What was the idea here?

>game is called democracy
>you play as a dictator (there is no parliament nor cronyism)
>doesn't depict any personal gains from a lobbyist (you can't be corrupt)

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >name party the Socialist Workers' Party
    >cut taxes and welfare spending

    • 2 years ago

      so basically Blairism

  2. 2 years ago

    >what‘s the point
    It’s literally a spreadsheet simulator, in the most literal sense.

    • 2 years ago

      Man, I was so disappointed when I first tried this game and saw that that was all it was.

  3. 2 years ago

    >OP is Ameritard
    >Didn't even play the game, pretending part of content is missing
    >Can't imagine any other political system than the American one
    Go on, pass bunch of upopular reforms. Go see how that works for your re-election and how it affects your cabinet

    • 2 years ago

      Wrong on all fronts

    • 2 years ago

      >its da amerimutts
      Meds now

    • 2 years ago

      If you actually played the game you'd know none of what you said contradicts OP.

  4. 2 years ago

    Game is pretty easy, unless you play some really fricked up Nation, and there aren't really many ways to play the game if you get what I mean.

  5. 2 years ago

    Haven't played democracy 4 since the demo. Does the game still have a "liberals" group that is both pro gun and pro affirmative action? Pretty much quit right there because why would I bother playing a game about politics by someone who seems to have no understanding of politics.

    • 2 years ago

      A liberal stupid voting group because it is so broad. I'd prefer something else like "progressive"-group

  6. 2 years ago

    I can't stand Cliff Harris as a developer, all of his games have a gimmick but end up being shit and boring within 2 hours.

    • 2 years ago

      What a literal who developer, looking at his list of products other than the op series i only recognize gratuitous space battles

      • 2 years ago

        Isn't Big Pharma quite popular?

      • 2 years ago

        I appreciate his blogs, guy is an idea guy and a yesdev. Agree his games always kind of miss the mark in the fun department though. He seems to make things more for himself than anyone else, but is still fairly successful. Which is the definition of based.

        I wonder why they decided to make this game with Irrlicht Engine a 3D engine, the game doesn't use any 3D graphics.

        Maybe he already knew it or wanted to learn it. Or maybe it has some desirable features on the game engine side, aside from the rendering pipeline.

        • 2 years ago

          >Maybe he already knew it or wanted to learn it. Or maybe it has some desirable features on the game engine side, aside from the rendering pipeline.
          Well, they build a custom engine for Democracy 4

          • 2 years ago

            sounds like they learnt an important lesson

        • 2 years ago

          >He seems to make things more for himself than anyone else, but is still fairly successful. Which is the definition of based.
          I've never heard that element of based-ness put so fricking well.

  7. 2 years ago

    Shit game. There really isn't much more to say about it.

  8. 2 years ago

    It's just an extremely barebones replication of the political system. Since basically the only thing that matters is how laws and society interact with barely any random aspects there is always an optimal to go for which is just give people as much welfare as possible without losing money. Then in the end you always loose because rare metals continously increase in price with no cap as far as I've seen. To be fair that part is pretty accurate though.

  9. 2 years ago

    This game taught me that it's hilariously, trivially easy to constantly keep GDP going up while also improving the quality of life of all citizens

  10. 2 years ago

    I wonder why they decided to make this game with Irrlicht Engine a 3D engine, the game doesn't use any 3D graphics.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Max education spending
    >max healthcare spending
    >raise taxes to 50%
    >every other policy irrelevant

    • 2 years ago

      >Being a dumbass and raising taxes
      >Not becoming a tax heaven
      >Not investing the tax heaven money into your rural areas so your GDP grows even more
      Only problem with being rich is that you can't outright ban immigration cause the game is made by morons.

      • 2 years ago

        The problem is that GDP has a limit so there's a point where you HAVE to raise taxes because GDP simply won't go up anymore.

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