What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago


      Everything after Volga

      Completely changed the setting and tone in order to become a decent but forgettable far cry in chunks. If it wasn't called metro it may have been received better. Sam's my homie though

      I unironically stopped playing during the caspian part.
      The jank was already getting on my nerves but this area just sucks and Metro's combat system does not work in long-range.
      The AI is straight up busted and will shoot you through walls from half a mile away.
      I distinctly remember a section where after taking out a sniper on a crane you're then confronted with a group of enemies, this situation was the best example.

      Can't wait for a Metro TV show to revive this ip

      >inb4 Metro Awakening

      Most of the open parts are basically filler which doesn't compare well against the linear sections which metro is known for and is what 4A design best.

      Shut up.

  2. 1 month ago

    Everything after Volga

    • 1 month ago

      I unironically stopped playing during the caspian part.
      The jank was already getting on my nerves but this area just sucks and Metro's combat system does not work in long-range.
      The AI is straight up busted and will shoot you through walls from half a mile away.
      I distinctly remember a section where after taking out a sniper on a crane you're then confronted with a group of enemies, this situation was the best example.

  3. 1 month ago

    Completely changed the setting and tone in order to become a decent but forgettable far cry in chunks. If it wasn't called metro it may have been received better. Sam's my homie though

  4. 1 month ago

    >What went wrong?
    nothing, it's a wonderful traveling journey and all the sections aboard the Aurora are magical and soulful. The only part little underwhelming is the desert portion which I would have replaced with an entire section of bunkers and underground tunnels. The dlcs are excellent too and the game do honor to the original source

  5. 1 month ago

    Can't wait for a Metro TV show to revive this ip

    >inb4 Metro Awakening

  6. 1 month ago

    it's a decent game. the dead city and two colonels dlc are kino.
    wasn't a fan of the mutant redesigns though, the watchmen and little rat homies were iconic in the first two games and they made them look like pugs in Exodus. kinda pissed me off ngl

  7. 1 month ago

    Miller dies
    That shoulder shake when Artyom wakes up hits me hard. I think it realistically portrays how one would do in that situation, still in denial, due to how quickly and intensely things went.

  8. 1 month ago

    nothing really
    the way the characters grow on you and develop naturally during the journey was great and I hope it gets a sequel
    it feels like they wanted to make their own slav fallout and it worked pretty well
    I wouldnt mind them returning into the metro but only if its more open and you can choose which stations to go through instead of being railroaded (heh)

  9. 1 month ago

    Most of the open parts are basically filler which doesn't compare well against the linear sections which metro is known for and is what 4A design best.

    • 1 month ago

      The entire like last third of the story existing cause she fell in a hole and got exposed was really fricking stupid too.

      • 1 month ago

        Dunno that was kinda refreshing for a change. Instead of yet another big doomsday plot you now go through all that shit just to save someone who got unlucky during a routine mission.

  10. 1 month ago

    Nothing, other than the cannibal bunker level.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, that aged really bad.

      • 1 month ago

        One cannibal sure but a whole platoon or maybe even more of them is just too much.

        • 1 month ago

          >but a whole platoon or maybe even more of them is just too much.
          Why? It's explained why it happened. Their supplies were low when the war broke out. They couldn't leave the bunker because the radiation outside was extreme.

          • 1 month ago

            No, not that. It was a prion virus. They did limited hunting outside the bunker and ate the meat from their hunts.
            A few got infected. Then a lot of them got infected. The cannibalism thing just kinda came along naturally because their minds were being degenerated by Prions. Basically SCP-008.

      • 1 month ago

        One cannibal sure but a whole platoon or maybe even more of them is just too much.


        • 1 month ago

          This Ukraine-made game has an episode with a bunker full of cannibal Russians.
          After the war in Ukraine has started, there were multiple episodes of Ukrainians PROUDLY posting videos of themselves eating human flesh on the internet not to mention their unhealthy love for jokes with cannibalism innuendoes they were known to display long before that. So it totally wasn't a projection.

          • 1 month ago

            >things that never happened

            • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago

            to be fair, that was really just two or three freaks from the azov batallion and they all died a few months in because azov battalion hq was one of the first cities captured in the war, so it didn't really effect anything.

  11. 1 month ago

    >tfw no anna wife

    • 1 month ago

      Now i'm not saying I was crouching behind her to perv, all I was doing was getting into a stable firing position. Honest.

  12. 1 month ago

    It was a good game. Solid 8/10. Best Metro.

  13. 1 month ago

    having to stealth the tundra was a pain

    • 1 month ago

      All the stealth sections suck fat dick, stealth in video games has never been done well and is always moronic.
      I've found that enemies are sometimes completely blind and others times they detect me without even looking in my direction through a wall.
      There's a section where you have to steal a water tanker and I can replicate the exact scenario on a staircase where they detect me despite not being in view of a single person.

      • 1 month ago

        if you want good stealth, you need to play a game that is actually focused on good stealth

        • 1 month ago

          >2 never

          • 1 month ago

            dev said 2 is near completion

      • 1 month ago

        >All the stealth sections suck fat dick, stealth in video games has never been done well and is always moronic.
        Play MGS or Splinter Cell moron.

      • 1 month ago

        >All the stealth sections suck fat dick
        the volga bridge was cool thoughover

      • 1 month ago

        Only stealth ive ever liked in gaming was Dishonored. It was the only title that made you feel like a real assassin running on rooftops. I also feel like it was difficult but fair, which is a tough balance to strike in that type of game.

        Stealth in most games feels like an afterthought, in most other bethesda games like Skyrim it never works properly and im never able to even get around the enemies undetected. Even the modern assassins creed games have ruined stealth, when that was the whole point of the originals.

    • 1 month ago

      All the stealth sections suck fat dick, stealth in video games has never been done well and is always moronic.
      I've found that enemies are sometimes completely blind and others times they detect me without even looking in my direction through a wall.
      There's a section where you have to steal a water tanker and I can replicate the exact scenario on a staircase where they detect me despite not being in view of a single person.

      Tundra was by far the worst part, which is a shame because I was actually hyped to explore a vast forest map but then it ends up being 100% linear with a shit bullet sponge boss fight. Also the stealth section with the pirates was a nightmare if you went non-lethal.

      Good thing the ending made up for all that though, 100% pure kino from the moment you arrive all the way until the credits roll.

    • 1 month ago

      All the stealth sections suck fat dick, stealth in video games has never been done well and is always moronic.
      I've found that enemies are sometimes completely blind and others times they detect me without even looking in my direction through a wall.
      There's a section where you have to steal a water tanker and I can replicate the exact scenario on a staircase where they detect me despite not being in view of a single person.

      Tundra was by far the worst part, which is a shame because I was actually hyped to explore a vast forest map but then it ends up being 100% linear with a shit bullet sponge boss fight. Also the stealth section with the pirates was a nightmare if you went non-lethal.

      Good thing the ending made up for all that though, 100% pure kino from the moment you arrive all the way until the credits roll.

      Really? I usually murder everything in video games when given the option but stealthed the tundra for bestest ending and I had a blast, something about crawling through wolf infested woods at night and dodging patrols was actually really fun to me for some reason. Its my favourite level for the atmosphere.

  14. 1 month ago

    >forced airgun slot
    >no Hellsing for 75% of the game
    >even when you do get it, you don't get the iconic revolver mechanism until the literal final few minutes of the last level

  15. 1 month ago

    I remember being excited for an open world metro because I assumed it would still be based in the subways. What a disappointment that ended up, I ended up never even playing the game.

    • 1 month ago

      >I ended up never even playing the game.
      wow lol go play it dude

  16. 1 month ago

    swamp and desert were not compelling enough to be open world and were annoying to traverse
    >artyom you stupid frick just pick up your gun and shoot the lobsters already
    bunker and dead city were lame
    two colonels was a 2 hour cutscene
    taiga and sams story were great chapters, rest of the game should have been like them

    • 1 month ago

      Taiga was going to be another huge level on the same size as Volga and Caspian but they cut it down and played the totally-not-tired-and-worn-out cliche where you lose all your gear.

      • 1 month ago

        yeah the writing sucks but the first fight in the school with everyone using crossbows was so damn good on ranger hardcore that it made me forget the shitty bear fight

      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          holy shit

    • 1 month ago

      Dead City is great though, easily my favorite level of the series atmosphere-wise
      Taiga was a slog to play through but fighting tribals with crossbows was fun, the level looked good as well

    • 1 month ago

      Taiga was literally false advertisement for Exodus. It was in the reveal trailer.

      >Stalker but good
      >Killing bugs in an empty swamp and killing zombies in an empty desert

      • 1 month ago

        im not condoning their practices, i just found it better than the other boring ass levels

  17. 1 month ago

    Cute slav waif

  18. 1 month ago

    Dunno man i think It was alright. Volga mogs the rest of the regions but I didn't think they were bad, they ranged between alright and good.

    BTW the captain dlc was kino as frick. After playing the three games it was a great sendoff.

  19. 1 month ago

    nothing? it's a good game and made me want to play the earlier games

  20. 1 month ago

    I just don't get the semi open-world part.
    Why not make the Metro semi open-world? Why does it have to be outside? I already hated all surface levels in the 2 games before.

    Exodus became great when you entered the soviet bunker or the snow/metro apocalypse part at the end

  21. 1 month ago

    Open world


    • 1 month ago

      Creatively bankrupt. Removed everything that made the originals good (metro setting, janky weapons, bullet currency, horror) and replaced it with the most laughably bad and predictable post apocolyptic tropes I've ever seen in a videogame.

      It's unironically one of the worst games I've ever played

      you will never be a big youtuber

  22. 1 month ago

    Creatively bankrupt. Removed everything that made the originals good (metro setting, janky weapons, bullet currency, horror) and replaced it with the most laughably bad and predictable post apocolyptic tropes I've ever seen in a videogame.

    It's unironically one of the worst games I've ever played

    • 1 month ago

      Taiga was literally false advertisement for Exodus. It was in the reveal trailer.

      >Stalker but good
      >Killing bugs in an empty swamp and killing zombies in an empty desert

      its the best stalker game though

      • 1 month ago

        Nah, Slavs just can't into open worlds. Atomic Heart could've been a pretty decent FPS too but it's ruined by it's empty open world too.

      • 1 month ago

        No that is far cry 2.

  23. 1 month ago

    not enough metro
    game punishes you moronicly for shooting people
    every level after volga
    game still has parts where it will 100% crash if you look a certain direction
    weapons getting dirty quickly
    enemies dont really drop enough stuff to even make it worth shooting them

    • 1 month ago

      >enemies don't really drop enough stuff to even make it worth shooting them
      Holy frick this, not only that but they are MASSIVE bullet sponges and practically force you to headshot-only.
      I never saw a reason to use anything other than the AK to 1-tap people in the head.

      • 1 month ago

        They really, REALLY wanted you to be using the Tikhar for most of the game, hence why you're forced to carry it in a slot and can easily make ammo for it.

  24. 1 month ago

    The main story is kino even if too front loaded
    The DLC's are kino
    The shooting is there, and the crafting was not as annoying as I thought it would be.
    The train scenes made me to depressed to continue the first time i started playing.
    it was more of the same but in a good way.

    • 1 month ago

      >The train scenes made me to depressed
      The train sections are used very well to set the mood and keep the plot moving.

  25. 1 month ago

    frickin' NOTHING
    OP is once again a gay.
    The only game in the series that sucked ass was the second entry. 2033 and Exodus are kino in their own way.
    Also once I heard there's multiple endings I fricking had to go for the best one. Loved Exodus. Just wish we got all the cool upgrades topped off at the half-point of the game and not near the very end.

    • 1 month ago

      >The only game in the series that sucked ass was the second entry. 2033 and Exodus are kino in their own way.
      Last Light is a masterpiece compared to Exodus

  26. 1 month ago

    Nothing? I liked it. it basically felt like stalker lite with minature open world sections that didn't overstay their welcome before you moved onto the next. Probably my favorite metro game out of all of them honestly.

    >the story
    I have an IQ of 147, I don't care about the story of videogames because in comparison to even half the books I internalize, they're a fricking joke.

    • 1 month ago

      >I have an IQ of 147, I don't care about the story of videogames because in comparison to even half the books I internalize, they're a fricking joke.
      based 1% of the population anon
      story in videogames is really difficulty to implement when you have to also make sure that the gameplay isn't dogshit. Most of it is there for midwits to twists their nut sacks over.

      Also if I really wanted a story about post-apocalyptic anomalous landscapes, I'd read the books

  27. 1 month ago

    didn't shut it's hoe ass up and make some drums

  28. 1 month ago

    >having to frick around to get rid of the smeary visual filter
    >having to frick around for a decent FOV

  29. 1 month ago

    Unskippable cut scenes. I uninstalled the game after I died after a 10min cut scene + 5min gameplay. Game had autosaved before the cutscene.

  30. 1 month ago

    I'm playing it right now on Ranger mode and my only two complaints are that the way the game handles saves is moronic and the voice acting sucks both in english and in russian. Other than that, the game is great and the athmosphere is top notch. Also their implentation of TAA sucks ass.

  31. 1 month ago

    I don't know it if was just me but the dialogue is so fricking off-paced and disjointed.
    Characters will talk over the top of each-other and randomly cut what they're saying short.

    • 1 month ago

      The sound design is worse than amateurish. Using that same old library of low quality, 15-year-old sound effects didn't help either.

    • 1 month ago

      The sound design is worse than amateurish. Using that same old library of low quality, 15-year-old sound effects didn't help either.

      Oh so it wasn't just me. I always thought the sound mixing, especially during dialogs, are a bit strange, like characters talk next to your ears rather than at where they are standing.

  32. 1 month ago

    the middle. start and end was great. + comfy train

  33. 1 month ago

    >what went wrong?
    metro : last light

  34. 1 month ago

    Which versions should one play as a first-timer?
    >METRO 2033 (Special Edition) or Redux?
    >Last Light Complete or Redux?
    >Exodus Gold or Enhanced?

    I'm leaning towards the originals, to be able to experience them as they were first released. This way Reduxes (which remarkably altered the gameplay in both cases from what I read) could saved for a potential second playthrough. Though there's a good chance that might never happen. And although I don't bother with Ray-Tracing in 99% of the games EE being designed with specifically that in mind might put it in that 1%, so I'm a little torn with that one.

    • 1 month ago

      Metro 2033 handles combat and movement completely different from the rest of the franchise.
      LL: Complete. Redux is literally too bright. You basically have Toucan Sam Vision.
      Exodus Enhanced is just a graphical upgrade. Requires an RTX card.

      • 1 month ago

        Metro 2033 original is the choice that truly matters. Its far more sovlful than any other entry and i could write 3 huge text walls over good things it had that should have been kept

        Cool, thanks the input! I'll go with M2033 original, LL Complete and MEE then.

    • 1 month ago

      Metro 2033 original is the choice that truly matters. Its far more sovlful than any other entry and i could write 3 huge text walls over good things it had that should have been kept

  35. 1 month ago

    Should've stayed in the Moscow Metro. Anya was cute though and the story was moronic but the ending was still more emotional than anything else released in the last 5 years

    • 1 month ago

      Crazy to think none of the crew had Radsuit before getting on the train in the Intro

      • 1 month ago

        neither the metro nor the irradiated apocalyptic wasteland is known for radiation

        • 1 month ago

          >neither the metro nor the irradiated apocalyptic wasteland is known for radiation
          >irradiated apocalyptic wasteland
          hearty chuckle
          But still, I'm pretty sure some characters did mention to be mindful of radiation pockets in 2033/LL

  36. 1 month ago


  37. 1 month ago

    Anna's nipples

  38. 1 month ago

    NOTHING. The game is great and only homosexuals think it's bad.

  39. 1 month ago

    Nothing, the change from claustrophobic undergrounds to more open outside environments was just that, a change in environments. The quality of the game itself remained the same and it was just as kino as the other two games.
    Anna a cute.

    • 1 month ago

      See this is why I fricking hate video games

    • 1 month ago

      >The quality of the game itself remained the same

      • 1 month ago

        You have not played the game.

        • 1 month ago

          I sadly did. It was boring.

    • 1 month ago

      Knowing I will never find a woman even 1/100th are good as anna is honestly the worst part of this game.

  40. 1 month ago

    they wanted Ubisoft (Black folk) audience
    Honestly, how dumb somebody should be to go this route, when your original games had that unique stile?

  41. 1 month ago

    They missed the chance for some free-roam metro kino. Remember the intro kart ride in 2033? How as you travel on the kart, you see groups of people also walking from and to other stations, the further you venture from the station, the less people there are and guards would stand at the door to the sealed tunnel? Man, imagine a living AI system where npcs would casually interact and exchange (pre-recorded) lines for specific events (stations X got overwhelm by mutants, tunnel Y is closed until further notice, etc.), where NPCs can organize raids by themselves depending on how much resources they have. An actual living and dynamic Metro.
    Now just put the player in that environment, starting at VDNKh and let them explore.
    If a hand-crafted story is a must, missions can be played as "quests". For example, the Khan mission in Last Light could be initiated by going to Oktyabrskaya and talk to him.

    • 1 month ago

      I've heard Underrail is good for this feel, but it's a fallout-esque RPG not an FPS.

  42. 1 month ago

    >Travel for thousands of miles with a train
    >All tracks are in perfect condition
    Wouldn't it only take a couple of meters of broken or missing rail for the train to derail and end the journey?

    • 1 month ago

      at one point they do mention that the tracks are in kinda a shit condition and require repair. Might be around the Ural Bunker section.
      >russian railtracks branching out and merging again at later points
      i'm pretty sure the gauges are the same across the entire country. Even if all the major and minor PoIs got hit with warheads, there will still be tracks running through bumfrick nowhere that merge back into their general direction later on.
      Moscow was hit with a shit-ton of warheads and then people didn't go above ground for 20 years and there's still MULTIPLE tracks that can be traversed via train. If the capital was hit hardest and still has those tracks then why wouldn't other places have them?

    • 1 month ago

      >>All tracks are in perfect condition
      homie their scouting train literally fell down a river because the rail bridge broke

      I've heard Underrail is good for this feel, but it's a fallout-esque RPG not an FPS.

      Oh well, what a shame, without the proper presentation of the settings, it's not Metro anymore, innit?

  43. 1 month ago

    >4e on instant gaming
    Aight I'll buy it, I liked last light

  44. 1 month ago

    can I go full-on assault and still get the good ending in Exodus? I'm tired of playing stealth after playing LL

    • 1 month ago

      Probably not. In the Taiga area you can't kill these mentally slow people who are being exploited by the pirates/raiders.

    • 1 month ago

      just kill everyone and look up the good ending on youtube, youre not missing anything

    • 1 month ago

      >these mentally slow people
      >the pirates/raiders
      aren't they the same people, just branched into two different groups?

      • 1 month ago

        Wrong reply, meant for

        Probably not. In the Taiga area you can't kill these mentally slow people who are being exploited by the pirates/raiders.

      • 1 month ago

        They fell for the open world meme. Also they don't expand on each region enough, you get the cliff notes on what each place is like then you leave. Taiga has it the worst. They set up this three way conflict but there's nothing you can do about it and the entire level is just "go forward". Meeting the Admiral was cool though

        no, iirc the mentally slow people broke into 2 groups but you only see one of them with the taiga lady representing the other.

    • 1 month ago

      You can kill bandits and mutants with impunity, but some sections require stealth to get a moral point regardless

      • 1 month ago

        >can kill bandits and mutants
        universally acceptable or the game's gonna throw curve balls at me like Last Light?
        >That bandit was actually surrendering
        >That mutant was actually just taking care of its youngs

        • 1 month ago

          Actually I do think surrendering means you shouldnt kill them kek
          Also in at least one instance there's peaceful locals who look like bandits at a distance but it's hard to tell

  45. 1 month ago

    Nothing, I really liked it

  46. 1 month ago

    nothing me like

  47. 1 month ago

    Shame Artyom is almost certainly infertile at this point because girls like Anna deserve loving breeding

  48. 1 month ago

    No metro tunnels and no frozen wasteland either, going to the surface felt great in the 2033 and LL even when it forced you to shoot your currency, exodus feels like a shitt far cry, no night vision either

  49. 1 month ago

    Open world

  50. 1 month ago

    >literally all they had to do was make an open metro game
    >already experimented with parts for it in LL
    >ended up throwing all of that out of the window just to follow the aftermath of the third book (which fricking sucked by the way) and make some shitty far cry knock-off
    Such wasted potential. And now they're making some 5 hour VR game that will get brutally mogged by Into the Radius 2 and Stalker.

  51. 1 month ago

    >we don't want to make another metro game
    >we have to make another metro game
    >lets just destroy the lore and make it so that people have been idiots for living underground

    • 1 month ago

      Read the books

      • 1 month ago

        frick the books. all the games are kino. looking forward to the actual next game.

  52. 1 month ago

    >Artyom, stay with me! Hold on . . . son.

    How did a game with such a mediocre story end up writing great characters and one of the most emotional endings in the last few years of gaming

    • 1 month ago
  53. 1 month ago


  54. 1 month ago

    I just didn't like the open area/world levels, whenever I explored I would find corpses, ammo, and upgrades for stuff I didn't need upgraded. Maybe if I played on a higher difficulty I guess. I liked the linear levels more, I think my issue was the open levels were just really wide but still linear in a sense so it just didnt justify the change.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah when I thought the game was gonna be open world I assumed it was going to be like fallout open world instead of these small sections with limited shit to do. Exodus is honestly the worst one in the series. Last lights kshatriya dlc was fricking dope and made me assume exodus was going to be like that.

  55. 1 month ago

    QTEs, spongy enemies shoot the bear bro, oh you are out of ammo, kek.
    Other than that I've managed to finish the game on the meme-difficulty so it's playable.
    Not going to replay it again.

  56. 1 month ago

    Metro like the rest of gaming died with the end of the xbox360/PC era metro 2033 and last light are classics though.

    "Dmitry Glukhovsky, the author behind the Metro books, has been sentenced to eight years in prison.

    As reported by the Associated Press, on August 7, Glukhovsky was found guilty of intentionally spreading misinformation about Russia's armed forces by the Moscow court. Glukhovsky revealed over a year ago that he was placed on a Russian federal watchlist after being accused of discrediting Russia's army in a post on his Instagram account. While Glukhovsky does not live in Russia, he was tried in absentia, according to the Associated Press.

    Glukhovsky is a Russian journalist and author best known for his post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel Metro and its subsequent sequels. In addition to a list of successful novels, the franchise has spawned a video game adaption developed by 4A games, with the most recent installment, Metro Exodus, released back in 2019.

    Glukhovsky has been vocal about his support for Ukraine after Russia invaded the country in February 2022. His sentence is one of many as Russia has cracked down on those who speak out against the government due to the ongoing war. Shortly after invading Ukraine, the Russian parliament passed a bill imposing up to 15 years in jail for anyone spreading "fake news" about the war in Ukraine."


    • 1 month ago

      >Dmitry Glukhovsky
      Decent honorable man.

    • 1 month ago

      kek Russia is funny. Dude writes a book criticising the old-guards desire to return to the days of the USSR and this hurts Pootins feelings too much

  57. 1 month ago

    Ebic exclusive

    • 1 month ago

      I have it on steam?

      • 1 month ago

        you could pre-order it but just prior to release they pulled it off steam and said it would be an epic exclusive. i guess you pre-ordered it. or maybe it's on steam now again, either way that move made me pirate it instead.

        • 1 month ago

          https://store.steampowered.com/app/412020/Metro_Exodus/ ?

          • 1 month ago

            so it's on steam again, doesn't change the fact that they're israelites and pulled it off steam 2 weeks prior to release in favor of ebic gay slop

            • 1 month ago

              >doesn't change the fact that they're israelites
              The game is in - 80% discount a good quarter of the year

  58. 1 month ago

    The first open hub area with the boat was terrible. I imagine most people got sick of being jumped by mutant crabs when trying to navigate the water.

  59. 1 month ago

    Homosexuals and low T boys like you were afraid to play a game where you were married to a woman who you start a family with.

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