What was your first WoW character?

Mine was a tauren druid named Taurendruid. I played on a 100 ppl pserver. I picked tauren because I thought they are the most evil looking monster race. My older friend who introduced me to the game also played one. Some months later I made a paladin, because I was obsessed with who has the highest HP. The name was Palladindani and I chose the shortest hairstyle so that my belf wouldn't look so gay

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  1. 3 months ago

    undead mage called deadmage. free pvp trinket skill

  2. 3 months ago

    A human warlock.
    Like legit who wouldn't play a fricking lock if they played WC II or III?

  3. 3 months ago

    First two were on my dads account
    First one was a human warlock because my dad told me they could transform. It turned out that class was druids not warlocks so I rerolled very early on. After I reached level 12, my dad was tired of me using his account so he gave me my own account.
    My first character on that account was a night elf hunter, because I heard that freezing trap can trap someone in a block of ice. That sounded super op to me but once I got to that level I found out the target breaks free if it takes damage and I was disappointed. I named him Glowvaton, because I thought his glowing eyes made him look evil, so Glow referred to his eyes and Vaton sounded like Vader. I still played that hunter for quite some time, before wrath came out.

  4. 3 months ago

    more evil than an undead ghoul? what a retarf

    • 3 months ago

      Minotaur are more badass than undead

  5. 3 months ago

    I bounced around a whole lot starting out. It was probably a human something or other because my first memories of the game are Northshire. The first character I got to 10 was a dwarf hunter I think, and the first character I got to 60 was a dwarf warrior (who was my main through BC and into Wrath before I swapped to Horde).

    I miss old WoW so much. Kharanos, Northshire, the Barrens and the Loch. I still get chills listening to Stormwind's music. I wanna go home again.

  6. 3 months ago

    My first character was a gnome warrior and I played on a server that I would later find out was around 99% horde. I got to like level 40 completely solo without ever doing a dungeon and then got bored of the game.

    Genuinely don't understand why the frick Blizzard won't be transparent about faction ratios in this kusoge.

  7. 3 months ago

    I got conned into playing wow with friends so thought a lolrandum tauen shaman would be fun. Since it was farthest from human warrior I could think of getting. Also because they were sweats on a pvp server and I didn't mind being healbitch. At least it was different than click thing until dead, unless I wanted that.

    I had fun but did not like the rabbit hole of getting snagged into the top realm guild. It challenged me though, and before I knew it I was one of their best shamans. I could use tremor totem like fear ward, because I had latency with the server down pat.

    All that got me was gear and becoming a Orgrimmar peawiener. I just wanted lulz and became more sweaty than I wanted. To the point where just wanting to run undead strath in pugs for mats resulted in cringey responses like the whole group /kneeling when I joined.

    Probably why I'm so anti-sweat today. In that way I'm grateful.

    • 3 months ago

      >Actually wearing the shammy T2 pieces
      >Weapon not enchanted, other gear probably unenchanted as well
      >Assuming you have keybinds hidden but who knows really with Ganker
      You were far from sweaty

      • 3 months ago

        bad in the day that shit was all considered maximum sweat

      • 3 months ago

        That image is from vanilla, so
        >Shaman T2 bonus w/ T1 mix valid in raid
        >Literally just got it when pic taken
        >Doesn't know how keybinds work for Bartender betas in vanilla

  8. 3 months ago

    ne rogue

  9. 3 months ago

    >paying a monthly fee to play a game
    Even as a 13 year old I found the mere concept a fricking scam.
    My opinion only got stronger with time

    • 3 months ago

      Kys troony

      • 3 months ago

        your semitic powers will never work on me Shlomo, I'll NEVER give you money

  10. 3 months ago

    Undead rogue, got to level 10 and hated it. Then I made an undead priest and loved it, been a priest in classic wow ever since.

  11. 3 months ago

    i played male dwarf warrior in the original open beta and got up to level 20 something.

    and then rolled male gnome warrior at launch on a pvp server(illidan) because it seemed so hilarious to kill big giant orcs and taurens as a little gnome who was constantly shouting "I'm out of range!" more than if I had remained a dwarf. (also escape artist seemed better after learning the game in beta a bit)

    i was the first lvl 60 warrior on alliance side on illidan, but not first lvl 60. i basically farmed lvl 55-60 orcs in searing gorge because they dropped items that let me heal myself (heal pots, food, and cloth i could make bandages out of). most other warriors were struggggggggling to level trying to do quests in highly contested pvp areas. i also crafted teh first arcanite reaper and stronghold gauntlets on the server.

    then we transferred to stonemaul. where i the eye of ragnaros on our first ragnaros kill but had never seen any ingots. we had to beg other guilds to sell em ours. random people on the server helped me get like 20k gold to buy them all just cause people wanted to see me craft it before some homosexual paladin in another guild got an eye(because so many warriors were mad a guild gave it to a ret paladin)

    pic related is from the wow test server when they first added warsong gulch to the game. i was the ONLY person - on either faction - that had all 3 : arcanite reaper, stronghold gauntlets, and lionheart helm - because i abused the test server's "copy character" ability and cloned a over 100 arcanite bars. i fricking stomped warsong gulch before anyone even knew what was going on.

    i was likely partly the reason blizzard notoriously nerfed heavy, slow speed weapon damage multipler with their "weapon damage normalization" patch


  12. 3 months ago

    Night Elf Mohawk.

    • 3 months ago

      goddammit Mr. T

  13. 3 months ago

    Final Fantasy XIV

  14. 3 months ago

    i was a tauren warrior because taurens were the coolest in wc3

  15. 3 months ago

    gnome mage, started playing during the prepatch of bc with a friend. eventually I made a rogue while waiting for him to get on and outleveled my mage and hit 60 two days before bc released, eventually went on to get glad on my rogue. I'm old.

  16. 3 months ago

    Undead Warlock. Hated the fact you couldn't mute your imp. Finished the WoW 20 day trail and went Dwarf Paladin as my official character to max

  17. 3 months ago

    dwarf paladin named gunes

  18. 3 months ago

    nelf rogue and then around level 30 I made an undead mage

  19. 3 months ago

    Night Elf Hunter on Dalaran server during WoTLK. I saw some guys on the mammoths and the motorcycle mount and I was immediately hooked. To this day, I want a house in Teldrassil.

  20. 3 months ago

    >I picked tauren because I thought they are the most evil looking monster race
    Ah yes the cow is the most evil one. Not the red eyed elf, not the deformed goblin, not the rotting undead, not the nignog orc, no no, it's the cow standing on two feet.

    • 3 months ago

      >red eyed elf
      >deformed goblin
      not playable and unfortunately were never deformed or cool looking in warcraft
      >rotting undead
      skinny and quite lame looking. the huge minotaur can crush him with one hand and skewer him on his horn.
      >nignog orc
      orcs are noble whites

  21. 3 months ago

    >wow is getting really big as i go into highschool
    >theres a dude named toren
    ah that was fun

  22. 3 months ago

    human warrior got bored in goldshire and went troll hunter. This was in 2006-2007? I can't remember. End of Vanilla.

  23. 3 months ago

    Gnome mage named Skarrow.
    I played him up till like halfway through BC launch before I realized my brother had quit, so I no longer had any reason to continue playing alliance.
    Made a Tauren shaman and never looked back.

  24. 3 months ago

    male human warrior named Jerdon on a private server, probably wowbeez

  25. 3 months ago

    Night elf druid.

    The concept of having different animal forms to play different roles really appealed to me. I wanted to play Horde but Tauren was the only race at the time that could be druids, and I just didn't like how they already looked like an animal to begin with.

  26. 3 months ago

    Is there any way to play vanilla WoW these days that isn't trash? SoD is cancer and Blizzard's Vanilla Era servers are like 5 years old. Any good private servers that are relatively fresh and aren't run by trannies?

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe wowcircle

    • 3 months ago

      turtle wo-
      >aren't run by trannies
      dunno lol

  27. 3 months ago

    Dwarf Hunter, purely because of the comfy opening cinematic. Coldridge Valley, warm mitts, beer basted boar ribs, the sharp crack of a rifle echoing over the mountains. Take me back bros.

    • 3 months ago

      Same. I wanted to be a dwarf with a gun anyway after playing WC3, but the opening cutscene made me want to be a dwarf with a gun AND a pet bear.

  28. 3 months ago

    Night elf priest on Eldre'Thalas. I started early Feb, 2006. I got into the game from a girl I played The Sims Online with. She sped through leveling and I took my time, made friends, got my other friends from high school to play with me.

    I played Classic, SoD, but as close as it gets: it doesn't quite recreate it. The zeitgeist of the 00's isn't there, the mannerisms and etiquette of old are gone from the community. MMORPGs really are ruined by MMORPG players.

  29. 3 months ago

    Reminder that a WoW machinima is probably going to win best documentary at the next Oscars. What a time we live in.


  30. 3 months ago

    Dwarf hunter, because of the intro cinematic. I left the starting zone without killing a single enemy because I wanted to quest elsewhere. I ended up missing the dwarf town in Dun Morogh entirely, not that I would have been able to accept any quests there, and decided I needed to find a city for quests. I logged out in the entrance of some massive temple with a giant statue of a dwarf in it because it looked like a dead end, and I gave up finding a city.

    Next character I made was a night elf druid, and I actually paid attention to how to play the game. Mostly got my ass beat in furbolg dens, though.

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