What route do you tend to go when it comes in creating characters in RPGs?:. >Default guy if there is one

What route do you tend to go when it comes in creating characters in RPGs?:
>Default guy if there is one
>Just recreate yourself and make decisions in the game based on how you'd do it
>Create a character from a specific character concept that you've come up with and roleplay out their decisions based on the personality you've given them
>Don't really care just randomize, mostly focus on gameplay and select the decisions that get me the best rewards gameplay wise.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Distorted freak who then proceeds to be charisma/speech skill heavy and do all the romances possible. The game is guaranteed to suck your dick no matter what you actually look like and it still makes me chuckle when everyone talks up a hideous monster of a human as the best guy ever.

  2. 9 months ago

    >1) Figure out some mechanical niche I want to exploit because it's powerful and/or just differently interesting than the meta
    >2) Create a character from a specific character concept that you've come up with and roleplay out their decisions based on the personality I've given them that will work with that mechanical niche
    >3) I never MC women because that's gay, but I will design them as npc companions if I need to fill out my party with randos.

  3. 9 months ago

    >1st playthrough - mostly a self insert with a light flavor. I can still make some other race than human (usually an elf or a dwarf) and I never had a class preference among classic trinity of a warrior, mage and rogue, but most decisions I simply make according to my moral compass
    >further playthrough - now that I know the setting, lore and gameplay mechanics I can freely experiment. I usually come up with a character concept and a personality for him and I try to stick to that during playthrough.
    I never use default, premade characters. I never even played with a default Shepard. I never play as a furgay races. I'm usually drawn to setting specific classes if they are available instead of basic ones. As far as role-playing goes two basic archetypes I play more than others are religious, lawful fanatic (Paladin/ Witch Hunter style guy) and a cynical, edgy, mudcore mercenary/bounty hunter bordering on a bandit

  4. 9 months ago

    >Default guy
    Cosmetically at least. For the stats will wear a helmet or some headcover anyway, better to focus on a build instead.

  5. 9 months ago

    Default guy but with a funny haircut.

  6. 9 months ago

    >1st playthrough mostly lawful good guy without much thought just to learn about the world, usually the tank
    >Successive playthroughs make lore accurate character centered around a type of gameplay I found interesting

  7. 9 months ago

    First I install a playable kids mod, then I make him in the image of my late brother who died at 12 years old.

    • 9 months ago

      That's really sad, my condolences.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm sorry for your loss. Worst things that one has to go through

    • 9 months ago

      Fake and gay.

  8. 9 months ago

    1st playthrough-myself but more fit and younger
    Further playthrough myself but more fit and younger

  9. 9 months ago

    On my first playthrough, I usually go with
    >Default guy if there is one
    unless it's pozzed and the default guy is black like in BG3. If I do more playthroughs of the game, then it's
    >Create a character from a specific character concept that you've come up with and roleplay out their decisions based on the personality you've given them
    Simple as.

  10. 9 months ago

    ITT: RPG players who don't roleplay

    • 9 months ago

      roleplaying doesn't exist outside of tabletop

      • 9 months ago

        In that case there's no such thing as a CRPG.
        You'd be happier here: Wrong board

        • 9 months ago

          you talking to yourself in your head isn't roleplaying.

          • 9 months ago

            Holy shit, are you still here?
            Wrong board

            • 9 months ago

              i accept your concession

              • 9 months ago

                That you're a homosexual?

        • 9 months ago

          Holy shit, are you still here?
          Wrong board

          gotta love how redditors think linking other boards does anything other than show off their impotent seething

          • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Yes anon I roleplay as myself.
      I am making choices I would do.

  11. 9 months ago

    It depends on the story and the setting, and what my character's class will be.
    If the hero is noble-born, then I try to make a clean-cut sort of character, the kind of prince you would see in the military. Regardless of what class he would be, he'll have an athletic physique but not like a body-builder.
    For low-born fighters and general barbarians, I'll make a brutish looking character. He would look like a body-builder.
    For mages, I'll make them a bit thinner, and give them a gaunt face with dark circles around the eyes if possible. A man who looks worn due to excessive reading and channelling magic powers through his body.
    For female characters, it's just a cute face, french braids and shapely breasts. For all classes.

  12. 9 months ago

    >Pick the default that looks the coolest
    >Add a full beard if available
    That's about it.

  13. 9 months ago

    >Create a character from a specific character concept that you've come up with and roleplay out their decisions based on the personality you've given them
    This, 100%. If I'm not roleplaying, the entire point of roleplaying games is gone.

  14. 9 months ago

    >Create a character from a specific character concept that you've come up with and roleplay out their decisions based on the personality you've given them
    I will always avoid playing as humans. I also love to play furry races or anything that's not just "humans with pointy ears". So I'm 100% in the snowflake camp.

    • 9 months ago

      This. I want to be some kind of monster, even better if it's more than a cosmetic/minor stat choice. I want to be too big to fit into areas for stealth, but be able to survive in an inhuman terrain. I want to solve a puzzle because I can see spectrums of light others can't, but have to communicate by writing because my throat can't make sounds in any common language. It's rare but great when it happens.

  15. 9 months ago

    Fat, bald norfman using unarmed skills or melee weapons.

    • 9 months ago

      Beer and Greg's at the ready.

  16. 9 months ago

    >1) Try to relatively self insert as a human, but its usually a good guy spellsword or if the game has spears, then spear shield Hoplite type character.
    >2) Experiments and rolepmay usually, I end up mage.
    >3) Do whatever I want and these days for some reason I like to be a Wizard Assassin, trying to act and play as Sub-Zero with unarmed skills and ice spells.
    >4) If game has a meme weapon like a stick, I try to play as him.

  17. 9 months ago

    >First playthrough: Self insert, will make decisions based on what I'd do in that situation. Looks are either the default look (I chose default Shepard in ME1) or how I look
    >Subsequent playthroughs: Now that I know the lore I make a character concept based on the lore and roleplay out the decisions

  18. 9 months ago

    1. monstrous creature
    2. underpowered midget (female)
    3. old male wizard.

  19. 9 months ago

    >Create a character from a specific character concept that you've come up with and roleplay out their decisions based on the personality you've given them
    This, mainly.

  20. 9 months ago

    >Playthrough one: Self insert, usually human mage or mage equivalent (e.g. Biotics in Mass Effect), make choices on how I would react in those situations (mostly Lawful good shit though but if a bad guy pisses me off and has been a major butthole to me I'll just kill them instead of spare them), I used to make them look like me but these days I'll just mess around with the character creator and go with what looks coolest
    >Playthrough two: Roleplayed out, I'll create a concept that fits that world's lore, sometimes a facet of the lore I find interesting. I'll go for the race and the class that has the most interesting lore, if the races are fairly generic I'll usually go for Elf and if the classes are fairly generic I'll go with what fits the concept best.
    >Playthrough three: Gameplay oriented playthrough. I'll usually pick a class or build that I feel is unique to that game or would make an interesting playthrough or I know would be OP, I'll choose the race purely on stat bonuses, looks wise I just tend to mess around with the character creator again, and choices I just make any alternate choices I haven't made yet.

    I tend not to play more than three times, the playthroughs are usually paced over a year or two.

  21. 9 months ago

    Default White human male hero look. The kinds you used to see on tv before Hollywood deemed it racist and sexist

  22. 9 months ago

    I go for an Oswald Mosley esthetic, clean shaven, short black hair, disconnected undercut, intelligent, ruthless, cunning, predator, backstabbing, leader, I like the playstyle of joining a faction and rising up through the ranks, often killing my own men and taking their possessions. Use mods to bang their wife's and/ sisters, go to their rival faction if possible and then fight against them.

  23. 9 months ago

    If it has decent presets I'll just pick one of the defaults, but it depends on whether it's just looks or if there's a backstory etc tied to the selection (see premades in Divinity 2). I still want to pick my own loadout of abilities and skill points and so on. I will admit that I have never been interested in the "roleplay" part of RPGs, meaning I won't make certain decisions "in character". I'm always playing as myself, controlling an avatar in the game world. This probably ties in with my preference for strategy games. I'm just so used to sending tanks and knights around that I automatically slip into this commander-soldier relationship with my RPG characters.
    If I pick an exotic race or something then it's usually a decision based on mechanics and their unique abilities. I mainly play games to mess around and break rules, so I would never subject myself to the confines of an actual "character". I'm the hand in the sky.

  24. 9 months ago

    Racist caricatures or disfigured creaturas

  25. 9 months ago

    always the preset face with a walrus mustache added if available, the exception are fallout games where I always play a Chinese guy.

  26. 9 months ago

    Happy merchant is my goto

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