What the frick happened to MMOs?

Why are you still playing MMOs? Are you moronic?
I can't honestly understand what is the appeal to play a "massive multiplayer" game if you're just seeing people from a distance and not interacting with anyone. Every class now can do DPS, tank and heal themselves, and even on games that they don't, you have to grind for days or weeks until you get to an enemy that is not braindead.
I just wanted to play a MMO that feels like teamwork. Something that I could play with my friends to overcome challenges.
I played Black Desert, Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, Tree of Savior, Dungeon Fighter Online, and many more I honestly can't remember. They're all the same:
>keep playing for hours and hours
>enemies are easy
>quests are braindead
>everything is painfully easy until you get to the end game
>you have no reason to team up at all

You see, I have no problem with grinding. I played Ragnarok Online from 2005 to 2010, I played Perfect World, Trickster Online, Runescape, MapleStory, Mabinogi, frick I even played shit like Zu Online and Endless Online. But grinding there was actually funnier than following this clusterfrick of railroaded experience. Some of these games were unforgiving and it wasn't an easy or monotonous task at all.
In Ragnarok Online (pre renewal), as an example, there were quests, but they were sparce and well made, with interesting stories, and they gave you stuff like access to some shady dungeon that most people didn't even know existed, but there were no fetch quests or anything that could be free exp. So you had to kill monsters to level up, but it was hard to do anything alone, as the classes were deliberately unbalanced (the healer could only heal, the mage would get killed instantly if he did not kill his target on one hit, etc). Then you had to get a swordsman, a mage, a healer, and enter a dungeon on level 20, hoping for the best. It was engaging. It was fun.

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  1. 5 months ago

    >Why are you still playing MMOs?
    we're not, they're dying if you hadn't noticed.

    • 5 months ago

      >be you
      >i am every player and if i'm not playing a type of game it means nobody is

  2. 5 months ago

    All MMO's are just single player rpgs that everyone's playing at the same time. The only time I've ever felt like I was part of a team was when I used to play PSO and that was you could get totally BTFO by basic mobs unless you had a group of people that knew what they were doing.

    • 5 months ago

      >All MMO's are just single player rpgs that everyone's playing at the same time.
      >am i fitting in yet guys? am i being contrarian enough?

    • 5 months ago

      games for that feeling?

      sitting outside a dungeon and spamming LFG in global chat isn't fun, shut the frick up

      so you end up playing a crappy game with subpar combat and story? just play a single player rpg for gods sake

      • 5 months ago

        Just because boomer shit mmos had combat defined by auto attacking mobs to death doesn't mean other mmos haven't evolved past that

    • 5 months ago

      >4 people max in actual gameplay
      >15 people max in the lobby
      >1 person who knows what they are doing can solo everything
      >Its an MMO bro because you kill things and make number go up but online

    • 5 months ago

      pso is an mmo in the same way monster hunter is an mmo.

      not at all.

    • 5 months ago

      I've never seen a secondary post so proudly in a manner that also reveals they're a secondary.

    • 5 months ago

      bro you're trying way too hard to make PSO sound way more complicated then it is. Its not even that hard. you sound fricking stupid as shit right now.

  3. 5 months ago

    >Guild Wars 2
    looked promising, but the first romantic couple the game shows me are two homosexuals. can't make that shit up

    • 5 months ago

      >gets triggered by homosexuals
      >saves pictures from tumblr
      you cant even make this shit up

      • 5 months ago

        just googled "guild wars 2 gay" and found this pic. I would not screenshot this and keep it on my pc, gay

        • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      It gets worse my man. Much, much worse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxTiwKvp348

      That being said, I actually really like GW2. I don't care for the story or the world very much, ANET has a tendency to make something really interesting and then just completely frick it over every time, but the gameplay is where it shines. I mostly do WvW now which is essentially the wild west of the game; an abandoned game mode with a pretty awesome sense of community regardless of server. Anyways yeah - GW2 ain't great and I know it'll never hold a candle to my days playing UO, FFXI and WoW, but hell, it's just okay enough to keep me continually playing.

      • 5 months ago

        i'm glad I just gtfo when I saw those gays then. I had no idea it was this bad. frick.
        I then went into project gorgon just to find out they have "gender studies" as a skill there, and there are lots of sexual themes all over the place.
        i would even play gw2 to get to WvW but the stupid grind to get to it like OP said, while watching gay shit on my screen? i'll pass.

        • 5 months ago

          >i would even play gw2 to get to WvW but the stupid grind
          Don't even humor this. WvW is one of the biggest waste of time despite being one of the better mode. Anything you do there is for nothing. You aren't guarding anything when they simply trade wins. You upgraded that tower? Well you can forget it since it will get destroy by the chinese while you're asleep. The reward is shit. Everything is shit.

      • 5 months ago

        the revolutionary gameplay of pressing all your skilsl off cooldown and sometimes dodge red circles
        gw2 is a joke so is the buildvariety
        cant even get basic archetypes right like a minion necromancer

    • 5 months ago

      it looks interesting until you realize all the story parts were written by failed writers and the direction constantly flipflops on whether the PC should be the center of the story or not
      The troony shit is just the icing on top

      • 5 months ago

        >that year where the writers began to hit their stride, with LWS4 and poignant moments like Aurene's death and Blish's sacrifice, then the following few LWS5 chapters where you participate in a Charr civil war and drop white phosphorous on innocent scientists, effectively becoming a war criminal
        >covid hits
        >LWS5 ends with a rock em sock em robit fight between the most hated character and steve blum's son. both are supposed to die but the one everyone hates lives... for some reason?
        >End of Dragons drops, quite possibly the most moronic storyline ever, culminating in a decade long story ending with a lesbian wedding

        The newest expansion is okay in comparison, honestly. At least you're no longer the chosen one and your past credentials are irrelevant.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm not longer going to touch GW2 but that's nice for people that are still invested in it, I suppose.
          I remember trying to ironically sit through the story with the friend for laughs and we just couldn't do it. One of the scenes had two 'pan camera up into the sky' in a single shot.

    • 5 months ago

      Didn't the writers admit they never played or even read GW1's script. I remember they were really smug about it. Sad that GW1 never had an actual sequel.

      • 5 months ago

        there was a group that said that yeah, but theres so many writers it may as well be a revolving door at that company. its why the narrative is so fricking inconsistent, imagine having like 100 different people writing the same story at different times

  4. 5 months ago

    MMOs are the only genre that seem to have what I like in games, and not only do they have them but they do them better than the way singleplayer games do
    >creature taming
    >various different classes that you can customize differently
    >comfy side activities like fishing
    >character customization
    Then there's stuff like the online player socialization and group content like raiding and PvP, which depending on the MMO I can enjoy.

    • 5 months ago

      God I love some of the zone design and music in toram

      • 5 months ago

        MMOs are the only genre that seem to have what I like in games, and not only do they have them but they do them better than the way singleplayer games do
        >creature taming
        >various different classes that you can customize differently
        >comfy side activities like fishing
        >character customization
        Then there's stuff like the online player socialization and group content like raiding and PvP, which depending on the MMO I can enjoy.

        mega structures get my balls tingling

        I like Full Loot MMOs
        PvE MMOs tend to be full of people silently seething at eachother when they're forced to do their shitty little raid once a week.
        In these full loot games people actually want to play together and play well as it is the best way to succeed and not become a victim

        ue4 tutorial 2
        haha just play rust you homosexual

    • 5 months ago

      I want to add that with almost all RPG, when you finish the game, its done. Sure there are some RPG that still let you play the game afterward, but it felt rather empty. The story is done and the characters you created have their ending. But with MMO, your story continue. Your characters can still do things like events, pvp, or raid. You can still RP your character or pander to them until the server dies. That, to me, is why I like MMO more than single player RPG.

    • 5 months ago

      I think you mainly want a open world game with a variety of activities that you essentially "virtually live" in.
      I want this also, and bethesda games kind of filled this itch but the morons fricked their own good formula with their latest garbage.

    • 5 months ago

      hear, hear
      character customization is oddly rare in non-online games, and so is "virtual lifestyle" stuff

      • 5 months ago

        Its incredibly frustrating that the only offline games that bank on this is the Elder Scroll series, and that only happen because of mods.

  5. 5 months ago

    sitting outside a dungeon and spamming LFG in global chat isn't fun, shut the frick up

    • 5 months ago

      Neither is walking all the way over to a dungeon only to find out nobody else is there and you'd have to wait for someone to be there to dungeon up with

      • 5 months ago

        MMOgays constantly romanticize this inconvenience shit and say it's the best part of mmos. They're fricking morons and no wonder the genre is dying

        games for that feeling?
        so you end up playing a crappy game with subpar combat and story? just play a single player rpg for gods sake

        story isn't videogames homosexual. Literally 0 APM and no win/lose condition

    • 5 months ago

      Neither is walking all the way over to a dungeon only to find out nobody else is there and you'd have to wait for someone to be there to dungeon up with

      MMOgays constantly romanticize this inconvenience shit and say it's the best part of mmos. They're fricking morons and no wonder the genre is dying

      story isn't videogames homosexual. Literally 0 APM and no win/lose condition

      do you guys not have friends?

      • 5 months ago

        No and I don't know how to socialize in games

        • 5 months ago

          Team based games and co-op are beter for buddy socialization over MMOs

          Frick no and you must be a kid if you think this

          Played like 6 seasons of lol got a somewhat high rank and the only friends i talked with were the friends that got me to play the game

          Play RO for some months. Find people, join a guild, do quests together, help noobs, shitpost, make friends, all that shit

          I never got angry for spending hours to help get items for my noob friend that legit wanted to play the game. Now the times one of my friends threw lol games because they wanted to see if the enemy team would be able to win against us if he fed made me want to club him like a baby seal

      • 5 months ago

        Team based games and co-op are beter for buddy socialization over MMOs

        • 5 months ago

          please name some. unironically. i want to play them.

  6. 5 months ago

    the real question is, is there any game at all (MMO or not) that can scratch that teamwork itch? i don't even see the trinity being used anymore

  7. 5 months ago

    Only reason people play MMOs is to flex on others by "achieving" something that requires tons of time. They do this because they're permanently online losers who amount to nothing in real life. Let's stop pretending now. The simple explanation is also the correct one in this case.

  8. 5 months ago

    Why are you still playing MMOs?
    Im not
    Are you moronic?
    Yes and?

  9. 5 months ago

    >play for hours and hours
    >enemies are braindead easy
    >no challenge whatsoever
    >eventually reach endgame
    >it's insanely hard, tuned for people with 10+ years of experience and using addons
    >there's no middleground
    Looking at you FF14

    • 5 months ago

      >play a game with multiple difficulties
      >choose hard
      >surprised when its hard

      i think you are simply an idiot

    • 5 months ago

      >700 hours of braindead MSQ
      >completely dead overworld
      >easy af dungeons
      >autistically hard raids

      I wasted 700 hours of my life in this game and I regret it so fricking much. I had fun in like 3% of my time playing this shit.

      • 5 months ago

        The thing that pissed me off the most about FF14 is all the invisible walls out in the world. Just randomly you get stopped from exploring and it was pretty jarring.

  10. 5 months ago

    The only MMOs I play are ones that have generals of it on /vg/ so I can shitpost about anons and stir drama in the threads 🙂

  11. 5 months ago

    World of warcraft happened. Wow was the halo of MMO's

  12. 5 months ago

    Early MMOs were very experimental and had a draw by simply being MMOs in a time where online gaming was barely a thing
    Then WoW happened and perfected the formula (as far as $$$ goes) and everyone else could only stand in their shadow
    You can't get a budget to make anything but a clone of WoW anymore and you need one to do anything at all these days

    • 5 months ago

      >perfected the formula (as far as $$$ goes)
      Koreans did that double

  13. 5 months ago

    Try Haven and Hearth. Make your own fun.

    • 5 months ago

      Good game but it's really hard as a hermit

      • 5 months ago

        I've been sitting on a candleberry credo quest for days now...

  14. 5 months ago

    The endless crusade from redditors against toxicity resulted in everyone being afraid to say a word or lose their account just to be sure so they dont trigger some filtered word and lose their account so they just dont type anything and playing with people is basicly the same as playing with bots now.
    You missed the golden age.

    • 5 months ago

      >"pc master race"
      >the ESL mods think it's racism
      Can't even make dad-level jokes anymore.

  15. 5 months ago

    I play City of Heroes.

  16. 5 months ago

    God fricking damnit, I miss Ragnarok Online

  17. 5 months ago

    MMOs need to develop more ways to matchmake. Think of new ways to encourage grouping and discourage being a lone wolf but not actively punish people who want that. Make it easy to avoid sweats that make the game miserable or at least neuter them somehow so they are forced to play nice. On the opposite side, better ways to teach noobs and casuals to get good and not force them in to being carried. All this would take time to invent and develop which no one is going to do when you can just try and clone wow again and hope for the best.

    • 5 months ago

      make high levels get penalized for not helping new players. There, you just fixed the mmo party dungeon problem. Forcing game progression around socialization is garbage

  18. 5 months ago

    >login to UARO
    >pop 1297, cool
    >get to the first town
    >it's literally HUNDREDS of merchant alt bots idling selling shit
    >mostly selling panties?
    >i have seen maybe three real players this whole time
    >try four other private servers
    >theyre all like this
    i am convinced that no one actually plays this game

    • 5 months ago

      >classic experience
      >daily log in bonus
      yeah okay...

    • 5 months ago

      everyone's waiting for origins re-launch

      • 5 months ago

        100% chance it's going to be a shitty wow clone though, just mark my words. solo playing till endgame, infinite useless quests

        • 5 months ago

          lel. it's pre-renewal, there's no wipe, everyone's just going to continue from where we left. can't wait to get back to farming thanatos tower with my cousin

          • 5 months ago

            I'm sorry, I've mistaken it with the shitty upcoming mobile game.

      • 5 months ago

        At this point it's safe to say it's never going to happen.

        • 5 months ago

          have you been following the devlog? because it sure seems they've implementing new features quite steadily.

          • 5 months ago

            Great. Now if only we could actually play those new features!

  19. 5 months ago

    mmos were cool before normies and the internet got really popular. Now normies play them and want to speedrun everything and interact with nobody.

  20. 5 months ago

    I miss the golden age of MMOs when new shit from Korea was coming out all the time. Yeah the games were all shitty F2P cashgrabs, but they all had large player counts and were a lot more varied than WoW and WoW: Final Fantasy edition.

    • 5 months ago

      >Play f2p KMMO with a few thousand total players
      >There's still enough people to play the game
      >Have fun

      Like you guys know these games are still around right? You can still play Mabinogi or Tree of Savior or Aura kingdom or whatever the frick they didn't disappear.

      • 5 months ago

        I played ToS and Aura Kingdom and the games had massive dead zones. If you're not fricking around in the beginner zones for a week and then dropping it or grinding all the way to endgame then KMMOs are no longer worth your time.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah no shit, nobody is going to be in the baby beginner areas or obscure side content from 2015 areas. There's a few thousand players.

          • 5 months ago

            >you can still play MMOs anon
            >you just have to solo grind all the way to level 200 to meet the actual playerbase

            No. Oldschool MMOs are dead and we're just here to mourn them.

      • 5 months ago

        >Tree of Savior
        it's as shit as op described. i don't know aura kingdom though i'll look further

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I also love back to back events promoting people to AFK

        • 5 months ago


          Honest question, how viable could be to make an open source mmo? like, by Gankergos for 4chinks?
          its all human skill after all, there is by statistic at least one autists good enough to start coding and patient enough to teach the rest.

          this is surely an interesting idea, idk about the feasibility of it though

          • 5 months ago

            >idk about the feasibility of it though
            i mean, it can be doable if 1) the gameplay promotes interaction with the other players and 2) content is fun by itself, said fun enchanced by having other players
            if the content has a high technical ceiling it being maintain the playerbase good enough until the coder base comes up with new stuff
            thinking something like Space Station 13 but Ragnarok, perhaps something with pvp balance, sadly those usually get snowballed by gankers.

            • 5 months ago

              you've got my attention. sadly i'm not a game designer, programmer or artist. i'm a fricking medic and all i can do is complain.

          • 5 months ago

            Its exactly what it sounds like, constant events just promoting players to be logged in and not doing anything in specific, and many flavors of the same shit.
            Its even better when the normal game has an ingame quest thing that involves you delivering mail to a random person on the server with a time limit and you of course it will pick an AFK person.

            • 5 months ago

              I get where you're getting with but the implementation of your idea is stupid as frick. Maybe you're really eager on the other side of the screen but consider what you're saying
              Don't go pick AFKs or penalize AFKs like the gacha system does

              • 5 months ago

                Not sure if you are drunk or replied to the wrong person or what. Nothing is my idea its how the game works.

            • 5 months ago

              this is fricked up. i played mabinogi for some months but i didn't see that. why are they keeping people afk? to bump the numbers so it doesn't look dead?

      • 5 months ago

        they're just too old to be blind by the shitty games they always were

      • 5 months ago

        >Tree of Savior
        I don’t know about the other ones you mentioned but don’t play this shit.

      • 5 months ago

        >Tree of Savior
        I play this as time killer and it's basically in maintenance mode with the entire game from early to endgame being a clusterfrick full with RNG. If there are patches it's usually some low effort shit, sometimes straight up ported things from their mobile game that takes all dev resources or new Gacha garbage to milk the whales dry. To give you some idea the last two classes are both gacha locked.

  21. 5 months ago

    Games like Monster Hunter are the spiritual successor to the MMO
    "Proper" MMOs are likely going the way of the dodo because the novelty that made them a success is gone, and all you're left with is shit gameplay and ridiculous grind

  22. 5 months ago

    Honest question, how viable could be to make an open source mmo? like, by Gankergos for 4chinks?
    its all human skill after all, there is by statistic at least one autists good enough to start coding and patient enough to teach the rest.

    • 5 months ago

      I'll make the logo

    • 5 months ago

      Nobody does anything with open source or even sandbox projects unless that project already has a game attached to it.
      See: SS13 or Graal

      Make the game first so people are interested in it, then let others build off it/replace it.

      • 5 months ago

        >Make the game first so people are interested in it, then let others build off it/replace it.
        That course of action actually makes sense, i guess the first step then could be design the general structure of the game, program it and make it >fun, then release it to the wild here, waiting and seeing if some programanon comes in to help.
        >sadly i'm not a game designer, programmer or artist.
        Programmer maybe harder to learn, but artist its just drawing good enough and having kewl ideas, just open paint and sketch something, or draw with your pencil, you can self taught pretty easily with some disipline

        • 5 months ago

          i forgor to (You)

          you've got my attention. sadly i'm not a game designer, programmer or artist. i'm a fricking medic and all i can do is complain.

          i guess that to make the Ganker mmo i will have to search the archives for ideas of previous anons, see what popular on /vm/ and /vg/ and learn to code and game design.

          • 5 months ago

            Got some ideas after sleeping some 11 minutes, how about a wuxia or shonen inspired, inspired pvp mmo? instead of the usual MADIVIAL ERRUOP trite, you dont only loot equipment from your enemies if not also skills, maybe it can work like RO skill looting, and perhaps have a morrowind or daggerfall inspired skill/spell crafting system, YEAH marcial mage pvp mmo, map conquest ala planetside even?

            • 5 months ago

              I'd like whatever theme, I just want to be comfy with my bros and play something in a team, together.

              • 5 months ago

                DBZ with witches it is then, that being say i remember an anon once saying that it could be cool to have a magical weapon system inspired by Lyrical Nanoha with weapon mods and upgrades.

              • 5 months ago

                >Lyrical Nanoha
                Never watched it. How does it work?

              • 5 months ago

                essencially in Lyrical Nanoha magic weapons have mainly two modes, it depends on the weapon, they are programable and modificable, so the main power up in season 2 was being able to load and fire consentrated mana in the form of shotgun shells, roughly.

              • 5 months ago

                essencially in Lyrical Nanoha magic weapons have mainly two modes, it depends on the weapon, they are programable and modificable, so the main power up in season 2 was being able to load and fire consentrated mana in the form of shotgun shells, roughly.

                I probably wasn't that anon but I've been saying the same thing for years. Magic cartridges filled with mana and staves that had box magazines could make for some GREAT gameplay if anyone competent worked on it.
                Unfortunately it's owned by 7arcs aka tiny indie studio who's too small to even run a Gacha consistently.

          • 5 months ago

            You can do it anon. We're counting on you.

  23. 5 months ago

    >walk to the center of prontera
    >see 100 people sitting there not saying a thing
    >start saying hi to people and trying to make some frens
    >no on replies at all
    >eventually some guy walks up to you and goes "BR?"
    yeah frick RO in the current year

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        probably brazil or something, most mmos still "alive" these days are plagued with brownfolk

  24. 5 months ago

    The real issue is MMO’s have no reason to exist when literally every game has “massive multiplayer worlds” today and it’s not a novelty anymore.

    MMO traditional gameplay is garbage as well because it was designed for the dialup era.

  25. 5 months ago

    When do you think the shift in playerbase mentality took over? I actually don't think it was long ago, like maybe 6 years ago we still had players who were curious and loved socializing in games like mmos. It feels like after 2020 there's this widespread pack mentality of consooming fotm and moving on to the next. No more were childlike wonders of discovering things in games and making new friends.

    • 5 months ago

      When parents started raising their kids on tablets and smart phones.

    • 5 months ago

      group finder in wow was the beginning of the end of being social in mmos.

      • 5 months ago

        auto party shit was cancer yeah, but people could always do better with premade parties through socializing and stuff

        >It feels like after 2020
        So you're saying
        the moment every single normalgay was forced online for their human interaction because of a mild plague was when things irreversably went to shit?

        >every single normalgay was forced online for their human interaction
        not just that but now every normalgay talks about the same things, the weebshit, gachagames and overall pack mentality got 10x worse when people got gayMAN forced on them...

    • 5 months ago

      >It feels like after 2020
      So you're saying
      the moment every single normalgay was forced online for their human interaction because of a mild plague was when things irreversably went to shit?

    • 5 months ago

      when online games in general became about matchmaking instead of socializing and forming communities

    • 5 months ago

      I don't really know. I think it was way sooner, maybe. I think it really started around 2012, with facebook and social media devouring all of the internet. No longer you would go to a gaming website to see gaming news, you'd just follow a page on social media. Normies got addicted to smartphones and everything went south. Gaming became mainstream with Skyrim and such, and companies started catering more and more to normies. But surely, after 2020 we got ass fricked beyond any redemption, the curfews were like the last nail in the coffin.

    • 5 months ago

      I remember playing runescape in 2008 and realizing that everyone was reading wiki pages and even earlier than that scouring websites like tip.it for the solutions, and not asking ingame.

    • 5 months ago

      The literal instant wikis and other similar databases became commonplace is the instant MMOs were going to die forever. People love to act as if there was just suddenly some loss of childlike wonder and that all of the games were explicitly bad from a certain point on, but the real issue is that when people realized they could simply pull up a page, make a spreadsheet, and hyper-optimize the fun out of literally anything, complete with charts and graphs to show you where every single quest occurs, how to optimally clear every single boss fight, and what jobs do X best and Y worst and are viable in Z, you now have a perfect information pipeline that shows off how ultimately fragile the system was to begin with. You couldn't just stick around with subpar gear anymore, you NEEDED the absolute best of the best, because anything short of that was unviable trash, and via the wiki/guide/etc., you know precisely where to literally always get the best of the best. You couldn't do your rotation in a less-than-perfect manner, you NEEDED point-precision perfection or you were auto-kicked from groups for trolling.

      Thankfully these shit practices really only affect MMOs, so you can play other genres without that particular cancer ruining the experience.

      • 5 months ago

        this is actually a very good point.
        >Thankfully these shit practices really only affect MMOs
        not really. nowadays there are lots of devs who makes their games expecting us to look stuff up on a wiki. this is trash design.

    • 5 months ago

      The great circa 2015 MMO apocalypse. We had several big name titles all coming up very close to each other. Tree of Savior, Maplestory 2, Blade and Soul, Black Desert and ArchAge. All of them flopped(to various degrees, MS2 flopping the hardest of all) and all for the same reasons. Anybody that still had hopes for the genre, lost it during that period. Everyone was backstabbed.

      Everyone has their own idea on how and why we can fix the MMO genre, and we'll hardly agree to anything, except one thing: Thing will never improve as long as let Koreans control the genre.

      • 5 months ago

        Western isn't any better. When they get their hands on a mmo from the east, well, you get Blue Protocol. Retail WoW also comes into mind with all the shitty revision.

        • 5 months ago

          Nah, it doesn't get any worse than Koreans running the show. Even if the west makes similar slop, people over here will acknowledge that it's bad.
          Koreans play their own slop and actually consider it to be good, that's the big difference. Also, Koreans make their games based on the assumption that everyone is connecting from Korea and has 5ms ping, meaning the game sucks to play when global servers launch.

          • 5 months ago

            Maybe, but I live through GW2 and that alone made me not trust western at all. At least with KMMO, you play and then you don't play anymore when they kill it while the characters are at least attractive. I cannot say the same with most MMO from the West. WoW's design tainted everything to look stupidly cartoon instead of the hard vibrant of the mmo before it.

            • 5 months ago

              Ah yeah, I suppose you're right. There's no way a western made MMO would actually look pretty and sexy. At best you'd get frenchie stylized cartoons.

              Maybe Japan will come to rescue us? There's no hope otherwise. Or I could just continue to enjoy Ragnarok Online.

      • 5 months ago

        We haven't had a real mmorpg developed since 2009

        There is one being worked on now though https://monstersandmemories.com/
        It's basically Everquest so homosexuals who like shitty asian mmorpgs most likely will hate it

    • 5 months ago

      When parents started raising their kids on tablets and smart phones.

      >Play Flyff universe
      >see beginner walking around some quests like me, emote at him
      >expecting no response like every other MMO I've played the last few years
      >he adds me to party and in broken english asks what quest I'm on
      >spend a few days playing with him, it becomes obvious he's an actual kid
      >at least 2 obviously kids have tried to play the game with me when I was in the overworld
      Unironically I think kids are the only ones playing these "past the prime" MMOs right now. Most other big games like CS and shit they get on mic and everyone immediately tells them they're a squeaker and they should shut up, but nobody tells them that in these free ass MMOs.

  26. 5 months ago

    I'm still waiting for the mmo to kill all mmos.
    The mmokiller if you will.

  27. 5 months ago

    mmo's peaked from like 98-2008. ro was great but then they added stuff like the cash shop, 3rd classes and art changes were bad

    • 5 months ago

      i didn't mind renewal. damn i didn't mind the p2w shit, i was playing mostly PvE. what I couldn't tolerate was the fricking power creep with the third classes. they also looked completely clusterfricky.
      and I played as a Star Gladiator so I couldn't even get a rebirth.
      also, the bots. the fricking bots. it got to a point where 80% of players on ANY map were bots. it was completely unbearable, the economy went to shit, a normal hat that was 60k before now was 200k and if you didn't used bots you were fricked. frick gravity.

      • 5 months ago

        renewal gave each class the ability to just solo farm with massive aoe, and they practically removed early-mid game (the fun part) by introducing repeatables and eden gear. also the new stat system is stupid, the level restrictions on farming is stupid, itemization is stupid.

        • 5 months ago

          yeah I forgot to shit on that eden crap. I hate it. I stopped playing before it released, but when I came back to play for a bit more, years later, I just gave up. they turned ragnarok into the modern mmo experience, which I very much hate.
          I cannot fricking understand the eden gear. why would you do that? now you made half of the game obsolete. you don't need to get gear anymore. the repeatables were also horrendous. I can't fathom how can they destroy their own game like that.

          • 5 months ago

            luckily there are still pre-renewal private servers around.

            When was the experience tables reworked? I remember people taking 3 months to get from level 98 to 99 back when there were no rebirth. Having an 99 level aura actually meant something back then.

            in renewal. never played pre-trans but the slow leveling to 99 was probably mostly due to the available (or rather lack of) leveling spots. it was still slow as frick with the new content, not to mention how long it took to get to 99/70 with a transcended class due to the tripled exp requirement.

        • 5 months ago

          When was the experience tables reworked? I remember people taking 3 months to get from level 98 to 99 back when there were no rebirth. Having an 99 level aura actually meant something back then.

  28. 5 months ago

    Closest I've played in a long time is One Hour One Life which I bought during the christmas sale. Kinda wish I bought it on release as I wanted to.
    It's really comfy, yet surprisingly somber.

  29. 5 months ago

    >naming all these dogshit korean-mmos and WoW
    you actually think you are some kind of mmo vet don't you?
    if you didn't play UO or EQ in the 90s then you missed out on the only time when MMOs were good, and all the "nostalgia" you have is nothing more than a delusion you developed from hearing what it was like from people who were actually there

    so your opinion about whatever mmos were, or are, or should be, is complete irrelevant garbage

    • 5 months ago

      I'm not that old, gramps. I'm 28, and I've played MMOs since I was 7. I'm sorry I don't have your experience, but mine was also great. I'm thinking about playing EQ or 1999 though, would you recommend it as a new player?

  30. 5 months ago

    what's some cheap armor I can stick some cards into? Playing on >renewal

    • 5 months ago

      Slotted Mantles are basically free they drop everywhere

  31. 5 months ago

    I like Full Loot MMOs
    PvE MMOs tend to be full of people silently seething at eachother when they're forced to do their shitty little raid once a week.
    In these full loot games people actually want to play together and play well as it is the best way to succeed and not become a victim

    • 5 months ago

      Full loot PVP focused MMOs just tend to become a group of homosexuals griefing the shit out of newer/less hardcore players and driving them away until there is no one left, it's happened to so many of these 'hardcore' PVP mmos. Human nature nowadays is just not compatible with the concept. It fundamentally does not work when 90% of the players are in it to farm dopamine from shitting on those beneath them

      • 5 months ago

        It's simple, just get good.
        Full loot games are self gate kept from casuals it's why the games are full of fun people and the occasional psychopath sweatlord
        I can't think of a single full loot mmo where having a group as small as 2-4 doesn't allow success in all aspects outside of getting zerged occasionally

        • 5 months ago

          >self gating a dead game
          lmao people can spend their 2 hours elsewhere

          • 5 months ago

            unironically yes. Get the frick out of my game homosexual

            • 5 months ago

              i will but get the frick out of my good mmos thread lmao

              • 5 months ago

                Full loot MMOs are the only fun ones now.
                PvE MMOs, you might as well just play a single player game.

              • 5 months ago

                full loot mmos are dead games and the market is saturated with arena games. Might as well spend time in those than a shitty character progression full loot mmo

              • 5 months ago

                i will but get the frick out of my good mmos thread lmao

                It's simple, just get good.
                Full loot games are self gate kept from casuals it's why the games are full of fun people and the occasional psychopath sweatlord
                I can't think of a single full loot mmo where having a group as small as 2-4 doesn't allow success in all aspects outside of getting zerged occasionally

                Full loot PVP focused MMOs just tend to become a group of homosexuals griefing the shit out of newer/less hardcore players and driving them away until there is no one left, it's happened to so many of these 'hardcore' PVP mmos. Human nature nowadays is just not compatible with the concept. It fundamentally does not work when 90% of the players are in it to farm dopamine from shitting on those beneath them

                I like Full Loot MMOs
                PvE MMOs tend to be full of people silently seething at eachother when they're forced to do their shitty little raid once a week.
                In these full loot games people actually want to play together and play well as it is the best way to succeed and not become a victim

                Full loot MMOs and most pvp activity in MMOs has become deconstructed, in the same way raids are deconstructed by making min maxed guides and weak aura packs that pick the encounter apart or brute force it.

                Here is the way of PVP MMO evolution:
                >people start playing, everyone is new
                >some people get better, other players band together to outnumber them, but usually fall prey
                >everyone is good at the game, there are few noobs left, most people have years of experience and they mostly fight with themselves
                >players start to use external tools such as minmaxed setup, multiacc, bots or straight up cheats
                >people start to log out to avoid pvp
                >people stop playing the game to avoid pvp
                And here we are.

              • 5 months ago

                is that mortal online 2? the pic really sells it to me for some reason.

              • 5 months ago

                It is, it's a good time but it has it's problems too as does any game in the genre I suppose.
                I do hope the game gets its second continent sometime before it dies as it becomes untenable to dungeon camp if you can't build infrastructure close by

              • 5 months ago

                I love PVP but I hate that every single full love PVP seems to be just different flavors of somewhat realistic melee combat.

                Let me play dick ass thieves with stealth, bleeds, climbing and picklocking, or priests with megabuffs, shields, rezzes, etc. Just melee is so fricking boring and all of these full loot PVP games feel like survival sandboxes more than any real MMO.

        • 5 months ago

          Shitter cope. Just play better

          unironically yes. Get the frick out of my game homosexual

          >why does no one make these kinds of games anymore?

          • 5 months ago

            Gate: Kept

            • 5 months ago

              Congratulations, you kept that gate so hard that the gate and everything behind it is gone forever

            • 5 months ago

              >Sociopath homosexuals get to cluster together around their dogshit gank simulators
              >Everybody else gets to have fun elsewhere
              >Only "loss" is that the gank simulators will invariably shut down after a period of time, and these miserable homosexuals will have to congregate elsewhere

              • 5 months ago

                Have you considered not being a victim?

              • 5 months ago

                I have, which is why I look at "Full Loot" and instantly disregard anything else that has to do with it.

    • 5 months ago

      the problem with full loot pvp is that the natural selection causes to make the playerbase mostly hyper autistic gankers, basically if you join too late you ARE 100% someones b***h, also most of them are WE WUZ MADIVEL EAROPE, which means they usally canibalize yet other.

      • 5 months ago

        Shitter cope. Just play better

    • 5 months ago

      recommend me one. is the one on your pic mortal online 2? would you recommend it?

      • 5 months ago

        Mortal online 2 is the only modern one as far as I know.
        Like any full loot sandbox it's miserable by yourself so tag up some friends or a guild.
        Strangely enough these kinds of games have the best people to play with, some real homies as opposed the the inevitable environment of silent seethe in PvE mmo raiding.
        MO2 isn't the greatest either but the combat is fun and has a lot of skill expression unless you're Australian to which you are fricked

        I'm having a lot of fun with it, but really have to shop around about for a good guild with actually fun people and not a group like : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Gk9NuL6nk

        • 5 months ago

          >unless you're Australian to which you are fricked
          i don't get it

          • 5 months ago

            The game is 1 server 1 world shared by everyone. Combat is very skill based. The server is in the UK the game has some really good server tech you're fine if you are NA or EU however the ping difference for Australia is basically unplayable, I know a couple guys in game that are aussies and the only way they can play melee reasonably is through cloud gaming like geforce now which is still very scuffed

            • 5 months ago

              Even GeForce Now is better? Frick.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, aussies have it rough

    • 5 months ago

      You gays always say you love this shit but then none of you actually stick to them for more than a couple weeks

      • 5 months ago

        the people that play those games are delusional and insist on bragging that they're top in a server total population of 50 players

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >DNSL did a video
      >His audio settings are fricked

  32. 5 months ago

    MMOs became too automized. Instant marketplace/auction house to buy and sell what you need. Dungeon finders. All that shit. It takes away interaction between players and makes the experience soulless.

    • 5 months ago

      games are still fine if you have the money to buy slaves

  33. 5 months ago

    It's not the games it's the people. They made the games less social because the people are less social.

    I don't even want to socialize with most of the people in MMOs now. They talk like they are trying to fish for replies or start an argument on Ganker.

  34. 5 months ago

    You can go play RO on /vg/'s own private server right now, and it's fun
    >But that's an old game
    That's why no one else does it anymore.

  35. 5 months ago

    Playing wow hardcore on the official servers. Kind of dumb but I just have to get it over with and get to 60 before never touching this again. I never group with anyone except for certain quests because I don't want to lose days of progress because of something beyond my control.

    I think that grinding actually discourages socializing. Unless two people are close to the same level range they cant grind together.

  36. 5 months ago

    MMOs are a relic of the past. You will never ever enjoy them again like you did in your youth. Even if someone makes the perfect MMO, you will never enjoy it as much as you enjoyed MapleStory or RO or whatever shitty MMO you fell in love with.

  37. 5 months ago

    there are too many games to play today and the novelty wore out so you will never ever see people play mmos religiously again
    also everyone nowadays wants to trim the fat and go right to metagaming
    it's not necessarily good or bad, people just want to "enjoy" things as efficiently as possible which is why you see people making backlogs and fricking work plans in playing games as quickly as possible

  38. 5 months ago

    What even exists in the Full Loot MMO genre now anyways?
    Albion, Mortal Online, UO outlands?
    What else?

  39. 5 months ago

    no cute girls = i don't play
    that simple
    mmos are about playing dress up or ogling otherp eople playing dress up

    • 5 months ago
  40. 5 months ago

    MMOs died once the floodgates of normies were unleashed online.

  41. 5 months ago

    what's wrong with it

  42. 5 months ago

    Im loving WoW SoD and have been having fun ever since it launched

  43. 5 months ago

    You only played RO superficially. There were several quests that you could turn in monster drops for xp that would classify as fetch quests and most hat quests would as well. Several story quests had fetch segments.

    • 5 months ago

      the repeatable exp quests were only introduced just before renewal, so irrelevant. also farming items for hats was peak comfy

      • 5 months ago

        You literally just agreed that the OP was wrong that there were no fetch quests.

        • 5 months ago

          you don't even know what a fetch quest is. you could buy the items from other players (or farm the items and sell them to others for profit instead), and usually more than one mob dropped any specific item meaning you weren't even tied to killing the same mob.

        • 5 months ago

          Theres a distinct difference between a town full of "fetch me 5 bear asses for +300 xp" and hidden away NPCs that have you run all over the damn world collecting materials some of them with exceedingly rare drops to make a piece of gear you'll probably use the rest of the game.

    • 5 months ago

      Well I had a Mythical Lion Mask on my Star Gladiator. I had to farm 500 Log, 500 Horrendous Hair and even get a Four Leaf Clover. This was with normal 1x rates. I don't really consider it a fetch quest, it was comfy, hard as frick, as I spent days doing it, and very, very rewarding.
      RO wasn't designed around fetch quests, anyway. Maybe you played it after the Eden update.

  44. 5 months ago

    I liked New World until Amazon turned up the israelitery to 500%, that and the city taxes felt like a fricking in-joke from Bezos directly as a way to sympathize with his own tax evasion

  45. 5 months ago

    Being able to ignore the community for 99% of the time you play until you queue up for a dungeon/raid is what killed MMOs.

    • 5 months ago

      >until you queue up
      and 95% of those the players might as well been bots.

  46. 5 months ago

    being able ignore people's requests to skip the cutscene is lost ark is a real boon

  47. 5 months ago

    any offline singleplayer game with the ranarok online feel?

    • 5 months ago

      just for the aesthetics, arcturus

      • 5 months ago

        I was thinking the gameplay/combat and exploration. Most offline mmo type game tend to be more of wow variety. I want something like ragnarok/tree of savior

        • 5 months ago

          sadly can't think of any, would actually like to know as well.

        • 5 months ago

          sadly can't think of any, would actually like to know as well.

          you could always just set up your own private server

      • 5 months ago

        This is awesome, it's like Grandia meets Ragnarok Online aesthetics. Surprised I never heard of it

  48. 5 months ago

    Don't be sad because it's gone; be happy you experienced it. But we're never getting anything like it again. Ever.

  49. 5 months ago

    Chrono Odyssey is going to save MMOs x_DDD

  50. 5 months ago

    While I don't feel like I'd have fun playing the kind of game you want, I know for sure why it doesn't exist anymore.
    Developers don't want to make things that don't appeal to as wide an audience as possible. There is a subset of MMO players that feel that they, not only should be able to do nearly everything alone, but also feel that no content in the game should be hard enough they can't do it. Challenging content is a nono. Rewards that have to be earned by research or actual brainpower and effort, are not allowed. You have these people in every MMO community and they are vocal. They are low brainpower grinders who enjoy doing the same thing over and over and over. They often play Diablo clones.
    MMOs were always known for grind, so these mudsuckers often migrated to MMOs for that reason alone. But then they discovered that there was a social component to the game, that some things were designed to be done by people with 2 braincells. That some things in the game they were simply not capable of doing. And rather than try and get better at the game, they decided to loudly complain until the developers of every MMO catered to them. Now you can't find content like you want, because every MMO is designed with these players foremost in mind. To the developers, making things easy and not requiring any particular teamwork or thought is a boon to them as well, because they no longer have to think of ways to signal and teach mechanics, and they can always count on new players being able to grasp the game easily, because anyone with time can do everything.

  51. 5 months ago

    >I played Black Desert, Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, Tree of Savior, Dungeon Fighter Online
    So you only played shit for zoomies.

    • 5 months ago

      You meant boomers. No one younger than 20 has ever played a mmo lol.

  52. 5 months ago

    Nobody wants play baram/nexus anymore there's only 35+yrs old persons game killed it self

    • 5 months ago

      I'd play Nexus but I don't want to pay for Nexus

  53. 5 months ago

    mmos got completely and utterly ruined by metaBlack folk
    playing an mmo means following a guide and proven build to minmax grind through a copypaste campaign and reach the "endgame raids" where you can follow another boss guide or youll be useless and kicked

  54. 5 months ago

    i dont know i'm playing black desert and having fun. it comes closest to the sandbox mmo's i liked in the past

    • 5 months ago

      Last time I played BDO was like 3 or 4 years ago, is there any new endgame content but "kill mobs in area solo for weeks/months"? Maybe group dungeons or whatnot?

    • 5 months ago


  55. 5 months ago

    Works in my Dofus
    Unity soon

  56. 5 months ago

    I have been playing bg's in WoW since high school back in 2004 so it's been to late now to stop. Also i still have fun with it.

    • 5 months ago

      I use to be a BG autist too but the queue times suck dick now and the balance is so fricking bad
      but I legit use to do nothing but random BG nonstop I loved it for some reason

  57. 5 months ago

    I admit being an oldgay from the golden age of MMOs, I've always appreciated the idea of the virtual world, roleplaying and more. However there are a couple major issues that are weakening them, most based on greed others on just plain changes to who's playing what and how they play

    This is the big one. I'll always be in favor of the subscription MMO. You buy the game account key (which usually comes with an included month of play), you pay a monthly fee and you get access to ALL the content. Yes, INCLUDING THE COSMETICS. Every couple of years you buy the latest Expansion for about 2/3 the price of the base game which adds sizable content to the game as well, but that's a one off purchase. Everything else in game is available from your subscription pretty much. There were relatively rare exceptions often related to charity, which never bothered me. In the old days, Western MMO devs looked at the bullshit going on in Korea and said "What? They can get a player to buy a single outfit for $10? Shit that would never work here, it must be brainrot at the PCBang over there", but of course the greedy publishers never gave up on such things. Cosmetics were considered a core part of the game, not this bullshit "somehow lesser so they can be sold as extras, yet greater because we expect to make the majority of our money on them due to demand". The idea that "if its not Pay2Win 1 hit killer swords then its fine!" was instituted over years boiled-frog style, which is frustrating as all frick. The advent of social media, mobile style monetization taking off starting around 2010 and more pushed for more "free2play, but but gaem r expensive we HAVE to charge more for a single shirt than we used to for the whole fricking subscription" ruinous bullshit. Running low on room, but ultimately the above certainly didn't help, especially when WoW-killer attempts fell out of favor for cheaper shit (MOBA, BR etc) with the same F2P monetization garbage

    • 5 months ago

      >This is the big one. I'll always be in favor of the subscription MMO.
      Subscription MMOs aren't safe from this anymore and haven't been for a while, just look at all the dumb shit on the big two's cash shop despite their subscription.

      • 5 months ago

        That's the difference in the ethos that's even worse now. Subscription used to mean THAT WAS WHAT YOU PAID. The idea of having a subscription plus surcharges would have been considered so fricking ludicrous they would have thought everyone would quit. Is strange to me that no subscription MMO since EverQuest has tried to ever have a MORE expensive subscription that included everything if the company felt it had to charge more rather than selling a a carte bullshit, going F2P etc. Some may remember
        >EQ Legends
        EQ Legends was an early 2000s era program that cost $40/month. A standard EQ sub was around $10-15/month as I recall. For this extra charge you got a bunch of exclusive features
        >A bunch of website stuff that at the time was a far bigger deal. Your characters were displayed in a FFXIV Lodestone style page, you got a guild calendar, message board, and other management functions for guilds etc and other stuff you would have had to run your own custom guild site for at the time plus integrations that were uncommon.
        >Legends only server
        >On that server, there would be a dedicated team of Guides and GMs who would put on live dynamic events at a way higher chance than standard servers thanks to its dedicated team. You'd also get "big" story live events first.
        >Preview content, and if you were the first to do something or find an item, it may be named after you or written into the game lore when it came to standard servers. Special Legendary items and more.
        It was one of the few premium subs I can remember and overall was pretty great, but most other games seem married to never changing the price per month above the $10-15 it was in 2000; do they care so much about affordability? No, its that they know that they would rather trick some poor fool into buying multiple $18-22 skins rather than having to give them everything for $40. Its so fricking predatory.

        >Big Two
        Both have fouled up. FFXIV far worse, but WoW's fallen too

        • 5 months ago

          The meaning of a subscription has completely changed over the years. Google thought they could charge a subscription for having Stadia, but then you also had to pay full price for the games in it. And some people actually praised that shit.

          A lot of MMOs these days have soft subscriptions that, while not mandatory, basically make the game unplayble without them. For example, Tree of Savior.
          The subscription in that game is in the form of an item called a Token. If your account doesn't have the sub active, you can only sell 1 item per character, pay 30% market tax, anything you trade becomes untradeable, you move slower, get less exp, and a lot more other things.

          • 5 months ago

            Sounds a bit like modern maplestory, sure you can play for free but the monthly purchase for buying/renewing your pet that vaccuums up all the items in a huge radius around you is more or less mandatory after level 60

            • 5 months ago

              that only happens on reboot.
              In the server with trading (you know, the actual game) you don't have to buy a special version of the water of life, you can just go in the auction house and buy it.

              • 5 months ago

                >the actual game
                Have they solved the Spell Trace bot farming problem yet?

              • 5 months ago

                Is that why fricking nobody plays on "the actual game" server?

          • 5 months ago

            Sounds a bit like modern maplestory, sure you can play for free but the monthly purchase for buying/renewing your pet that vaccuums up all the items in a huge radius around you is more or less mandatory after level 60

            I'd almost prefer a subscription like that IF once you had one there wasn't anything else you had to buy. I'd be fine with a game that had a F2P mode with more limitations (though not too punishing ) or less bonuses, but buying the sub gave you the full suite of bonuses and features unlocked. That's still better than having exclusive stuff cosmetic or otherwise to be bought in addition to or even stupidly priced instead of the subscription.

            Still if done poorly like anything it will have a bad outcome though, so its important to have the proper gradient between the F2P mode and the Sub mode.

            I remember playing this like 4-5 years ago and it was janky as frick. I'd give it another try if the combat is interesting and not just click to autoattack and press 1 to do damage dealing ability.

            Its a little janky thanks to Unity, but its performance is fine. As far as the combat, if you don't like pressing buttons then it may not be for you if you want "active combat" . It has a "skill based" system vs a pure leveling system where there are tons of abilities that, by doing a given thing in its field it gives you skill points - shooting a bow gives you Ranged SP, taking hits or evading in light armor gives you Light Armor SP, casting a spark spell gives you Magic, Fire Discipline SP etc..and so it goes. At a certain point, you can put SP into improving an existing ability or learning a new one. However eventually you'll need to find trainers to unlock new tiers or entirely new disciplines (ie stuff like necromancy requires mostly doing an evil quest and will affect your alignment - the game also has various Ultima style Virtues ). Any of the skills you have, combat or otherwise (crafting is a BIG thing) can be put on "decks" which is basically the "how many hot slots do you have for active abilities at at time" thing, but you can learn almost anything; you just can't use it all at the same time. Make your combat decks around your equip and skills at the moment (ie you can be a great mage, but casting in plate armor means a much higher chance of fizzles) and then use those skills together in combat.

  58. 5 months ago

    MMOs were horrible back then and are horrible now, OP. The smart move was always not to play them at all.

  59. 5 months ago

    Name ONE mmo that has:
    >hard enemies that force you to group up to grind
    >high character customization
    >fun bosses
    >fun dungeons
    >fun professions that adds to customization


    • 5 months ago

      Formerly TERA, before all the mob nerfs.

      • 5 months ago

        damn I miss BAM hunting and doing dungeons with my buddies

    • 5 months ago

      FFXI, its still alive.

      • 5 months ago

        >it's still alive
        it's still running. It is by no means, and no meaning of the word, "alive". There are under 100 players on all except asura, primetime. A lot of pservers crush it in terms of playerbase, even accounting for multiboxing. Also you can just fricking summon npcs to be in your party, it ruins the mystique of the world.

        • 5 months ago

          There are at least 10,000 non-bot non-multibox players daily going off a rough estimate via auction house data.

  60. 5 months ago

    People don't want to interact with others in mmos. Everyone wants to solo things, and developers will let them because otherwise they are losing potential revenue.

    • 5 months ago

      there's literally nothing wrong with refusing to interact with an awkward autist containment breaker that makes Ganker his entire personality. Games shouldn't lock your personal character progression to making friends with these "people"

    • 5 months ago

      This is the real reason, no matter how people dance around the question and talk about PVP, loot and gameplay.

      People don't want to meet other people in games and be forced to interact. It's as simple as that. Why do you think people back in the day all talk about THEIR favorite MMO being fricking amazing, when by all unbiased views, they were just as shit if not worse than what we have now? WoW, Mabinogi, Everquest, Runescape, Ultima, Ragnarok, whatever. They were all pretty shit, but talking to people online and playing in a shared world was new. That's all it was. Most of those games sucked ass. Vanilla WoW is the most obvious example. It's an awful game that's almost worse in every way to retail WoW (and retail WoW is fricking terrible) but people continue to play it and pretend it's good because of nostalgia.

      • 5 months ago

        I remember playing runescape in 2008 and realizing that everyone was reading wiki pages and even earlier than that scouring websites like tip.it for the solutions, and not asking ingame.


        Why are you still playing MMOs? Are you moronic?
        I can't honestly understand what is the appeal to play a "massive multiplayer" game if you're just seeing people from a distance and not interacting with anyone. Every class now can do DPS, tank and heal themselves, and even on games that they don't, you have to grind for days or weeks until you get to an enemy that is not braindead.
        I just wanted to play a MMO that feels like teamwork. Something that I could play with my friends to overcome challenges.
        I played Black Desert, Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, Tree of Savior, Dungeon Fighter Online, and many more I honestly can't remember. They're all the same:
        >keep playing for hours and hours
        >enemies are easy
        >quests are braindead
        >everything is painfully easy until you get to the end game
        >you have no reason to team up at all

        You see, I have no problem with grinding. I played Ragnarok Online from 2005 to 2010, I played Perfect World, Trickster Online, Runescape, MapleStory, Mabinogi, frick I even played shit like Zu Online and Endless Online. But grinding there was actually funnier than following this clusterfrick of railroaded experience. Some of these games were unforgiving and it wasn't an easy or monotonous task at all.
        In Ragnarok Online (pre renewal), as an example, there were quests, but they were sparce and well made, with interesting stories, and they gave you stuff like access to some shady dungeon that most people didn't even know existed, but there were no fetch quests or anything that could be free exp. So you had to kill monsters to level up, but it was hard to do anything alone, as the classes were deliberately unbalanced (the healer could only heal, the mage would get killed instantly if he did not kill his target on one hit, etc). Then you had to get a swordsman, a mage, a healer, and enter a dungeon on level 20, hoping for the best. It was engaging. It was fun.

        This is insane. If you don't want to interact with people in an MMO, why play? It's a bad activity. Just don't do it, play something else or quit video games entirely.

        Why don't you want to play single player games? I can't think of one game that does all of this, but there are many that do something from your list.

        People don't want to interact with others in mmos. Everyone wants to solo things, and developers will let them because otherwise they are losing potential revenue.

        Remember when most of RS were full loot pkers unafraid of banter?
        After clamping down hard on gamers (the people that brought success to gayex) it's nothing now but ERPing irontroons grindrscape chasing efficient numbers.

        • 5 months ago

          >erping in runescape
          this does not happen

          • 5 months ago

            Not in osrs, but it does absolutely happen in rs3. There are profiles for characters and everything, people have the same cringey kinklist shit they have in ff14 and wow.

          • 5 months ago

            >he doesn't know

          • 5 months ago

            >he never walked in on that one guy using the spin emote to touch a female character's breasts while they flirted in public chat at the 2nd floor of lumbridge castle on the eastern edge of the battlements
            world 93 february 5th 2006 mother fricker i will never forget what i saw

    • 5 months ago

      This is the real reason, no matter how people dance around the question and talk about PVP, loot and gameplay.

      People don't want to meet other people in games and be forced to interact. It's as simple as that. Why do you think people back in the day all talk about THEIR favorite MMO being fricking amazing, when by all unbiased views, they were just as shit if not worse than what we have now? WoW, Mabinogi, Everquest, Runescape, Ultima, Ragnarok, whatever. They were all pretty shit, but talking to people online and playing in a shared world was new. That's all it was. Most of those games sucked ass. Vanilla WoW is the most obvious example. It's an awful game that's almost worse in every way to retail WoW (and retail WoW is fricking terrible) but people continue to play it and pretend it's good because of nostalgia.

      This is insane. If you don't want to interact with people in an MMO, why play? It's a bad activity. Just don't do it, play something else or quit video games entirely.

      MMOs are the only genre that seem to have what I like in games, and not only do they have them but they do them better than the way singleplayer games do
      >creature taming
      >various different classes that you can customize differently
      >comfy side activities like fishing
      >character customization
      Then there's stuff like the online player socialization and group content like raiding and PvP, which depending on the MMO I can enjoy.

      Why don't you want to play single player games? I can't think of one game that does all of this, but there are many that do something from your list.

      • 5 months ago

        I mean, if there was a singleplayer open world game with the stuff I mentioned, I'd happily play it too. But it's all just ubisoft collectathons.

      • 5 months ago

        Why don't I get a choice on who to interact with instead of locking my progression to a party dungeon where i get a guy who talks in twitch lingo and spams pepe the frog memes? Quit shoving this forced interaction shit on everyone

        • 5 months ago

          That's not what I meant. I do raids with my raid static, and they are people that I know for many years. I choose who to play with.

          I played wow for the first time on classic... its literally create character -> npc with a giant exclamation mark is infront of me -> kill 10 fricks and wake up 5 orcs - Every other quest gave me a lvl up till around lvl 20~
          Woooow, so different, you are right. It was 10 enemies that i had to kill, and it was speed leveling till lvl 20 instead of 23 like OP said. CHECK M8! You sure told him.

          I mean you don't have to play like that. I have a couple of friends who are cataclysm raiders, they have started on my WotLK Classic realm to play with me. I told them to do AoE dungeon runs instead of questing, and they do that instead. Why kill 10 boars one by one if you can stack up 30 elite boars and AoE them in one go?

          • 5 months ago

            and people who just started the game and don't have a raid static? What about them? They're stuck looking for a group to an easy party dungeon that the majority of the userbase isn't doing. This is why mmos are dead

            • 5 months ago

              They should git gud or look for group among themselves. 20 years ago I was new to MMOs and didn't have anything, not even guides or addons or even a good fricking PC. Yet when I first started playing I was already in a guild. If you hate socializing so much and hate talking to other people - the genre is not for you, simple.

              • 5 months ago

                they don't need to do anything because mmos are dead. No one cares that you're top dog on a game no one plays

          • 5 months ago

            >raid static
            holy I hate how weeb shitters forced this lingo into wow

            • 5 months ago

              Weeb shitters? The first time I have heard the word mentioned was decades ago in russian L2 playerbase.

  61. 5 months ago

    I felt a change coming, and sold my maplestory account earlier this year for around $13,500. Yesterday, they announced they were removing cubes from the game and capping how many mesos you could get in a day, they have completely fricking destroyed the game, almost overnight, people are trying to dump their accounts for $5k for complete hypermaxed 22 3l primes, it's CRAZY.
    I stopped enjoying MMOs because they stopped being about massively multiplayer online experiences, and were all centered around dungeons, solo play, timegating, dailies, weeklies, etc. You couldn't just log on and play, you had to be on at x time on y day for reset, if you weren't on? You were now permanently stuck behind everyone else who was on, forever, with no way to catch up.
    Just a total mess.

    • 5 months ago

      >stopped being about massively multiplayer online experiences, and were all centered around dungeons, solo play, timegating, dailies, weeklies
      >You couldn't just log on and play, you had to be on at x time on y day for reset, if you weren't on? You were now permanently stuck behind everyone else who was on, forever, with no way to catch up.
      This anon understands. Those things were made in order to artifically inflate online player numbers and keep people engaged, but they became central to the gameplay and nobody really wants to do anything other than daily chores because it's not worth the time and effort.

    • 5 months ago

      >sold my maplestory account earlier this year for around $13,500
      tf, someone paid that much for a maplestory acc?

      • 5 months ago

        6th job came out, so people were paying BIG bucks for accounts that were ready for it. They fricked the launch for global which drew a bunch of ire, and the changes yesterday completely fricking tanked it. It dropped off the top 20 charts in pc cafes yesterday, something that hasn't happened since 2009.

  62. 5 months ago

    Take Project Quarm for example. Everquest was notorious for slow leveling, scarcity of loot, punishment for death, no instancing, competing for the best gear, and corpse runs. It took time and wasn't for everyone. Look at the modern emulated server. Sped up, instanced, neutered, casualized to appeal to idiots working from home, raising their kids passively, and trying to play MMOs like they are an idle game themepark all at the same time. Everyone eventually looks the same because it's all a checklist. Not everyone used to have warder loot from an instance. They were by and for people with infinite time and who could delay gratification. Now they are just consumer skinnerboxes.

  63. 5 months ago

    Is there a singleplayer game that can give me a similar feeling to FFXI or Ragnarok Online?

    • 5 months ago

      FF12 is basically FF11 but fun.

  64. 5 months ago

    I just want a world to explore/interact with with quests that are actually varied. I want to be rewarded for going around town talking to NPCs and going in their homes. I want quests about solving puzzles, doing platforming, and with varying difficulties for combat. If it had all that, and a combat system that wasn't just press 1-2-3 for damage, I could care less if it had 5 total players, I'd play it.
    Why is exploration so unrewarding in MMOS?

  65. 5 months ago

    >ctrl f VR
    >no hits
    The last hope for saving our genre is virtual reality.

    • 5 months ago

      at this point, STILL believing in VR is even more delusional than thinking MMOs will make a comeback.

  66. 5 months ago

    >Why are you still playing MMOs? Are you moronic?
    i'm not and you're right about everything
    classes need to be unique, as does equipment quests need to be lengthy and involved, not hub based slop.
    soloing needs to be extremely difficult, so players are heavily incentivized to group
    no automatic matchmaking, no cross-server groups. the game should assist you in finding people on your server to form long lasting(both in terms of a single session, and in terms of repeatedly playing with them) parties with.
    and so on
    but no mmo will ever have any of this so the genre is dead

    • 5 months ago

      And if an MMO did, no one would play it because 99% of players don't have the attention span for that anymore, they just want big numbies big numbies wow level 123 wowow 1000k damage!! my gearscore is so high!! because i played for 3000 hours and did nothing!!

    • 5 months ago

      you need cross server dungeon finder because most mmos give 0 incentive to do old content so everything quickly becomes a desert town minus endgame. and xiv still struggles because of its fricked up leveling system where playing pre50 is a horrendous slog. MMOs need to take (and fix) alot from FFXI in terms of keeping the overworld and game alive at all levels.

      you need to have long grinds with intense enough combat at starter levels, in addition to being able to level multiple classes on one character and/or have some kind of rebirth system so old players play old areas. Let groups level cap themselves, add in some rare drop rate item or needing to collect 1000 of some item (only obtainable as a capped group) to get gear that's actually useful at endgame or other prolific level cap.

  67. 5 months ago

    There are alternate MMOs out there. Not counting the private server communities for WoW, EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, and City of Heroes, some of which are significantly different from the base game (I always liked the EQ Shards of Dalaya private server, which basically took all the assets of the game and stitched them together differently into a new world. Areas that were previously cities and newbie gardens would be dungeons and raids and vice versa etc. I haven't kept up on City of Heroes/Villains server communities but I hear overall they're pretty great ever since things went public a couple years back), there are other games.
    >Shroud of the Avatar
    If you liked Ultima / Ultima Online and were into proper RP in your MMORPG, this is a great title especially for oldgays. NPCs have generic names until you talk to them and learn their name - there's also a typing or keyword based NPC conversation system which is great. For instance if you walk up to "A City Guard" and hail them, they'll say "Hail traveler, do you need {directions}, are you in {danger}, or how else may I {help} you?" and each of those keyword will lead to others. If you ask them their name or introduce yourself, their nameplate will change from A City Guard to "Guard Derpston" and they'll remember you by name as well instead of Traveler or Citizen (if you live in the area). This system is neat also for how you can learn hidden keywords on a quest or whatnot and get some random innkeep to unlock a secret dungeon behind their storeroom .

    There's a lot of other neat stuff too. There is NON instanced housing. You have to acquire land deeds and can use it to claim any available plots of that size or smaller. Then you can put up a house or other structure that fits on it, if you have a structure blueprint.. I'm almost out of room, but its a neat title that's the spiritual successor to UO, made by Lord British who's back after being rooked into making a cryptoshit game that failed.

    • 5 months ago

      >Shards of Dalaya private server,
      Doesn't that server have like 5 players max now? I remember it existing since 2010

      • 5 months ago

        I haven't played for awhile, but it may have some times of low play. Last I played there were about 100 on I think?

        I remember playing this like 4-5 years ago and it was janky as frick. I'd give it another try if the combat is interesting and not just click to autoattack and press 1 to do damage dealing ability.

        I'd almost prefer a subscription like that IF once you had one there wasn't anything else you had to buy. I'd be fine with a game that had a F2P mode with more limitations (though not too punishing ) or less bonuses, but buying the sub gave you the full suite of bonuses and features unlocked. That's still better than having exclusive stuff cosmetic or otherwise to be bought in addition to or even stupidly priced instead of the subscription.

        Still if done poorly like anything it will have a bad outcome though, so its important to have the proper gradient between the F2P mode and the Sub mode.

        Its a little janky thanks to Unity, but its performance is fine. As far as the combat, if you don't like pressing buttons then it may not be for you if you want "active combat" . It has a "skill based" system vs a pure leveling system where there are tons of abilities that, by doing a given thing in its field it gives you skill points - shooting a bow gives you Ranged SP, taking hits or evading in light armor gives you Light Armor SP, casting a spark spell gives you Magic, Fire Discipline SP etc..and so it goes. At a certain point, you can put SP into improving an existing ability or learning a new one. However eventually you'll need to find trainers to unlock new tiers or entirely new disciplines (ie stuff like necromancy requires mostly doing an evil quest and will affect your alignment - the game also has various Ultima style Virtues ). Any of the skills you have, combat or otherwise (crafting is a BIG thing) can be put on "decks" which is basically the "how many hot slots do you have for active abilities at at time" thing, but you can learn almost anything; you just can't use it all at the same time. Make your combat decks around your equip and skills at the moment (ie you can be a great mage, but casting in plate armor means a much higher chance of fizzles) and then use those skills together in combat.

        Oh I should mention that combat and whatnot starting out feels a lot more like "autoattack and then just press 1" than it does later in the game when you have more skills and their use varies where one ability is reactive (ie riposte requires an enemy attacking you with melee and is active so you can counter and do more damage) or you can use things in sequence feels different. However it is ultimately old school MMO so there will be a lot of clicking or hotkeys.. Oh I almost forgot, there IS an "action combat" style optional skill/ability you can learn

        >Free Attack is an optional advanced technique option for combat that you can unlock during a conversation with most Adventurer Trainers, including master trainers.
        >Free Attack mode requires more active engagement in combat. When in Combat Stance, you will attack with your equipped weapon whenever you click the left mouse button. You must aim the reticle at an enemy to make sure your attacks hit.
        >Free Attack mode allows you to charge attacks for additional damage. To charge an attack, hold down the Left Mouse Button while in Combat Stance. A notched status bar will appear at the bottom of the screen and begin to fill. Releasing the Left Mouse Button releases the charged attack. The more notches are filled, the more damage the charged attack will do. Be aware that you may select a new target while left-clicking when your cursor is not over the target of your charged attack.
        >Small, light weapons (like daggers) have short charge bars that only contain a few notches. Heavier weapons (like polearms) have charge bars that contain many notches, allowing the delivery of mighty strikes.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm reinstalling, steam says last time I tried Shroud was in 2021. They say they've kept up big updates every month to this day, so maybe it's more polished now.

          In theory, it sounds up my alley, but we'll see. I don't even care about the cash shop shit, which seems to be 99% of the complaints about the game. Couldn't care less if someone has to spend hundreds to start a player-run city, or if they spend some money to have an advantage in PVP.

          • 5 months ago

            They do keep updating it with frequency, I check in every so often. Note that the cash shop shit is actually less offensive than 90% of games out there because it depends on a single currency, the COTO (coin of the obsidian) that DROPS IN GAME. You can also buy it on the website, but it is present in game at at reasonable drop too. There are special vendors where premium cosmetics require COTO (including things like housing blueprints etc) but it dosen't matter if they're bought from in game drops or from cash. Also some players will buy them with COTO and sell them for the more common "gold".

            The stuff on the website itself for cash is usually just charity stuff or the literal "we will create an entirely new city/zone in the game for you that other players can settle" stuff that costs a bunch, usually for dedicated RPers or guilds. Look up "Paxlair" if you want to see a Player Owned City, if its still around. It used to be a big one.

            Okay good luck! One thing to keep in mind that I really dislike is that the character creator is somewhat limited - there are only a couple of hairstyles at the start. However, there ARE more of them to unlock but they're available in game last I checked. Some additional ones were added. I really think they need to add more of that sort of thin from the start. They did an overhaul of the new player experience awhile back so it may be completely different - start a new char.

            Oh do't forget if you like RP there is a consistent in-game community of player run events, many of which are put up on the website so check it frequently.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm reinstalling, steam says last time I tried Shroud was in 2021. They say they've kept up big updates every month to this day, so maybe it's more polished now.

              In theory, it sounds up my alley, but we'll see. I don't even care about the cash shop shit, which seems to be 99% of the complaints about the game. Couldn't care less if someone has to spend hundreds to start a player-run city, or if they spend some money to have an advantage in PVP.

              Oh yeah, another neat thing. Aside from playable musical instruments (both manually on your keyboard or midi actual piano keyboard, or from a pre-arranged song list; if they're playing manually you see different floating musical notes than if they're calling up a cue sheet which is neat) , recorded audio on wax cylinders and stuff to play them in game, there are also "aether vibration receivers" which basically allow the game client to pick up internet radio stations and broadcast them in game depending on the item. There are a lot of community events that use this, including a couple of streams on Twitch and AvatarsRadio etc. I always thought it was kind of a neat feature.

    • 5 months ago

      I remember playing this like 4-5 years ago and it was janky as frick. I'd give it another try if the combat is interesting and not just click to autoattack and press 1 to do damage dealing ability.

  68. 5 months ago

    Tree of Savior private server is well underway and should be playable within the next year or two. Currently they're working on adding skills to each class. The basics are all working already.

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, because ToS didn't fail immediately on launch.

      • 5 months ago

        Certainly didn't. ToS was very much loved for the entirety of its development cycle. It was only after the official steam release that they started losing people for real.
        They managed to fix all the client related issues over the years. The game runs on silky smooth 60 FPS with no security hazards, unlike the original release. Everything wrong with the game can be undone by a private server, including ReBuild.

        • 5 months ago

          >ToS was very much loved for the entirety of its development cycle
          Oh god, nice one. The p2w, the shitty linear structure. Not being able to mob more than 10 mobs at a time (it might have been even less), the whole progress was 80% quests untill you hit a gap then had to grind till you got to the next batch of quests.
          It was such a huge departure from ragnarok onlines open world where you wanted to minmax your character for a specific area/mob, to a completely linear progression path where straying from it was not an option, that most people who had ToS marketed as a spiritual successor to RO dropped it first month.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, all of that is true, but it was simply a matter of direction. You still had to grind and the base gameplay was solid.
            The music, style, movement, gameplay, variety, it did a lot of things right too. It was very rough but had all the signs of a great MMO.

            Is it me or were most of the MMOs in this thread perfectly fine until they had their major “reorganization” patch (think Big Bang in Maplestory) where they heavily streamline and dumb down the game, often coupled with class buffs across the board? This has happened with just about every single MMO I have ever touched.

            Maplestory's BigBang, Ragnarok's Renewal, Tree of Savior's ReBuild. Yes, most MMOs undergo a big, mechanic changing patch that ruins them. For older games, it was a shift from subscription based business plan to F2P, and for ToS it was a way for them to dumb down the class system enough for them to rebalance it.
            And yes, every single time, it makes the games easier across the board.

            I quit this game when I noticed how bad customization was, you couldn't even change your eye color
            pure fricking laziness you can generally tell how bad, lazy and shit the devs are during character creation.

            You can change your eye color in ToS but those are cash shop items, because of course they are.
            The game really has a problem with hats though. There's not enough hats to collect, and 99% of them are in the gacha.

            • 5 months ago

              >Yeah, all of that is true, but it was simply a matter of direction. You still had to grind and the base gameplay was solid.
              >The music, style, movement, gameplay, variety, it did a lot of things right too. It was very rough but had all the signs of a great MMO.
              It had potential. But just potential does not make a good game. The main thing that killed it for me was how railroaded it all was. You did not chose a lvling spot because you enjoyed it, you picked it because thats what your quests dictated. And that was so much of a departure from RO that I just dropped out.

        • 5 months ago

          Is it me or were most of the MMOs in this thread perfectly fine until they had their major “reorganization” patch (think Big Bang in Maplestory) where they heavily streamline and dumb down the game, often coupled with class buffs across the board? This has happened with just about every single MMO I have ever touched.

          • 5 months ago

            Correct. It tends to alienate a huge part of the community, while not bringing in enough new blood, because even with a huge rework, why would you start playing an old mmo and still be years behind older players.

        • 5 months ago

          >They managed to fix all the client related issues over the years.
          The client isnt fixed at all and likely never will be. You still constantly interact with things behind UI elements when using mouse making e.g. the entire housing feature a pure tedium. Mouse mode in general doesn't work really well. The game can still lag like mad on some maps even when it's entirely empty. Lags in "general" just got better cause the instances are super dead.
          >Everything wrong with the game can be undone by a private server, including ReBuild.
          Launch ToS is a huge pile of shit. If you think ReBuild is the problem you clearly didn't play the game much

    • 5 months ago

      I quit this game when I noticed how bad customization was, you couldn't even change your eye color
      pure fricking laziness you can generally tell how bad, lazy and shit the devs are during character creation.

    • 5 months ago

      how are they going to balance it, i.e. is it still going to be a theme park quest fest with stupid level ranges on farming? are they going to use the original class system where you could go up to 10 classes, or the dumbed down one where you're limited to 4? I could only imagine trying it if the gameflow was heavily modified towards more RO-like

      • 5 months ago

        It's going to be a full set of emulation tools, like RO private servers, so anybody can do whatever they like with it.
        You can remove the quests, increase monster spawns and it will be 90% of the way towards being an oldschool MMO.
        >are they going to use the original class system where you could go up to 10 classes, or the dumbed down one where you're limited to 4?
        This is definitely on the list of things that need to be sorted out, from a "what will the client allow us to do?" perspective. Server-side, there's nothing preventing you from having the 10 circles system or even re enabling assigning stat points freely.

        • 5 months ago

          that actually sounds pretty good if they can make it work, you gave me a little bit of hope

    • 5 months ago

      are they removing necro cheating and giving you a reasonable (or free even) way to change stats and classes/skills?

  69. 5 months ago

    It's not a very hard concept to grasp, I wanna play in a living and growing world shared with other people. Classic is very much like RO in that world content is hard for many classes and grouping is required for a lot of content, not just dungeons.

  70. 5 months ago

    Only MMO I'm tentatively watching for is https://store.steampowered.com/app/1685310/The_Wayward_Realms/
    Seems to be a daggerfall-style MMO with a focus on sandbox roleplaying and quests. But it has all the signs of being one of those 'never ever' games and it does worry me how much focus they're putting in the graphics, since that's always a bad sign. I wish someone would make a first person sprite based MMO, that could look so cool.

    Other than that, there's nothing really on the horizon, unless you're stupid enough think Ashes of Creation isn't going to be generic UE game #21535 or Blue Protocol isn't going to be generic anime game #2153.

    • 5 months ago

      everyone's dropped blue protocol already, it's easy to see how shallow and short it is from the jap game, it'll be alive for 2 month at launch then dead

    • 5 months ago

      everyone's dropped blue protocol already, it's easy to see how shallow and short it is from the jap game, it'll be alive for 2 month at launch then dead

      I'd take generic, but it was so greedy and grindy and all of its actually cool features were too shallow instead of expanded upon. Feels bad.

  71. 5 months ago

    Albion Online is the only good MMORPG right now in terms of actual active players and not afk trannies or bots

  72. 5 months ago

    the reality is that MMOs used to be social media for gamers. Now it's just a video game

    • 5 months ago

      >so many dumb homosexual zoomers saying this moronic cope bullshit
      frick off moron stop regurgitating the same bullshit all the low IQ brainrot e-celebs say

  73. 5 months ago

    Dead genre

  74. 5 months ago

    >+30 year old can't let go of shitty genre

    • 5 months ago

      >below 30 year old never experience the golden age of MMOs pre 2007

  75. 5 months ago

    >(the healer could only heal, the mage would get killed instantly if he did not kill his target on one hit, etc).
    you did not play ragnarok

  76. 5 months ago

    A couple of other indie or different MMOs that may be worth it if you're tired of the big names or private servers. Each one may not be for everyone, but they're not Korean style item exclusivity money grabs or other sorts of garbage and usually have something different or worthwhile. If anyone wants more info let me know.

    >Shroud of the Avatar
    Already covered this one a bit, but wanted to put it on the list. Basically F2P now (when the expansion launches, that may have one off cost) with a hybrid monetization for cosmetics but you can also get the "premium" currency dropping in game at a reasonable rate,get housing deeds by finishing a main story quest branch etc. . A little janky in style, but old school made by Lord British and has a lot of hardcore RP features. Linux client!
    >Book of Travels
    A "tiny" multiplayer online RPG, this is a really innovative title. Aesthetics halfway between a Nordic storybook and a Japanese woodblock painting, it is a unique RP setting. Definitely worthwhile. B2P without any other in-game surcharges. Linux client!
    >Saga of Ryzom
    EU developed, very unique setting unlike typical fantasy. Used to be retail, but the devs handed it over Free and Open Source to the community when it closed and it hasbeen maintained and updated ever since. Free to play, but optional subscriptions give you higher skills caps, faster learning of them,more storageand otherbonuses. Unique. Linux client!
    Open source MMO, used to be on its own engine for awhile but was antiquated, so now is rebuilding under Unreal 5 (which unfortunately isn't all open source). Unique setting of an underground stalactite multi-tiered world. Developing slowly, but coming along
    >Project Gorgon
    Husband and wife team making an indie MMO.Early access and in development, but worrth keeping an eye on and frequent updates. B2P. Linux client!

    Out of room but that's a start...

    • 5 months ago

      Most underrated indie MMO.
      Dude (well there are more than one but the main guy) has been dedicated to this game for over 20 years. And it's a really nice roleplay focused MMORPG, now running in UE5.
      Very small dedicated playerbase.

  77. 5 months ago

    Pretty much the best new MMO I've seen, or the thing that has given me the most old school community and fun is...
    >Star Citizen
    Yes, its unfinished. Yes, the alpha can be buggy at times. However, there's nothing quite like it if you want a space sim MMO with a focus on immersion and RP, there's nothing quite like it. Its also getting to the point that they are starting to build the more in depth systems (for instance, a ship that can scoop resources from gas giants, refine it onboard, and then use a mid-space refueling hose to sell it to other players for credits ) that are needed to underpin their plans for the game. Ships no longer just blow up like they used to in the interim because they now have both a disabling system ready, and recently a brand new salvaging system ships are not just disabled (ie unpowered, unable to fight back etc) but actually wrecked, the wrecks lay around to be harvested in salvaging, along with other new stuff https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19565-Star-Citizen-Alpha-322-Wrecks-To-Riches

    On foot there's a good bit of content too and the medical gameplay alone has its first few iterations that has pic related - and its an OLD graphic from months ago, so there's more since then. Just pirates and crimestat stuff is fairly comprehensive - there's even a couple of pirate/criminal only bases/safe zones which have ways to change the license plates on a stolen ship so to speak, as well as bunkers to infiltrate run by the in universe police designed for you to hack in and clear your crime stat..if you can survive to get there. There's plenty of other stuff to do, not to mention live events. There's also plenty of stuff purely for in world customization/lifestyle.

    All you need is a game account key for Star Citizen itself and optionally, one for Squadron 42 (the single player Wing Commander style game). Even most cosmetics are meant to be unlocked through play

    • 5 months ago

      Pic capture didn't paste.

    • 5 months ago

      Pic capture didn't paste.

      i'll care whenever it stops being on the same level of WEGs

    • 5 months ago

      >troony is moronic
      many such cases

  78. 5 months ago

    >happened to MMOs?
    They migrated to phones, have you not played genshin imapct or those gacha games?

  79. 5 months ago

    >Why are you still playing MMOs? Are you moronic?
    Yes, now leave me alone. I've played more video games than you have ever heard of in your lifetime.

  80. 5 months ago

    MMO's removed every system that forced interaction at the same time consoles were getting online and developers were able to create MMO like games that had a better offering for the casual gamer. If all I'm going to do in a modern MMO is grind with faceless players doing the same shit daily's why wouldn't I do that in Destiny or any other online GaaS shooter rather than WoW? Old school MMO's offered a completely different experience which was disregarded because publishers wanted more money.

  81. 5 months ago

    I miss Endless Online. It was fun even though I ragequit after getting scammed

    >I got the chain weapon
    >a guy wanted to trade me the Trinity Blood Priest Robe + a cool greatsword for the chain
    >he pulled the old 'put a bunch of extra shit in the trade window and remove the good shit' trick
    >I confronted him
    >told me 'I have no idea what you're talking about'
    >I typed 'FRICK ENDLESS ONLINE' and ragequit
    >never played it again

  82. 5 months ago

    There is not ONE good MMORPG on the market right now, and probably never will be ever again.
    The israelites took over and micotransactions ruined the entire genre.

  83. 5 months ago

    replaced by roblox

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