What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    >inb4 tencent, gamepass, pajeetposting, snoys

  2. 8 months ago

    I don't know what went wrong specifically, but we can say with certainty that nothing went right.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Fallout 4 mod in space with a rehashed story of Skyrim
    >Extremely poorly optimized
    >Very buggy, basically any pre-patch bug from Fallout 4 and Skyrim can be recreated in the game
    >Body Types and Pronouns, Black folk and homosexuals everywhere
    >ESG Punk where Earth was destroyed due to global warming, all Earth wildlife(including pets) are now dead and what remains of human civilization is just a few dinky little cities filled with moronic mutts that can barely think for themselves. Religion is taboo and few that practice it are considered cultists, while the story unironically evangelizes NASA giving us space travel as god giving angels his wings
    >Companions are all goody two shoes who will hate you if you don't pick the "hecking wholesome science" reddit options every time. All companions aside from the robot hate you for stealing or murdering, despite the fact that there is a space pirate questline
    >Horrible writing and quests
    >90% of the game is copy pasted, right down to enemy and loot placement. Few hand crafted locations are garbage, even story essential locations are copy pasted
    >You have to join The Constellation(Space Railroad) to progress the main quest, factions work like guilds now. Main quest is literally centered around collecting dragon shouts from Skyrim
    >Dragon shouts are extremely weak until you get to NG+, which is basically the same old shit but you get to keep your perks(not your weapons or items), get a new ship and outfit and can occasionally meet different npcs in different situations. The whole point of NG+ is to upgrade your ship and dragon shouts, to make an extremely easy game even easier
    >Pod people eating bugs(and that's a good thing)

    • 8 months ago

      >Earth is just a desert now, 100% of it: No NPCs, no communities, no dedicated preservationists or loot to find, just a whole lot of sand and a few ruined monuments(that would also collapse along with everything else). ESG mutts from other colonies barely even remember Earth or where it is located/what it was like, despite Mars still receiving a ton of visitors due to a major cities being there
      >Extremely unfinished, it's clear that the year of QA testing it was given just barely pushed it over the finish line
      >No seamless space travel, space is just one big skybox. You need to fast travel to a planet if you want to go there
      >Mechs mentioned in the game's lore, but are nowhere to be found. You can find mech parts but you cannot use mechs, nobody does because they are banned. No, not even the space bandits or cultists
      >The game considers Hitler and The Holohoax to be the number one tragedy in human history, even 300 years later

      There is so much more, but these are the cliffnotes. As you can tell, the game is a laughingstock, and trannies/bugthesda/pajeetsoft cultists are now on absolute damage control, calling people "chuds" and raiding every discussion involving the game on the net and forcing people who complain about it into struggle sessions. There is already mods that remove most Black folk and pronouns, and these mods were not only banned off nexus, but the moderators are now on damage control all over steam forums on why that is a GOOD thing.


      • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        isn't it funny that the trannies who review bombed it for not being on their system call others trannies for enjoying it?

    • 8 months ago

      >Earth is just a desert now, 100% of it: No NPCs, no communities, no dedicated preservationists or loot to find, just a whole lot of sand and a few ruined monuments(that would also collapse along with everything else). ESG mutts from other colonies barely even remember Earth or where it is located/what it was like, despite Mars still receiving a ton of visitors due to a major cities being there
      >Extremely unfinished, it's clear that the year of QA testing it was given just barely pushed it over the finish line
      >No seamless space travel, space is just one big skybox. You need to fast travel to a planet if you want to go there
      >Mechs mentioned in the game's lore, but are nowhere to be found. You can find mech parts but you cannot use mechs, nobody does because they are banned. No, not even the space bandits or cultists
      >The game considers Hitler and The Holohoax to be the number one tragedy in human history, even 300 years later

      There is so much more, but these are the cliffnotes. As you can tell, the game is a laughingstock, and trannies/bugthesda/pajeetsoft cultists are now on absolute damage control, calling people "chuds" and raiding every discussion involving the game on the net and forcing people who complain about it into struggle sessions. There is already mods that remove most Black folk and pronouns, and these mods were not only banned off nexus, but the moderators are now on damage control all over steam forums on why that is a GOOD thing.


      >valid complaints
      >with christcuck seethe about muh religion in-between
      You will never go to heaven.

    • 8 months ago

      NTA, but literally who the actual frick doesn't have an SSD in the current year? Do those people hate themselves that much? Jesus tittifricking christ, say this is not real.

      • 8 months ago

        Because the game requires so many load screens. Yeah, if the game was seamless than it would be understandable since you would need faster asset streaming. But the game has you going through a load screen so you can get into a small room with one guy just so you can sell your shit. Why do I need an SSD to play a game that plays like one from 2011?

        • 8 months ago

          None of that is any excuse for not already having an SSD in the current year.
          I understand criticising the game for the amount of loading screens for the smallest stupid shit, but complaining about having to use an SSD, when you should already be using one for at least a decade now is even more moronic.

    • 8 months ago

      >Earth is just a desert now, 100% of it: No NPCs, no communities, no dedicated preservationists or loot to find, just a whole lot of sand and a few ruined monuments(that would also collapse along with everything else). ESG mutts from other colonies barely even remember Earth or where it is located/what it was like, despite Mars still receiving a ton of visitors due to a major cities being there
      >Extremely unfinished, it's clear that the year of QA testing it was given just barely pushed it over the finish line
      >No seamless space travel, space is just one big skybox. You need to fast travel to a planet if you want to go there
      >Mechs mentioned in the game's lore, but are nowhere to be found. You can find mech parts but you cannot use mechs, nobody does because they are banned. No, not even the space bandits or cultists
      >The game considers Hitler and The Holohoax to be the number one tragedy in human history, even 300 years later

      There is so much more, but these are the cliffnotes. As you can tell, the game is a laughingstock, and trannies/bugthesda/pajeetsoft cultists are now on absolute damage control, calling people "chuds" and raiding every discussion involving the game on the net and forcing people who complain about it into struggle sessions. There is already mods that remove most Black folk and pronouns, and these mods were not only banned off nexus, but the moderators are now on damage control all over steam forums on why that is a GOOD thing.


      TLDR seethemeister

    • 8 months ago

      the game sucks, but complaining about needing an ssd in 2023 just outs you as a thirdie poorgay

  4. 8 months ago

    people are tired with bethesda's formula
    being bethesda is not an excuse for making shit games anymore

  5. 8 months ago

    This game was suppose to be Todd's Magnum Opus. The crown israeliteel of his career just before he retires. What happened?

    • 8 months ago

      Todd didn't release good game since Morrowind, and even Morrowind was kinda mid.
      So why did you expect something better will be released now?

    • 8 months ago

      >What happened?
      Todd is a fricking midwit. What do you think a midwit's "magnum opus" is supposed to look like? Look at how Oblivion was supposed to look like vs how it ended up looking like because Todd saw LOTR and it blew his tiny peanut mind so he told the team to throw out anything original and turn it into LOTRslop

      • 8 months ago

        What made him turn TES V into vikingslop?

  6. 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago

    Wait for the seventh weekend sirs

  8. 8 months ago

    Most game journos are on Sony's payroll

  9. 8 months ago

    The game is a whole lot of systems sort of thrown in a box. There's some potential in there to make something fun, but, it's not really AAA kind of fun. It was destined to fail
    Also, the Starborn plot. It's so fricking stupid that I hope whoever was in charge of writing it resigned from Bethesda in shame.
    >why yes i have a game where we explore space
    >sure we have a whole galaxy and we could just make cybernetic augmentations that do crazy shit,
    >but, instead,

    • 8 months ago

      Doesn't Emil write shit with assumption his target audience are mouthbreathing morons?

      • 8 months ago

        >Doesn't Emil write shit with assumption his target audience are mouthbreathing morons?
        Yeah, books into paper planes

        He says it here.

        What made him turn TES V into vikingslop?

        Game of thrones.

        • 8 months ago

          >yeah bro I write moronic stories on purpose for tother morons you know not because I am a moron myself
          that's pure cope

    • 8 months ago

      Marvel didn't invent multiverse

  10. 8 months ago

    also it wasn't climate change that destroyed the earth. read the NASA logs, it was their early grav drives completely wrecked the Earth's magnetic field so the atmosphere blew off in to space
    that still doesn't explain how one magic rocket launch pad remains standing when every other monument of human civilization turned to space dust, granted.

    • 8 months ago

      >look man made transportation destroyed the atmosphere and that changed to earths climate taht destroyed everything
      yes totally not a climate change analogy

  11. 8 months ago

    It is completely sterile and devoid of emotion. Even when it tries to build itself up, it trips itself.

  12. 8 months ago

    what went wrong? Starfield living rent free inside europoors/shitskins heads for almost 2 months

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like you’re taking Starfield flopping personally anon. Maybe take a break from the internet

  13. 8 months ago

    Zero cultural impact.

  14. 8 months ago

    I really thought people were exageratting about forced diversity in games but literally 4/5ths of every important NPC in the pirate quest line is a girl boss. Completely immersion breaking. Other than that, the games not that bad for Role-playing but there are a shit ton of loading screens and the game is always either too easy or too hard

  15. 8 months ago

    The 2 billion Indians in the world didn’t have much access to it to prop up sales 🙁

  16. 8 months ago

    It's very telling that I don't even see people shitpost that hard about the story, they just say it's shit and never go into it. There's literally no interest in it at all, at least for FO3/FO4 there were people who cared enough to even get mad about that. I literally have heard NOTHING of Starfield's story being mentioned outside of the le rick and morty universes starborne thing and some mission about colonists going to a resort planet which doesn't have enough choices in it

  17. 8 months ago

    This game fails at the Bethesda formula. People are content to wander into a cave with a bit of environmental story-telling like some raiders made a base but it turns out it was a monster nest, then come out of the cave with just 50 gold and a petty soul gem.
    With Starfield there’s none of that. Just menus that tell you you’re somewhere and then another menu to warp wherever you need to be for the mission you have highlighted.

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