What RPG would you say has the most freedom in how you dictate the story and world?

What RPG would you say has the most freedom in how you dictate the story and world?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Kenshi, if that counts

    • 2 years ago

      Kenshi doesn't have a story, it's pure sandbox. Which makes freedom and reactivity a lot easier than in games with narrative. Also keeps it from being a trve rpg.

      • 2 years ago

        >if it doesn't have a main story is not a true rpg
        Are you fricking moronic? Where in the definition of RPG does it say you need to follow a strict narrative? You just need to pick a role to play with to be considered an RPG. You just assume it needs one because most games do have one, but again, this is just a very stupid and false requirement based on your experiences.

  2. 2 years ago

    Not this one. No matter what you do or how you play the game, you will always be exiled from the vault. The biggest decision you make is deciding just how the Master will die.

    • 2 years ago

      The various locations will end up differently and the experience of the game heavily depends on your build and minor choices made along the way.
      In general, the journey is more important than the destination in an RPG, and a game like Mass Effect 3, that has three different colour coded endings is not better than Planescape: Torment that has only one ending but offers a many more unique ways of reaching that ending.

      • 2 years ago

        PST has an alternate nihilist ending though

        • 2 years ago

          Is that when you realise that computer games are ultimately a hollow waste of time and just stop playing half way through?

    • 2 years ago

      Black person who cares about the ending when the atmosphere of the game alone beats any modernshit

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >He thinks that Skyrim is a game with good reactivity
      The absolute state of bethesda drones

  5. 2 years ago

    Rance X
    Something totally abstract, like dwarf fortress? idk

  6. 2 years ago

    >Age of Decadence
    Story can end in different places, you don't even have to find final boss. You can shape world and its politics by quests for different factions. And you can even evaporate bigest city in the game.
    creating your char involves making decisions about conquest of game's world, that will affect world and story.
    you can just say 'frick it' , never deliver papers to Caius and just go for a hike.
    >AI Dungeon
    If games like this will be developed further, it would be maximum, tabletop level of freedom. Currently, it's mainly used by coomers.

    • 2 years ago

      >Age of Decadence

    • 2 years ago

      He said a game that allows you to dictate the story direction. Which implies reactivity, that your choices will have consequences. Morrowind has 0 of any of this, the fact that you can choose not to do the main story is not story direction

      • 2 years ago

        he said story or world shaping freedom. Morrowind has 100% linear story, yet exploring world, building your own settlement, raiding forgotten tombs and ruins gives some unique feel of freedom.

      • 2 years ago

        Narrative choice is not complete freedom you homierd - that would mean Telltale games are RPGs. Morrowind has some of those game-y branching quest design actually and they intertwine with other quests. Morrowind's choices are done through emergent gameplay anyways. Here's a totally possible but not officially recognized pacifist playthrough. Watch how a true high INT player takes command of the systems given to him by Godd. Peak player agency.


      • 2 years ago

        The fact that you can become leader of the thieves guild instead of doing the main quest is totally a valid story line. The fact that the writers don't acknowledge this doesn't make it any less valid. In morrowind you create your own story, seethe harder.
        Also, it totally has consecuences, if you join the telvanni for example, not only the mage's guild will hate you, preventing you from using their services, you can't join other noble houses too.
        You just don't want to admit emergent narrative is the best form of narrative for RPGs because that would mean your favorite games are shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >you can just say 'frick it' , never deliver papers to Caius and just go for a hike.
      Wow, impressive. Ignoring the main quest never was an option before.
      Morrowalkgays truly are a miracle.

      • 2 years ago


        Wrong board

        • 2 years ago



          • 2 years ago

            I forgot adding those, it's good that you know.

            • 2 years ago

              I find that perplexing since it's your home country.

              • 2 years ago

                I am not a slav dog like you, inbred gypsy homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      >Age of Decadence

      Age of Decadence is probably unrivaled as far as WRPGs go, it gives you plenty of decisions and branching paths without feeling too clunky like most sandbox and open world games.

      Nah it's pretty linear, you can't even save Daratan.

      • 2 years ago

        >you can't even save Daratan.
        What do you mean? There are several endings where House Daratan survives.

        • 2 years ago

          The ones where they are left 1v1 against a much stronger nation that will inevitably annex them?

          • 2 years ago

            There are two endings where Daratan survives. One where you join Agathoth and Antidas becomes the puppet emperor but there is also a somewhat "good" Praetor ending, where you the balance of power remains so that Daratan is left in peace and the story ends with Antidas sending you after some new artefact that he was told about. What you can't do is destroy all the competitors because that results in the Imperial Guard taking over and you get crucified.

            • 2 years ago

              >"good" Praetor ending, where you the balance of power remains so that Daratan is left in peace and the story ends with Antidas sending you after some new artefact that he was told about

              Yea it is implied that he will frick things up again. The best ending I got was Daratan-Meru alliance, but it was more of a win for Meru rather than Antidas.

              • 2 years ago

                >Yea it is implied that he will frick things up again.
                It seemed fairly positive compared with the other endings, e.g. you being the errand boy yet being sent on another crazy adventure for the old man who is dreaming of past glory - but everything is fine otherwise.

              • 2 years ago

                Imo Meru alliance is much better, because he will not be killed by IG/Aurelians in the next 2 weeks.

              • 2 years ago

                In other endings that actually does happen, e.g. if you kill both Gaelius and Meru the Imperial Guard takes over and has you crucified. In that ending, the status quo ante is preserved. You're a Praetor of House Daratan and your lord sends you on crazy missions.

              • 2 years ago

                I thought you always end up serving Gaelius

            • 2 years ago

              I was never able to get that ending.

              • 2 years ago

                Which one, where you get crucified? Gaelius has to die, I believe - or maybe you need to blow up Madoraan through the Abyss, I don't quite remember. And you can kill Meru by convincing him to let you help in the ceremony and then sabotaging it.

              • 2 years ago

                game has too many endings.

              • 2 years ago

                the daratan ending.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't quite remember what the prerequisites are. Important is that there is a balance of power, so the Imperial Guard doesn't take over.

              • 2 years ago

                I believe Gaelius has to survive; when you first get captured in Madoraan you need to pass a perception check on the assassins and kill them (in the Thieves Guild route you actually can assume the role of these assassins and visit a Praetor from House Daratan in the palace). In any case, you can't destroy Madoraan, either through the Abyss or by helping Serenas.

            • 2 years ago

              geez I didn't even know that was a possibility and I probably played AoD 5 times at minimum

    • 2 years ago

      Age of Decadence is probably unrivaled as far as WRPGs go, it gives you plenty of decisions and branching paths without feeling too clunky like most sandbox and open world games.

      >Age of Decadence
      Is it really that good? It seemed like the most boring minmax simulator ever made. I like some of the writing and choices, but I didn't like reloading a save and hanging on to a million skill points because there's practically no way to know what skill checks are actually going to progress things. Does the game have apt accommodation for failing skill checks or is it just "you failed the skill check now the path for you is way harder." I remember one skill check failure that actually straight up ended the game, though that one was special as it was about your character going insane, but it really isn't interesting to fail skill checks and then you can't or can barely progress.

      • 2 years ago

        If you're playing a combat character it's fairly straightforward: prioritise defensive skills, then a single weapon skill, then critical strike. For long spears you might want to keep defensive and weapon skill at 1:1 since the spear itself provides some defence, for ranged weapons you might prioritise the weapon skill itself. If you're playing a talker it's also fairly straightforward since most checks rely on streetwise, persuasion and the occasional trading and etiquette check and if you're playing a 'pure' talker (i.e. a character with high INT) you'll be drowning in XP and the only reason you're not spending them is because you yourself chose to hoard them - which is okay, but it's pretty stupid to blame the game. Not to mention that the game can be beaten in few hours as a talker, so even you ended up fricking up for some reason you can quite easily restart. When it comes to skill checks some end up killing you, but a lot of them actually don't and you just fail the quest. You can even beat the game despite fricking up literally everything and you can even become a god after fricking up everything and getting kicked out of your faction for being a failure, which can be quite satisfying in its own right.

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    New vegas? Literally every location in the game you basically affect in a major way. Good springs, NCR prison, Rocket facility, mutant ski lodge, black mountain radio, brotherhood, bison steve, enclave, Helios One, every other NCR location bascially, most legion places, the whole of the strip, all of freeside, the entire main quest you can affect in a multiude of different games. Quite literally the whole of FNV and it's outcomes depend on you.

    • 2 years ago

      New vegas is amazing. Replaying it actually I just got Meyer to be Primm sheriff last night. Today Ill probably take on that ghoul cult with the rockets. Kill them all lmao.

      Probs gonna serve caesars legion and save his old wrinkly ass this time.

      • 2 years ago

        based anon who enjoys games instead of b***hing about them on chinese cartoon forums

    • 2 years ago

      >New vegas?

      New vegas is amazing. Replaying it actually I just got Meyer to be Primm sheriff last night. Today Ill probably take on that ghoul cult with the rockets. Kill them all lmao.

      Probs gonna serve caesars legion and save his old wrinkly ass this time.

      >New vegas

  9. 2 years ago

    Age of Decadence is probably unrivaled as far as WRPGs go, it gives you plenty of decisions and branching paths without feeling too clunky like most sandbox and open world games.

  10. 2 years ago

    Alright, I will try The Age of Decadence. Thanks Anons for your help.

  11. 2 years ago

    Unexplored 2, it has a strong focus on emergent narrative due to its roguelike elements, but it's no roguelike, its worlds are very dynamic in fact. it. It's very underrated, but I understand why, it's woke as frick even for RPG standard.

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