What the frick was his problem?

What the frick was his problem?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Those bloody witches!

  2. 2 years ago

    inconsistency. inb4
    >I loved my sons too much

    • 2 years ago

      my favorite summary of Morty's damage is that he's both Angron-lite and Konrad-lite. He has the physical scarring of Angron, just not to the extreme of Butcher's Nails, and the mental scarring of Kurze, but no fricked up Minority Report visions and bullshit. The issue is, him having both those problems makes him comparably as broken as they were.

      And also this.

      He's been played as a sympathetic "love me sons, 'ate me tyrants" and completely 180'd as a cartoon villain because the disparity in writers is fricked.
      I absolutely love the Death Guard and Typhus is my go too favorite lil dude, but Morty makes it difficult to love Nurgle factions fully.

      • 2 years ago

        >He's been played as a sympathetic "love me sons, 'ate me tyrants" and completely 180'd as a cartoon villain because the disparity in writers is fricked.
        >I absolutely love the Death Guard and Typhus is my go too favorite lil dude, but Morty makes it difficult to love Nurgle factions fully.
        Wraight fixed this in Warhawk.

        • 2 years ago

          >BL “writer”
          >fix anything
          Good one

          • 2 years ago

            Holy shit! A stock opinion and on Ganker no less.

      • 2 years ago

        I think the Death Guard as plague marines went to shit after 8th edition. They always were bitter and resentful as Morty himself was bitter and resentful. They finally felt free and being able to strike back (which parallels with Morty's fight with his original adopted father) only to end up pressed ganged against their will into Nurgle's service (which parallels with Morty's issues with Emps). Morty had the same experience twice, and as a result ended up even more bitter, forced to endure cruel service even beyond death changed into a physical mockery of both of his fathers. The fact they march to war surrounded by Nurgle's happy servants is a mockery to a God who is enjoying their torment.

        However the writers and designers decided that Nurgle=Cartoon happy everywhere and turned them into smiley, overly mutated and overly designed meme villains given them stupid names like Bile McFartyspew or Smega E Coli. It just doesn't work.

  3. 2 years ago

    he was kind of a social betamale

  4. 2 years ago

    Literally addicted to huffing fart gas

    • 2 years ago

      check'd and correct

  5. 2 years ago

    Got cucked by his first captain

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Just going to link this post, as I don't feel like writing more on Morty a second time


    • 2 years ago

      Its really sad seeing Mort go from this young man helping humans in the fog "just because" and smiling because he had found his purpose, to a turbosperg who can't get his head out of his ass and grow as a person.
      >Aaaaugh! It's survival of the fittest! If you can't take what you want you don't deserve it to begin with!!!
      >*Emp smotes Necare*
      >Oh wow, maybe we do need help from others, no matter how strong and determined we are.
      I get that his dad literally stole his hero moment and accomplished the one thing he had spent his whole life building towards, but out of all Primarch's it feels like Morty is one of the few least obsessed with glory. He should've just been happy Barbarus was free.

    • 2 years ago


      Though if you want to be more specific, it was his inferiority complex, exasperated by him being mentally fricked in the head, just not as much as some of his other brothers.

      my favorite summary of Morty's damage is that he's both Angron-lite and Konrad-lite. He has the physical scarring of Angron, just not to the extreme of Butcher's Nails, and the mental scarring of Kurze, but no fricked up Minority Report visions and bullshit. The issue is, him having both those problems makes him comparably as broken as they were.

      And also this.

      He's been played as a sympathetic "love me sons, 'ate me tyrants" and completely 180'd as a cartoon villain because the disparity in writers is fricked.
      I absolutely love the Death Guard and Typhus is my go too favorite lil dude, but Morty makes it difficult to love Nurgle factions fully.

      pretty much nail it in regards to what his deal is.

  8. 2 years ago

    He wouldn't stop farting

  9. 2 years ago

    Fricking hate what they did with HH and the primarchs, clearly the writers are too low IQ for such a big story.

    The traitors should have been their own unique characters, not just caricatures of their 40k CSM legions. For example Angron could have been the empathetic healer or something like that, Sanguinius-tier etc... Something starkly different to what they became in the end to make the betrayal more inpactful and the Heresy more dramatic.

    • 2 years ago

      > For example Angron could have been the empathetic healer or something like that

      Cant tell if youre joking because he was?

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, but his was that Primarch in 30K were spitting images of what their Legions would become as traitors. Not a single one of them underwent actual development aside from plot-mandated ones like Death Guard or Thousand Sons suffering their fates, for example.

      • 2 years ago

        Angron, even with Butcher's Nails shows an innate love and kinship with those he fought with, to the point where he was ready to die with them just to give one middle finger to the slavers that trapped them all. A lot of people like to believe that without the nails, he would have been one of the most compassionate Primarchs and likely on the level of Vulkan in his drive to protect the weak.

        I think the Death Guard as plague marines went to shit after 8th edition. They always were bitter and resentful as Morty himself was bitter and resentful. They finally felt free and being able to strike back (which parallels with Morty's fight with his original adopted father) only to end up pressed ganged against their will into Nurgle's service (which parallels with Morty's issues with Emps). Morty had the same experience twice, and as a result ended up even more bitter, forced to endure cruel service even beyond death changed into a physical mockery of both of his fathers. The fact they march to war surrounded by Nurgle's happy servants is a mockery to a God who is enjoying their torment.

        However the writers and designers decided that Nurgle=Cartoon happy everywhere and turned them into smiley, overly mutated and overly designed meme villains given them stupid names like Bile McFartyspew or Smega E Coli. It just doesn't work.

        I kind of like the whole
        >nurg demons = happy
        It plays in with his theme of acceptance of the end, you don't have anything to worry about if you're with nurgle, it's just pure stagnancy. The newer DG recruits being a bit more jovial than the original legion is nice and keeps them from being purely edgelords. It's a nice contrast compared to almost every other faction being grim determination, the DG being kind of good natured sadists.

        • 2 years ago

          >good natured sadists.
          Yes and no, it's all part of Nurgle's deal and modus operandi. Yes he will take away all which plagues ya, but he lives off suffering, despair and people generally getting shafted.
          You become free from all that, but the price is that you will spend your life inflicting everything you tried to escape on others. And you'l enjoy it.

  10. 2 years ago

    he was a brap gay

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    Terminal Copium Huffing

  14. 2 years ago

    >Be Mortarion
    >Spend a lifetime fighting to free the inhabitants of Barbarus
    >It's getting tougher and tougher to breathe in the higher altitudes
    >Can't breathe where Necare lives
    >Okay, let's take time to prepare
    >Big E arrives
    >"Gee willikers, son, looks like you can't do it after all! Better join my crusade!"
    >Constant needling by dad that I'm not good enough
    >"Fine, dad, I *will* do it!"
    >Go up to face Necare
    >Can't do it
    >Gonna die on the floor while the xenos filth laughs
    >Big E shows up and smites him
    >"See, son? I told you you couldn't do it! Now take your smelly legion and go fight the smelliest battles I have."

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