What the FRICK were they thinking

What the FRICK were they thinking

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    They were thinking about my wife Elizabeth, like I am.

    • 4 months ago

      I dont understand how people could jerk off to this

  2. 4 months ago

    Not so much they as most Ken, the motherfricker started over multiple times and ended on a plot that was absolutely pants on head stupid, and I’m also 90% sure him and cuckman were sharing notes.

  3. 4 months ago

    frick it i'll say it
    bioshock infinite was kino

    • 4 months ago

      Agreed. The backtracking got annoying sometimes but that's pretty much my only beef with it.

    • 4 months ago

      Bioshock Infinite was morono

    • 4 months ago

      Almost everybody on earth agrees with that statement.

    • 4 months ago

      No the game was shit, it's the porn that was the only good part of it.

  4. 4 months ago

    Why does this board hate infinite so much?

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know, but thanks to your post, I'm thinking about fricking Elizabeth again.

      It was dumbed down and the trailers sold a game that was at least one generation ahead of it's time.

      frick it i'll say it
      bioshock infinite was kino

      Agreed. The backtracking got annoying sometimes but that's pretty much my only beef with it.

      Hello Ken, just a friendly reminder that BioShock 2 BTFOs Infinite.

      • 4 months ago

        >Hello Ken
        You've been doing this shtick for a decade, my dude. You just look like an ass.

    • 4 months ago

      Same reason I hate cyberpunk or any other game that overpromised. It offered an incredibly vision that ultimately was handled by complete frick-ups and delivered a clearly hacked-down, dumbed down on the rails shooter courtesy of corporate hatchetmen.

      THIS was what the game was supposed to be. A psuedo open world with heavy emphasis on changing the world around you, this clearly proved impossible for them to keep on top of and it led to Elizabeth's powers turning into set piece opportunities to just deal some extra damage to a boss or help deal with ADS or something.

      • 4 months ago

        Cyberpunk is actually good though. It just needed an extra year of development.

        • 4 months ago

          We've had this argument a million times. If you had zero standards and expectations, you could reasonably shrug and see it as a competent open world shooter, but it will never be the RPG they promised.

          • 4 months ago

            Everything is relative. Benchmark Cyberpunk against Starfield and you understand how good it really is.

            • 4 months ago

              >Benchmark puke against diarrhea and you understand how good it really is

            • 4 months ago

              Very true, everything is relative. And cp77 is bad when compared to the games I play (dcss, sup com FAF, oblivion, quack hampions, battlefront 2 (the good one)) and so I'm going to call it bad.
              Feeders 2: Slay Bells is a masterpiece compared to some youtube video, but that doesn't mean im going to waste my time watching it. You should try to apply this to your own habits; you get a limited amount of time in the world and cp77, I can promise, isn't worth your time

        • 4 months ago

          >Cyberpunk is actually good though.
          ...and so is Bioshock Infinite.

          • 4 months ago

            You're the one with the low IQ ig you misunderstand what the guy was saying there
            >that israelite
            Oh, you do have a low IQ.

            Let me guess, you're israeli.

            • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                Exactly, thank you for admitting it.

        • 4 months ago

          We've had this argument a million times. If you had zero standards and expectations, you could reasonably shrug and see it as a competent open world shooter, but it will never be the RPG they promised.

          open-world design philosophy is always at odds against RPGs with meaningful character development unless you want to do a LOT of back-tracking and scouting with unfortunate encounters

      • 4 months ago

        I forgot how massive they made Elizabeth's breasts in the first draft of the game. Good lord. Even crazier that she was canonically 17.

        I can see why they changed her tit size and age her up. Infinite was being released around the time roastie feminists started creating massive public backlast against attractive woman in video games. Last thing a fincially struggling studio needs is hatched moms refusing to buy the game for their kids. But still - massive teenage breasts would've been nice

        • 4 months ago

          >female characters that written with their own agency would be hated by feminists because they have sex appeal
          What is this reactionary drivel? Sex appeal isn't problem in and of itself, it's a problem when the female character is there for you to drool and jerk off to and she has no function or characterization beyond that. I fail to see how this draft would get the flack.

          • 4 months ago

            >Sex appeal isn't problem in and of itself
            >it's a problem when the female character is there for you to drool and jerk off to and she has no function or characterization beyond that
            You gays always try and claim to be rational but in practice it's all a bunch of bullshit. Any sex appeal in characters is always characterized as simple coomer bait and you lot never stop screeching.

            • 4 months ago

              Everyone agrees that Maria's design in SH2 works on a thematic level and is an example of a feminine sexuality with a point to it, not just pointless masturbatory material for virgins. It's not about sex, it's how it is depicted, what its implications are and how it is integrated into the overall story Another example is Bayonetta, the main character is sexualized to a ridiculous degree, but has clear agency and loves it, owns it and rocks. That's why it works and nobody hates it.

              >How is the game propaganda?
              What are you serious?

              Yes, you media illiterate mongrel. .

              • 4 months ago

                What is Columbia?

              • 4 months ago

                That's it? Ha, you pedantic moron!

              • 4 months ago

                You can't even answer what the setting of the game is? What is the first thing that happens after Booker de White arrives in the city?

              • 4 months ago

                Can you actually elaborate, instead of making these silly gotcha posts? No, I know.

              • 4 months ago

                You don't even know? It's a baptism. Why would Mr. Levine think that's such a bad thing? Do you know anything about this game?

              • 4 months ago

                Like I said, not interested in your silly games. It's clear you have no real argument or explanation and can only deal in these annoying Ganker bag of tricks everybody else is sick of.

                Grow up, kid.

              • 4 months ago

                Why are you afraid to discuss the content of your favorite game? You don't seem to know anything about it. Why did the huwite supremacist columbia import le inferior races? What did levine mean by this?

          • 4 months ago

            >Implying women wouldn't have roasted the devs alive for giving Elizabeth breasts that big
            Kek shut the frick up

            • 4 months ago

              Why would they? It's all just GamerGate drivel you morons got indoctrinated into.

              • 4 months ago

                Here watch this
                The real story of bioshock revealed!

              • 4 months ago

                >Why would they?
                Because jealousy. Woman inherently hate to see any woman, even fictional depiction, more attractive than them as the traits that make woman desirable are innate. The only way woman can socially compete is by tearing better woman down in a desperate attempt to maintain male attention.

                Tifa most famously had her breast sized significantly reduced because ugly roastie woman in their 30s wouldn't stop fricking b***hing about Tifa's breasts being insulting to woman.

          • 4 months ago

            >I fail to see how this draft would get the flack.
            Like that

            • 4 months ago

              They're judging a game they haven't even seen, they're also fringe websites and twitter profiles. Nier Automata landed just fine with 2B's ass being the selling point, a bigger boobs on Elizabeth wouldn't get them "cancelled".

              • 4 months ago

                Nier is Japanese

            • 4 months ago

              Honestly, Elizabeth's 2nd outfit looked much better aesthetically and certainly more practical for the amount of action she engages in. There's something to be said for a girl dressed traditionally wholesome

              But they very much did not need to reduce her breasts.

              • 4 months ago

                It's not like she's some mercenary or combatant. But I agree that the more modest outfit makes sense because of (forced and unnecessary) changes made to the setting itself.

  5. 4 months ago

    They were thinking "I hate goyim"

  6. 4 months ago

    The gameplay was mediocre, even on the hardest difficulty.
    It also lacked the atmosphere that 1 had.

  7. 4 months ago

    "I like things that make me feel stupid" - Ken Levine

    • 4 months ago

      Kek, there's no way that israelite has an IQ above 80

      • 4 months ago

        You're the one with the low IQ ig you misunderstand what the guy was saying there
        >that israelite
        Oh, you do have a low IQ.

        • 4 months ago

          >You're the one with the low IQ ig you misunderstand what the guy was saying there
          What is there to be misunderstood? In

          Kek, there's no way that israelite has an IQ above 80

          he clearly said that thinking about quantum mechanics, around which infinite revolves, makes him feel stupid. Are you implying that he actually meant that he's the reincarnation of Einstein?
          >>that israelite
          >Oh, you do have a low IQ.
          Check out American Krogan's review of BioShock infinite. Ignore the one for the first game though, that one is shit.

          >Cyberpunk is actually good though.
          ...and so is Bioshock Infinite.

          Sure, if you like two-weapon limits, no real choices that impact the world around you or the story in any significant way (which were promised in the trailer), and linear levels without any real environmental interaction aside from magic portals that are placed in random corners, then yes, it is a good game indeed.

          • 4 months ago

            Lots of words from a nazi that I refuse to read.
            >Check out American Krogan's review
            Die in a fire you fricking nazi.

            • 4 months ago

              >Lots of words from a nazi that I refuse to read.
              Congratulations, you ignored my argument because you're a pussy.
              >hating anti-White israelites makes you a Nazi
              Idiot, my grandfather fought for the Soviets in Berlin, and I'm proud of him for it. On the other hand, I can't stand people who want to demonize the West and Europeans like Levine did in Infinite.
              >but muh Daisy both sides bad
              He made her a Dindu in the DLC.

              Bioshock 2 bored me. I have no beef with anybody who p
              refers it, I only have beef with people who talk shit about Infinite.

              >I only have beef with people who talk shit about Infinite.
              Why? Does the opinion of others affect you so much that you "have beef" with them? Do they force you to accept their view of your favourite piece of digital media?

      • 4 months ago

        Jesus fricking christ that redditor was trying to make him kill himself lmao

        • 4 months ago

          You can fricking feel the Dunning-Kruger dripping off that reply. Love it when random people on the Internet pretend they understand quantum physics.

  8. 4 months ago

    Probably the least fun I've ever had in a game

  9. 4 months ago

    Nobody on the planet that has actual value as a person ever had anything bad to say about this game. The only people who do are subhuman trash. All the anti-semitism ITT is further proof of that.

    • 4 months ago

      >Nobody on the planet that has actual value as a person ever had anything bad to say about this game.
      Hilarious of you to equate the ethical worth of a person with their lack of critical thinking towards a specific product.

      • 4 months ago

        It's the same as The Last Jedi. Are you correct to assume that anybody who openly criticises The Last Jedi is a neo-nazi? Well, based on the people who criticized The Last Jedi up to this point in history; yes! Certainly 99% of the time!

        Is there a possibility that somebody who isn't a complete moron and/or upset that this game called him out on his racist politics has something bad to say about Bioshock Infinite? Yes; but I haven't seen a single person like that in the decade since the game's release.

        • 4 months ago

          >Is there a possibility that somebody who isn't a complete moron and/or upset that this game called him out on his racist politics has something bad to say about Bioshock Infinite? Yes;
          You must be squinting pretty damn hard then bud
          Valid critique of this game is abundantly available that goes far beyond "the political dimensions of the game's narrative are utterly superficial and shoehorned in"

          • 4 months ago

            >Valid critique of this game is abundantly available

            • 4 months ago

              Have you ever heard of the website metacritic? You can get on there (you don't even need an account) to find a range of opinions on any given piece of media. You should try it sometimes it can be useful to quickly skim through and get a general idea about the game's quality compared to other games from a group of people with varied number of tastes and priorities. Hope this helps

              • 4 months ago

                After 33 years, I'm done caring about other people's opinions on things I have experienced or want to experience myself - at least on platforms where I can't correct them when they're wrong.

                (For the most part; I still need to correct my habit of looking up what people on Letterboxd have to say about Hazbin Hotel.)

    • 4 months ago

      >game about how White America is evil made by a israelite brings out the antisemites
      How could this happen?

    • 4 months ago

      Explain the ending of the game right now in your own words, and how it makes sense. Bonus round, explain Burial at Sea keeping in mind both BioShock 1 and Infinite's ending.

      • 4 months ago

        Booker sold off Elizabeth to pat his debts; hated himself so much that he ran away to become a new man; then when he got baptized there was a split in the timeline where in one he became Comstock, and in thr other he couldn't run away from the past (and cognitive dissonance and the shocked from it all makes him deliberately forget about his daughter Anna). At the end of the game the Songbird destroys the Syphon; unleashing Elizabeth's Infinite power. The multiple Elizabeths at the end are a symbol of her ability to alter history itself and change all the Infinite timelines. It's also a symbol that all the Infinite Bookers are condensed into the one your playing. So when your Booker dies, it changes every alternate reality. Columbia is erased, all the horrors there never happen. And the post-credits scene either means Elizabeth left one version of herself alive, or one version HAD to remain so all of it works.

        Burial at Sea is an alternate endangered, where the Comstocks who themselves escaped to an alternate reality weren't affected, so Elizabeth hunted them down to erase their carnage.

        • 4 months ago

          This is just stupid. If there are infinite universes, there must be an infinite amount of Comstocks left, no matter how hard Elizabeth tries. BaS showed that at least 1 survived, but why shouldn't there be more? And then at the end of the DLC, all Elizabeths (not Anna(s)) die because they need to break the circle or whatever that shit was about? It's obvious that Levine just fricked up the plot and mixed it all together with the multiverse nonsense that has been plaguing Western media for a decade or so.

          • 4 months ago

            You have to believe at the end of the base game that Elizabeth's power is so vast that she absolutely can alter all the Infinite alternate realities. This is simple suspension of disbelief shit; what you're doing is standard petty, b***hy nerd bickering.

            • 4 months ago

              So you admit that the quantum bullshit in Infinite actually makes no sense and that Levine has no idea how it actually works.

              • 4 months ago

                Can you explain how it doesn't work, without invoking MattheMatosis here?

              • 4 months ago

                You have to believe at the end of the base game that Elizabeth's power is so vast that she absolutely can alter all the Infinite alternate realities. This is simple suspension of disbelief shit; what you're doing is standard petty, b***hy nerd bickering.

                >You have to believe at the end of the base game that Elizabeth's power is so vast that she absolutely can alter all the Infinite alternate realities.
                If she is an all-powerful dimension-altering Goddess, why did she even bother tricking the Booker/Comstock in Rapture into some trap where he gets drilled-through by a Bouncer? Couldn't she just delete all Comstocks out of the multiverse with her powers? Aren't you yourself beginning to notice that Infinite's story is messed up when you think about it?

              • 4 months ago

                It is, it gets a little bit too convoluted by the end, the DLC also muddled some waters and didn't help clarify things, but no matter how the quantum mechanics weren't as well explained and implemented into the game as LeVine would expect, the theme surrounding the cycles of violence and abuse still resonates and works, despite its imperfections, and it's something people don't focus on enough.

              • 4 months ago

                She knew she was going to succeed, whatever happens, with her power. She wanted to make the Comstocks relieve punishment for what they did.

              • 4 months ago


                In one universe Booker never even meets Elizabeth. He gets sidetracked with the revolution and dies a martyr. The fact this is possible means that all the interactions between Booker and Elizabeth are not canon, they can be changed. Hell the fact Booker can choose to sell her means any interaction between Booker and Elizabeth is optional. And the fact that Booker can choose to be baptized or not means that nothing in this horseshit narrative is a constant or a variable. It's an infinite kaleidoscope of possibilities. Booker can easily not decide to get baptized at all and still run into Rosalind Lutece and make a floating city. Comstock could easily run into Robert Lutece rather than Rosalind, making it impossible for his wife to accuse him of cheating on her with him to make Elizabeth, meaning Comstock doesn't kill his wife in a rage, meaning Daisy Fitzroy is never framed for her murder, meaning the war that allows Booker to sneak in to get Elizabeth never happens. Drowning Booker in that baptism, by the game's own logic, does nothing. There's an infinite amount of Bookers who can decide not to kill himself and there's an infinite number of them that can supercede an infinite number of Bookers who do decide to kill themselves. Last Comstock? Elizabeth is full of shit. There's are an infinite number of Comstocks just as there are an infinite number of them who decided not to raise a floating city. It's fricking infinity. That stupid ass ending makes no sense based on its own rules.

              • 4 months ago

                It makes perfect sense within the framework of the story, I'm sorry you have brain damage.

              • 4 months ago

                >It makes perfect sense within the framework of the story
                Don't care, Levine is still doesn't understand quantum mechanics.

                She knew she was going to succeed, whatever happens, with her power. She wanted to make the Comstocks relieve punishment for what they did.

                Obviously she was going to succeed, but why bother making the effort of going to Rapture yourself if you can just delete the Comstocks? Frick it, I give up.

              • 4 months ago

                Because she wanted to punish them. Christ.

            • 4 months ago

              So the answer is that Elizabeth is god? Or Ultimecia? If Elizabeth can kompress time then why did she bother playing hitman with an infinite number of Comstocks when she can just kompress all timelines where he exists into one? I mean that's what Elizabeth did to Booker right?

        • 4 months ago

          >Booker sold off Elizabeth to pat his debts; hated himself so much that he ran away to become a new man; then when he got baptized
          Booker didn't have Elizabeth until after the baptism, it's why Comstock doesn't have one
          >cognitive dissonance and the shocked from it all makes him deliberately forget about his daughter Anna
          It has nothing to do with a shock from his baptism guilt, it's because a Booker crosses over to a Comstock world where he shouldn't exist
          >The multiple Elizabeths at the end are a symbol of her ability to alter history itself
          The multiple Elizabeths at the end are a symbol of multiple Elizabeths from multiple timelines, simple as
          >It's also a symbol that all the Infinite Bookers are condensed into the one your playing
          And this is the moment where you just make shit up and Infinite's ending falls flat in your face. At no point in the story are the rules shown to be those that are apparently at play at the end, where no matter how many universes you jumped into it was always the same Booker you were controlling; yet only now at the end for story convenience you are supposed to assume that the Booker that has gone through the events of the game, by crossing a door into the baptism river, magically not only transforms him into the Booker that was there back then, it also condenses every single infinite timeline into that *one* person when due to the nature of infinite timelines as explained in the game that wouldn't have happened
          >So when your Booker dies, it changes every alternate reality. Columbia is erased, all the horrors there never happen
          And then Burial at Sea goes "ackchyually nevermind a Comstock escaped but he's the very last one for realz trust me" when by the universe's own rules, if one Comstock managed to escape an infinite number of them should've as well
          >Burial at Sea is an alternate endangered
          Levine stated it's the same prime universe where the events of BioShock 1 and our Infinite Elizabeth happened

          • 4 months ago

            >Booker didn't have Elizabeth until after the baptism, it's why Comstock doesn't have one
            Hmmm, perhaps. Either way, Anna was born to the Booker that couldn't turn a blind eye to what he'd done.
            >cognitive dissonance and the shocked from it all makes him deliberately forget about his daughter Anna
            I always assumed that he was so ashamed of himself that he forced himself to forget about Anna. But this is a good idea too, actually. Then maybe he would have kept on forgetting more things theblinger he was there and that's why he still remembered Slate and that time at Wounded Knee. Interesting.
            When Booker drowns; all the Elizabeths disappear one after the other. The Baptism never happens; there is no Comstock, there is no Columbia; there is no Elizabeth, just Anna DeWitt. That's literally the meaning of the ending shit of the game! It absolutely means all the Bookers have been condensed into one!
            >more words
            It's an alternate interpretation of the ending. That's just how it works.
            >Levine stated it's the same prime universe where the events of BioShock 1 and our Infinite Elizabeth happened
            I personally loved it because it made the slog that was Bioshock 1 retroactively worth playing. If you want to ignore it, you are free to do so.

            • 4 months ago

              >he was so ashamed of himself that he forced himself to forget about Anna
              Anon, he was so guilt ridden over her he scarred his own fricking hand with her initials
              >That's literally the meaning of the ending shit of the game! It absolutely means all the Bookers have been condensed into one!
              And I am saying that makes absolutely zero fricking sense thus it's a shit ending, keep up
              >It's an alternate interpretation of the ending
              The director of the game himself disagrees

              • 4 months ago

                >And I am saying that makes absolutely zero fricking sense thus it's a shit ending, keep up
                Your cognitive inadequacy is not the game's fault have a nice day.

              • 4 months ago

                >no argument
                I'll accept the concession

              • 4 months ago

                >No argument
                Yes, you have none. No piss off.

        • 4 months ago

          That explanation makes no sense. The fact that time can split depending on a decision Booker made before Elizabeth was born immediately turns the ending to nonsense.

          Okay let's take your explanation at face value. Booker deciding whether to be baptized determines whether Elizabeth or a floating city exists. And Booker deciding to down himself erases the decision because he's dead before he can make it. Okay then. But I have a question: if Booker can choose to drown himself then can't he also choose not to drown himself? What does that world even look like? Does the preacher just disappear into a puff of smoke? This game treats its multiverse like a choose your own adventure book without considering that decisions are made constantly every day and events are caused by those decisions.

          Constants and Variables? What the frick does this even mean? Booker is fated to make decisions if Elizabeth exists or not? Well what if he never meets Annabelle? What if he drowns his sorrows with the local twink instead? I ask because the game can't decide what decisions are canon or not. Chen Lin marries an Asian woman in one timeline but an American woman in another. If they have children, do those children have constants and variables assigned to them? Are they considered the same person? How can Elizabeth hunt down every Comstock in the multiverse. It's infinity. Anything that happens once happens an infinite amount of time. What the frick happens to the "constants and variables"if Elizabeth pops in from nowhere and kills him before the next constant? A paradox?

          • 4 months ago

            >But I have a question: if Booker can choose to drown himself then can't he also choose not to drown himself?
            At that point all the Bookers are condensed into the one you are playing. But even if Booker chose not to drown, that's precisely why all the alternate Elizabeths are there. It's not the preacher who drowns Booker, it's Elizabeth.
            It's safe to assume that Anna's birth is a Constant in the Variable in which Booker refuses the baptism.

            • 4 months ago


              If you're not going to actually engage with the argument at hand then shut the frick up.

              • 4 months ago

                >If you're not going to actually engage with the argument
                Oh, but I have. You refusing to acknowledge it is not my problem.

              • 4 months ago

                Okay then: why could Elizabeth not fuse all the timelines to kill every Comstock. Make sure to show your work, if you're arguing in good faith.

              • 4 months ago

                She did in the base game. There just needs to be a different interpretation of the plot in order for there to be DLC. In which case, I suppose the Comstocks who themselves escaped to a different reality were unaffected and had to be hunted down by Elizabeth.

              • 4 months ago

                >There just needs to be a different interpretation of the plot in order for there to be DLC.
                Burial at Sea was written and directed by the same guy. And even if your nonsense explanation were true, it's not, it changes nothing. Elizabeth, according to you, has the ability to compress ALL OF TIME, causality be damned, into a single timeline. According to you, she did it to Booker in order to kill all Bookers and Bookers who could become Comstocks. If she realized there were some Comstocks that got filtered out because their babies got their heads cut off then why not just do it again to catch the ones she missed.

                Hey you wanna hear something funny? Suchong was retconned into stealing ideas from Fink. Meaning Elizabeth has to use the Tear in his office to get back to Columbia for a while. A Columbia that has a Daisy Fitzroy being convinced to let Elizabeth kill her to save her revolution. A death she died because Booker and Elizabeth found her. But, according to you, this shouldn't be possible because all Bookers everywhere were deleted from history. This Tear shouldn't exist and this Rapture can't be the same one presented in Infinite. So what the frick? You wanna explain that?

              • 4 months ago

                I just treated that as the remains of Elizabeth's latent power that she had no control over in her last hours. Perhaps she subconsciously still had the power to go back in her own timeline to revisit what she otherwise erased. Or she created her own pocket universe that gave her exactly what she needed.

              • 4 months ago

                >Perhaps she subconsciously still had the power to go back in her own timeline to revisit what she otherwise erased. Or she created her own pocket universe that gave her exactly what she needed.
                If you're going to start making shit up then just start posting Elizabeth porn so you can fit in with the rest of the shitposters. Here's dialogue direct from the game

                >Elizabeth: A Lutece device. That's how he must have reopened the tear. Look, the tear still leads back to Columbia. Plasmids, Vigors...he and Fink must have been in communication...sharing secrets. Like the Luteces, before they were physically together. Why did I need to come here? What does this have to do with Sally?

                Suchong had his own device. Elizabeth didn't make it for him nor did she make her own Tear. She used Suchong's Tear. Meaning that timeline still exists and is accessible to him. Which by your logic should be impossible. Why didn't drowning Booker kill this timeline?

    • 4 months ago

      Mate, stop coping this hard. Just accept that infinite is not what it was marketed as and that BioShock 2 moggs it.



      • 4 months ago

        Bioshock 2 bored me. I have no beef with anybody who p
        refers it, I only have beef with people who talk shit about Infinite.

  10. 4 months ago

    This game is a powerful and brave argument for Incest.

  11. 4 months ago

    Levine didn't have a strong vision for what he wanted the game to be or what was realistically achievable
    >the gameplay ideas for Elizabeth shown off in those fake gameplay demonstrations were completely unrealistic for a dynamic video game (summoning the rain cloud, creating the molten ball to blow up the bridge). Only really achievable through canned "cinematic" gameplay
    >the scope of environments and enemies with that level of fidelity simply wasn't possible on the 360/PS3
    The final game is just sort of a hodge podge of half baked ideas

    • 4 months ago

      They needed that so they can figure out what they want to do and what they can do. It was worth it in the end; the game's brilliance speaks for itself.

    • 4 months ago

      They can still remake it... There's still time...

  12. 4 months ago

    Held down by console ports. All the revisionist trashing of the game is laughable, it's still technically impressive, has some brilliant art and narrative direction and is a highly ambitious title, just that not all of it really landed and the dumbed down gameplay SUCKED.

    • 4 months ago

      >brilliant narrative direction

      • 4 months ago

        He likes it for being propaganda

      • 4 months ago

        The first half of the game is nothing short of brilliant in terms of presentation and the quality of art direction that is evident in the game's environmental design. The first hour of the game is breathtaking and deserves all the laurels it earned back upon its release. It still holds up!!!

        He likes it for being propaganda

        How is the game propaganda?

        • 4 months ago

          >How is the game propaganda?
          What are you serious?

        • 4 months ago

          Any work that acknowledges America's history of racism and the fact that racism is wrong is "vile israeli propaganda" to the neo-nazis that infest this board.

          • 4 months ago

            Can black people be racist?

            • 4 months ago

              According to the DLC that tries to whitewash Fitzroy, no

            • 4 months ago

              Sure. But the game isn't set in a place where they're the ruling party. It's like setting a game in WW2 and asking why we're not discussing how Aztecs used to ritualistically butcher their own people.

              • 4 months ago

                Sure. Against other minorities. But, dticking to matter of the game we are discussing; for example, African Americans in the United States can under no circumstances act in a racist manner towards caucasian, that is to say, white people. They do not possess the institutional power to do so. Nothing a black person can do to a white person can come anywhere close to thebpower white people still have over black people in America.

                Thank you for showing us how insane you are.

              • 4 months ago

                Thank you for showing us how butthurt you are.

            • 4 months ago

              Sure. Against other minorities. But, dticking to matter of the game we are discussing; for example, African Americans in the United States can under no circumstances act in a racist manner towards caucasian, that is to say, white people. They do not possess the institutional power to do so. Nothing a black person can do to a white person can come anywhere close to thebpower white people still have over black people in America.

              • 4 months ago

                Tl;Dr there is no such thing as a hate crime commited against a white person.

  13. 4 months ago

    >get roped in by the aesthetic and Bioshock 1 wasn't too bad (never played 2)
    >over the top racism shit is comical enough to be entertaining
    >combat feels like a drag arena shooter shit but it'll get better right?
    >combat never gets better
    >arena after arena, sometimes a cool scenery or setup, then more arenas
    >feel absolute relief when it finally ends because I don't have to go through more arenas full of generic enemies to be fought with generic combat mechanics
    >final twist is some multiverse shit I can't even be bothered to patch together, nothing about the game deserves the effort
    Thank god I yarr'd this shit.

    • 4 months ago

      >(never played 2)
      You definitely should, especially the DLC (which is standalone).

  14. 4 months ago


  15. 4 months ago

    >Infinite would've been good if it had people shouting Black person Black person Black person Black person
    What did he mean by this?

  16. 4 months ago


  17. 4 months ago


  18. 4 months ago

    >just do whatever lmao the schmucks will buy anything we shit out and call it the best thin g ever if we pay the journalists to say it is
    Probably. One of the most moronicly overhyped games I've ever played, shit was unreal.

  19. 4 months ago

    Bioshock was always kind of a brain-dead corridor shooter, but the water-flavored iterations had a spectacular world and memorable (good) writing. Air-flavored Bioshock is braindead in form and function.
    I wouldn't trust whoever made Binfinite with the System Shock ideas

    • 4 months ago

      tasteless brainlet

      Columbia is a much better world than Rapture and Infinite's politics are actually relevant to the world, as opposed to the originals

      And Infinite's gameplay is sonmuch better

      • 4 months ago

        who gives a frick about politics when the fricking plot is ass clown timetravel

        • 4 months ago

          Plot is lit, skill issue.

          • 4 months ago

            you know at least the plot doesn't throw curveballs at you. the lighthouse "puzzle" lets you know very well ahead of time that it's all as nonsensical as a fever dream. The lights and colors are bright and loud enough to amuse simpletons though, and the actors sound very concerned too.

            • 4 months ago

              See? You are proof positive that it's a skill issue!

              • 4 months ago

                yes those mental handicaps must make life very difficult. I'm glad you enjoyed the game though

              • 4 months ago

                >yes those mental handicaps must make life very difficult
                I mean, I can tell from your posts that they impact your life pretty damn hard.

              • 4 months ago

                You're not being funny. Once again bioshock infinite is absolutely gutter trash with no good shooting, no good story, and the setting isn't great either. It has one "innovation" and that's left-hand disable, right-hand gun but that's been done countless times in likely better games. Anyone with taste or sense looks at Infinite as a sad joke

              • 4 months ago

                It's not as bad as opposed to trying to get a little sister out her hiding hole

      • 4 months ago

        >Infinite's politics
        >Actually Nazis are bad but the revolutionaries can be just as bad because they can become corrupt upon seizing power
        Wow, that's some deep politics. I never knew that Nazis were actually bad, but Infinite opened my eyes to reality. BioShock 1 also told me that water is wet, thank you Mr Levine.

        • 4 months ago

          The Vox weren't anywhere as bad as Columbians. Booker and Liz might say that, but Booker is a selfish butthole who doesn't know better and Elizabeth literally does not know what racism is - she probably just thinks the Vox are like, bandits that the police were too hard on or something.

          • 4 months ago

            >The Vox weren't anywhere as bad as Columbians.
            Let's see The Vox's floating city. Oh, it's on fire.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm not saying that the Vox are just as bad, but the game does. It literally spoon-feeds it to you by having Booker essentially say "both sides bad" (though Levine obviously made Daisy innocent in the DLC). Compare this to BioShock 2 which criticizes the opposite of Ryan's ideology, but in that game, the player actually forms their own opinion by seeing the changes Lamb has brought to Rapture. There is even a whole debate between her and Ryan in the form of a few audiologs.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm sorry that you're so easily entertained buy a c-tier corridor shooter.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm sorry your taste is so bad that you don't like games with proper level design.

          • 4 months ago

            bioslop infinite has horrible level design, but I'm more interested in its weird themes. Why do you think they called columbia new eden? why all the "false sheperd" stuff? Why did they import their "inferiors?" Is Kevine Levine tryine to say that whites are lazy and actually blacks built columbia? I gotta know! The game talks about all of this stuff.

          • 4 months ago

            BioShock 1 and 2's level design BTFO's Infinite's, even though the first two are inferior to System Shock 2 and other full ImmSimms in terms of levels.

  20. 4 months ago

    I never loved a game more than this. I hope Judas will be at least as good.

    • 4 months ago

      Infinite must have been a valuable learning experience for LeVine, don't think he will compromise as much with Judas and that game really looks good and like the ultimate take on the Bioshock formula he has been thinkering with for the past 15 years.

  21. 4 months ago

    mh? thought it was fine

  22. 4 months ago

    they were thinking yep it's kino?
    the whole concept of finding cute hot daughterfu and then she tags along the entire game and shit is great

  23. 4 months ago

    Whatever, people will like anything if it has a walk button and a shoot button.

  24. 4 months ago

    WHAT exactly did KEN LEVINE mean by this?
    I just don't... get it.

  25. 4 months ago

    I like the gameplay of this but I prefer the challenge of bioshock 1

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