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What went wrong?

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    nothing, it's been great for 3 years homosexual

  2. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      This, except for the entirety of the modern gaming industry.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah the insistence that they be on ps4 as well killed the launch polish window and the multiplayer plans. Even the current console generation is running into memory limits.

  3. 10 months ago

    Still glitchy, but I played a good amount of it recently and it seems like a pretty good game right now.

  4. 10 months ago

    The story.
    Enter the world of crime with jackie --> steal a biochip --> the biochop and some guys consciousness gets stuck inside you --> go on a journey to remove it --> ends in 12 hours of gameplay
    Like wtf?

    • 10 months ago

      I still haven't beat it but it seemed like the game was moving really fast. Guess you confirmed it is for sure.

      • 10 months ago

        Not much, it's a great game and it'll remembered as a great game. It'll likely become a classic with time.
        A rough start with bad console versions do not make a game irredeemable. Most people bought and played the game when it was already largely fixed.

        Some people had very high expectations and will never forgive that the game didn't live up to their idealized version of it or that the devs couldn't keep all of what was promised but it is still a good game in itself.

        >I still haven't beat it but it seemed like the game was moving really fast.
        If you take your time and do all of the sidequests, it's easily a 100 hours game. Of course, you're supposed to be in a hurry but hey.
        But yeah, the main story isn't its strongest part. Most of the big side quests were way better.

      • 10 months ago

        Unfinished game as usual thats all there is to it
        "Done when its ready" my fricking ass

        The game is very very short if you dont do much side quests
        Like in universe the entire ordeal lasts maybe a few weeks

      • 10 months ago

        Unfinished game as usual thats all there is to it
        "Done when its ready" my fricking ass

        The game is very very short if you dont do much side quests
        Like in universe the entire ordeal lasts maybe a few weeks

        The "main" story is fairly short but what kind of moron only plays the main story in a game like this?

        • 10 months ago

          What kind of half hearted excuse is that?
          The story is just shit they rushed themselves by setting an arbitrary "the MC is literally dying" time limit and then largely ignored it anyway.

          >playing nice with a company for a bit to survive
          It's still fricking wild to me how many people don't realize how fricked V is in the devil ending. The symbolism for the endings is really on the nose and people still don't get it. You're making a deal with the devil, quite fricking literally selling your soul. V is never getting out of Arasaka. The best case scenario is being Adam smasher 2.0 and the more likely case is V sits around rotting while smasher uses them like an onahole every once in a while.

          >The symbolism for the endings is really on the nose and people still don't get it. You're making a deal with the devil, quite fricking literally selling your soul. V is never getting out of Arasaka.
          Yeah thats exactly the problem the story is completely onesided and unambiguous they dont let you chose sides and form your own opinions. Arasaka bad johnny good.
          Also "Magic bullshit can change your brain but magic bullshit cant change it back" yeah, ok. No matter what ending you chose V is fricking dead not that V knows that before going to arasaka though.
          The only good ending is giving your body to johnny but even that is portrait as "le sad/bad ending".

          • 10 months ago

            You're a fricking moron.

        • 10 months ago

          The problem is that the story itself wants you to rush because V has a brain tumor and he's dying every second that passes. So you have this dissonance where gameplay-wise you want to explore and do sidequests like racing, merc work and shit while narrative-wise you have a ticking bomb in your head. It's bad, like Fallout 3/4 likewise wanting you to explore the maps but also hurry up and find your dad/son. At least in Witcher 3 you didn't know where Ciri was, you were following different leads which were all miles apart from Vizima to Velen to Novigrad to Skellige. It made sense for Geralt to do some witcher work on the side because he'd canonically spend weeks on the road and would need money for provisions and such. With CP77 taking place in a single city, one with fast cars taking you around, there's no reason for V to not do the bare minimum to be able to eat every day and spend every other hour trying to get his head fixed. Especially with the stupid quest timings the game has (or had, maybe they changed it?) where you'd have to actively stand around doing nothing waiting for Kerry or Rivers to call you to go fricking eat dinner with them or something. It's just impossible to get immersed when the last story cutscene you saw had V coughing blood and stumbling around then the second gameplay hits your biggest concern is murdering another three warehouses full of Maelstron to get enough money to buy a cool car because why not.

    • 10 months ago

      Why'd they have to kill off arguably the best character ( Jackie ) like an hour within the game...

      • 10 months ago

        if it was real rpg we totally could have saved him but it is not that moment i actually realized it, the start was pretty solid and malestorm quest was good, literally dont remember any quest after that being even remotely rpg like.

  5. 10 months ago

    They had some terrible fundamental decisions to the point that I'd call the game misdirected. The two big decisions that ended up killing them were insisting on an intimate first person perspective for everything including cutscenes and dialog, and the second was to not include any simulation elements whatsoever. I think all of the problems that people have with the game, including the mismanaged expectations from marketing, stem from these decisions.

    The game has an extremely limited scope as far as gameplay and systems, but it still takes place in a giant graphically detailed world. But then none of the gameplay systems extend to that world and the mismatch is what throws everyone for a loop. The problem is things like having the ability to pick up pointless junk items littered throughout the world but not having any kind of theft or NPC ownership system meaning nobody minds that you're stealing all their shit. Or having cars and no police chase system. Or dense pedestrian crowds that disappear out of the view frustum. You look at this game and the setting and the first person perspective that encourages you to look closely for tiny details and then none of the details of the world are actually there. They focused on the wrong things. I actually like the game and I still think it's a case of horrible missed potential.

    • 10 months ago

      Overpromised, underdelivered
      The game didn't start actual development until like 2018 yet they started promising the world as soon as that year's E3. After Witcher they thought themselves unstoppable: they essentially sold the game as next gen's New Vegas, where the entire city would be interactible and quests would have imm sim-levels of choices with outcomes rippling through the story hours down the line. Keeping in mind that 2018 saw the release of RDR2, a game where you can sit in any one bench you want, shave, take a bath, realistically ear food off a plate, have acoustic startle reflex whenever you shoot a gun, etc. etc. and that CDPR themselves had been surprisingly good at the whole choice/consequence before even as early as their first game (a choice in Kaer Morhen affecting your meeting with Kalkstein on the Vizima bridge a couple Chapters later, helping the Scoia'tael or not changing whether that one dude in the pub dies before you even get to meet him...), people believed them. Then reality came crashing down.
      Somehow the game managed to have worst systems than those of TW3, a game released with smaller budget smaller dev team and five years earlier. Horrible AI, horrible vehicle controls, useless perk system, unexistent weapon variety, railroaded quests, lack of RPG choice be it in dialogue options or character creator (V is essentially a Street Kid in every Lifepath), unfinished city, cut content (apartments, wall-running, more complicated and PnP-friendly hacking), non-existent immersion (hey remember all those trailer shots that showed V being able to enter a bar, sit in a stool and drink a beer or something? Yeah those are all scripted to happen in main quests while you're talking with another NPC next to you) and many more. It was a mess, and no three years later it is still not fixed because adding a couple houses, a couple jackets, a couple guns, a couple cars and an external anime didn't magically fix the game

      Actual sensible posts on Ganker?

  6. 10 months ago

    Arguably the worse launch in the history of gaming

    • 10 months ago

      just get a better video card, homosexual.

      • 10 months ago

        That's a glitch unique to last gen a console related to slow disk aces speed on mechanical drives.

  7. 10 months ago

    main quest versus designing a competent "job" based open world. you can get 200 hours of gear grind side mission play out of the game, but then you return to the main quest to get your crumb of pussy from Panam and learn you're suddenly Keanu Reeves best fren

    if it was a big standard "pride before the fall" story (like the anime) where your merc empire gets crushed by the machinations of "systems" in the endgame and tosses you back into the game world as a pissed off shlub to do it all again, the exact same game would be the 11/10 everyone begged for.

  8. 10 months ago

    >Put out a 45min gameplay preview of a different game

  9. 10 months ago

    Nothing it's the only action game where you can make a soft porn character thanks to the mods, made a FAP folder out of that

  10. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Ganker can make fun of and shit on Shazam all they want but you cannot take away how incredibly perfectly spot on he was with Cyberpunk. Shazam won the first time around, he won fricking hard, never forget.

  11. 10 months ago

    Overpromised, underdelivered
    The game didn't start actual development until like 2018 yet they started promising the world as soon as that year's E3. After Witcher they thought themselves unstoppable: they essentially sold the game as next gen's New Vegas, where the entire city would be interactible and quests would have imm sim-levels of choices with outcomes rippling through the story hours down the line. Keeping in mind that 2018 saw the release of RDR2, a game where you can sit in any one bench you want, shave, take a bath, realistically ear food off a plate, have acoustic startle reflex whenever you shoot a gun, etc. etc. and that CDPR themselves had been surprisingly good at the whole choice/consequence before even as early as their first game (a choice in Kaer Morhen affecting your meeting with Kalkstein on the Vizima bridge a couple Chapters later, helping the Scoia'tael or not changing whether that one dude in the pub dies before you even get to meet him...), people believed them. Then reality came crashing down.
    Somehow the game managed to have worst systems than those of TW3, a game released with smaller budget smaller dev team and five years earlier. Horrible AI, horrible vehicle controls, useless perk system, unexistent weapon variety, railroaded quests, lack of RPG choice be it in dialogue options or character creator (V is essentially a Street Kid in every Lifepath), unfinished city, cut content (apartments, wall-running, more complicated and PnP-friendly hacking), non-existent immersion (hey remember all those trailer shots that showed V being able to enter a bar, sit in a stool and drink a beer or something? Yeah those are all scripted to happen in main quests while you're talking with another NPC next to you) and many more. It was a mess, and no three years later it is still not fixed because adding a couple houses, a couple jackets, a couple guns, a couple cars and an external anime didn't magically fix the game

    • 10 months ago

      Great post, this sums up exactly my experience with the game. I played on PC at launch and had almost zero bugs or glitches outside from once or twice my game crashed back to desktop, so my issues weren't performance related at all. It's just a boring, lifeless world with barely any depth. I would legitimately rather play almost any other open world game from the last decade, maybe more, than 2077 because almost across the board they offer more immersive open world and RPG elements. They can patch and make it run better and look shinier all they want, but you can't patch in actual soul.

      • 10 months ago

        The leaked script already mentioned Keanu and how Songbird cut his connection with him, which still happens as said by people that played a preview of the DLC. Hell the leaks mentioned a character named Reed months before it was revealed he'd be Idris Elba

        • 10 months ago

          Frick, meant for

          The plot has been rewritten already. The leaked script in one of the patches comes from a time before they even tapped Keanu to reprise his role again.

  12. 10 months ago

    They absolutely shat themselves on release and arguably will never reach and/or surpass the promises like No Man's Sky miraculously did.
    Could be worse; just look at Overwatch and the abusive relationship there.

    • 10 months ago

      >will never reach and/or surpass
      >5x the current player base
      >Has giant major expansion coming out that a lot of people are looking forward too
      >Have fixed most if not all issues, revamping entire playstyles, adding new skills/perks, reworking missions, encounters, and locations
      >Broke concurrent player records TWICE on release and when Edgerunners came out

      It's been years and some of you homosexuals still cry and whine about how much of a "Flop" this game was despite selling absolute fricking gangbusters, getting a shit ton of good praise, and is STILL being actively played, talked about, modded, and has new content coming out

      Just have a nice day already, please. I'd truly rather deal with whiny trannies and SJW's then you contrarian homosexuals who hate thing solely because it's popular

      • 10 months ago

        >is STILL being actively played, talked about, modded, and has new content coming out
        i think i hear this cope more than i hear people talk about the game.

        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >surpass the promises like No Man's Sky miraculously did.
      Shut the frick up no mans sky is still absolute fricking trash.
      Its a working game now but its not even close to being a good one.
      They did not deserve that IH video.

  13. 10 months ago

    It was okay, though obviously did not live up to the hype. You just play it to completion once and forget forever.

  14. 10 months ago

    Needed a better story
    But driving around in the city and going for 100% compleition is fun and worth it

  15. 10 months ago

    car driving phisics, character leveling enemy scalling balance, ai, high level power creep,
    you kill all with hacks while hidden, you slaughter all in mele, you ether strugle with pistol because you can not 1 shot headshot from stealth or you can and you 1 shot headshot all from stealth ,
    armor system (reworked now)
    no ability to join guild/ mafia,
    overhyped keanu who did assjob as a voice actor, panam and fem v were the best voice actors, male v was a cringefest, takemura=IM SPEAKU AMERICANO CUS I AM JAPPANISU
    and many other unlikable haracters due to voice acting
    scripted as frick missions, unkipable cutscenes in campaign, unskipable braindance sesions
    and the bigest sin of all (even on hardest dificulty)
    20 minutes of boring storyplay and then 1 MINUTE of fight, - like 7-15 guys and its too easy
    but try to go to a spot with enemy that is higher level, - then hi get 10 times as much stats than they normaly have and they are bullet sponges that 2/3 shot you
    also INHALE HEALTH EVERY 5 SEC (fixed now)

  16. 10 months ago

    Too focused on hiring homosexual YouTubers instead of fixing bugs

    also I’m certain like 90% of the original team were not there by the end of development

  17. 10 months ago

    >announce it way too early
    >spend years doing frickall, trying to figure out if they want an immersive RPG or a GTA-clone
    >settle on a GTA-clone even though they have never made a GTA-clone before
    >continue to advertise the game as the most immersive sci-fi RPG ever
    >surprise surprise, game's shit because they advertised something else from what they had AND they didn't know how to actually make what they did
    >dodge responsibility for the failure, but are quick to claim success regarding the anime
    >have the gall to blame the audience for not enjoying the game at launch when the failure was squarely on their shoulders

    >and worst of all, somehow they got away with it because everyone's excited for the DLC like they don't remember the launch or the company reps being buttholes afterward

  18. 10 months ago

    >The lack of VR despite all the effort that went into a first-person experience
    >Hiring a QA testing company that focused on quantity over quality
    >Too many elements scale with your level, the enemies' level should've been more static
    >The level cap was too high. It should've been 30 with bonus attribute and skill points upon reaching certain thresholds. Better yet, get rid of character level altogether and have you spend experience on stats directly like in VtMB, Deus Ex 1 and Shadowrun
    >Not making Judy a romance option for male V
    >A lack of likable corpos besides Goro. Making Meredith into a fully fleshed-out romance option like Panam would've helped a lot
    >Besides The Star and The Sun, most of the endings were ass. The corpo ending should've let you sell out to a company that wants Arasaka out of Night City (ie. Militech or NightCorp) and in turn get rewarded with a cushy, well-paying job as head of security. You would get to become Johnny's antithesis, which would round out the game's outcomes

    • 10 months ago

      >selling out Saka
      probably gonna happen in Phantom Liberty

      • 10 months ago

        The DLC's ending was leaked more than a year ago, it adds a new variation to the Devil ending where you use Songbird's experimental tech to save your body but at the cost of betraying Viktor

        • 10 months ago

          >betraying Victor
          How's that supposed to work? Dude is just a doctor.

          • 10 months ago

            >betraying Vik
            what? why?

            JuiceHead on YouTube talked about the leaks a year ago, you could try and find the video

            • 10 months ago

              The plot has been rewritten already. The leaked script in one of the patches comes from a time before they even tapped Keanu to reprise his role again.

          • 10 months ago

            >betraying Vik
            what? why?

            Probably the same bullshit like the """"bad"""" ending where everyone just hates you out of nowhere cause you went to arasaka so they can help you not fricking die
            Good fricking "friends" that would rather see you ride off into the desert to slowly croak in some shit hole instead of playing nice with a company for a bit to survive

            • 10 months ago

              >playing nice with a company for a bit to survive
              It's still fricking wild to me how many people don't realize how fricked V is in the devil ending. The symbolism for the endings is really on the nose and people still don't get it. You're making a deal with the devil, quite fricking literally selling your soul. V is never getting out of Arasaka. The best case scenario is being Adam smasher 2.0 and the more likely case is V sits around rotting while smasher uses them like an onahole every once in a while.

        • 10 months ago

          >betraying Vik
          what? why?

      • 10 months ago

        I think it's probably gonna be a variation of The Sun ending. Instead of Rogue, you will have some of the DLC characters helping you infiltrate Arasaka and it will end with V running the Afterlife as a sleeper agent for the NUSA.

        The DLC's ending was leaked more than a year ago, it adds a new variation to the Devil ending where you use Songbird's experimental tech to save your body but at the cost of betraying Viktor

        JuiceHead on YouTube talked about the leaks a year ago, you could try and find the video

        The "leak" sounds incredibly stupid, even by Ganker standards. Given that there will be an option to pledge your allegiance to the NUSA, I think the new ending will heavily revolve around that.

        • 10 months ago

          >even by Ganker standards
          Not only it was not leaked here, but the leak was heavily discussed because it came from modder drama. TLDR CDPR fricked up and left text strings about the DLC inside one of their patches to the game. Modders found out first and told CDPR all hush hush so people wouldn't find out. One modder felt betrayed for one thing or another so he leaked the thing. Again it's been discussed aplenty and people even made videos about it. Songbird, Reed, the Combat Zone, V meeting President Myers when her AV is shot down... we knew about all this shit before it was officially announced.

  19. 10 months ago

    CP2077 is a good game but it's not a great game

  20. 10 months ago

    CDPR lie about making a roleplaying game, released a buggy broken open world shooter with a storyline changes based on quests you do instead of roleplaying, they "fix" it and now people, who were already creaming their pants over how its the best "RPG" they ever played, honestly dont see any problem with what happened and will go onto support similar scams in the future.
    Thats what went wrong and will keep going wrong for decades to come.

  21. 10 months ago

    nothing, its okay now that they fixed most of the bugs. Only Gankertrannies seethe about it

  22. 10 months ago

    Dunno. I liked it. Pretty stoked for Phantom Liberty.

  23. 10 months ago

    Needed more Panam.

  24. 10 months ago

    marketing and malding incels.

    I played the game on launch, on console, and had a ton of fun and few technical issues.

  25. 10 months ago

    The cyberpunk GTA vibe doesn't fit with janky European RPG shit. I wish the Sleeping Dogs guys had made this instead.

  26. 10 months ago


  27. 10 months ago

    Story, last gen cucksoles, open world meme, notRPG.

  28. 10 months ago

    Overly ambitious team underestimated the amount of work it would take to make a game of that scale leading to removed features and cut content and an unpolished game.

  29. 10 months ago


  30. 10 months ago

    baldur's gate 3 is what cyberpank should've been. don't @ me

    • 10 months ago

      I'll @ you because you're right

    • 10 months ago

      both games are shit

      • 10 months ago

        last post best post
        cyberpunk is a bit less gay though

  31. 10 months ago
  32. 10 months ago

    It's a high fidelity puddle. Simple as.

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