What was the opinions on this in the old days? Did people want to FOMO, or was it perceived as a side-game?

What was the opinions on this in the old days? Did people want to FOMO, or was it perceived as a side-game?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Hot tip: Look up what words mean before using them

  2. 10 months ago

    >Did people want to FOMO,

  3. 10 months ago

    Not many people had Sega CD so most people didn't play it.

  4. 10 months ago

    I got this game on Windows 95 along with Sonic R and Sonic & Knuckles Collection long before I knew much about SEGA CD. It was always pretty much "that other Sonic game" that was heavily sought after until it finally got ported to Gems Collection in 2005. Public opinion started to decline when people started comparing its unconventional level design and weird time gimmicks to the more traditional levels in Sonic 2 and 3K.

    For a long time I also preferred Sonic 2 and 3, but after playing more SEGA CD games it made me respect Sonic CD a lot more for its innovation and how it makes use of the hardware. The FMV opening and ending, pseudo 3D Special Stages using the SCD's scaling effects, and of course the soundtrack are nothing short of phenomenal. Easily up there with Popful Mail, and still my favorite SEGA CD game to date.

    • 10 months ago

      >I got this game on Windows 95 along with Sonic R and Sonic & Knuckles Collection long before I knew much about SEGA CD.

      I had the game for the Sega CD. It was a pck-in with the add-on. But the PC version came in many different variants. In North America, the Expert Software release was a common one in bargain bins. Most notably the israeliteel case. Big box releases were usually only first run prints. It was included in image related collection, as well as released under the 'Sega PC' brand in other collections. Also, Dell would package Sonic CD in with their software bundles for their Windows 95 machines. I also heard that Sonic Cd was given away at Jack-in-the-Box drive thus? I wish Sega would work with GOG to get some of their old PC releases on GOG.

      • 10 months ago

        I had the PC version of Sonic R and didn't even have a Saturn at the time, wish I still had it.

        • 10 months ago

          You can find it online and run it through a VM, or if you want a physical copy the Windows versions are still very cheap to pick up, same for Sonic CD, Sonic 3D Blast, S&K Collection, pretty much every other Win95 SEGA game

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty much this. It was a little mysterious since most people didn't play it until Sonic Gems Collection came out. So the general opinion was "I heard it was good." People who had a Sega CD or played it through emulation said good things about it.

      After more people played it, obviously more discussion came. People disagree on more about aspects like the level design, bosses, and time travel mechanics. But overall I think the game has remained well-liked over the years. It's just not seen as a "hidden gem" anymore. I remember my first reaction to playing was thinking the jump sound was weird. Personally I like Sonic CD a ton, though not as much as Sonic 2 or 3&K.

  5. 10 months ago

    Never played it or had a Sega CD but thought Metal Sonic was the coolest shit ever as a kid. Never played a game with him until Sonic Heroes which I thought sucked, but that was at the end of my Sonic phase

  6. 10 months ago

    Christ why does american sonic always look so horrendous?
    I honestly don't get why SoA thought he needed a redesign when his og design was literally based off of old American cartoon characters like Felix the cat & Mickey mouse

    • 10 months ago

      No idea. But I love Sonic teh Eh.

    • 10 months ago

      Because zoomie, it looks how Disney characters looked in the 90's, not the 30's.

      People b***hing about the artwork are pedantic zoomies/weebs, the only thing wrong with American Sonic really is his mohawk style quills, but it's understandable as to why they translated it as a buzzsaw being an attack, instead of just being a smooth ball that smashes into shit.

      • 10 months ago

        But in pic related they barely look any different in the movie, the designs are the same minus the glossy finish. Whereas American sonic doesn't appear design wise in the actual video game at all, it's his original Japanese design.
        Also you can't really use that excuse when the og Japan covers gave the same kind of finish to sonic as well

        • 10 months ago

          Christ why does american sonic always look so horrendous?
          I honestly don't get why SoA thought he needed a redesign when his og design was literally based off of old American cartoon characters like Felix the cat & Mickey mouse


          What was the opinions on this in the old days? Did people want to FOMO, or was it perceived as a side-game?

          i know im moronic, but american sonic and japanese sonic look the same to me in these examples

  7. 10 months ago

    Geography may play a part in the answers you get. In my part of England as a kid in the early 90s, I can tell you that everybody was either Mega Drive or SNES, and absolutely nobody had or talked about the Mega CD, and so by extension, Sonic CD. Magazines had obligatory sections to cover it, but from my memory, nobody cared.

    Now that this game has become more accessible via emulation, I can honestly say I'd have been pretty disappointed with it as a kid, after loving the Mega Drive Sonic games. It's interesting as a curio but fundamentally unenjoyable to play.

  8. 10 months ago

    OP if you enjoy Sonic CD, I highly recommend playing some other SEGA CD titles like Popful Mail, Earthworm Jim, and Mickey Mania. It's honestly a fantastic system that shouldn't be skipped (especially considering what came after)

    • 10 months ago

      ewj and micky mania are not sega cd titles. they're genesis titles dolled up with better audio.

      • 10 months ago

        You're half correct. Really SEGA CD was the definitive way to play these games - sure you could play them on Genesis, SNES, even Game Boy for some of them, but the SEGA CD versions offered the fully arranged soundtracks, FMV cutscenes with voice acting, and other bonus features like other playable characters and extra stages. Final Fight CD comes to mind for instance, sure you could play it on SNES, but you wouldn't get all of the additional features that come with the SEGA CD version. Same with Mickey Mania and Earthworm Jim.

        Anyway, I've never seen anyone argue that Altered Beast and Golden Axe are not Genesis games because they were in the arcade first. By the same logic you could say Earthworm Jim and Mickey Mania are not Genesis games to begin with since they are also on SNES.

  9. 10 months ago

    Time has not been kind to this game. But I think if you try your best to ignore Wacky Workbench, it's fun enough. Personally the weakest of the megadrive mainline games. Unless you count Sonic 3D I guess.

  10. 10 months ago

    We wanted to play it but nobody had the cd add-on.
    For some reason the 32x was more popular in my town, we played Chaotix while CD continued to be elusive until emulation and the gems collection were available.

    • 10 months ago

      You didn't know about the Windows 95 version, anon?

      • 10 months ago

        We were little kids, anon, we had no PCs.
        I knew about that version but by the time I had a PC in my house I couldn't find the game anyway, I mostly played Carmageddon and Oddworld on Win 95.

      • 10 months ago

        In the 90s, a computer was a luxury item that not everyone had.
        Even a good bit into the 2000s, you could live life without really needing a computer, and even in the 2010s you didn't necessarily need the internet.

        • 10 months ago

          >In the 90s, a computer was a luxury item that not everyone had.
          >Even a good bit into the 2000s, you could live life without really needing a computer, and even in the 2010s you didn't necessarily need the internet.
          I feel like, by the time Windows 95 and 98 were out, PC's were becoming more mainstream. 'E-machines' and cheaper systems made by Dell were becoming more popular too. Sonic CD was one of those PC releases, where you could walk into a K-Mart or Wakmart and pull it out of a bargain bin of PC software for less than $10.00. It would sit alongside Barbie PC games, 1001 Games collections, etc.

        • 10 months ago

          >In the 90s, a computer was a luxury item that not everyone had.
          you zoomers make up some weird shit, but this has to be the weirdest zoomer claim I've seen yet

          • 10 months ago

            >>In the 90s, a computer was a luxury item that not everyone had.
            >you zoomers make up some weird shit, but this has to be the weirdest zoomer claim I've seen yet

            I would say pre-internet, it was more of a 'luxary' item to have an IBM-PC of some kind. But after the internet boom and Windows 95, PC's became more common household items. But didn't have the saturation of TV/ game consoles. The internet and ease of use was driving factors. Also Napster. Like, you could go into a Walmart and buy an 'Emachine' which was basically a low end PC with windows for under $800.000 to $500.00 (for clearances) at times. Dell and Compaq were making PC's cheaper.I heard that Dell ordered about 2 million copies of Sonic CD from Sega that were all bundled with Windows 9X era machines. I think once they ran out of inventory, Dell started bundling Sonic R instead.

          • 10 months ago

            You still didn't NEED a computer in the 90s (unless you absolutely insisted on bringing work home, or wanted to check out what that email thing is about), and even today over half the American population is stuck without broadband.
            Even if it wasn't necessarily un-obtainable, a lot of people just didn't see the point when you could use a pencil, calculator and paper to do you finances.

            • 10 months ago

              learn to take the correction when you've been corrected. bringing up a completely irrelevant point in order to preserve some sense that you're right is absolutely pathetic behavior

          • 10 months ago

            there is nothing weird about the claim at all homosexual. i didn't get my first pc until '99 and most people I knew didn't have one until '95/'96 at the earliest.

  11. 10 months ago

    I think a lot of people got stockholmed into enjoying it because the CD add on was expensive and they likely never got many games for the thing. If you only have one game you will learn to enjoy it.

  12. 10 months ago

    It was considered a main Sonic game, but it wasn't as famous as the megadrive ones because it was released on a less popular system. A lot of people wished they could have played it. Magazines wondered why Tails wasn't a playable character, but it was very well received and the soundtrack and intro were considered great.

  13. 10 months ago

    the opinion was that it wasn't worth getting a Sega CD to play it

  14. 10 months ago

    It was always regarded like a religious mystery since hardly anyone had payed it or owned a mega-CD. It's a lot more underwhelming when you actually play it

  15. 10 months ago

    people always thought of it as the weird bad one. it's only after it became more accessible to a wide audience that it started to be received differently.

  16. 10 months ago

    Everyone knew Sonic 3 was coming out. I was more interested in that.

  17. 10 months ago

    Back then, I'd imagine it was cool because it was on a CD and was a real game that wasn't some FMV crap.
    2000s, people said it was "The best Sonic game!", without really stating any real reason aside from being on CD and having redbook audio, the most they'll mention is the time travel gimmick.
    After the 2011 remake, people realized 3&K was better, people are really mixed about it (With some outright hating it) but at most will say "It's great, but not the best".
    I'd say it's an alternate take on a Sonic 2, and it's neat.

    • 10 months ago

      >2000s, people said it was "The best Sonic game!"
      This was a direct consequence of nobody having played it the first time around. It was part of the whole attraction to unpopular or unknown things by way of demonstrating some sort of superior and rare knowledge. That still doesn't mean there aren't people who genuinely enjoy it, but I think what is indisputable is that it divides opinion more sharply than the 3 mainstream titles of the era, and being as objective as possible, you must ask yourself why.

      • 10 months ago

        >nobody having played it the first time around
        >it divides opinion more sharply than the 3 mainstream titles of the era, you must ask yourself why.
        Lack of nostalgia value. You were apparently too busy huffing your farts to notice you answered your own question.

        • 10 months ago

          So the meaningless sentence "lack of nostalgia value", followed by some bizarre scatological jabbering, is your idea of an acceptable response. That's really good, well done.

          • 10 months ago

            you're genuinely moronic if you didnt understand what they meant with that post
            most people did not play CD as kids therefore most people do not have nostalgic rose colored glasses for CD, hence the divided opinion
            simple as

            • 10 months ago

              That convoluted argument is "simple as"? I just think CD isn't particularly good against the mainstream 3 games, stated my case that it isn't some kind of hidden gem, and I'm called a moron and a fart sniffer. What is gained from lowering the level of discussion in this way? Or are we still doing this tiresome "anonymuz is lejun" thing where the biggest prick wins the thread?

              • 10 months ago

                yeah, you're absolutely moronic

  18. 10 months ago

    >tfw rent Sonic CD from store back in the day
    >tfw 10 years old moron and only had a genesis
    >tfw open the box and CD falls out

  19. 10 months ago

    It is still my favorite Sonic game. Always wanted to play the game based on all the magazine articles and impressions from my friends, but couldn't afford a SegaCD. One day, I found the game alongside a JVC X'eye (and a few other titles) in an alley and brought it home. Sonic CD was the first game I tried, and it worked. The game became an instant classic to me as the best the series ever got. The game disc probably spent about as much time in a CD-player as the console since it is still one of the best game soundtracks. I remember the EGM reviewers had it at 9,9,8,8 and it was just thought of as the system seller for the SegaCD in its day.

    • 10 months ago

      I think I once asked you about posting Sonic stuff. D'you remember me?

      • 10 months ago

        I try not remember homosexuals like you

        • 10 months ago

          Damn.. you were nicer then.

      • 10 months ago

        I must have missed it. This board moves so fast now that I may not have a chance to respond, so that's why I post a bit more than usual now. As for Sonic stuff, I mostly stay on the older games but I did recently play through Generations which I thought was great.

        • 10 months ago

          how long does it take you to go through one?

  20. 10 months ago

    They should have made it more accessible but I'm surprised I didn't try harder to play it back then. I think ps1 just came out at a similar time and I was too busy with the arcade ports it had

    • 10 months ago

      it came out in 93, my dude.

  21. 10 months ago

    I remember years ago when I was first discovering emulation and online gaming forums, people praised Sonic CD as if it was the greatest 2D sonic game of all time and everyone who hasn't played it can't have an opinion on sonic.
    I personally think Sonic3&Knuckles is better, but that's because I feel like it's a better followup to Sonic 2.
    I will admit the CD quality music and some of the visual effects are great though
    But yeah, it was always at least to me a overlyhyped just because you haven't played it game

  22. 10 months ago

    yes, i definitely wanted to fear of missing out this game

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