What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Not enough Space Marines

  2. 1 month ago

    Released it too early. Tbf nobody could have predicted that xwing would self destruct so fast.

    • 1 month ago

      >nobody could have predicted that xwing would self destruct so fast
      Actually FFG did so that's why they gave it up to atomic robo or whatever so it wouldn't be a drain on their finial reports, but I digress.

      So this homosexual has a point, Aeronautica was made as a panic move because for several years X-wing first edition outsold 40k there in the markets and was a huge success. So what went wrong was it never really need to exist as there was no fear of loosing market share.

      • 1 month ago

        FFG didn't give up anything and had no say in the matter. Asmodee took every miniature-related game FFG had and gave it to Atomic Mass.

        • 1 month ago

          Yes, but basic business sense and facts don't make for enough rage to get him through his day.

          Underdeveloped factions. Navy without Marauder variants has like 3 aircraft. IG has one (1) aircraft, two (2) including a FW-exclusive variant. Only Orks felt like a fleshed out faction and even they had a poor selection.
          Half of the game was FW exclusive, including a large portion of Eldar and the entirety of Necrons.
          Slow drip feed of content and basically zero new xeno content.
          Hex based movement when the OG and its wildly popular main competitor had templates. They should've expanded on the OG game and not re-imagine it.
          A major feature in X-Wing - wild ace/upgrade/mod combinations - was completely gone.
          Space Marines came right before the game died.
          No Chaos, a big player in the OG AI.
          As it pains to admit from someone who owns pretty much all of the non-FW stuff - little actual interest from the fanbase.

          >Slow drip feed of content and basically zero new xeno content.
          Fricking bingo. They'd put out a new two player box, then one to three new planes and on to the next thing. And that was over the course of like a year each time.

          >Half of the game was FW exclusive, including a large portion of Eldar and the entirety of Necrons.
          The fact that Necrons only had like three planes *and* they were entirely FW was some insane bullshit.

          >Hex based movement
          Nah, this was the best thing AI did. Hex maps are love.

          • 1 month ago

            >Hex good
            All opinions invalidated. Homosexuality detected.

            GW games were not historically(and aren't really presently despite their casualization) at boardgamers, nor at the kind of raging autist who wants abstract simulationism. They're aimed at people who want to feel like they're watching a WW2 movie with laserguns going pewpew as the game plays out(or in the case of the Big Two main games, at sweaty WAACshitters who's cheesestench was too much even for MTG). The original AI game from FW hit that niche perfectly, the new one didn't, and the primary reason why was reducing it to basically-a-boardgame which robs it of the cinematic quality.

            The nuSG release schedule and moneygrubbing didn't help, but even if they'd had all factions available at release in full plastic it never had any staying power because it never generates those "and then, and then, and then, and then" stories you get when playing a *proper* wargame with that cinema flair like the classic SGs(apart from Epic, which was a legitimate gamer's game and so didn't need story).

  3. 1 month ago

    Warhammer games already cost too much to get into unless all your energy is poured into a single army. People are unlikely to start an army, a space force, a kill team, an air force and whatever other side-games they do. GW will always have this problem as long as their products are prohibitively expensive to casuals who might just want to roll some dice for an evening and then put it away for a rainy day.

  4. 1 month ago

    nu Aeronautica was too close to main GW to ever have a good life

    Real shame they killed all the xenos stuff off

  5. 1 month ago

    GW specialist games mostly aren’t fun

  6. 1 month ago

    Just not enough there. It was fun enough making the nyeeeeowww dakkadakkadakka sounds and playing Top Gun/Battle of Britain/613 Squadron music, but the rules werent substantial enough beyond a couple of games. A bit too boardgamey, not very 'flight sim'. I know this could be said about X Wing but that pulled it off better. Being tied to a hex grid rather than an open table may have made it a little easier to demo, but it also tied you to a piece of equipment.
    It was also too hard to get hold of and I think was hampered at the start from a suspicion that it wasn't going to be supported.
    The models are great though, fun to put together and paint, and I will genuinely be sad if they never reappear, be that in a relaunch or a new Epic. Almost felt like I was 7 or 8 with a Beginners Airfix kit again.

  7. 1 month ago

    >product no one asked for
    >showed plastic thunderhawk, fan base went wild, just for them to say, 'GOTCHA!!' immediately killing fan goodwill
    >uninspired gameplay that was a copypasta of x wing
    >shill advertisement soon became irritating
    >'milk ya dry!' tier sales plan, ie, tiny base game requiring mandatory sub purchases
    >prices were preposterous

    this was a game born to die.

  8. 1 month ago

    Was the game ever alive for something to go right or wrong? All 3 people who played this must be sad.

    >2019 launch, immediately before COVID
    >3 releases a year, too slow to gain interest
    >"ill wait for epic" response from gamers
    >2021 space marine ships released, gains traction
    >immediately becomes HH game

    A lot of the Xenos stuff was great, and it's worth picking up a few of those kits for collections. Modern Games workshop has a track record for producing shit NOBODY wants. Fans want Battlefleet Gothic reprints, Warhammer Quest (1995) reprints, and GorkaMorka styled secondary games; ranges and models should be interchangeable and allow the hobbyist to the maximum chance to use their models. No one has sales, but I can guarantee you this game was a disaster, and serves only as a reminder that post 2018 Games Workshop is hilariously out of touch with the playerbase.

  9. 1 month ago

    Very niche game. Doubt it had much of a future despite having very good rules. At least the models have found new life in Epic. Let's just hope they don't kill that off as well.

  10. 1 month ago

    Not releasing a plastic manta or orca.

  11. 1 month ago

    >What went wrong?
    It was too niche. Not enough Warhammer autists care enough about planes to want to buy into a dedicated plane game, and the game is just worse than a lot of other dogfighting games so there was nothing there to lure in the plane autists.
    Shoulda brought back Battlefleet Gothic instead.

  12. 1 month ago

    Personally I feel that the game boiled down to requiring rolling 5-6 a lot, which felt unsatisying. Also I remember that stalling your plane on purpose was described as a sitiuationally good thing to do, but I never found out why would you ever do it on purpose.

    • 1 month ago

      It made you harder to hit, I guess to represent the meme cobra maneuver.


      What went wrong?

      Reality is Marines vs Chaos is the main driver and the former only got models in the end and the latter never did. Make the starter Xiphons and Fire Raptors vs Hell Talons and Helldrakes and the game would probably still be alive.

  13. 1 month ago

    >have a single novel from the best author in your stable about 40k aviation
    >it's about Imperium vs Chaos
    >release a 40k aviation game
    >add Imperium and Orks
    >add Tau, Eldar, Space Marines, and Necrons
    >kill the game
    >never add Chaos


  14. 1 month ago

    40k isn't Star Wars, its space ships aren't iconic enough to sell stuff

  15. 1 month ago

    As someone who owns every single model (yes even all the FW ones), every single box set they put out, every game board, and book they put out for Aeronautica I can definitively say it's because they waited until last fricking second to add Marine slop and then killed the game right as they finally did.

    Every single time I tried to drum up interest or get people to play at my LGS it was always the same thing
    >"Oh cool can I play as Space Marines? No? Oh...sorry"
    Literally the only other people who actively played were Tau or Ork players and fricking no one wanted to do mirror matches. I think GW severely overestimated how many actual Guard players there are and how many care about Guard planes to begin with. Meanwhile the Xiphon Interceptor for actual 40k is perpetually out of stock even though it's shit because Marine piggies eat up whatever slop they get.

    To add insult to injury they STILL haven't re-released ANY of the Marine slop except the Thunderhawk even though they were advertised for Legion Imperialis AND they put out a book solely for Marine stuff when Legion Imperialis came out.

  16. 1 month ago

    Why would anyone invest time and money into a GW specialist game when you know they will stop supporting the game in a couple of years?

    • 1 month ago

      If a game is genuinely good (which many out-of-production specialist games have been) there will be plenty of fun to be had with them for years to come and people will still continue to play them well after support has ended. The time and money you invest into a tabletop game doesn't magically poof out of existence when the company stops supporting it. These aren't video games that rely on a central server we're talking about here; GW isn't sending goon squads to your house to burn your rulebooks and smash your minis.

      No, the actual problem with Aeronautica is simply that it's not a particularly good game. It's never going to stand amongst the titans like mordheim, Warmaster, Epic, or Battlefleet Gothic, games that remain popular to this day despite all being unsupported for 10+ years, many more in some cases.

      • 1 month ago

        I agree. There is some sort of model avaibility x gameplay x filled with life.
        I wonder if they need more of something like battle reports.

  17. 1 month ago

    It's pretty obvious that the specialist games division at GW has been tasked with creating direct rivals to specific competing games, and AI was introduced specifically to bite into X-Wing's market share. My question is, if X-Wing hadn't suddenly taken a shit and died, would GW have still dropped Aeronautica? I think we can assume Legions still would have happened as a response to Warpath.

  18. 1 month ago

    Underdeveloped factions. Navy without Marauder variants has like 3 aircraft. IG has one (1) aircraft, two (2) including a FW-exclusive variant. Only Orks felt like a fleshed out faction and even they had a poor selection.
    Half of the game was FW exclusive, including a large portion of Eldar and the entirety of Necrons.
    Slow drip feed of content and basically zero new xeno content.
    Hex based movement when the OG and its wildly popular main competitor had templates. They should've expanded on the OG game and not re-imagine it.
    A major feature in X-Wing - wild ace/upgrade/mod combinations - was completely gone.
    Space Marines came right before the game died.
    No Chaos, a big player in the OG AI.
    As it pains to admit from someone who owns pretty much all of the non-FW stuff - little actual interest from the fanbase.

  19. 1 month ago

    people wanted bfg and epic, not planes and hh

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