What the frick do I do if I hate most resident evil games but like the idea or concept?

What the frick do I do if I hate most resident evil games but like the idea or concept? It's so rare to get an actual coherent action adventure game that isn't fricking open world, or top much action. A game that actually has either exploration or puzzlesolving, while not forsaking that for TOO much action. Don't misunderstand me. I still want to shooty shooty.

Frick. This series and this game (REmake) In particular HAUNTS me. I want to enjoy it SO FRICKING BAD, because like I said, actually solid and coherent action adventure games are rare. But it has SO many dogshit design decisions, that it's simply inexcusable. And I could write an ENTIRE essay on all of them, but there's no fricking point. So don't ask. Because whenever I do, people's circlejerk instincts come out and they find some way to attack my character instead of the argument.

So I'm making this thread in the hopes that there's either people like me that GET it, and understand legitimate reasons to hate this series. Or a sympathetic RE fan, that also understands it, but always has a place in their heart for the series due to nostalgia or whatever.

Where the frick do people like me go? What game am I supposed to play to fill this void for a game series I don't even fricking enjoy?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Step down from your high horse and just play the games in whatever order you want.

    • 3 months ago

      ...are you stupid? I've already played all the games except for 5 and 6, what the frick even is this reply...?

      urhh it's so tiring, makes me depressed and discouraged that people don't even bother to try to read or check themselves before replying. it's all so pointless isn't it.

      • 3 months ago

        If you don't like the games then you don't like them, but if that's true then you clearly do like them. Stop trying to turn the series into something it's not.

      • 3 months ago

        >I've already played all the games except for 5 and 6
        Get a friend, and play RE5 and 6 in co-op.
        Trust me, you'll have a great time.

        • 3 months ago

          yeah, already happened to convince one anon to play 6 on coop, he's available on the weekend. I'm wondering if 5 is the generally better experience tho.

          • 3 months ago

            5 plays like RE4 but with co-op, the first 5 chapter try to be creepy.

      • 3 months ago

        hey moron homosexual you didnt say anything in your post.

      • 3 months ago

        have a nice day

  2. 3 months ago

    >it's all so pointless isn't it.
    yup I agree, you should have a nice day immediately.

    • 3 months ago

      ...I won't give up. I'll just try again once this one dies.

  3. 3 months ago

    >action adventure
    There's your problem

    • 3 months ago

      >There's your problem

      Resident Evil games are all action adventure. There is no refuting this. "Resource management" doesn't suddenly make it not. Because TLOU2 on grounded has far tighter resources than any RE game on their hardest difficulty and nobody would question it being action adventure. "Shitty clunky controls" also isn't an excuse, because it never passes for RE8, which people lambast for not being "survival horror" and if we want to arbitrarily lean on the "horror" aspect. Beyond the fact that horror is so subjective, that denoting it is meaningless. It's moreso "horror themed" than anything. Game is literally formulated based on horror movie tropes. Not to mention the fact that the games gives you a grenade launcher, and then a laser rifle in the second game, and a custom made tactical pistol in the 3rd.

      Just accept it and let's move on, so that this thread doesn't end up completely useless. Unless you think you have a genuine counterargument, but I doubt it.

  4. 3 months ago

    >What game am I supposed to play to fill this void for a game series I don't even fricking enjoy?
    if you're like me, you replay the original, PS1 era RE1-3 for the 50th time, and get reminded how much of the SOUL and STYLE has been lost these past 20+ years.
    Many of your kind have also never tried the early 00s' spinoffs, like the Dead Aim or even Outbreak F1-2. I highly recommend doing so.

    After that, it's time to check out the oldschool competitors of RE.
    Silent Hill 1-3 are obvious candidates, but don't ignore games like Fatal Frame 1-3 either. I'm gonna assume you've already beaten Dino Crisis 1-2, because why wouldn't you have?

    There's also a ton of indie titles and TC mods that pay a tribute to the OG REs, such as the Afraid Of Monsters:DC, Cry Of Fear, Tormented Souls, and recently the Signalis.

    • 3 months ago

      >if you're like me, you replay the original, PS1 era RE1-3 for the 50th time, and get reminded how much of the SOUL and STYLE has been lost these past 20+ years.

      Already played all of them but OG RE1. I liked RE2 a lot. Actually probably more than I did REmake on my first time. But the second half dropped the ball hard. Unlucky.

      >Many of your kind have also never tried the early 00s' spinoffs, like the Dead Aim or even Outbreak F1-2

      Oh man, I've heard a lot about Dead Aim. Ironically a game that apparently people that don't like RE like. It's got me curious, but not THAT curious. On the topic of Outbreak, I've seen some YouTuber play it, and it doesn't seem like my type of game.

      >After that, it's time to check out the oldschool competitors of RE.
      >Silent Hill 1-3 are obvious candidates, but don't ignore games like Fatal Frame 1-3 either.

      Already played all of these. I hate them. I especially hate SH2 because it's the only game I've ever considered putting in my top 10 for the soundtrack alone and the feelings it elicits. But it disappointed me. Committed a cardinal sin of writing imo.

      And fatal frame...just isn't particularly interesting or engaging, and I hate the way it's story is delivered. So cheesy, and so much more cutscenes ironically than even silent Hill.

      >I'm gonna assume you've already beaten Dino Crisis 1-2, because why wouldn't you have?

      Never tried these. Never felt a reason to, since it seems to be just the same as Classic Resident Evil. I don't see why I would play it if I'm already burnt on classic RE? Does it do anything significantly different or interesting in particular?

      >There's also a ton of indie titles and TC mods that pay a tribute to the OG REs, such as the Afraid Of Monsters:DC, Cry Of Fear, Tormented Souls, and recently the Signalis

      Yeah. Idk. Really didn't like Signalis. Honestly I hate talking about how much I didn't like it. Level design is incredibly simple and straightforward, unengaging enemies and puzzles.

      • 3 months ago

        so this thread is really just to whine about how great and misunderstood your taste in games is but also wanting recommendations for a genre you hate, but pine over.

        • 3 months ago

          >about how great and misunderstood your taste

          what relevance does it being misunderstood have? nobody brought that up. you just took the stupid leap like a predictable moron that the fact I won't elaborate on the specific reasons I hate the series as a whole, is me whining about being misunderstood. It's a statement of a matter of fact, and more relevant to me, or my standards of having the substantiate every claim one makes. Which obviously doesn't matter to Ganker as a whole, particularly due to a special brand of closemindedness. It's literally just me going "Id like to be more specific so that I can get the kind of answer I'm seeking, but can't be, so that's why I'm not elaborating". It's an explanation of a fact.

          but whatever. the fact you interpreted like that, tells me all I need to know about your capacity for good faith. not to mention the moron above me that is LITERALLY predictably acting out the way I say people do, and proving my point. But has neither the self awareness, or principle to care. Doesn't matter. Board is full of morons. Genuine ones, not the innocent ones that just happen to be stupid. It's the type that is stupid and tells themselves they're not by cheating in a perpetual state of irony, mockery, bullying etc. and a whole host of logical fallacies the morons aren't even aware they're employing half the time. All it tells me is that there isn't a single honest soul, or real human being here that actually cares for an understands the value of discussion.

          • 3 months ago

            >All it tells me is that there isn't a single honest soul, or real human being here that actually cares for an understands the value of discussion.
            bitch, you got filtered by the neptune tank in 1 and complained it was trial and error.

  5. 3 months ago

    Play the Silent Hill games instead.

    • 3 months ago

      Silent Hill is Discount RE for pseudo intellectuals.

      • 3 months ago

        Silent Hill is for people who prefer puzzle solving and getting engrossed in a thick mood and atmosphere over resource management.
        It's also for people who like Alone in the Dark and wished there was a series that carried the torch of that series more directly than Resident Evil.

  6. 3 months ago

    >people like me that GET it, and understand legitimate reasons to hate this series. Or a sympathetic RE fan, that also understands it, but always has a place in their heart for the series due to nostalgia or whatever.
    Yes, these are the only two valid types of people, the geniuses like you who see things for how they really are, or the people who still fully agree with your points, but have "excuses" for it. Frick off dickhead.

    • 3 months ago

      >Yes, these are the only two valid types of people, the geniuses like you who see things for how they really are, or the people who still fully agree with your points, but have "excuses" for it. Frick off dickhead.

      Uh huh. I'll never understand people like this. And they'll never be able to understand that. If they're lacking this much self awareness at all its pointless. It's kind of depressing I have to deal with them at all. The fact that some moron can just arbitrarily comment on something they don't understand, says a lot about people. I'm not sure there's any point in bothering beyond this. Just an observation, because this garbage board has such low standards that morons are tolerated instead of insta banned, while people that actually talk about and want to talk about videogames can get banned randomly.

  7. 3 months ago

    I played this game for the first time recently and fricking loved it. What'd you not enjoy? I'm not gonna shit on you

    • 3 months ago

      zombies have varying health so OP can't look up exactly how many handgun shots it takes to kill each enemy.

  8. 3 months ago

    >Where the frick do people like me go?
    gas chamber

  9. 3 months ago

    I have your answer.
    Find out how to play Code Veronica.
    There, problem solved.

    • 3 months ago

      >Find out how to play Code Veronica.

      Kek. Already played that one. The problem with Code Veronica is that it's TOO much Resident Evil. It's actually probably THE MOST Resident Evil game ever, atleast gameplay wise. Lots of tedious backtracking, lots of trial and error, lots of obnoxious enemy designs, lots of ping pong level design, lots of LOTS OF shitty fricking bosses and most importantly...lots of ink ribbons 😉

      The game is simultaneously incredibly tasking, but also not that interesting to navigate, it's fairly straightforward forward and linear nonetheless. Which is weird, because it's so big, that it doesn't seem like it should be. Of course, you'll forget the occasional key, due to it being big. But it's not actually because it's hard to navigate. You've probably got no where else to go. It's more so because it was one single door ages back that happened to slip your mind, probably because there was a cutscene around then.

      Anyway. Unlucky. Maybe I'll try dead aim and hopium

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah it's the fricking best, you got it right.

        Anyway the GameCube RE1 is the closest to what you're talking about.

        • 3 months ago

          >Anyway the GameCube RE1 is the closest to what you're talking about.

          That was actually closest to being the one, besides RE4. Until I found out about the RNG damage values. And no, I'm not going to bother explaining it. There's a disingenuous moron in here that thinks that if you repeat something in an ironic or mocking tone, that you're actually right and have won the argument, even though you're not saying or engaging with anything.

          • 3 months ago

            Have you played Eternal Darkness? It's not quite what you're talking about, but it's unlike any other thing and within the genre.

      • 3 months ago

        have you played Clock Tower?

        • 3 months ago

          No, but I actually feel like I've heard interesting things about it. What's its unique angle? I'm genuinely curious.

          • 3 months ago

            It has a Mr. X type stalker and the back story is pretty creepy. It was also very early for that kind of game and spawned a ton of "enter the room and see what's in there" mansion games.

            • 3 months ago

              >It has a Mr. X type stalker

              oh nevermind then. kek. I'm good. literally the worst designed aspect of RE2R. which was also so close to being the one.

              I'm starting to think, maybe the whole genre of horror is fricked. frick me. it's so joever isn't it.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not quite like Mr. X.
                He doesn't stalk you permanently. His appearances are scripted.

  10. 3 months ago

    Onimusha 1 and 2. That is all. Basically a Resident Evil game but set in Japan during Samurai age.

    It has action, but plenty of things to discover in the item and friend system. Puzzles are pretty basic, but still nice to have. It also has guns, but matchlock and flint type stuff. If you WANT a game about a zombie outbreak in a urban american city, you won't find one. I know what you mean, but no such thing exists.

    • 3 months ago

      >If you WANT a game about a zombie outbreak in a urban american city, you won't find one. I know what you mean, but no such thing exists.

      Nah. I kind of just want Resident Evil but good, and not with moronic design decisions that are largely meaningless when you get down to it. But also tedious. Like surely, there aren't real human beings that think Resident Evil actually does resource management well? I can already think of a game that uses resource management to actually compel... resourceful gameplay. But it's an unpopular and convenient game to hate on, so there's no point mentioning it.

      NOW I'm actually ranting.

      • 3 months ago

        You don't quite understand RE. The REmakes are closer to the design intent. As is VIllage.

        Japanese design process is about vibe.
        The puzzles, scarce ammo and backtracking are all elements that exist to distract your consciousness so the horror elements stand out in your subconscious because you're devoting less attention to them.

        They're not actual gritty, scarce resource management, thrillers.

        But I love that idea. Some American group should give it a try.
        System Shock remake is a good example, with the 10 hour timer turned on.
        I had to play 3 times, to about 28 hours, to beat it.
        It took me 7 hours the first time what I could speed run in 2 hours the second time.

        You should try the System Shock remake, and play it with the timer and on very hard, and commit to doing 2-3 playthroughs until you make it to the end. To learn where things are and what you have to do.

        • 3 months ago

          >You don't quite understand RE. The REmakes are closer to the design intent. As is VIllage.
          >Japanese design process is about vibe.
          >The puzzles, scarce ammo and backtracking are all elements that exist to distract your consciousness so the horror elements stand out in your subconscious because you're devoting less attention to them.
          >They're not actual gritty, scarce resource management, thrillers.

          OH NO trust me. I understand COMPLETELY. That's why I call them action adventure games. I play them for their unique spin of adventure style gameplay. Not because they give me the spooks. Games that just give me the spooks last in my mind a MUCH shorter times. Because it's SUCH a subjective feeling, that I can't explain why I feel it. And when I can't explain something, I can't really understand it. And if I can't understand something, I can't TRULY appreciate it, just simply make a binary decision of "liking it" or not.

          >As is VIllage.

          Interesting. What do you mean by this? Because I'm currently playing Village, and it's surprisingly growing on me. Despite being fairly linear in the beginning, and I tend to hate linear games. Especially in the RE franchise. I'm starting to think Capcom might be secretly genius, because I don't know how they've made such a linear journey for me (so far) so "satisfying?"

          >You should try the System Shock remake, and play it with the timer and on very hard, and commit to doing 2-3 playthroughs until you make it to the end. To learn where things are and what you have to do.

          Oof I've been recommended this game before. I really have my problems with it, but getting into it would be complicated. Based on what I've heard, I'm honestly more interested in its sequel tbh.

          • 3 months ago

            No not the System Shock remaster of the original. The REMAKE which is modern graphics and about 35% of the levels have been redesigned, maybe more.

          • 3 months ago

            >linear is satisfying
            Yeah. They are distracting your conscious mind leaving subconscious more sensitive to the vibe.
            I love Village and don't care about the hate. Yeah the wolf people are a little much and tedious at times.

            Here's what's working. The paths though the village are controlled by silly stuff like an upside down truck you can crawl under. So the experience is linear, but the environment seems quite organic.

            • 3 months ago

              >Yeah. They are distracting your conscious mind leaving subconscious more sensitive to the vibe.

              I don't tend to care about "vibe" or "aesthetic" in games, so I think it's something else. I think the way the gameplay is structured. Makes it so that it plays out like a mini story or journey within itself. First you trudge down into the dungeons, meet the first sister, make it back around to find something new. A door to the courtyard. You go and complete something from you past journey, the wine bottle, so you can move forward, to new horizons. What awaits in the courtyard? It's sound simple. And it is. But think of it like this: It's like a speedrun of the moments in the original games. When you went from the mansion to the cabin in RE1. When you went from the station to the sewers in RE2. The level you end up in, itself might not be good. But it's the feeling of "I've been stuck in X level for so long...now to see what Y level has to offer" feels exciting. Except RE8 gets the liberty of escaping that disappointment of the sewers being trash. Because it speedruns everything. You're not going to be in a particular section for too long. The game is leading you through a journey, a story of the castle step by step.

              That's my theory atleast. You may call that "vibe". But I might just call that clean "pacing".

              • 3 months ago

                All RE games have the transition from spooky and helpless to having machine guns and facing just actual deadly fast monsters.
                Yes, you're right that it's pacing but the pacing manages vibe.

              • 3 months ago

                eh. I don't feel it. I don't feel the vibes. I just think the game throws a new thing and new setting at you enough times to feel like a mini adventure within an adventure, but idk I guess.

  11. 3 months ago

    OP try the System Shock remake.

    • 3 months ago

      >OP try the System Shock remake.

      I get recommended this game so much, wait what am I missing about it? It just doesn't feel interesting to navigate at all. It reminds me of open world navigation, even though I know most won't understand what I mean by that, and id have to start typing essays to explain my train of logic, so id rather just copy and paste a spiel I made on system shock remake recently instead if anyone wants elaboration.

      • 3 months ago

        Do it on very hard with the time limit.
        Expect to start over a couple times.

        It's about figuring out how things work, where the scarcity and puzzles waste your time and are genuinely interesting to solve but once you know the solution or location you can speed run and get farther.

      • 3 months ago

        It's like it's open world exploring and then when you restart the game it's much more linear about managing resources and choosing paths to be efficient.
        An experience where you HAVE to restart a couple times to properly experience it.

        • 3 months ago

          >It's like it's open world exploring and then when you restart the game it's much more linear about managing resources and choosing paths to be efficient.
          >An experience where you HAVE to restart a couple times to properly experience it.

          Hmm. That's an interesting perspective. I tend to hate time limits in games. But maybe this one needs it, to be experienced fully.

          • 3 months ago

            Just accept you'll do 2-3 playthroughs and max difficulty with the 10 hour limit. No stress, just play and figure it out.

          • 3 months ago

            It's very satisfying to replay where now you've done the exploration part and know where things are and now you're brain is focused on efficiency and there's still a time limit to beat.

            I actually saved at 4-5 hours in my second playthrough, and after running out of time, restarted from that half-way point.

  12. 3 months ago

    This game has aged very well goddamn.
    REEngine is magic.

    • 3 months ago

      It's literally only 5 years old. Literally every game from 5 years ago has aged well.

      • 3 months ago

        I genuinely think it looks better than RE4 Remake except maybe the cutscenes.

        • 3 months ago

          This game has aged very well goddamn.
          REEngine is magic.

          RE3 remake is great but I played it on gamepass so didn't lose any money.
          I get the idea that they neutered what Nemesis was. Though he was still kind of cool.

          • 3 months ago

            I think it's underrated but I agree with people when they say it has missed potential. Feels like glorified RE2 DLC rather than a proper entry.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, that seems right. Like a DLC+ especially with the police station revisit.

            • 3 months ago

              >I think it's underrated

              How underrated? Because I'm wondering if I should play it...even though I hate cinematic games... It's the only modern RE game I haven't touched.

              • 3 months ago

                The Downtown, Hospital and NEST 2 levels are legit Resident Evil levels that feel like the RPD in REmake 2. (albeit much smaller) The rest of it is cinematic connective tissue with lots of scripted Nemesis encounters. If you want 3 good levels with some Uncharted bullshit in between then go play it.

  13. 3 months ago

    There are plenty indie games emulating these games.

  14. 3 months ago

    either play them until you like them or just dont

    • 3 months ago

      either learn to play with tank controls or shut the frick up and dont play them

      If you don't like the games, you don't have to play them. Don't force yourself to like something.

      you guys are fricking boring shallow tards that somehow lack the capacity to think despite somehow possessing more consciousness than a dog. just don't respond if you're so worthlessly stupid that you have nothing to offer.

      • 3 months ago

        What else did you play?

        • 3 months ago

          >What else did you play?

          wdym specifically?

          anyway, it is taking me everything in my soul to replay system shock remake against my instincts. wish me la luck

      • 3 months ago

        Ok? Be a dumbass then.

  15. 3 months ago

    either learn to play with tank controls or shut the frick up and dont play them

  16. 3 months ago

    If you don't like the games, you don't have to play them. Don't force yourself to like something.

  17. 3 months ago

    The Evil Within games are on gamepass if you want to give them a spin.

  18. 3 months ago

    I'm still waiting for that anon from the other thread to follow up on explaining this. They only did the first few tiers and stopped

  19. 3 months ago

    I wish more RE clones/adventure games had the "open world" approach of the first Silent Hill. As the series progressed the dungeons become the only places you visit, by SH3 you barely have any areas outside of them. I feel like the town exploration or short sections like the sewer help break up the dungeon navigation while being enjoyable in itself.

  20. 3 months ago

    >I want to enjoy it
    reddit mindset

    • 3 months ago

      you don't understand me. trust me. I can tell.

  21. 3 months ago

    have a nice day OP you moronic homosexual

  22. 3 months ago


  23. 3 months ago

    god OP is an insufferable homosexual

    I read literally every post on this site. I am never TLDR. But the self-sucking narcissistic homosexualry coming off of your posts sickens me. I cannot read enough of your post to understand what you're even talking about.

    Ok I calmed down and reread. You want an action shooter but not one that slows down all the time for bullshit sections? You shouldve said less

    Play Max Payne I guess. I like 1 the best, but 3 might scratch your itch.
    I unironically enjoyed Uncharted 1-4.
    If all else fails play halo 1's campaign
    oh or get into Metal Gear Solid

    I find it extremely hard to believe that you played EVERY RE game despite LOATHING them. You're lying. 7&8 are action FPS explorers, 1-3 are a totally different genre, and REmake 2 and 4 are too peak gaming to hate. Also 5 is co-op shlock and a blast to play. 6 is such slop its actually bad but maybe you'd like it. I doubt you've played REmake 2, 3, & 4. Play more games, cry and complain and talk about yourself less

  24. 3 months ago

    >SO many dogshit design decisions, that it's simply inexcusable
    Name five (5)

  25. 3 months ago

    schizo thread

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