What was your first Dark Souls playthrough like?

What was your first Dark Souls playthrough like?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Mouse + keyboard on prepare to die edition back in the day. I still remember that the very first guy who invaded and killed me reached out and helped me kill the gargoyle rooftop boss. Pretty kino

    • 5 months ago

      Those were the days, eh?

    • 5 months ago

      >Mouse + keyboard on prepare to die edition back in the day
      Based, same. Played like that until DS3 came out. I'm having none of that bullshit the kids say these days that PTDE is unplayable on KBM.

    • 5 months ago

      >Mouse + keyboard

    • 5 months ago

      How did you do it?
      The camera doesn't work

      • 5 months ago

        There was a mod that was pretty essential to making prepare to die edition work for PC because it wasn't ported correctly if I remember correctly.

  2. 5 months ago

    i haphazardly followed northernlions lets play of the game way back when. used the furysword
    levelled resistance and creamed my pants when i beat o+s, you know the usual

    • 5 months ago

      Based, that's why I started playing Dark Souls as well. Those banter streams where he would just invade people in undead burg all day with the twink gear were cozy.

  3. 5 months ago

    >spent 2 hours fighting skeletons in Firelink Shrine
    >read guide
    >realized that I need to go to Undead Burg instead
    >spent 2 hours fighting 2 bell gargoyles
    >still couldn't kill them
    >read guide again
    >summoned Solaire
    >won easily
    >spent 2 hours fighting Capra Demon
    >read guide again
    >cheesed him with stair
    >upgraded my BK Sword
    >died a lot in Depths
    >died a lot in Blight Town
    >read guide and got Rusted Iron Ring
    >died a lot in Sens Fortress
    >O&M was easier than I thought
    >died a lot trying to kill Seath because I thought I could kill him the first time, eventually gave up, read guide and realized I had to go somewhere else to fight him
    >the rest of the run was easy
    >DLC was much harder, died a lot more
    >didn't fight Kalameet because I didn't know he exists

    • 5 months ago

      him with stair
      Is not cheese, that stairs are there for a reason, and it´s to be used as a place to jump down like the first ass demon. Why do you think you fight him in that tiny place?
      >didn't fight Kalameet because I didn't know he exists
      Really homie? he jumps in front of you the moment you try to cross the bridge, and goes exactly to where you fight him.

    • 5 months ago

      you needed a guide to figure all of this?
      Other than Undead Burg which is a common mistake. I went straight for depths

      • 5 months ago

        >you needed a guide to figure all of this?
        The reason why games are so casual friendly and have substandard storytelling is because gamers get aggressive and angry about good shit.

        • 5 months ago

          >gamers get aggressive and angry about good shit.
          This is so weird. I'm heavily inclined to believe in this as much as anyone else, but then you read the statistics and like the majority of gamers are guys in their 30s. Wtf? Are these the ones throwing hissy fits? It can't be, so I guess the loudest voices are actually the children and teens barking like manics, even though they are the minority.

          • 5 months ago

            you'd be surprised how many grown-ups are roaming this earth with the emotional instability and logic of a small child.

            personally i find it depressing.

    • 5 months ago

      >spent 2 hours fighting skeletons in Firelink Shrine
      Literally me

  4. 5 months ago

    I've since lost all my old screenshots, but I recall having miracles and a greatsword.

  5. 5 months ago

    I didn't know about running.

  6. 5 months ago

    I played it on PS3 day 1 and give up about half way through and came back about a year later to finish it.

  7. 5 months ago

    I played on a friends console cause it was free on xbawks gold, used the black knight sword, got robusted by almost every invader (they had not yet learned backstab fishing, but still ptde so maxed pyros with avelyns in the church)
    I beat gargoyles first try unironically. then I went and bought it myself.
    ive been playing souls games and not much else since.

  8. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      riveting gameplay

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      you couldn't pull this shit in ER because he would do 4 tracking horizontal sweeps, one vertical sweep, hold for half a second with the club on the ground, bring the club up fast causing the ground to shake and then jump backwards 10 feet before you could punish

      • 5 months ago

        For me something changed in Souls after the DLC of 1. I don't know who changed first, the fanbase or From, but Artorias was the obvious turning point. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were dungeon crawlers with a unique take on multiplayer but the longer they went on the more invaders got shafted, the less multiplayer mattered and it became hack and slash lite. It glimmered a bit through in Elden Ring's legacy dungeons but even there bosses aren't unique and story focused like in DeS.

        • 5 months ago

          The world just wasn't ready yet for a Strand-type game.

        • 5 months ago

          The DS1 DLC was definitely a turning point for FROMSOFT. A lot of people like to complain about enemy spam in DS2, but AotA did it first.

    • 5 months ago

      >he didn't learn to parry Havel

  9. 5 months ago

    my first Souls game was Dark Souls in the 360 as I only got back into gaming around 2010
    i remember getting my shit pushed in pretty good the first time I played
    I then got the game on ps3 and PC and logged thousands of hours into it followed by Demon's Souls

  10. 5 months ago

    I always stop playing after beating ornstein and smough

  11. 5 months ago

    It was really good. Dex build, archery and pyromancy. The community was chill. Did a lot of co op, a bit of invading but mostly duels. DS1 was a hit because very few knew about Demon’s Souls i think, so everything was brand new. I went and played Demon’s afterwards and i noticed that they reused quite a lot from that game. Solid series, despite its shortcomings.

  12. 5 months ago

    I remember wasting a whole bunch of humanity because I had no fricking clue how kindling worked

  13. 5 months ago

    Got bored at anor londo with those giant knights that took 30 minutes each to kill and quit. I should probably give it another go one day

  14. 5 months ago

    I had played demon's souls religiously before dark souls came out so I knew what to expect. Played on ps3.
    Still surprised and impressed me. Good times.

  15. 5 months ago

    I got really lucky and dropped the black knight sword and shit stomped the game with little to no difficulty

    • 5 months ago

      Praise RNG. Does this happen often with you?

      • 5 months ago

        yeah. in path of exile I dropped a mirror in under 100 hours played, which is something people go 10k+ hours without dropping. I'm just that guy.

  16. 5 months ago

    I was a dex pyro and burninated my way to victory because fire magic is cash money. It so happened I also picked the Witch's Ring so I got access to chaos pyromancy too.

    Unfortunately I played the game super late, so I missed the glory days of the online component. Mostly played in hollow form because all the invaders I ever got were heavily minmaxed and I had no clue how the frick to fight them.

  17. 5 months ago

    I used the Drake Sword alot.

  18. 5 months ago

    >halberd & board quality build
    >die 300 times to quelaags fire fart
    >get lost in the archives
    >snap and throw on full havels after dying to the 4 kings a bunch
    >spend most of ng+ doing forest PvP
    take me back

  19. 5 months ago

    i never found the hidden bonfire in lost izalith and have probably spent more than a hour doing corpse runs to bed of chaos because of it

  20. 5 months ago

    I played on PS3 and quit at Blighttown. It was, without exaggeration, literally unplayable. I was also annoyed it edged closer to open world than Demon's was, but these days I appreciate that it's still a series of corridors with fast travel so I don't mind. It was after 2 came out that I finally beat it and moved on to 2 after that

  21. 5 months ago

    >What was your first Dark Souls playthrough like?
    So I got a demo version of Dark Souls 1 first, I knew that buying a shitty console port would be a mistake.
    >get into the game
    >create whatever
    >rush through the first castle walls
    >end up at the first bridge (with a dragon)
    >discover the campfire back at the beginning of the bridge
    >quickly realize, that I can just afk bot unlimited experience by killing the monster on the brigde using the dragon
    >over, and over, and over again
    >go wiki, look up xp table
    >do math
    >1 month of afk botting with 1-2 minute runs on average will allow me to max everything out
    >lose interest in the game immediatly
    while browsing the internet discover that
    >pick mage
    >ez game gg
    also werks.
    Never played fromsoftware slop ever again.

    • 5 months ago

      Not reading that. The console version came out a year before PC you thick c**t

      • 5 months ago

        nobody gives a shit about the consoles, you moronic peasant. either I try a game out on PC or the game doesn't exist.

        • 5 months ago

          Exposed as an idiot.

        • 5 months ago

          >nobody gives a shit about the consoles, you moronic peasant. either I try a game out on PC or the game doesn't exist.

    • 5 months ago

      It’s not a game made for autists.

      • 5 months ago

        if the character isn't meant to be maxxed out, why the frick create levels and experience gain in the first place? This is not me being turbo autismo btw, that is a legit question.
        If the entire purpose of the game is to learn all of the clunky mechanics and iframes for melee, then why the frick do archers and mages exist in that game?
        Also, later (years), I watched cheeze videos on youtube, just to see, if people picked up on maxing out their characters in the early game by doing frick all. No, but everybody cheeses bosses like crazy. Bow, bombs, magic. Or/and exploit NPC stupidity.
        Also, sometimes dark souls are more of load game - cheese - didn't get drop, load game - cheese - didn't get drop, repeat till you get what you want/need.

        • 5 months ago

          >if the character isn't meant to be maxxed out, why the frick create levels and experience gain in the first place?
          So you get to experience levelling.
          Once you have played trough the game you have a rough idea on what upgrading costs, what equipment to buy, and where to farm. And where its worth sequence breaking to get more stuff.

          Buy first time you don't get that.
          You don't know if splurging to level is worth it or not. What the softcaps are, or what the plateaus are for the stat curves.
          >But why are there builds
          Because its good when it works out, and From is good at is, and has been since making Armored Core eons age.

          • 5 months ago

            >So you get to experience levelling.
            I mean, you do experience it pretty fast in the first area anyway
            >Once you have played trough the game you have a rough idea on what upgrading costs
            Or look up a wiki and do a bit of math.
            >and where to farm
            welp, that was my point. farm first bridge using a bot of all things and you'll be 99 everything in a month.
            >Buy first time you don't get that.
            I did. At the first bridge.
            >You don't know if splurging to level is worth it or not. What the softcaps are, or what the plateaus are for the stat curves.
            True. I didn't know and I still don't know it. But, why would it matter, if you can max out all the stats anyway?
            >Because its good when it works out, and From is good at is
            from what I understand, the balance between weapons and builds is trash.

            • 5 months ago

              I get it anon
              You hate fun.

              Nothing wrong with that. But it do mean you will experience less fun.

              • 5 months ago

                That's a bit uncharitable. I think anon has a different relation with "fun".

                >So you get to experience levelling.
                I mean, you do experience it pretty fast in the first area anyway
                >Once you have played trough the game you have a rough idea on what upgrading costs
                Or look up a wiki and do a bit of math.
                >and where to farm
                welp, that was my point. farm first bridge using a bot of all things and you'll be 99 everything in a month.
                >Buy first time you don't get that.
                I did. At the first bridge.
                >You don't know if splurging to level is worth it or not. What the softcaps are, or what the plateaus are for the stat curves.
                True. I didn't know and I still don't know it. But, why would it matter, if you can max out all the stats anyway?
                >Because its good when it works out, and From is good at is
                from what I understand, the balance between weapons and builds is trash.

                Anon, what sort of game do you play? Not trying to pick on you, just genuinely interested in how your mind clicks.

              • 5 months ago

                logical one. Improvement of the character makes/should make, traditionally, the game more fun. Depending on the game itself, I don't like to play the circumsized character, I want to play a capable one. So the first to figure out is how to get the pesky leveling system, if any, out of the way as easily as possible.
                Leveling to me shouldn't ever be about making a character stronger in a videogame. It should, perhaps indicate the experience of a player with the game or the time spent in the game, but it shouldn't be a barrier.
                Lots of videogames get balance very wrong, in that, a lvl 1 naked character is a useless piece of shit, while level 1000 naked character obliterates the entire game in 1 swing. Question then becomes: wtf? Regardless of the title one is playing, there is usually something else that adds to the lvling, be it loots/drops, crafting, and so on. And that what makes the game then interesting for most people, not the leveling itself.

                TL;DR: For the past 20 something years leveling has only ever been an artificial barrier instead of a gameplay element, sadly. Because the balance is off.

              • 5 months ago

                >Leveling to me shouldn't ever be about making a character stronger in a videogame.
                That's one of the main aspects of the Souls games, though. You start massively underleveled than everyone else. So you don't rely on high damage alone to tackle opponents. On top of that, you have to learn how to engage with enemies, so skill is also required. It's a dual component made to create a challenge. If you remove leveling ASAP you will be breaking the intended design by half, which is to level accordingly to your progress.
                I get your point, though. I guess Sekiro is much more your type of game.

              • 5 months ago

                >That's one of the main aspects of the Souls games, though.
                Most games, the so called RPG's anyway, regardless of the form and the amount of the symbols before or after those 3 letters. And I don't understand that sickness of the industry. Pacman, Mario, Tetris, other legenedary games, are fun without an extra leveling system on top of all the mechanics and rulesets.
                >On top of that, you have to learn how to engage with enemies, so skill is also required. It's a dual component made to create a challenge.
                Right. So, what is wrong with just making a challenging game without a character level system? AI has been cheating against human players in all sorts of videogames since time immemorial. Otherwise it was just too ez and boring. I doubt videogame players have as much problem with difficulty as it seems. But I do get why people would have a problem with extra needless systems, that waste their time.
                >If you remove leveling ASAP you will be breaking the intended design by half, which is to level accordingly to your progress.
                Design your game without power gains leveling system from the ground up? Simply tweak the numbers too. Or make an infinite leveling system, at least as much as a 64bit variable will allow you. Why is the player forcefully, yet arbitrarily, stopped at a certain number? Never really made sense to me. Or make a levele system that is tied to the achievements/ingame deeds/activities/feats/all that stuff. Why not? Only turbo autismo will then ever get to max level anyway. Nothing changes, because most players would never reach max level in a Souls game, for example.

    • 5 months ago

      are you a genuine moron
      why would you assume an area you can reach in 5 minutes would give the best xp rates in the entire game

  22. 5 months ago

    I got the super gay experience of having King's Field still fresh in my mind and having purchased a PS3 for MGS4 finding out the devs of my favorite slow as frick dungeon crawler made a third person version of it with multiplayer? I was pretty excited. Enjoyed my time with it.

  23. 5 months ago

    Got cursed by the sewers frogs shit and couldn't figure out how the frick I was supposed to fix my characters, rage quit that day. Came back the next day after reading how to cure it. Bullshit kino

  24. 5 months ago

    first played it a friends house doing undead asylum on PS3.
    thought the combat was clunky and didn't understand why the attack buttons were triggers.
    got to the top of the asylum dropped into the boss and was immediately buttfricked by the demon.
    i didn't think much of the game so we played some multiplayer game after.

    couple years later when i got a PC, discovered the beauty of steam sales and bought dozens of games, DS was one of them.
    i chose the warrior class followed the tutorials signs and fought the demon again, it was tough because i was still getting used to the jank movoement, but i prevailed.

    then i went to the graveard and got killed by the skeletons.
    then i went to the new londo ruins and turned back because it was spooky as frick (didn't even encounter the ghosts at the time)
    i was baffled at what the frick to do until my mate told i had to go up the stairs to undead burgh.

    so i go to the burgh and try to kill the black knight. took me several tries backstabbing.
    i kill havel next. bastard one shots me even while blocking so i cheese him outside to fall to his death and picked up his ring.

    at this point in the game i'm fairly invested. two tough enemies that aren't even bosses, the taurus demon was a cake walk when you get the gimmick (sill took me several tries with how jank the movement is still)

    i get to undead parish. i spend time with andre the blacksmith upgrading my gear. i farm the balder knights for their sword, sheild, shards and souls. they can parry/riposte so i don't frick around with them.

    i notice an elevator in the church. i walk in and it feels like the longest ride of my entire life. then as the light pours in,
    i realise i'm back at the firelink shrine.
    that's when i realised i was playing the greatest game of all time.

  25. 5 months ago

    >make it to sens fortress
    >constantly die because of dogshit area design
    >make it to the bottom and get eaten by a mimic
    >stop playing for a couple years
    >beat every other souls game and platinum Bloodborne
    >come back and easily finish sens fortress
    >make it to Anor Londo
    >it's all dogshit level design with tiny rails and platforming
    >drop the game entirely

    if I wanted to play Mario I'd do it.

  26. 5 months ago
    Santa Claus

    Got filtered by Asylum Demon.
    Why does he take like 800 punches to kill?

  27. 5 months ago
    Uncle SHiN

    >What was your first Dark Souls playthrough like?
    I leveled Resistance.

  28. 5 months ago

    Metagaming wasn't as much of a thing then so didn't know what the frick was going on and stopped playing

  29. 5 months ago

    Never beat it. Got tired of it within the first two hours, when I realized that it was just a blatant rehash of Demon's Souls.

  30. 5 months ago

    Unpatched 360 version. The definitive experience.

  31. 5 months ago

    My first Dark Souls playthrough was on the PS3. It was my introduction into the Souls series and was playing as the Knight. I was oblivious to the mechanics and had to restart from scratch. Then everything fell into place after multiple playthroughs.

  32. 5 months ago

    >didnt look up shit
    >took 6 hours to beat O&S
    >look up kill vids
    >realize that I was about 40 levels underleveled and had to upgrade my weapon
    >was using a broadsword with no upgrades
    >realize the entire series isn't even about technique. It's all about doing as much damage as possible per opening so you can deal with the least amount of boss attacks

  33. 5 months ago

    >didn't know people could invade you
    >didn't know about parries and backstabs
    >drop the bkh
    >randomly get mario 64'd into a painting
    >wear the pardoner set + bkh because it looks edgy
    It was something

  34. 5 months ago

    I skipped lower Undead Burg and the Depths by going through Darkroot Basin into the Valley of Drakes. So I ended up in Anor Londo with a +5 Longsword and no large ember.
    I got stuck on O&S for a while, assuming the large ember is gated behind them at first and thinking everything was fine. I had to change my approach and looked at what other weapons I could use.
    >Hm, what's this "Black Knight Greatsword" I have here?
    Mnaaged to upgrade it to +3 with what I had, leveled up strength a little to two-hand it and needless to say, I had a much easier time.

  35. 5 months ago

    really hard

  36. 5 months ago

    heres a screenshot from my first playthrough. i was so excited that I killed the gaping dragon.

  37. 5 months ago

    rented dark souls on 360 through gamefly, got killed by skeletons, took a bit to realize the right way, didn't really like the game, but the idea was great. I got to the gape dragon and stopped playing, then when prepare to die edition on steam came out I reengaged fully beat it like 6 times and it's one of my favorite games.

  38. 5 months ago

    If it just wasn't for the terribly compressed audio, the Switch version would have been hands down the best console version of the game.
    So a real shame they fricked up the audio.

    • 5 months ago

      There's a mod on nexusmods that fixes it

  39. 5 months ago

    Came from DeS but my first DS I got the Baldur Side Sword early and built around it.

  40. 5 months ago

    I saw demon souls in gamepro as a preview back then and I didn't have a ps3 only a 360 so I never got to play it even though I really wanted too.

  41. 5 months ago

    It was my first FROM sequel so I mostly wondered why the frick everythig looks and feels like a chink ripoff of des
    On the bright side before pc release souls threads were pretty fun

  42. 5 months ago

    I was fat rolling, saving my souls instead of spending them, idk where to go and i never upgrade my weapon. I drop the game until elden ring came out and forced myself to learn how to play it.

    • 5 months ago

      >forced myself to learn how to play it.
      Did you?

      • 5 months ago

        yeah. the phrase "bad at games = bad at life" ringing in my ears every time i feel frustrated in games. everytime i feel sad, guts theme is playing in my head as i sit in that chair infront of my puter. i remember "if guts still didn't give up after everything hes been through, I can't give up as well YEEAARRRGHHHH!!!!!" so i learn how the game works from pure will to live and the internet.

        • 5 months ago


  43. 5 months ago

    I needed to go on a quest all around the world to cure a disease I got from harassing the disabled

  44. 5 months ago

    Kept resetting every time I fricked up my stats, on my final reset I got lucky and got the black knight halbert without realizing its the best weapon in the game.
    The only other things of note was me playing super defensively with a shield, I was one shooted by a twink, I got lost after ringing the first bell, I defeated most of the boss on my first attempt and I was so scared shitless of the gaping dragon and centipede demon that I used a summon on them.

  45. 5 months ago

    I didn't understand kindling so I'd run back to Firelink whenever I needed more estus

  46. 5 months ago

    >no clue what im doing
    >hard time getting out of burg
    >find pick related
    >carries me through the whole game
    i lightning infused it too

  47. 5 months ago

    14 years old playing on ps3
    i remember letting friends play when they came over and then laughing because they were asss at it
    also had a low SL build where i cosplayed as the iron golem in sens fortress invading nabs while severely handicapped by the heavy weight of the armor
    and the fight clubs in /dsg/, good times
    good times

  48. 5 months ago

    I put as much into strength as possible, got the heaviest weapon I could find, never leveled up health, and wore as little armor as possible. I was always bitter those builds were worthless in PVP, but PVE it was so fun.

  49. 5 months ago

    Day 1 blind.....

    I hope like everyone else, otherwise you are a homosexual waiting for guides or a loretuber homosexual frick you

  50. 5 months ago

    some fricker with a scraping spear fricked my shit up.
    I got owned and therefore had to do the same to other people.

  51. 5 months ago

    magic swordsman off a wanderer
    I tried really hard to make that work with the washing pole, and I guess it was okay
    it's a real shame the washing pole is basically trash compared to the uchi or the clay, I even got better use out of the gargs halberd

  52. 5 months ago

    One of the best gaming experiences I ever had. Loved the shit out of Demon's Souls and every new screenshot or article that came out about it felt like they were making my dream game. Got the special edition for PS3 and sunk hundreds of hours into it. If you didn't deal with pre-patch Lost Izalith and the dragon butts aggro range, you didn't beat the game.
    Also, online became shit the second the game got ported to 360 and PC.

  53. 5 months ago

    First "souls" game i played was des on ps3. A week before it came out i sold my 360 and bought a ps3 just for des, and i absolutely fell in love with it, because it was basically kingsfield/shadowtower but new. Then i got to 3-1 and raged immensely.

  54. 5 months ago

    Boring. Game is overrated. Bloodborne and Sekiro are infinitely better experiences

  55. 5 months ago

    >don't buy into the hype of ds1
    >don't get ds2 because everybody says its shit
    >ds3 comes out
    >get game
    >wow this is kind of stupid and unbalanced but fun
    >elden ring comes out
    >give up on fromsoft forever

  56. 5 months ago

    I miss and also don't miss GFWL.
    PC gamer so it was the first non-racing game I'd ever played with a controller -- a bit of a learning curve there.
    Almost dropped the game out of frustration in the catacombs but then I switched from Broadsword+0 to MorningStar+0 and it clicked with me as I slowly bashed my way through the skelly hordes until I found the Black Knight, who I killed slowly; he dropped his axe which I then used through the rest of my playthrough.
    Spread my stats out way too much so I had neither the VIT nor END to tank and ended up having to learn to dodge starting with Artorias; never found the silver talisman so I ended up unlocking and facing away from Manus to block his inward black magic attack.
    Still my favorite game in the series.

  57. 5 months ago

    Cheesed it with the Giant's build.

  58. 5 months ago

    Not my problem.

  59. 5 months ago

    >Friend was playing it for a week before me
    >Said he was super addicted
    >I decide to try it
    >Accidentally skip depths and blight town
    >Eventually reach Anor Londo
    >Pass him up in the playthrough
    >He loses interest in the game after this
    After that I started doing PVP before I beat the game, which made the rest of it a cake-walk.

  60. 5 months ago

    Str/Int, PtD edition on PC with a 360 controller, singleplayer the whole time.

  61. 5 months ago

    >Get game a few days after launch, for some reason it was already in a bin at EB Games
    >Super hyped from reading about DeS (never owned a Playstation)
    >Slowly exploring & fighting through the game, co-op with people from the start of areas (instead of just boss walls like you got in DS3)
    >Get invaded in Darkroot Forest
    >Invader accidentally rolls off the cliff near the stairs in
    >600k souls
    >Overlevels me and I get bored in Duke's Archives
    >Make a new character and enjoy the game thoroughly
    That experience is likely what makes me always do roleplay builds & steer away from things that seem too strong.

  62. 5 months ago

    MKB because too poor for console.
    Genuinely thought crystal weapons and dragon weapons are the best weapons in the game until they break.
    Found UGS as my true calling because I like staggering fools and clubs are visually pleb-tier.

  63. 5 months ago

    Honestly it was pretty frustrating. I had already played through and beaten Bloodborne first, and played maybe 3-5 hours of DS2. Decided to start at DS1 and go from there. I only ever played it fully one time so I'll run through my thoughts as I was playing it and how I feel reflecting on it.
    I thought Undead Burg was tough to start but very fun, I failed at Gargoyles for like two straight days, I thought Senn's Fortress was significantly easier than everyone said it was going to be, the Anor Londo devil things were giga flavor and one of my favorite things I saw all game. Hard to pick one though, I'll come back to this.
    Once I got to the Anor Londo archers the game absolutely fell apart. That one encounter pissed me off so badly and felt really bizarre and artificial to me because you're obviously supposed to use roll i-frames to make it feasible, which means rolling directly through arrows which just felt stupid. Pretty much every single thing from there on just felt bad. I loved the environment of the Demon Ruins, apparently everyone hates it but I thought it was cool actually. The copy paste 500 demons in the wide open room was just stupid, but I thought the gauntlet of capra demons leading up to that one bridge felt awesome imo. But Bed of Chaos was pure aids, the titanite demons are just a chore, the archives were super annoying, and that water area with the ghosts was obnoxious. Just felt like lots of esoteric interactions and challenges throughout, for better or worse, but until you figure everything out it feels shitty.
    The DLC was cool but incredibly short. Painted world felt like I was done in 5 minutes. Manus was very annoying. Gough is an underappreciated badass character.
    Overall though, it kept holding my interest because every area had some kind of really weird thing that made me thirst to see more. I have very bittersweet feelings about the game.

    • 5 months ago

      (character limit, cont.)
      The imprisonment sequence was particularly weird and very cool, with the music and everything. Killing Quelaag and seeing that weird half dead spider corpse woman surrounded by egg people and leading into the demon ruins. The invisible magic walkway in the crystal area of the archives. The hydra in the forest. The first titanite demon under the blacksmith. Lots of things I saw through the game I thought were very cool flavor pieces and hooks to keep me interested in finding more. The game has a lot of these cornerstone "wtf???" moments that keep you asking what exactly the frick is going on. Looking back it makes sense why people say this game has "soul". It keeps slamming you with these unique encounters and plunging you into the unknown and making you feel like around any corner could be anything, ANYTHING. But the problem that I felt was that between these awesome punchy moments were slogs of slamming your head into the wall over and over again until you figure out what you're doing wrong and also get the muscle memory and skill to keep moving forward. It was overall positive experience however it cannot be overstated exactly how frustrating it was along the way in between those awesome "wow" moments.

  64. 5 months ago

    I first played it when it was free on Xbox games with gold, but I didn't make it very far, I don't think I even fought the gargoyles. My roommate in college got really into it though and I watched him play parts of it.
    A bunch of my other friends were also really into the series, so when elden ring was coming out they got me into the hype and I played elden ring.
    After I enjoyed and finished elden ring I decided I wanted to give the dark souls games another chance so I got the ds1 remaster and played through it with the halberd (the most op weapon in the game) and the grass crest shield.
    I had a lot of fun but the game felt pretty easy after playing elden ring, hardly any bosses took me more than 2 or 3 tries. Until the dlc at least, manus and kalameet were tough.

  65. 5 months ago

    >spent too long dealing with Skeletons
    >spent 50% of the run at 70%+ weight wondering why the hell dodging got shittier
    >didn't kindle a bonfire until Anor Londo
    >killed a few NPC's thinking they were evil (In my defense the female undead merchant is a fricking monster just around the corner of a hallway, Elizabeth was a giant mushroom and Engyi was the same egg-monster from a room just beforehand)
    >used a shield, but never actually equipped it in my left hand because 2H'ing weapons was way cooler
    >let Laurtec live.

  66. 5 months ago

    I have played multiple times through Bloodborne, Elden Ring and Sekiro and once through DS3 but I have ragequit DS1 five or six times. How do I not get filtered by this venerable masterpiece?

    • 5 months ago

      the other two are cool but that Solaire cosplay is wack

      • 5 months ago

        Black person that's a DS2 Heide Knight

        • 5 months ago

          Otherwise known as the best fricking armor in DS2.

    • 5 months ago

      I've played through DS1 and Elden Ring multiple times, but DS2 and 3 never clicked for me.

  67. 5 months ago

    50 hours and only at Dukes Archives. Came back to the game 2 years later and hit 50 hours total. Second play through was much more satisfying

  68. 5 months ago

    got cursed in the depth and it's a fricking hell trying to get to the homosexual atop the tower to lift my curse, the 1st experience of souls game is really memorable and full of frustration. It felt like playing a survival horror games back then.

  69. 5 months ago

    I played demon souls to full completion, platinum too, and went with a largely str based build for dks1, just cause I liked unga bunga, and I was expecting magic to be similarly cheesy (it was, just not how I was expecting).

  70. 5 months ago

    Xbox 360 back in 2011, it was scary as frick but extremely exciting and tense. I don’t recall my exact character but I think I used some sort of greatsword and a bit of pyromancy and I think I mainly used Eastern Armor. I was the first one to write up attacks for the Sanctuary Guardian on the wiki. I remember Gargoyles feeling impossible and never ever fighting one of the cats in the forest because the first one scared the absolute shit out of me.
    First time I ever got invaded was by a Darkwraith role player who circled me in the tower before Taurus Demon. It was the coolest multiplayer experience I ever had and solidified my love for the game. I ended up playing it way more than Skyrim which I got around the same time.

    I remember seeing this trailer and nearly shitting myself with how cool it looked, though I had played a little bit of Demon’s Souls previously but didn’t own a PS3 myself: https://youtu.be/93LFz_j5fQA?si=2TdcbVtNvulRgn6u

    • 5 months ago

      Oh and I put the game down for three weeks because I never saw the staircase leading to Burg. Only ended up getting killed by ghosts or skeletons.

  71. 5 months ago

    >Start as a Knight
    >Rage quit on the rats under wyvern bridge poisoning me
    >Don't play for months

  72. 5 months ago

    I had a complete blast spamming spell and walling attacks with an enchanted shield. I can only enjoy these games with a staff in one hand and a big shield in the other.

  73. 5 months ago

    I wish I could go back and find out
    I remember dying repeatedly trying to get across that little bridge in the Undead Burg where the firebombs are being thrown down
    I remember dying and losing all the souls I had which I was saving up to buy full chainmail from the merchant there too, and that death made me scare my dog and my little sister with the rage
    It makes me laugh now thinking about it
    I put the best armour on didn't know about scaling poise or encumberance so I was fat rolling immediately I probably played Knight as well
    I remember using spears because I could poke from behind a shield
    I used the hollow knight shield for the entire game
    I got lucky and acquired a black knight halberd and used that for the rest of the game
    Didn't know how to backstab, parry or two hand weapons, and I only had a shitty low quality and artifacted jpeg image of how weapon upgrade paths worked to learn how to upgrade weapons
    I remember using a divine halberd in the catacombs because a friend told me I should get a divine weapon before going down there
    I think I was wearing Havels ring but I was still fat rolling actually, along with the blue tearstone ring
    I remember rage quitting for a day after failing to get through the crystal caverns invisible bridges
    I would certainly enjoy going back in time and watching how I played through kek

  74. 5 months ago

    went the wrong way and got filtered by the skeletons in the graveyard

    tried to just run past them but things got even worse

    thought "I heard this game was hard but this is bullshit"

    played again years later and discovered the true path (not through the graveyard)

  75. 5 months ago

    I started with Dark Souls 2 and got filtered by the Ancient Dragon. I didn't beat the game until the DLCs came out and I restarted from scratch.

  76. 5 months ago

    My first playthrough was odd as I played with a friend on ps3 who wanted to be summoned for bosses. We beat orstein and smough but I quit as wasn't feeling it.
    Then played demons souls alone, beat it and everything clicked so I went back to dark souls and restarted alone and got more immersed in the game. Found the Black Knight Greataxe and beat it.

  77. 5 months ago

    I wonder if the level design of DS1 was a complete nightmare to develop so much so that From never bothered to make another world without warping from the start. It's a shame, the sense of oppression being stuck in the depths or Blight Town and the elation at finally making out of there is still unmatched. Hope they go back to that design someday.

    • 5 months ago

      I think it's more that there was a cohesive vision for the world from the getgo. They developed a world, and people in it, rather than them developing grand characters with a world built around them, as in later titles.

  78. 5 months ago

    Got to Blighttown on my Xbox 360 and quit because the framerate was unplayable. Later completed it on pc and im pretty sure its one of the few games that made me want to play it again right after completing it.

  79. 5 months ago

    8fps on a laptop I used for school. mouse and keyboard, and because the port was busted af I had to us dsfix and an ahk script to hide the mouse cursor
    not sure there are any games I'd go through that for these days

  80. 5 months ago

    When I first played on the 360 I stopped playing after I beat O&S. I was using the sliver knight longsword and the blood shield while wearing the onion helm, silver knight chest, havel's gloves and boots.
    I didn't beat it until it came to PC. Using the same build I beat O&S again but got hard stuck on Artorias and gave up for about a year.
    Sometime later, I retried fighting Artorias after being instructed to use a Halberd of some kind. I ended up using the Lucerne which became my crutch for beating the rest of the game.
    When I finally fought Gwyn for the first time, I went in with full havel's, grass crest shield on back, popped an elizbeth's mushroom, and then face-tanked Gwyn to victory.
    After that, I became a Halberd guy.

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