What Went Wrong?

Hard mode: No mentioning the overuse of the batmobile

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  1. 5 months ago

    Nothing then

  2. 5 months ago

    City didn't have 10/10 boss fights but I thought they were pretty cool and definitely a major upgrade over Asylum.
    Then Knight decided to remove them all. Why?

    • 5 months ago

      From what i recall the writers wanted the game to be more like comics where he doesn't have long boss fights against his rogue gallery but instead fight his way through their henchmen.

    • 5 months ago

      knight had "boss fights", they were just so unmemorable most people don't realise they were bosses. You had:

      >gunship at ace chemicals
      >albert king in the movie studios
      >cloudburst tank inside the fear gas
      >excavator in the underground tunnels
      >arkham knight in the abandoned mall

  3. 5 months ago

    Batmobile is pretty much fine outside of that one 'puzzle' in the fricking tunnels where it's 'drive for 4 seconds, get out, walk over to switch, open it, get in, drive for 5 seconds, get out, repeat'

    The only bad thing I can really see is that at the end the joker sequence is moronic
    Overall it was the best of the series and say what you want about 'le batmobile, le story being obvious, etc' it's the best one.

  4. 5 months ago

    Geoff Johns

  5. 5 months ago

    The writing was somehow the worst in the series (Which is fricking impressive competition)

    Bringing back Joker AGAIN (AGAIN AGAIN Because Origins already did that and got shit on for it)
    Lack of bossfights until the DLC came out
    Lying and screaming up and down that the Arkham Knight wouldn't be Jason Todd before release only for it to be Jason Todd
    Lack of meaningful closure to multiple plot threads from previous games
    Scarecrow was a boring droning butthole instead of his cackling mindbending version in Asylum
    Didn't use the Batfamily well

    • 5 months ago

      City had the worst story
      Nobody can fricking argue that
      haha Freeze I'm back buddy... w-w-what? The fact you threatened me already means you don't like me??? Noooo! Oh shit Joker and Harley ran and my choice is to either stop them or let thousands die? Frick it, gotta stop them doing... nothing cause like, it's what Batman does, let thousands die for the kek of it

      It's literally the worst fricking plot in the series. Not to mention the entire I know you're Batman, I know you have a cave in the city, I know you'll be fine escaping, I know I can see you being Batman and stopping everything but frick it, I'll uhhh just sit in my tower while you save the day

      • 5 months ago

        Not even fricking close. Knight easily had the worst story and anyone who says otherwise is a fricking moron. City's story is still stupid but to claim it's worse than Knight is laughable.

        • 5 months ago

          >attempt at a flame war
          sorry, you're trolling no and I'm not engaging

          Too many QTEs
          Just get on with Jason Todd in midgame already

          As opposed to the whole thing of Strange literally fricking doing NOTHING and willingly letting Batman be Batman? Yeah that's not worse. Imagine it 'so the plot is, Strange, who's finally unmasked Batma, takes control of the city and has it on lockdown, is going to let Bruce become Batman and let him ruin his plans. SHIT BOSS THAT BE DOPE YO'

          No, it's fricking moronic. It's more moronic than the fricking bullshit of 'haha it's not Jason even tho it is'
          One was an obvious 'twist' the other was sheer bad writing

        • 5 months ago

          >Knight easily had the worst story
          I would say Asylum first because it barely even had a story and nothing of stake happened during it.

          • 5 months ago

            If you attribute how bad a story is based on nothing but how many "stakes" the narrative has over the quality of the writing, you don't even know what it means to have a presentable, well written, narrative.

            • 5 months ago

              He's not remembering the plot anyway, there were plenty of stakes. The potential for joker to have an army of banes, or him dumping titan into the water supply, turning all of gotham into mutant freaks seem like pretty big stakes. Also, the events in it shape the entirity of the series. Titan poisoning dictates what happens in city and joker's death from titan dictates what happens in knight.

      • 5 months ago

        >City had the worst story
        >not Knight
        Remember when everyone immediately knew that Jason was the Arkham Knight and then Rocksteady had to spend the months leading up to release going "n-nuh-uh...."

        • 5 months ago

          NTA but City is far worse. Jason takes up a relatively small part of Knight's story and it was entirely marketing's fault for pretending his identity was a mystery when the game itself makes no attempt to hide that from you.
          City squandered everything that Asylum set up with Sharp as the Spirit of Arkham as the overarching villain for the series. They made Sharp a pawn of Strange, then made Strange a pawn of Ra's, then immediately killed off Ra's. Not to mention that Strange's entire plan is moronic and has zero chance of working by his own design. His plan relies on the inmates getting weapons so he can justify slaughtering them, but that makes it impossible that Arkham City will ever be replicated in other cities, which is the whole goal for Strange and the League. He sabotaged his own success simply to fuel his hateboner, he's a moron.
          And then you have the Joker story, which is even worse. Pay attention to the conversation after rescuing Freeze. It's one of the most embarrassingly contrived scenes in any game. Firstly they just happen to be talking in front of a captured League assassin for zero reason. This assassin can easily escape but didn't want to I guess. Freeze says he needs something to stabilize the cure, and Batman immediately deduces the only solution is Ra's blood. The assassin runs off to warn Ra's despite there being no way of reaching Ra's if she just stayed put. She also happens to cut herself and leave a blood trail that Batman can follow. Also Batman has extensive history with Ra's and Talia and knows exactly what a Lazarus Pit is but doesn't fricking know that there is one beneath Gotham for some reason.
          Knight has bad writing but it was dealt the shittiest hand possible by the abortion that was City. City was the game that killed off any potential that Asylum had built up. Knight salvaged what was left of the Joker plot and Batman's character arc while giving some kino side villain stories. At least they tried.

    • 5 months ago

      >Scarecrow was a boring droning butthole instead of his cackling mindbending version in Asylum
      This, Scarecrow was fricking dogshit.

      • 5 months ago

        >Scarecrow was fricking dogshit.
        He's also barely even in the damn game except to make announcements.
        I honestly can't even remember what the plot of the damn game was. The scarecrow got the arkham knight to lead his militia to take over gotham to stop crime but actually he's just going to shoot off a bunch of fear gas, and then what?
        The first game was joker letting everyone out of the nut house, felt like a rough day at the office for batman. City's plot was fine, a giant prison where the super criminals were locked away that was secretly the league of shadows plot, and the whole thing was a trap for batman.

  6. 5 months ago

    Dogshit story, too much batmobile, a poorly implemented batmobile, and the city was too small.

  7. 5 months ago

    >What went wrong?
    >Hard Mode: Don't mention the thing that went wrong

  8. 5 months ago

    Where the frick is the 9th gen performance patch?

  9. 5 months ago

    They mined all their good ideas for trivia and shit to fill out the world in the first two games.
    While the city is objectively larger it feels much smaller since its all so vertical, and almost nothing is happening on the ground level.
    Too much bat tank, tank combat wasn't interesting or deep enough to need to do it as often as the game needs you to.
    No Paul Dini writing.
    Gotham doesn't feel like a real city.
    To hide loading times for consoles all the different islands are so far apart it doesn't feel like a connected city.
    I don't like all the new enemy types that exist just to ruin the fluid combat system they perfected over 2 games with shitty buzz kill gimmicks.
    Deathstroke boss fight sucks
    All boss fights sucks
    Arkham knight himself makes no sense since its a secret identity for a secret identity and they could have just introduced the red hood instead of trying to trick the audience with the most half assed narrative juke you could come up with ESPECIALLY when joker starts showing you jason todd flashbacks.
    It wasn't a bad game, I didn't hate it, but it's just pales in comparison to its earlier entries, and I consider asylum and city to be two damn near perfect games.

    • 5 months ago

      >Gotham doesn't feel like a real city.
      nothing about the previous games made them feel like they were real places, including City. City felt like you were trapped in a giant dilapidated amusement park.

  10. 5 months ago

    Too many QTEs
    Just get on with Jason Todd in midgame already

    • 5 months ago

      >Too many QTEs
      I feel like it was better in Knight than previous games.
      I hate it so much when games do that thing where you have to keep pressing a button (to pull down a grate, or whatever) and I just don't get it. It's not a QTE because you can't fail it, it doesn't really matter how fast or hard you hit the button, it takes the same amount of time to do the animation regardless, and I just don't fricking get why so many games put it in. Is it just to create the illusion of gameplay? Especially in a game where you don't need to worry about committing to the button press since its not like you pushed any other button in that situation.

  11. 5 months ago

    Absolutely nothing, it's a great game.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Arkham Knight was 9 years ago

    • 5 months ago

      funny how a 9 year old unreal engine 3 game looks miles better than 73.1416% of the games released today

      • 5 months ago

        What happened to devs? Did all the good ones get sucked up somewhere?

        • 5 months ago

          Lots of them left the industry to work real jobs as software engineers and product designers

        • 5 months ago

          The obsession with outsourcing art to foreign countries is my personal belief.

        • 5 months ago

          >What happened to devs?
          Nothing. Rocksteady had been using UE3 for the better part of 8 years and had unlimited support from Epic.

  13. 5 months ago

    More like misuse. I should've been a suped up sprts car with gadgets, not a Millar-esque Battank that rides up buildings and on rooftops. Simpler missions with it would've been great, like after Two Face's goons rob a bank you need to chase the getaway vehicle while he shoots a tommy gun at you and pull off a pit maneuver to stop them

  14. 5 months ago

    Formula sucks fricking shit and was never good.

  15. 5 months ago

    Disrespect of the Rouge Gallery.
    Scarecrow could have carried it, no Joker necessary.
    Deathstroke loses in one punch.
    If the leaks are true then this game is fricked up, too. Bruce is terrified of losing control.
    Then his story will end by murdering his entire family and getting his brains blown out by Harley Quinn.

    • 5 months ago

      Just don't consider SS canon. It takes such a massive shit on everything the other games established, it doesn't fit at all. It's like how Metroid fans don't consider Other M canon.

  16. 5 months ago

    Say what you want about the batmobile, and most of it's true, but if you're kind of autistic who enjoys torturing enemies in predator mode for the frick of it like me, the batmobile is also amusing for the reactions of drivers when you start chasing them down.

  17. 5 months ago

    For me, it's how small the map is and the lack of bosses. Other than that, is one of my favorite games.

    • 5 months ago

      Oh, also the story is extremely moronic.

  18. 5 months ago

    Padding out the ass
    Regressive character design
    Terrible suit selection
    Riddler Mech

  19. 5 months ago

    Adding Ubisoft tier open world shit
    "go disarm 50 bombs"
    "go destroy 100 checkpoints"

  20. 5 months ago

    They didn't bring back Paul Dini.

  21. 5 months ago

    too many goddamned riddler trophies
    few boss fights and the ones that are there are lame, especially red hood
    I like the tank stuff but there was too much of it (frick you im mentioning it)
    man I wonder how they're going to handle the story now that jok-nevermind joker's back

  22. 5 months ago

    Mr J
    The I am the night delivery sucks

    • 5 months ago

      >The I am the night delivery sucks
      better than when his btas delivery of the same line
      it's one of those lines that will never, ever, ever sound good, no matter who says it

  23. 5 months ago

    if you back into a corner during that FPS horror segment at the end when you play as Joker inside Bruce's head and all the Batman statues are appearing, you can sit there and just keep shooting them indefinitely and Batman will never catch you.

  24. 5 months ago

    Jokershit once AGAIN

  25. 5 months ago

    >what went wrong

  26. 5 months ago

    the tank shit was overdone but I gotta admit that one hallucination part where you play as joker and you mow down an army of two face and penguin's thugs in the bat-tank was fricking cool

    • 5 months ago

      >can't use the jokertank skin after finishing the game

  27. 5 months ago

    They brought back Joker again instead of letting him stay dead and robbed Scarecrow of his time to shine.

    For me this was the worst. Wasn't really keen on the Jason Todd angle either.

  28. 5 months ago

    The overuse of the battank

  29. 5 months ago

    The batmobile sections were good.
    One of the most gorgeous games of all time. Almost a decade later.

  30. 5 months ago

    it had the best suit in it, therefore, it's the best one

    • 5 months ago

      >Asylum - kino TAS-inspired batsuit
      >City - kino TAS-inspired batsuit again
      >Origins - frick, they went for the power armor meme, hopefully it's just because it's not by Rocks-
      >Knight - another gay ass power armor batsuit

      • 5 months ago

        Because Bruce gets shot and stabbed a lot

  31. 5 months ago

    not enough Joker

    who cares about Batman's adopted failson? we want more Joker

  32. 5 months ago

    too much jokershit aside, it was really neat how he would constantly appear in different spots as you kept moving while he was talking.

  33. 5 months ago

    I remember thinking the city was just kinda bleh? way too spread out and full of gaudy incomprehensible near future architecture. arkham city was a stripped down little slice of a city but it felt much better executed.

  34. 5 months ago

    it was good but at the time no computer could run the game

    you needed an nvidia rtx 2000 at the very least

  35. 5 months ago

    It really epitomized that sleek hyper realism of the 8th gen that I absolutely loathe, I was definitely not a fan of the style of asylum and city but now going back them from knight they have a nice cartoony simplicity to them.

  36. 5 months ago

    for me? it's the Bowery in Arkham Origins

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