow gets all fricked up. Sometimes it will suddenly switch from one direction to antother, sometimes it will point to stuff you already picked up. And that's even when you remember to right-click and set "quest guide focus".

      • 1 year ago

        Hopefully with the update package coming SOON there will be enough players sticking around to find fellowships in levelling zones

      • 1 year ago

        Brandywine always has people around.

  43. 1 year ago

    God I love Lotro
    Playing WoW now with coworker and all I want is to play lotro
    How do wow players cope with how empty there shitty world is? There's nothing to discover and the only lore comes from the sparse quests

    • 1 year ago

      >LOTRO after dunland
      >not shitty and empty

  44. 1 year ago

    Guild Wars 2, wow classic, and BDO

  45. 1 year ago

    I’m paying for 2 currently. Found my old Ultima Online account from 1999-2001 and restarted it to dabble. Been having a blast so paid for it and got a house in the populous shard Atlantic. It’s pretty nostalgic. Also paying for 2 of my Eve online accounts for some pvp and pve fun. I play Star Trek online some just to look at all my cool ships and crew. I also have Star Wars galaxies legends server in my comp when I feel like grouping for some heroics or rping

  46. 1 year ago

    A bit of Wakfu now and then and the latest Waven alpha is in english this time so messing around with that. It's alright but still early days.

  47. 1 year ago

    Is Warhammer™Online: Return of Reckoning™ worth playing casually? Last time anon said it was impossible to get even close to competitive for group pvp.
    Also how're the skill bloat?
    Also're what should I play if I want to annoy first and DPS second?
    Also'your'e is this the kind of game where a moronic voice chat leader keeps shouting at you?

    • 1 year ago

      >worth playing casually?
      It's pretty fun levelling through PvP until you hit 40
      >annoy first and DPS second
      Shadow warrior. Target Marauders specifically for maximum fan mail
      Dunno. Probably if you care enough to join a clan

      • 1 year ago

        >Shadow warrior
        Squig herders if you aren't up for playing on gay side.

        • 1 year ago

          Problem being squig herders are better, plus marauder players are complete b***hes that throw temper tantrums at everything

  48. 1 year ago

    Does The Division count as an mmo? If so, then that's what I've been spending my time in.

  49. 1 year ago

    Black desert

  50. 1 year ago

    how are you guys able to play multiple mmos at once
    just one takess a lot of time

  51. 1 year ago

    DCUO, EQ1&2, FFXIV, WoW, Classic WoW, GW2, and ESO. I play them all casually with friends mostly. I have fun.

  52. 1 year ago

    I've been playing FFXI and I hate it

    It mqakes me miserable as frick

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like an MMORPG to me.

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