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What went wrong?

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  1. 9 months ago

    YanDev thought that mixing Hitman and Persona was somehow a good idea and didn't realize it until it was too late. But to be fair, neither did most people.

    • 9 months ago

      He just wanted a game where he could creep on school girls. Evaxephon never understood Hitman beyond surface level, he's never understood anything beyond a surface level.

      • 9 months ago

        >he's never understood anything beyond a surface level.
        He made it his life's goal to make a game about a yandere girl without even knowing how to pronounce the word "yandere".

        • 9 months ago

          He complained you have to find a screwdriver in hitman where a screwdriver would be, instead of just starting with one all the time. He says he likes hitman games but doesn't like exploring the world or solutions that are more than two steps

          • 9 months ago

            Imagine being a hitman and not at least carrying a swiss army knife toolkit with you at all times.

            > Muh airport security.

            Can't he just carry it inside his prison suitcase in undetectable container from airport to airport???

      • 9 months ago

        >He just wanted a game where he could creep on school girls
        This would've been based if he went all in on it instead of trying to shy away, or acting surprised when Twitch banned it (which is funny you can play something like Saya on there and that has actual porn)

        • 9 months ago

          >acting surprised when Twitch banned it (which is funny you can play something like Saya on there and that has actual porn)
          I don't know anything about Saya, aside from quickly looking it up, but isn't the main reason Yandere Sim banned because it's meant to depict highschoolers? I know YAAndereDev claims they're all 18, but we all know fictional Japanese High Schools never depict anyone over the age of 17 as the major cast, unless they're deliberately older in contrast.

    • 9 months ago

      It is a decent idea that someone could make work, he's just shit at executing it

    • 9 months ago

      it literally did fricking work, he was popular at undertale's level thanks to all e-celebs and cum goblet slorper wasted it due to him being an incarnation of a loser,

      life gave him the golden fricking opportunity and he wasted it

    • 9 months ago

      If he had a full team at the beginning, it would be fine. He bit off more than he could chew and choked.
      It derived incidentally from this very board in which he took people's support for it at face value instead of starting with a simple project. Plus, he could have had it set in the 90s when there was less tech to hinder assassins like social media and smart phones as well as had it set in a prep school to guarantee all characters are at least 18 or older.

    • 9 months ago

      It is a good idea, the problem is that he is trying to make it alone, when the kind of game his making would need an absolute workaholic autist, and his only an autist. We are in the dark ending, in the good ending he would have let the guy from that publishing company to refactor his code and the game would have been finished. He needs more people working on the game but his stubborn. I have actually been where he is, on a project that is too big for me. Either you downsize or you make a team, otherwise you are never going to finish it.

  2. 9 months ago

    Dev took his players' opinions seriously.

  3. 9 months ago

    harassment from Ganker

  4. 9 months ago

    This game was the first major red flag that normie infestation was killing anime.

    • 9 months ago

      you are one of them, normalgay

    • 9 months ago

      by the time yandere simulator took off anime was already shit and stagnating

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >killing anime
      Typical newbie.

  5. 9 months ago

    >Dev talks more about game than works on it
    >spends years of work on talking about game instead of working on it.
    He made a hype "Nintendo hire this man!" demo which gave him enough attention to waste more years of his life.

  6. 9 months ago

    The creator was more entertaining than the game

  7. 9 months ago

    Somebody more competent is gonna beat him soon

  8. 9 months ago

    it helps to actually make the game first. yanderedev is too busy reading e-mails with his sex doll and underage discord kittens to care

    • 9 months ago

      >anderedev is too busy reading e-mails with his sex doll and underage discord kittens to care
      this more or less, he used his 15 minutes of fame to make "friends" instead of sell his game

    • 9 months ago

      >too busy reading e-mails with his sex doll
      This will never not be the funnist shit ever he literally spent thousands in donations on a real doll more then one too correct? Plus all the cringy posts on the forum god damn man. Yandredev truly was the gift that kept on giving.

    • 9 months ago

      >yanderedev caught ‘grooming’ another teen
      >barely anyone gives a shit
      fricking kek
      dude isn’t even worth twitter outrage anymore

      • 9 months ago

        >16 year old
        homie that's legal. No shit no one gives a frick.

        • 9 months ago

          >barely legal teen with a 30+ manbaby
          People just don't care about Yandev anymore. Dude has lost any relevance in the social eye and his Patreon is dying. It's like if sp00ny did the same shit no one would care either.

          • 9 months ago

            Legal is legal. Who the frick cares as long as it's not against the law?

            • 9 months ago

              >Who the frick cares as long as it's not against the law?
              What if it's not legal from where he's from? Also this is twitter, anon. They will give a frick but Yandev is just not relevant anymore.

            • 9 months ago

              since when was it a good idea to let the government dictate what is and isn't moral

              • 9 months ago

                If we aren't bringing the law into it it's even more ok.

        • 9 months ago

          It's legal if both are underage. If one of them is an adult then it's child abuse

          • 9 months ago

            16 is the AOC in the civilized world.

      • 9 months ago

        The reason no one cares is because he's literally a nobody, he's not someone worth canceling

      • 9 months ago

        This was old news that twitter troons decide to bring up so anyone who's shocked is uninformed about Eva. His fans knew about his behavior as well and enabled him for many years

        • 9 months ago

          >old news
          This is a new girl accusing him

          • 9 months ago

            18 PRIOR CASES hitting on his discord kittens

      • 9 months ago

        >sixteen year old
        Come on now, these hags and dramamongers are just getting ridiculous. What's next, murdering a gingerbread man? Raping an onahole?

      • 9 months ago

        Legal in my country, don't care.

      • 9 months ago

        Wasn't he like 19? Like legit nothing wrong with this and actually legal in pretty much every state.

        • 9 months ago

          Who? YanDev? He's almost 40.

        • 9 months ago

          try 35

        • 9 months ago

          Anon the game was been in "development" for like 15 years

      • 9 months ago

        It's because everyone already knew, but since there hasn't been any sort of definitive proof until now, they couldn't really do much to change it outside of let his game die out in relevance.

      • 9 months ago

        >barely anyone gives a shit
        The voice actors for Yandere-chan and Budo said they're stepping away from the game. It's over. Alex is going to kill himself.

        • 9 months ago

          >Yandere-chan had a voice actor
          First of all, what? Second of all, it took her this long to step away from YanSim? Were the 18 other controversies not enough?

        • 9 months ago

          He doesn't have the conviction to do it. I wonder what he's going to do now since no VA will touch him with a 3 inch pole

          • 9 months ago

            >I wonder what he's going to do now since no VA will touch him with a 3 inch pole
            He's absolutely going to start using trash tier AI voices and insist he has no choice because no VAs will work with him.
            As long as the patreon money keeps flowing he won't abandon the project. Hopefully enough people stop supporting him and he realizes that it's over

            • 9 months ago

              With the amount of interactions his posts get, I honestly feel like there are a decent amount of people who just leave the subscription running without even realizing, just shrugging it off because $3 a month isn't as big of a deal to them.

              • 9 months ago

                That's likely what it is, people just subbed to multiple patreons and forget to really check in. I think if people start pressuring patreon to ban him it could happen though. The fricking idiot didn't even try denying what happened, so it's not even a case of plausible deniability.

        • 9 months ago

          And down goes Senpai.

        • 9 months ago

          Alex is just going to use AI to synthesize her voice for future lines, lmao.

        • 9 months ago

          >I was very close to finishing the game guys, but I needed to find a voice actor and have them rejoice every line. The game is delayed.

      • 9 months ago

        >yanderedev caught ‘grooming’ another teen
        >barely anyone gives a shit
        >fricking kek
        >dude isn’t even worth twitter outrage anymore
        Shitty exagerated drama
        Its always Twitter, wonder why

      • 9 months ago

        >barely anyone gives a shit
        The voice actors for Yandere-chan and Budo said they're stepping away from the game. It's over. Alex is going to kill himself.

        DO NOT accuse.

        • 9 months ago

          >Don't do it!
          >But if you do, I'll still respond 🙂
          He clearly only did this for plausible deniability.
          >"See the minor came to ME when I told them not to! It's not MY fault!"

        • 9 months ago

          I don't think adding such a description helps much if you already got caught hand in the cookie jar

          • 9 months ago

            More like the cupcake basket

        • 9 months ago

          I don't think adding such a description helps much if you already got caught hand in the cookie jar


        • 9 months ago

          Amazing how he is still open to talking to minors at all when he has absolutely no business talking to them privately.

      • 9 months ago

        Nothing burger unless he was dumb enough to let the chat evolve into sexting, and even more dumb if they traded nudes

        • 9 months ago

          which if you read the thread, he did.

        • 9 months ago

          read Black person read

    • 9 months ago

      Don't forget having his discord jannies/bots instantly banning anyone posting any anti-Yanderedev stuff like the cum chalice.

      • 9 months ago

        dont also forget people started speedrunning getting banned from the channel. Like a lot of people kek

      • 9 months ago

        >cum chalice

    • 9 months ago

      >too busy reading e-mails with his sex doll
      this can't be real

    • 9 months ago

      Nobody will ever believe an anon on Ganker but for roughly 8 months I worked with YandereDev on the game. Can confirm he used to write absolute fricking tombs of emails to me, no wonder he never finished this shitheap. Glad I bailed. I did some scenery models that are still in the game today.

      • 9 months ago

        sorry for your huge waste of time

      • 9 months ago

        send pngs of the models you made

        • 9 months ago

          I’m considering it. I’m thinking about posting all of the emails since I can’t imagine there’ll be repercussions but there’s nothing really that interesting in them. It’s just him asking me pretty politely to make things. My mistake was I did it all for free but I was 15 at the time.

          • 9 months ago

            >My mistake was I did it all for free but I was 15 at the time.
            My roommate worked on Yansim for free for a while too, but when he left the project he asked for backpay and Alex agreed to it.

            • 9 months ago

              sounds like a decent guy with a tough time in school

  9. 9 months ago

    >School Murder sim
    I'll give you one guess as to why this would never take off

  10. 9 months ago

    >dev went in over his head with a project he did not have the skills for
    >everything is a pre bought asset, but unwillingness to tweak them
    >holy frick the shitcode

    • 9 months ago

      What's wrong with that if it works. Switch/state machines are just muh readability sugar anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        >What's wrong with that if it works
        its bad and really fricking slow

        • 9 months ago

          If else is the simplest logic gate.

          • 9 months ago

            simple doesn't mean fast and efficient

            • 9 months ago

              You're moronic. Prove why it's not efficient. Everything inside on your computer uses gates. I don't expect you to be able to defend yourself after repeating what other people say about the code.

              Go on, do it.

              • 9 months ago

                frick off, Eva

              • 9 months ago

                For just a few items, the difference is small. If you have many items you should definitely use a switch.

                If a switch contains more than five items, it's implemented using a lookup table or a hash list. This means that all items get the same access time, compared to a list of if:s where the last item takes much more time to reach as it has to evaluate every previous condition first.

              • 9 months ago

                >if else
                >computer has to run trough all the data and compare it one by one
                >computer looks for the specific shit it needs and uses it

              • 9 months ago

                else if is bad because of bad readability but I doubt it had anything to do with performance
                iirc he put everything into Update so the game was checking all this useless shit every frame instead of loading it once

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                this is why you shouldn't be allowed to get a codemonkey bootcamp diploma without learning a bit of assembly first

              • 9 months ago

                else if is bad because of bad readability but I doubt it had anything to do with performance
                iirc he put everything into Update so the game was checking all this useless shit every frame instead of loading it once


                nta but for switch compiler is more likely to optimize it into a jump table, which is basically what that anon said

        • 9 months ago

          >really fricking slow
          I haven't payed the game but is the performance bad? if the game hits 60fps code inefficiency doesn't matter

          • 9 months ago

            it's even less than that

          • 9 months ago

            His code does a ton of redundant tasks that tanks the framerate so hard is unplayable in most PCs. And yeah, most important features were never implemented

            >barely anyone gives a shit
            The voice actors for Yandere-chan and Budo said they're stepping away from the game. It's over. Alex is going to kill himself.

            >with an exclusion of IA
            Kek, like if Eva knew how to properly setup the API to do that

        • 9 months ago

          What's wrong with that if it works. Switch/state machines are just muh readability sugar anyway.

          Actually, it isn't very slow, you would never notice it. The problem is that expanding or changing it is a fricking pain in the ass and it hurts my fricking eyes. I remember checking his code when it leaked and this dude just refuses to make classes. 99% when you end up in this situation, you need to make a new class.

      • 9 months ago

        Readability is a really important aspect of code, you know.

      • 9 months ago

        if else inversion (at the very minimum)

        its not the actual
        >what the absolute frick are you doing
        for example
        >he recalculates eye color every frame for some reason

        • 9 months ago

          >he recalculates eye color every frame for some reason
          People focus on the if else shit. That's kinda bad but the worst thing about the code people don't tend to bring up is that it employs 0 logic or compartmentalization and instead opts to literally run every single frame of code every single line at all times, forever. The code going "do i have blue eyes? do I have red eyes? do I have black hair? do I have a white shirt? Am I alive? I am dead? Am I in club X? Am I in club Y?" EVERY. SINGLE. FRAME. Rendering? I'm pretty sure everything is loaded and rendered at all times regardless of whether you can see it. NPC detection? From what I remember, he runs the entire calculation to see if a NPC spotted you for every single NPC every single frame even if said NPC is on the other side of the school behind 200 walls and you're not even being searched for.

          • 9 months ago

            >I'm pretty sure everything is loaded and rendered at all times regardless of whether you can see it.
            im pretty sure theres no frustum culling

            im also pretty sure i remember but i didnt want to say it because im probably wrong about it
            >he recalculates every mesh every frame as well

          • 9 months ago

            Never used Unity before, but why the frick would you even begin to code it that way? Stuff like eyecolor would be set once at game start or simply set by whatever model it loads surely?

            • 9 months ago

              you are correct
              unfortunately your dealing with a shitdev who is a perfect example of why everything is unoptimized these days

              • 9 months ago

                Its literally MORE effort to code it the way he did it and obviously infinitely worse in the long run
                Perfect storm of idiocy

              • 9 months ago

                >more effort
                just a little bit
                >infinitely worse
                hell yeah
                every fricking thing in this game is infinitely worse than it needs to be

            • 9 months ago

              Because evaxephon googled "how to code" and just copied what he saw and just rolled with the method that initially seemed easiest. No need to understand the theory behind it, or how it works, or why it works, or anything related to systems at all, or to plan ahead in any fashion whatsoever. As long as the code somewhat did what you wanted it to that's good enough right? And as the project became bigger (I refuse to use the word "progressed" because it never did) his lack of understanding in the underlying systems he was working with naturally led to an ever growing clusterfrick.
              Imagine you kidnapped someone with 0 idea of computers or code. Now imagine you held them at gun point, gave them a barebones manual that explained the basic syntax of C or whatever language, and just forced them to code using that information alone. Literally no information other than the basic syntax you have to use to not get a compiler error. That's what evaxephon was going off of, except nobody was forcing him and he just willingly choose to stay ignorant because he's lazy.

            • 9 months ago

              Because unity devs are hacks in general who can't really code

          • 9 months ago

            Ok I dont know jack shit about coding other than the most basics of the basics, but what the actual frick. No seriously, at what point would a person be like "hm yes this is a good idea"?

            • 9 months ago

              there are things
              namely collision checks and "are we fricking dead" checks
              that NEED to be run every frame (technically 1 frame in the future but we dont talk about that stuff)

              and then you get what the frick why is this a thing every frame
              like how terraria calculated torch luck
              it fricking checked every block in the chunk every frame for that release update

              • 9 months ago

                I mean I get that to a degree but like... shouldnt anyone with even a basic amount of reasoning skills be able to see that some things need to be run every frame and others, like eye color, dont? I just dont understand how he could not catch it, and then trudge on with it when he inevitably did catch his mistake... because there's no fricking way he didnt realize this shit, surely, right?

              • 9 months ago

                because most of the time you go with what works/the easiest path
                it's pretty common to just get a basic system working and then afterwards going back and refining it.
                I don't see much wrong with his code, his attitude is the real problem. I used to write garbage like he did.
                That's just how it is, you suck at stuff when first starting. He just never learns from it.
                But it's been years, maybe he's changed, idk, I don't follow this crap

            • 9 months ago

              It's easy to have stuff running every frame when you are learning and are just putting everything on the main game loop. Having the game always check its state all the time is the easiest thing to work with. The performance issues also creep up, it might have been fine when he started out to have a hundred little checks per frame from 5 NPCs but when every NPC adds another 20 per frame, or God forbid your algorithm requires every NPC to do a check against every other NPC for something, one day it will suddenly start stuttering and it won't seem like you added anything obviously performance-heavy.

        • 9 months ago

          Wait hold the frick up he developed this in unity didn't he? Why the frick would you put this in the Update function and not in the Start function? Like if you want a randomized character why not just set their difference up instantiation?

          • 9 months ago

            probably because he doesn't have a dedicated character class file or couldn't figure out how to save them to disk

          • 9 months ago


            >dev went in over his head with a project he did not have the skills for
            >everything is a pre bought asset, but unwillingness to tweak them
            >holy frick the shitcode

      • 9 months ago

        The problem is it's entirely unmaintainable and if any changes or fixes need to be made it's going to take longer than it should. It reminds me of his conversation Mike Z about adding combos to a fighting game. For YandereDev it took hours. For Skullgirls it took seconds.

        It's not an optimization problem. It's a software design problem. It is almost certainly a symptom of creating solutions without thinking them through first. This is just one example.

      • 9 months ago

        >what's wrong with that if it works
        aside from the fact that it doesn't work if he's stupid (he is), it's also incredibly annoying and time consuming to maintain which will only lead to breaking it even more
        he's making a foundation out of toothpicks and is surprised when it can't handle his weight
        this idiot fricking broke his partnership with tinybuild--who would have made the game FOR HIM--becuase he was too stupid to realize that the programmer they hired to help him wrote actual code, but he didn't know how to read it

      • 9 months ago

        switches are fine but what the frick is wrong with him if he's using fricking strings as keys

      • 9 months ago

        >muh readability
        that's like, 10% of the problem

        the other 90% is that it's very inefficient and if all of his code looks like this, then the game will run like shit

    • 9 months ago

      morons like you have no idea what you're even looking at. Picrel, from Hollow Knight

      • 9 months ago

        >comparing single if statement vs nested if statements

      • 9 months ago

        wtf does it even do?
        t. nveer played HK

      • 9 months ago


        >comparing single if statement vs nested if statements

        but also
        what the frick is this system

        why is this a standalone function and not a method of the (i didnt play hollowknight so bear with me here) the charm inventory system

        why are charms all standalone and dont inherent a base shared class
        why the frick do they have unique name fields for their cost

        bro just because its code in a good game
        doesnt mean its good code

        wtf does it even do?
        t. nveer played HK

        iterates over every equipped charm and adds the total equip cost together

        • 9 months ago

          You are comparing apple to orange
          You are clearly using oop design to a procedural function
          Without looking at the rest of his codebase there is no telling this function is a shit code ot not

      • 9 months ago

        A lot of indie games have shitty code, even the more popular ones (Undertale, FNF, Minecraft, Hollow Knight like you pointed out, etc.). But the difference there is that you can play those games with little to no hangups. Undertale runs smoothly, FNF runs smoothly, Minecraft runs smoothly, Hollow Knight runs smoothly. YanSim does not run smoothly, you need a fricking NASA supercomputer to run the game despite it looking like it could run on the fricking PS2. There's obviously something wrong under the hood yet YanDev either doesn't know how/doesn't want to fix it. That's why people get on him all the time for his code.

        • 9 months ago

          >Minecraft runs smoothly
          you stuck in the beta 1.7.3 days there senpai?
          it got real fricking bad 'recently'

        • 9 months ago

          The performance issues have nothing to do with the examples people clown on him for, and hilariously enough all the youtubers who call out his "bad practices" wind up backpedaling once they realize they're analyzing decompiled code and not actual source code and that it has no impact on performance. I have yet to see an ACTUAL analysis of Yanderesim on why the game runs like shit.

          • 9 months ago

            post code, Eva

          • 9 months ago

            >they're analyzing decompiled code
            doesn't matter because decompiling something is an analysis of system instruction behavior or byte code and either way it's a terrible overhead to incur especially when it cascades or snowballs

          • 9 months ago

            >I have yet to see an ACTUAL analysis of Yanderesim on why the game runs like shit.
            Here you go anon:

        • 9 months ago

          >YanSim does not run smoothly, you need a fricking NASA supercomputer to run the game despite it looking like it could run on the fricking PS2. There's obviously something wrong under the hood yet YanDev either doesn't know how/doesn't want to fix it.

          The performance issues have nothing to do with the examples people clown on him for, and hilariously enough all the youtubers who call out his "bad practices" wind up backpedaling once they realize they're analyzing decompiled code and not actual source code and that it has no impact on performance. I have yet to see an ACTUAL analysis of Yanderesim on why the game runs like shit.

          >I have yet to see an ACTUAL analysis of Yanderesim on why the game runs like shit.

          To both of you: I have seen a video analysis of why the game runs like shit, and I can confirm it's not the code. Basically, and I'm trying to remember this from scratch because I believe the videos got taken down, but the reason it runs like shit is because YanDev doesn't make use of something called Occlusion in the game, which basically hides/unloads any texture that could not be possibly seen by the player camera immediately or within the next 5 feet. Basically, the entire game loads EVERYTHING all at once. So buildings, walls, textures, things like that, are all being rendered even in spots where it is not possible.

          What makes it worse is the guy who analyzed and demonstrated this said that there was basically a tool in the engine as-is that you could simply start using that would do this for him, and just using that helped the FPS fricking skyrocket.

          • 9 months ago

            Doesn't he also use models with bazillion polygons?

            • 9 months ago

              >make models
              No, he buys models from the unity store, and then slaps them into the game despite their ridiculous polygon count.

        • 9 months ago

          >Minecraft runs smoothly

          • 9 months ago

            Java's problem is generally Java but a moderately powerful computer works just fine unless you're a modded tard which is not a Minecraft problem.

            Bedrock has a handful of versions that run terribly and obviously less powerful systems run it a little less well, but is mostly fine. Even the Switch runs it at 60 FPS just fine despite what morons have often made up in their head about it (they do limit the render distance on more modern versions for Switch but as someone who had it before and therefore still has access to the old maximum, I know it still runs just fine on higher ones than they now allow - which is actually an attempt to solve a problem they created to begin with by not allowing the turning off of auto saves which can cause issues when a lot of entities are nearby).

        • 9 months ago

          >FNF runs smoothly
          It shits itself the second it has to load anything
          Then again the game is shit so you're not losing out on anything good by not playing

      • 9 months ago

        >Hollow Knight
        literal reddit slop

        • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        okay, but the difference is this dev is not doing 100 string comparisons in his update method.

        What's wrong with that if it works. Switch/state machines are just muh readability sugar anyway.

        switch case uses jump tables. please educate yourself first.

      • 9 months ago

        Hollow Knight is for monochrome bugmen, the ones depicted in the game

      • 9 months ago

        nta but the only way to "improve" this code is to use some weird reflection, unlike yandere dev (switch case has better perfotmance and readability)
        They may look similar to outsiders, but their meaning is entirely different

        • 9 months ago

          >nta but the only way to "improve" this code is to use some weird reflection

          public void CalculateNotchesUsed(){
          int num = 0;
          for(Charm charm : equippedCharms){
          num += charm.getCost'

          return num;


          • 9 months ago

            cant do that
            for some fricking insane reason they all have unique names for the cost field
            i suppose you could throw an iterator index and use that with some string frickery
            but thats prone to break if they have a snowflake name

            • 9 months ago

              What the actual literal fricking frick are you talking about you frickBlack person
              Do you know what a map is. That function is all just bools and ints

          • 9 months ago

            The charms here clearly aren't objects so you can't iterate over them like that.

            You could however make an array if flags for charms equipped and do a

            for(int i = 0; i <NUM_CHARMS; i++)
            if (this.charmsEquipped[i])
            num += this.charmCosts[i]:

            Buuuut that could introduce bugs more easily because now ordering actually matters and such

      • 9 months ago

        This isn't the actual code right? It was reverse engineered, often shit looks horrible when in reality it can be very clean.

    • 9 months ago

      if you think that's shitcode, you should see mine

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly the if/else shit is one of the least important frickups in the game, it's as readable as a switch statement and runs about just as fast. The one thing that really fricks up performance is him using models with a shit ton of polygons for incredibly small items like fricking toothbrushes

      • 9 months ago

        This is assuming the compiler optimizes it out to the same-ish bytecode. If it doesn’t then enjoy traversing that if-else chain from the top every time instead of just jumping to the desired spot like switch-case.

        Not going into how string comparisons are more expensive/intensive than using an int or enum.

    • 9 months ago

      Why did he make a bool for WitnessedCorpse, but then decide to bundle together Weapon, Blood, Insanity, Lewd and Trespassing into a magic string?

  11. 9 months ago

    >gives code for someone to fix it
    >they start fixing it
    >tell them to frick off because you don't understand the fix

  12. 9 months ago

    unity store assets
    lack of direction
    spaghetti code
    eva is a c**t
    it's been ten years, it's over

  13. 9 months ago

    >If else if
    >else if
    >else if

    • 9 months ago

      Nothing wrong with this.
      >b-but switch case
      They're literally the same once the compiler processes it.

      • 9 months ago

        Ok Eva.

      • 9 months ago

        >They're literally the same once the compiler processes it.
        No shit, anon, that's why we have compilers in the first place: so we can have readable source to work with that humans are supposed to be able to readily understand.

        • 9 months ago

          >muh readable code
          Enjoy getting replaced.

          • 9 months ago

            Post code.

          • 9 months ago

            >Enjoy getting replaced
            lol, spoken like a true codelet

        • 9 months ago

          This, but unironically

        • 9 months ago

          This what Indians do. Every variable is lile Vishnu1, Vishnu2, etc.
          Its part of why modern programs are so buggy and difficult to debug.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        switch statements are much more likely to compile to a jump table

        • 9 months ago

          maybe if you're programming in C 30 years ago.
          compilers can optimize an if/else to a jump table just fine if it is actually possible.

      • 9 months ago

        hey fun fact
        match case in python USED to be slower than else if chains

        yes they both boil down to if else
        but compiler magic doesnt do its wizzardry the same you leetcode peasant

        >They're literally the same once the compiler processes it.
        No shit, anon, that's why we have compilers in the first place: so we can have readable source to work with that humans are supposed to be able to readily understand.

        No, switching to switch would not make this good code. The issue is much more fundamental, clean structuring of concepts. Like, he's tracking a state of what was witnessed by having a string variable that gets various things appended to it, separated by "and" no less. That's bonkers. This is the mark of someone who finds coding - not the fancy complex overall process of developing and debugging and keeping things organized, but literally just the line by line flow of logic - to be a confusing puzzle, when it needs to be an effortless expression of your natural logical process. Because the "right" thing doesn't come naturally to them on trivial things like this, they pile up technical debt at a terrifying rate. That's the real issue. The guy does/did indeed have something working, and that's impressive! But then it rapidly becomes unmaintainable and unextendable. Think the worst spaghetti factory possible if you're a factorio player.

        • 9 months ago

          would a struct be a better thing here?
          like have a struct with an "event" enum; and then a list of "witnesses" that would be implemented and a timer for the event?

        • 9 months ago

          What's worse is that he literally could've made scriptable objects, or heck even a basic NPC script with an array(not an actual one) of components that utilize different scripts and prefabs to have his assortment of a student body. I don't even use Unity anymore and I understand this. It's not as though he's using a single model and "else if"ing his way to loading these models. Right?... Right?

        • 9 months ago

          This anon knows what he is talking about. I work with corporate VBA program tools in Excel and it doesnt matter if you use If/Else or Switch statements or anything, when you have 100 variables you are juggling, it is a nightmare to add any additional layers of complexity to the system.
          It made life during Covid hell as 20+ year old tools needed to be updated to add adjustments for pandemic related matters.

      • 9 months ago

        Yes there is. It fails to adhere to several principles of solid when you use conditionals to check every fricking state every fricking loop. He should have used a factory pattern.

    • 9 months ago

      hey fun fact
      match case in python USED to be slower than else if chains

      Nothing wrong with this.
      >b-but switch case
      They're literally the same once the compiler processes it.

      yes they both boil down to if else
      but compiler magic doesnt do its wizzardry the same you leetcode peasant

      • 9 months ago

        >muh shitty unoptimized language fricked up their coding
        wow cool anon

      • 9 months ago

        No one was talking about Python, and the match case should not be used for tasks that need performance, the match case is designed for something else. If you want performance in your ifs and elses in Python you need to use directly a hash table (dictionary)

  14. 9 months ago


  15. 9 months ago

    Not enough effort, heart or care, and I heard he brought in outsiders. May be wrong, but it seems like something like that.
    Directionless drift.

  16. 9 months ago

    took too long.

  17. 9 months ago

    What happened to those guys who were doing the
    >we can finish Yandere Simulator before you finish Yandere Simulator
    bit? They had a discord and a project going and everything, right? Any news on that?

    • 9 months ago

      It crumbled like 90% of the other YanSim clones. There's a video on YouTube that goes over most if not all the YanSim clones throughout the years and the downfall for a lot of them were "internal drama, the dev not caring anymore, or the dev just went completely silent on the project."

      • 9 months ago

        >the dev not caring anymore, or the dev just went completely silent on the project.
        not on the dev team

        but i feel the frick out of this

      • 9 months ago

        Figures this sorta shit has no longevity. Alright.

      • 9 months ago

        No shit, something like Yandere Sim isn't something a single person or a few people can easily do.

      • 9 months ago

        Its almost like "dab on evaxephon" isn't a strong enough motivator to make someone waste years of time developing a shitty game they don't even want.

      • 9 months ago

        >the dev not caring anymore, or the dev just went completely silent on the project."
        These are the same thing.

    • 9 months ago

      The most successful one with the best main character design was cancelled because yandev threatened the leader he'd commit suicide if they released the fangame. Yes, he's that pathetic

    • 9 months ago

      they finished it, realized that the game idea was shit, and then it faded away into nothing

  18. 9 months ago

    Everything. A terrible idea proposed by a terrible person, encouraged by other terrible people. People here cheering for eva's thrice distilled weapon grade cringe "revenge backstory" was the ultimate proof of how fricking moronic people here are.

  19. 9 months ago

    Star Citizen or Yandere Simulator
    Which releases first?

  20. 9 months ago

    Yanderes and their fans are subhumans

  21. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I don't know jack shit about programming but wouldn't almost any programming language know what an even/odd number is? There's no way you actually have to code it manually.

      • 9 months ago

        >X % 2 == 0
        for evens
        >X % 2 == 1
        >X % 2 != 0
        for odds

        • 9 months ago

          Even if you don't know the principle behind the remainder of a division by 2, you should know that if the last digit of a number is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, the number is even, so even this way it's easier to check for an even number and including odd numbers in your infinite check.

      • 9 months ago

        No they wouldn't. Try to think about how you know whether 264519412447123 is odd or even. You have to tell the program and computer how to find the state of odd or even. There are math tricks you can do to make it easier and efficient for the computer in code.

        The picture is a meme because you can find even/odd with a single line of code using the modulus operator like

        >X % 2 == 0
        for evens
        >X % 2 == 1
        >X % 2 != 0
        for odds


        • 9 months ago

          bitmask 1 bit
          i need to sit down and actually frick around with that power
          i need to play with it more

          • 9 months ago

            >X % 2 == 0
            for evens
            >X % 2 == 1
            >X % 2 != 0
            for odds

            return x & 1
            will simply return 1 if odd, 0 if even.which in nearly any language can be taken directly as true or false. No need for a comparison.

          • 9 months ago

            I was about to respond with

            return x & 1
            will simply return 1 if odd, 0 if even.which in nearly any language can be taken directly as true or false. No need for a comparison.


            The good shit is not even needing to bitmask, just bitwise AND with 1 and it will return 1 or 0 based on the least significant bit.

            • 9 months ago

              If you ask someone with knowledge of binary logic about the odds/even thing, you'll get that. If you ask someone with no knowledge of computers, the most "natural" way to do it is to divide by 2 and check the remainder since that's the definition of even, and that's basically checking modulo 2.
              If you asked Eva he would probably initialize x at 0, check if number = x for evens, check if number < x for odds, add 2 to x and just repeat over and over until one check comes out at true. The final result is correct so no need to avoid nonsensical methods, right?

              • 9 months ago

                did you miss


              • 9 months ago

                Fake news. The real eva would have a typo in a single line revealing he doesn't even know how to copy paste properly.

              • 9 months ago

                Yandev loves string so much I bet he would learn how to convert the bits to a char array and then convert the end of the array into a single char string to compare.

              • 9 months ago

                im gonna tuck this idea in the job security folder

              • 9 months ago

                You'd think he would .ToString().Last() and check it explicitly against '0', '1', etc.

              • 9 months ago

                >a single char string to compare.
                Why stop there and not use 'One' and 'Zero'?

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah in order to come to the bitwise AND solution you have to have some knowledge about how computers work, how data is stored, and a bit of discrete mathematics. These aren't things you really learn when learning the basics of a programming language.

              • 9 months ago

                If you don't know about modulus, another option is
                return x == (x / 2) * 2

    • 9 months ago

      it's sad but this is still an unsolved problem in computer programming. There are a few node.js libraries that will determine even/odd up to about 14 million, but after that your on you're own

      • 9 months ago

        >over half a gigabyte of if else statements
        thank god for those scripting libraries
        i just wish i didn't have to click and drag to select all 14 million lines so i can copy and paste them into my code every time i use them

      • 9 months ago

        isEven = abs(x) % 2 == 0;

  22. 9 months ago

    Spaghetti code and feature creep.

  23. 9 months ago

    >Incompetent dev that couldn’t code their way out of a paper bag.
    >overly ambitious for a single dev especially the one in question
    >tinybuild deal collapsed
    >Yandare dev is a lazy bum who sits around owning chilidren and fricking a Samus sex doll.
    I’d say it’s over but it never really began…

    • 9 months ago

      >a lazy bum who sits around owning chilidren and fricking a Samus sex doll
      living a dream

      • 9 months ago

        Very specific dream but alright Alex, you do you I guess.

        • 9 months ago

          >tfw my name is Alex too
          you spooked me a bit

          • 9 months ago

            me too, took me a second

  24. 9 months ago

    musume wasn't the main character instead

  25. 9 months ago

    Is he still "working on it"? I can't be bothered to check.

  26. 9 months ago

    buy the dip

    • 9 months ago

      >Death cross on the earnings line
      It's over.

  27. 9 months ago

    why did he groom

    • 9 months ago

      He's a 34 year old involuntary Celibate. He thinks the fact women won't have sex with him because he's ugly, gross, and weird is unfair but by holding a position of power or influence over girls with underdeveloped minds, he can help "raise" them to be the girls who like him and since he's a creep, him alone. He's also got intense issues and if you listen to the calls his kitten recorded you'll hear him just blow up at the drop of a hat because he's such a whiney piss baby

      • 9 months ago


  28. 9 months ago

    >nobody posted it yet

    • 9 months ago

      the cum challenge

    • 9 months ago

      >tfw i kind of look like him
      it's over

      • 9 months ago

        The funniest thing about eva imo is that his appearance isn't THAT unsalvageable. He looks scrawny and unkept but you can fix that and then he would just be below average. Wallowing in your artificial misery is easier than that though, and truth be told he wouldn't score even if looked like gigachad.

        • 9 months ago

          He looked okay before turning into shrek.

      • 9 months ago

        Instead you could say you look kind of like Joxer.

  29. 9 months ago

    EvaXephon is a shit heap, it was doomed from the start. I remember telling everyone when threads first appeared here, but I got shit on by the clueless morons sucking his israeli dick every time. Who's laughing now you bunch of fricking morons.

  30. 9 months ago

    All he had to do was be humble about getting help for his spaghetti code and his game would've been finished and lauded as a cult classic in the years after
    as it stands he's no different than EA or Patreon VN devs that keep their games at version 0.0005c in that he grifts off an unfinished product because he does not want to compete.

  31. 9 months ago

    Remember that time somebody shat out a more feature complete yandere simulator game in like a week and yandev basically threatened to fricking kill himself if they didn't take it down

    • 9 months ago

      kek did this actually happen? got any pics or anything?

      • 9 months ago

        nta but yeah it did happen
        dudes stopped making it too which was disappointing

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, he was actually making decent progress further than Alex. If anything, he showed that the concept is boring even if it's done well

    • 9 months ago

      That guy got ousted as another child appreciator and it was revealed the demo footage was all faked too. Then he tried being a gaming youtuber for 2 seconds before running away. All these guys are pathetic

      • 9 months ago

        >it was revealed the demo footage was all faked too
        how? by modding a Hitman game or something?

    • 9 months ago

      >yandev basically threatened to fricking kill himself if they didn't take it down
      and people should care because?

  32. 9 months ago

    The scope of the project turned out to be too much for a single moron to handle.
    However the breaking point is when underage zoomies got a hold of the game through youtube algorithms.

  33. 9 months ago

    spent too much time answering emails instead of you know, just coding the fricking game

  34. 9 months ago

    I hope the guy continues to prevail through this. I remember when he posted about Lunar Scythe all those years ago.

  35. 9 months ago

    Drinking cum from a chalice.

  36. 9 months ago

    That Unity would be charging him per installs.

  37. 9 months ago

    Yanderes are shit fetish/archetype for shitty homosexuals, all the people who lost their money investing in this scam deserved it

  38. 9 months ago

    What went right?

  39. 9 months ago

    edgy dude wanted to make a dumb game on his own time, took patreon money for it, and then realized he was so hilariously out of his depth in ambition while also underestimating how much it takes to really develop a game, and decided to coast on dumb shit and hoping the community would forget about him for free money instead

  40. 9 months ago



    • 9 months ago

      Please just finish the game so we can get the greatest kusoge the west has ever seen already Alex...

    • 9 months ago

      >homie admit to everything
      This is like atrioc level dumb

      • 9 months ago

        That guy is back in the good graces of Twitch, it's like it never even happened. It's so odd

    • 9 months ago

      >Yes it's all true
      >But look, I'm sorry and donated a grand to a charity to prove I'm sorry
      This is so fricking pathetic. This and the recordings should be sent to patreon. There's a very real chance that they'll ban him from using their platform considering he admitted to talking sexually with a minor

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >she was 16
      The frick's the big deal? That's legal in some states.

      • 9 months ago

        In the land of the free you're expected to only talk to people after they've turned 17y11mo31d,23h,59m,59s + 1s or you're a creepy pedo and a sick frick

    • 9 months ago

      This post alone convinces me he's a pedo groomer far more than any "expose" from some homosexual youtuber could.

      • 9 months ago

        >This post alone convinces me he's a pedo groomer far more than any "expose" from some homosexual youtuber could.
        Wow, nice catch there, detective. What part of that post tipped you off? Was it the fact that he confessed to the crime in question?

    • 9 months ago

      based. I know a friend with this flavor of tism, so I empathize with his reaction a bit. boy is way in over his head

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >the comments on his blog somehow saying "well hey at least you apologize, we forgive you!"
      man his audience is just all actually children

    • 9 months ago

      le mao

      also who cares, 16 is legal isn't it

    • 9 months ago

      >I normally just turn fans away and tell them I’m busy, but in this case, the fan seemed really funny and interesting, so I agreed to talk.

      • 9 months ago

        you joke but in the recordings he literally keeps saying "cute and funny" and knowing that ruins the term for me

    • 9 months ago

      >Instead of doing everything in my power to disprove the allegations that I’m attracted to kids, I made some remarks that sound really, really, REALLY fricking questionable.
      my fricking sides are in orbit, holy shit

  41. 9 months ago

    >live in shithole where average wages are 1/10th of the us
    >start getting paid $6k usd/mo
    this is what happened

    • 9 months ago

      He lives in California.

  42. 9 months ago

    >actual proof of him saying he wants an underage girl to start an onlyfans when she turns 18 and wanting nudes from an underage girl
    >doesn't even deny the messages are fake and instead tries to deflect by donating to an abuse org
    he's actually done this time, isn't he?

    • 9 months ago

      His Patreon is 100% getting shut down, it's really over

      • 9 months ago

        He's actually so fricking moronic that I don't think the thought of his patreon being at risk over this even occured to him. I bet when it inevitably gets shut down, because he made it super easy for people to go, "Hey patreon, you supporting a pedophile?", he's gonna whine and try to find another way to get funding, but no one is gonna fund him after.
        His patreons right now are 90% people who just subbed and forgot about it years ago. There's no fricking way the majority of his subs are aware of his many scandals, and how long he's taken to not even make the game, and still support him

        • 9 months ago

          >His patreons right now are 90% people who just subbed and forgot about it years ago
          100% this, I stopped supporting Pizza Tower guy just because he took a few months to post a patreon build of the game and that guy actually finished his game

        • 9 months ago

          parasocial is something special, there are probably a decent handful of people who orbit him who are the same if not worse as him

          • 9 months ago

            For someone like Yandev, that number is probably in the single digits. You'd have to be brain rotted to see a man admit to grooming/sexual talks with a minor, only apologizing because he got caught, the implication that if it never went public it would still be going on, and still defend them.
            Especially when people involved with the project are leaving and wanting their work scrubbed from the game.

    • 9 months ago

      >grooming, not for sex, but for the privilege of paying for nudes


  43. 9 months ago

    The fact that this shit wasn't being created by nips was a huge red flag.

  44. 9 months ago

    >”The demo looks cool. I suppose the game is almost done?”
    >”NO! I must add a new feature that nobody asked for!”
    >rinse and repeat
    Autism. If he had just released it when interest was at its peak, this could have been bigger than FNAF

  45. 9 months ago

    Is this shit even in active development any more? I feel like people making the threads care more about it than Yanderedev himself at this point.

  46. 9 months ago

    What separates Alex from us?

    • 9 months ago

      I don't talk to children

      • 9 months ago

        You just stuff a rag in their mouth and frick em, right?

    • 9 months ago

      israeli genes.

    • 9 months ago

      he got a hint of ambition and rather than take that and turn it into a university degree that might actually land him a job (and possibly get him laid)
      he wasted it on a patreon grift

      • 9 months ago

        Pretty sure he doesn't have to worry about money. Why would you want any job in this situation?

        • 9 months ago

          >he doesn't have to worry about money
          $1349/month is $7.78 hourly, less than half of his state (California)'s minimum wage.

          • 9 months ago

            it also doesn't cover the rent for the majority of places in the area. But he probably mooches off his family or something

          • 9 months ago

            He lives in California and is only making $1,000/month from his Patreon. He has mommy and daddy to take care of him but they won't live forever. Sooner or later he will be all by himself.

            Oh, alright then. It's crazy money gains for me, more than I will ever have.

        • 9 months ago

          He lives in California and is only making $1,000/month from his Patreon. He has mommy and daddy to take care of him but they won't live forever. Sooner or later he will be all by himself.

        • 9 months ago

          some sense of self respect, and the ability to shut up the voices chiding you for being a worthless piece of shit.

          seriously I hated myself before I started working, now I'm busy enough that I don't have time to hate myself quite as much.

    • 9 months ago

      We do more than talk to children

    • 9 months ago

      He should have stayed in the game dev threads more and only pander to Ganker. You can only have that much foresight into the future with the panty shot trends. I do blame Japanese anime for that since it seems like a 2010-2013 thing. Now the pendulum shifted into puritanism

    • 9 months ago

      I'm a hag chad

  47. 9 months ago

    God i fricking hate this spastic moron.
    >Makes game and wanted to be asskissed by famous game maker.
    >gets called trash and get good
    >Gets so assblasted he makes a game only to come here and told to frick off
    >goes to youtube and spends everyday making more videos complaining about people trolling him every 2 days.
    >spends years making a game and making patreon money
    >Gaming company comes to help and he fired them because "Noooooo my spagt code"
    >Years pass and he comes out saying it was all a Demo and its done.

    Fricking moron only did this for attention and got non of it from the morons he wanted so he came here, and got nothing then went to youtube and gave them nothing. The great long Con for the animu money

  48. 9 months ago

    >look up unsurprising yandev news
    >see girl was 16
    >means she was 6 or 7 when he first started this shit game

    • 9 months ago

      >YanSim has been in development for so long that the people who were kids when the game was first conceived are gonna be old enough to vote soon
      This is the Gen Z version of Duke Nukem Forever.

      • 9 months ago

        A lot of them already are old enough to vote

      • 9 months ago

        I was in like 5th grade when I first heard about it
        t. now 18 and in college

    • 9 months ago

      >She was 7 years old ten years ago you SICK FRICK

  49. 9 months ago

    Who cares, 16 is legal, why is this even news?

    • 9 months ago

      He was trying to get nudes from her, and no matter which state's age of consent you follow(even though he lives in a place where it isn't 16), having nudes of a girl under the age of 18 is still possession of CP.

    • 9 months ago

      He was trying to get nudes from her, and no matter which state's age of consent you follow(even though he lives in a place where it isn't 16), having nudes of a girl under the age of 18 is still possession of CP.

      16 isn't legal in california.
      he needs to move to hawaii or the Philippines.. though the moros over there might think he's a half-breed and kill him,

  50. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      no one cares about eva anymore

      • 9 months ago

        >being so irrelevant no one cares about your cancelling
        blessing and a curse

    • 9 months ago

      That's it? The audios aren't nothing out of this world, I expected way worse, quite obvious that the voice actors wanted to throw him under the bus for a long time and this was the perfect excuse.
      In his blogpost there is even a reddit post of the girl defending him, so yeah things are gona stay the same, he is a creepy dude but I don't think he is more than that.
      We all saw those posts of the Gaia forums, knowing him he would try to frick the girl as soon she turns 18 if he wanted something

    • 9 months ago

      What the frick is this audio quality on the recordings? It's like listening to a TV show from 1992 of someone holding a tape recorder to their phone receiver. Is this REALLY the best qualtiy out there?

      • 9 months ago

        phone audio is still pretty bad in current year, and if I had to guess, YandereDev probably has a really old phone because he'd rather spend his money on sex dolls, a billion steam games, figures(and jars), and other dumb impractical shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Just a moronic autist spilling his spaghetti, just like Roiland. Never anything actually damning.

      LMAO at the rainbow hair spending half the video seething because he didn't actually do anything illegal and wants to charge him with potential thought crimes.

      • 9 months ago

        bro there's literally a part where they talk about her sending nudes and how he totally wants it as long as they both keep it secret even if it's illegal, then it shows she sent some kind of pictures to him and he replies "that's hot." which is pretty damning, could be implied that she sent some sexual photos to him. whether it's full CP or something more tame, is not fully known, but the context is pretty damnimg.

        • 9 months ago

          >then it shows she sent some kind of pictures to him

          • 9 months ago
            • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              But were they nudes or just cosplay?

              • 9 months ago

                Better question, are you a pedophile apologist or just a clueless moron?

              • 9 months ago

                I'm asking for proofs of the accused's crime. No need to get so testy.

              • 9 months ago

                considering all the stuff before the bit I posted is them talking about the laws behind CP and the Age of Consent and shit like that, it's pretty possible to make some inference as to what was sent. There's even a part among the messages where she says "me sending you CP is illegal, but if you don't mind, then I guess I can do it"

              • 9 months ago

                >me sending you CP is illegal
                Do modern people really talk like that? What a sad, broken existence.

              • 9 months ago

                You don't seen any problem if a 16 year old is sending cosplay pics to a 35 year old?

              • 9 months ago

                That he even says he has the intention to fap to

              • 9 months ago

                >90% of my time and focus on on game development right now
                L O L

              • 9 months ago

                She's 16, who cares. When a man and a woman love each other very-very much...

              • 9 months ago

                It's not illegal. This isn't reddit where people convicted based on how much moral outrage one can pretend to have.

            • 9 months ago

              >haha, it's not like I'm ASKING you to send me nudes or anything, but if you change the chat settings to where people can see I definitely totally did not ask for nudes, I'll stop messaging you.
              >Oh and if you don't not send me nudes, I'll guilt you.

        • 9 months ago

          skimmed through the video and missed that part, lol he's fricked. He was almost smart enough to shut it down completely but his moronic horny brain got the best of him.

  51. 9 months ago

    Any other oldgays remember Evaxephon during the golden age of streaming?
    >2008, Ganker finds mogulus
    >vidya vidya, triggaz with attitude, survival horror
    >eva appears and attempts to join all major stream communities
    >is literally banned everywhere for his homosexualry like lying, temper tantrums, faking a suicide because a 15 year old didn't give him nudes, and generally acting like a current day Ganker user
    >makes his own stream site
    >him and his group of schizo fans begin to create alt accounts, befriend other communities till they get stream privileges
    >they hijack all streams and play gore and CP while advertising eva's stream site
    >would "review" CP on his stream

    • 9 months ago

      His Gaia posts are still out there. He couldn't delete them.

    • 9 months ago

      I remember those days. I also remember when Vinesauce used to spam his stream here too.

  52. 9 months ago

    Surely Ganker will come together to finish this cursed project where like 5 other people failed to right (mainly due to Alex threatening to kill himself if they finished it)

    • 9 months ago

      Ganker started his project in the first place. It's only fitting that Ganker finishes it.

  53. 9 months ago

    If you're an adult on the internet and decide to talk to anyone under the age of 18 on discord or otherwise, it's your own fault when that google doc or twitlonger or 2 hour long youtube drama documentary accusing you of grooming gets written and posted
    I feel no sympathy for YandereDev here, what a fricking idiot.

    • 9 months ago

      okay what if the 16 year old happens to have the perfect voice i had in mind for one of the character in my work and and i just want to talk to them so i can discuss hiring them for the project?

      • 9 months ago

        Then keep the conversation strictly professional and they won't have recordings of you telling them to start an only fans when they turn 18

        • 9 months ago

          well he DID say when she turns 18, not before.
          i don't see the problem. he's clearly being conscious.

          • 9 months ago

            It's an American thing, don't bother.

            • 9 months ago

              Even in most of america 16 is legal. It's a californian thing.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's a californian thing.
                No, it's not just california, the federal age of consent is 18, which overrides state AoC.

              • 9 months ago

                Wrong. The federal AoC is like 13, which every state obviously overrides. State AoC varies between 16 and 18, with the majority being 16 or 17 and only a handful being 18.

              • 9 months ago

                Wrong, it's 18, because the federal government defines a minor as anyone under the age of 18. The reason it's 18 is to prevent sex tourism both within the US and outside of it.
                If a 35 year old man wanted to have sex with a 16 year old high school girl and drove across state lines, he'd charged in federal court for the act.
                If that same 35 year old man flew to Thailand to have sex with any underaged prostitute, he'd be charged under that same law.

              • 9 months ago

                >If that same 35 year old man flew to Thailand to have sex with any underaged prostitute, he'd be charged under that same law.
                I don't think federal law has any jurisdiction in other countries

              • 9 months ago

                What I mean was that if he flew to Thailand and came back to the US, and if the feds caught on to the fact that he flew there for sex tourism, he'd get arrested.
                Look up Robert Parker from Hickory, Virginia. He got van'd for flying to the Phillipines repeatedly to buy and have sex with underaged prostitutes.

                moron. You know why that would be the case? It's because he crossed state lines. If that same 35 year old man fricked a 17 year old and they both lived in say Texas it would be 100% legal.

                The other anon said that the federal aoc is 13 and I corrected him dumbass, I'm not talking about what happens within the same state. Federal laws apply when state lines are crossed. This is basic high school civics.

              • 9 months ago

                That 18 only applies to porn.

              • 9 months ago

                >He got van'd for flying to the Phillipines repeatedly to buy and have sex with underaged prostitutes.
                Not him, but how? What was the actual case/law that they slapped him with?

              • 9 months ago

                Sex tourism is illegal under federal law, because it runs parallel to human trafficking. US law applies to US citizens even outside of the US, same reason why if you commit a crime overseas, the US govt has the power to extradite you. He flew to the Philippines to do what he did and came back to live in the US, which made him subject to the legal punishments for what he did.

              • 9 months ago

                >US law applies to US citizens even outside of the US
                1. Is that the same for other countries as well?
                2. What about international waters?

              • 9 months ago

                Not the same for other countries and completely avoidable if you hold two or more citizenships. USA is a communist state.

              • 9 months ago

                Countries generally have total right over the administration of justice to their citizens. Known as sovereign right or similar. Whether they can actually go after you in another country though is usually up to extradition treaties or other negotiations.
                In international waters, criminal jurisdiction generally is under the country where the vehicle is registered, though some countries will claim universal jurisdiction over certain crimes like piracy.

              • 9 months ago

                1. Depends on the country and the specific law. If you take France for example, they've been 100% okay with harboring pedophilic rapist Roman Polanski for the last 40 years after he fled from his final sentencing in the US to France, where he was born. France doesn't extradite its citizens by law nor did it continue his prosecution.
                2. Crimes committed in international waters are generally tried in whatever country the vehicle is registered under since they're considered property of the state.

              • 9 months ago

                International waters are a huge fricking meme that everyone bought up because of that one episode of the Simpsons
                ANY vessel, be it a ship, a plane, a submarine or even a spaceship, has to be registered somewhere, so the laws where the vehicle was registered are upheld

              • 9 months ago

                My question is how did they catch him? Was he bragging about it?

              • 9 months ago

                moron. You know why that would be the case? It's because he crossed state lines. If that same 35 year old man fricked a 17 year old and they both lived in say Texas it would be 100% legal.

              • 9 months ago

                And YandereDev and this girl are not in the same state

          • 9 months ago

            That’s grooming Anon if you’re entire MO is to frick them

    • 9 months ago

      Fricking a 16 year old should be acceptable and not taboo tho

      • 9 months ago

        hey how do you feel about an olderr man fricking your 16yr son or daughter?

        • 9 months ago

          The only one fricking my daughter is me.

          • 9 months ago

            Fricking a 16 year old should be acceptable and not taboo tho

        • 9 months ago

          I might feel bad about it but he doesn’t need to go to jail for my lack of parenting. Fricking my prostitute daughter is my fault. If my son plows a milf I would think it’s awesome.

          The only one fricking my daughter is me.

          Incredibly based

          • 9 months ago

            lmao he needs to go to jail for fricking an underaged girl or boy, lack of parenting notwithstanding
            the only reason why you say this is because you hope to find some young e-girl to shag, in reality she'll more than likely be creeped out by you lmao

            • 9 months ago

              People have been fricking at that age for our entire existence go ahead and explain why it’s bad. You won’t because you can’t homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                easy, kids at those ages aren't mentally developed nor are they emotionally mature enough, any sexual experiences with older men would literally traumatize them
                now cope more pedo homosexual

              • 9 months ago

                YOU aren't mentally developed or emotionally mature enough, that's why you're a virgin you homosexual. Try looking farther than your street corner and you'll realize that you're deep in the global minority when it comes to AoC.

              • 9 months ago

                >people have been killing other people for millenias, so why is it bad when I do it???

              • 9 months ago

                >agree to the rules of society
                >break said rules
                >WOW! Why can't I do that???

              • 9 months ago

                >agree to the rules of society
                I never agreed homosexual

                easy, kids at those ages aren't mentally developed nor are they emotionally mature enough, any sexual experiences with older men would literally traumatize them
                now cope more pedo homosexual

                I would agree with this if she was 8 years old not fricking 16 you dumb homosexual. Do you remember being 16 and wanting to frick everything? Do you remember being 16 and having the physical ability to produce children already? Your societal laws literally mean nothing. If you frick a 16-17 year old no one is traumatized it’s just a number in a law book lol a number that changed recently mind you

                >people have been killing other people for millenias, so why is it bad when I do it???

                So why can’t I homosexual?

      • 9 months ago

        But it is, in most places around the world even
        you just can't take pictures of you fricking them for 2 more years because of CP laws

        • 9 months ago

          A lot of states that have age of consent laws with 15 or 16 are in place so teenagers can have sex with each other. It's not really accepted if a 40 year old dude fricks a freshman. But yes, you can't record it because that's production of pizza.

          • 9 months ago

            Anon, Jerry Sinefield dated a teen for a good chunk of his show being on air. He would even pick her up from school sometimes
            If the 16 year old say its ok, and the parents also say it's ok, they can date, frick, do anything but take pictures of them fricking

            • 9 months ago

              He's still married to her, actually.

            • 9 months ago

              People excuse famous people doing shit because they're famous.

          • 9 months ago

            Anon, Jerry Sinefield dated a teen for a good chunk of his show being on air. He would even pick her up from school sometimes
            If the 16 year old say its ok, and the parents also say it's ok, they can date, frick, do anything but take pictures of them fricking

            >If the 16 year old say its ok, and the parents also say it's ok, they can date, f-

            • 9 months ago

              Yes moron. Your state may vary but that's the general idea.
              Reddit and roastie outrage over a man slamming teen puss doesn't change the law.

              • 9 months ago

                Except in this case, the parents didnt consent, and it was a 35 year old grooming a minor and accepting lewds, from a minor. You both belong in prison.

  54. 9 months ago

    dev should have went full satire like goat simulator

  55. 9 months ago

    This is the problem
    Killed most of content creators because it incentivize them to never release their product

    • 9 months ago

      I noticed that since patreon started being used widely by content creators, the amount of delays on projects started getting longer and longer. I'm not sure if these people ever had intentions of finishing these projects, but I know that for some they saw the patreon money rolling in and realized they could milk a 1 year project for a fricking decade.

      Not to mention artists who suddenly started censoring every work of art, and paywalling their content completely, to the point that they end up losing relevance since new people aren't gonna pay to see art unless they are already fans. so they just end up losing all their clout and drying up.

      This shit is sad, I remember watching newgrounds and youtube as a teen, and thinking the internet was such a cool place with all these artists who didn't give a frick and made cool or funny shit just because they can. Now everyone is a pedophile or a Grifter.

      • 9 months ago

        Which is why /ourguy/ is based. He only makes money if he releases a video. Should be the standard for long-form video creators.

        • 9 months ago

          huh, with 12k per video you would think he would make a video more often than every 3 or so months

      • 9 months ago

        >I remember watching newgrounds and youtube as a teen, and thinking the internet was such a cool place with all these artists who didn't give a frick and made cool or funny shit just because they can
        A lot of people making the art/content on newgrounds in the early days were teens living at home who didn't have major bills to worry about. It's only natural as adults people don't want to pour years of their life into projects without getting paid

  56. 9 months ago

    >hey you should let me pay for your nudes
    instead of
    >hey lets have sex
    what's wrong with this dude

    • 9 months ago

      Being an inbred autistic israelite.

    • 9 months ago

      Sex is boring and requires talking to people IRL.

    • 9 months ago

      maybe he's an unironic NTR enjoyer

      • 9 months ago

        I doubt it, NTR is the thinking man's fetish.

  57. 9 months ago

    how come everytime I hear about this dude he's always doing some moronic lolcow shit

  58. 9 months ago

    Is he going to prison?

  59. 9 months ago

    After watching the video about his grooming, holy frick is that guy a loser lol. The way he talks to a bunch of underage girls is so fricking pathetic. I just don't get how it's such a surprise that he does something like this, when it's a 35 year old sex depraved man running a closed off discord full of underage girls

    • 9 months ago

      Y-yeah, what a freak! Who would ever seek the company of an underage girl! I mean, she's not even 18 and everything. Fricking unnatural, man.

  60. 9 months ago

    It is a victim of a dev that got big during the prime crowdfunding era and forgot that you are suppose to finish your project first before trying to expand it.

  61. 9 months ago

    I like how at the start of the allegations video, yanderedev says he worked the whole day on the game

  62. 9 months ago

    You shouldn't be justifying wanting to frick an underage person. Just accept you're the weirdo for wanting it.

    • 9 months ago

      I’m not weird for saying it’s not pedophilia if it’s a sexually mature person. If I changed the number in a book you’d be fine with it. In Japan and other countries it’s 16 and no one cares

      • 9 months ago

        Just because you tell yourself it's legal, doesn't make it okay to the average person. In places like Japan, you'd still be labeled a creep who probably should be in jail if you were a 35 year old man trying to get with a 16 year old girl

        • 9 months ago

          It is okay though, because it's the natural order of things. You're the weird one here, burger-kun.

          • 9 months ago

            >because it's the natural order of things
            if that were true, then the aoc would be much lower pedo homosexual

            Your just projecting your opinions onto others. Your argument is weak and your weak and gay. No one would care. You’d just care because you’re an incel and the thought of a man getting that sweet dicky pisses you off. Work on your self homosexual.

            >Your just projecting your opinions onto others
            this but you lmao

            • 9 months ago

              So you admit your an incel? It’s ok it’s not too late to get laid buger man

              • 9 months ago

                >more projection

              • 9 months ago

                Couldn’t answer the question could ya gay?

                >iN jApAn
                Yeah well Japan has laws for not taking photos of underaged girls, an entire culture of people addicted to animated underaged girls, and legal CP so maybe they shouldn’t be the basis of whether fricking underaged girls is morally right or not.

                You sound like a homosexual. Puritan Americans deserve the rope.

        • 9 months ago

          Your just projecting your opinions onto others. Your argument is weak and your weak and gay. No one would care. You’d just care because you’re an incel and the thought of a man getting that sweet dicky pisses you off. Work on your self homosexual.

      • 9 months ago

        >iN jApAn
        Yeah well Japan has laws for not taking photos of underaged girls, an entire culture of people addicted to animated underaged girls, and legal CP so maybe they shouldn’t be the basis of whether fricking underaged girls is morally right or not.

        • 9 months ago

          Americans are puritan

        • 9 months ago

          Actually they sound perfect for it. By the way are you homosexual?

  63. 9 months ago

    what happened to the clone of this game? did they just drop it or what

  64. 9 months ago

    unironically Ganker ruined it

  65. 9 months ago

    People found and popularized it before it was done. If he had had to finish it to get money/notoriety, it might have been finished.

  66. 9 months ago

    So will he be porting to Godot?

  67. 9 months ago

    Eva is a moron.

  68. 9 months ago

    Having the computer answer 1e99 if/else checks every frame.

  69. 9 months ago

    Yeah I told her to give me nudes so what?
    b***h was thicc

    • 9 months ago

      Also to all the dumbfricks in this thread that think that Yandere Simulator is done…
      You are wrong
      I have both Senpai and Yandere-chan both locked up in my basement with me

      Patreon won’t do shit to me
      Kneel peasants

      Based and finish your game homosexual.

      • 9 months ago

        No you will keep sending me money like a good kitten and kneel peasant.

  70. 9 months ago

    Also to all the dumbfricks in this thread that think that Yandere Simulator is done…
    You are wrong
    I have both Senpai and Yandere-chan both locked up in my basement with me

  71. 9 months ago

    Patreon won’t do shit to me
    Kneel peasants

  72. 9 months ago

    Ganker drove him insane.

    • 9 months ago

      Damn right you frickers did.
      Now be a good kitten and come sit on your master’s lap.
      If you don’t then Yandere Simulator is getting delayed another 3 decades

  73. 9 months ago

    >check his blog
    >see his apology
    >this is first comment
    Name a more cucked fanbase

    • 9 months ago

      They honestly should contact the parents of every underage person in his discord and have them look how a 35+ year old man is grooming them

    • 9 months ago

      It's actually disgustingly pathetic how many people believe that he's actually sorry and not just sorry that he got caught. He words it himself that at the time he saw nothing wrong with it, and it's implied that he never would have if it didn't go public.
      A man in his 30s knows that having sexual conversations with minors is wrong. There's no debate here at all, he knew, he just didn't think anyone would ever find out. He's on tape pathetically trying to flirt by calling them cute over and over again, and mentioning onlyfans to them. It's obvious that he only is upset over being exposed, and anyone who defends him is braindead or also a groomed minor

      • 9 months ago

        These fricking stupid kids don't know any better. They're too young and moronic to really realize what's actually going on because they don't see the world the way an adult does.
        They're still immature and this is why parents should be involved, because grooming is something done behind closed doors, and these homosexuals step into it every time.

        • 9 months ago

          Do you not remember being sentient as a child/teenager? What the frick was your experience to say shit like this

          • 9 months ago

            Don't reply to me you fricking moron.
            You really think you were smart and experienced as a teen? Dumbfrick.

            • 9 months ago

              Yes, Definitely mature enough to make choices. Moralgays keep acting like you're 4 years old until you're (legal age), you're literally brainwashed to think this against your own experiences

      • 9 months ago

        if there wasn't any other proof that minors are dumb and shouldn't be involved in adult conversations, the amount of children that follow content creators who blindly forgive them when they're caught knowingly doing something bad should be proof enough. It's almost always groomer situations where this gets proven to, like when a smasher gets caught being a pedo, you see teenagers who like watching smash tournaments go "aw come on, he said he was sorry, don't ban the guy!"

  74. 9 months ago

    I actually would like YandereSim to come out, or any of the clones to not be vapourware. Alas...

  75. 9 months ago

    They're drawings and 3D models. have a nice day.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      So he is talking to these drawings on Discord?

  76. 9 months ago

    Once the creator was exposed as that uppity triphomosexual from old Ganker and gaiaonline it was obvious this was going nowhere, just a complete mess of a person who takes every criticism as a personal attack and is blinded by internet fame as a pathetic israelite rat

  77. 9 months ago

    Given the state of Godot v Unity, and the collapse of Yandere Dev, indie games are now in the view again. I wonder if I could someone build a quick yan sim mock-up in like a week to gain massive popularity and make the game, and gain all the cash flow Yandev had. Only difference being I’m not as much of a loser creep and I can code. Don’t even have to worry about Yandev suicide threats man’s going to do it anyways. I wonder if this is a get rich quick scheme in the works

    • 9 months ago

      The "genre" is cursed.
      There were like 2 other games mad with intebt to flex on YDev that got pretty far and actually showed great promise in a fraction of a time he spent, but they both got fricked over by drama and stopped development.

      • 9 months ago

        Wasn't one of those two confirmed by the devs to be a hoax, they never had a playable game and instead just fabricated some trailer footage to rile people up?

      • 9 months ago

        The issue is that they were stopped because
        A. First one had Creeps for developers
        B. Second one stopped because Yandev got le sad and threanted to game end over it
        I wont have to face either, and people are so starved and angry I could shit out almost anything and still gain something, at the very least experience and a sense of closure since I used to be a Yansim fan years and years ago and now its never ever
        My mind is already racing with hundreds of ideas, mostly ways to make it incredibly simple which was one of Yandevs biggest mistake. All you ideally need is a Senpai, a Target, some varied ways to kill the target discreetly, and a bunch of NPCs roaming the building. Even if I dont succeed, might be a fun project to at least have worked on
        Or maybe Ill get cursed in some way that could also happen

        • 9 months ago

          Go for it m8. Need a writer?

  78. 9 months ago

    >What went wrong?
    >where's the video with his bad practices analyzed?

  79. 9 months ago

    Just imagine how different things could have been if Yandev just sat back and let Tinybuild make his game for him, from the looks of things they would have been more then willing to just do 90% of it for him until he sperged out over an egotrip.

  80. 9 months ago

    Can a get a QRD of the entire History of Yandev? He was like a troll here, then he made that post that boosted his ego, then all this shit happened.

  81. 9 months ago

    >yandev Grooms "victim" (16yo)
    >victim is fine with it
    >victim is continuously pressured into recording and going public it by arm-crossing OC and "various victims that couldn't come forward"
    >yandev begs victim not to ruin his life
    >victim doesn't go through with it because she wasn't hurt
    >arm-crossing OC takes evidence and uploads it directly against victims wishes
    >victim makes various panicked posts begging to drop that matter, actively defending yandev
    >arm crossing OC flags her as a stupid compromised minor that shouldn't be allowed to make those decisions, tells others not to listen to her
    >basically tricked her into ruining a life, undoubtedly traumatized her more than the groomer did, has to live with the guilt etc.
    Why are anti-pedos consistently such horrible, moronic people? It's like people lose brain functions whenever minors are involved

    • 9 months ago

      Genuinely have a nice day

      • 9 months ago

        I keep seeing stories where minors are in a seemingly happy relationship with a pedo before a third party decides it's problematic and ruins both of their lives, with the minor extremely opposed but not treated like a sentient in the matter.

        • 9 months ago

          Plenty of people realize they were in unhealthy relationships well after the relationship is over.
          Minors lacking life experience especially.

          • 9 months ago

            Fricker most people divorce, even at 40-50, but no one gives a shit they realized they were in "unhealthy relationships"
            This whole thing is a moral panic. Pedophiles wanna frick 6 year olds, not 16 year olds, who are sexually adults in most of the world today, let alone in history. Demographics are dropping and mental illnesses tied to age of mother are increasing, both exponentially, across the whole developed world and further because of this idiocy.

            • 9 months ago

              >mental illnesses tied to age of mother are increasing
              Damn, we should lower the age of consent to 12 ASAP

              • 9 months ago

                A hard age limit is not necessary. If she's had her first period then she already ready to become a mother.

              • 9 months ago

                Nice strawman, no one said that. 20 would be plenty, but since saying "16 year olds are children" works, people now say 21 year olds are "not mature yet". Bullshit generates more bullshit. Jealous incels and femcels want everyone to go down with them.

              • 9 months ago

                >le slibbery slobe
                I'm sure some ancestor of yours was saying the exact same thing when marrying a thirteen-year-old was acceptable

              • 9 months ago

                People say 21 is not old enough because Millennials and Gen Z, in general, are moronic, most 21-year-olds for the last decade or so are manchildren obsessed with a brand or popular IP to the point it is their whole personality, never had a job and went from HS straight to Uni on a field they think they like, but it was mostly their parents' decision, or on a useless field because they rebelled against their parents, unis now become safe spaces for them, turning a place for learning into a daycare for grown people.
                No one works, no one learns, and they are all propped by their parents because any work they can get pays way, way less than their "allowance" gets them, so why fricking work at all, be a baby forever till you shit a kid and now you are also a shitty parent!

              • 9 months ago

                Old enough to cross the street, old enough to get the meat

        • 9 months ago

          You'll find that the vast majority of those "third party"s tend to be older females. It's natural really when you think about it.

        • 9 months ago

          minors are not sentient by any means
          They are still dumb kids in grown bodies
          Anime is a lie

    • 9 months ago

      It is cause of the whole "think of the children(tm)" bullshit. Bring in a minor and make the minor look like a poor little victim and people are expected to fall-in rank-and-file and don't you dare ask questions lest you be called a "pedophile" or a sympathizer of one.
      It is kind of like those governmental programs and funding bills for "children's healthcare" cause how could you say no to something like helping sick kids regardless of all the embezzlement that happens for cronies and all the expenditure for desk workers.
      I don't even like YanDev as a person but I don't think he deserves to get called a sex predator for making the mistake of joking with a 16 year old.
      The arm-crossing OC is simply a b***h with too much free time. We need more physical labor in our lives.

    • 9 months ago

      It's always sad to read about shit like this. I'm a third-worlder and for my countrymen the standards of living the US have will never be achievable in our lifetime. Most of Americans could have lead the life of leisure, security and joy. Yet they've chosen...this.

    • 9 months ago

      Adults should step in if a 35+ year old man is grooming underage people no matter what

      • 9 months ago

        hot take

      • 9 months ago

        I'd agree except with the caveat that it needs to actually be happening, and not just mentally unfit losers choking down garbage being fed them by an obvious disinfo op from a hostile foreign nation.
        Or something.

        • 9 months ago

          Dunno, the recording where yanderedev is creeping on that girl in Discord voice chat was enough for me

          • 9 months ago

            I'm not talking about Yanderedev at all.

          • 9 months ago

            I mean there's also the part where it's implied she actually sent him nudes, that also should've done it.

  82. 9 months ago

    Ignoring the lazy and incompetent dev, the problem was feature creep.
    He put way too much on his plate and got overwhelmed

  83. 9 months ago

    is Ganker fricking supporting Pedodev in his advances on a minor
    I know you people are contrarian as frick but this is ridiculous

    • 9 months ago

      Only a minor in third world countries

      • 9 months ago


        Yandev is not someone worth defending, but anyway that thinks flirting with a 16 year old makes you a pedo is definitely the bigger clown in the situation.

        Its a 35 year old man grooming a 16 year old AKA a minor. He was even trying to get nudes of her and get her to make an Only Fans when she was older. He knew what he was doing was Pedo, and kept doing it. He's a Pedo, and youre a bunch of sick freaks.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't think you understand what words mean. That's a full grown adult.

        • 9 months ago

          Grooming is a made up buzzword and 16 year olds can consent in most of the world.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Yandev is not someone worth defending, but anyway that thinks flirting with a 16 year old makes you a pedo is definitely the bigger clown in the situation.

      • 9 months ago

        He's a pedo, he acknowledges she's a minor in the messages and how he shouldn't be doing it but still wants nudes from them and shit. He's a pedo, plain and simple. Don't care if it's legal in X place, he himself was doing it with the lens of it being pedophilic

        • 9 months ago

          Yes but you also couldn't tell me why pedophilia is bad if I asked you

        • 9 months ago

          He's moronic and so are you.

      • 9 months ago

        Found the fricking pedophile.
        Tell that to the other cell mates who plow your ass every time you shower.

  84. 9 months ago

    zero (0) talent

  85. 9 months ago

    How much of his recent code do you believe was chat GPT or other AI software

  86. 9 months ago

    I don't care that she's 16. I care that he's unable to pull b***hes his age and had to resort to some girl with daddy issues still in highschool.
    That I'll take the piss out of.

    • 9 months ago

      Who the frick wants to pull a 35 year old woman? Those are for 60+ year old men. Are you deranged?

      • 9 months ago

        This. Early to mid 20s is the hard limit. 30+ is only if the b***h is already your wife or you are absolutely desperate.

    • 9 months ago

      Anon, women date older guys because they are all deep down daddy issues girls
      Take a survey around your area of married couples and you will find out that most of them have an older male, younger female relationship, usually in the 5 to 10 years age gap

  87. 9 months ago

    Im still nostalgic for this game in the oddest way, I know its a pile of shit, the creator is shit, and almost everything about it is cancerous cringe. But somewhere deep in my subconscious I still remember the good times, the videos made about it, waiting for updates, that Samgladiator minecraft roleplay series. I know it was always a doomed project, and hell Yandev might still try and release it, but I think I will always hold out some hope for it even thought I know I shouldnt.

  88. 9 months ago

    >3rd world hours
    >people start defending pedophiles
    really makes you think

    • 9 months ago

      i don't even think they're third worlders, just europeans

      • 9 months ago


  89. 9 months ago

    Dev knew barely anything about coding, spent all his time shilling the game (which is a glorified asset flip) and not actually working on the game, also undiagnosed mental illness, which honestly should have been expected given the theme of the game

  90. 9 months ago

    Anyways, what are the odds Patreon actually steps in and cuts off his funding at this point? Like he flat out admits to sending sexual messages to someone under the age of 18.

    • 9 months ago

      What does he even do after that? His whole life is based on his following, and patron, for a game he was never going to deliver, and now cant. No one would play it, no one would buy it, no one is going to be stupid enough to give him money now, all his most important volunteers are quitting. Really the only option is the rope.

      • 9 months ago

        Fade into obscurity even further, go out with a real pathetic begging video/blogpost, maybe just say frick it and start messaging every child in his fanbase and really see how many he can get. No idea what he'd have planned, because there is absolutely no way he was saving any money over the years.

      • 9 months ago

        He can release it. He intentionally milked it for over a decade and by that time built at least two functional gamemodes and literally hundreds of minigames presumably out of sheer boredom. The game is already finished

      • 9 months ago

        >W-Would you like fries with that, sir?

      • 9 months ago

        I guess if you find yourself in a situation like this dumb homosexual, it really is better if you just studied for a career in your 20s. Now he's 30s and balding, fat, and alone.
        You morons shit on wagies all the time, but at least they have an income.
        I wish the value of labor wasn't dirt though, rent prices are absolutely cucking the average young adult out of moving out and that's fricked up, but it doesn't affect boomers so nobody gives a single frick.

      • 9 months ago

        I think he can keep it up for another 10 years. Eventually he will release imo, but it will be a buggy piece of shit.

        • 9 months ago

          but if his patreon gets shut down, which is a possibility since he actually admits to sending sexual messages to a minor(which Patreon will shut down your account for even if its outside their platform), he'll no longer have an income, and he definitely doesn't have savings.

  91. 9 months ago

    People love to shit on >if else but people have corrected the code and recompiled but it barely has an effect on performance, if any at all. Yes it's bad coding practice but it's not gonna make or break a game.
    The real issue with YandereDevs code is that checks happen literally every frame. That and I think I recall the game: 1,not having LOD and 2, everything being rendered, even if off screen, both of which are performance nightmares.

    • 9 months ago

      >everything being rendered
      He does have occlusion culling, but he specifically set the overhead map to just view the actual modeled map from a bird's eye view, which means using the map absolutely fricking chugs your framerate.

  92. 9 months ago

    Reminder being a Pedo is on of the worst possible things you could ever get caught for. Not even just morally, but if you go to prison and its found out youre a Pedo, your ass is grass. You will get beaten and probably murdered by street justice. And you deserve it

    • 9 months ago

      Reminder that teen pussy is one of the best possible things you could ever nut into.

  93. 9 months ago

    Its bizarre to me theres an honest to god pedo(s) in this thread

    • 9 months ago

      So outspoken as well, I guess they have to be when one of their own gets caught like this. Its even sadder when you realize despite all their gayging and sperging they would never actually put thier money where their mouth is because the second they even consider it they would get caut, outcasted more from society, and their life ruined by so called moral gays. Turns out being a fat balding 35 year old trying to get some young teen is really gross actually. Theres geniunely no argument they have that holds up when you ask them why they wont go ahead with it themselves

  94. 9 months ago

    A Japanese dev decided to make his own yandere MC game except also make it porn so yandev was made obsolete.

    • 9 months ago


  95. 9 months ago

    Why is this thread infested with so many pedo apologists? is it just third world posting hours?

    • 9 months ago

      Just bait, but I had to actually come up with valid pedo apologies so I stopped

  96. 9 months ago

    His game peaked while Pewdiepie played it, anyone with a brain would have fast tracked finishing it ASAP and sell it at $5. Then use that money to make an actual dream game.

    Instead of meandering about for a decade expecting to win the internet lottery twice, focused on keeping a patreon on life support for a thousand dollar a month instead of the millions of dollars the game could have made by selling it.

    • 9 months ago

      >anyone with a brain would have fast tracked finishing it ASAP
      He's shit at coding and lazy to boot, "fast tracking" would have still pushed him past the flavor of the month period

    • 9 months ago

      Its funny because if he just let that tinybuild guy finish the game for him and published it as a half finished whatever game it would still have been a success. Theres an alternative timeline where Yandev is incredibly successful, and all this controversy and memeing is beside the point for him, he got to big to fail. Now he is just a laughing stock with no future, it is so over for him now

  97. 9 months ago

    >if you check his pateron right now he is still making 1,300 a month with 500 supporters still
    Genuinely, why? How is he still getting support after all this time, and after this. Obv 12k a year is beyond poverty, and there is no way he is budgeting, but unless Pateron cuts his support he will probably be fine. It has only been a day at this point though, so who knows.

    • 9 months ago

      There's multiple factors, he has his patreon, but his videos on youtube get a lot of views (although maybe he doesn't get advertising due to the gore), there's merch sales, and his parents are rich and it's believed his house was a bought family home so he doesn't actually have a mortgage.

  98. 9 months ago

    Scope creep coupled with a one-man dev team that only sort of knows how to code. As well as no publisher or manager forcing deadlines on him.

  99. 9 months ago

    I can't believe I got the information from a pink short haired he/him girl on tiktok before Ganker

  100. 9 months ago

    What didn't?

  101. 9 months ago

    I saw that video of all the dumb shit this moron did. Doesn't snapchat tell you when the other person is recording the conversation? Why would he keep saying all that dumb shit?

    • 9 months ago

      I think it just tells you when someone saves an image you send, screenshots the message, or replays a message. I don't think it does anything if you use an external screen recorder.

      • 9 months ago

        Snap tells you when someone is screen recording, but if it's an external source I don't know.

        Either way, this guy is a fricking homosexual and always has been. I hope this finally ends him

  102. 9 months ago

    Presuming she was 16 this year
    the girl was 7 years old when Yandere sim began development

    • 9 months ago

      Okay that's funny.

    • 9 months ago

      >this fricking game has been in devlopment hell for an actual damn decade
      >thats half of my fricking life
      even worse considering I was there when it got big and got dragged in
      Feels like both a lifetime ago and yesterday
      I hate it here

      • 9 months ago

        I've been on this website since you were one year old. Get out now before it eats you, too.

  103. 9 months ago

    Nothing, he's just getting harassed by brainlets who supported a game that isn't out yet. I think the newest attempt at cancelling him is tossing fake receipts of him being a child predator.

  104. 9 months ago
  105. 9 months ago

    >Anon, why dont you take a seat
    >We have the thread logs

    • 9 months ago

      Average third worlder Gankertard

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