What the frick is wrong with the controls/camera of this game?

What the frick is wrong with the controls/camera of this game? There's a part where the entire village wants you dead and there is no indication on where to go or what to do, then you just die while you're fighting against the controls. Real good way to ease you into a game.

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  1. 2 years ago

    you're like those people that just lay down and take it in those dog attack webms lmao

    fricking take initiative you massive pussy

  2. 2 years ago

    aaaaand.. another zoomer filtered by tank controls
    many such cases!

  3. 2 years ago

    >minding my own business in my cool ass forest cabin
    >blonde homosexual breaks in with a gun out
    >starts waving a photo at me and shouting in a foreign language
    >get my axe to defend my life and property
    >fricking shoots me in the knee and suplexes me, blowing my skull up like a watermelon.

    fricking bullshit

  4. 2 years ago

    I was a 13 year old Nintendogay that had never even touched a Resident Evil game and I was able to breeze through this game without ever coming close to running out of ammo. Imagine being this moronic. It's an extremely linear fricking game, imagine getting lost in a hallway.

    • 2 years ago

      Based, I was the same age and played it on GC too while my 10yo brother watched. Graphics were great compared to PS2.
      Sometimes I wonder how I beat certain games at a young age when I replay them and get my ass kicked now, recently forgotten realms demon stone and dynasty tactics. I guess modern games have frizzled all our brains with handholding and games every 5 yo can beat like horizon.

  5. 2 years ago

    Hey, zoomie. You are using Control Type 3, right?

  6. 2 years ago

    Literally so much this. It's toxic shit like this that makes me curse the day my dad gave birth to me. Like, how can you even justify making a game so inaccessible in our day and age with so many disenfranchised among us? Like, I get it was made like, 20 years ago, but even still this is inexcusable. Makes my blood boil this game doesn't have accessibility options.

    • 2 years ago

      2/10, excessively too obvious. Apply yourself

  7. 2 years ago

    RE5 is better. Bummer they had to make it co-op dependent, but at least you can bring a buddy to save it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Bummer they had to make it co-op dependent
      Good thing this didn't actually happen.

      • 2 years ago

        -t. never played it

        • 2 years ago

          Not him, but do you consider an AI companion co-op? If not I'm not sure what about RE5 is "dependent" on co-op.

        • 2 years ago

          Not only did i play it but i beat it solo on all the difficulties with both characters on all the content long before i went online and played with the shitters that needed the AI to be carrying them instead of the other way around.

          RE5 is a fine game solo. Controlling and managing the partner character is a literal game mechanic.

      • 2 years ago

        >7 minute Wesker fight on Professional
        >Get to the door to go upstairs
        >Sheva proceeds to just run directly at Wesker
        >He does a sick jumping roundhouse kick to her jaw, killing her instantly

        RE5 was stupid fricking fun

        • 2 years ago

          professional is a meme difficulty anyway. I wish the game had an actual professional mode like 4 and 6.

          • 2 years ago

            I played it like a decade ago, all I remember is the hell that Sheva made that fight

            • 2 years ago

              Professional makes practically everything one shot you and reduces the bleed out timer to 2 seconds but you also get 5 times the amount of ammunition from enemy drops. You literally need to sequence break one part in the game to beat it solo on professional new game.

        • 2 years ago

          that fight is the only time the AI is iffy because you have to do the opposite of what the game tells you and take out Jill yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      >forced co-op that's not even that fun even if you play with a friend instead of AI
      >most bosses are shit because they're either on-rails or have some gimmick like setting them on fire or using a space laser instead of just using your own arsenal, and their movesets are shit
      >almost every part of an enemy's body can be shot for a melee move, which makes accurate shots less important
      >shop system sucks ass and has no memorable merchant. you can cheese the game by repeating chapters for more resources.
      >all the guns are soulless and no can remember anything about them, unlike in RE4.
      >Chris is the most boring character imaginable, only his screams and his boulder punching was funny
      >you don't feel as bad for the infected residents because they're living in a shithole and are better off dead anyway
      I used to love RE5 at first but playing it recently it's mediocre as hell. I just replayed RE4 twice in the last couple weeks because it's just that fun.

  8. 2 years ago

    thank science they’ll make the remake more accessible

    • 2 years ago

      I just fricking told you to apply yourself. Holy shit, you think people actually talk like this?

      • 2 years ago

        what in fauci’s name are you talking about?

  9. 2 years ago

    If you can't understand tank controls then you have brain damage

  10. 2 years ago

    HINT: Survive the mob for three minutes!

  11. 2 years ago

    >What the frick is wrong with the controls/camera of this game?

    It's not a modern "shooter" camera and controls, and this is a good thing. It's tight and creates a sense of paranoia. You can quick look right or left, up or down, or do a 180 turn. It's not like a modern shooter controls that give very easy of sight everywehre like what RE2/3 remake did.

    > and there is no indication on where to go or what to do,

    Oh my god, they added those CODEC calls just to hammer home what to do. The level layout isn't super complex just move forward and keep exploring.

    >then you just die

    Stop sucking.

  12. 2 years ago

    Resident evil 4's controls are good, your moron brain just can't handle the idea of having to adjust to an older game. Lol. LMAO even.

  13. 2 years ago

    >RE4 remake announced
    >suddenly there's near-daily threads complaining about the original RE4
    >90% of the complaints are about the controls/camera/atmosphere that will be "fixed" in the remake
    very organic, Capcom

  14. 2 years ago

    >BRO controls supposed to be shit , you just dont get it
    Relying on awfull movement and aiming to generate tension is cheap and moronic
    thats why Dead Space will always be a better TPS

  15. 2 years ago

    >n-n-n-no it still p-plays totally fine 15 years later and it's certainly not just my nostalgia talking
    I guess that's why it's getting remade, seriously, try playing this game now in 2022, you can't, games have taken such leaps after the GC era.

  16. 2 years ago

    This is what modern video games does to zoomers. When they play a real one they start hyperventilating

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