What the actual frick was her problem?

What the actual frick was her problem?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      She doesn't really demonstrate changes in personality, she's just an amoral sociopath all the time.

      Like every woman, she needed to get dicked

      I'm pretty sure she only has sex with men on sufferance, like when she's homeless. That said she doesn't seem to want to frick girls much either, sex just seems either disgusting or inconvenient to her.

      • 6 months ago

        >I'm pretty sure she only has sex with men on sufferance, like when she's homeless.
        She doesn't have sex with anyone, she specifically says she gave them "upper" favors.

        • 6 months ago

          Right, I should've phrased it better but I'd still argue that blowjobs and handjobs are still sexual conduct regardless. Also it's the closest thing she has to having sex with anyone in the entire VN. Unless the Ari text thing actually means they had sex, I suppose. Really can't imagine Nicole caring enough to indulge her though.

      • 6 months ago

        >She doesn't really demonstrate changes in personality, she's just an amoral sociopath all the time.
        BPD means borderline personality disorder (not bipolar if that's what you thought)

        • 6 months ago

          I wouldn't say she's emotionally unstable either, she's pretty disaffected almost all the time.

      • 6 months ago

        literally me

  2. 6 months ago

    Like every woman, she needed to get dicked

  3. 6 months ago

    written by the most bitter man in the world

  4. 6 months ago

    Tbf if she was a normal person she would have been eaten alive. If your environment is full of unironic pedophiles, nationalists, and rapists why shouldn't you frick that shit up? You're not making anything any worse than it already was.

    • 6 months ago

      I mean there's an important difference between naive normalgay and sociopath, yes she'd probably have gotten raped by the coach or counselor if she'd been completely normal and not aware of her surroundings but her derranged and disaffected attitude towards shit gets her in situations like the chlorine bomb, in jail for selling crack, in rehab for doing all of Kyler's perc, barely surviving a suicide pact with Emily, etc. What she needed was some middle ground.

    • 6 months ago

      I mean there's an important difference between naive normalgay and sociopath, yes she'd probably have gotten raped by the coach or counselor if she'd been completely normal and not aware of her surroundings but her derranged and disaffected attitude towards shit gets her in situations like the chlorine bomb, in jail for selling crack, in rehab for doing all of Kyler's perc, barely surviving a suicide pact with Emily, etc. What she needed was some middle ground.

      Not to mention indirectly getting her mother killed and becoming a homeless prostitute who can only cope by popping pills.

      That ending where she gets choked to death by the gym teacher was pretty hot ngl

      Say what you like about the game's actual content but it's amazing fuel for doujin material. Here's hoping it gets a JP release at some point.

      • 6 months ago

        I wonder what Nips think of American high school. They fetishize high school and blonde Americans super hard. I bet they'd get turned off by all the drug abuse. Did Nips like LiS? That was kind of American high school mixed with some kind of weird French boomer's college fantasy.

        • 6 months ago

          With all the drug abuse I'm kind of astonished it's available on JP Steam, but then I'm pretty sure GTA is too. Frankly I think it'd get at least some interest for the same reason they like South Park, plus the novelty of "American gyaru are so scary!" or whatever.
          >Did Nips like LiS?
          I don't know if it even got a JP release.

          • 6 months ago

            >I don't know if it even got a JP release.
            It was published by Squeenix, so I assume so. Weird game. French devs writing Americans for a Jap company.

  5. 6 months ago

    she's a woman

  6. 6 months ago

    That ending where she gets choked to death by the gym teacher was pretty hot ngl

  7. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Kylar was best character

  8. 6 months ago

    run-of-the-mill narcissist labeling herself a sociopath
    unreliable narrator that was almost definitely a bad person long before her dad's suicide

    • 6 months ago

      I don't think a run-of-the-mill narcissist would respond to her mother's death the way she did, nor Kyler killing himself in front of her, she's pretty unhinged.
      >unreliable narrator that was almost definitely a bad person long before her dad's suicide
      I really wish it'd go into more detail about that part of Nicole's life, really felt like it could've been contextualized better beyond a brief summary at the beginning of both VNs.

  9. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Considering he killed himself in front of her I don't think having him around would've helped. Also I'm 100% certain at least one of her step-dads tried or possibly even succeeded in molesting her, considering her disposition.

      Could you fix her, v?

      I feel like the backstory intro and begging for help aspect is supposed to bait the reader into the "I can fix her" mindset but it's made very clear that it simply isn't an option. The best you can manage is to try not to make things much worse.

      • 6 months ago

        I wonder what Nicole truly did to influence her dad into killing himself.

        • 6 months ago

          Probably child support payments.

        • 6 months ago

          This is a really important issue and it's bizarre that the circumstances surrounding it aren't expanded upon. I really hope the next game or maybe the anime actually tries to address it. Plus the idea of seeing an earlier, less cynical Nicole is neat.

          >I don't know if it even got a JP release.
          It was published by Squeenix, so I assume so. Weird game. French devs writing Americans for a Jap company.

          I'd imagine it would've been a yuri goldmine much as Co09 would be, haven't checked to see if that's the case though.

  10. 6 months ago

    Could you fix her, v?

    • 6 months ago

      No but I could let her make me worse trying.

    • 6 months ago

      nah she's fricked

  11. 6 months ago

    Re Up is so mid compared to the 1st game.

    • 6 months ago

      Kinda? The endings are all over the place and some of them don't really feel like endings since they don't conclude Nicole's school career or abrubtly end it. That being said it has more time spent with Nicole hanging out with Jecka and the other girls which are probably the most fun parts of the VNs for me, so that's a plus in my book.

      Probably child support payments.

      I feel that's something you'd blame on her mom before her, though.

  12. 6 months ago

    Being female mostly. By Allah(pbuh) I would throw my shoe at this b***h.

  13. 6 months ago

    so what's the deal with this dumb ARG shit in the files? Anyone solved it?

    • 6 months ago

      I don't know what that is probably because I just watched it all on youtube.

      • 6 months ago

        there is a folder called breadcrumbs in both versions that has a bunch of weird .txt files in it. supposedly the game will also put those files on your desktop to spook you

        • 6 months ago

          Fair enough. I guess that ties into the Jecka "what about me?" line at the end.

          • 6 months ago

            yeah that ending is what made me curious. it looks like a typical ARG video so I started digging around.

            • 6 months ago

              Alternate reality game?

              • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              according to a reddit thread it’s supposedly a subplot about a pizza guy stalker? Maybe we’ll find more answers soon

              • 6 months ago

                >a pizza guy stalker
                The only reference to something like this I can think of is what Nicole says in passing in her suicide ending, something about asking if your pizza delivery guy is a rapist or something. I'm guessing that's incidental.

              • 6 months ago

                Could make sense, I went to check the phone number from the text message from the first one and cross reference with the re-up and still have no clue.

  14. 6 months ago

    isn't Jecka too much of a Stacy to hang out with Nicole? In my own '09 high school experience the groups were really hard divided and the alt kids barely interacted with the rich ones.

    • 6 months ago

      Jecka's an odd case, she seems to be the preppiest of the hot girl clique (even though Emily or possibly Kelly are actually the richest) but doesn't actually have that many genuine friends to hang with. I know she says early on that all her other friends got put on a different lunch period but we never see with them outside of lunch either. And as soon as Nicole is removed she starts getting desperate by spending time with Kelly who she barely tolerates, just to not be alone. She's also the only girl in the group who cares about her grades, which does kind of reflect in her past relationship with Karen. She's an odd duck that doesn't really fit with the bad girls or the good girls, despite being ultrahot and seemingly at near enough the top of the pecking order. I kind of knew a girl like that, the only smart one in a group of dumb bawds. Never knew what she was thinking which might be why Jecka is interesting to me.

      • 6 months ago

        she's probably too cynical to give a frick about her "own" clique, so she just picks and chooses elements from whatever she likes. Drugs are cool and she has money, so why not. Expensive clothing and makeup is cool, why not. Nicole is cynical like she is, cool to hang out with.

        • 6 months ago

          I mean Nicole is cynical but then so is Emily who at times Jecka treats as a friend and sometimes with open caution and possibly fear. And there's plenty of times where it's obvious that Jecka is legitimately horrified by Nicole's outlook and way of life, but I guess she's not as immediately threatening as Emily can be.

    • 6 months ago

      Nicole is supposed to be super hot. Probably enough to get high school Stacy clout.

  15. 6 months ago

    I need an unfiltered American Persona game like this with the expected amount of gun violence.

    • 6 months ago

      >Have to do the gun suicide Evoker thing but it actually blows your Persona out of your skull and you only survive because it reverses time retroactively or something
      Would be kino.

      Nicole is supposed to be super hot. Probably enough to get high school Stacy clout.

      Nicole is "literally too good for any guy in school, both staff and student" levels of hot. Also "all the girls confirmed gay want to frick her" levels of hot. I'd call it borderline Mary Sue-ish if it weren't for the fact that it mostly works against her.

  16. 6 months ago

    I don't know how to feel about this game. The sense of humor is good when it comes to individual scenes but it feels like a bunch of disconnected scenarios rather than a cohesive whole. It's like the whole game was made for the purpose of people uploading 30 seconds clips of it on to Youtube, which might be the case given that SBN3 mostly does 5 minute videos.

    • 6 months ago

      >The sense of humor is good when it comes to individual scenes but it feels like a bunch of disconnected scenarios rather than a cohesive whole
      Agreed, I've said much the same thing in previous threads, if the dev wants to push the boat out further he could aim to have a more structured overarching narrative instead of a collection of disjointed wacky scenarios and endings. Maybe the anime will pick up the slack if it works out.

    • 6 months ago

      from what I've heard the game is pretty much just the author remembering a lot of fricked up shit that happened during high school and tossing it all on one character, that's why it's disjointed.

      • 6 months ago

        I mean if it's a one-man job that'd explain the structure. Might be a good idea to get at least one other guy in to help with editing the ideas if nothing else.

  17. 6 months ago

    is there any other VN that's as fun as this one?

    • 6 months ago


  18. 6 months ago

    What game?

    • 6 months ago

      Persona 6: Stars and Stripes

    • 6 months ago

      I don't want to get accused of shilling like every damn thread so here's where you can watch the whole thing.

    • 6 months ago

      Class of 09

  19. 6 months ago

    also ari is voiced by runka chunk and didn’t even realize it was her until I saw the vndb page huh
    surprised she would be on something with Lyle and druox after what happened with street fighter chode and the latter’s parody video making fun of her and her dad

    • 6 months ago

      Man I know nothing about western VA drama, all I'll say is that having voice acting really carries Co09 a lot, it makes the humor land a lot better and the emotional sections have better payoff for it.

      • 6 months ago

        yeah I heard macks is real good at doing voice directing so I am sure he had a lot in part in having the voice cast read their lines in specific ways

  20. 6 months ago

    Why do people hate male incels / virgins so much.
    I feel like the dev of this game hates a large part of what they perceive to be their audience.

    • 6 months ago

      There isn't a single good person in the entire cast. The nerds are losers, the jock is a moron and a scumbag, the popular girls are either morons or psychopaths, the stoner guy is an absolute cretin, the achiever girls are either dorks or egotist freaks and all the adults are either sex offenders, lunatics or just absolute b***hes. If anything it's a characature of the dev's life experiences.

      • 6 months ago

        Does hunter count as a jock or is he a stoner too
        skeeting all over his mom’s israeliteelry box as brothers uno card collection

      • 6 months ago

        I can't speak for the devs intentions, but the game certainly attracts people who dislike virgins / weebs. They actually seem to be people who are exactly like the main character of the game, or very similar in terms of mentality. Like they actually self insert into the game
        This is based on YouTube comments sections by the way

        • 6 months ago

          I dunno, I loved the game and I was a nerd at that time. I wasn't actively disliked by anyone though, so I don't have any bitterness towards the different cliques.

          • 6 months ago

            I wasn't disliked by anyone either irl
            I'm talking more so about the YouTube comments section

            • 6 months ago

              It's just YouTube being YouTube and only going for the surface-level shit. To me, Jeffery always stood out as one of the most sympathetic, despite being so gross. Though that means little as he's only marginally less fricked and vindictive as everyone else and proves it constantly.

              I think he only seems singled-out because usually the nerdy types get cut some slack when Jeffery is a raw look about the shit kids like him developed when they were dealing with social isolation in the dawn of the internet era.

            • 6 months ago

              >I'm talking more so about the YouTube comments section
              Anon, nothing good ever comes from there.

        • 6 months ago

          >They actually seem to be people who are exactly like the main character of the game

    • 6 months ago

      Considering that the developer was previously most famous for doing joke dubs of anime and is currently raising funds through Kickstarter to make his an anime adaptation of his work, I assume that it's a form of self flagellation. He even fits into the cliche of a scrawny white kid with a black guy as his avatar.

  21. 6 months ago

    This game just rubs me the wrong way. I get the point but I just can’t stomach it.

  22. 6 months ago

    Low rise pants need to make a comeback

    • 6 months ago

      why did they stop

      • 6 months ago

        Who knows but I can almost bet it has something to do with the body positivity movement.

  23. 6 months ago

    welcome to EB GAMES

  24. 6 months ago

    I love these b***hes like you wouldn't believe.

  25. 6 months ago

    Do you ever get to see their butts?

  26. 6 months ago

    Lesbo in desperate need of a tribbing

  27. 6 months ago

    She’s written by a man rapidly hurtling towards 30 who never mentally matured past high school. That’s why his most popular works are dubs of anime and cartoons meant for teenagers in the 2000s.

  28. 6 months ago

    Is he our guy?

    • 6 months ago

      no he is a giantess gay

    • 6 months ago

      >Takes pictures of 3dpd

  29. 6 months ago

    whats with that fricking neck
    westoids can't do anything right

    • 6 months ago

      Makes it easier for choking and deepthroating.

      • 6 months ago

        the only thing deepthroating that wind tunnel is a horse wiener

        • 6 months ago


  30. 6 months ago

    Isn't the dev some batshit insane anti-white mexican?

  31. 6 months ago

    What's the difference between the original game and Re-Up?

    • 6 months ago

      Re-Up is more of a side-stories type of thing plus getting some background information of the side characters.

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