What went wrong? How can the next Final Fantasy game be saved?

What went wrong? How can the next Final Fantasy game be saved?

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  1. 1 month ago

    you tell me. i haven't even seen a video of it.

    • 1 month ago

      >Literally not an RPG
      >Devil May Cry wearing Final Fantasy's skin
      >Capitalizing on Western interests based on a shit TV show adapted from a shit book
      >Game touts itself as a "Serious business" when it's just Super Sentai/Mecha anime references left and right while character quip at each other
      >Characters saying "Frick" like it's a suuuuper adult thing to say
      >Female protagonist is just there, gets her moment to shine, then goes back to just being there again
      >3 million units sold, only 3.4% of players bother finishing the latest DLC

      • 1 month ago

        not an RPG
        say no more. hiding thread.

  2. 1 month ago

    You say that like the franchise hasn't been on fire for the past decade and a half.

  3. 1 month ago

    2D-HD sprite game with job classes as well as sub-classes.
    Make it a mix of Octopath Traveler 2 and Crystal Project

  4. 1 month ago

    >chase dogshit trend of actual literal fricking lcd slop
    >games take too fricking long to make so the trend they were chasing died way before they could shit the game out
    >the trend they were chasing is something literally nobody who plays FF gives a shit about
    in the era of "it takes 5 fricking years to make an hd video game," you can't chase trends, you need to make something universal that stands on its own. you sacrifice your core audience in hopes of chasing trends, this is what happens. it really says a lot that i don't know anything about this game. like plot-wise or even spoiler-wise. back in the day, a new big JRPG release lead to people spamming spoilers, like who the killer is in persona 4. i don't know a damn thing about this crap because it's so bad and irrelevant nobody even bothered to spoil it. imagine.

  5. 1 month ago

    If I wanted to watch a movie I'd watch a real movie.

  6. 1 month ago

    don't know, still isn't on pc

  7. 1 month ago

    How many years has it been? Can't you guys accept that there will be nothing valuable from Square Enix anymore? Do you have to eat their shit every time and complain that its not chocolade?

    They made quite a few amazing, amazing games. Then some shitty movies. And then they made X-2 and from there it was only autism, npcs with faces that look like literal shit, worst quests in the industry, dialogues straight out of Twilight and that Black person stagger mechanics. No king rules forever, let them die.

    • 1 month ago

      if they have the power to become bad they also have the power to become good. You are a moron if you think change can happen only in one direction. stay cucked mate.

      • 1 month ago

        That's just wishful thinking at this point, when does anything ever get better anymore?

    • 1 month ago

      >And then they made X-2 and from there it was only autism
      frick off homosexual
      XII >>>>> X

      also Strangers of Paradise exists

      • 1 month ago

        X is kino and 12 is garbage offline mmo that plays itself with the story that no one even rememebers after finishing it. But it is better than everything else they did after not gonna deny that.

        • 1 month ago

          X is cringe gay shit
          XII setting is superior in every regard and the combat is mechanically more satisfying
          jack's game is also superior to X, for the simple fact you get to kill chaos

  8. 1 month ago

    There is good build variety on paper but your combat loop always feels samey. That, and the carousel of villains kind of feels weak. The true big bad is revealed too late and sloppily for me to care about reality transcending demiurge. One of the minor villains, like Benedikta or Hugo, should have been the main villain with a Kefka-like world destruction arc instead of whatever rick and morty bullshit Ultima is up to.
    Other than that fairly fun action rpg, but i didn’t progress the postgame very far and doubt i will.

  9. 1 month ago

    Nothing went wrong.

    You spam this shitpost thread daily on Ganker and yet you also defend Forspoken

  10. 1 month ago

    not trying to chase current trends only to be horribly outdated once the game releases because a decade has passed since then

  11. 1 month ago

    >How can the next Final Fantasy game be saved?
    Bring back 4 homies in a row and turn combat. FF is saved.

    • 1 month ago

      go back

    • 1 month ago

      stay here

  12. 1 month ago

    PS5 exclusive, I don't know if it's good or bad but I'm not going to buy a snoystation to find out.

  13. 1 month ago

    I have an Idea that basicslly comes down to making final fantasy final inspired by the great RPGs of old while, at the same time, looking at modern sandbox adventures games, like totk

    • 1 month ago

      My reply in another thread:
      Id make a sandbox final fantasy highly inspired by old school crpgs like Wizardry 7 and other more modern non-rpg titles, with ff1 in the mix.
      5 member party and you get to start with your Basic Job-characters. Games lets you accumulate characters of other Jobs, being there, ideally, 2 characters of each job.
      You have a heroes of light Quest as the main objective, in which you must defeat the big Evil in his sky temple, but you cant really reach there at the beginning.
      Like Elminage, you need to collect some mcguffins to access the a tower that leads you to the space station.
      That what the sandbox is for. In Zelda totk-fashion you wander a nice world, filled with dungeons, Villages, Monsters Lairs etc to hunt these Dungeons where the endgame treasures are hidden, make little sidequests to access them, by solving the problems they cause, and also to get new characters (like world of Ruin ff6) and their jobs.
      When the mcguffins are collected, through the clearing of increasingly high level Dungeons, you access the Tower and are allowed to beat the final boss after clearing his space station Dungeon.
      The game world doesnt even need to be huge, but simply full of things to do.
      Id suggest a 3d top view pov, Bravely style, but with fog of war, for Dungeons and a more zelda-like camera for overworld travel.
      Turn based combat with ATB, simply because that is a staple of the series.
      Expansive bestiary, with effort put into Monster lore, and really, great world lore in general, which is a thing that generates a lot of organic interest for the game.
      Dungeons must be really fun and expansive for It to work, so the best dungeon crawlers must be the source of inspiration here.
      Classes must feel inspired and have some degree of complexity
      Combat must offer risk, permadeath, in fact, could be an option. Though you should, like ff1 did back in its days, be allowed to revive characters at the city church/clinic. Make phoenix dawns extremely rare

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