What the frick. Why is everyone making such a big deal about studying?

What the frick. Why is everyone making such a big deal about studying? Do japanese high schoolers really need a whole week of studying for hours each day just to pass?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Shame based culture Anon. Apply that to every single thing in japan and everything makes sense why they are the way they are.

  2. 4 months ago

    >Asians study for 25 hours a day
    >Asians consistently score high in math and other hard skills
    >Asian countries generally aren't industry leaders or famous for invention

    • 4 months ago

      Any average moron can get good grades. It's just that Asian morons study more. Which is why whatever hobby or skill you think you're good at, there will always be some random Asian kid who can do it better than you.
      Unironically? It's because of lack of SOUL.

    • 4 months ago

      Any average moron can get good grades. It's just that Asian morons study more. Which is why whatever hobby or skill you think you're good at, there will always be some random Asian kid who can do it better than you.
      Unironically? It's because of lack of SOUL.

      Rote memorization, it all stems back to the common core curriculum witch in Asian fashion, is shameless copied from its western counterparts. Its just as bad here too.

      • 4 months ago

        We have all of the downsides of standardized testing but with none of the benefits that come from students actually fricking trying to study for them

      • 4 months ago

        >witch in Asian fashion
        Maybe you should have studied 25 hours a day.

    • 4 months ago

      countries generally aren't industry leaders or famous for invention
      i don't think this is correct at all.

      • 4 months ago

        Asian countries just improve/change stuff europeans and americans invent.

        • 4 months ago

          That's what happened with guns but in reverse.
          If we're going there, we're all just improving and changing the first ever knapped stones.

        • 4 months ago

          >Asian countries just improve/change stuff europeans and americans invent.
          And many more..

    • 4 months ago

      There are a ton of modern necessities invented in the past 60 years that come from east asia. Pretty much all the major microelectronics innovation comes from them. You're reading this post in full color thanks to a jap that allowed blue LEDs to be commercially viable.

      • 4 months ago

        So that's what that video youtube is trying to cram down my throat says. Wish they'd get the hint already and stop recommending me shit I've chosen to ignore and scroll past dozens of fricking times already.

    • 4 months ago

      being good at math just makes you a savvy shopper, Japan has the best markets in the world.
      *throws mic on the ground*

  3. 4 months ago

    Yes, Japanese (and Asian school in general) is just endless studying and exams while constantly being compared to all of your peers and told that if you fall behind for even a second then your life is over and you should have a nice day.
    Endless work, endless repetition, endless work just to maybe get to work 80hrs/week at some soulless office job where none of your ideas matter.

    • 4 months ago

      >Endless work, endless repetition
      Just like the JRPGs.

    • 4 months ago

      >tfw was really good at school and learning but really shit at the network and put yourself out there shit
      and now I sit with a degree I can’t ever use because I know no one in my field and have no opportunity to get experience in my field
      take internships in college kids

  4. 4 months ago

    atlus are the biggest cancer in electronic media

    • 4 months ago

      Atlus Persona*

  5. 4 months ago

    I went back to school (online) and have been doing bad because its too easy to put off, and the whole study week made me feel super guilty

  6. 4 months ago

    A big thing is that their exams are much harder than ours, even advanced placement/accelerated courses in the west is weak shit (you only need to study like 30 mins a day per hard class tops) and education is actually competitive instead of here where like 30 kids out of a 400 person grade level care and that's it

  7. 4 months ago

    >one whole WEEK of studying?
    This is normal in most of the world. At least for functional schools attended by non-poors.
    Additionally, it's generally not to pass, but to get good grades. Something that non-subhumans tend to care about.

    • 4 months ago

      Asians are subhuman thoughever

  8. 4 months ago

    Yes. They are smarter and more educated than (You.)

  9. 4 months ago

    Japan has night self(forced) study system which forces students to study until 22-23 in highschool, like Korean highschool.

    Silly that Japanese anime never show this Night "self" study in high school...

    • 4 months ago

      It's usually subtitled as "cram school" or "remedial lessons" moron

      • 4 months ago

        Not studying to 22 o'clock in highschool (not Private Juku/hagwon) like Korea?
        Anime shows high school students returning to school before sun sets. Some anime has "get away from school until 17 o clock" such as Bandori S2.

      • 4 months ago

        I meant that Japanese high school forces to study in school until 22 o' clock like Korea does. But in anime, most JKs return to home in 16:00 unlike Reality, unless it is Club or school council.

        • 4 months ago

          f you are not interested in attending a high-level university, your evenings are free.
          Of course, many participate in club activities.

  10. 4 months ago

    Your idea of school is nonsense. Your country's education requirements are lowered with Black folk in mind (they still fail anyway).

    Consider this: have you ever looked at an english dictionary? See how thick that thing is? All the words you have ever heard or seen in your life don't account for 1/5 of it.
    Imagine if americans still learned their language.

    • 4 months ago

      What a moronic point to bring up in this context
      There's about 50k Japanese Kanji and the average Japanese native knows 3-5k

      • 4 months ago

        Any given kanji has multiple readings.
        It's very different from just throwing them into certain combinations and following a pattern or else machine translation would not be so useless for it.

    • 4 months ago

      Here's a small handful of them puss eyes.
      You're a wiener gargling homosexual and your women frick everyone but their own kind. Nippon will be a proxy state within 100 years.

    • 4 months ago

      >All the words you have ever heard or seen in your life don't account for 1/5 of it
      Sophistry. Novel lexemes are just specific assemblages of common morphemes.

    • 4 months ago

      it's pretty funny how assmad people got over this. I was still in high school back when they used the 1600 point SATs, and not the Free Black person Passing SATs.
      They don't want to admit that American schooling in 2024 is an abject joke churning out useless citizens who aren't fit to tie their own shoes, much less work or vote and that Japanese, PI, Korean, and even Bugland itself have harder schools.

      • 4 months ago

        >how mad people got over this
        >goes on to rant about Black folk and america being shit
        >not one reply mentioned, or alluded to either Black folk or america (same thing, really)
        >all just making fun of him for using a dictionary as the measure of education
        maybe he actually had a point, you can't read for shit

  11. 4 months ago

    makes me wonder how progressive P5 was in nippon
    wank for authority figures of all stripes (police chiefs, teachers, parents, politicians, even mafia bosses) is so ingrained into the culture that portraying every single one of them as piece of shit villains abusing broken social systems must have been uncomfortable

  12. 4 months ago

    I was depressed in high school and never did my homework or studied for exams, but still got average grades and graduated without failing anything, only by listening in class and taking notes. But then there were kids who studied their asses off to get the lowest non-failing grade and couldn't even graduate on time. I guess the world just looks different for morons

  13. 4 months ago

    because japs are naturally soulless human beings who spend their lives being worked to death

  14. 4 months ago

    Because in Japan,one you get into university you are basically done. They are a joke compared to the west.
    T. Studied one year in one of the biggest universities in Osaka.

  15. 4 months ago

    To get a job and not die homeless and dishonoured, you need to have better grades than the person next to you.
    So of course, the person next to you tries to get better grades AND gets good extra curriculars.
    So now you need to beat them on grades, extra curriculars, and some bullshit cram school that opened up specifically to cash in on this phenomenon.
    And so on and so forth.

    It's the labour bubble, but expressed in an even earlier form at a more formative stage.

    • 4 months ago

      >and not die homeless and dishonoured
      A lot of Japan's homeless actually live pretty safe and reasonable lives, owing to welfare payments guaranteed by the Special Act and places like Yokohama and Osaka having subsidized meal distribution schemes.

  16. 4 months ago

    >Americans trying to talk shit about education in any other country

  17. 4 months ago

    Yeah I don't know why people make such a big deal about it, I played poker through class and even smoked occasionally and the teachers didn't say anything because they knew we knew they fricked some of the school bawds and kept quiet about it, highschool was great.

    t. slav

  18. 4 months ago

    Japan's college enrollment rate is about the same as in the U.S. In fact, Japan is one of the least enthusiastic in East Asia when it comes to studying for college entrance exams.
    It's simply that American Black folk don't study at all in school.

  19. 4 months ago

    It's more so the work culture rather than actually "needing" to study. I have had close friends from Japan for a while and throughout highschool we compared the stuff we were taught and their math is at a lower level than the eastern european M2 standard, which is considered "middle" level and is supposed to be the bare minimum for stuff like economics or other data management. And I almost aced all my exams while being very laxed, but in Japan ur kinda killing your image if you don't constantly study before an exam, and peer pressure makes you want to do it too, even if at the end of the day it won't make a difference.

  20. 4 months ago

    I know this is not limited to Japan, but each Japanese high school has a different level of academic ability and enthusiasm for study, and anything is possible.
    If someone makes an extreme assertion like all Japanese study at high school until 10 P.M. like Koreans do, it is a lie by weebs.

    • 4 months ago

      Speaking of lies formed by being a weeb, when do Japanese people go to sleep? There's so many anime where they're just walking around at like 1 in the morning

      • 4 months ago

        they don't

      • 4 months ago

        Of course it depends on the person and age group, but I believe bedtime for Japanese high school students is usually between 10:00 P.M. ~ 1:00 A.M.
        If students need to get up early to practice for morning club activities, they will probably go to bed earlier.
        And overall, the tendency of Japanese people to stay up late is increasing these days thanks to smartphones.

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