What MMOs (or other multiplayer games) have communities where people still like to do that basic adventure, pseudo-D&D roleplay/RP with varied cha...

What MMOs (or other multiplayer games) have communities where people still like to do that basic adventure, pseudo-D&D roleplay/RP with varied characters? WoW used to have it but now not even on private servers can I find anyone who likes it anymore. GW2 is all social RP as far as I can tell. XIV is just ERP like the modern WoW community. ESO seems focused on player housing RP.

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  1. 1 year ago

    bump because i'd like to know this as well

    • 1 year ago

      Oh, forgot to add I've checked out SWTOR too, and it all seems military focused.

  2. 1 year ago

    There's several alive roleplaying servers in Neverwinter nights (ee) and in V Rising.
    I used to be all over rping in nwn back in the day, but these days (10-15 years later), I just can't get into it. Not sure why, but I feel like the lightness and fun gave way to trying too hard and being too enclosed in ones cliques. But maybe that's just racionalisation of my 'stage fright'? I really don't know, but the reality is that I have issues getting back to rping. Anyone else feels like this?

    • 1 year ago

      RPing is a form of acting, and you cant really be comfortable acting if you dont let go of your ego-- same ego which gives you stage fright. as a kid you probably didnt really have an ego (that is, you didnt care as much)

      • 1 year ago

        this is probably it. but how do I do it? how do I let go of my ego (again) and enjoy failing and coming up with non-perfect interactions with people who I perceive as so much better at both role-playing and English language?

        • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago


      • 11 months ago

        A lot of RPers have an ego though and won't let their character be damaged or harmed in any way, they get hyper protective of them and I think those are the RPers who project their own personality onto the character and they're essentially a self insert, rather than ones that have a seperate personality and motives.

    • 1 year ago

      >There's several alive roleplaying servers in Neverwinter nights (ee) and in V Rising.
      Any recommendations?

      • 1 year ago

        for nwn, theres Arelith - the biggest rp server or Ravenloft - different setting and a bit more hardcore, i think. Although admittably I haven't played on them too much (see above). I've heard Arelith especially might be ridden with cliques.
        As for V Rising, I've only really tried is called 'V Rising Roleplay' and so far have had pretty nice interactions, but to be frank Ive only interacted with 2 people and then just stopped playing due to the anxiety. The server has a password tho, you need to get on their discord (yeah..) to get the password and you're expected to be up to date with the server storyline (they open up locations one by one, currently only the silverlight area is locked). It is one of the most populated servers in the game overall at 30/50 righ now.
        I have read about a lite-rp V rising somewhere. They mentioned that global channel is ok to use and overal it sounded chill, but I did not catch the name sadly.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh yeah the RPers in NWN are all either super kinky ERPers or mega cliqueish, to the point of insanity. Some people have been RPing their characters and "families" and stuff for 12 - 15 years and got way too enveloped into it that they stick around on dead servers with 5 other people and aren't friendly with newbies who are disruptive in their eyes.

  3. 1 year ago

    You might be able to get that experience in Embers Adrift, although there isn't much variation in terms of classes

  4. 1 year ago

    RP in lotro. Landroval server, hang out at the prancing pony in bree under breehill. Saturday nights

    • 1 year ago

      Landy is full of gay enablers

  5. 12 months ago

    I am way to scared and uncreative to roleplay. I want to but i am mentally unableto

    • 12 months ago


  6. 12 months ago

    All RP on MMOs these days is just RP nightclubs even if it makes no sense lore wise for that world to have a nightclub, and then finding someone to partner up and ERP with.

  7. 12 months ago

    honestly what the frick is wrong with Ganker these days?

    play city of heroes. specifically play homecoming. thunderspy is good but pretty dead comparatively.

    In CoH i pretty much play purely by doing radio missions, which is an extremely inefficient way of levelling up that just involves travelling as a party fighting street crime. It's pretty much max RP and all i do is pretend im a frickin super hero fighting villains and i enjoy spending time with others autistically RPing the same shit.

    • 12 months ago

      Thunderspy is a lot of fun and just had a new video release so it's growing. Lots of newbs around. @.tolmet

    • 11 months ago

      Thunderspy is a lot of fun and just had a new video release so it's growing. Lots of newbs around. @.tolmet

      I remember back when I played CoH when it was still alive on live and the RP scene there was so lively, people would RP during missions and stuff, I've never saw that on any other MMO ever, they'd just RP in the hubs or the cities, but people would do the questlines or radio missions and RP during them. And it really helped with ice breaking and getting to delve into RP without having to just stand around.

      so which one is it then? i've tried CoH a long long time ago but didn't give it much. would be happy to give it a second chance, should there be some casual roleplaying opportunities availible. mind you, i prefer a normal walkup, emergent, not-lore-heavy roleplay. i dislike contrived full-time tavern/rp spot 'roleplaying'.

      as much as i hate reddit for what it represents, I cant say im a fan of the top-of-the-bell-curve of Ganker either. hows the RP situation on either?

      I'm not on the private servers as often anymore but HC is far more populated than Thunderspy, and specifically far more populated with RPers since Everlasting is their RP server. However the majority of the RP there these days is that tavern/RP spot 'roleplaying' with less and less superhero style characters being around and more dragon girls and cat girls appearing and more RP nightclubs and that shit, can't remember the last time I saw a major classic hero supergroup advertising for members. Thats not to say the superhero scene is dead its just dwindling a lot and not as lively. Thunderspy has much less RPers but they're still there, and they're a lot more traditional hero/villain Rpers who do RP missions like back on live. It does have some major top of the bell obnoxious Gankerners though just like HC has over the top obnoxious redditers.

      >HC devs care a lot about the game
      That is pretty false, sorry to say. They have this whole ivory tower bullshit where they obfuscate themselves from the players, and even lower-tier game masters.
      That said, Thunderspy actually does have very passionate devs.

      HC 'devs' if you can call them that are lazy as frick. Every other server that has like 50 active people on still churn out tons of updates for their small playerbase while HC drags their feet with a minor update every few months even with its thousands of people, I dunno how its the most popular server, just cause its the first I guess. Other servers churn out new power sets, new outfits, etc. then HC will do some barebones shit like add one new logo or something or ANOTHER power balance. Thats not even getting into most of the HC devs being the leadership of that secret private server that started the whole mess.

      • 11 months ago

        Finally, someone gets it. Not to mention they were only the first because they insisted everyone else do nothing for 48 hours when the leaks first happened, so they could get their server out before anyone else.

        • 11 months ago

          If I remember correctly they refused to even give out the source code you essentially had to request access to a private server despite reddit outrage then someone threatened to dox Leo unless he did it. I've noticed Leo has went super behind the scenes now as he knows reputation wise he's mega unpopular and "the guy who hid a CoH private server and ran it like a dictator for 7 years" but despite that he IS still on the HC team just very behind the scenes and they have others to be more public facing.

          The devs claim they want all their updates to be to professional and perfect standard and not rushed out individually like actual game patches and they want all their updates to be in a big bundle like an actual CoH issue/patch release and thats why they're so slow on updates but I think that's an excuse. I think they're just lazy, and that a lot of the devs are just friends of the upper echelon who got positions and they don't actually have that much knowledge on how to work the code. Thats why the majority of the "updates" are simple gameplay tweaks like nerfs and buffs to AT and thats why there's rarely any costume releases.

          Not only that they're not an actual dev company so they should stop acting like one, they're running a private server nobody cares if its professional or not. Every other private server of any MMO in existence alters the game how they please. But lets face it they all love LARPing as NCSoft/Paragon Studios and if they could get the full rights of the game they would and I think they've even attempted it a few times and tried to enter discussions with NCSoft to get the full fights to re-release the game as a live game. And lets face it that'll never happen but if they did manage to pull it off, they absolutely would cease and desist and pull down the other private servers out of spite because holy shit they do not like people talking about the other servers.

          Still it has the largest pop so if you wanna find people its there.

  8. 12 months ago

    City of heroes homecoming

    • 12 months ago

      City of heroes thunderspy

      so which one is it then? i've tried CoH a long long time ago but didn't give it much. would be happy to give it a second chance, should there be some casual roleplaying opportunities availible. mind you, i prefer a normal walkup, emergent, not-lore-heavy roleplay. i dislike contrived full-time tavern/rp spot 'roleplaying'.

      • 12 months ago

        Thunderspy is Ganker
        Homecoming is reddit

        • 12 months ago

          as much as i hate reddit for what it represents, I cant say im a fan of the top-of-the-bell-curve of Ganker either. hows the RP situation on either?

          • 11 months ago

            Thunderspy is Ganker
            Homecoming is reddit

            so which one is it then? i've tried CoH a long long time ago but didn't give it much. would be happy to give it a second chance, should there be some casual roleplaying opportunities availible. mind you, i prefer a normal walkup, emergent, not-lore-heavy roleplay. i dislike contrived full-time tavern/rp spot 'roleplaying'.

            HC isn't really "reddit" it's just more populated, by a frick ton. and genuinely the RP is the main attraction for the game. To me as a build and mechanics autist, i basically just slot up my heroes with basic as frick gear and go RP on radio mishes. I have a few toons that cost billions of influence, and that's fun too. But yeah i'd say like 90% of the playerbase is just autistic RP gays that enjoy being a cape and tights hero. There are of course more unique character prompts and ideas, but for the most part its just guys RPing being a hero.

            >HC devs care a lot about the game
            That is pretty false, sorry to say. They have this whole ivory tower bullshit where they obfuscate themselves from the players, and even lower-tier game masters.
            That said, Thunderspy actually does have very passionate devs.

            im not trying to suck off either devs but yeah, it's the same game in the end. i would only play thunderspy if you want to play some of their autistic OC powers and classes and shit, pretty fun for build autism but the game is a lot emptier and there are tons of autists who don't even interact with the community so it feels deader than it really is.

            I remember back when I played CoH when it was still alive on live and the RP scene there was so lively, people would RP during missions and stuff, I've never saw that on any other MMO ever, they'd just RP in the hubs or the cities, but people would do the questlines or radio missions and RP during them. And it really helped with ice breaking and getting to delve into RP without having to just stand around.

            I'm not on the private servers as often anymore but HC is far more populated than Thunderspy, and specifically far more populated with RPers since Everlasting is their RP server. However the majority of the RP there these days is that tavern/RP spot 'roleplaying' with less and less superhero style characters being around and more dragon girls and cat girls appearing and more RP nightclubs and that shit, can't remember the last time I saw a major classic hero supergroup advertising for members. Thats not to say the superhero scene is dead its just dwindling a lot and not as lively. Thunderspy has much less RPers but they're still there, and they're a lot more traditional hero/villain Rpers who do RP missions like back on live. It does have some major top of the bell obnoxious Gankerners though just like HC has over the top obnoxious redditers.

            HC 'devs' if you can call them that are lazy as frick. Every other server that has like 50 active people on still churn out tons of updates for their small playerbase while HC drags their feet with a minor update every few months even with its thousands of people, I dunno how its the most popular server, just cause its the first I guess. Other servers churn out new power sets, new outfits, etc. then HC will do some barebones shit like add one new logo or something or ANOTHER power balance. Thats not even getting into most of the HC devs being the leadership of that secret private server that started the whole mess.

            i agree thunderspy has some good outfit options. most of them are insanely niche like the mastermind minion shit, but other ones are pretty basic and really good. other than that tbh thunderspy doesn't add anything too insane either. both HC and TS have QoL updates that trivialize way too much of the actual gameplay.

            literally you will play on TS or HC and it will feel like 99% the same exact game. i don't understand why Ganker autists get so defensive over HC and TS, one is for autists who dont give a frick about playerbase and want to spam Black person, and the other one is for people who actually care about high player count and dont mind not saying Black person.

            One thing i like about HC is that there are a lot of small balance adjustments to make weaker powers pretty OP and now CoH (even though it was already pretty easy) is just a frick fest of anyone soloing whatever they want however they want. I honestly like this because the enhancement system is complex af and you get a lot of freedom of expression. is TS the same way?

            • 11 months ago

              For the record, the attitude towards the N word on TS has changed. Players have been actioned for it. If you don't believe a random post then scan their discord for that N word.

              Thunderspy simplified the crafting by adding a step. The over 100 types of salvage convert into 1 of 6 materials at no cost before the recipe will accept them.

      • 12 months ago

        Never heard of the Ganker one. I do know that the HC devs care a lot about the game and that the server pop makes it the most active private server(s) in the dead mmo pserver market. They even have a server to contain the pvp autists. If they don't have a huge rp community I would be shocked.

        • 11 months ago

          >HC devs care a lot about the game
          That is pretty false, sorry to say. They have this whole ivory tower bullshit where they obfuscate themselves from the players, and even lower-tier game masters.
          That said, Thunderspy actually does have very passionate devs.

        • 11 months ago

          You’ve heard of it dipshit

      • 11 months ago

        For walkup, emergent RP, I recommend Thunderspy over Homecoming. Most of HC's RP is relegated to the ingame nightclub, Pocket D, while in Tspy, people often just start roleplaying mid-mission. It's pretty comfy, honestly.

  9. 12 months ago

    City of heroes thunderspy

  10. 12 months ago

    Roblox unironically has games like that.
    Vintage story has had people doing adventures as different classes and people drew a lot of oc of it.
    A lot of milsims have roleplay but the modern kind.
    Old school runescape I have seen some roleplay.
    Mmos are not as good as survival for roleplay these days.

  11. 12 months ago

    Thunderspy? I love thunderspy!

  12. 12 months ago

    SS13 has a server called Roguetown, which is a D&D ss13 server. SS13 is the only game that doesn't have shit RP as far as I'm concerned, because the game is full of open ended RP mechanics and isn't afraid to let the players beat the crap out of eachother.

    • 12 months ago

      >Barfight happens in most "rp" games
      >Players yell at each other and go their separate ways
      >If not one player kills the other

      >Barfight happens in SS13
      >One player KOs the other, steals his ID and throws him in the trash bin
      >Trash bin dumps him off in the garbage area
      >KO'd player wakes up and now has to get his ID back which causes more shenanigans

      • 11 months ago

        Whats why SS13 is kino
        >Any other game with RP in it
        >Two characters have bad words
        >They do a long drawn out emote battle with arguing over injuries
        >Two characters have bad words
        >Get beaten up by the clown
        >Janitor joins in and mops your face
        >Get thrown into the trash bin
        >End up next to some doctor who force feeds you a pill that makes you shit yourself

  13. 12 months ago

    Urban Dead. I mean that seriously. It's a b***h to get into and you'll need the wiki and discord to help you find other friendly players. We don't exactly roleplay but what we do is stay in character and treat what's happening in game as though it were real.

    • 11 months ago

      That does still count as roleplay its just casual roleplay

  14. 12 months ago

    people do that shit on muds and mushs and shit like second life. but most people in games just play games and dont realy role play

  15. 11 months ago

    like why do you need a video game for this shit?

    just make a chat room or use a discord server.

    that probably has better aspects associated with roleplay than what these dumb fricking video game companies can provide and still sell you on a subscription.

    at least you can subscribe with nitro or donate to the server which as active metrics of genuine participation instead of relying on some fricktard studios "business development group of frick head MBA's"

    *looks disgustingly at zenimax online studios*

    get creative with the social aspect and game design, free yourself from this shit hole these frickers call "gaming"

    then MAYBE i can catch a fricking break with genuine MMORPG mechanics instead of all this nerd and jock shit ruining fundamentals that aren't even regulated.

    • 11 months ago

      update: wish i had more time, but these life changes and adult things add up.

      here's to a better future of immersive experience!

  16. 11 months ago

    Most RP on MMOs these days is all nightclub focused even if it makes no sense lorewise to me night clubs, and ERP focused.

    So if you like typing /dance to someones youtube playlist that they link, go for it.

  17. 11 months ago

    Eternal City
    also neocoron

  18. 11 months ago

    oh yeah, city of heroes city of villans private servers, also this will sound weird but.. vrchat dnd worlds with randos

  19. 11 months ago

    This is just from my own experience and from what I've learn and I'm not too active in a lot of these but these are the active multiplayer games with RP communities:

    I'm sure everyone who RPs has tried WoW RP before and knows the deal but Moonglade is Alliance heavy, Wyrmrest accord is Horde heavy, no other RP servers have RPers in them, for EU its Argent Dawn for both sides and thats it. Goldshire is full of ERP and fetish accounts waiting to be whispered, everyone else only RPs in SW or Org unless theres an event somewhere. 90% of the RP is social RP and ERP. You might find a military guild, or a thieves guild that runs for a month or two but eventually dies. Someone tries to make Duskwood an RP hub once every couple of months, that lasts 2 weeks and it dies.
    >WoW private servers
    Exact same as WoW just with lower populations, more customization and more cliqueishness and elitism. Think they're better RPers than retail WoW but they do the exact same shit.
    Entirely social RP. Extremely heavy on the RP nightclub scene, probably the biggest in all the multiplayer games with RP, and extremely heavy on the ERP, sometimes you might find walk up RP in Ul'Dah but the majority of it are at these RP night clubs and events (which are usually raves or beach parties, aka clubbing)
    Entirely casual, social RP, smaller community.
    Walk up RP is dead, its all event based now. Even walk up in the Prancing Pony which used to be a major RP hub back in the day is dead outside of its scheduled saturday event nights. Events mostly consist of social RP at some tavern, or some sort of fair or festival at The Shire

    • 11 months ago

      normie tier trash, of course all those games are going to be filled to the brim with skinnerbox-addicted zoomers that don't even attempt to engage with the social aspects of the game. try playing something actually niche and traditional if you are looking for something other than number go up simulators

    • 11 months ago

      Very internal, you won't find many events and some people think ESO RP is non existant because people just don't RP in public spaces. Its all guild based and player housing based and small scale private events. This makes it seem cliqueish and elitist but its not, its just very hidden and you have to actively put in effort to seek it out. Though most of the RP again is social and ERP, I mean thats definitely what two people are doing in a player house. Smaller RP community.
      Again very internal and hidden due to the lack of public RP and all RP taking place in player housing or in guilds. However the RP population is larger than ESO's I think, its hard to judge due to how quiet a lot of the groups are you cant tell if they're active or not. Most of the groups are Jedi or Sith themed with like rankings and training and promotion structures etc. Dark Side is more active than Light Side that I know. If you're lucky you might find someone chilling at the dark side bar. However, most Sith groups are pretty toxic as they take it all too serious and do OOC power play to gain ranking.
      >SWG Private Servers
      There are two fairly active SWG private servers, I think they both tackle two different eras of SWG if you know the controversial history of the game and how it had various radical changes. Both have small but dedicated RP communities. Most of the RP you'll find is settlement/colony building RP and the majority of the groups are Mandalorian RP groups or Imperial RP. Like, almost entirely, 99% of the RP groups. I couldn't find walk up RP in any of the city bars but some of the various entertainers in bars and cities will casually RP if you attempt to. I did find walk up RP in many of the player built cities but a lot of them are ghost towns, so it's hard to tell which are active and which just dont have people online right now. There are various events but a lot of it is "come social RP at my nightclub I built"

      • 11 months ago

        >CoH Private Servers
        Its a shame as back in the day on retail you used to find lots of people recruiting for RP teams to do missions with and you'd just join a group of strangers and start RPing superhero antics with them and it sounds exactly like what OP wants and while this still happens on the CoH private servers its getting more and more rare. Homecoming is the most popular CoH private server by a long shot, it has a roleplaying server which is Everlasting. Thunderspy is the second most popular server and while it has some RPers definitely not the amount Homecoming has, the RP is also a lot more casual semi-RP on missions and such. However, Homecoming also has two issues. First is that I feel that the RP there is also skewering towards social, drink at a bar, dance at a nightclub RP in the past year and second, I feel the RP population in general is dwindling on the server. Its definitely in a slump right now.
        >Champions Online
        The only place people RP is Club Caprice and its all furry ERP as everyone else moved to CoH
        >Star Trek Online
        Never played it but I have heard a few times it has a small RP community who RP out crews on a starship. Dunno how active it is these days, I also heard other Star Trek multiplayer games have communities that do this.
        >Ultima Online RP shards
        I feel like these are dying off but they were teeming with people back in the day and there were plenty. Not so much now. A lot of the RP here is again settlement/colony building RP and kingdom/lordship style RP. Feels like a lot of the servers are small in numbers these days and the choice is limited.
        >BYOND games
        There are two places people RP here: SS13 and Naruto RP, I'm sure a bunch of you have played SS13 before too and knows the deal. Theres a lot of casual/light RP servers with a lot of just shitposting RP and dicking around and silly RP, a lot of ERP servers these days too and rapidly growing, but there are heavy RP servers too, they just tend to be closed off nowadays.

        • 11 months ago

          >Project Zomboid
          There are a lot of casual/light RP servers out there but there are some heavy RP servers too. As you'd expect its a lot of settlement building RP but the going out and scavenging for supplies is pretty fun.
          >Fallout 76
          Mostly casual/light RP settlements, with the majority of it being settlement building RP and RPIng out the settlement.
          >Garry's Mod
          Never played it but I know its always had a major RP community but from what I've seen its a lot of low-tier RP and mostly younger people? It seems to be where most people got their start RPing.
          >Second Life
          Mostly ERP, probably at this point entirely ERP as it seems to just be used purely for sex now.
          Very popular right now, not as popular as say 2019 or so when it seriously boomed due to major streamers joining the RP servers but tehre are still a lot of people and a lot of servers. Like hundreds to thousands on each server. A lot of them are voice RP servers though which not a lot of people feel comfortable doing, or find immersion breaking when someone tries to mug you and an 11 year old's voice comes out. The only text RP server that I know of is GTA world which gets around 400 - 700 players depending on the time. I'm sure there's others though. Most of the RP is criminal RP and cops and robbers RP, with a small few doing stuff like government RP, and of course nightclubs RP but at least nightclubs make sense unlike other places since its modern day.
          Is pretty much dying if not outright dead at this point due to GTA 5 and its accessibility. Was mostly ESL's who couldnt afford a PC that plays GTA5
          >NWN Shards
          Never played but I remember there used to be a ton back in the day, not so much now. I think one of the most popular ones is a pure ERP shard, I've heard nightmare stories about how cliqueish some of the other shards are now and looking them up the player list doesnt seem to be too active.

          tl;dr is ERP has almost taken over all game RP same with social RP at "nightclubs"

  20. 11 months ago

    i had good honest advice for you then noticed you posted newbiefrog, so no frick off

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