What on earth was in the water when Starfield released? Every review was like picrel until the honeymoon phase was over.

What on earth was in the water when Starfield released?
Every review was like picrel until the honeymoon phase was over. I thought I was missing something because i thought it was complete shit and uninstalled after an hour

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >What on earth was in the water when Starfield released?

    • 4 weeks ago

      People need to get better at identifying shilling campaigns around here.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Shill campaigns aren't real and only alt-right chuds believe them. There's no way someone would pay money for internet praise.
        (This is what most of Ganker actually believes)

        • 4 weeks ago

          We should have gatekept better

        • 4 weeks ago

          You type with the victim complex of a woman.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Maybe on planet moron

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Shills got paid and the hype

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Gmanlives is an obvious industry plant and his videos being 99% shilling with the occasion extremely forced edgy joke to appear "legit" makes that very obvious.

    • 4 weeks ago

      But he continuously shits on triple A releases and praises garbage indies. I've been watching him for a long time, he mostly just gets hard for boomer shooters.

      • 4 weeks ago

        that scene of boomer shooters is a pretty big deal. i could see someone wanting to control the narrative of these games that often get picked up by AA studios

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Bethesda gave out shillbux to reviewers

  5. 4 weeks ago

    if you want to see proper video reviews you have to wait 10 years after the product released

    • 4 weeks ago

      The best reviewers don't get access to early review copies and they take their time doing their job properly.

      Unfortunately they also don't get millions of views.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Starfield Retrospective || 10 Years Later...
      >The Hidden Beauty of Starfield
      >In Defense of Starfield
      >Starfield is now BETTER THAN EVER (Review)

      • 4 weeks ago

        >"Starfield in 2034"
        >Thumbnail is a female astronaut with giant ass and tiddies

    • 4 weeks ago

      the sseth review is already good and properly shits on it

      • 4 weeks ago

        Sseth is in bed with trannies and troony supporters. I don't know how can you guys have the stomach to watch that humongous homosexual.
        Same with the homosexual of the Synthetic redditor, he will ban you from his streams if you talk shit of the homosexual community

        • 4 weeks ago

          THE homosexual COMMUNITY!?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah, gays and gays with alternative labels

        • 4 weeks ago

          why does coby G0Ldst31n love futanari?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >be some guy, streaming
          >some anon wanders in, starts complaining about homos
          >ban anon
          >"wtf, streamer guy loves homos"
          I'd ban you too anon
          you need to learn some social grace, right topic at the right time

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Starfield is better than you think!

    • 4 weeks ago

      is that because it takes them so long to edit the 1000 hour deep dive videos?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    This started way back in like 2020 were every youtuber started hemorrhaging viewers so they started praising slop. There's genuinely tons of "influencers" that know nothing about games despite that being how they got internet famous, so half of it is the desire to see their subscribers go up through promoting new content and the other half is just being moronic. But yeah most modern games are trash

    I found a good review on BG3 this way. This guy gave BG3 a 15/10 review before he had even finished it because he wanted to fit in, then kept playing the game and released another review saying it was shit

    Modern gaming is dead

    • 4 weeks ago

      dunno what some sloptubers opinion has to do with the state of gaming, perhaps you should play more games yourself instead of watching someone else play them

      • 4 weeks ago

        They praise slop because the industry is dead, being negative about the state of the industry kills their channels. Some major youtubers like act man were pretty negative about games from 2018-2020 then they collectively lowered their standards to try and regrow their channels with new games. Now he's back to saying the industry is dead 4 years later. They're all morons but yeah, the industry is dead

        • 4 weeks ago

          if the industry was dead, there wouldn't be any new games coming out

    • 4 weeks ago

      >This started way back in like 2020
      This has been a thing as long as reviewers realized they could get shit for free if they just gave games good scores.

      • 4 weeks ago

        No the collective "we need to shill all slop because our channels are dying" thing was in 2020 starting with elden ring

        • 4 weeks ago

          No, it started way earlier you fat fricking mongoloid. Get bent and paint your ceiling red.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Youtubers praising slop to save their channels started in 2020, it has never been this blatantly bad, because the industry is dead so they're walking on glass to try and keep their channels alive

        • 4 weeks ago

          >elden ring
          Are you actually moronic?

          • 4 weeks ago

            what came out in 2020? Oh yeah it was cyberpunk, the overly positive reviews and shilling of cyberpunk (which didn't even work) was the nail in the coffin

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yet you wrote elden ring, you dense homosexual

              • 4 weeks ago

                And? They're the exact same thing. Slop games that didn't work on release that youtubers shilled to get subscribers

    • 4 weeks ago

      The only youtube reviewer I take seriously is Mortismal and StratEdgy. Mort genuinely seems to try and find positives with every game, and even when he mentioned his Starfield videos were sponsored, he said enough to stave me off. Strat because I love to hear people rambling.

      I do watch every GMan and Jarked video because I am super nostalgic about every single early 2000s first person shooters.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The 2018-2020 industry crash and then subsequent "oh frick our channels are dying, shill everything!" turned me off of any sort of modern gaming related media forever

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah, Im not sure I go to them for informed opinions anymore, just its content I enjoy for the sake of it (talking endlessly about Half-Likes and cRPGs). Oh, and putting on four hour Zero Punctuation compilations for all the analogues. I never thought about it until the last few years, but he is one of the few that seems to be put care into the presentation. An example is the Sekiro one where he mentioned the chronological order of James Bond movies instead of "Dark Souls" just to avoid repeating the same words over and over. Then after I finished Lies of P I put on Iron Pineapples video and within the first five minutes the guy must've said "Dark Souls" and "Bloodborne" som fifty times.

          • 4 weeks ago

            yahtzee is really good at what he does. he's underappreciated imo

            • 4 weeks ago

              The commitment of putting out a snappy five minute video every single week for sixteen years, surviving two lable crashes under Escapist, and still coming up with new ideas, writing books and making games on the side (and having a wife and kids) is an impressive commitment.

              In my dreams I have enough money to buy the rights of Duke Nukem Forever and pay Yahtzee to finish that draft he made for it back in the day.

              • 4 weeks ago

                he's super talented imo. no idea why people on Ganker hate on the guy

    • 4 weeks ago

      I have no idea why people even watch Youtube for reviews anymore since that whole playform is designed for monetization. Youtubers are just going to do exactly what they planned to do, find a niche and sell the frick out.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Mentally ill trannies hate starfield which is why we see so much shitposting against it because it a mega successful good game that isn't woke.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Not woke

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Not woke

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Is it really that bad? Cause now it feels like we are in the "post-breakup" phase where everybody pretends it was worse than it was.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I pirated it and it plays better than Bethesdas previous games. Ganker hasn't even played the game to make up their own mind about it and they won't change their minds until some youtuber makes a video about it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >plays better than bethesda's previous games
        No it doesn't. Fallout games were dogshit but at least had more going on than the same flat fields with random copy-pasted outposts with the same few types of "spaceman with gun"

        Oh but I forgot, Starfield had a hole that is just there and serves literally no purpose, so it's the best game ever made.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You didn't play starfield. The gameplay is dramatically better than fallout 4 and 76 and a lot of gameplay systems are vastly improved over their previous games. The exploration does suck though but everyone else is objectively better.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Nuh-uh: The Post
            Any time one of you moronic shills says things like “X is objectively better,” you immediately expose yourselves because you donMt articulate what that fricking means. HOW is it “better,” you discount pajeet telemarketer?

            • 4 weeks ago

              Whatever troony, go consume your DEI troony slop while I enjoy starfield.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >he says as he plays a game made by a "very diverse team" where every npc is an abo and you pick up a "never apologize for being a fricking woman" mug

                I genuinely loved starslop. Just to be an astronaut in outer space with your own comfy starship. I love the fashion and guns and character costumization. I only did two questlines, the main quest and the cowboy rangers quedtline, and both were good. The mq has some surprisingly amazing moments especially regarding theology and the fight between science and religion.
                The gunplay is very satisfying. Loved blasting dudes with my double barrel and my revolver.

                Idk man it's something i always thought a lot about. Being lost in space in my comfy little starship. That alone was good enough for me, but i get it if you don't like it and want an rpg to sink thousands of hours into

                This has to be marketing because this post is extremely detached from what Starfield actually is and feels like someone's rose tinted memories of a mediocre game they played at some point in early childhood.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Hating something isn't a personality, anon.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Neither is consuming product and blind devotion to brands and corporations.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nah that sounds like someone who found the thing they liked about the game and did that and nothing else. There is some fun in building a ship and going to some far off nowhere and just farming whatever spawns there and then selling it all for no good reason and then doing it again. It's not deeply rewarding but its nice like levelling in a dead mmo is nice.

              • 4 weeks ago

                you are sucking off a worse no man's sky which is already a mediocre game itself. literally fricking have a nice day.

              • 4 weeks ago

                how is that lukewarm review sucking anything off moron

              • 4 weeks ago

                I wasn't looking for a game to absolutely blow my mind off, just a decent rpg that ticked off a few boxes i really like in a game
                It's just relaxed, mindless fun

              • 4 weeks ago

                >just turn your brain off!
                >i had a blast!

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You can't just have fun!!!!
                >you've gotta THINK!!!!

              • 4 weeks ago

                >this is someones adult male son saving grotesque images like this on his PC (bought by his parents)

              • 4 weeks ago

                >There is some fun in building a ship and going to some far off nowhere and just farming whatever spawns there and then selling it all for no good reason and then doing it again.
                If you have bottom barrel taste in games and don't play anything actually good,maybe.

                I wasn't looking for a game to absolutely blow my mind off, just a decent rpg that ticked off a few boxes i really like in a game
                It's just relaxed, mindless fun

                >it doesn't need to be good, just stop thinking!
                Do bethesda drones really?

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's good if you have fun

              • 4 weeks ago

                I can have fun playing games that aren't dogshit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm not convinced you can have fun at all.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Well if it's not your cup of tea then that's fine. We all have different tastes. For me, the ship building mechanic alone was good enough. I've spent dozens of hours on it

              • 4 weeks ago

                >we all have different tastes
                Yes, and your tastes are dogshit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >extremely detached from what Starfield actually is
                Like what exactly?

            • 4 weeks ago

              This. Its always empty praise or empty criticism. No one on this site has the coherence to actually pinpoint what they like/dont like without using recycled buzzwords and catch phrases.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >The gameplay is dramatically better than fallout 4 and 76
            Can you find a bar that isn't ground level?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I agree that the gameplay is better but I can't think of one system that improved on what they had before. At best you have crafting that is exactly the same or character progression which is differently mid.

          • 4 weeks ago

            it is literally exactly the same game as fallout 4 even down to not having equalized X/Y sensitivity in a fricking FPS without going into config files

            • 4 weeks ago

              you think starefield defenders are capable of understanding things like this? they're mentally handicapped. Every time you tell them something bad or that the game is mediocre at best, their brain collapses and nothing works. Here, take a look at this image. This is what a starefield defender will do. they will literally play this game for a thousand hours and act like this is the only game in the universe that has ANY sort of feature.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Exploration is kind of the main point for many people who play these types of games

    • 4 weeks ago

      I pirated it and it plays better than Bethesdas previous games. Ganker hasn't even played the game to make up their own mind about it and they won't change their minds until some youtuber makes a video about it.

      it's dogshit

      • 4 weeks ago

        >nearly 100 hours
        Anon, how did you stand it for so long...

        • 4 weeks ago

          i played it for 100 hours mostly doing base building

          it's pretty bad

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's genuinely a good game and it's only issue is the loading screens

        • 4 weeks ago

          Actually you're wrong the combat is bad and if you disagree I'll break into your fricking house and tickle your balls.

          • 4 weeks ago

            The combat is fine.

            • 4 weeks ago

              The combat is the same dogshit fallout 3 shooting bethesda has been pushing for 15 years

              • 4 weeks ago

                > No VATS
                > Has had id dev input
                > "It's just like FO3!"

                Sure thing bro.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >has id dev input
                As if this fricking means anything. Explain how the shooting is improved from fallout 3. The guns are the same. The enemy AI is the same. The janky physics is the same.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Starfield is the comfiest game I'm playing since 2023 and there hasn't been anything good released this year either.

        • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          I have to ask - what do you enjoy about it?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's gotten a lot of content mods like starvival and that ship building mod which enhances the game a lot so I've been enjoying my time slowly through it.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >It's good with mods

              • 4 weeks ago

                so, like skyrim and fallout and you know the rest of the games by bethesda

              • 4 weeks ago

                "It's good with mods" has never been true. It's a cope for people trying to squeeze blood from a stone.

              • 4 weeks ago

                you're just too poor to afford enough ram to run mods

              • 4 weeks ago

                What fricking mod requires excessive amounts of ram? Vram certainly, for texture mods, but regular ram?

              • 4 weeks ago

                all of them.

                well i guess not something simple like a texture mod which would mostly need vram

        • 4 weeks ago

          >the comfiest game I'm playing

      • 4 weeks ago

        Thats 97 hours you'll never get back, moron. You could have just looked at the game and told it was dog shit within minutes, instead you let Todd waste your precious limited time in this world

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's a below average game on the whole. I liked some aspects of it but mostly it's very bland and sometimes it's completely awful (outposts and everything to do with them).

      Pirate it and see for yourself. Theres some layers to how shitty this game is.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It is Skyrim/Fallout 4 in space but worse than both. The main issue is that Bethesda games always had janky, mediocre combat and RPG systems but they had excellent world design and exploration. There is no longer world/exploration design in Starfield, as it has le 1000 empty planets to explore instead of a map with hand crafted things to look at. Even the copy-paste-edit dungeons of Skyrim are better than the planets of Starfield. Starfield came out a decade after Skyrim yet feels like it actually came out BEFORE it due to how much less ambitious it feels once you get over the sheer number of planets. If you count the number of interesting places to go, things to do, or people to meet it is less than Skyrim.

      The game is not 0/10 trash, but it is astounding how they fricked it up so badly. It is just not good.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah I dont understand what they were thinking. This game plays to none of their strengths at all. And Todd should know by now that in 2024 NOBODY is impressed with 1000 empty algorithim generated planets that they kept trying to sell the game on

        • 4 weeks ago

          you realize every dev in the industry can't make games anymore and it's not just bethesda right

          • 4 weeks ago

            In terms of RPGs then Baldurs Gate 3 came out at the same time as Slopfield and completely raped it. So devs can still make good games and good RPGs but not with morons like you who have 0 fricking standards and will pay to eat shit

            • 4 weeks ago

              bald gays 3 isn't even AA quality

    • 4 weeks ago

      I couldn't get through more than a few hours of Starfield, and I'm someone who thoroughly enjoyed Skyrim and thought aspects of Fallout 4 were solid (namely the world, exploration, and kind of the gunplay).

      There is no open world. Every location in the game is either a poorly designed town none of which are any more memorable than Rorikstead, or a piece of procedurally-generated flat land that goes for ages and has absolutely nothing on it except for copy-and-paste ships and tiny copy-and-paste dungeons. And when I say copy-and-paste dungeons I literally mean copy-and-paste: once you've seen one medical facility you've seen them all. There is no exploring. There is no climbing that mountain over there. So all there is to do is do missions. And most of the missions consist of fast-travelling to a location, talking to an NPC, and then fast-travelling back to the questgiver.

      Also there is no space travel in the game it's all just fast travel your ship is a glorified fast-travel beacon.

      Genuinely no clue what Bethesda were thinking

      • 4 weeks ago

        they weren't thinking beyond
        >we're bethesda, just put old and withered ideas guy todd out there and the cattle will go nuts and buy any garbage slop we shit out

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's bad in every way it could be. It has no redeemable qualities even at the conceptual level.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I really wanted to like it, but virtually everything felt tepid and shallow. It feels like a cold, methodical machine built the game instead of people with a vision. In every sense of the word, it truly felt soulless.

      The worst part was probably the exploration and dungeons. The latter literally had like four different types and once you'd seen them, you'd seen them all. They were literal copies with just a different enemy faction inside being the only difference That was absolute crap.

      The shipbuilding was kind of cool, but even the holes in that showed up pretty quick (interior item placement reset if you so much as change the hull's paintjob, atrocious automatic ladder and doorway placement)

      • 4 weeks ago

        They're fixing that last thing with the update on the 15th... allegedly. Including adding empty habs that you can fully customize like a settlement.
        I'll believe it when I see it.
        But I'm kinda done playing until they un-frick their shield bugs like this ship that should have over 2k shields but they are so thoroughly bad at checking their coding that they allow a 60% bonus to get turned into a 60% penalty any time the player dares to load a save made in space.

      • 4 weeks ago

        All I wanted was to cruise around space in my nicely decorated spaceship crewed by prostitutes and build a little resort by a lake in some nice backwater planet and the game failed on every single measure even the one I thought they couldn't frick (cruising through space).

    • 4 weeks ago

      I bought it for 0$ on release and was genuinely impressed at how stable it was, I think I crashed less than a handful of times over 60-ish hours.
      However the game itself is absolutely dogshit. Every storyline is awful with, perhaps, the sole exception of the clones—but even that is made better by the player choosing the ‘evil’ choice and siding against the strong african kween.
      Gunplay is probably the best so far but enemies are still bullet sponges even with upgrades, so who gives a shit?
      Melee combat should’ve just been dropped entirely for how awful it was, and it’s really fricking stupid how awful it was. How are there not specialized marine regiments developing future melee tech to assist in ship boarding actions? The game mentions numerous events (even in the main questline) of stray rounds inside a ship causing catastrophic failure—so why does every ship boarding have enemies (and likely yourself) hosing bullets everywhere?
      5/10 pirate
      0/10 if you had to spend actual money

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Is it really that bad?
      it's boring as frick, which is the worst sin any game can commit

    • 4 weeks ago

      It’s boring. Once the veneer wears off after a few hours it’s like a slap in the face. For me it was after I entered my third copy pasted ave with nothing in it but some ammo. The writing was on the wall in Skyrim, and was tattooed on their penis by fallout 4. Especially with their current
      >you want to a settlement
      >make it yourself chucklefrick

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's actually worse than Fallout 76, at least 76 has a proper open world to explore.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I liked it but idgaf about the main quest at all

  9. 4 weeks ago

    It's a Shillthesda game

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Any youtuber who shits on starfield are braindead trend followers with no opinions of their own. No doubt they will be the same people making videos praising it in a few years when the tide of opinion changes. Never trust youtubers they are all scumbags.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Never trust youtubers they are all scumbags.
      That's not a nice thing to say about your cousin's tech support channel

  11. 4 weeks ago

    they just play something for half an hour and then parrot the current trending opinion on their journo/content creator group chats.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Amateurs publish reviews before they know the general opinion of their audience.

    Professionals wait to see what the herd thinks, and gives them what the cattle want to hear.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    If you aren't willing to acknowledge the bribery companies this large commit then you are a moron and deserve to be confused.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Always echo what people are already saying

  15. 4 weeks ago

    every game has a honey moon phase
    youre watching steller blade's play out right now. In a couple years it'll just be that mediocre korean game people only remember for pissing off trannies

  16. 4 weeks ago

    > His rig can't handle the Kinofield so he cries on an American blacked pornography forum.
    Many such cases.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Everyone has to rate it as ultimate goty 10/10 or super garbage 0/100, when in reality it was just painfully "mid", as the kids say
    The most 5/10 game to ever exist, going by real score scales

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I've been thinking about making a channel that parodies trash like this where I just blatantly felate and praise whatever game it is I am covering in a manner that mocks the vermin who accept the bribes.

    A gimmick would be starting every video by saying "we got a game of the year on our hands" no matter how fricking dogshit it is.

    • 4 weeks ago

      As long as you have a good voice I'll be watching

    • 4 weeks ago

      i'd like to personally thank GODD howard for depositing exactly 50,000 united states dollars into my hands

    • 4 weeks ago

      "it's a true videogame classic" is my epic meme phrase when i'm mocking a shit game

    • 4 weeks ago

      If you have a good voice and writting, it will be absolte kino.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Riding high off the bethesda copium. Even Paul Tassi admits he went overboard with his 9.5 review.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >riding high
      what high. if bethesdas games pre starfield were actually good then i could easily see people going in with false expectations but they straight up fricking arent. fallout 76 was a steaming pile of dogshit, fallout 4 casualized fallout to the point its barely fallout anymore, bethesda has put out nothing but flop after flop after flop and they cant coast by on the nostalgia goggles of fallout 3 or even further back in any of the tes games

      • 4 weeks ago

        Fallout is more popular than ever recently. Just because you hate Bethesda doesn't mean you should deny reality

        • 4 weeks ago

          in what world does popularity = quality? the fact bethesda made their first new ip in decades only to get assblasted shows just how mentally bankrupt they are. emil is a leech and so is todd

          • 4 weeks ago

            Emil is a moron who should kill himself I agree but starfield is still a great game despite his dogshit writing

  20. 4 weeks ago

    It's a good game with a large scale paid psyop working against it. Reviews prove that.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    I genuinely loved starslop. Just to be an astronaut in outer space with your own comfy starship. I love the fashion and guns and character costumization. I only did two questlines, the main quest and the cowboy rangers quedtline, and both were good. The mq has some surprisingly amazing moments especially regarding theology and the fight between science and religion.
    The gunplay is very satisfying. Loved blasting dudes with my double barrel and my revolver.

    Idk man it's something i always thought a lot about. Being lost in space in my comfy little starship. That alone was good enough for me, but i get it if you don't like it and want an rpg to sink thousands of hours into

  22. 4 weeks ago

    the only explanation i've got is that they wanted to get into big studios good graces so they could get early access in the future so they could pump out content faster than anyone else. any sane person knew starfield was mid. these people were disingenous in hopes of making money in one way or another

  23. 4 weeks ago

    The game gets worse the more you play and realize how much content is low effort copy/paste.

    Most 'reviewers' just put a few hours in and basically give a first impression as a review.

    • 4 weeks ago

      to be fair as a gamepass borderline free game you're going to play for 4 hours it's pretty good

    • 4 weeks ago

      >and realize how much content is low effort copy/paste
      Procedurally generated, actually. It's literally space daggerfall, in all the worst ways

      • 4 weeks ago

        Folks saying "copy pasted" aren't wrong. There are like... 10 different buildings/installations on planets, occupied by either civilians/c-fleet/spacers/ecliptic, the latter three having functionally no difference between them combat-wise.
        That's the part that is copy-pasted, right down to
        >This desk is going to have an apple and a tablet on it
        every time, with containers being randomized from a loot-table.
        Even that randomizing of loot tables is jank, because you can save in front of something like a spacesuit mannequin and each time you load it will be different, from style to quality.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    mortismal gaming released a pretty positive review while others were tearing the game down, but the thumb for the video isnt "bethesda masterpiece 10/10" and its more even critique so no one has an issue with that approach
    Remember that ign gave it a 7

    There are reviews that aim to pander and reassure the gamers that the thing they bought is great, or that the thing they didnt buy is shit and gain an audience that way. Problem is you stop having opinions of your own and simply reflect back what the audience already believes in.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    >I thought I was missing something
    Yeah, a paycheck from Bethesda

  26. 4 weeks ago

    homosexuals who use gigachad or any 'jaks in their thumbnails should be dragged into the street and shot

  27. 4 weeks ago

    >pirated starfield
    >enjoyed it as a good 7/10 game
    >moved on

    People are still seething over it? It's not the worst game but its not the best game either, it has flaws that can be fixed with mods. Just pirate it when the mod creation kit comes out.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >nooooo you have to consume product and be excited for the next product, you can't actually be critical of game companies and bring up their mistakes!

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Remember when you took experimental gene therapy and did segregation? Same thing

  29. 4 weeks ago

    >it just had zero cultural impact
    >or good characters
    >or good gameplay
    >or good memorable locations or quests
    >or any good story beats or writing
    severe mental moronation.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    Most people are cattle and just like to repeat stuff to fit in.

    Slaughter normalgays. Start with E-celeb prostitutes.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Good news! They already killed themselves anon. Normie cattle have all chosen to become lab rats for genetic technology.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >2 weeks until vaxies die off

        • 4 weeks ago

          Anon, read the fricking study. They proved statistical correlation between jabs and cancer death. This pathetic two weeks chant is aging SO badly.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Anon, they took the jab and are in the denial phase of coping. They still believe the 'official' line about safe and effective because if they stop believing it, they'll have to face the reality they were lied to, they took an experimental gene therapy medication that is potentially damaging to their health.

            • 4 weeks ago

              I know. I'm not shutting up until they start forming lynch mobs. Hopefully the memory and shame of being mocked by morons on Ganker helps make their hate deeper and more abiding when it finally takes hold.

            • 4 weeks ago

              1 week and everyone will be dropping dead.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I didn't take it so I never have to worry about potential side affects, you took it and as much as you want to laugh and joke you've got this thing hanging over your head like a Damocles sword and you know in your heart of hearts that you're hoping that you'll be fine but know it could be any moment for the rest of your life because you didn't stop for a single moment to question medical advice from politicians.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Funny that you used the word "correlation" without even understanding the negative connotation is carries when separated from "causation."

            • 4 weeks ago

              That "negative connotation" doesn't exist for medical studies, Jackass. The connotation of a correlarion in a medical study is a relarionship.

            • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm so glad I didn't take this shit, you'd have to be fricking moronic

        >2 weeks until vaxies die off

        How does it feel knowing you WILLINGLY bent over and took big pharmas experimental wiener and jizz up your ass???

      • 4 weeks ago

        Remember when you took experimental gene therapy and did segregation? Same thing

        I'm so glad I didn't take this shit, you'd have to be fricking moronic
        How does it feel knowing you WILLINGLY bent over and took big pharmas experimental wiener and jizz up your ass???

        Most schizos have already moved on by this point it takes a special kind of autism to bring it up in an unrelated thread about video games

        • 4 weeks ago

          he just wants yous. that's it. its not autism or schizos, just shut in NEETs addicted to short dopamine hits of attention. they just shitpost all day, every day. a barren husk of a man.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's just a dishonest leftist shill trying to change the subject. Sort of like the "me poster" wojack homosexual that shows up whenever you insult miles morales

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Just move on!
          >Ignore the rampant crimes against humanity dude!

          he just wants yous. that's it. its not autism or schizos, just shut in NEETs addicted to short dopamine hits of attention. they just shitpost all day, every day. a barren husk of a man.

          It's just a dishonest leftist shill trying to change the subject. Sort of like the "me poster" wojack homosexual that shows up whenever you insult miles morales

          No I just hate you and want you scared and angry so you might actually demand justice for the crimes committed against you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I didn't take the clot shot, moron, you're just trying to derail the thread

            • 4 weeks ago

              People who didn't take any were still subject to unacceptable crimes. They just didn't become prostitutes and lab animals so they still have their morals and souls and most importantly; their health still intact.

              • 4 weeks ago

                i agree with most of your schizo babble, but i love the way everything went down personally. i didn't have to take the shot, worked for awhile, then enjoyed a full YEAR!! of government gibs time. during that year there was less traffic, less lines, less everything bad in the world. best time of my life, unironically.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah I can relate to some of that for sure. There were upsides, doubtless.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Thanks for your concern. I'm good, though.

        • 4 weeks ago

          he just wants yous. that's it. its not autism or schizos, just shut in NEETs addicted to short dopamine hits of attention. they just shitpost all day, every day. a barren husk of a man.

          Yeah I can move on. But you can't. That dangerous mystery juice is gonna be flowing in your blood for the rest of your miserable life. All cause you were too weak to stand up for yourself.Pathetic honestly, I hope it was worth the life of sin

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Study doesn’t even control for vaccination status
        Dogshit like every other study I’ve seen the 2 MORE WEEKS crowd try to slip by as evidence.

  31. 4 weeks ago

    that's just shills being shills, anyone with half a brain could see this was a piece of shit game

  32. 4 weeks ago

    Was this homosexual the one that complained about GTA being to violent?

    or that was Qctman?

    • 4 weeks ago

      No, it was him
      It was someone shooting up a hospital in a game

  33. 4 weeks ago

    Bethesda are notorious for blacklisting you from early copies if you give them a negative review, the industry is moronic and the rags let them get away with it

  34. 4 weeks ago


  35. 4 weeks ago

    Video games, stupid homosexual, VIDEO GAMES.

  36. 4 weeks ago


  37. 4 weeks ago

    There's something about Starfield that only engages you for about 40 hours, 20 hours into the game. Then you go right back to realising how shallow the game is once you run out of those high points it had.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    >What on Earth was in the water when Starfield released
    It's called $$$$
    These "reviews" are paid sponsorships, there are very few organic views out there anymore from people who make game reviews, video deep dives or stream games.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    I don't think it's nearly as bad as Ganker would like to believe, simply because they enjoy shitting on overhyped AAA releases -- which is fair.

    You can go pretty evil on some of the faction quests, which is fun, even if 95% of companions piss and moan about your choices. Frick 'em.
    Designing and customizing spaceships is fricking fun. I do wish space combat was more varied. There's like... one fight against a capital ship/fleet, unless you like attacking planetary defense.

    • 4 weeks ago

      i think it is exactly as bad as people claim just some people desperately don't want to admit bethesda will literally never make even an average game ever again. its over.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    Isn't this the same homosexual that got filtered by Sigil?

  41. 4 weeks ago

    Reminder that GManLives had a Jack Thompson tier meltdown over someone killing civilians in a Grand Theft Auto game just a few months ago

    • 4 weeks ago

      Im not sure three sour Tweets constitutes the equivalent of suing the entire video game industry.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    What was in the water after it? Now you have Fallout 4 fans acting outraged at Starfield. Ridiculous, it may be shitty but it's not as shitty as Fallout 4

  43. 4 weeks ago

    Post ships

  44. 4 weeks ago


  45. 4 weeks ago

    Reviewers lie to get money. Everyone was supposed to love Skyrim 2 so they said it was amazing. When people hated it they changed their reviews to say it's shit.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    but it will get an update and become a good game like a FO4, right?
    I know it won't happen

  47. 4 weeks ago

    Game reviewing is the same as movie reviewing now. Everybody giving the most mediocre film 10/10 "changed my fricking life" is exactly whats happening to gaming. It's not about criticism, its about promoting.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Because modern gaming is like an icecream cake.

    Remember those as a kid? Reamember going to Baskinrobbins or Dairy queen and seeing the ice cream cakes in the freezer and thinking wow look how pretty they are i bet they taste amazing!

    Thing is they always look great, and guess what, they even taste great, but here is the thing, that window in which they are good, only lasts for about 10 min once you pull it outta the freezer because then it starts to melt, and you see all the problems, the colors run, the icecream and everything else gets liquidy and it all falls apart. You can only enjoy the icecream cake for a small moment.

    But here is the thing, that ice cream cake? cost WAY more then just a normal cake would cost.

    This is what modern video games are like, they look great and are amazing for the first 10 min, then it all fricking falls apart into a puddle and a runny ass mess. Star field is the icecream cake of video games.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nah dog. I like ice cream cake even after it gets melty. I didn't like starfield enough to even play it after seeing others play it.

  49. 4 weeks ago

    Thinking of getting back into it with the may update. The gameplay toggles they added seem interesting.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    >paid shills act like paid shills

  51. 4 weeks ago

    >you can explore endless planets!
    >why though? they're empty, there's no reason to explore them.
    >why are you so entitled, why do you need a reason to explore and not just explore for explorations sake?
    there was people genuinely making this argument for a long time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You’re forgetting
      >well space exploration is kind of boring in real life
      >that’s what we’re trying to capture
      As far as haphazard, half baked or responses go, saying your interactive media product was designed to be purposefully boring is not great

      • 4 weeks ago

        It would be kinda defensible if it were even remotely true, but starfield's space stuff is less fleshed out than elite dangerous, let alone an actual realistic astronaut simulator.

  52. 4 weeks ago

    It went from being overrated to overhated in my opinion. I don’t think it’s a bad game and it launched in better shape than their last two games (FO4 and 76), but it’s not a particularly good game in its current state either. The whiplash from the extreme hype at launch had armchair game devs claiming the game was bad because the game engine is bad (can’t support vehicles bro) rather than actual criticism like there not being enough memorable NPCs/quests, but no one ever talks about some of the good like the gunplay being way better than anything BGS ever made. I genuinely think this is all just because of the overhyping, people got upset that it wasn’t the game of the century because some people hyped it up to be so but I also assume there was some subtle console warring happening as well since it did exclude a huge market (PS5)

    • 4 weeks ago

      My friends who really enjoy Bethesda games didn't like it either. In the end, the damning criticism was "it's not that interesting and pretty lame."

      • 4 weeks ago

        That’s why I said the writing is the main issue, they didn’t do enough with the setting in the main game at least. Personally, any technical flaws with the game like loading screens is virtually nothing compared to that

        • 4 weeks ago

          modern bethesda writing has literally always been dogshit besides a few rare quests.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Personally, any technical flaws with the game like loading screens is virtually nothing compared to that
          I wouldn't discount it for the constant drain, but yeah, if the game actually had interesting writing, you can look past things like this.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I genuinely think this is all just because of the overhyping, people got upset that it wasn’t the game of the century because some people hyped it up to be
      Where exactly were these people before launch?
      I'd been following the game for a year before it released and basically everyone outside of Bethesda fanboy groups talking about it was somewhere between "meh" and "it's shit", especially because Bethesda didn't even market the fricking game until like a month before launch. There was so much radio silence people thought another long delay was coming like 4 months before release.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm not a Bethesda fanboy, but I was pretty interested in the game pre-release and there was a lot of chatter on Ganker and they were doing some pretty big teasers with their marketing so I can't relate.
        All the speculation on starting perks with the story elements, ship building, taking out loans, space kino, etc. etc.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >but no one ever talks about some of the good like the gunplay being way better than anything BGS ever made
      Nobody ever talks about this because it's a fricking lie.

  53. 4 weeks ago

    Starfield was the best game of last year however

  54. 4 weeks ago

    People had fun with the game, stopped playing, then jumped on Ganker and got reminded to hate the game.

  55. 4 weeks ago

    >be a honest game journo
    >shit on a game that deserves to be shat on
    >invitations dry up completely
    >be a dishonest game journo
    >hype up whatever slop you get access to
    >continue getting access because you're reliable

  56. 4 weeks ago

    There’s only one person on YouTube who I value for their vidya reviews. He’s not overly analytical and readily points out flaws and shit they do or don’t like while admitting to their biases. Basically that’s the. For what they are, interactive media products.

  57. 4 weeks ago

    starfield sort of has a foundation for an okay game. i spent 50 hours playing it but most of it was me looking for the "good part" that i was sure was just around the next corner. but the game really is just endless stream of stale mediocrity.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wish they would stop marketing their games as dogs. Since they obviously know their modern core audience is morons who just want to shoot and loot. As shown when you’re immediately indoctrinated into the worst faction they’ve ever created within the first 30 minutes. The most surprising thing was not being made leader by the two hour mark

  58. 4 weeks ago

    >surprised shillmanlives is a shill
    What were you expecting?

  59. 4 weeks ago


  60. 4 weeks ago

    Why does this homosexual keep acting like an imageboard oldgay wannabe when everyone here hates him and he knows it?

  61. 4 weeks ago

    bethesda drones

  62. 4 weeks ago

    Hydrogen and oxygen

  63. 4 weeks ago

    gays being gays like that loser the gayactman sucking bethesda and starfield off like crazy

  64. 4 weeks ago

    Too much instability with these upscalers and new versions and abbreviations every two weeks. Not upgrading before things feel more settled.

  65. 4 weeks ago

    Starfield was boring the first 10 hours, got good 25 hours in, then got boring again around 40 hours

    • 4 weeks ago

      >this anon is moronic
      it never got good lil bro

  66. 4 weeks ago

    Also fricking Diablo IV. Every "diablo expert" youtuber was shilling it hard as the REAL D2 successor and then I booted it up and it was just D3 with less cartoony style and with absolutely soulless main campaign with tons of filler sidequests nobody cares about, feels like cheap korean MMO aside from decent art.
    Then suddenly everyone magically realized it's actually mid as frick.

    • 4 weeks ago

      all the dopamine fiends got over it when they nerfed everything to slow the grind down

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