What was so bad about scarlet and violet?

What was so bad about scarlet and violet?

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  1. 9 months ago

    May deserves to get knotted.

  2. 9 months ago

    she's asian though

    • 9 months ago

      Anyone who has sex with dogs is ethnically a white woman

  3. 9 months ago

    Awful framerate and embarrassingly bad graphics.
    Otherwise, I enjoyed it. I'd even say the Titan storyline + Area Zero is one of the few good stories in the series.

  4. 9 months ago

    alright gonna ignore the bait image
    poor implementation of open world like no level scaling
    region with almost no identity

    • 9 months ago

      >wanting level scaling
      sincerely hoping that gamefreak ignores all the idiots demanding this and doesn't ruin generation 10 with it

      • 9 months ago

        What is bad about level scaling?

        • 9 months ago

          homogenizes the entire world and takes away a sense of progression, exactly the problem that players of bethesda games have been complaining about since morrowind
          you're also insane if you think GF is going to give us 8 teams for every gym leader
          they'd just scale the levels up or down like they did with the isle of armor

          • 9 months ago

            There already is no sense of progression because you can randomly stumble upon each of the bosses in any order. It really cheapens everything when the party you've been carrying around the entire game is 20 levels above some random early-game encounter that you didn't get to. Paldea doesn't even have the fights set up logically, you have to zigzag around the entire region to get the "correct" order of fights.

            • 9 months ago

              this is an issue with routing and signposting, not with level progression
              but i do agree with you that the arrangement of badges on the map is bizarre and inconsistent

              • 9 months ago

                It's an issue with game design. Don't bother making an open world if you're not going to account for people taking their own path. Scaling up leaders/titans depending on what badges the player has would fix that problem. But we can't because people like you think it's bad for... some reason?

              • 9 months ago

                The other anon said it already, it homogenizes everything.
                I enjoyed "sequence breaking" in SV, I got to areas that I wasn't supposed to be in yet and had Pokemon with a way higher level than me, and I could even catch some.
                I remember going into that lake area in the North-West that had a warning sign about strong Pokémon and cautiously looked around there just to see what Pokemon I could find there later.
                I went to the Psychic gym pretty early just cause I was in the area. I knew it was high level but I tried it anyway for fun. I got my ass beat though cause my mons were like 15 levels below hers.
                And I also remember walking by the last Team Star boss's base, looking up what level she is and went "oh frick, I'm out of here man".
                This one didn't happen to me personally, but a lot of people went to the Pokemon League building early on just to check it out, and then got destroyed by that npc there with a lvl 50 Staraptor or something. I've heard some of my friends say that it felt good to get "revenge" on that guy later.

                Stuff like that is fun. If everything scales, then it's really boring because every area and every gym feels the same. It's good to stumble upon areas that are not appropriate for your level, whether you find a lowlevel area that you missed somehow or you wander into a trainer that kicks your ass.

              • 9 months ago

                Scaling doesn't have to go both ways.

              • 9 months ago

                What does that mean? You mean that only low level stuff gets scaled up, but high level stuff doesn't get scaled down?

              • 9 months ago

                Exactly. So there is still a sense of intended progression, but later fights don't become a bore if you save them for later.

              • 9 months ago

                I meant earlier fights saved for later. Like going to fight Katy in the middle of the game instead of having her be first.

                I guess that's fair, at least for gym leaders. I don't mind running into wild shitmons in early areas.

              • 9 months ago

                Exactly. So there is still a sense of intended progression, but later fights don't become a bore if you save them for later.

                I meant earlier fights saved for later. Like going to fight Katy in the middle of the game instead of having her be first.

              • 9 months ago

                >This one didn't happen to me personally, but a lot of people went to the Pokemon League building early on just to check it out, and then got destroyed by that NPC there with a lvl 50 Staraptor or something. I've heard some of my friends say that it felt good to get "revenge" on that guy later.
                This sounds like something that tons of kids are going to have fond memories of in 10 years.

            • 9 months ago

              I disagree because of the titan pokemon upgrades. The game, unless you intentionally abuse glitches to get to places you’re not supposed to, actually encourages you to do certain places first. Its only awkward for things like the intended first team star fight.
              But if you’re gonna tell me wild pokemon levels or trainer levels aren’t enough for you to figure out “man I should come back to the psychic gym later” then you are moronic

              • 9 months ago

                I think fights should never lower themselves to meet the player, only raise when the player surpasses them.

  5. 9 months ago

    Love the games but my main gripe is that the gyms, E4, and ESPECIALLY Greeta were laughably easy. All the gyms I wiped with just 1 to 3 of my pokemon except the water dude.

  6. 9 months ago

    ugly as shit npcs everywhere and food stands on every corner of the map gave me diarrhea

  7. 9 months ago

    It wasn’t even really open world to begin with. Everyone made the same pendulum on the map (katy, brassius, iono) with Team Star being optional but being the best part of the game. Ugly paradox pokemon looking at you Brute Bonnet with trash abilities. No battle tower for offline play was a predatory choice that will follow Gamefreak’s resume whether the public timeline doesn’t say it.

  8. 9 months ago

    Hyenas aren't dogs meds NOW

  9. 9 months ago

    The last two times I tried to open up the game it just crashed when I pressed A on the title screen

    These instances were months apart and the most recent one was when they gave out Mew

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