What strategy games can I make a customizable character and take power through politics, scheme, assassination in a randomly generated country?

What strategy games can I make a customizable character and take power through politics, scheme, assassination in a randomly generated country?

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  1. 10 months ago

    None, unfortunately.

    Also, Rudolf did nothing wrong. The Empire was objectively a decent place to live compared to that Rebel shithole.

    • 10 months ago

      If only there were some game about Kings, perhaps set in Crusader times

      • 10 months ago

        >map painter

        • 10 months ago

          I suppose you can just keep pining for your perfect game that will never exist then

    • 10 months ago

      This, the empire is undeniably the best faction, the alliance of free planets is mutted and cucked beyond belief and don't even get me started on the ~~*Dominion of Freezan*~~

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, but it criminates against women, and enforces gender roles.

      • 9 months ago

        >~~*Dominion of Freezan*~~

        • 9 months ago

          Socioeconomic power without military backing is a paper tiger.
          >you owe us this
          >we own this
          >this is our infrastructure
          Either side could just roll a fleet onto Phezzan and in doing so received nothing but benefit from the Phezanni investment.

          • 9 months ago

            >Either side could just roll a fleet onto Phezzan
            Hey guess what happens lmao

        • 9 months ago

          Also where did you get the novel? Is the t/l good? Is the novel as much of an improvement on the OVA as one would assume? Is the entire series finished?

          • 9 months ago

            Novel is pretty easy to find on book pirate sites. Translation is okay but very clunky, not sure if it's the quality itself or being translated from Japanese, I haven't read other Japanese novels to compare. From what I've read (which isn't the full thing) it gives some nice extra details like how Greenhill was setting up Frederica and Yang from the get-go, but I personally prefer the OVA. Entire series has also been translated.

            • 9 months ago

              The spin-off novels are still untranslated though and some weren't adapted into ovas. Expanded universe, you know.

    • 10 months ago

      >Declares his intention to make humanity stronger
      >Reduces the human population from 300 billion to 40 billion
      >His empire is fought to a standstill by a nation with half the population
      >It's eventually overthrown by some blonde homosexual who's barely even an adult

    • 10 months ago

      Yang still mogs every Imperial Commander. Even Kircheis.

      • 10 months ago

        >Yang still mogs every Imperial Commander. Even Kircheis.
        He absolutely did. And what did he do with his immense skill and talent? Absolutely nothing, except follow the orders of his "superiors" in the name of democracy.
        However, the democratic leaders were all corrupt slimebags who rose to power because they controlled the media (or rather, the corporations that owned the media controlled who got elected). Remember when Yang was put on trial?
        The actual competent men in the Alliance were the ones that rose through the ranks by merit, not popular vote. Noone elects admirals.

        Yang could have pulled a forceful Cincinnatus, taken absolute control for five years, kicked out the corrupt bureaucrats and Terraists and then reformed the state into a working republic. He could have used his military skills to force a peace treaty with the Empire, and then retire as a hero with the FPA back in working order.
        But he didn't, because he was a tool. Even the best tool in the world cannot wield itself

        • 10 months ago

          Is a myth. You will get a hundred Caesars and Napoleons out of that before you get a Cincinnatus. And don't give me Washington, that's an entirely different set of circumstances.

          • 10 months ago

            >And don't give me a real life example because it turns my narrative into ribbons
            My guy this is a world where Ping Pong Diplomacy and Henry VIII existed its far more probable a that a general with a cult of personality declines autocratic powers for the benefit of the nation

          • 10 months ago

            hate this amerishart meme
            try actually looking up who this person was

            Ok, Cicero then. It doesn't matter, since i am just using them to illustrate the concept of a dictator that relinquishes his power voluntarily.
            Most dictators don't. But Yang might, making his lack of ambition the exact reason why he would have been the perfect temporary dictator.

            Yang justified his inaction by saying something like "if the people vote for their own demise, who am i to correct them?"
            However he ignored the fact that the FPA was so broken, that the peoples' vote didn't really matter.

            • 9 months ago

              Trunicht might be a terrible leader, but ultimately the people wanted him in power. IIRC Trunicht even has a line where he talks about how the fact that someone like him could be elected is an argument against democracy itself. Yang probably should have ran for office on an anti-corruption platform, but it could easily be said that he was more valuable in the military.

              • 9 months ago

                Doesn't that argument go out of the window considering Trunich had his own secret police that beat up all his opponents?

              • 9 months ago

                >Yang probably should have ran for office on an anti-corruption platform
                I've been saying this entire time that the FPA was far too corrupt to be changed through democratic means. Just like in our "democracies", the true elite cannot be voted out of power

              • 9 months ago

                >Yang probably should have ran for office on an anti-corruption platform
                Nah, he would have been killed by Trunicht's goon squads. One of the few realistic ways to deal with this corruption shit was what Admiral Greenhill tried to pull off, unfortunately.

              • 9 months ago

                >One of the few realistic ways to deal with this corruption shit was what Admiral Greenhill tried to pull off, unfortunately.
                Basically this, but that also means the spirit of their system dies. This is why when a democracy hits the Byzantine event horizon, there is no recovery, you can stall it, but either you are lucky enough to have a Caesar or your entire culture gets displaced by foreign invaders.

              • 9 months ago

                Yang couldn't have ran shit. While Yang is a great tactician he is useless at actual leadership, people skills and politicking. He is also marred by a deep cynicism, he can see the worst in everything yet he lacks the drive to truly take advantage of it. Yang is also entirely dependent on his clique soo much so he wouldn't be able to tell when someone is subverting him. If Yang went full dictator the result would be the same but extra steps. Yang is honestly fricked no matter what he would do even if he sided with the Coup or did nothing he would be getting rid off even if he defeated the golden boy. He should have just quit when he could. By being soo good but lacking in vision/drive/goals he is a retelling of Alexander and Belisarius put together.

          • 8 months ago

            >a hundred Caesars and Napoleons
            I wish.

          • 8 months ago

            >american thinks washington is in any wy comparable to caesar and napoleon, to cincinnatus.
            >thinks washington is even better

        • 10 months ago

          No he was detached and fatalistic but ultimately right. A military dictatorship wouldn't have fixed the alliance. Reform has to come from the citizens, not the military. Look at what happened to Rome.

          • 10 months ago

            Also remember he studied history so he would have been well aware of the precedents.

            Well he choose the option that allowed him to have a clean legacy and ensured that the Empire won. Perhaps it's for the best, as the Empire will probably transition to a mixed system at least anyway, if he did step up he might have destroyed himself with guilt, though I think the original anon is at least correct that internalizing democracy usually means turning a blind eye to the immoral orders of politicians, who are treated as the "natural leadership" in such a system.

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah, the more I think about, Yang choosing to go down with the ship was the smartest thing he could have done. Him taking power would have created a shitty worse version of the Empire in the longest term, and the Republic was irredeemable in it's corruption nor able to reform.

              Getting conquered by a foreign power that takes the best from their system, displaces their entire political class, and ignores their hand wringing was the best thing that could have happened to them, even with the bad blood there.

              Good on Yang.

              • 10 months ago

                >Yang choosing to go down with the ship was the smartest thing he could have done
                He didn't choose it though. It was his own dpersonal characteristics that allowed it to happen.

                Well he choose the option that allowed him to have a clean legacy and ensured that the Empire won. Perhaps it's for the best, as the Empire will probably transition to a mixed system at least anyway, if he did step up he might have destroyed himself with guilt, though I think the original anon is at least correct that internalizing democracy usually means turning a blind eye to the immoral orders of politicians, who are treated as the "natural leadership" in such a system.

                >I think the original anon is at least correct that internalizing democracy usually means turning a blind eye to the immoral orders of politicians
                Being subservent to orders is an inherent part of the military. I guess if you have a military dictatorship there might be one person to whom that doesn't apply. But most authoritarian counties intentionally have shitty corrupt militaries because they ones in power don't want any serious challenge to their position.


                What strategy games can I make a customizable character and take power through politics, scheme, assassination in a randomly generated country?

                It's a good point that very few games do political intigue in any interesting or interactive way. It's hard to build that sort of system compared to pew-pew battles I guess. Usually the politics in the Total War games is a bit of a joke. Even if it's good like in Three Kingdoms there isn't much scale to it. Not many games can model human social interactions well.

              • 10 months ago

                >He didn't choose it though. It was his own personal characteristics that allowed it to happen.
                He subconsciously choose it. He always could have just stepped up and have instantly loyal followers snap into action, but he held back as the moments passed and time ran out.

                That is a choice, even if he would not admit so.

          • 10 months ago

            >Reform has to come from the citizens, not the military.
            there was grass roots movements to fix republics but were suppressed by both paramilitary and military junta and politician class
            if not war with empire there might be a rebellion of citizens against current order

        • 10 months ago

          Also remember he studied history so he would have been well aware of the precedents.

          • 10 months ago

            Being fully aware of all possible consequences of his actions just makes him incredibly indecisive when it comes to taking initiative.

        • 10 months ago

          Interestingly for a skilled military commander with a Chinese name and an interest in history, this serves to illustrate Sun Tzu's ideas of a perfect general, showing what happens when an otherwise exceptional general lacks the will to disobey his leaders, even in pursuit of what is arguably the best interests of the Alliance.

          • 9 months ago

            Hm cool

        • 10 months ago

          >He absolutely did.
          Bittenfeld has entered the chat.

        • 10 months ago

          hate this amerishart meme
          try actually looking up who this person was

        • 8 months ago

          Stop analyzing fiction based on the if the characters were real you child. The idea of Yang vs. Reinhart is an allegory for autocracy vs. Democracy, and that best case scenario autocracy is still trumped by worst case scenario democracy, and if the autocracy was truly humane and just then supposedly the ruler would want people to rule themselves so it would naturally become a democracy anyway.

          • 8 months ago

            >and just then supposedly the ruler would want people to rule themselves so it would naturally become a democracy anyway.
            Lmao, people are fricking moronic. A just ruler wouldn't let them hurt themselves too much.
            >but le evil paternalism and muh freedom
            Freedom requires the ability to understand the consequences of your actions, something that most of everyone lacks (I am not talking about simple education but actual mental ability). For an easy example, see governments everywhere forcing their citizens to save for retirement because Mr. & Mrs. dumb-dumb are literally incapable of visualizing themselves and their needs into the future.

            • 8 months ago

              >Muh democracy is good
              I don't recall an Athenian being any freer than a Spartan or Syracusan. The form of government has no bearing on the rights of the individual. Democracies vote for less rights all the time. Look at how the right to protest and free assembly got destroyed by the Coof in most of the supposedly free and democratic world.
              A powerful Autocrat can be a source of freedom simply by not being as easily bought out by interest groups. But even that is more of an argument about power centralization than how power is distributed.
              The reality is that the only way to increase the chances of a free society is to make the people less reliant on the government and fully able to exert force by arming the populace, which has no bearing on democracies as an armed population is very good at deterring invaders and plenty of autocracies have done that. Even that is a temporary solution as prosperity and ample peace time will make it soo being armed won't be necessary anymore and the government can bribe the people with luxuries.

              I didn't say I agree with it morons

          • 8 months ago

            >Muh democracy is good
            I don't recall an Athenian being any freer than a Spartan or Syracusan. The form of government has no bearing on the rights of the individual. Democracies vote for less rights all the time. Look at how the right to protest and free assembly got destroyed by the Coof in most of the supposedly free and democratic world.
            A powerful Autocrat can be a source of freedom simply by not being as easily bought out by interest groups. But even that is more of an argument about power centralization than how power is distributed.
            The reality is that the only way to increase the chances of a free society is to make the people less reliant on the government and fully able to exert force by arming the populace, which has no bearing on democracies as an armed population is very good at deterring invaders and plenty of autocracies have done that. Even that is a temporary solution as prosperity and ample peace time will make it soo being armed won't be necessary anymore and the government can bribe the people with luxuries.

          • 8 months ago

            >Stop analyzing fiction based on the if the characters were real you child

      • 10 months ago

        >Even Kircheis.
        we don't know that

        >Yang still mogs every Imperial Commander. Even Kircheis.
        He absolutely did. And what did he do with his immense skill and talent? Absolutely nothing, except follow the orders of his "superiors" in the name of democracy.
        However, the democratic leaders were all corrupt slimebags who rose to power because they controlled the media (or rather, the corporations that owned the media controlled who got elected). Remember when Yang was put on trial?
        The actual competent men in the Alliance were the ones that rose through the ranks by merit, not popular vote. Noone elects admirals.

        Yang could have pulled a forceful Cincinnatus, taken absolute control for five years, kicked out the corrupt bureaucrats and Terraists and then reformed the state into a working republic. He could have used his military skills to force a peace treaty with the Empire, and then retire as a hero with the FPA back in working order.
        But he didn't, because he was a tool. Even the best tool in the world cannot wield itself

        story take dive after blonde brat win war with alliance
        reinhard should die when he was corrected by yang and orders for yang to surrender should come too late
        that would make it for more interesting story

        • 10 months ago

          >that would make it for more interesting story
          In a just universe Mittermeyer wins everything in the end, including the throne.

          • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Mount and blade and bannerlord, maybe?

      Rudolf was kind of a sperg that probably killed more people than needed when he fixed things, but that is ok because Reinhard basically did the samething but without the autism

    • 10 months ago

      >The Empire was objectively a decent place to live compared to that Rebel shithole.
      Oh God, you're not one of those idiots who tries to sell everybody on how great it was to be a medieval serf are you?

      • 9 months ago

        Mine Lord was a good man ser a good man. When the plague came we were allowed to keep our crops and onlee mine youngest died then.

        • 9 months ago

          >Gets to keep all his crops due to plague
          >His youngest son died
          Clearly his son died of natural causes or from parental neglect, at no fault of the good lord.

      • 9 months ago

        >only required to work less than half the year during growing and harvesting season.
        >In exchange you get housed and fed and protection
        >free to do any side hustle or not work during the rest of the year
        The current generation cant even afford houses or food

        • 9 months ago

          >In exchange you get housed and fed and protection
          Let's be honest, the first two were fulfilled by the serfs themselves and some of the time the lords were like bandits themselves.

          • 9 months ago

            In truth, you can write up whatever ideology or system you want. Be it Socialism, Capitalism, Feudalism or whatever. It's always going to do degrade because of the human condition and... ehm... you know... Holobunga tribe.
            Same shit was showed through LoGH, you can be ruled by someone like Rheinhardt who is a ruler who appears once in 500 years and there's still going to be morons who don't have the foresight or understandment of the good deeds he wants to accomplish.

            • 9 months ago

              >Holobunga tribe
              Holodeck plus unga bunga?

  2. 10 months ago

    Crusader kings 2 is pretty good with a politics mod, I forgot the name of the mod though I haven't played it in forever. You can also randomize by counties, d, and kingdoms. Though if you do this I would recommend finding a mod that lowers or fixes the kingdom and empire formation costs as the ai will never be able to click it

  3. 10 months ago

    >Not one game where you can control a single individual or faction in a space empire scheming their way to control of the galaxy by amassing power through dubious and elaborate means
    I can't stand Stellaris for this exact reason. There's no internal conflict outside of events, and external conflict consists of taking territory from your opponent, you can't cripple them economically, can't change their form of government, can't meddle in their own internal conflicts because there aren't any, nothing. Just throwing fleets at each other until one side gives up.

    • 10 months ago

      >you can't cripple them economically, can't change their form of government, can't meddle in their own internal conflicts because there aren't any, nothing
      hopefully Espiocracy isn't a scam, so I can finally fulfill that CIA glowie-LARP.

    • 10 months ago

      not exactly the same thing but you could try stellar monarch

      • 10 months ago

        First or second?

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, it's funny how the game just doesn't work as a satisfying space opera simulator without some sort of internal politcal aspect.

    • 9 months ago

      I could have sworn I remember internal conflicts being a thing back when it first came out but yea, its non existant now

      • 8 months ago

        I know monarchies used to have civil wars if the ruler died without an heir

  4. 10 months ago

    tropico 4

  5. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        it is a bit of a rabbit hole, but basically there is a series of text based games that all use the same engine and most people use the suffix era to denote that. You can google it to find out more, but basically TohoK is in the vein of old JP strategy games like ROTK or Nobunaga's ambition, but set in the touhou universe and with very explicit porn elements. For a porn game it is surprisingly in depth and due to a relationship system and characters being officers, you can end up with rather convoluted situations where your own allies betray you, you can sneak up and abduct people in the middle of the night, and even assassinate leaders. It is a bit simplistic when you get to the actual combat side of things, but the engine ends up making it more indepth on the political/diplomatic side than it has any right to be.

        • 10 months ago

          >TohoK is in the vein of old JP strategy games like ROTK or Nobunaga's ambition
          Well, thanks for the explanation. You sold me on it.

  6. 10 months ago

    >be Reinhard
    >be one of the greatest admirals in imperial history
    >nearly gets mogged by 70 year old grandpa and his ragtag fleet of half finished destroyers, third rate frigates and obsolete dreadnoughts and a bunch of retirees, cripples and part time reservists
    >would like have been killed in action if admiral grandpa was in his prime
    Yang is overrated.

    • 10 months ago

      >space boomer
      >with a mustache
      Literally unbeatable.

      • 10 months ago

        >be Reinhard
        >be one of the greatest admirals in imperial history
        >nearly gets mogged by 70 year old grandpa and his ragtag fleet of half finished destroyers, third rate frigates and obsolete dreadnoughts and a bunch of retirees, cripples and part time reservists
        >would like have been killed in action if admiral grandpa was in his prime
        Yang is overrated.

        Republic war-boomers are probably the most potent and powerful force keeping republics alive, which is why the best strategy for them is usually waiting until they age or die instead of taking them head on

  7. 10 months ago

    is the remake any good?

    • 10 months ago

      nobody ever references it or posts images from it so i would assume not

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        SOVL vs SOVLESS

      • 10 months ago

        DNT-Reuenthal's haircut is a crime against humanity and violates Imperial fleet regulations. Disgusting.

      • 10 months ago

        >its in homosexual bait artstyle

        • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Holy frick what am i looking at
        How did those morons manage to turn a beautiful, timeless artstyle into soulless slop with copy-paste faces?

        • 10 months ago

          they used manga(for women) as inspiration
          >fujos are blight
          nothing new

        • 10 months ago

          Well, you're looking at the "everyone must look like a massive homosexual"-artstyle that is been in use for over a decade now.

      • 10 months ago

        Damn, they did them dirty, wouldn't even be able to tell who the 2018 versions were supposed to be as stand alone images.

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            >I recognize dudes from the start of the series despite having only seen LoGH once a couple of years ago.

            • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                Who's the Russian?

              • 10 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                >Empire are Wagner enjoyers
                Total Empire victory

              • 9 months ago

                >Wagner and Mozart ratio.
                Total republican death.

          • 10 months ago

            Where is my main man, Luneberg?
            He rapes his wife while thinking of Reinhard.

            • 10 months ago

              I think you can see his hair at the bottom cut off, number 8 from the left.

            • 10 months ago

              not sure if gaiden characters are here

          • 10 months ago

            What game?

            • 10 months ago

              I thought people were meming when they said Golden Wings was bad.

            • 10 months ago

              LOGH Snes version

      • 10 months ago

        Not a single of the new designs is better, what the frick.

        Maybe the new Cazzelnu looks more desitinguishable, I guess, through his facial features and being the sole wearer of glasses.

        • 9 months ago

          The old Cazzelnu being plain is perfect for his character is perfect, as he is supposed to be the closest the series get to an averege joe familiy man.
          The new one looks like he is the younger brother of that lizard-in-fleshsuit Arakawa from Petlabor 2.

          • 9 months ago

            >is perfect for his character is perfect
            See, this is why you don't stop to rewatch the helicopter and fighter scenes of Patlabor 2 in the middle of writing a post.

          • 9 months ago

            >is perfect for his character is perfect
            See, this is why you don't stop to rewatch the helicopter and fighter scenes of Patlabor 2 in the middle of writing a post.

            Based, love that film. Nigh on the best animated one ever made I want to say.

      • 9 months ago

        What the frick.

      • 8 months ago

        oh my God what the FRICK

      • 8 months ago

        1990s style homosexual pretty boys vs 2000s style homosexual pretty boys

    • 10 months ago

      It's... pointless? I guess that's the best way to describe it. It's not bad or awful, but there is no real reason to bother.

      • 10 months ago

        i didnt watched it and will not bother with it

  8. 10 months ago

    Closest thing available is Republic The Revolution. But good luck getting it to run and figure how to play the fricking thing.

    • 9 months ago

      Republic the Revolution but I never got beyond needing to find the underground press.

      This. The game is very vague on how you need to play it.

  9. 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago

    >achieves the rank of Captain in his 30s as a commoner in the Goldenbaum Empire
    >over-aggresive ship captain sinking two enemy battleships with one volley
    >hand-picked by Reinhard to be in his admiralty
    >defeats assigned enemy fleet during Amlitzer
    >breaks Buwiener's back during Rantemario, winning the battle for the Empire
    >breaks Buwiener's back AGAIN, putting an end to the FPA forever
    >breaks Yang's back by sinking Fischer's flagship, killing him, and forcing Yang to surrender
    >breaks Reuenthal's back by melting his left flank and forcing him to retreat
    >breaks Julian's back by sinking the Hyperion and killing Merkatz
    >storms and jumps into a burning building to personally save and carry the Kaiser to safety

    Bittenfeld was the unsung MVP of the Empire and also most effective admiral.

    • 10 months ago

      him and Sigfried would make perfect duo

    • 10 months ago

      Don't forget that time he nearly killed Oberstein for being a scheming butthole. You just know something funny is going to happen when Bittenfeld appears on the screen.

      • 10 months ago

        How about actual factual arguments instead of emotional chimpouts?

  11. 10 months ago

    I wonder how a game would go about capturing the spirit of LOGH.

    Something like Stellaris doesn't work because you are playing in an omniscient state and not as a character.
    So, it would have to be something like Warband, but at the same time, it would have to do more logistic planning.
    And you should able to see when your entire bridge is on fire and people are dying.
    It might not even have to be in sci-fi setting.
    Another thing is it shouldn't entirely be a life game because LOGH spends relatively little time in battles, but spends a lot of characters just chatting and living.

    I guess it would have to be:
    >Suzerain + Warband + Democracy + Crusader Kings

    • 10 months ago

      or just make Crusader Kings 2 but in space.

      • 10 months ago

        CK2 has similar omniscience as Stellaris and none of hands-on-appeal.

      • 10 months ago

        Would make a fun short mod

    • 10 months ago

      Sins of a Solar Empire for the space battles.

      How about actual factual arguments instead of emotional chimpouts?

      Chimpouts are way more fun-

    • 10 months ago

      more like these old KOEI RoTK where you could play as officer but in space

    • 9 months ago

      crusader kings but good

  12. 10 months ago

    Play ttrpgs.

  13. 10 months ago

    >thread turns into a logh thread
    Holy kino. By the way, Reinhard was smart, but Oberstein was the real genius. The guy even let himself be killed at the end because he knew without Reinhard, everyone would try to get rid of him and that would bring instability to the nation, thus damaging what he worked so hard to achieve. It's rare to see media as based as this, I can't think of any other show that portrays authoritarianism and fascism in a good light.

    • 10 months ago

      turns into a logh thread
      rule of Rosen Ritters: every thread containing LOGH image will derail into LOGH conversation

    • 10 months ago

      >I can't think of any other show that portrays authoritarianism and fascism in a good light
      It's more of a neutral light, saying that Reinhard's empire is authoritarianism at its peak. The problem is that it is very likely doomed to fail and become the next Goldenbaum dynasty over time.

      • 10 months ago

        That is definitely one of the themes people misunderstand despite one of the movies starting off with a monologue about the rise and fall of civilization. For every strong ruler of noble character you will get dozens of rulers that are corrupt and weak.

        I honestly like how it isn't as simple as "X system good, Y system bad" but rather "here is why these systems fail". On a deeper level too, the reason Yang failed and the Empire won in the end ties into history, in reality the competent good guy sometimes loses. Just look at one of the inpsiring works for LoGH, Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Shu, and by extension Zhuge Liang, a very clear inspiration for Yang Wenli, were portrayed as just and noble, upholding many virtues of the day, yet in the end they were defeated.

        • 10 months ago

          meant to say "the kingdom of Shu".
          Still, if you have a passing familiarity with the work beyond I played some modern Koei slop, there are some obvious inspirations.

        • 10 months ago

          Glad I'm not the only one that saw the similarities. If you look at the actual history, it's even more tragic. Zhuge Liang was one of the most virtuous and talented figures of his time, an incredibly fair minister, an adept tactician and was beloved by his people and repected by his enemies. However, he still failed, because the talents of one man are not enough to turn the tide. Meanwhile, Reinhardt is flawed, always getting btfo by Yang despite his own military talents. He's emotional and rash at times, but he also has a very good team of underlings and advisors that plug the holes in his own character and thus is able to succeed.

  14. 10 months ago

    guild 2 renaissance, obviously very different setting. it has all manners of politicking and zany stuff fabricating false evidence against your neighbor to buy their properties

  15. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      isn't the galaxy population like 80 billion?

      • 9 months ago

        used to be like 400 billion or smth (or more) during Rudolfs time
        he unironically reduced the population by 5x

        • 9 months ago

          Where was this stated and why and how did he do it?

          • 9 months ago

            Have you even watched the series?

          • 9 months ago

            It might be in the books. I don't know if the history episodes state it. I don't remember where it's from but I remember it being this fricked up. General population decline followed, but Rudolf unironically killed billions, like, dozens of billions.
            The anime is very lax on actual data and good maps etc.

          • 9 months ago

            It might be in the books. I don't know if the history episodes state it. I don't remember where it's from but I remember it being this fricked up. General population decline followed, but Rudolf unironically killed billions, like, dozens of billions.
            The anime is very lax on actual data and good maps etc.

            I read the wiki and it says the population decline happened due to straight-up killing, widespread sterilization and eugenics.
            The number went down from 400 billion to 40 billion, after 500 years.

            • 9 months ago

              It might be in the books. I don't know if the history episodes state it. I don't remember where it's from but I remember it being this fricked up. General population decline followed, but Rudolf unironically killed billions, like, dozens of billions.
              The anime is very lax on actual data and good maps etc.

              Rudolf basically committed hundreds of Hitlers in his lifetime, and his crimes against humanity allowed to the survivors to live very comfy rustic lifestyles.
              So he's very convenient in that the Empire can blame all it's sins on him and take advantage of his depopulation in the same way people benefitted after the black death.

            • 9 months ago

              Rudolf basically committed hundreds of Hitlers in his lifetime, and his crimes against humanity allowed to the survivors to live very comfy rustic lifestyles.
              So he's very convenient in that the Empire can blame all it's sins on him and take advantage of his depopulation in the same way people benefitted after the black death.

              >eradicate 90% of the population
              >life of remaining population improves
              wow that's genius, democracy BTFO

          • 9 months ago

            It might be in the books. I don't know if the history episodes state it. I don't remember where it's from but I remember it being this fricked up. General population decline followed, but Rudolf unironically killed billions, like, dozens of billions.
            The anime is very lax on actual data and good maps etc.

            It's the first chapter of the books, which is a gigantic exposition dump that puts even the show to shame.

    • 9 months ago

      >I wish I had a 9/10 chance of being Rudolphed
      Smartest imperial supporter

      • 9 months ago

        If you're not a shitskin, why would you be afraid?

  16. 9 months ago

    >my stg thread turns into Ganker LOGH thread
    hmm cool but sad that the games recommended I already know about

    • 9 months ago

      LoGH away from Ganker sounds just fine.
      In terms of games you could try Star Dynasties but games cannot handle character perspectives. It has to be the eye of God guiding characters. You have to see everything your orders are always understood and immediately received and enacted. A game about a single person in a system is antithetical to how things are trending.

    • 9 months ago

      The Last Federation is nothing as what you are asking as it's a premade character but it does capture the spirit.

  17. 9 months ago

    What's your reponse?

    • 9 months ago

      >If I say yes, you kill me for sure. You're Schönkopf after all. If I say no, you will give me another chance by tossing me back. But, under Imperial military law, I will be executed for cowardice in face of the enemy. See, this is a game I cannot win.

    • 9 months ago

      tell the truth of course
      at last I will die both as honest man and a virgin

  18. 9 months ago

    Dominions has almost all of that in multiplayer only, there's no singleplayer diplo yet as far as I know
    You get to:
    >design a Pretender God (you)
    >pick one of the hundred+ nations from three ages to lead, plus there's a lot of modded nations too (including a few mods to randomly generate nations)
    >can diplomatically ask other people to attack someone else together withyou, while you prepare a second army to backstab them with
    >assassins are a core part of a bunch of vanilla nations, and there are ways to give stealth+assassin to any of your commanders
    That said, it's a clunky game made by two dudes and it's more of an army smashing and magic research rushing simulator than a careful balance of politics and diplomacy (or at least that's what my experience with /domg/ games has been so far, maybe other communities are better in this regard) but even then the roots of Diplomacy the boardgame are self evident in Dominions.
    Version 6 is coming soon, but you can still pirate Dom5 and play it even online if you dont meet another pirate

  19. 9 months ago

    >making a whole new thread just to ask about one extremely specific type of game that you know doesn't exist
    Were you trying to bump a thread off the board or something? What's the point of making a thread for this, fricktard?

    • 9 months ago

      Sorry your general got culled.

      • 9 months ago

        It's ok... you don't cross Putin and march on Moscow without consequences.

        • 9 months ago


  20. 9 months ago

    i miss kircheis

  21. 9 months ago

    Closest thing you got is Star Dynasties.

  22. 9 months ago

    Closest thing rn is solo tabletop rpg I'm gonna try it out soon

  23. 9 months ago

    Thank you, thanks to you I got to see a LOGH thread, on /vst/ of all places.
    >Starsector doesn't cut it
    >Stellaris is Marvel tier reddit game
    >Sins of a Solar Empire is good but doesn't have what you are looking for.
    Best bet is to play something like Warband or Bannerlord. The closest thing I can recommend is the mod for Warband "Caesar aut Nihil".

    • 9 months ago

      no problem, I mean yeah I don't particularly want a space game I just want the things that I described

  24. 9 months ago

    Here is what my LOGH inspired game would look like:
    >you are a new governor a solar system
    >your solar system is the frontier of a corrupt feudal empire
    >your solar system is poor and you are all your ships are in poor shape
    >furthermore, the Empire's enemies, regularly raid your solar system
    >you have four years (16 turns) to make the best of your situation before your term as a governor concludes

    every quarter (turn) you perform actions like:
    >leave the solar system to your underling and visit the Emperor (or other nobles) outside of the solar system and beg him for aid
    >appoint one of your underlings to raid enemy territory
    >find resources to build new ships

    • 9 months ago

      >turn based
      that's where you frick up

      • 9 months ago

        Hmm... true. How about this?
        > first+third person shooter
        > start off as random they/them person starting a new gig on a space mine
        > space bandits raid your shit
        > beat them off and get a spaceship
        > stumble into space conspiracy
        > rise through the space ranks until you can build your own space settlement
        > most space people are aboriginal australian

        • 9 months ago

          i know this is a joke but still, kys for this post

      • 9 months ago

        What does real-time with pause actually contribute?

        • 9 months ago

          literally nothing it's the baseline. turn based subtracts from that on the contrary.

        • 8 months ago

          It depends on implementation, but real-time tends to allow for more tactical depth because you have to balance limited time when making decisions.
          You could also do a Paradox-style turn-based, where each "day" is a turn but is evaluated rapidly. That gives the granularity of real-time play while still giving the structure of turn-based.

          Turn-based tends to thrive in games where you manage a lot of things (Civilization) or have to make very carefully calculated decisions (Diplomacy, Dominions). Would the game be like that? If so, then turn-based is fine.

          • 8 months ago

            Calling PDX games is kind of wrong.
            I realize your point is that in their games, time cannot exist between two arbitrary time units (e.g. days), but the terminology for turn doesn't fit either because is like microturn.

            And for sake of non-autist, it's 98% identical to other real time with pause games, and shares little DNA with turnbased games.

            It's simple discrete vs continuous real time.

            EU4 = discrete real-time with pause
            Age of Empires = continuous real-time with pause
            Civ = sequential turn
            Diplomacy = simultaneous turn

            • 8 months ago

              >It's simple discrete vs continuous real time
              That's a much better way to frame it, especially from a gameplay perspective.

              >for sake of non-autist, it's 98% identical to other real time with pause games
              I'm too used to debating this on /vrpg/, where posters are too autistic to care about that kind of stuff.

            • 8 months ago

              what would 7.62 High Calibre be? simultaneous real time with pause?

              • 8 months ago

                continuous real-time with pause

    • 9 months ago

      Hmm... true. How about this?
      > first+third person shooter
      > start off as random they/them person starting a new gig on a space mine
      > space bandits raid your shit
      > beat them off and get a spaceship
      > stumble into space conspiracy
      > rise through the space ranks until you can build your own space settlement
      > most space people are aboriginal australian

      how about this.

      >you are a noble scion of an impoverished border system.
      >the year is 437 Imperial Calendar
      >you have ten frigates and a destroyer
      >pirates have occupied the resource asteroid belt and gas planet
      >rebels have taken over two mining colonies during the prolonged illness of your father
      >there is an imperial border spy site in your system which will later make the allied forces take an interest in your system
      >you control your home world, its moon and another habitable rural world, its terraforming having been completed a hundred years ago
      >you must develop this solar system, retake the occupied planets and expand
      >you will fight further pirates in late early game, the captain of the pirates which previously you fought in your system and a rival noble family in the mid game, who contributed to your fathers death.
      >the map consists of 20-40 systems, most of which you cannot take over.
      >in the beginning the empire issues you ships and technical expertise in trade for resources and trade (also with phezzan and other made up corps)
      >later you will build your own fleet years
      >you will probably play from late 10s to early 30s to give it a bit of scope
      >population dynamics are mostly migration based, seeing you grow at the expense of neighboring systems
      >the final mission has you fighting the splinter of an free system invasion fleet

      • 9 months ago

        >Galactic Federation era
        >everyone is corrupt
        >you are Liutenant Rudolf Goldenbaum
        >fight the bad guys and build up your fame
        >eventually dodge politician conspiracies

  25. 8 months ago

    >Please stop repeatedly raping the woman you locked up. We're friends, I know, but this is too much...

    • 8 months ago

      I like how the purest and most moral of all the characters was friends with the most psycopathic one.

  26. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      He can't get quads lmao. What are you even trying to say, you gay?
      The Wikipedia article actually seethes about Lohengramm being portrayed as a "aestheticization of Hitler's image". Is Space Battleship Yamato as good as LoGH?

      • 8 months ago

        Dictators are ambitious, attractive, give hope to their people in their darkest times, and it's possible for them to create the best nations in the world. But despite all of that, democracies are still better because all people deserve to decide their own fates.

        I don't agree with either side. I'm just saying this is the moral of the story.

        • 8 months ago

          >democracies are still better because all people deserve to decide their own fates
          Can you decide your own fate in a Democracy?
          Democracy, like Marxism, sounds nice in theory but always devolves into tyranny. Communism turns Authoritarian, Democracy becomes Oligarchical.
          The difference is that in a Democracy, the people do not see who actually rules them: it is not the guy with the red/blue tie, but instead the men who allowed you to have a choice between the guy with the red or the blue tie. I'm German, and let me tell you that adding more tie colours does not change a thing.
          Democracy is perfidious like that and the parasites in power survive by turning brother against brother, all in accordance with the law.

          Hierarchy and struggle are inherent not only to human society, but to life in general. All who deny it are liars.
          The OVA did not reveal enough about Lohengramm's policies to actually classify him as a Third Positionist. I've not seen anyone pro-NatSoc flaunting Lohengramm as an example of it. Designating him as such seems like people screeching about any positive depiction of outwardly authoritarian government. The kind of people who say "literally Hitler" without irony

          • 8 months ago

            >The OVA did not reveal enough about Lohengramm's policies to actually classify him as a Third Positionist
            If all parallels between hitler and reinhart were listed it would be fair to say there are a lot of similarities. It doesn't have to be as explicit as having the same policies. Don't take it from me, the author himself said so

            He can't get quads lmao. What are you even trying to say, you gay?
            The Wikipedia article actually seethes about Lohengramm being portrayed as a "aestheticization of Hitler's image". Is Space Battleship Yamato as good as LoGH?

            As for democracy vs. marxism vs. whatever else, I couldn't care less. All political ideologies and worldviews based on enlightenment thought and secularist laws can go to hell. I support strict Sharia based on classical orthodox jurisprudence.

          • 8 months ago

            MB that wasn't the author

            He can't get quads lmao. What are you even trying to say, you gay?
            The Wikipedia article actually seethes about Lohengramm being portrayed as a "aestheticization of Hitler's image". Is Space Battleship Yamato as good as LoGH?

            but the point stands

          • 8 months ago

            Least typical German post. If you're not minding your μῦθος and Männerbund at all times you literally cannot be German.

            Res publica est omnis divisa in partes tres: proletarii, patricii et mulieres.
            Zivilisten bauen Gewehre und züchten Pferde, schmieden Schwerter, ernten Felder, unterhalten Frauen.
            Offiziere herrschen, kämpfen, besitzen, und schlafen mit Frauen.
            Frauen bringen neue Offiziere in die Welt.

      • 8 months ago

        Also chuds on 4chins side with reinhart because they're nazis who want a pretty blonde aryan dictator who will fix all their problems and make them "great again"

  27. 8 months ago

    >go to /vst/
    >it's Ganker in disguise
    I hate you homosexuals so much, like you wouldn't believe.

    • 8 months ago

      Anime imageboard, Reddit.

    • 8 months ago

      >go to /vst/
      >it's Ganker in disguise
      >but after 100 posts I discover it's /misc/ in disguise
      I'm guessing it'll turn into /k/ in disguise next, discussing the legality of owning private battleships in a high trust society.

      • 8 months ago

        >High Trust Society

  28. 8 months ago

    >tfw I doubted Oberstein until the very end
    forgive me

  29. 8 months ago

    Terra Invicta kinda? Or Shadows of Forbidden God's?

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