What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    Didn't the dev kill himself

    • 3 months ago

      No, he has an illness that could be terminal.

    • 3 months ago

      No. He killed himself BEFORE this was announced. The new people in charge tried to push this out.

    • 3 months ago

      No. He killed himself BEFORE this was announced. The new people in charge tried to push this out.

      It wasn't the dev, it was the composer, and it shows cause the music sucked ass in the trailer compared to NITW. All the devs can eat shit for throwing him under the bus and siding with Zoe Quinn. You reap what you sow.

      • 3 months ago

        He wasn't just the composer. He was the angel investor that got the game off the ground in the first place and also the one wrangling everyone to get it finished. His moron coworker actually put out a blogpost after the suicide whining about how abusive Alec was for asking him to work more than a few hours a week. To this day I still think this was all a conspiracy to seize control of a successful IP.

        Didn't the dev kill himself

        The wrong one did

        • 3 months ago

          >To this day I still think this was all a conspiracy to seize control of a successful IP.
          at least mike z didn't fricking kill himself after that c**t mariel did the same thing to him

      • 3 months ago

        >You reap what you sow

        • 3 months ago

          >dying of some heart failure
          >latest game canceled with no signs of a new one
          Karma is a b***h. Probably realized they can't do shit without a real dev.

    • 3 months ago

      No, but the dev working on revenant hill got heart illness and cancelled the project

      • 3 months ago

        Probably his guilt for screwing over his friend for Zoe.

        • 3 months ago

          No, but the dev working on revenant hill got heart illness and cancelled the project

          It wasn't the dev, it was the composer, and it shows cause the music sucked ass in the trailer compared to NITW. All the devs can eat shit for throwing him under the bus and siding with Zoe Quinn. You reap what you sow.

          What happened?

          • 3 months ago

            Alec Holowka, one of the devs of NitW killed himself after fricking Zoe Quinn accused him of sexual abuse and everyone turned on him on a dime. The other leading dev of NitW even wrote a slanderous blog post on Alec AFTER his suicide. Pic is an excerpt from said post.
            All that said, Alec was just another leftard like those who turned on him, so my sympathy is limited (I've none).

            • 3 months ago

              tldr autistic music composer and lead dev of night got accused of abuse and sexual assault. all of his friends, coworkers, and sister turned on him and booted him off the project immediately. he ended up killing himself as his life was basically over. his coworkers and sister went on to further piss on his grave after his death on twitter and blogposts. no proof of the allegations was ever shown and nothing ever went to court as usual. think of it what you will. personally i think they pushed him into suicide and everything bad that has happened to them since has been divine karma.

              did the sister really piss on his grave?
              any posts?
              did the parents have anything to say?

              • 3 months ago

                Less than a week after her brother killed himself she said she always knew he was troubled and she wasn't surprised by his actions. People on reddit said she was complaining on her twitter about not being invited to family functions anymore a few months ago. No idea if that part is true or not but if it is, safe to say the parents resent her for killing her sibling.

              • 3 months ago

                i choose to believe

              • 3 months ago

                https://medium.com/@eileenholowka/for-alec-thoughts-on-transformative-justice-3e2a264dd891 here's a writeup she did explaining that she doesn't actually hate her brother and that a particular person leaned on her to write what

                Less than a week after her brother killed himself she said she always knew he was troubled and she wasn't surprised by his actions. People on reddit said she was complaining on her twitter about not being invited to family functions anymore a few months ago. No idea if that part is true or not but if it is, safe to say the parents resent her for killing her sibling.

                said she wrote

              • 3 months ago

                "I have been criticized for being both not supportive enough of Alec and also not critical enough. I should have tossed him aside and also done more to save him. One or the other but nothing in-between."
                "It was the responses from people I felt close to and looked up to that hurt the most. The ones who pretended nothing had happened, who wrote long articles days later, who tried to wrap bows around the narrative to fit it into a specific box, who I thought were socially aware but realized were just very good at storytelling."
                "People have told me recently that they are angry at Alec, but it is impossible for me to be angry, having been in such close contact with him in his last few days." for the TL;DRgays

              • 3 months ago

                "I have been criticized for being both not supportive enough of Alec and also not critical enough. I should have tossed him aside and also done more to save him. One or the other but nothing in-between."
                "It was the responses from people I felt close to and looked up to that hurt the most. The ones who pretended nothing had happened, who wrote long articles days later, who tried to wrap bows around the narrative to fit it into a specific box, who I thought were socially aware but realized were just very good at storytelling."
                "People have told me recently that they are angry at Alec, but it is impossible for me to be angry, having been in such close contact with him in his last few days." for the TL;DRgays

                that's nice but she still contributed to his suicide
                too bad she didn't have this revelation before her own flesh and blood killed himself

            • 3 months ago

              >Alec was just another leftard like those who turned on him, so my sympathy is limited (I've none).
              directiongays only care when it happens to their side.

            • 3 months ago

              You left out the part where she was found to have explicitly lied about everything she claimed he did to her because she forgot about her twitter addiction where she posts 24/7 so she couldn't have possibly done any of the things she said, at which point when called out on it, deleted all the tweets during the alleged period to hide her idiocy.

              • 3 months ago

                >to hide her idiocy.
                Malice more like

          • 3 months ago

            tldr autistic music composer and lead dev of night got accused of abuse and sexual assault. all of his friends, coworkers, and sister turned on him and booted him off the project immediately. he ended up killing himself as his life was basically over. his coworkers and sister went on to further piss on his grave after his death on twitter and blogposts. no proof of the allegations was ever shown and nothing ever went to court as usual. think of it what you will. personally i think they pushed him into suicide and everything bad that has happened to them since has been divine karma.

            • 3 months ago

              It could be he was just a charisma vacuum, but if everyone including his own family believes it then I'd lean more towards 'he did it' then 'gamergate conspiracy!'

              • 3 months ago

                Normally I would agree except no one in the family believed he did it except for the sister who was friends with the accuser.

              • 3 months ago

                The problem is that Zoe Quinn's tweets during said abuse don't report any abuse at all. These allegations were made years after the fact

          • 3 months ago

            1. Alec used to share a room with Zoey way before NITW.
            2. At one point in his life he can make NITW with 2 other people that he already called friends.
            3. He pushes himself too hard, both mentally physically and economically. They find him asleep on the production floor many times
            4. He does not like that he suddenly acts like the boss and pushes his fellow comrades, well he kinda was since he was the one with the most financials at stake while also being an employee of sorts.
            5. The game is a success.
            6. Stories of Zoey accusing Alec of some heinous shit, like locking her in a room, start to emerge.
            7. Finji and/or Infinite Fall immediatly side with Zoey, kicking Alec out of the company and other attachments.
            8. His friends that he made this game with ghost him while talking shit about him on Twitter.
            9. His family members start talking on Twitter about him and his problems and why he is a horrible being.
            10. By the time Twitter detectives cross referenced Zoey's given dates ( she was shopping for fabric for plushies at a market at the dates she was supposed to have been locked in her room by Alec ). Alec has jumped off a tall building, head first, alledgedly while wearing his glasses.

            • 3 months ago

              >His family members
              wasnt it just his sister?

              • 3 months ago

                Brother turned sister.
                Brother and sister.

        • 3 months ago

          more like karma

      • 3 months ago

        Things like this make me believe there's pure fricking karma in the world. If somebody wrote about his friend like this a week after he died, I'm getting away from him.

      • 3 months ago

        Bet it's bullshit to get some sympathy points and repair his status + he already wasn't working much during the first game and that guy who off'd himself was the one pushing the project to completion. With him out of the picture how can you expect those hacks to finish anything?

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, he was suffering from depression and other mental health issues. He had spent years in recovery. Then it all got erased when Zoe Quinn accused him of "emotional abuse" all the way back in 2012. He got harassed, fired, blacklisted, and took his life days later

      The worst part is that she knew this would happen. She predicted this outcome. She had written a book and given a TED talk about the dangers that online harassment poses to those with depression, because she nearly killed herself when her own ex-boyfriend accused her of the same abuse. She 100% planned for Alec to get harassed and kill himself

      • 3 months ago

        Zoe Quinn is quite literally the reason the gaming industry is in the shape its currently in. Her actions caused multiple company scandals and lynch mobs to happen within the course of a decade. Sony and Microsoft are bleeding as we speak because they were fundamentally and financially forced to bend knee to people like Zoe. Nintendo never budged and are still alive cause of it.
        Zoe and anyone connected to her has been nothing but a negative influence on gaming and that will never change.

        • 3 months ago

          To be fair she did actually get offended enough to get her game journalist friends to pester Nintendo until they officially announced that a Watergate reference in one of the Mario RPG games was not about her.

          Zoe was BPD enough and powerful enough to actually get Nintendo to deny they included coded references to her cheating on 5 men

          Thankfully she finally vanished from the internet when she no longer wanted to explain to her kickstarter backers where all the money went, but it's amazing she managed to rake in THREE crowdfunding scams

          • 3 months ago

            >but it's amazing she managed to rake in THREE crowdfunding scams
            NPC's are real and they're everywhere.

        • 3 months ago

          Women are sick of sexualization in media. Just look at all the support this tweet got and all the women who agree. Stay mad virgins

          • 3 months ago

            Why does their opinion matter more than mine

          • 3 months ago

            That list is SHIT

          • 3 months ago

            They're not "sick" of it, they are just told to hate it. When whatsername uncrossed and crossed her legs in Basic Instinct women went just as crazy over it as men did.

          • 3 months ago

            I have a theory that women instinctively feel threatened by women who are more attractive than them, even if they're not real.

            generally, the more women worked on a game, the more unattractive the women in the game are.
            this is not a universal rule but it seems to be a noticeable trend.

          • 3 months ago

            You say this as if fujos aren't just as degenerate as the average male coomer.

    • 3 months ago

      It wasn't the dev, it was the composer, and it shows cause the music sucked ass in the trailer compared to NITW. All the devs can eat shit for throwing him under the bus and siding with Zoe Quinn. You reap what you sow.

      It was the dev, he was ALSO the composer, and did a bunch of other shit for the game. Basically carried half the team. He even made tools for the other morons to be able to work on the game and put up with their demands.
      By the way, part of the reason the dev killed himself was because his coworkers STOLE ROYALTIES FROM HIM during the initial accusation.

      • 3 months ago

        Why would you have a nice day instead of killing your enemies? Fricking millennials.

        • 3 months ago

          >Why would you have a nice day instead of killing your enemies? Fricking millennials.
          They strongly believe in the absolutely moronic belief of "If you kill your enemies, they win" so they commit suicide as if it's some kind of ambush win.

          • 3 months ago

            maybe he was depressed because everyone in his life turned his back on him, you fat homosexual

          • 3 months ago

            >"If you kill your enemies, they win"
            Batman buck-broke an entire generation.

  2. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Holy shit i never thought id see this again, fricking saved.

  3. 3 months ago

    they didn't have alec to whip them into shape

  4. 3 months ago


    based nitw mega poster
    i kneel, you're one of my favorite characters in this dogshit board, never stop being (You).

    • 3 months ago

      ~~*they*~~ can ban me as many times as they want, I will keep coming.

      (janny if you read this, you're a gay, and MORE IMPORTANTLY I am encouraging VIDEO GAME DISCUSSION/GAMING on the VIDEO GAME board so kindly leave me alone)

  5. 3 months ago

    >the "friend" of the lead dev who ACKd made this looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

    • 3 months ago

      The way these people see the world is so out of tune with reality I wonder if deep down they even believe their own crap.

    • 3 months ago

      Goddamn are feminists utterly deranged.

    • 3 months ago

      this is true and real but the person who made it is still a peice of shit
      that's why they made it a slam peice instead of a discussion about what we can do for men, they were more interested in the easy virtue signaling gank that doesn't change anything and just emboldens people

    • 3 months ago

      nah I sympathize with this, because I've been in that mindset.

      There was a time when I believed that women were severely disenfranchised and that men were giant b***hbabies like this. Eventually it bit me in the ass and I was thrown under the bus, kinda like Alec was. Less severe circumstances but it was a similar situation, and it got me thinking, "if they're wrong about this, what else are they wrong about?"

      Turns out a lot. It took me getting burned pretty bad but I found myself grounded in reality on the other side.

      it's sad to me that Holowka didn't have what he needed to learn from the situation and instead took his own life when the people he tried to hard to appease, that brainwashed him into thinking that this is what it means to be a good person, threw him under the bus for their own gain.

      don't let other people convince you what it means to be a good person, thats something you should be able to suss out yourself.

      • 3 months ago

        >Eventually it bit me in the ass and I was thrown under the bus
        You deserve worse, because not only are you susceptible to their lies, you only considered the truth when you were the target of their ire.
        Kindly consider the necktie and doorknob solution.

        • 3 months ago

          no one is immune to brainwashing, anon

          • 3 months ago

            Forgiveness is a christcuck """virtue."""
            Frick him.

            • 3 months ago

              >christcuck """virtue."""
              are you one of those pagan homosexuals who thinks dying to a farmer's garden hoe because you were raiding his coastal village is the most noble death you could possibly achieve?

              • 3 months ago

                >noble death

      • 3 months ago

        Man up.

      • 3 months ago


        >Eventually it bit me in the ass and I was thrown under the bus
        You deserve worse, because not only are you susceptible to their lies, you only considered the truth when you were the target of their ire.
        Kindly consider the necktie and doorknob solution.

        is right.
        You are basically a traitor and traitors need to be killed before any other enemy.
        The homosexual that killed himself did the right thing.

        • 3 months ago

          homie i'm a californian, I was indoctrinated into this shit from birth, the frick do you want from me?

          • 3 months ago

            Not from the US here, why are California so extra gay? Isn't it mostly mexicans now?

            • 3 months ago

              coastal cities being more liberal in general+the presence of hollywood saturating the land with israeliteery, my best guess

            • 3 months ago

              It didn't used to be when the Governator was still in charge. Our new governor Gavin and senators don't give a shit about our state because they're running it like San Francisco. We used to be filled with rich history filled with agriculture. Now we're just a warehousing export state hiring illegals instead if Americans. Causing a housing crisis among Americans. But now the Asians, sandhomies, and Mexicans are buying up all the property and not sharing it with the people that were actually lived here. And Gavin just let's them because they're "depraved" even tho the state gives them a large sum of money when they reach our shores anyway.
              Tldr; Living in California sucks if your American

              • 3 months ago

                living in california sucks full stop, the government has commodified homelessness. No one can fricking afford housing, both rent and property is fricking insane, and the states solution to this?
                idk, give the homeless some free food and heroin needles i guess

              • 3 months ago

                I hate how it feels like over the last 3-4 decades America has lost a lot of it's identity. I know that isn't unique to America in this age of globalization and internet but it seems like most other countries are doing better than america or adapting and developing a new culture. America, and especially urban areas, feels like a shadow of it's self. Certain cities like Portland seem to be doing better but eh.

          • 3 months ago

            >homie i'm a californian
            >the frick do you want from me?
            Strap yourself in grenades and go to the nearest densest concentration of people you can find and blow yourself up, that's what you should do.

        • 3 months ago

          Frick off cultist
          >now you need to have a nice day for the cause
          Screaming in 4chink isn't doing jackshit you know

    • 3 months ago

      Much like with troons, I couldn't tell the one on the right was supposed to be female.

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >femoid mad that the birthday boy gets to have all the ice cream
      dumb b***h should just make some herself with her tiddie milk

    • 3 months ago

      Is this supposed to be satire or something, because men don't have it better than women in our society if that's what you think.

    • 3 months ago

      The seething replies just validates this

      • 3 months ago


        nah I sympathize with this, because I've been in that mindset.

        There was a time when I believed that women were severely disenfranchised and that men were giant b***hbabies like this. Eventually it bit me in the ass and I was thrown under the bus, kinda like Alec was. Less severe circumstances but it was a similar situation, and it got me thinking, "if they're wrong about this, what else are they wrong about?"

        Turns out a lot. It took me getting burned pretty bad but I found myself grounded in reality on the other side.

        it's sad to me that Holowka didn't have what he needed to learn from the situation and instead took his own life when the people he tried to hard to appease, that brainwashed him into thinking that this is what it means to be a good person, threw him under the bus for their own gain.

        don't let other people convince you what it means to be a good person, thats something you should be able to suss out yourself.

        You perpetuate this, prostitute.

      • 3 months ago

        >merely pretending
        have a nice day

      • 3 months ago

        where are these seething replies

  6. 3 months ago

    the guy killing himself soured me on this whole franchise and dev team
    it wasn't right what happened

    • 3 months ago

      The real bad part is that he was never vindicated. I don't think anyone even actually cares what happened to him except a handful of anons on this board.

      • 3 months ago

        >The real bad part is that he was never vindicated.
        "Vindicated" lel
        The gay was just like the people he surrounded himself, the same ones that stabbed him in the back.
        He would do the exact same had it happened to someone else.
        Good ridance.

      • 3 months ago

        Huh, I didn't even know it was cancelled.
        I actually liked NITW, despite its many-many flaws and despite the dev team being absolute c**ts and all-around shitty people. But i also kinda hoped the Revenant Hill will hit at least some of the same notes for me, even without Holowka's music.
        But at least the ice cream guy is kicking the bucket from the vax. Serves him right for throwing his friend under the bus.

        Eh. Like the

        >The real bad part is that he was never vindicated.
        "Vindicated" lel
        The gay was just like the people he surrounded himself, the same ones that stabbed him in the back.
        He would do the exact same had it happened to someone else.
        Good ridance.

        said, Holowka was friends with these scumbags and was the part of the same lefty crowd. If it wasn't him who got #metood to death by Zoe Quinn, he would be supporting her in the harassment campaign against someone else. Even if it was someone from their group. Those people do seem to have closets full of skeletons, and everyone would gladly stab their friends in the back if they had a chance and they would gain something from it. Zoe probably didn't think Alec would off himself and hoped to ride her "victimhood" for another year or two. But it backfired on her and she had to run into hiding.

        • 3 months ago

          >she had to run into hiding.
          Hiding from fricking who? His own family came out and supported her, his friends were right alongside her, the outrage mob moved on to the next circus as soon as it opened. Nobody cared enough about this to actually hunt her down.

          • 3 months ago

            these types of people act like people saying mean things about them on the internet is a targeted harassment campaign

          • 3 months ago

            Well, alright, she did get away scott free. But at least I haven't heard from or about her much since then. Because anywhere she goes people will always try to remind her she driven a man to suicide.
            So, aside being a writer on some shitty badly selling comics, she completely disappeared from public view.

            • 3 months ago

              Equivalent exchange is always at play. Either she paid for her fame to stay innocent or live forever in infamy of what she has done. Having to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life. Knowing damn well she would never be able to live up to the words she spewed. Good fricking riddance.

      • 3 months ago

        What has come to the world where the only place which would offer condolences and remorse for a dude who committed suicide do to an online bullying campaign would be fricking Ganker.

        I swear, this place has become one of the nicer, kinder places on the internet.

        • 3 months ago

          People here aren't strained by moronic rules, or more accurately the moronic rules don't really hamper your ability to express yourself that much.

          So you can show compassion even to those everyone tells you to hate, and at the very worst someone will call you a homosexual for it.

        • 3 months ago

          >I swear, this place has become one of the nicer, kinder places on the internet

          Well, every board except /misc/, never go there. Every board had a couple bad eggs, that board specifically is nothing but bad eggs

          • 3 months ago

            The worst of /misc/ is just glowies

        • 3 months ago

          Even Co doesn't feel as crazed as reddit anymore, what is the world coming to? I really hope this nonsense doesn't end up sparking a war or something equally as bad, I'd prefer to at least die of old age.

      • 3 months ago

        To be fair I think Zoe Quinn's days of manipulating other people are drawing to a close. I don't think she's been attached to any project after Solar Ash

        • 3 months ago

          >Solar Ash
          I completely forgot about that game tbh.

  7. 3 months ago

    These games existed.

  8. 3 months ago

    The homosexuals that led to the main guy's suicide tried to cash in on his ideas and failed.

  9. 3 months ago

    zq's friends from discord and heather a from kotaku were frauding and slandering people AND on top of that extorting them by trying to black mail people AND on top of that they were vandalizing peoples property to gas light them, so he took the blame and hung himself, everything else is jus a psy op, the only abuse was zq not using/buying lube while she lived with him rent free

  10. 3 months ago

    Looks like a huge step down from nitw.
    Glad it was cancelled and that the dev is suffering from the 'rona vaxx.

  11. 3 months ago


    I will always remember Alec but not for this shit game but Aquaria.

  12. 3 months ago

    I'm never buying or playing NITW.
    Unless they release it for free, which is what the devs should have done for hounding the creator to death.

    • 3 months ago

      It was free at one point, but only on Epic.

  13. 3 months ago


    >Have to wait over 5 hours to complete the last 2%
    Wondering if this game is really worth that

  14. 3 months ago

    i pirated night in the woods 6000 times and stole 6000 x 30 of the developer's money

  15. 3 months ago

    >zoe makes allegations against someone
    >the dogs rip him apart
    >he kills himself over it
    >zoe later says she made the allegation up and has never even met the guy in person
    should be punishable

    • 3 months ago

      Source? I did a research paper on this topic and wish I had that info.

  16. 3 months ago

    I try to avoid giving a frick about e-celebs, but I utterly despise Zoe Quinn.
    She continues to barge into spaces I like (games, politics, whatever random thing she wants to shit on next) and find new heinous shit to do.
    I liked NITW, and when I saw someone say the guy who made it killed himself I thought it was a joke.
    The fact that this woman has the trail of corpses and damage behind her that she does and will never face any repercussions makes me so mad and disappointed.
    What a vile c**t.

  17. 3 months ago

    >team member kills self
    >team says "yeah that's okay, we apologize for his behavior (he didn't do anything)"
    >everything they make afterwards sucks and is ignored

  18. 3 months ago

    Night in the woods is ass because of the dialogue. You can tell it was written by people who used tumblr in the early 2010s. Its unbearable to sit through at times.

  19. 3 months ago

    >homosexuals unironically telling people to larp as sand Black folk, for the "cause".
    Lol. LMAO EVEN. Go to sleep timmy, it is already late

  20. 3 months ago

    Zoe Quinn, if I remember correctly, once ran for local office in Portland.
    She lost badly, but on the campaign she once said that America needed to send soldiers on the moon because 'if boulders dropped from the Moon to the earth would be as damaging as nuclear bombs.'

    • 3 months ago

      That's too silly to be real but I really want it to be

    • 3 months ago

      To be fair, the first faction that builds a mass driver on the moon will be undisputed emperor of Earth.

    • 3 months ago

      That's too silly to be real but I really want it to be

      It didn't used to be when the Governator was still in charge. Our new governor Gavin and senators don't give a shit about our state because they're running it like San Francisco. We used to be filled with rich history filled with agriculture. Now we're just a warehousing export state hiring illegals instead if Americans. Causing a housing crisis among Americans. But now the Asians, sandhomies, and Mexicans are buying up all the property and not sharing it with the people that were actually lived here. And Gavin just let's them because they're "depraved" even tho the state gives them a large sum of money when they reach our shores anyway.
      Tldr; Living in California sucks if your American

      Pretty sure that was Brianna Wu.

      • 3 months ago

        that was troony wu. I remember he made a stupid logo for his campaign that looked like Wario's mustache

        Well I'm glad it's real, I was thinking - as I was typing it out - that it was too funny and was probably just a dream.

    • 3 months ago

      that was troony wu. I remember he made a stupid logo for his campaign that looked like Wario's mustache

      • 3 months ago

        >I remember he made a stupid logo for his campaign that looked like Wario's mustache

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            This is the logo of an all bi-sexual death metal band.

    • 3 months ago

      based and Heinleinpilled

      • 3 months ago

        She would love that society of prison moon cucks.

  21. 3 months ago

    Karma struck.

  22. 3 months ago

    >murdered lead dev of previous game
    >next game flops
    as it should be

  23. 3 months ago

    I remember when his good friend the spelunky dev chink just believed her and disavowed him right away

    • 3 months ago

      I know the composer of the FTL ost Ben Prunty also did, who was apparently something of an idol to Alec Holowka.

  24. 3 months ago

    Reminder that a israeli CEO has more in common with the average israelite than with a white CEO. The problem isn't free markets.

    • 3 months ago

      >what the frick are masons?

  25. 3 months ago

    Can we stop talking about zoe quinn and start talking about which nitw girls we'd frick? Pic related.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd frick the socialist club leader out of Bea and make her a stay at home mom while I turn the Ol' Pickaxe into a hardware store franchise so her dad can retire

    • 3 months ago

      >Stop talking about how the developer murdered a guy!!!!
      Frick off.

  26. 3 months ago


    >Free game download and OST
    Well shit now I feel a bit bad bad for buying the game back in- 2019!?!? Frick man I can't believe it's been that long, I know my life sort of feel apart but it really doesn't feel like 5 bloody years long. I haven't even finished the game yet, I'm like 2 hours into the game. God... Maybe I should try and hammer it out during the weekend? Oh also thanks for the OST dude, not sure what I'll do with it but I'm sure I'll figure out something.

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