What the frick went wrong?

What the frick went wrong? Srsly, such a big budget game that seems to have received so much effort in development and no one talks about and now a new FF releases and takes all the spotlight even though it's technically much inferior, is it the exclusivity? It's kinda sad

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  1. 3 months ago

    Stupid looking main char. The end.

  2. 3 months ago

    nothing went wrong, you moronic Forspoken shill

    • 3 months ago

      only one talking about forspoken is you homosexual

  3. 3 months ago

    Its on the ps5. Only on the ps5. Like 8 people own one. It's that simple. SE cant help themselves but to leave money on the table.
    >2 consoles + pc
    >yeah lets just do one console
    >oh no i cant believe it didnt meet our projected sales how could this happen?!

    • 3 months ago

      You know they're getting paid by Sony right?

    • 3 months ago

      >Money on the table
      They got money from Sony for the timed exclusivity, it's the same deal they did with FFVIIRebirth except Rebirth is under 3 months exclusivity instead of 6 with ff16.
      These were legacy deals from the previous SE CEO, the new one has already said they're moving away from Sony and want to put their games on as many on all available platforms as possible hence why the U.S. FF14 fanfest had Phil Spencer there with the new SE CEO and Naoki Yoshida (ff14/ 16 Producer) to declare commitment to put FF games on Xbox and Gamepass. FF14 is currently on Open Beta for Xbox and Gamepass where previously it was PC and Playstation only.

    • 3 months ago

      The game itself is shit and SE has no fricking clue what to do with Final Fantasy. Cope and seethe PC Black person, you subhumans only play CS GO.

    • 3 months ago

      >It's that simple.
      Rebirth is also only on PS5

  4. 3 months ago

    Nothing went wrong, gays just love to jerk on nostalgia instead of trying something new. Most of the ppl that play ff7 and hype it more are ppl that rather stay home when invited to party. New things scare them and they rather keep playing the same game over and over again in a new skin. The game is good, gaming culture just fricking sucks.

  5. 3 months ago

    FF is a stale series. They've milked the IP far past it's prime. But they'll keep making them until several flop in a row at this point.
    I haven't enjoyed any since 10 except for one. A gacha called Final Fantasy Record Keeper that was actually incredible until they shut it down.

    • 3 months ago

      They need to approach the next FF how nintendo made botw and i don't mean copy botw. Basically rethink the whole series.

      • 3 months ago

        >They need to approach the next FF how nintendo made botw and i don't mean copy botw. Basically rethink the whole series.
        No. Rethinking the whole series is what got them into this mess.

  6. 3 months ago

    >What the frick went wrong?
    The biggest problem of this game is that it wasn't released yet.

  7. 3 months ago

    Didn't feel like it had that much effort go into it to me. It was one of the most passionless games I've played in years.

  8. 3 months ago

    >cultist cope thread
    holy KEK

  9. 3 months ago

    I enjoyed it but I don’t think it’s a must-play. The fact the threads have become unusable between the shilling and shitposting probably puts people off more than anything

    • 3 months ago

      >The fact the threads have become unusable between the shilling and shitposting probably puts people off more than anything
      This, I’ve been called a shill and Barry in the very same thread more than once for saying something positive about the game in one post and something negative in another. Impossible to have any real discussions like this

      • 3 months ago

        Barry genuinely pointed the well by being such a colossal homosexual

  10. 3 months ago

    If you want to know, i think its the focus on the wrong things.
    Yoship said that he wasnt really interested in making a story heavy game but to design a fun world to explore like an MMO, but since he thinks FF fans only care about story, he focused on it. He also slapped some shitty sidequests mechanics and "RPG elements" and called it a day because he thought they would keep FF fans happy.
    The story is decent, but its too story heavy and not enough gameplay. Everything gameplay related that isnt combat is poorly designed and clearly rushed.

    t. actually liked FFXVI and im waiting for rising tide

    • 3 months ago

      not even his "mmo" has a fun world to explore shit in.

    • 3 months ago

      There is absolutely nothing in this game that would make me think anybody involved cares in the slightest about having a fun world to explore. You can't even go to major cities.

      • 3 months ago

        XVI cared about telling a story and action gameplay. if you want a game about exploration, go play VII Rebirth and do ubislop quests for 40 hours.

        the purpose of the world in 16 is just to have a space to pass through for scale and a sense of progression/.

        • 3 months ago

          >XVI cared about telling a story
          not that much of a plus when the story is dogshit.

        • 3 months ago

          It's story was also shit and its action gameplay was good but not good enough to compensate for all the shit in the game, on top of just being a strictly inferior combat system taken from a better game. It's obvious that nobody involved gave a shit about an explorable world, but there is still an explorable world there it's just boring and has nothing in it but dead ends carved out for a boring battle from one of the boring sidequests to take place in.

          • 3 months ago

            it has hunts, at least.

            which is better content than VII rebirth put into its world.

            • 3 months ago

              I'd agree Hunts are the better part of the side content in the game, but that being all it has on top of all the shit side content as well as there being nothing of interest just to find in the world still leaves it with a dogshit world and dogshit side content. Whether Rebirth does these things better or worse is irrelevant, I haven't played it so I wouldn't know, but I know XVI does it poorly.

              • 3 months ago

                I just never felt like I was supposed to explore XVI's world. The purpose of XVI's world is just so it feels like it has connective tissue between the areas so you don't feel quite like youre on a XIII straight hallway.

              • 3 months ago

                If there's a world there with a map and all, I imagine the developers expected people to explore it. It's not even like there's nothing whatsoever seeing as there's Chronolith trials, the odd item and there's a fight by the windmill after the prostitute town. That the game was primarily interested in being combat-focused in its gameplay is fine, but there is a world there to explore and a world with nothing in it to explore is just dull. It not having that connective tissue and just being level-based would have been preferable to me over how it is if they're not going to put any effort into making the world an interesting place to be in.

            • 3 months ago

              >which is better content than VII rebirth put into its world.
              not really. The hunts in rebirth that you get from doing the wellspring shit are better than the hunts in XVI.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah the game needed to go more into its combat. More skills, expand the basic attacks more, adjust the cooldown mechanics so you can do more cool stuff, more equippable Eikons at once - basically flesh out the combat and remove the pretend RPG stuff. Crafting felt so tacked on and lame, just make Clive have higher HP and stats automatically if they want the earlier zones to feel easier with the later ones scaling to his increased strength.

      >Could have used more proper RPG mechanics
      >Was dumbed down and made easier for accessibility, hard mode locked to game completion instead of right out the gate
      >No Gilgamesh
      >Crafting system either needed to be scrapped or expanded on
      >Could have benefitted from more gameplay variety. Have a segment with Jill playable using just the Shiva abilities, Gav being sneaky, etc.
      >Needed some more side content. Not too much, but maybe something like Triple Triad.
      If felt like they wanted to go certain ways with the game but then stopped themselves for the sake of playing things 'safe'.

      Playable Jill sounds cool, could also let us play as Joshua and Cid too if necessary. Sneaky Gav sounds like typical Western Snoy shit so no thanks even if he is cool.

      >game starts really heavy with great ost ( eventhough I don't like the sudden change of the eikon battle ost, which starts epic and then becomes slower)
      >evolves into shounen fest
      >the GOT story, is not a political story at all it's basically just a shounen story
      >party members are just there
      >always can't use one accessory because of torgal auto command
      >whole game is basically: use skill 1-2-3, change eikon, use skill 1-2-3, change eikon, use skill 1-2-3
      >difficulty is none existent
      >eikon battles are good, but incredibly bloated
      >bahamut is basically the best eikon battle everything else is borign
      >dumbly padded out, sidequests are very rare until right before the final boss where you suddenly have 20000
      >here I forged you the ultimate blade RAGNAROK from materials of 3 sidequests, one msq later can buy a stronger blade
      >hunting quests are just recolors
      it was okay, but not that bad.

      Agreed on most points but Titan was also kino, especially the finale of it.

  11. 3 months ago

    His name is literally Clive, lmao

  12. 3 months ago

    >What the frick went wrong

  13. 3 months ago

    Nothing, it's a good game that I can't wait to replay when Rising Tide comes out.

  14. 3 months ago

    Fricking Dragon Quest is a bigger deal in the west than Final Fantasy these days

    • 3 months ago

      Kek what a load of horseshit FFXIV is the best selling game on Square Enix's portfolio and no one outside of hardcore weebs gives a shit about DQ in the West.
      DQ aren't bad games, but they are definitely old in their style and aren't appealing to a large part of the West.

  15. 3 months ago

    >Could have used more proper RPG mechanics
    >Was dumbed down and made easier for accessibility, hard mode locked to game completion instead of right out the gate
    >No Gilgamesh
    >Crafting system either needed to be scrapped or expanded on
    >Could have benefitted from more gameplay variety. Have a segment with Jill playable using just the Shiva abilities, Gav being sneaky, etc.
    >Needed some more side content. Not too much, but maybe something like Triple Triad.
    If felt like they wanted to go certain ways with the game but then stopped themselves for the sake of playing things 'safe'.

  16. 3 months ago

    Less is more

  17. 3 months ago

    Same thing that goes wrong with every modern Final Fantasy - they throw out everything about the previous game and have to spend like 3 years rebuilding it all from scratch.
    Look at how well Rebirth turned out precisely because they had a lot of work done from Remake already, now imagine what the series would look like if every game worked like that.

    • 3 months ago

      Tell me you're a newbie in the FF series without telling me you're a newbie, they've been doing that since FF1 on the Famicom to FF2

      • 3 months ago

        Alright man tell me the major differences between the battle systems of FF4-9, which is largely considered by many to be when the series was at its best.
        Even if you wanna be a moron and say "oh like FF2 is TOTALLY different from 1" you're still interacting with the game in the exact same way - yeah some stuff is different but at the end of the day you're going down a list of commands in battle across both games, said commands also being shared across both games, straight up the main thing that changes is the level up system. It's an iterative sequel.
        Now tell me what was kept from XII to XIII? XIII to XV? XV to XVI?

        • 3 months ago

          Are you unaware of development between 7, 8, 9 and X? They were all made by different teams, studios, people, stories were immensely different, setting, characters, similarities were kept for convenience like the battle system sure, but that was a limitation of technology and has always been stated as such.
          If you're only going to focus on the battle system while not looking at the wider picture of development it's for sure why you think this way.
          After every game the team is disbanded and development started from scratch it's always, always been this way on FF.
          For example FFVII the one most people are familiar with and had the most success of the PS1 era, the team was immediately disbanded and a brand new team was brought in for FF8, and the same thing happened for FF9 and while 9 was being developed a different team was concurrently developing 10.
          It's always been this way, always. Which is why 15 took 10 years to make and why 16 was a far smaller game on scope compared to 15 because of the amount of brand damage that game did.

          • 3 months ago

            Ok? How does that change the fact that none of those games had to spend 3 years of their development brainstorming how they were going to reinvent the gameplay?
            The people that made FF8 didn't have to spend years working on a shitty "hold button so your character kinda does the move over a certain period of time" system, they just recreated what worked in FF7 and added some new twists to it.

            >Alright man tell me the major differences between the battle systems of FF4-9, which is largely considered by many to be when the series was at its best
            4 had bo Job system and relied on character abilities.
            5 was entirely reliant on the Job system.
            6 went back to character abilities but also included Relics which could change how characters played and could even alter their abilities.
            7 used the Materia System and Limit Breaks
            8 used the Junction System and altered how Limit Breaks work.
            9 had character abilities return alongside equipment abilities, as well as having Trance replace Limit Break.

            None of this is fundamental gameplay changes, hell if you notice most of this shit is simply changing the ways in which you aquire abilities to use in battles, while said battles and even those abilities remain consistent across that entire series of games.

            • 3 months ago

              You're a fricking idiot.

            • 3 months ago

              Far easier to develop on ps1 generation of consoles compared to PS5 generation. Even Kojima was remarking on the time it was taking to develop games back on PS2 when he released MGS2, it was becoming unsustainable due to the need to keep improving graphical fidelity, models, and scope in games.

              • 3 months ago

                Obviously that's true, but you still have to contend with the fact that a game's scope is going to be far more limited when you don't have the very fundamentals of the design already down.
                Again, look at Final Fantasy VII Remake and then look at Rebirth, Rebirth has way, WAY more shit in it because they already had the fundamentals of the design down, so they could focus the entirety of development on actually making the game.
                It still took a long ass time, but at least the end product actually feels like a complete game and not a tech demo.

          • 3 months ago

            >but that was a limitation of technology and has always been stated as such.
            how the frick do zoomers fall for this meme so hard? It was never a technological limitation. ARPGs have existed a long time. Ys was an APRG and it was on the NES. SNES had ARPGs. PS1 had ARPGs. PS2 had ARPGs. Where's the technological limitation?

            • 3 months ago

              FF games aren't ARPG's and ARPGs don't lend themselves to tell stories well, it can be done but it's far easier to have combat be turn based when the main focus is on telling a story and conveying that to the player, which is why it's taken so long for them to get action combat good enough that it matches their want to tell a story without it interfering with the game, FFXV tried but it wasn't quite there with how the combat felt so floaty and unimpactful.
              You simply can't have the battle moments you have in FF16 if it was turn based and have you, the player be the one pushing the story forward.

              • 3 months ago

                > it can be done but it's far easier to have combat be turn based when the main focus is on telling a story and conveying that to the player, which is why it's taken so long for them to get action combat good enough that it matches their want to tell a story without it interfering with the game
                This makes zero sense and just sounds like you pulling shit out of your ass. What the hell does the combat system have to do with the story and how does having action combat interfere with the story in older gens but not in newer gens?
                >You simply can't have the battle moments you have in FF16 if it was turn based and have you
                yeah because they're designed for action combat.
                >and have you, the player be the one pushing the story forward.
                What the frick is this even supposed to mean?

              • 3 months ago

                Have you played 16? Honestly if you haven't you should stop because someone who had would know what the combat and fights in ff16, the combat and how you can't have those same moments of story progression be as impactful or simply put, fun if the game is turnbased.

              • 3 months ago

                >Have you played 16?
                Yes, I beat it.
                > the combat and how you can't have those same moments of story progression be as impactful or simply put, fun if the game is turnbased.
                The story is FFXVI sucked first off.
                >which is why it's taken so long for them to get action combat good enough that it matches their want to tell a story without it interfering with the game
                I fail to see how this wouldn't also apply to older gens. You're acting as if there's some major difference between how action combat affects the story now and how action combat multiple gens ago and i don't see it. You had spectacle action games on the PS2 and yet Square still didn't decide to make FF an action game back then. You had ARPGs on the NES, SNES, and PS1 but square didn't decide to make FF ARPGs then. So what are you even talking about?

              • 3 months ago

                I already said why, because they did try previously and failed with FFXV and to a lesser extent 13, they had these huge moments think of when Noctis is fighting Titan in FFXV, this huge spectacle moment yet it's simply not fun because the combat just isn't there yet.
                But compare that to the fights against Titan in 16 and they're great, against the man himself and then later when he's in Eikonic form, you go from a mechanical fight against the man to a spectacle against the Eikon, it's fun it feels good, it's not floating like FFXV was and the entire fight is kept different through the phases they have which kept me engaged.
                Previous FF games, think ps1 era that entire sequence of the 16 Titan or Bahamut fight would have been a Summon cutscene where you have no interaction and now you're playing the cutscene, you're fighting the Summon. There is no way they could have done when they did in this game for previous FF games, they tried, they failed it didn't work, it took them time and help from other studios but they did it.

        • 3 months ago

          >Alright man tell me the major differences between the battle systems of FF4-9, which is largely considered by many to be when the series was at its best
          4 had bo Job system and relied on character abilities.
          5 was entirely reliant on the Job system.
          6 went back to character abilities but also included Relics which could change how characters played and could even alter their abilities.
          7 used the Materia System and Limit Breaks
          8 used the Junction System and altered how Limit Breaks work.
          9 had character abilities return alongside equipment abilities, as well as having Trance replace Limit Break.

          • 3 months ago

            None of this response is about the battle system other than limit breaks and trance. This is just a list of each game’s gimmick for how you get your job abilities in each game. The combat itself is functionally the same in all of them except maybe VIII.

  18. 3 months ago

    MOGGED by BG3, Elden Ring, genshin impact, TOTK, Pikmin 4 and Palworld

  19. 3 months ago

    >MMO developers try to make an "open world" action game
    >They make a segmented world game, with boring one dimensional characters
    >DMC battle guy is on board, with a little help from Platinum games and some of the KH3 Osaka team
    >KH3 Osaka team and platinum carry the fricking game through it's boss battles

  20. 3 months ago

    I liked it. Ignore the subplots and it's a 8/10 game.
    Trying to 100% it was a 2/10 experience for me otherwise.

  21. 3 months ago
  22. 3 months ago

    >no fun locations in the entire game. All of the cool looking castles/cities are inaccessible. Almost every locale is just either gray overcast fields or desert.
    >no dungeons
    >no RPG elements
    >no party
    >cast is bland
    >writing is pretty bad.
    >shitty fetch quests out the ass which slow down pacing. Also have shitty fetch quests as part of main story path.
    >combat mainly consists of cycling through cooldown abilities.
    >game is absurdly piss easy
    >MC is okay overall but his design looks too edgy. Would be much better if we'd just gotten an aged up version on his younger outfit.

    > a new FF releases and takes all the spotlight even though it's technically much inferior,
    maybe just in terms of Graphics.

  23. 3 months ago

    The real reason it's not spoken about in games media and channels, not enough diversity.

    • 3 months ago

      Then it should be one of the most praised games on this board.

      • 3 months ago

        this board is largely used by pro-leftist troony censorship ''people'' nowadays.

    • 3 months ago

      >remove nigs
      >add gay sex
      so close to being a mediocre action game, but it still goes in the dumpster with stillbirth.

  24. 3 months ago

    Hit piece after hit piece before the game launched because it didn't have enough brown people. Their words not mine.

  25. 3 months ago

    >game starts really heavy with great ost ( eventhough I don't like the sudden change of the eikon battle ost, which starts epic and then becomes slower)
    >evolves into shounen fest
    >the GOT story, is not a political story at all it's basically just a shounen story
    >party members are just there
    >always can't use one accessory because of torgal auto command
    >whole game is basically: use skill 1-2-3, change eikon, use skill 1-2-3, change eikon, use skill 1-2-3
    >difficulty is none existent
    >eikon battles are good, but incredibly bloated
    >bahamut is basically the best eikon battle everything else is borign
    >dumbly padded out, sidequests are very rare until right before the final boss where you suddenly have 20000
    >here I forged you the ultimate blade RAGNAROK from materials of 3 sidequests, one msq later can buy a stronger blade
    >hunting quests are just recolors
    it was okay, but not that bad.

    • 3 months ago

      The hunt enemies all have unique abillities and gimmicks tho

      • 3 months ago

        some of them yes, like the slimes. But the dragon was the same, the morbol was the same and the dragoon was the same afaik. But there were no fights against new enemies that are hunt exclusive. E.g. in 13 you fight cactor, you fight exclusive enemies; in 12 you fight at the end against a homosexual who has 3billion hp. Stuff like that was missing.

  26. 3 months ago

    It's a solid FF game, feels much more like a classic FF than it has for decades. If it was an RPG instead of an action game it could have been great. Still the best FF since X.

  27. 3 months ago

    Best character coming through.

    • 3 months ago

      For me it's Gav, doesn't have powers, isn't a dominant or bearer, he's just a guy.

  28. 3 months ago

    Personally i would have preferred they pulled a FFXII and made Cid the actual protagonist of the game while we esperience the plot through Clive, who in the grand scheme of the events would have been a side character but also had to go through his own conflicts and character progression.
    I even thought that was kinda where the game was going until he just fricking dies.

  29. 3 months ago

    It genuinely didn't do enough wrong to get the attention Rebirth is currently suffering

  30. 3 months ago

    The game is honestly great in my opinion. Playing 7 Rebirth with the ubislop open world and butchering of 7's story really made me appreciate XVI even more. give me MMO quests with actual story over Chadley's laundry list of endless chores any day

    • 3 months ago

      By the end of XVI, you actually care about the people in the hide out, while all I can think of in VIIRe is how much I want Chadley to frick off

    • 3 months ago

      By the end of XVI, you actually care about the people in the hide out, while all I can think of in VIIRe is how much I want Chadley to frick off

      I cared about the characters in 16, I think in that regard the game did it's job well.

      • 3 months ago

        I cant believe I ended up liking fricking Gaute and Otto and Tarja and all those buttholes

        • 3 months ago

          When the credits rolled, and I came to the realisation I'd never see these characters again do anything more than what they had done so far, it depressed me because I enjoyed it so much and wanted to keep going. I'm glad for the Omega Protocol and Rising Tide DLC, at least I have that to look forward to. It's rare a game gets me so good and it's all I can think about when I'm not playing it.
          I'm going to do a playthrough with my brother when Rising Tided comes out, he hasn't played it yet but I can't wait to see what he thinks of the game, the story, the characters where we can talk about it.

          • 3 months ago

            If XVI does something far better than just about almost any other game in the series (outside of the obvious being how fleshed out the world is and the spectacle), it's the extended cast. The only real contender is 9.

            • 3 months ago

              >outside of the obvious being how fleshed out the world is
              What the frick are you people smoking?

              • 3 months ago

                What are you smoking? FFXVI bothers to explain why and how the fricking currency got named, of all things.

              • 3 months ago

                >What are you smoking?
                I'm smoking the fact that FFXVI has zero interesting locations in the entire game. There's nothing remotely more fleshed out about it than pretty much any other standard FF game.

              • 3 months ago

                >zero interesting locations
                By what measure?
                Not to mention that the history, political reality and even levels of governance of valisthea are better explained than almost any other game's. Even religion is given marginally more thought than other games. I mean they bothered to make a religion based on a historical banker.

              • 3 months ago

                >By what measure?
                by literally any measure. Literally all you get the entire game is gray overcast fields and desert for basically the entire game. None of the "towns" have any personality and any cities or castles which might have been cool to explore are inaccessible and just there to be a cool background to look at. You can compare it to literally any of the PS1 or PS2 FF games and everything about the world is just lifeless and dull by comparison.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh sobyour problem wasnt that the world wasn't fleshed out but rather that it wasn't whacky enough for you? because those are two different things.

              • 3 months ago

                > but rather that it wasn't whacky enough for you? because those are two different things.
                A properly fleshed out setting establishes enough in terms of different peoples and locations to make them distinct and interesting. GoT has a grim realistic fantasy world but does a lot to still make the world have flavor and variety. FFXVI does not. We're just left with a world that feels completely dull and boring.

              • 3 months ago

                In what way does it fall short, exactly? cite some examples. Because I sure as frick managed to tell the differences in cultures between dhalmekia, rosaria, sanbreque and waloed

              • 3 months ago

                >In what way does it fall short, exactly?
                all ways. It's fricking boring.
                >Because I sure as frick managed to tell the differences in cultures between dhalmekia, rosaria, sanbreque and waloed
                generic desert people.
                Generic medieval people except they don't hate bearers as much
                Generic medieval people except they really hate bearers
                barely even exists because they're basically all dead by the time you even get there.

                And that's basically it. Nothing really unique about them. You don't even get any real interesting politicking between noble families or anything like GoT has.

              • 3 months ago

                Not him, but the maps are ff14 styled, big and empty with a town on each end. Also the side quest always followed the same pattern.
                I liked the game, but we all know it takes a big nosedive after cid's death, the combat is a piñatafest, and the music was mediocre.

            • 3 months ago

              >it depressed me because I enjoyed it so much and wanted to keep going
              Kek same, I had to start a new playthrough almost immediately

              Here's to Rising Tide, I read there's a ffxvi panel at Pax East on the 22nd of this month so no doubt there'll announce the release date of the DLC, I'm waiting to replay it until then.

            • 3 months ago

              >it's the extended cast
              They pulled the game down. I hated almost everyone that wasn't in the four homies party.
              Only other guy that I actually liked was Hugo and that was because of his manbaby tantrums.

              • 3 months ago

                Why? Everyone in xvi felt like way more of a real ass person to me than in any other ff game and more realised besides, except maybe Barnabussy. Thats not an inherent quality, but given the games tone and content, it definitely works in its favor.

              • 3 months ago

                They're annoying that's why. Doing their MMO side quests was an absolute boring chore topped off with the cutscenes with too much expositions.

              • 3 months ago

                >They're annoying
                substantiate this claim. What is annoying about them or their 100% optional sidequests?

              • 3 months ago

                Not him but there absolutely were a bunch of annoying sidequests where it was just
                >Walk 100ft, kill three mobs, talk to man, quest over
                Some of the late-game ones improved and most of the multi-part ones were decent but many early and mid game quests were just filler.

              • 3 months ago

                >substantiate this claim.
                I beat the game. I didn't like most of them because they're almost all pretentious from the slavery arc to the desert mayor nonsense.
                >100% optional sidequests
                It's the subplots. They're outright terrible.
                The sidequests are generic but the storytelling within them was just grating.

              • 3 months ago

                >It's the subplots. They're outright terrible.
                >The sidequests are generic but the storytelling within them was just grating.
                Youre still just saying that they're bad without saying WHY they're bad. Substantiate your claim.

              • 3 months ago

                >Substantiate your claim.
                I played the game. You obviously haven't because that was the major criticism of XVI and why it everyone laughed it off when people considered it to be a contender for game of the year.
                Your own post is nonsensical and generalized. Play the game again and see how pretentious it is for the npcs to grandstand after you did all the lifting.

          • 3 months ago

            >it depressed me because I enjoyed it so much and wanted to keep going
            Kek same, I had to start a new playthrough almost immediately

  31. 3 months ago

    stuck on dead console. FF7R2 will flop too because of it

  32. 3 months ago

    Nothing, good game

  33. 3 months ago

    Average at best game exclusive to an irelevant platform

  34. 3 months ago

    I just played Tales of Arise and it's really funny how thats just way worse ffxvi (except for the integration of rpg mechanics I guess). I do wonder what people that dont like ffxvi have to say about that game.

  35. 3 months ago

    Final Fantasy used to be a great value when games would be released with 3-10 hours of gameplay. Final Fantasy could last for dozens of hours, and actually had quality behind it. That pretty much dried up during the PS2 era and onward when we got better games of various genres that lasted just as long. Now Final Fantasy is a zombie franchise, long since dead but it continues to drag itself onward because SE can still sell this shit to enough suckers to make another one.

  36. 3 months ago

    Wtf are the standards now? Every game needs thousands of players online with thousands of hours of playtime for five years straight?

    50 hours. That's how long it took to play a Final Fantasy game. It was a great fricking game.

    However, there's more games I want to play.

  37. 3 months ago

    XVI felt like someone said "let's give XII's story another go and try not to frick up this time" only to frick up again in the exact same way.

    • 3 months ago

      FFXII and XVI couldn't be more diametrically opposed if they tried.

    • 3 months ago

      Ultimalleus is like a combination Sephiroth/Zeromus. He's very classic FF bringer of chaos. Nothing like Venat who isn't even a villain.

      • 3 months ago

        I'd actually argue that he's more interesting by himself than Sephiroth (when disregarding their respective dynamics with the MC) while both are far better than Zeromus.
        Ultima is a narrowminded manbaby with a god complex and an insane petty streak. Him going
        >Nuh uh you didnt win frick you
        at the end made him way funnier than i expected him to be.

        • 3 months ago

          Having the villain just be an unapologetic butthole felt somewhat refreshing after Emet Sulk and Ardyn.

          • 3 months ago

            It's nice having a villains who are very nuanced but sometimes you really want a piece of shit irredeemable monster to punch in the dick. It takes all sorts

          • 3 months ago

            Ardyn was good until the DLC made him "ackshually the real hero and real human bean xDD" the whole time. He was still great then, thoughbeit. Just not as a villain.

    • 3 months ago

      In the general sense most ff games have this plot. ff9 for instance involved a foreign entity coming to the planet a long time ago in order to consume it. ff7 has sephiroth/jenova trying to consume the planet etc.

  38. 3 months ago

    Too many cutscenes
    Not enough GOOD sidequests
    Too much repetition in battle themes
    Uninteresting level design

    • 3 months ago

      >Too much repetition in battle themes
      This man dislikes musical leitmotifs lol

      • 3 months ago

        >This man dislikes musical leitmotifs lol
        he's talking about the same battle theme, not leitmotifs moron.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh you mean the thing that literally every single FF and jrpg has? A battle theme?

  39. 3 months ago

    MMO studio

  40. 3 months ago

    it was j-action kino. it'll get its props in due time once its actually available to people + ff cycle nonsense https://youtu.be/F53MfLFgdAc?si=Iem-zf2W-ZBvEBRN

    • 3 months ago

      This, it'll get it's just recognition in time, but no matter what these days if it's a FF game and releases there will be a bunch of people who reflexively hate it because it's not the same FF game that they fell in love with, first played two decades ago.

      • 3 months ago

        It's not reflexive hate. It's just active recognition that the game isn't very good. It's just that FF as a franchise past the PS2 gen has been a total dumpster fire. I bought FFXVI at launch hoping at the very least i would get a good ARPG with a fun world to explore and a good story but i was sorely disappointed.

        • 3 months ago

          >It's not reflexive hate
          I doubt that, Ganker-kun

        • 3 months ago

          >not reflexive hate
          Kek are you new here

          • 3 months ago

            >It's not reflexive hate
            I doubt that, Ganker-kun

            >if you hate on a game that's bad it's just reflexive!
            No. Again. It's not reflexive hate if it's justified hate because the game just sucks you pathetic fanboys.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm not in love with any FF game, and the combat was still the thing I most enjoyed about it, the game just sucks.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah, XVI easily ranks among my favorite FFs, and I think it will get its props eventually. every new FF gets backlash because of the cycle nonsense.

      • 3 months ago

        XVI I feel got way less backlash from people that actually played it than any other single player ff game after X.
        Mind, 2 out of them were actually just not good for different reasons, but still.

  41. 3 months ago

    The game was just boring.

  42. 3 months ago

    There's nothing memorable about it. Souless.

  43. 3 months ago

    I never finished it. Its trying to be a movie. And the combat system did not work well with how long it took to unlock all the abilities.

  44. 3 months ago

    >It's bad

    • 3 months ago

      this is just the story of XVI in general, it's just people sore about the game having action gameplay but otherwise are unable to offer a real critique outside of "mmo quests" or "just because."

      • 3 months ago

        MMO quests is a completely valid complaint. I'm not sore about it having action combat, and more than that, I specifically played the game because it having DMC's combat director interested me. It's still one of the worst games I've played in years.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't disagree with MMO quests being a valid complaint, it's just that it's really the only critique I actually see which seems to hold water. Otherwise it's just people upset it's not RPG enough, which doesn't necessarily translate to being a bad game, or they don't like subjective things like the story.

          Which is different from the game just being a complete unfinished mess, like some previous FFs. It's a much more complete and polished package overall.

          • 3 months ago

            Being upset about the story and it not being RPG enough are also completely fair complaints. I'm willing to meet a game halfway and try to enjoy it for what it is, and if this game were pure action combat that'd be fine by me, but it's not. It still takes superficial elements of RPGs like gear, stats and levelling because they don't want to just be an action game like DMC, they want it to be an action RPG. It's clear just from playing the game that's the case not even mentioning how clear they were about in the game's marketing. That it takes those superficial elements of RPGs and puts no effort into them just makes the game worse because it's just annoying for someone who cares about things like character building in an RPG to have this completely pointless levelling system and completely pointless stats, it's rewarding in a good RPG to get good items as a quest reward, but here the items feel so pointless that finding loot and getting rewards is never actually a rewarding experience.

            The game tries to dip its toes into being an RPG so it can still get credit for being a true FF installment but it puts to little effort into the RPG elements and they all just end up feeling obligatory because it's an FF game. I actually wish it was less of an RPG because if it focused more on the combat and levels while ditching pointless gear and shitty side quests, the things that you'd expect to see in an RPG, it would be a much better game for it. Also, story complaints may be subjective, but it doesn't make them any less a valid reason to dislike the game. It has a lot of story and if you're not enjoying it it's going to affect your enjoyment of the game. It's just as valid a reason to like the game as dislike it even if it's subjective. I'm not one to complain about the story much myself even though I didn't care for it, but most complaints I see about it seem within reason.

        • 3 months ago

          What other games have you played in recent years?

          • 3 months ago

            I just finished Metroid Fusion.

            • 3 months ago

              Different type of game from FF, I'm talking about similar types of genre to FFXVI.

              • 3 months ago

                Prior to XVI the last game I played like it was Bayonetta and the newest game I played like it was DMC5.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean ehh, DMC the combat is the main appeal, much with Bayonetta but with Final Fantasy games the combat is never the main appeal, it's the story, the characters the setting and the combat is the set dressing. If you're going into it as a pure action game I can see why it's not for you.

              • 3 months ago

                I didn't go into it as a pure action game, if it were greater than the sum of its parts and managed to be good in the ways I would want an RPG to be good while having DMC-lite combat I think that'd be great. My issue is that it's not good in the ways I'd want an RPG to be good and the combat is just a worse DMC5 to go with it. I still think the combat is the best part of the game, but even if it weren't going all in on the combat like it is now I'd like if it had better enemies and something to distinguish it from just being a lesser DMC. Still, I didn't expect it to have more depth or better combat than DMC and I didn't expect it to be structured like DMC, I did expect it to have at least good combat, which it did, and at least a good story, which it didn't, cast, which it didn't, and side content, which it didn't. The combat has room for improvement but it's still the least of my issues with the game.

              • 3 months ago

                Prior to XVI the last game I played like it was Bayonetta and the newest game I played like it was DMC5.

                Actually the newest would be Hi-Fi Rush on second thought.

      • 3 months ago

        >unable to offer a real critique outside of "mmo quests"
        Because that IS a real critique.
        The entire game is structured idential to FF14s quest line.
        You branch out from a hub, go to a new town, can't do shit in the new town until you do the one quest from the mayor or leader or whatever, which then opens up a ton of side quests for that small little zone. You then do this over and over and over and over again for every single small settlement and zone in the game.
        Not only that but there are entire portions of the game where the only thing you're doing is ferrying information or materials from one NPC to the next, idential to the kind of shit you did in FF14.
        And finally, the pacing is identical to the MMO quest pacing of 14 where you do frick all except run around and watch long drawn out cutscenes that are 2x-3x the length they have any right of being.

        I'm a massive FF fan and have played quite literally every single major english release of every single game in the mainline and spinoff series. I've bought the core 10 games more times than I can count.

        I would rather replay the original NES versions of 2 and 3 back to back than replay 16 again. That's how poorly I think of 16. It was an absolute failure in every aspect other than the spectacle boss fights

    • 3 months ago

      It's pointless to talk about games on Ganker
      >nothing matters since it's shit in some way anyway
      There's only shallow insults and no insight

  45. 3 months ago

    Because pic related.

    • 3 months ago

      Still not an actual critique or actually explaining the reasoning behind your statements

      • 3 months ago

        I'm not here to write a dissertation.
        That graph is perfectly readable and shows what went wrong with the gane.
        It's boring as frick outside of the couple of mega boss battles which are only actually cool to experience the first time through

        • 3 months ago

          If you cant even explain or properly defend your opinion why would you ever expect anyone to take you in full?

          • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      I didn't like Titan that much, I got way more into the game doing side quests and hunts before I even got to dalmekia

      • 3 months ago

        I genuinely liked Garuda more than Titan Lost.
        Titan got too big to properly have fun while Garuda was just a glorious fricking slugfest.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah I was kind of bummed when I realized the last stage was solely melee on-rails, I like that they let Soken make some industrial ass rock for the overall fight but it felt kind of underwhelming and slow compared to the music

      • 3 months ago

        Titans ost is dogshit and kills my enjoyment there. Wish we had the old legends working on it, instead of someone without experience. Even FF13 had a better soundtrack and i hate that game so much.

        • 3 months ago

          Titans ost was cringe, but I liked the ost on the whole. The softer tracks for the zones were great

  46. 3 months ago

    >ff use to have fun new creative plots and settings each new release
    >new ffs have been literally just the US southwest and literally just game of thrones with boring bog standard plots

    • 3 months ago

      Tell me you've never played most FFs without telling me you've never played most FFs

  47. 3 months ago

    It seems boring and misses what makes Final Fantasy "Final Fantasy"
    Just compare this game to 1-10, they haven't fully understood Final Fantasy in a very long time

    • 3 months ago

      Also I have played every single mainline ff and brother, this game is far less boring than even the boards darling ff9, which is boring as shit to actually play

      • 3 months ago

        yeah this is reason 2 and why I said it
        It's not on fricking PC, holy shit what a frick up, I will play it when it is
        I get a very "Game of Thrones" feeling when viewing it from the outside, way too gritty for Final Fantasy

        • 3 months ago

          >I get a very "Game of Thrones" feeling when viewing it from the outside
          it wishes. It tries for that aesthetic but the story is just Shonenshit and it has some of the most over the top anime nonsense ever put into a Final Fantasy.

        • 3 months ago

          its leans heavy on ivalice vibes. which makes sense cause the staff who worked on it (and CBU3 as a whole) worked on those games.

  48. 3 months ago

    homie there is a thread about ff16 every day.

  49. 3 months ago

    >cultists desperately trying to shill this slop

  50. 3 months ago

    Jill was raped by the priest.

  51. 3 months ago

    Suits imposing flavor of the generation gameplay trends like QTEs and talking hallways.
    No RPG elements.
    Ugly characters.

    • 3 months ago

      Mid is gorgeous tho

      • 3 months ago

        cope all you want, didn't sell

    • 3 months ago

      I thought Mid and her Japanese voice was cute

  52. 3 months ago

    >Too edgy/grimdark to appeal to Japanese fans
    >Too niche to appeal to normalgay PS5 owners who are into CoD, Fortnite, FIFA, Madden, and other slop while gatekeeping actual FF fans that are more likely to own a gaming PC because PS5 fricking sucks
    >Real-time action combat system yet-again when FF fans are all burnt-out on that crap after years of gimmicky real-time combat systems instead of returning to a more traditional turn-based/ATB style system that's still established as the norm with franchises like SMT and Persona

    • 3 months ago

      >Real-time action combat system yet-again when FF fans are all burnt-out on that crap after years of gimmicky real-time combat system
      I'd be fine with new ones going forward using the FF7R combat system, it's just i want a full game with a colorful party of characters, interesting locations, and a good story.

      • 3 months ago

        VII Remake was the first truly-successful attempt at an action-based combat system whereas FFXV was just "hold square and occasionally circle to win" and FFXVI is a glorified 40-hour Devil May Cry clone with almost no party interaction or strategy involved outside of skill and reaction time (which has its own appeal but it's too far divorced from the identity of FF).

    • 3 months ago

      >Too edgy/ grimdark
      Man, some of you really are sheltered if you think FF16 is grimdark, fricking hell are you living a life of bubble wrap and cotton balls.

      • 3 months ago

        I didn't say that applied to Western players. It's pretty tame compared to stuff like Game of Thrones or even Berserk but by FF standards it is and that alienated a lot of the Jap fans that are more into cutesy lighthearted anime fanservice shit like what FFVII Remake/Rebirth has to some degree at-least.

        • 3 months ago

          It has cute moments and a lot of touching sentiment, I think the difference here which you're right it doesn't have "kawaii" moments as it's a more mature game, what would normally be written as cute rather than a meaningful relationship is how Clive and Jill
          finally get together and have implied sex rather than in other ff games relationships would be all cutesy and one party shy going red in the face at being kissed on the cheek

          • 3 months ago

            Tifa and Cloud and Yuna and Tidus are also implied to have boned in their respective games.

            • 3 months ago

              Not really.
              There's the under the Highwind scene which doesn't say anything one way or the other and is just people reading into the poorly translated english version, and the only thing I can think of in X is the time they spent in that ppol of water in machalina forest after they rescured her from seymour, which absolutely isn't implying that they boned.

            • 3 months ago

              There is a huge difference in how previous relationships have been portrayed and how it's portrayed in 16
              Clive and Jill naked on a beech near a fire to dry their clothes and getting closer and closer touching more yet it being done tastefully until the moment of what weve been waiting the entire game leads to
              The only implied here is that we don't see penetration, see the scene for yourself you will understand the difference between a mature take like 16 and the previous games cutesy takes.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah and clive told jill how good his blowjob skills are because he was a very good slave to his fat male owners.

    • 3 months ago

      >actual FF fans that are more likely to own a gaming PC
      Black person, what?
      >3 games on NES
      >3 games on SNES
      >3 games on PS1
      >2-3 games on PS2 (if we count X-2 as canon)
      >XIII trilogy
      >VIIR series
      The MMOs are the only times you could say FF was geared to PC in a great degree, and I feel like "actual FF fans" don't overlap too significantly with fans of XI and XIV.
      But I also bought my PS5 specifically for XVI and FF7R2, so I'm just a gay.

  53. 3 months ago

    rebirth is technically superior for once you have a party, rpg mechanics and exploration instead of being constrained in a corridor

    • 3 months ago

      Rebirth beats it in basically every category except the sheer boss spectacles in FF16.
      Combat in Rebirth is miles better, story is better, characters are much better, there's actual RPG mechanics, there's exploration, there's a number of vechicles, there's mini games out the ass, and most importantly the game doesn't take itself super serious all the time and is full of levity.

      It's kind of insulting how barebones and awful 16 is in direct comparison to Rebirth

      • 3 months ago

        story is definitely not better. rebirth has the inverse issue from 16. it can't let big plot moments simmer at all.
        >dyne is gunned down and dies in barret's arms
        >here's a stupid palmer fight 5 seconds later to kill the tone instantly

        • 3 months ago

          The tone was killed before that when Dyne got magneto powers in the final phase of his boss fight.

          • 3 months ago

            Eh, I feel it works well enough that this broken man was infected with Jenova cells somehow. But they don't explain how it happened at all.

        • 3 months ago

          >story is definitely not better
          I don't know how people can say this when 16s story is geniunely awful.
          So much of it is down to contrivances like Ultimas entire plan, or Joshua knowing where Clive is and not letting him know that he's alive until the plot dictates the moment should occur, or the random timeskip post Cid where quite literally nothing of import happens for 5 years until the game picks back up and then suddenly the plot starts up again. It's okay at best the first time through it but once you go through it a second time and start really looking into what is happening it's just plot holes left and right. Like why did some character lose the abililty to turn into their eikons after clive took their powers, but others could?

          • 3 months ago

            >why did some characters lose their ability to turn into their eikon after clive took their powers
            literally all of them can and did still prime after clive took their power. they show you this the first time with benedikta. the problem is that the eikon no longer submits to their will and you can no longer turn back unless the curse takes you or you die. The eyes are yellow instead of blue to show you this. The main exceptions were cid (he died), joshua (he died), and jill cause obviously clive didn't want her to lose herself if she did have to prime.

            • 3 months ago

              >The main exceptions were cid (he died), joshua (he died), and jill cause obviously clive didn't want her to lose herself if she did have to prime.
              And Dion.
              The whole power transfer thing worked different if the character Clive took the power from was a good guy or a bad guy, which is awful writing. The good guys maintained their ability to prime and go full eikon, and retained their sanity. The bad guys all went crazy, and lost their ability to prime/eikon at will.

              • 3 months ago

                Only dion kept his sanity. but would still be stuck as bahamut had he not died, so it's still consistent.

              • 3 months ago

                >Only dion kept his sanity
                And Jill and Joshua and Cid.

              • 3 months ago

                obviously. neither of them prime after clive takes some of their power. two of them die before they can and jill doesn't want to lose herself or remain as shiva so she never risks it.

            • 3 months ago

              >The main exceptions were cid (he died), joshua (he died), and jill cause obviously clive didn't want her to lose herself if she did have to prime.
              And Dion.
              The whole power transfer thing worked different if the character Clive took the power from was a good guy or a bad guy, which is awful writing. The good guys maintained their ability to prime and go full eikon, and retained their sanity. The bad guys all went crazy, and lost their ability to prime/eikon at will.

              The power transfer has little to do with them controlling the Eikon, Benedikta and Hugo had just gone full crazy when they turned for their fights. Dion did the same thing before the power transfer.

      • 3 months ago

        Rebirth has a lot of Ubishit is what you're saying. its completely quantity over quality in every way.

    • 3 months ago

      rebirth's action mechanics are still meh. And I'm still disappointed that aggro is still fricked.

      • 3 months ago

        >And I'm still disappointed that aggro is still fricked.
        it's necessary because the game would be frustrating if the enemies were constantly targeting your AI party members as you'd just have to trust their AI to properly dodge or block attacks.

        • 3 months ago

          they'd serve better as meat shields than doing literally nothing

  54. 3 months ago

    >What the frick went wrong?
    Back to back to back cutscenes that then transition into literally 10 seconds of walking forward before another back to back to back set of cutscenes happens.
    There's something like 26 hours of cutscenes in the game, and it only take about 35 hours to beat. It's insane. I wanted to play a video game, not watch a season of TV that occasionally lets you control what happens.

  55. 3 months ago

    16 wasn't a FF game

  56. 3 months ago

    Basically it's exclusive to a dead console and it's fanbase that doesn't play games. That's why rebirth is also underselling.

    • 3 months ago

      >dead console
      more than 50m units sold by the end of 2023
      stay salty

      • 3 months ago

        50mil for a console in his last stage is pathetic

      • 3 months ago

        35 million in chinksect garages

  57. 3 months ago

    The characters weren't anime enough. It took itself too seriously and I have to force myself to continue. 7 remake had a more engaging battle system than use up all your coolddownsand attack until you can use them again.

  58. 3 months ago

    >and no one talks about
    Did you not exist when the demo was released? Everyone was talking about it.
    >now a new FF releases and takes all the spotlight even though it's technically much inferior
    It's a high quality remake of one of the most beloved video games to ever exist what the frick do you think will happen?
    Also XVI has been out for half a year now, it's old news.
    Nothing went wrong you're just living under a rock.

  59. 3 months ago

    This why atlus became my fav rpg dev, they built upon what made their games successful instead of reinventing the wheel everytime

    • 3 months ago

      disappointing that we'll never get another growlanser or even a growlanser-like.

  60. 3 months ago

    Go back to the job system, atb turn based, party, minigame, fun secrets. Why is that so hard.

  61. 3 months ago

    >Go to preferred r34 site.
    >tags: Jill Warrick
    >(12) results.
    Exactly one of them is on-model.
    Remember folks, sex sells.

    • 3 months ago

      It does but the amount of Coomers there are for FFVII that are outraged over Tifa and her breasts. I'm certain at this point people don't even like FFVII they only like the girlfriend experience, if it wasn't there they wouldn't play it.

      • 3 months ago

        Tifa is legitimately a mediocre character and is only popular because she has breasts and her personality is that she likes the MC, along with VII's own inherent popularity. Aerith isn't much better and Yuffie is also pretty bad but at least has a grounded background to work with.

  62. 3 months ago

    Game was good though?

  63. 3 months ago

    >which has its own appeal but it's too far divorced from the identity of FF
    What did he mean by this
    Is he the FF brand master

  64. 3 months ago

    Game is vomit inducing with disgusting characters, generic boring world and wannabe Game of thrones knock off writing.

  65. 3 months ago

    Seems like a lot of people talked about it, and continue to talk about it, unlike ff15

  66. 3 months ago

    >ps5 only
    This prevents discussion

    • 3 months ago

      PC release date is being announced at the ff16 panel at Pax East on the 22nd of this month.

      • 3 months ago

        Nin10 year olds will still ruin discussion

    • 3 months ago

      Oh please, it will come to PC and be an EGS exclusive for a year and you guys will then say
      >EGS/PS5 only
      because you don't actually want to play the game, you just want to b***h that you can't play it.

  67. 3 months ago

    Wow won

  68. 3 months ago

    I bought a ps5 for 16 and rebirth. If shart enix has one fan, it is me.

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