what murdered the RTS genre?

what murdered the RTS genre?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Why did you do it?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      yeah, he did it

    • 6 months ago

      I knew it.

    • 6 months ago

      why lil homie

    • 6 months ago

      give it back jamal

    • 6 months ago

      You better watch your back, mister

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      You piece of SHIT!!

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      You won't live to regret that

    • 6 months ago


  2. 6 months ago


  3. 6 months ago

    MOBAs did

  4. 6 months ago

    THE ICE AGE !!

    • 6 months ago

      But during the stone age

    • 6 months ago

      More like Dark age. Dark age of vidya

  5. 6 months ago

    Lack of care for the genre, asiaticclick, chasing esports and time change

  6. 6 months ago


  7. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      WC3, as good as it was, effectively killed innovation and risk taking from competitors, and the RPGfication of its mechanics allowed for ASShomosexualS to become popular, then SC2's aggressive push for esports influenced other companies to shift their development in pursuit of the esports golden goose, which never caught on, causing them to abandon their games (DoW3 and Grey Goo come to mind)

      • 6 months ago

        C&C4 was
        >we want the moba audience
        too and people hated it so much

  8. 6 months ago

    RTS: play by yourself, when you lose, there is no one to blame but yourself
    MOBAS: play with others, when you lose, blame everyone else, never a need to look inward

    it's no wonder why the mOBA genre took over the RTS genre

    • 6 months ago

      You know you can play on teams in RTS right?

    • 6 months ago

      RTS isn't always 1v1 though

      • 6 months ago

        It is if you're not a shitter.

  9. 6 months ago


  10. 6 months ago

    RTS requires a time investment and autism to be good at, it was popular in the 90s because that was the gaming market then, after the turn of the millennium, it became increasingly normalised and the newcomers got filtered by RTS, publishers realised they could make more pandering to normalgays and whipped their devs into making games for them.

    • 6 months ago

      >RTS requires a time investment and autism to be good at,
      Fake and gay. All games require.
      It's just exscuses of the RTSbabs.
      Reality is RTS were never good, they just happen to exist when MOBAswere not yet invented.

      • 6 months ago

        lol. faker is complete shit compared to some of the best rts players. lol is simply a kindergarten tier competition, even dota is more competitive. rts is by far the hardest genre of all, not even a comparison, mechanically, strategically, nothing comes close

  11. 6 months ago

    EA by not remastering Red Alert 2.

  12. 6 months ago

    Mechanical Stagnation mostly.

  13. 6 months ago


  14. 6 months ago

    Normifefication ruined all genres of video games. Gatekeeping was good and universal adoption of the internet via smartphones made it unsustainable.

    • 6 months ago


      2007 all over again, normies having phone internet, ruined games, ruined 4chavnghvhn, etc

    • 6 months ago

      Gatekeepig has never kept anyone out of playing video games, people aren't that fragile.
      Normal gays were going to start playing vidya and nobody was gonna stop them.

  15. 6 months ago

    blizzard fricking up sc2, plus game companies relying too heavily on and prioritizing competitive scenes

    • 6 months ago

      RTS was dead long before SC2 entered the scene. What that screwed up was a potential revival.

    • 6 months ago

      This. Sweaty losers ruined their own genre.

      Now none of us can play fun AoE/SC games anymore. Thanks.

  16. 6 months ago

    lack of innovations
    >start small
    >build up resources and bases
    >attack enemy
    >rinse repeat across campaign

    • 6 months ago

      There were innovations, it's just that they ended up spinning off into their own sub genres, like city builders, grand strategy and mobas

      • 6 months ago

        Starcraft 1 perfected the genre, all other innovations led to spinoff genres as this guy said

  17. 6 months ago

    rts was never actually popular. there were titles that sold well and had fanbases that claimed to like rts games, but only a fraction of them actually did. just look at Ganker threads where there are always multiple people whose suggestions to "fix" rts games is to make them turn based.

    • 6 months ago

      Rts doesn't need fixing. Forged alliance is right there. Last I checked the community client works perfectly. The only way to fix forged alliance would be a faithful remake that lets it use more cores properly so it doesn't throttle the game speed when I have a 400 ASF dogfight.

    • 6 months ago

      >rts was never actually popular
      it was literally the most popular PC video game genre during its peak

      • 6 months ago

        this is what I mean by people saying they were rts fans but not actually liking rts. how many of the people playing the games were using it as sim city? how many players never bothered to use hotkeys? it's like saying you are a boomer shooter fan but you only played single player and don't know how to bunny hop.

        • 6 months ago

          I am an RTS fan, played RTS games a shitton back in the day, RTS games have fricked sucked for ages

          So the current AoE and the upcoming HW3 are shit then?

          AoE4 sucks yes

        • 6 months ago

          >you can't be a fan if you aren't MLG pro
          dipshits like you are why RTS is all asiaticclick now.

          • 6 months ago

            >dude I'm a huge fps fan so what if I only played goldeneye 64 single player and surf maps on cs

            • 6 months ago

              Do you pin any 'cred' on being a fricking """""""gamer"""""""?
              Nobody gives a shit. In a market, they are all consumers. In a community, they associate with like-minded individuals - of which there are plenty.

              • 6 months ago

                the point is that no developer can make a game that will please rts fans because these people never actually liked rts. that survey proves it by showing that the most popular game modes are the ones where you are barely interacting with the core mechanics.

              • 6 months ago

                >the point is that no developer can make a game that will please rts fans because these people never actually liked rts.
                And yet plenty did. Amazing.

              • 6 months ago

                When MOBAs didn't exist.
                If LoL existed back then nobody would by your stinking RTS in 1999.
                Simple truth that broke RTS fans.

              • 6 months ago

                >When MOBAs didn't exist.
                Irrelevant, mobas aren't a replacement for single player rts.
                >If LoL existed back then nobody would by your stinking RTS in 1999.
                Silly conjecture.
                Post age 🙂

              • 6 months ago

                Very relevant you can track RTS fall into nothingness with DotA and LoL release.

                >Silly conjecture.
                That is the fact. There were no LoL and DotA in the year 1999.

              • 6 months ago

                >Very relevant you can track RTS fall into nothingness with DotA and LoL release.
                No, you can't. They were falling into nothingness way before mobas.
                >That is the fact. There were no LoL and DotA in the year 1999.
                Again, irrelevant.
                And again, post age.

              • 6 months ago

                >They were falling into nothingness way before mobas.
                Largest fall sign was the flop of SC2. And ding dong it was released after LoL. You can cry and scream at gamers as hat "LoL is not a real RTS game" but they just ignore your autism and play better games. Simple as.

                Such autists like you indeed were in Blizzard HQ whol laughed at MOBAs, and continued pandering to asiaticclicking mechanics. imagine how much they bit their elbows after LoL success. LooooooooL.

              • 6 months ago

                >Largest fall sign was the flop of SC2.
                Because RTS players didn't want another shitty asiaticclick, which SC2 was. You proved my point for me.
                Blizzard jumped in thinking they'd make Starcraft but bigger and more esporty but it had nowhere near the organic growth as SC1 did.

              • 6 months ago

                >Because RTS players didn't want another shitty asiaticclick, which SC2 was
                Yeah and they flocked to LoL.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                >Largest fall sign was the flop of SC2
                6 figure playerbase for a decade is flopping? It probably still has 100k daily players.

              • 6 months ago

                What is this reasoning? People won't buy RTS games that appeal to casuals because casuals don't like RTS, as you can see from this survey showing most people who played it are casuals?

              • 6 months ago

                >casuals don't like RTS

      • 6 months ago

        Only as RPG. Not as rts.

    • 6 months ago
  18. 6 months ago

    >More doomgayging for RTS by people filtered by it.

  19. 6 months ago

    People who answer MOBAs are Westwood widows that never engaged the multiplayer features of RTS games thus they hold a grudge against people who do/did.

    People who answer SC2/Koreans are people who tried MP but got filtered and dropped it.

    The real answer is you. The people in here right now that abandoned the genre and could be making threads about upcoming RTS games like Homeworld 3 or Tempest Rising or playing current games like AoE, C&C mods, etc, but instead prefer to blame everyone else to the point that you actually start these pathetic threads.

    • 6 months ago

      >blaming the consumer for games being shit and lack of innovation

      • 6 months ago

        This isn't an argument about why RTS games are shit, it's about why RTS games are dead. If there was a market there would be games, both good and bad. RTS players from the 90s abandoned the genre entirely. Take Dota for example. It got so popular that Valve straight up bought it and it competed with several clones. Why isn't the same happening to RTS games? Why aren't the players flocking to some of the good mods and games out there and causing gamedevs to invest money in the genre? I know why. It's because they'd rather b***h, take the "I'm an oldgay" cred and then go back to play some other genre.

        It's exactly the same reason why arenashooters died. The playerbase simply abandoned the genre.

        • 6 months ago

          >Why aren't the players flocking to some of the good mods and games out there
          Because they aren't good
          Demand for RTS games are not being met because developers cannot make good RTS games
          Arena shooters are different, they are dead because there is no demand

          • 6 months ago

            So the current AoE and the upcoming HW3 are shit then?

        • 6 months ago

          >It's exactly the same reason why arenashooters died.
          They didn't. Fortnite IS arena shooter. Only boomers would whine and refuse to face truth.

      • 6 months ago

        Innovation is overrated, execution is what matters. 90% of the new rts that come are innovating, you're just moronic and a nonplayer lol, they died because they're shit. Doesn't matter how OOOH SHINY NEW INNOVATION NEW ORIGINALITY something is when it's shit.

      • 6 months ago

        the consumer for games being shit and lack of innovation

        Literally yes. Devs stopped trying because consoomers buy their games no matter what. So why bother being innovative when you can have shit like GTA5 online for 10+ years and shit upon shit sequels and even when new IPs are dogshit like Cyberpunk, Starfield, and Diablo 4/Immortal they still make a bazillion dollars.

    • 6 months ago

      Plenty of people play old RTS games. There was a big empire of war thread recently when the devs updated it to 64 bit. The problem is that modern RTS games are shit compared to old ones.

      I'm not looking forward to homeworld 3 and its focus on characters. Not to mention the "roguelike" elements they love yapping about.

      • 6 months ago

        Actually modern RTS game, WH Total war has largest playerbase among current RTS genre. And it's popularity driven by SP campaign that is far as possible from the "classic" asiaticclicking RTS design.

        • 6 months ago

          Don't say that. You'll summon the autist that will insist that TW can't be an RTS since it doesn't have base building.

          • 6 months ago

            it's not rts because the strategy part is done in the turn based part of the game

          • 6 months ago

            >since it doesn't have base building.
            But it does have base building. Turn based on strategic map

          • 6 months ago

            >There's no market for casual single player RTS games,
            WH Total War says otherwise.

            TW is not RTS
            Its a turn based strategy and RTT hybrid.
            Get your fricking definitions right.

            And full single player RTS died long ago, since creating content for them is financially unfeasible.
            So any successful ones do exactly that, separate the strategic elements to overmap, and let you battle with your toys in real time (usually autoresolved)

            • 6 months ago

              I guess the men of war games aren't RTS either then.

              • 6 months ago

                yeah now you're figuring it out. neither is sins of a solar empire or dawn of war 2 or stronghold or cossacks.

              • 6 months ago

                Pretty sure Cossacks and Stronghold have unit production and resource extraction and even base building. So they are RTS.
                Dawn of War 2 is very borderline RTS, since they have no extra buildings (replaced with research of unlocking tiers) but they still use passive resource collection, plus they still have unit production.

    • 6 months ago

      asiaticclick and fast apm rotte execution of precalculated builds while multitasking micro of units makes the RTS games devoid of strategy.
      Whats a strategy game devoid of strategy? Nothing.

      • 6 months ago

        The clear answer is introducing macro commands. Instead of having to memorize build orders and micro workers around to maximize resource harvesting because you clicked faster, make it an automated task that the player has to program into his units with conditional rules. The real challenge will be not to out-click your opponent, but to counter the rules they have currently set up for their units, which you must counter-counter by setting up even better rules. If an RTS game can't basically play itself aside from intelligent orders ordained by the player, then it's not real strategy.

        • 6 months ago

          Or like just maybe cut the shit loose and leave it to the campaign map like in Rome total war.
          And maybe make time not be a factor.
          But that would require some thinking, and developing strategms of a sort and using your mind to think trough moves in advance.

          • 6 months ago

            >And maybe make time not be a factor.
            You mean have the construction of buildings and units rely solely on resources instead of resources + build times?

            • 6 months ago

              No not at all.
              Making time not a factor means you do not gain any advantage when issuing commands after 1 or 2 or 3 seconds compared to someone that issues commands after 200ms or 250ms or 300ms.

              I do though

              it's just a useless feature for people who play rts wrong. if you are zoomed out looking at the whole map then you are falling behind on things you need actual precision for.

              what is strategy according to you?

              What Greek stratigos did during war.

              >real time
              >make time not a factor
              >turn-based campaign map
              >real time
              turn based map blobber games are such dogshit, such a meme genre that is either so trivial that you may as well not play it or so bullshit that it is just a matter of memorizing which of the 10000 techs on the tree actually does something against a lazy cheater AI that spawns out cavemen that can club helicopters to death because lol what if we had rpg life/damage scaling in a fricking "strategy" game?

              See above. Game can be designed so its real time but the time is not the main factor that overshadows all other factors that determine the outcome.

              >And maybe make time not be a factor.
              it took 2 hours but here he is, the guy who thinks the fix for rts is to remove the real time part

              Better "remove" time than remove strategy.

              • 6 months ago

                >Strategy is the art of making use of time and space. I am less concerned about the later than the former. Space we can recover, lost time never.
                gee I wonder what moron said this. surely not anyone as smart as supreme commander anonymous here.

              • 6 months ago

                >sends scroll with orders by rider to the regiments at the forest entrance
                >his order gets there after 10 minutes
                >the regimental chief reads the scroll
                >it says to move into forest and assume attack formation
                >after 15 minutes they are in the forest
                >rider brings back report
                And thats how it was during the days of battle.
                The mining of resources, crafting of weapons and arrows, consription and training of troops, etc would get even "slower" and lagging orders.
                Sometimes emperors orders would arrive weeks after he wrote them down and sent by couriers to a province.
                You are mental midget if you cannot understand those realities.

              • 6 months ago

                That's what field tacticians are for

          • 6 months ago

            >real time
            >make time not a factor
            >turn-based campaign map
            >real time
            turn based map blobber games are such dogshit, such a meme genre that is either so trivial that you may as well not play it or so bullshit that it is just a matter of memorizing which of the 10000 techs on the tree actually does something against a lazy cheater AI that spawns out cavemen that can club helicopters to death because lol what if we had rpg life/damage scaling in a fricking "strategy" game?

            • 6 months ago

              Nobody wants asiaticclicking. Simple as.
              You can whine as much you want asiaticclicking genre is dead.

              • 6 months ago

                >source: my ass

              • 6 months ago

                Source: sc2 dropping in popularity HARSHLY, despite having money pumped into it

              • 6 months ago

                There could be any number of reasons for that. You don't know if SC2 but Supcom style or SC2 but Total War style or SC2 but full on TBS style would've been more popular.

          • 6 months ago

            >And maybe make time not be a factor.
            it took 2 hours but here he is, the guy who thinks the fix for rts is to remove the real time part

            rts was never actually popular. there were titles that sold well and had fanbases that claimed to like rts games, but only a fraction of them actually did. just look at Ganker threads where there are always multiple people whose suggestions to "fix" rts games is to make them turn based.

            • 6 months ago

              >who thinks the fix for rts is to remove the real time part
              Building game desing around time deficit was never good decision. And it was never intentional. RTS were just randomly assembled games in the beginning of the videogameing, there was no thought process behind their design.
              Some thought process was during their tweaking and development, but this development took way of pandering to most toxic part of the RTS: asiaticclicking and now surprise that genre died.

        • 6 months ago

          t. geriatric boomer who doesn't understand the concept of striking a balance between macro and micro. If a player spends all their attention on asiaticclick micro unit control their macro economy will suffer for it and vice versa, choosing what to pay attention to is itself an important strategic decision

  20. 6 months ago


  21. 6 months ago

    People who dont want to learn how to play games.

  22. 6 months ago

    Consoles. Nobody gave a shit about PC-only genres for 10 years and by the time those passed, MOBAs were more profitable to make.

  23. 6 months ago

    Korean 400 APM.
    When RTS is no longer about "real-time strategy" but rather excel spreadsheets and who has better macro then the whole genre becomes unplayable for the major audience.
    And the big companies cherished this shit too. You know RTS is still fricked when the commentators in AoE4 tournaments spends half their time praising about players macroing during a match.

    • 6 months ago

      These N! Ruined rts by talking shit about the genre

      There's no such thing as asiaticlick


      what murdered the RTS genre?

      5 sc1 chinese (terran and protoss)
      can reach 395
      In the west Sziky zerg plays at 420, Bonyth and Dewalt 370 protoss
      Gypsy and Dandy reach 370 as terran
      Jaeyun (p) reaches 400 but he's not elite

      After 350 you need positioning to make it count
      Me? 270 and started with 220

      Sc2 n-----s are the ones who click like mentally ill people, it literally rewrites their brain because their games are about going back and forth as fast as possible

  24. 6 months ago

    CoHshit, trying to make warcraft tactical is moronic. You gotta have 1hp units to make tactics compelling.
    Also Esports.

  25. 6 months ago

    RTSs are alive and well, we don't get masterpieces like we used to in the 90s but you can't get an AoE II every year.

    • 6 months ago

      RTS is fricking dead.
      During the AoE4 tourny people starting to realize that the RTS genre has come to shit because when either player picks French it means guaranteed 3 minutes zerg rush and /ff by the 4th minute, either the rush is successful and the defending player can't make a comeback, or the French player didn't inflict enough damage early on and /ff himself.

      What's the point designing all those factions and making different maps when all it takes is one player to pick French and every game is the same 3 minutes rush 4 minutes ff.

      • 6 months ago

        all i remember from aoe4 was the mongol tc rush

  26. 6 months ago

    Publishers wanting the esports money when rts players wanted cool single player campaigns with multiplayer on the side.

    • 6 months ago

      what a stupid fricking take. no one outside korea except for the nerds at teamliquid even knew esports was a thing until starcraft 2 came out in 2010, but rts was already over by that point. westwood died in 2003 and ensemble was kill by 2008.

      • 6 months ago

        >even knew esports was a thing until starcraft 2 came out in 2010
        warcraft3 and cs were big e-sport games before sc2.

        • 6 months ago

          warcraft 3 was really only big in korea and china. beyond that you basically only had grubby and that one ud player I forget the name of and the only major tournament was wcg.

      • 6 months ago

        >never saw his nerd friend play an rts
        >every second/resource is min maxed
        >every unit is hot keyed
        >he’s blasting around the map so fast… why even bother looking at the game. You never are looking. At anything for more than a second.

        • 6 months ago

          >>he’s blasting around the map so fast… why even bother looking at the game. You never are looking. At anything for more than a second.
          Soulless drones.

  27. 6 months ago

    Reality. Turns out RTS is actually a very niche genre: few people actually like its specific mix of strategy, tactics, and mechanics. There are many reasons to play RTS, empirically the most common being custom game modes, but whether it's playing tower defense, microing powerful hero units, commanding large armies, RPing a sovereign, setting up nice cities, or whatever, for each of those draws there are games that do it much better. For example, a lot of people were into Age of Empires because of history, but it's Total War or Europa Universalis that they really wanted.

    On top of that the stagnation of the genre: there was innovation to be sure, but games like Majesty, Kohan, or even SupCom really, didn't make a splash. Among the "real" RTS fans (that very small minority that actually played RTS for RTS and not for lack of more specialized titles) came to see a specific *Craft/Ao* formula as what RTS is really about, and since StarCraft and Age of Empires are actually really good, it's exceptionally difficult for any new game to one-up them in their own terms. Especially if you design the game for e-sports rather than letting it emerge organically: MP-players are a niche within niche, and most players who might pick up MP will do so on back of strong campaign experience that hooks them into the game, while most contemporary attempts at RTS are designed around MP/e-sports, trying to replicate StarCraft's success without understanding why it was successful.

  28. 6 months ago

    they are simply too stressful
    long match times where every single second requires focus and can be endlessly optimized
    fighting games have a similar problem with difficulty creating playerbase issues but have much shorter match times to balance it out

  29. 6 months ago

    The fact that it's inherently shit to begin with and it only ever thrived because there was a curiosity towards it back when it was new, but most of us quickly got over it and moved on.

    • 6 months ago

      >The fact that it's inherently shit to begin with

  30. 6 months ago

    i want to play games with my friends, and my friends only play popular games. if rts games were popular, theyd be playing them.

  31. 6 months ago

    too niche, also RTS gamers are some of the most brain dead people alive. I speak from experience with these communities, so many of them seem mentally handicapped.

    • 6 months ago

      >RTS gamers are some of the most brain dead people alive. I speak from experience

  32. 6 months ago

    Well I started replaying wc3 single player again, it's fun game.

  33. 6 months ago

    DOTA 2 is simply better

  34. 6 months ago

    StarCraft II being split into three chapters.

  35. 6 months ago

    The only rts thats actually STRATEGICAL is supreme commander. You make production lines of units that are created only to be destroyed in the meat grinder. You have technological breakthroughs that break the stalemate. Its like being a real general since you make the macro decisions. Other rts is autistically micromanaging little Black folk and tanks which isnt resembling strategy and people who enjoy apm autism can just play assgayots

    • 6 months ago

      galactic cope
      this is why rts is dead, rts players are moronic

    • 6 months ago

      >You have technological breakthroughs that break the stalemate
      Yeah, never heard of that.

      • 6 months ago

        That game was better than it had any right to be.

      • 6 months ago

        >End up fighting for some pointless corridor in the underground
        >All while i build up an entire artilery section pointing right at his base
        >he rages as hisbase is bombarded to ruin but somehow manage to cut the supply lines to the artillery and rebuild
        >battle ends in nucelar holocaust

        Great game sad it never got a worthy succsesor

    • 6 months ago

      But there's two related but not identical meanings for strategy: strategy in military strategic sense you can find in Clausewitz or NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions, and that SupCom appears to have and games like StarCraft absolutely don't on account of their greater abstractness and smaller scale, and strategy in a more abstract sense like "Chess strategy" (or even "business strategy"). Games like StarCraft still have the latter, just like Chess strategy is a thing.

      That being said, I do think you gesture towards a real thing that most players find a problem. Where strategy in Chess is considerations like pawn structure, king safety, control of key squares, etc, strategy in RTS is things like build order (building economy first and military second makes you weaker now, but if you get away with it, stronger later), timings (you enjoy a temporary peak in relative advantage the moment a key upgrade finishes), or even things like building placement: building a wall make you safer against early rushes but having a production facility in a different place from the rest makes it in the long term less efficient to macro out units (supposing you have to click buildings manually) and the wall obstructs the movement of your own units as well, so it's a hindrance in the longer term. Or, in some games you might come up with a decision of "the enemy 4-pooled me: he'll have 3 drones mining so, and consequently so long as I'll have more than 4 surviving workers, I have the advantage, so it's better to pull the workers and defend decisively"

    • 6 months ago

      But there's two related but not identical meanings for strategy: strategy in military strategic sense you can find in Clausewitz or NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions, and that SupCom appears to have and games like StarCraft absolutely don't on account of their greater abstractness and smaller scale, and strategy in a more abstract sense like "Chess strategy" (or even "business strategy"). Games like StarCraft still have the latter, just like Chess strategy is a thing.

      That being said, I do think you gesture towards a real thing that most players find a problem. Where strategy in Chess is considerations like pawn structure, king safety, control of key squares, etc, strategy in RTS is things like build order (building economy first and military second makes you weaker now, but if you get away with it, stronger later), timings (you enjoy a temporary peak in relative advantage the moment a key upgrade finishes), or even things like building placement: building a wall make you safer against early rushes but having a production facility in a different place from the rest makes it in the long term less efficient to macro out units (supposing you have to click buildings manually) and the wall obstructs the movement of your own units as well, so it's a hindrance in the longer term. Or, in some games you might come up with a decision of "the enemy 4-pooled me: he'll have 3 drones mining so, and consequently so long as I'll have more than 4 surviving workers, I have the advantage, so it's better to pull the workers and defend decisively"

      The problem is, little of that is dynamic big-picture decisions. Builds are strategies but by their very nature they are decided before the game starts. Building placement involves strategy, but it's absolutely not broad strokes big picture stuff but "microstrategy" (and, again, arrived at mostly through statistical experience of what works rather than dynamic decision-making). And like Chess where trying to play strategically is actually self-handicapping unless you're already quite good (any thought-resources spent thinking about pawn structure are thought-resources away from spotting a hanging piece, and anyhow you'll probably throw away the long-term advantages away long before they are realized) and it's better to focus exclusively on tactics, the best strategy (or should we say "metastrategy") in RTS is often, especially for new players who don't know if worker scout arriving in your base at 1:24 means x, y or z (and consequently you can't productively use it to alter your plan) is to ignore strategic considerations. Hell, while there are games where you sometimes see strategic brilliance, even in top level pro games you routinely see situations like protoss refusing to build a second cannon while on 20 workers when zerg has 10. Of course, it's easy for the viewers with fog of war lifted to criticize, but that's kind of the point: by its very nature it's difficult even for the absolute best players to make even the simplest strategic decisions dynamically, so in actual practice RTS doesn't realize even the little room for dynamic big-picture decision-making that there in principle is.

      I think it's entirely reasonable for players to want that, and not metastrategy ("as a low-level player, I'm better off committing to a rush build order: even in the most extreme circumstance, I'm probably better off not deviating"), "microstrategy" (building placement), or tactics.

      • 6 months ago

        >The problem is, little of that is dynamic big-picture decisions.
        Played well, RTS games force you to consider things on all levels at once, not just one.
        >Builds are strategies but by their very nature they are decided before the game starts.
        Wrong. The best build orders are ones that let you fork off into one or multiple builds after scouting your enemy.
        >Of course, it's easy for the viewers with fog of war lifted to criticize, but that's kind of the point: by its very nature it's difficult even for the absolute best players to make even the simplest strategic decisions dynamically, so in actual practice RTS doesn't realize even the little room for dynamic big-picture decision-making that there in principle is.
        Information is a resource in games like these. Your enemy not realizing you're vulnerable can be big, so you want to control what information they have.

      • 6 months ago

        there is still strategy in games like starcraft but like chess you actually have to be good at the game to use it. something like knowing that since you gained control of the center of the map with a faster push your opponent will be forced to play around the map edges so as long as you defend against air attacks you can win based on map control. midwits think they are strategic geniuses and get filtered by anything that counters their big picture strategy of "one base until you can tech up to your super weapon."

    • 6 months ago

      How does this differ from AoE2?

      • 6 months ago

        its asiaticclick

        • 6 months ago

          >anything I don't like or any RTS that filters me is asiaticclick
          frick off

  36. 6 months ago

    I realized serious RTS gameplay wasnt for me back when I played with my friends and they had to warmup before a game so they max out the autism slider. I just wanted to build a base and kill enemies even if it took 10x longer than optimal play. As time went on it felt like devs were prioritizing optimal play over having fun, even just mechanically. That and prioritizing multiplayer and dropping the idea of a campaign for some releases entirely. Now it's rare I enjoy an RTS, I think the last one I really liked was deserts of kharak

  37. 6 months ago

    A bunch of boring mechanics for the sake of realism. RTS was fun when I didn't need to keep track of a million things, shits a job at this point.

  38. 6 months ago

    Focus on multiplayer over single player

  39. 6 months ago

    Genre balkanization (MOBA, etc)
    Decline of keyboards-based PC gaming in the 2000s in favor of controller-based consoles

  40. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      What does arcade mean here?

      • 6 months ago

        custom maps

    • 6 months ago

      imagine if there was a thing between casual and hardcore

      • 6 months ago

        A nebulous 'other' with no defining traits or strong feelings one way or the other?
        That's just noise for the purpose of a statistical survey.

      • 6 months ago

        that's just ladder

    • 6 months ago

      why yes, I Agree, a good campaign is very important.

    • 6 months ago

      >How important is a campaign
      There's no fricking way 68% demands the RTS to have a campaign, I thought no one played the campaign in RTS games because it's literally all the same generic and boring shit kek'd. Fricking boomers

      • 6 months ago

        >here's no fricking way 68% demands the RTS to have a campaign
        Campaigns used to be extremely fun. I still remember the solo commando missions in command and conquer. They also allow fun scenarios and are a perfect longer tutorial before being shoved into multiplayer

      • 6 months ago

        >There's no fricking way 68% demands the RTS to have a campaign
        Believe it.
        People want to both be commanded and command in return.
        RTS live or die on their campaigns.

      • 6 months ago

        >There's no fricking way 68% demands the RTS to have a campaign
        are you a souless executive?

        • 6 months ago

          nobody gave a shit about multiplayer as main focus before the moronic esports push

          • 6 months ago

            RTS was about a cozy, fun campaign, a fun game. Followed up by skirmish(not for Elo or points but for fun)

            MUH COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER FIRST is just excess wanting to milk a certain market and they don't make a fun game.

            Simple as.

            Make a fun game, morons.

      • 6 months ago

        There is definitely a selection bias, that poll was run by GiantGrantGames, a YouTuber who mostly focuses on campaign challenge runs

      • 6 months ago

        Bro the campaign is the fun part. Memorizing and executing a timing attack faster than the other guy isn't fun (to me)

      • 6 months ago

        I hate zoomers like you wouldn't believe. Morons like this bit the e-sport hook and deleted this genre

  41. 6 months ago

    PC decline in late 00s.

  42. 6 months ago


  43. 6 months ago

    nothing and they're coming back and this graphic doesn't even have zerospace

    • 6 months ago

      >bunch of cheap c&c, warcaft and starcraft copy trash and HW3
      wew RTS games are truly saved

      • 6 months ago

        ok but c&c clone good

        • 6 months ago

          c&c was good maybe 20 or 15 years ago, it's really dated today
          sure you can enjoy it, lot of people people still worship aoe2 as the pinnacle of rts games but I think it's bad by today's standards

          • 6 months ago

            well obviously c&c clone isn't going to be a literal 1:1 clone of c&c1

            • 6 months ago

              as far as I could see on the videos it's mechanically it's the same, basically a pretty graphics version of it

          • 6 months ago

            >today's standards
            like what?

  44. 6 months ago

    Nothing. RTS is an anomaly in vidya games where the old games and the pillars of the genre never really went away.

  45. 6 months ago

    Games are so good no one bothers to make new ones

  46. 6 months ago

    I watched a bit of Stormgate and it looked absolutely horrible. A hack between starcraft 2 and lol/dota. The ultimate PRODUCT™ with no original thought behind it.

  47. 6 months ago

    cbf learning build orders

  48. 6 months ago

    Command and Conquer 4 fully disillusioned everyone. RTS lives on through Total War though, kind of.

  49. 6 months ago

    I don't give a frick about RTS especially multiplayer ones generally but this game i like

    • 6 months ago

      Because you're a nazi

      • 6 months ago

        yes, and?

        • 6 months ago

          Nothing, just making an observation.

    • 6 months ago

      What game is this?

      • 6 months ago

        asiaticclicking is shit, you can still make RTSes if they are actually good singleplayer experiences and they try to do something different

  50. 6 months ago

    plummeting average IQ of both consumers and developers.

  51. 6 months ago

    Oh man i loved Earth 2150. Too bad 2160 was so shit. Fricking Aliems really

  52. 6 months ago

    Control scheme. One player=many units is redicoulous real time . Imagine counter strike when you control 50 units.

    When developers realize you can control only one unit in such games ( MOBA) it was over RTS

  53. 6 months ago
  54. 6 months ago

    A select few games being so popular that nothing else sold.

    RRS Light (tm) taking over as a genre.

    Core genere entries being mostly derivative, faceless, and overcomplicated.

  55. 6 months ago

    Its not dead, just way smaller.
    Last Train home has been keeping me occupied. The game is LOOOONG

    • 6 months ago

      Now that's interesting!

  56. 6 months ago

    dead genre
    will play the same games until they are in their 50s and die of click-induced heart attacks, so this marketing group is already on the verge of extinction
    there's like 50 million meme rtses out there that are surprisingly decent despite being completely unknown, yet the casuals still won't play them because they hate rts and will only excuse them if they have triple quadruple giga-AAA budgets as in blizzard RTS
    >big dick developers
    will only design new games for tryhards, but realistically won't make RTS because singular microtransactions sell more than entire RTS games with $100+ million budgets
    >boomer developers
    will only design new games for tryhards, they'll be like pale imitations of big dick developer RTS with immense jank that no one ever asked for. see: stormgate
    >indie developers
    RTS is too involved and complex for them to pursue, and even if they succeed, it will bankrupt them because of how much time and money they spent on a game that no one actually wants. this is the only group that will try and actually innovate on RTS, which will be seen as an atrocity by tryhards and casuals alike

  57. 6 months ago


    All other answers are wrong

    Same reason crpgs died until they started putting them on consoles too

  58. 6 months ago

    RTS players did
    The majority of audience rejects any depth and execution barrier, as well as competitive multiplater. The RTS genre is like fighting games, only work with a major focus on outwitting a real opponent, but manchildren just want their virtual version of playing with toy soldiers.
    The only good RTS game still alive is CoH2 and 3 that is slowly getting better with each patch. If you are "playing" against the CPU you are nor "playing" any strategy and thus it's not a strategy game.

    • 6 months ago

      Your arguments are fake and gay

      Control scheme. One player=many units is redicoulous real time . Imagine counter strike when you control 50 units.

      When developers realize you can control only one unit in such games ( MOBA) it was over RTS

    • 6 months ago

      >The RTS genre is like fighting games

      Nobody wants your sweaty homosexualry.

      • 6 months ago

        >nobody wants to be reminded they are bad
        No shit
        and so RTS is dead

        • 6 months ago

          You're a tourist who doesn't know shit about rts.
          Time to leave.

          • 6 months ago

            >says the gay that does not even try to understand the basics of the game he "likes"
            and dare I say

            • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          Funny it didn't affect neither shooters not MOBAs.

          • 6 months ago

            It absolutely did
            Hero team shooters are the MOBAs of Arena FPS.
            They all mutate into one direction.

      • 6 months ago

        "Casual RTS players" and compstompers aren't RTS buyers. There's no market for casual single player RTS games, that's why they keep flopping and nobody actually buys them. We gets tons of them and they are never successful. Only strategy games that focus heavily on multiplayer like Starcraft and Company of Heroes have a playerbase. Total War kept itself afloat with the fantasy trilogy but went to shit, and multiplayer and coop campaigns were still the most requested features. Wargame:RD is still the most played wargame style RTS with a bunch of skirmishes as campaign while the following flops by Eugen focused more and more on investing in single player Company of Heroes 3 thought that pandering to single player gays with wannabe Total War would make the game a success and diverted precious resources to it and nobody played the campaigns nor cared for it while the multiplayer fanbase eagerly waits improvements and real content. That's why Relic dropped any future single player campaign, many of which were clearly planned already, to focus on the actual customers, which is why the game is steadily getting better.

        • 6 months ago

          >There's no market for casual single player RTS games,
          WH Total War says otherwise.

          • 6 months ago

            >WH Total War says otherwise.
            They have bundled and given it everywhere to barely scrape 10k players as final result of a decade long development for a trilogy, and killed history TW in the process

            • 6 months ago

              >nearly 18 year old game has more players
              says a lot about the modern game industry.

              • 6 months ago

                how is Empire at War on steam but Universe at War not anymore?

                >>he’s blasting around the map so fast… why even bother looking at the game. You never are looking. At anything for more than a second.
                Soulless drones.

                they made like a wind direction and it correctly affects both the snow and the smoke.
                That's honestly impressive and nowadays we have triple A games where everything that is not a cheap shader is baked in static.

        • 6 months ago

          >There's no market for casual single player RTS games

          • 6 months ago

            It came to me in a dream

        • 6 months ago

          >There's no market for casual single player RTS games

          What did he mean by this?

          • 6 months ago

            based indie devs saving the RTS genre by basically re-hashing those warcraft 3 maps where you defend against endless waves of zombies

        • 6 months ago

          you are the problem

        • 6 months ago

          But I played the CoH3 Italian Campaign and liked it!
          Of course as a side dish to the multiplayer.
          To make it as engaging like TW campaigns you need to build your game from the ground up around it.

    • 6 months ago

      even if you're not playing against AI as soon as you do anything you are employing a strategy

    • 6 months ago

      asiaticclicking is shit, you can still make RTSes if they are actually good singleplayer experiences and they try to do something different

    • 6 months ago

      post your skin colour

    • 6 months ago

      COH2 and 3 are shit compared to 1.

      • 6 months ago

        CoH2 is literally the best CoH but yeah CoH1>>>shit>>>CoH3

    • 6 months ago

      You can tell this post is correct by the seethe it generates

    • 6 months ago

      >The RTS genre is like fighting games
      Which is why both RTS and fighting game threads get derailed by shitters so often.

      • 6 months ago

        You're a tourist here, RTS was never about asiaticclicking.

    • 6 months ago

      homosexuals like (you) ruined the genre.

  59. 6 months ago

    ASShomosexualS and the braindead npcs that play them.

  60. 6 months ago

    Lack of advanced a.i tactics

  61. 6 months ago

    Incompetence and shift of focus from single player to multiplayer.

    Also the vidya audience became much more casual with the 360/ps3 and devs were chasing the easy buck.

    2006-7 were the last years of the golden age of vidya. Ever since it's been going to shit.

    • 6 months ago

      >2006-7 were the last years of the golden age of vidya. Ever since it's been going to shit.
      Very observant.

      • 6 months ago

        The issue wasn't the horse armor, it was the entire piece of shit called Oblivion, a game that only ruined its genre but turning every RPG into actionslop for a decade but i'd say represented the death of the gaming industry the best.

        • 6 months ago

          Exactly. The horse armor was the cherry on top. Oblivion was where you saw what audience they had in mind: consoletards and call of duty infants.

  62. 6 months ago

    APM autism.

  63. 6 months ago

    Just make Supreme commander 40k and it will fix everything

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        you sucken off a ork

  64. 6 months ago

    I feel like RTS was a pretty limited genre. Basically every strategies revolved around eco, rush, and turtle, and if you did the wrong one your opponent would basically always win.
    So isn't RTS just a fancy version of rock-paper-scissors?

    • 6 months ago

      >So isn't RTS just a fancy version of rock-paper-scissors?
      RTS is clunky controls top down view action game.

  65. 6 months ago

    A mix of shit. EA acquiring Westwood, Blizzard getting high off their own farts after the lucky success of StarCraft, a massive shift in focus towards PvP (MOBAs), lack of native support for custom maps/modes etc. Playerbase moved on and even if there were gems released since and still are the genre itself is not recovering to peak popularity.
    EA feels extra nefarious for how quickly they abandoned every C&C title they released because they never became the next big esport games, especially Red Alert 3. But to give them credit where it's due, Generals/Zero Hour is like the best thing they ever made even tho it runs like shit in multiplayer.

  66. 6 months ago

    I'm so used to arena shooter gays having a meltdown whenever they're asked why their old genre is dead, that entering a RTS thread and not seeing the same thing actually caught me by surprise.

    • 6 months ago

      Because (real) RTS players actually play their games and don't give a shit about how popular and populated those games are. There will be always a core community sharing their niche and no, none of them cares about shitty single player C&C/AoE clones flopping
      That's the equivalent of saying "why don't chess players care that chess is dead" it isn't and none of them cares rehashes of solitaire are flopping

  67. 6 months ago

    No lose hope brother, manor lord will save rts

    • 6 months ago

      That's a city builder

      • 6 months ago

        >You strategies in real time
        Same thing

  68. 6 months ago

    I know majority people hate rts but for some reason i love this genre so much, it reminds me of my childhood when i used to make imagery kingdom and wage wars
    I hope someday we get a deep rts game

    • 6 months ago

      I replay RTS campaigns all the time, it's fun to try to use the shit units

  69. 6 months ago


  70. 6 months ago

    EA and Activision "Blizzard"

  71. 6 months ago

    RTS wasn't murdered, interest just faded (in anything except for AoE2 and StarCraft)
    You must remember, initially most titles were "AoE but with X gimmick" or "AoE but in Y setting / aesthetic" with some exceptions, that held true for the whole genre.
    People get kind of bored of an endless stream of this after a while. It's the same with FPS. It's not the king of the scene that it once was either (but still thriving of course).

    Big deal for RTS though was 2008 when PC gaming was basically declared dead as consoles were outpacing it + economic uncertainty doing its thing.
    When MOBA showed that it was still alive and worth investing in beyond just ports, mobile gaming was taking off and sadly that's just not a platform that RTS works well on, same as console.

    Why make a game that only works on one platform, when you can make one for several, some with even larger customer bases? And that's why you had so many forgettable Kickstarter RTS titles, only people willing to throw money at it was RTS fans themselves (who happen to browse KS) and not investors and publishers with actual money. And sadly the people willing to MAKE the games hadn't worked on RTS games in ages, or never had. Then you have all the usual KS issues on top of that.

    And when you have a bunch of new RTS games doing poorly, it only further signals that people don't want RTS games, which of course is false. They just want GOOD games, not shoddy rushed products done on a paperclip budget.
    Not to mention Kickstarter games have zero marketing budget. The only one I can even remember by name still is Grey Goo. And I guess Northgard if that was KS initially, not sure, good shit though.

    • 6 months ago

      your point about platform dependency is probably over half the story

    • 6 months ago

      I know the exact moment. It was when they released bastardized abomination called SupCom2 on consoles.

  72. 6 months ago

    Rts is a niche genre and gaming industry is all about making billions which cannot be possible by rts games

  73. 6 months ago

    Why the frick do so many RTS games have such a zoomed in camera. Even when you pull out to max, it's still usually relatively scrunched in. All RTS games should allow you to fully zoom out to a bird's eye view and then zoom in at any point. There's little reason not to, beyond belief the artificial limitation of such things promote multi-tasking and the mechanical difficult of APM + Camera Groups, which is GAY with a capital G-G-G-asiatic.

    I've heard a couple of games does have that, but frick you, ALL OF THEM should have it. If they did, I'd play them all the time.

    • 6 months ago

      supcom and BAR are both great

    • 6 months ago

      >Why the frick do so many RTS games have such a zoomed in camera.
      Because core of the RTS design is artificial difficulty.

    • 6 months ago

      what's the point of zooming out so far that your units look like dots when there's a minimap in the corner of the screen that gives this view all the time?

      • 6 months ago

        More precise orders which can be important in games with huge maps. In supcom you wouldn't want to tell your dropships to deliver units into what turns out to be the enemy turret radius.
        99% of games don't need it but bigger ones like supcom/homeworld did.

        • 6 months ago

          but how can it be precise when everything is tiny? if you need a big picture look at the minimap. if you need precision move your screen.

          • 6 months ago

            Try playing games

            • 6 months ago

              I do though

              The ability to dictate orders from such a perspective and usually better legibility than minimaps provide. Like a fully pulled out, bird's eye wouldn't necessarily be from space and turn them into dots, based on the size of the map. Plus you get all the zooming out up to that point, which would be nice.

              it's just a useless feature for people who play rts wrong. if you are zoomed out looking at the whole map then you are falling behind on things you need actual precision for.

              asiaticclick and fast apm rotte execution of precalculated builds while multitasking micro of units makes the RTS games devoid of strategy.
              Whats a strategy game devoid of strategy? Nothing.

              what is strategy according to you?

              • 6 months ago

                Have fun coming out of hyperspace without zooming out, zoomer.

              • 6 months ago

                How about I come out of your ass, gayot

              • 6 months ago

                >if you are zoomed out looking at the whole map then you are falling behind on things you need actual precision for.
                Sounds like if YOU are zoomed out then YOU fall behind because YOU can't be as precise, but some people aren't as bad at RTS games as YOU are. I bet you're only half-Korean.

      • 6 months ago

        The ability to dictate orders from such a perspective and usually better legibility than minimaps provide. Like a fully pulled out, bird's eye wouldn't necessarily be from space and turn them into dots, based on the size of the map. Plus you get all the zooming out up to that point, which would be nice.

    • 6 months ago

      >All RTS games should allow you to fully zoom out to a bird's eye view and then zoom in at any point. There's little reason not to,
      It makes having a big monitor an advantage in PvP.

    • 6 months ago

      Because sometimes you need acuuracy and precision on where to click

    • 6 months ago

      There are many reasons actually
      >Being zoomed out so you can't see what any of the buildings makes the game unappealing to watch, which is important when the game wants a spectator audience
      >Unit readability goes down the more you zoom out which can be frustrating
      >Related, if you can zoom out as much as you want, then playing on a laptop objectively a downside compared to playing on a huge 4k monitor, increasing the barrier to entry
      >Games usually put a lot of time into art direction which goes completely wasted if you're so zoomed out that you can't appreciate it
      And that's not even mentioning the "artificial" difficulty of the games being designed around dividing your attention between different things

      • 6 months ago

        >then playing on a laptop objectively a downside

        • 6 months ago

          It might be Good. for you but it's not good for selling the game which is what actually influences decisions like that

          • 6 months ago

            >RTS Games

  74. 6 months ago

    I like gimmick factions.
    Been waiting for another factions that's as soulful as the zerg and how they spread across the map

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        Reminds me of that game where you play as a blob faction. What the frick was it called

        • 6 months ago

          Did not delivery on being a grey goo.

        • 6 months ago

          Grey Goo?

      • 6 months ago

        Literally Harkonnen vs Atreides vs Ordos. It's funny how they kept this dynamic for all of C&C

  75. 6 months ago

    I like rts but playing them on pc is so boring, i wish we get more rts on mobile

  76. 6 months ago

    units with experience points, cooldowns

  77. 6 months ago

    where's my sequel

  78. 6 months ago

    Its not dead at all, I play aoe every day along with tens of thousands of other players. You don't need a million concurrent players and 10 new releases a year to not be dead

    • 6 months ago

      You need to it for developers making new games. If no-one bothers making new games its dead genre, genre not worth making games.

      • 6 months ago

        Developers are making new RTS games all the time, but the genre classics are so good its hard for new ones to catch on. You guys don't know shit about dead genres. There are less than a thousand people across every quake and UT title at any given time, thats what a dead genre looks like. Meanwhile aoe2 and 4 have 20k+ concurrent players each on steam alone, id fricking kill for quake to get those numbers

        • 6 months ago

          >There are less than a thousand people across every quake and UT title at any given time, thats what a dead genre looks like
          Fortnite has 200 milions (!) active users.

          • 6 months ago

            This is exactly what I'm talking about, your perspective on what makes a game dead is hopelessly warped because you play nothing but free dogshit normie games for children with 500k+ players. 5-10k is perfectly healthy for most multiplayer games

            • 6 months ago

              >5-10k is perfectly healthy for most multiplayer games
              It's not healthy to start development of anything but indie games.
              >where are muh RTD games!
              >ahy no one makes RTS games?!
              You don't play them. No money no work.

              • 6 months ago

                I don't give a shit about new releases, ill just play aoe2 for another few decades along with thousands of other people. It's a not a dead genre its a solved genre, the pinnacle has been reached. Once you make something like Chess there's no need for a Chess 2

              • 6 months ago

                >It's a not a dead genre its a solved genre, the pinnacle has been reached.
                Holy cope.
                Solved genre is Counter Strike where milion players play essentially the same game for 20 years. RatSare dead genre.

              • 6 months ago

                Its also a f2p game for braindead morons and children. Deep complex strategy games will never reach critical mass with normies and they don't need to, as I said 20k+ players is perfectly healthy for games that aren't fricking fortnite

  79. 6 months ago

    What morons and publishers (so also morons) think RTS players want: to win online matches vs xxdarksephirothxx on painfully symmetrical maps in "balanced" matches

    What RTS players actually want: to serve Kane and destroy more African villages

    • 6 months ago

      God i hate that faction and it can all be summed up in one word NEST

      • 6 months ago

        >God i hate that faction and it can all be summed up in one word WOMEN

    • 6 months ago

      I just want to put dudes up on walls and slaughter wave after wave of attackers. pic related and stronghold are my goto picks for that.

      • 6 months ago

        This type of gameplay went into games like Vampire Survivors and its clones and tower defense games. Yeah, it's a shame.

    • 6 months ago

      >destroy more African villages
      Nice try GDI shill, we both know who actually does that

      • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      >lights turn on at night

      This is the shit I miss. Little touches to the game.

      • 6 months ago

        What's better is that they don't turn on at the same time

  80. 6 months ago

    heard company of heroes 3 sucks, seems to be true going by the mid reviews.

    • 6 months ago

      It's slowly being improved, it just came out half baked

  81. 6 months ago

    >muh asiaticclick
    if you can type 60 wpm that's over 200 apm, which is enough to play any rts competently and at a pro level in most of them. the reality is that it isn't your hands that can't keep up, it is your brain. if you actually had a plan you would be executing it and the actions would come as a matter of course. you don't know what you should be doing though so you just sit there watching the screen and pretend that you only lost because the other guy was clicking faster, not because he actually had a plan and knew what needed to be done to carry it out.

    • 6 months ago

      Somebody translate this rumble from asiaticclicking please.

      • 6 months ago

        your opponent:
        >this map has a short rush distance and I don't want to all in so I will scout early so I don't lose to an all in
        >if I see my opponent is not going for an early attack I will try for a timing attack that will hit before he can get key defensive units out
        >I need to keep making workers so I have enough resources to afford everything and my tech building needs to be done by 8:00

        >hmmmmm what single unit composition should I go for this game?
        >the most expensive one of course because it has no counters
        >my opponent will never see it coming
        >of course I will do it all off one base since it makes it easier to defend with my static defense
        >wtf why are you attacking me already (12:00 into the game)
        >fricking asiaticclick

    • 6 months ago

      Now this would maybe make sense if rts genre wasnt dead. But rts genre is dead so that trumps your attempt at cope.

    • 6 months ago

      >if you can type 60 wpm that's over 200 apm, which is enough to play any rts competently and at a pro level in most of them. the reality is that
      nobody gives a shit
      People don't care about getting rank in rts games. It simply isn't interesting. Get that through your fricking skull.

  82. 6 months ago


  83. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      >Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning.
      >Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler.
      >By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water.
      >The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew

  84. 6 months ago

    I don't know, I feel like it's a genre where you have more fun the less you know how to play them. I don't want to learn a "proper build order" with timings, carefully building walls with buildings and then getting mad because you misplaced something by 1 tile is not fun.

  85. 6 months ago

    A man has been asiaticclicking for decades.
    This is what happened to his brain

    Don't be a asiaticclicker.

  86. 6 months ago

    genre was only viable when there was absolutely nothing else to do on PCs

  87. 6 months ago

    tryhards made it boring because one or three strategies were simply 1000% superior than anyting else.

    In other words, "the meta" turned RTS games boring like chess

  88. 6 months ago

    i remember the first time someone micro'd their archers away from me in aoe2. i said "wtf thats gay" and resigned so i could play against someone less autistic. i just build armys and clicked "go here", i imagine thats what a lot of people did. theres strategy in what to build, where to attack, timings, economy balance, etc, but i never wanted to rapidly spamclick my army back and forth over 2 tiles

  89. 6 months ago

    Is there any rts on mobiles?

  90. 6 months ago

    The over focus on simplified 'streamlined' mechanics.
    The lack of focus on single player content / story. Regardless of what you think of story in video games the stories and singleplayer content of RTS games is where most people spend their time.
    Hardcore gaming doesn't attract an audience outside of FPS, nobody outside autists wants to waste 50-100+ hours just to "get good" where you won't be curbstomped by some tryhard homosexual online.

  91. 6 months ago

    Yes. I only play single player campaign mode on hardest difficulty and then I uninstall the game.

  92. 6 months ago

    I only play platformers

  93. 6 months ago

    MOBAs and catering to the min/max win-at-all-coast macro-micro try hard crowd.

    Normies don’t want to muddle through hundreds of hours of game time just to be competent. (Same why fighting games are for smelly dorks)

  94. 6 months ago

    >what murdered the RTS genre?

    EA did when they bought out Westwood. They tried to revive it but then decided it was too hard so they took it out with a shotgun and shot it through the head when they made C&C4. Which they took out base building completely in that game for no good reason.

  95. 6 months ago

    The ease at which it is to make your own standalone game. This killed custom game maps and thus 90% of the player base.

  96. 6 months ago

    asiaticclickers will never understand how anyone could play AoM, Stronghold, RA2 and so on completely offline and still had a huge blast.
    They don't belong.

  97. 6 months ago

    threadly reminder there a man with no hands who plays sc2 with his elbow stump and a chopstick. he is platinum which puts him roughly better than 60% of sc2 players and 95% of this thread.
    casuls ITT would get bodied by the handicap

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        i dont speak casul

        • 6 months ago

          Funny how with every post you prove you don't belong.

    • 6 months ago

      Got a link for this guy? I wanna see how he does it.

  98. 6 months ago

    It was always a fad.

  99. 6 months ago

    No APM
    No build orders
    Not a asiatic click

    Come home white man

    • 6 months ago

      >No APM
      Then it's not Real Time.

    • 6 months ago

      you could just read about this game on a sheet of paper and get the same experience

    • 6 months ago

      Best chat

  100. 6 months ago

    >Age of Empires 4
    >Dawn of War 3
    >Company of Heroes 3
    >Empire Earth 3
    >Rise of Series
    >Age of Mythology
    Shit remake inbound
    >Command And Conquer 4
    >Total War
    Dying and deserves it
    >Evil Genius 2
    >Latest Stronghold

    As for others like RUSE, Wargame and Starcraft, I don't know, but your main titles have all died or turned to complete shit.
    It really damages peoples love for the style, for example, imagine if Call of Duty, Halo or Fable turned to shit.
    Oh wait...

    • 6 months ago

      Another one for the list
      >Battle for Middle Earth 3
      Never happening and that's good, otherwise we'll get rangz o powah middle earth
      >Star Wars Empire at War 2
      Same same

      • 6 months ago

        >Never happening and that's good, otherwise we'll get rangz o powah middle earth
        rent free

        • 6 months ago

          He is right and you are a Hollywood enabler.

    • 6 months ago

      Play Sins of the Solar Empire 2

      • 6 months ago

        >epic exclusive
        easy way to kill your game right there
        shame because i loved the first one.

      • 6 months ago

        Should I really start with the second instalment?

      • 6 months ago

        There's a 2nd one?
        >ebin store exclusive
        oh nvm

    • 6 months ago

      >Supreme Commander FAF
      >Age of Empires 2 Definitive
      >Age of Empires 4
      >Company of Heroes 2
      >Zero K
      >C&C Generals Evolution
      all very much alive

  101. 6 months ago

    games that are actually fun to play.

  102. 6 months ago

    Tank health bar

  103. 6 months ago

    the genre diverged into MOBA (simple) and Grand Strategy (complex). RTS was inbetween awkward

    • 6 months ago

      moba doesn't offer anything that made rts good

      • 6 months ago

        MOBAs offers RTS experience without bad part.

        • 6 months ago

          I had a "friend" once who thought like this. He was a mouthbreather.

        • 6 months ago

          It offers nothing of RTS.

          • 6 months ago

            First MOBA was literally mod for WC3 RTS.

            • 6 months ago

              There were Brood War MOBAs actually

            • 6 months ago

              >modded out the rts
              Yes, and?

            • 6 months ago

              >bro it's a custom map in an RTS that means it's RTS!!!
              There was also a 3rd-person shooter mod. Is Gears of War an RTS now?

            • 6 months ago

              There were Brood War MOBAs actually

              Move aside, peasants

              • 6 months ago

                footgays get out

          • 6 months ago

            Dota allows you to micro multiple units (although they're streamlining it and removing these features further and further), you're thinking of braindead dogshit like lol or smite

        • 6 months ago

          bullshit, assgayots is just diablo ctf

    • 6 months ago

      Grand strategy

  104. 6 months ago

    It's just impossible to do strategy well. Look at real life, for example the Napoleonic wars. You got basic units, dudes with guns, big guns, dudes on horses etc etc. You could distill the war into three or four different units. Now look at games about Napoleonic wars, you got like 50+ different units that do the same shit just little differently.

    You could have strategy with just three different unit types but people don't like thinking. Guess what people like? Build orders, APM and all that shit that takes thinking away

  105. 6 months ago

    Here's a wild theory, Factorio and automation games with combat took players out of RTS games too. Since a lot of people liked the building aspect of games like Tiberian Sun but with the combat I'd argue that this autism is better filled with a game that is dedicated to the building aspect.

    Did any of you actually made this jump?

    • 6 months ago

      >installing AAI Vehicles and A-moving a bunch of tanks into the biter nests
      Hell yeah, that's the true RTS experience

    • 6 months ago

      To me it's more from the Transport Tycoon lineage.

  106. 6 months ago

    >No clear avenue for microtransactions
    Everything else is cope. This is it in a nutshell. RTS cannot sell skins, DLC characters, emotes, battlepasses, gatcha waifus, or meme pets. It cannot do a progression system to hook morons who physically cannot play a game that doesn't have one. All it can do is try to sell announcers, maps, and expansions.

    Like it or not that is the kiss of death in the modern multiplayer game landscape.

    • 6 months ago

      >RTS cannot sell skins, DLC characters, emotes, battlepasses, gatcha waifus, or meme pets
      Does asiaticclicking damage brain? Looking at takes like that you can surely tell: it does!

    • 6 months ago

      CoH2&3 show that there is place for it.
      They way AoE3 was resurrected to sell new races as DLC as well.
      The problem is that almost no one trusts companies to not go mad with power for money in RTS setting.

      I think that koreans sleep on a great idea to make waifu commander gacha for a F2P RTS. Essentially what Generals 2 was trying to do.

      • 6 months ago

        >I think that koreans sleep on a great idea to make waifu commander gacha for a F2P RTS
        It is somewhat surprising they've never tried this when you put it like that.

        • 6 months ago

          Don't fricking tell them, or they will

  107. 6 months ago

    >W3 custom games scene will never come back

    • 6 months ago


  108. 6 months ago

    Bullshit, you can just take the approach Dota 2 did and push for everything that isn't gameplay.

  109. 6 months ago

    Nothing killed them. They are still popular today and you can find a game online in 5 seconds after opening the lobby browser.

    The problem with RTS games is that they peaked super early. Warcraft 3, Age of Mythology, Age of Empires 2, Starcraft 2. Those are all perfect games. Why the frick would anyone buy a new game in 2023 when those games still exist and he can play them instead?
    Not getting new games made doesn't make a genre dead.

  110. 6 months ago

    Definitely taking it too seriously and making it overly competitive. They may have gotten a huge surge in sales marketing from competitive nonsense, but it would have been a longer lasting, healthier genre if it focused more on pandering to people who like campaigns, mods, and turtling instead of following build order and stale symmetrical maps.

    • 6 months ago

      Definitely this, AoE used to be a game for nerds who were curious about history and battles, even my father got hooked after seeing the historical campaigns. Treating the game as a form of sport completely put off all these people.

    • 6 months ago

      Definitely this, AoE used to be a game for nerds who were curious about history and battles, even my father got hooked after seeing the historical campaigns. Treating the game as a form of sport completely put off all these people.

      RTS used to be a fun time, where you get to enjoy campaigns and then mess around with your friends in multiplayer, playing randomly generated maps where you have to scout and adapt to the terrain, the strategies were what ever you made up.
      now its sterile esports shit, units are symmetrical, maps are sterile and symmetrical, less procedurally generated maps because got to keep it symmetrical and fair
      Look at tiberian sun, red alert 2, tiberiumwars/kanes wrath.

      In fact if there is ONE RTS I would play right now, is kanes wrath

  111. 6 months ago

    I just keep coming back to the original Dawn of War every year bros

  112. 6 months ago

    Touhou empires is the only anime RTS I can think of and it's just AoE but 2hu

    • 6 months ago

      Dora Dora Island

  113. 6 months ago

    Ultimately consoles.
    You simply cannot play RTS games with a gaypad(nor can they be dumbed down like FPS for the plebs).
    The developer would rather make another third person shooter to milk both console and PC players instead of trying to pander to RTS players with high standards.

    • 6 months ago

      MOBAs and Grand Strategies exist and neither is played on console expect a shitty port here and there.

      • 6 months ago

        Even MOBAs still require some micro control over your character which is practically impossible to do with a gamepad.

        But rts flourished whe consoles had a larger share of the market.

        The actual commercialization of the gaming market happened later. Around PS3 release. The suits came and decided that RTS are not profitable enough. You can actually notice how gaming overall started going to shit around that time, tho the process took some time.

    • 6 months ago

      But rts flourished whe consoles had a larger share of the market.

    • 6 months ago

      The answer is somewhere in there. RTS died the moment PC gaming died, in the mid 2000's. There was stupid shit like limited installs on Red Alert 3. Then you had cancer like MTX and Steam only games which they couldn't make work with RTS (see Generals 2)

      • 6 months ago

        The last actual big dick PC exclusive that ironically killed PC exclusivity as a whole was Crysis. We both know why.

  114. 6 months ago

    Micro killed it. It stopped being about strategy and became about reaction times. If I want to reaction time I'll play a fighting or action game ffs

  115. 6 months ago

    What's with all the trannies and soihomosexuals not liking goocklickers? Go choke on a MOBA game you gigantic homosexuals

    • 6 months ago

      Your shitty made up term isn't sticking, homosexual. Try again.

  116. 6 months ago

    Didn't Dungeons 4 just come out? There are still RTS games releasing.

  117. 6 months ago

    > Beyond all Reason not mentioned at least once

    you guys killed it

    • 6 months ago

      you missed my post

    • 6 months ago

      ctrl+f BAR moron

  118. 6 months ago

    I wonder how much every CnC game past Kanes Wrath contributed. I knew a decent amount of dudes who only liked that series, then when CnC 4 came out it completely destroyed all interest in the genre, a few people tried to go to SC but hated it.

    • 6 months ago

      we dont talk about them

  119. 6 months ago

    People looking up build orders so they can autistically optimise the fun out of the game and crush anyone new to the game. New players are faced with either memorising build orders (boring) or finding a new game that isn't full of sperglords (wise).

    • 6 months ago

      >memorising build orders
      Rigid build orders are the white supremacy of RTS.
      Not real and a cope used by low IQs that do not understand the mechanics happening under the hood.

      • 6 months ago

        Okay are you going to seriously tell me there's NOT an optimal way to do things and the sperglords playing AOE2 for 20 years aren't doing that exact thing to get to end game quicker? Are you really going to try sell that lie?

        • 6 months ago

          You're not a top 1% player.

          • 6 months ago

            I'm telling you when there's like 200 active players in a RTS you come across that "top 1%" in your average game and get raped. This is not going to keep people around when they can't grow and are just getting relentlessly fricked for 100 games with no recourse but to look up build orders just to even keep up. It's no mystery why they died.

            • 6 months ago

              That is essentially any old game with high skill roof.
              What you want is Imagine Babies of RTS where everybody is equal or its all a RNG toss.

            • 6 months ago

              There are 20k+ players each in aoe2 and 4, not 200. They have sbmm and you can find a game against players of any skill level any time of day. I don't autistically memorize build orders or asiatic micro, I'm a sub 1k elo shitter and I have fun close matches all the time. You guys assume the genre is dead because you personally don't play it and know nothing about it

              • 6 months ago

                people just smurf lmao

              • 6 months ago

                This lol

              • 6 months ago

                This lol

                Thats true for any sbmm, but it doesn't seem that prevalent in aoe in comparison to smurfing in more popular f2p slop games. I do wish they would make rules against it and enforce it since streamers do it openly, but in my several hundred low elo matches I only suspected a couple people of it

        • 6 months ago

          Those build orders will mean nothing unless you know why are they like this in first place.
          One patch and it all changes.
          Any game with non-random numbers can be solved, but before you get to that point you will have to battle million midwits going all cheese, and then you will face people that need 4 units of X and 2 units of Y to solve their opening Z, since mechanically you will be equals.

  120. 6 months ago

    People stopped appreciating how much skill this genre takes.

  121. 6 months ago

    Mobas maybe. Maybe a hyper focus on esports.

  122. 6 months ago

    2150 remaster when

  123. 6 months ago

    Funnily enough just loaded up cnc remastered, never played the og and turns out its fricking shit. Why did they not remaster tiberian sun and red alert 2?

  124. 6 months ago

    someone post the webm of Kane dancing

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        I love this homie, I wonder what is he up to these days

        • 6 months ago

          Being a prophet.
          >They see a scientific anomaly, a curiosity. I see the future. In their stubborn ignorance, they continue to try and forestall this future.

  125. 6 months ago

    RTS was never a super profitable genre to begin with, aside from a few outliers. so with the advent of HD graphics ballooning the shit out of development budgets, RTS as a genre stopped being viable.
    Basically it's just another victim of graphicsgays.

  126. 6 months ago

    Is it over Yuri?

    • 6 months ago


  127. 6 months ago

    Even when asiaticclick 2 released most people didn't start making build orders or training their APM. They dove straight into the campaign to see what happens with Jim and Kerrigan.
    Too bad it was shit.

    • 6 months ago

      the campaign was that bad?

      • 6 months ago

        The campaign itself was fine, each mission had its own gimmcks, there were some branching paths here and there but the story of Jim & Kerrigan was absolutew dogshit and went against everything you saw in SC1 and BW.

        • 6 months ago

          i guess i shouldn't play it then. i really detest it when sequels ruin everything.

        • 6 months ago

          WoTL was just the begining. Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void went wild in dragging the story through the mud.

        • 6 months ago

          I'd say WoL was very good until Zeratul appeared and started spewing that prophecy bullshit which fricked the lore completely up.

        • 6 months ago

          Seeing how your regular units get more and more overpowered with upgrades over the length of the campaign is nice too

          Think that sorta carried over to coop

      • 6 months ago

        the overarching story is garbage; the missions are pretty good even if they all have a gimmick. There's cool missions like the planet getting hit by a solar flare or the tug of war protoss fight. But having the games boil down to everyone fights sargeras squid monster rather than the political mess that was BW is incredibly disappointing.

  128. 6 months ago

    Also even RTS used to have waifus

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        >NOD femoids are all moronic

        • 6 months ago

          Not Oxanna, TibWars Noddy girls were though.

        • 6 months ago

          If you're a 184cm evil zealot woman I don't care if you're moronic or not.

  129. 6 months ago

    Wish 2150 had more missions for final days

  130. 6 months ago

    Over saturation of the market, and the genre is mid to begin with. Essentially the 90's video game genre equivalent of a fondue maker.

  131. 6 months ago

    Personally I'm looking forward to DORF


    • 6 months ago

      Looks soulful.

    • 6 months ago

      looks interesting

    • 6 months ago

      >german cartoon style

  132. 6 months ago

    is bloons tower defense an RTS?

    • 6 months ago

      no it's a tower defense game

      • 6 months ago

        why not both?
        the game plays out and can be managed in real time, you have a strategy, there's both macro and micro, you can asiaticclick

        • 6 months ago

          it's a tower defense game

          • 6 months ago

            Tower Defense/RTS(?)

            • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                homie i'm trying to get you to EXPLAIN

              • 6 months ago

                there's nothing to explain

              • 6 months ago

                i made some arguments for it (

                why not both?
                the game plays out and can be managed in real time, you have a strategy, there's both macro and micro, you can asiaticclick

                explain why those arguments are wrong if you can then

              • 6 months ago

                it's a tower defense game

              • 6 months ago

                you're a moron

        • 6 months ago

          RTS basically just means a Dune 2 like.

  133. 6 months ago

    Warcraft 3. With it came mobas etc. Now everyone wanted activ abilities for units etc.
    They also killed it themselves like they did with C&C 4.

  134. 6 months ago

    Blizzard making an extremely high profile one and doing a really bad job of it.

  135. 6 months ago

    consolegay pandering

    • 6 months ago

      Supcom 2 was also released on the 360. No wonder everything got scaled down

  136. 6 months ago

    it wasn't about strategy but who could click faster

    • 6 months ago

      Dude 90% of clicks that top Starcraft players do is just them keeping their hands moving doing idle shit. It takes very few "clicks" to actually play well. You're just coping at how bad you are.

    • 6 months ago

      Top players have gotten to Master while forcing their APM to stay under 60

    • 6 months ago

      It's sad how true this is. SC2 actually removed autocast from Zerg Queens because asiatic playtesters complained about it reducing the APM requirements of the game.

  137. 6 months ago

    lack of a functional tutorial for any title ever

  138. 6 months ago

    Nobody wants to accept this, but SC2.
    Turned a casual campaign focused genre into tryhard sweatfests that killed every non-koreans interest in the genre. Every new RTS that crops up falls into this same trap and tries to make the game "competitive" because that's what everyone thinks RTS is now.

    • 6 months ago

      SC2's campaign is still pretty good though, the missions are well designed and force you to play in a variety of different ways. The writing is horrible and it frequently falls back on some form of time limit to keep you moving, but those are the only real issues with it.

    • 6 months ago

      >Nobody wants to accept this, but SC2.
      Because they'd be wrong.
      Sc2 has tons of casual options for the non-competitive type.
      >Great campaign
      >Co-op commanders
      >Custom games
      You gays are so moronic and will tell everyone how moronic you are just to fit in.

      • 6 months ago

        Irrelevant. SC2 is synonymous with competitive play and it rubbed off on the genera at large.

        • 6 months ago

          Just because you say something is irrelevant doesn't make it so.
          Just because you're not part of the players that enjoy campaigns, co-op-mode or custom games doesn't mean those players don't exist.
          You need to understand that just because YOU don't play something, doesn't mean that anyone aren't playing them. You mingle with morons who think Sc2 is competitive only, so that's your understanding. It is wrong.

          • 6 months ago

            Facts hurt my dude. Don't tie your personal feelings with a video game.

            • 6 months ago

              Go ahead. Explain. Who is this "genera at large"?

    • 6 months ago

      SC2 was not competitive, that was broodwar.

    • 6 months ago

      They hated him for he spoke the truth.

      • 6 months ago

        It's not even true because AoE2's playerbase is the only one that's thriving, and solely thanks to its competitive scene.

        • 6 months ago

          >competitive scene

    • 6 months ago

      Wings of Liberty was great, even outside of it's multiplayer- Which was frickin' amazing at the time. The issue came around when Heart of the Swarm released, where the story went to shit and the expac gave some of the most cancerous units that it killed any casual interest very quickly. (Seriously, watch any HotS game with Zerg or Protoss- You'll see the issue with Swarm Hosts and Mothership cores; the latter of which was removed for being too much of a pain to deal with.)

      >Nobody wants to accept this, but SC2.
      Because they'd be wrong.
      Sc2 has tons of casual options for the non-competitive type.
      >Great campaign
      >Co-op commanders
      >Custom games
      You gays are so moronic and will tell everyone how moronic you are just to fit in.

      Co-Op was an afterthought, I vividly remember LotV shilling Archon mode like it was the next big thing; then it came out and it was dogshit.(Just like the rest of the expac!)

      • 6 months ago

        Co-op might've been an afterthought but it's the most popular mode

  139. 6 months ago

    The wider issue is that most people don't have a clue what "strategy" actually is. Effective strategy isn't some convoluted plan that requires your opponent to make anticipated mistakes, effective strategy is just constantly putting yourself in the best position to take advantage of any mistakes that arise. So much of chess is about controlling the centre of the board, and that's all because the centre is the best place to take advantage of anything that comes up from. Likewise in Starcraft, the best way to punish your opponent's mistakes is to always have the largest possible economy/army.

  140. 6 months ago

    Zooms, they only know how to use their parent's credit card and buy another skin for their fortnite like slop. RTS genre is simply too hard for *modern audiences*

  141. 6 months ago

    earth 2150 was based, are there any other RTS games that have an underground layer like that?

    • 6 months ago

      Metal Fatigue

  142. 6 months ago

    Out of all the popular but "obscure" competitive genres/games that require esoteric knowledge, RTS players always have the biggest chip on their shoulders and its ridiculous. Fighting game players, AFPS duelists, MOBAgays, all of them accept their game isn't for "everyone" but RTSgays always act like there's some crime being committed or greater conspiracy against their favorite genre.

    • 6 months ago

      >but RTSgays always act like there's some crime being committed or greater conspiracy against their favorite genre.
      Because there is.
      We have you Black folk constantly declare our genre dead just because it's not pulling fortnite numbers.
      Doesn't help that we RTS players absolutely mogs you casual babs in terms in intelligence, so it's no wonder we're getting sick of tard-wrangling you drooling morons thread after thread.

      • 6 months ago

        how is the phrasing "popular but obscure" calling something dead? When did I say something not pulling fortnite numbers is dead" Why are you attributing an argument to me I didn't make? You're honestly just proving my point, you have too much of a victim complex.

        • 6 months ago

          You made general statements and I made general statements. Yet here you are acting like I'm addressing you personally.
          There's that mental midget thing I was talking about.

          • 6 months ago

            I'm not sure you know what the word "you" means. Is English your second language?

            • 6 months ago

              Is yours?
              See that's the funny thing about english. "You" is not restricted to meaning singular.

            • 6 months ago

              >doubles down
              take the L dude

  143. 6 months ago

    Competqrive play. Most people just want to make a city and frick around instead of learning hot keys and tech trees.

  144. 6 months ago

    Good RTS campaigns are too costly to make and there is no hype about it (high risk for investment). People who say that SC2 killed RTS or any other game are stupis morons that never bothered to do something more than shitpost. E-Sports didn't kill RTS or any multiplayer bullshit, RTS died for the same reason quests, collectathon platformers, rhythm games died

  145. 6 months ago

    Not enough wood and comfy economic campaigns

    • 6 months ago

      Maybe i'm the minority but I hate economy objectives in games.

      • 6 months ago

        Understandable in most combat focused RTS games, where you have like 2 to 4 resources, but I enjoyed it in a game like Stronghold where economy is half the game.

  146. 6 months ago

    >Earth 2150
    Aw shit, this brings me back. Might try to pick it back up and see if I can still make it work on modern windows.

    • 6 months ago

      Game works fine on Win10, if you want better resolution then use dgvoodoo2

  147. 6 months ago

    EARTH 2150 had so many TECHNOLOGY moments it was crazy

    >weather actually matters as rain and snow not only effect the terrain but your units/vehicles as well
    >like laser weapons get less effective as things take longer to heat up
    >but when the atmosphere gets warmer laser actually become way more effective
    >all those unit customization options
    >being able to build tunnels and send your units through those tunnels for surprise attacks
    >again: terrain actually matters so you can use hills and uneven ground to your advantage and protect yourself from missiles.
    >snow actually falls onto your units over time and you can see that
    >day and night cycles that actually matter - effecting your visuals and energy production

    I don't think i have played a game with more attention to detail.

  148. 6 months ago

    Which was the Earth game that had the morphing ayys?
    I thought that one was cool.

    • 6 months ago


  149. 6 months ago

    Warcraft III with the creation of MOBA and then SCII ruined a potential return of the genre, basically just blame blizzcucks.

    • 6 months ago

      Blizzard had nothing to do with DOTA's creation unless you wanna blame them for including the map editor.

      • 6 months ago

        The focus on hero units paved the way for ASShomosexualS. Where hero units used to just be some slightly stronger palette swap in campaign modes, WC3 made hero management integral to gameplay with powerful skills and items, which became the foundation for DOTA and its copycats.

    • 6 months ago

      I'll never understand how people keep praising Warcraft 3 as one of the best RTS games when the game itself is focused on managing individual units instead of actually working on, you know, strategies. And yeah then Starcraft 2 came and decided to be Warcraft 3 in space rather than an actual sequel to Starcraft.

  150. 6 months ago

    >Earth 2140 is a generic C&C ripoff
    >Earth 2150 has amazing TECHNOLOGY at every corner plus you get to play as the only guy in an all-female faction, not-America is run by a crazy AI and you can build giant robots AND the not-russian faction is basically a heavy industrialized Mongolia led by a Great Khan
    >Earth 2160 throws most of the cool shit 2150 did out of window and only gives you a shitty alien faction in return
    >Earth 2170 got cancelled because RTS are dead

    • 6 months ago

      >LC accidently blowing you up
      >Later they have to replace officers who want to snusnu you
      Yep, LC campaign was kino (even if sonic weaponry is dogshit)

  151. 6 months ago

    westwood by inventing tanya
    then blizzard invented kerrigan
    from there someone invented defense of the ancients
    this chain of events created moba

    and now no one play rts and everybody play moba

    • 6 months ago

      The fricks a moba?

      • 6 months ago

        Multiplayer online battle arena, I think

  152. 6 months ago

    People getting better options after the 90s

  153. 6 months ago

    Honestly 3D killed it.
    A game that's only played in 2d doesn't need 3D graphics. 3D only slows shit down, lowers the number of units/buildings you can have, shrinks its size and scale and lags the game for wanting to be fancy and impress consoomers with 3D.

  154. 6 months ago

    Blizzard with Starcraft 2 destroyed the custom game scene so fricking hard it never recovered.

    It's the most significant thing, I don't give a frick about your wrong opinions but this one thing is what broke it for years.

  155. 6 months ago

    Earth 2150 is also the rare case where the addons/expansions are actually decent.

    >Moon Project has you fighting on the Moon trying to take down the LC super weapon
    >Lost Souls is about the people being left behind on Earth trying their best to make the jump to Mars as well

    • 6 months ago

      Lost Souls problem(and I think some parts in vanilla) is that most of the missions have this moronic 'kill everything on the map and we do mean EVERYTHING lol' objective

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah it's definitely the weakest of the three games. Still decent though.

    • 6 months ago

      Polacks could make some good games.

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