what were your thoughts on bayonetta 3?

what were your thoughts on bayonetta 3?

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  1. 8 months ago

    mine were less than stellar...

    • 8 months ago

      aren't translife was tax scam or someting ?

      • 8 months ago

        >aren't translife was tax scam or someting ?
        Did you have a stroke writing that?

  2. 8 months ago

    Bayo 1 will always be the best
    Bayo 2 while having improved aesthetics and better battle music, has too much confusing shit happening during bosses and makes the game a buttonmash fest with Umbran Climax
    I haven't played Bayo 3, but it looks like it shits on the story and the Demon Summoning mechanic is too important. I will also not forgive that they threw mixing and matching Hand/Feet weapon into the garbage bin.
    I just wanted more CUUHRAYZEE games where I could style on the enemies and be as creative about it as possible, but switching to the Nintendo progressively made it all more casualized (probably for the audience of that console) and it suffered greatly because of it.
    Guess I'm stuck with Bayo1 (and reluctantly 2) and DMC 3/4/5 which isn't a bad reportoire at all, but I'm sad to see them making a shining diamond of a first game and then flopping in ways that are unbelievable

    • 8 months ago

      People that dislike 2 are either just combo autists that never liked Bayo to begin with and just want more DMC training rooms or else posers that wish they were the former for some pathetic reason

  3. 8 months ago

    there are only two bayonetta games

  4. 8 months ago

    I liked it

  5. 8 months ago

    It was better than 2
    I liked the combat but it was too gimmicky to be better than 1

  6. 8 months ago

    why the frick did she think her scheme would work

    • 8 months ago

      Why did she even fricking lie like that in the first place?

      • 8 months ago

        The funny part is all the morons immediately believing her

      • 8 months ago

        She probably honestly thought she was hot shit for voicing one character two times and no other roles over 13+ years, and that Bayonetta was a super mega blockbuster meaning she should have gotten more despite being in the union.

      • 8 months ago

        The funny part is all the morons immediately believing her

        >morons say Taylor was wrong
        >Ask for source
        >Jason ~~*Schreier*~~

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Lying for no reason is second nature to white women

      • 8 months ago

        She was just confused
        Someone told her it was a 400 million yen series and she thought 1 yen = 1 dollar as opposed to 1 yen = 1 penny

      • 8 months ago

        women are used to getting their way.
        until they step outside their bounds and get smacked down like this. then they cry muh whatever.

      • 8 months ago

        She didn't lie she just has no idea how games work. She's a theater actor outside of voicing Bayonetta. She looked up VGChartz data for Bayonetta and multiplied the franchise number by full retail and took that as what the franchise has brought in and assumed she should be getting more of this apparent success when Bayonetta is actually quite niche.

    • 8 months ago

      It worked for a bit even if the slightly less moronic people held off on stone throwing after realizing Jennifer fricking Hale is the last person you go to for scab work.

  7. 8 months ago

    Bayo 3 felt like a game from a different franchise with a bayonetta coat of paint, something closer to astral chain even.
    Pretty mediocre tbh

  8. 8 months ago

    Never played 3 but i enjoyed 1 and 2

  9. 8 months ago

    Viola sucks and the pacing is unrefined.

  10. 8 months ago

    Mid but final boss was cool

  11. 8 months ago

    The core mechanics are dumb. The summons just aren't fun to use. They really needed the ability to buffer more than one action. Even if you try to fight along side it, you don't have time to perform any extended combo before you need to buffer your summon's next action. Viola is even worse. Hold the trigger to summon your dude. Good job now your attacks are shit and you can't parry anymore.

    Then there's a ton of minor things that add up. The atrocious hitboxes. The awful culling of large enemies when they're next to the camera so you can't see when they're about to attack. Enemies that blast you from offcamera; a thing they tried so hard to avoid in the first game that they made it a marketing point.

  12. 8 months ago

    Better than 2, worse than 1

    • 8 months ago

      Loved 1.
      Dropped 2.
      Didn't play 3.
      Bought them all including Bayo Origins.
      All because she looks like my mom

      >le 2 bad
      Stop spouting that meme, it was only spread around by salty WiiU non-havers at the time to prevent their asspain. Now it's on every platform and it's clearly a great game. You can argue whether it's better than 1 or not but it's definitely one of the good Jaction titles

      • 8 months ago

        I got a Wii U for it. My opinion is still the same.

      • 8 months ago

        I've got it on Switch.
        I've tried to play it multiple times.
        It just isn't the same.

        • 8 months ago

          i couldnt bare playing it right after playing bayonetta 1. but in the lead up to bayo3 release i tried getting into it and i ended uploving the game. i couldnt get into bayonetta 3 for certain reasons.... M<aybe ill try getting into it some other time

      • 8 months ago

        I had a Wii U and was pretty disappointed in it. The story didn't have any of the charming characters and was even more convoluted, the environments didn't feel as varied and Umbran Climax was really poorly implemented. I know it's a buzzword, but it unironically felt soulless to me

        • 8 months ago

          >It didn't have any of the characters
          Literally every character from 1 is in 2
          >Environments weren't as varied
          It had all four major environments from the first game plus new and much prettier environments
          >Umbran Climax

          It's hilarious how people literally don't even remember 2, they just remember what they read about 2 on Ganker.

          2 is far and away the best Bayonetta and only posers and DMC4 spergs jockey-ride 1.

      • 8 months ago

        2 is good but it's the worst of the four games. 7.5/10 despite having the largest postgame and best overall visuals/music.

        • 8 months ago

          lol no, its the best and there is no universe in which its worse than a game where viola takes over half the chapters

  13. 8 months ago

    Loved 1.
    Dropped 2.
    Didn't play 3.
    Bought them all including Bayo Origins.
    All because she looks like my mom

    • 8 months ago


  14. 8 months ago

    It's garbage and the only one I haven't fully replayed. Story is a mess and not even in a fun way, Viola is utter shit and has one of the worst and most undeserved passing the torch moments I've ever seen, gameplay is unsatisfying because the demons are the only thing with any real impact on most enemies and even if the gameplay was fun there'd barely be any of it since there's setpiece minigames in every level and almost every bossfight. Also no seperate hand/feet weapons is moronic when all of them could've still worked with that system, the levels look ugly especially the first one with the singularity gas everywhere, Luka being a fairy werewolf ruins his appeal, and the game not having basic mechanics at launch like being able to hold charge while dodging with the fans was bullshit.
    tl;dr I hate it and 2 was far more fun, eat shit

    • 8 months ago

      Also forgot to mention that these tower homosexuals that you are forced to demon spam against, and specifically use the bat if it's the version that makes enemies invisible, because of their forcefield are the worst enemy in the series.

  15. 8 months ago

    It's the DMC2 of the series. A big letdown than can kill the series if they don't course correct

  16. 8 months ago

    >weapons are bundled together
    this is a massive downgrade
    >and a movement system is bundled with them
    and that sucks monkey balls. What were they thinking?? Take away all player freedom for what, to have more coherent costumes for each bundle? Let me pick those individually too

  17. 8 months ago

    Better than the first one

  18. 8 months ago

    prostitutes like her deserve to be blacklisted from the voice acting industry. They're entitled prostitutes that spit in the face of being granted great roles from the start.

    Many other voice actors actually work their way up from small roles for little pay until they make it big and get paid big bucks for huge roles.

    • 8 months ago

      Even if she isn't blacklisted everyone seems to hate her now, so she may as well be

    • 8 months ago

      >had to change his profession to be a YouTuber because no company wanted him
      She won
      She fricking won

      I hope they both get blacklisted and open an Onlyfans together.

  19. 8 months ago

    Based japs
    If it was western devs they'd face scan that ugo and put it in the game as is

  20. 8 months ago

    100%'d Bayo 1 and 2
    Didn't buy Bayo 3
    It looks like shit, runs terribly, and I give absolutely zero fricks about the crappy scalebound-reject monster summons or another goddamned multiverse.

    Platinum is dead. Everyone with talent left years ago.

  21. 8 months ago

    Waiting for PC port

  22. 8 months ago

    1 is the best by far.
    2 has good music and some good combat with bosses, sucks some stuff is only in the background as a distraction. Loki sucked.
    3's combat was ok, Outside of the werewolf fights, it was just ok. Viola was really based. It's a definite ending. I wasn't really expecting that ending, but I realized what Viola was early on and I thought they weren't going to directly go there since the build up wasn't the best. It's a game I dropped and mostly forgot about after playing.

  23. 8 months ago

    I remember that since Ganker is full of zoomers who's entire life consists of gossiping about literally who's on social media, they spent an entire month spamming this b***h everywhere.

    It was hilarious, zoomers are so desperate to gossip like a bunch of 60 year old women that even when Twitter had already forgotten about it this place was still gossiping.

    I have no idea how can people here claim they hate women so much when I have never seen men behave like women more than this place.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah man you're so much better not talking about your hobbies or the people and situations in it. You sound like a try hard.

      • 8 months ago

        No, I'm better because I don't gossip about social media.
        The mere act of visiting social media is a sign of having a smooth brain and a low IQ.

  24. 8 months ago

    >had to change his profession to be a YouTuber because no company wanted him
    She won
    She fricking won

    • 8 months ago

      How long until he collabs with Hackurai?

    • 8 months ago

      What did she win? Other than being publically embarrassed for being a liar?

      • 8 months ago

        >Other than being publically embarrassed
        By who? Most people sided with her and the conflict caused Bayo 3 to flop

        • 8 months ago

          >The conflict caused bayo 3 to flop
          Bayo 3 looking like shit caused it to flop.

        • 8 months ago

          I didn't really like her look from 3 so I was put off from the offset, 2 was peak.

  25. 8 months ago

    Oh yes, I indeed think that Bayo 3 is the best game in the series, that the shitty mini-games are based, and that the battle OST is the best ever and filters music brainlets hard.

  26. 8 months ago

    Better than 2, worse than 1. I was interested in seeing what they were going to try and do with 4 but without Kamiya's involvement I don't have much interest

    • 8 months ago

      Same, who knows what'll happen without Kamiya

  27. 8 months ago

    disappointment is the only word i can muster
    in almost every conceivable way
    >whatever lore was being built up with the fight between paradiso and inferno got flushed down the toilet for some Marvel/DC tier multiverse shit
    >combat was dumbed down for casuals, and kaiju fights may sound amazing on paper, but came out lacking in practice
    >the level design suffered due to the kaiju mechanics as it mostly consisted of wide open spaces with nothing in them
    >many bosses were just scripted set pieces or slow ass kaiju fights
    >Viola is atrocious, an insult to good taste in every single conceivable way, from her gameplay, to her summon, to her appearance, to her attitude
    >it's like Platinum didn't get the memo that Nero was the second worst thing to happen to the DMC franchice after V
    >i can't stress enough just how much Viola disgusts me, it's like the perfect blend of: "hey what up fellow kids!" & "i'm to old for this shit" mentality
    >to add insult to injury, the game intends to set Viola as the replacement for the next game
    Bayonetta 3 is the Devil May Cry 2 of the series, and any game they attempt to make with Viola will undoubtedly be the DmC of the series

    • 8 months ago

      Completely this. The new enemies were 0 fun to fight too. Funny how the bonus fights against angels or demons were the most fun ones

    • 8 months ago

      I thought V was a better character than Nwordo

  28. 8 months ago

    >Kamiya gets kicked out of the company less then a year after the Taylor controversy
    >People still saying that she lost
    She fricking won

    • 8 months ago

      Won what?

      • 8 months ago

        The company that mistreated her burnt to the ground and Kamiya is most likely working in the NetEase coal mines for the rest of his career.

        She won

        • 8 months ago

          She lied about what she was being paid, in what way was she mistreated?

          women are used to getting their way.
          until they step outside their bounds and get smacked down like this. then they cry muh whatever.

          This was intentional, she even set up a gofundme to funnel in more money.

          • 8 months ago

            >She lied about what she was being paid

            • 8 months ago

              Did you forget?

              • 8 months ago

                What's wrong, anon? Why can't you name the source?

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not spoonfeeding you.

              • 8 months ago

                No, you just know that everyone will laugh at you the moment you admit that you fell for that one israelite's bullshit. That's why you won't name names

    • 8 months ago

      Kamiya left because the new CEO wants to make more GAAS shit like Babylon's Fall.

      • 8 months ago

        You are basing that on an article that was released 2 years ago, and is merely the author's conjunction on the direction the new platinum CEO would take, not the reality, as Inaba himself never said that.
        And if Kamiya had wanted to leave because of that, he would have left more than a year ago.

  29. 8 months ago

    Lets be honest bayonetta's voice in bayo3 was shit, the new va sounds nothing like the bayo that we all know and love

  30. 8 months ago

    Why are trannies so angry at Helena Taylor?

    • 8 months ago

      Because Helena is based

      • 8 months ago

        mine were less than stellar...

        >Fired the literal star of the show for being a Christian mommy
        >Kept the dogshit actress who loves troony shit
        Man I'm glad I haven't given Platinum money since Wonderful 101

  31. 8 months ago

    >contrarians unironically defend shit like WT being mandatory to fight enemies and UC being shoved down your throat
    Every single bad thing about 3's combat is thanks to 2

    • 8 months ago

      >Combo spergs really think that Bayonetta wanting you to use dodge offset instead of air comboing a sandbag is a bad thing
      Just go "play" DMC4 again you whiny c**t

      • 8 months ago

        >game "wants" you to use dodge offset
        >hitting an enemy results in a block and ruins your string
        Got you

  32. 8 months ago

    still haven't played it despite liking the first two games

  33. 8 months ago

    >Bayo 1
    Fun but incredibly jank game that didn't quite know what it wanted to be. Dodge offset is underutilized , performance is middling (especially the PS3 version), and the game is packed full of obnoxious instant kill QTE's and ridiculously long minigames. Weapons are a mixed bag. Having to play space harrier for ten minutes to refight Jeanne is fricking torture. The story is moronic and tries to hide that fact by being out of order

    >Bayo 2
    Perfection. Enemy air escapes prevent people from just playing DMC: Girl Edition and force them to play Bayonetta. Reflexes and dodge offset are extremely important both for survival and score. There's no piss filter, the game looks and runs better, the cutscenes are better, and there are costumes and extras galore. Umbran Climax is too strong but that's the only legitimate gameplay complaint. Easily the best weapons in the series. The story actually makes sense and even goes out of its way to fix Bayo 1's story. The online co-op puts it over the top as one of the greatest action games ever made alongside Ninja Gaiden Black.

    >Bayo 3
    It's shit. Shit performance, ugly visuals, worst weapons, worst combat implementation with the kaiju bullshit, shit multiverse story, it's just nonstop awful.

    • 8 months ago

      Demon Slave is a great mechanic but the game sacrificed a LOT to make it work so they push it way too hard and give you basically free Magic the entire game while tying Torture Attacks to DS as well. It's a shame since that combined with the best weapon lineup in the trilogy and a pretty great boss lineup is a great thing, but then the enemy roster is visually bland and only marginally better-designed than 2's roster gameplay-wise. The graphics and performance are kneecapped by the Switch too. Viola's gameplay is a solid basis but needed a patch to be truly functional and it needs like three more substantial additions to feel as complete as Bayo, basically the DMC4 Nero problem but worse since the enemies aren't built around her limited moveset. The genre shift segments are almost all quite fun but also a b***h to Platinum so it's worse on replays sadly. Jeanne Spy Action is good, I played them all twice and did the optional arcade machine levels.

      Also it has the worst story of any game I've ever finished, but not for the reasons most complain about it. Cereza x Luka is the logical conclusion but they barely do anything to build to it in this game, after 2 didn't do anything for it either. Cereza comes off as cold to everything and everyone except Luka, even insulting Jeanne moments before she gets killed. Viola literally doesn't change at all but is handed the keys to the series after failing over and over and never treating her parents like her parents. Jeanne dies like a b***h. All of this doesn't hurt it as an action game but it soured my first playthrough.

      1 > Origins >= 3 > 2
      Scarborough Faire > Love Is Blue > Colour My World
      3 Weapons > 1 Weapons > 2 Weapons (though I love Alruna & Takemikazuchi)
      1 Enemies > 2&3 Enemies
      Strider > Jeanne > Lumen Sage

      The duality of man.

  34. 8 months ago

    >what's your source?

    people actually fell for his israelite tricks? why?

    • 8 months ago

      He has a blue check anon, of course he wouldnt lie

    • 8 months ago

      >why doesnt he post confidential documents that are under NDA and would probably get someone fired?

      • 8 months ago

        How can he post things that don't exist?

        • 8 months ago

          Do you also think your government doesnt have any secret documents? because you've never seen them?

          • 8 months ago

            >Amerimutt sees a israelite being secretive and sneaky and immediately thinks of his own government
            Like pottery. Good little ZOGbot

        • 8 months ago

          >Helena was given a shit offer
          >That's why we replaced her with one of the union leads who lead old strikes and openly says she's not returning to certain roles due to shit pay herself. (Hale said the Totally Spies reboot didn't want to pay union rates so she got recasted)

  35. 8 months ago

    Demon Slave is a great mechanic but the game sacrificed a LOT to make it work so they push it way too hard and give you basically free Magic the entire game while tying Torture Attacks to DS as well. It's a shame since that combined with the best weapon lineup in the trilogy and a pretty great boss lineup is a great thing, but then the enemy roster is visually bland and only marginally better-designed than 2's roster gameplay-wise. The graphics and performance are kneecapped by the Switch too. Viola's gameplay is a solid basis but needed a patch to be truly functional and it needs like three more substantial additions to feel as complete as Bayo, basically the DMC4 Nero problem but worse since the enemies aren't built around her limited moveset. The genre shift segments are almost all quite fun but also a b***h to Platinum so it's worse on replays sadly. Jeanne Spy Action is good, I played them all twice and did the optional arcade machine levels.

    Also it has the worst story of any game I've ever finished, but not for the reasons most complain about it. Cereza x Luka is the logical conclusion but they barely do anything to build to it in this game, after 2 didn't do anything for it either. Cereza comes off as cold to everything and everyone except Luka, even insulting Jeanne moments before she gets killed. Viola literally doesn't change at all but is handed the keys to the series after failing over and over and never treating her parents like her parents. Jeanne dies like a b***h. All of this doesn't hurt it as an action game but it soured my first playthrough.

    1 > Origins >= 3 > 2
    Scarborough Faire > Love Is Blue > Colour My World
    3 Weapons > 1 Weapons > 2 Weapons (though I love Alruna & Takemikazuchi)
    1 Enemies > 2&3 Enemies
    Strider > Jeanne > Lumen Sage

  36. 8 months ago

    Killed the series

  37. 8 months ago

    I finally finished it a few weeks ago but I'd heard bad things about the ending and when I saw it for myself, as a fan of the series from the beginning, couldn't help but agree. The Luka x Bayo shipping felt forced, even if it can be explained as multiverse shit; Viola was so annoying and unfun to play as initially that they had to patch the game to make her blocks less unforgiving. Also, all the kaiju shit gets excessive and overwhelming at times.

    And the main thing of "killing" off Bayo and making Viola the new Bayo is just a fundamentally dumb decision to me. Why kill off an iconic cult character we've loved for over a decade now for an annoying new upstart? Again, even if there is a multiverse explanation for Bayo not being permadead or being able to come back, why do this? Most unsatisfying ending to any Bayo game and just leaves me confused about the future of the series.

  38. 8 months ago

    Had no business being on the Switch, it's my main source of belief there was a Switch Pro that got canned and I desperately hope it gets a Switch 2 performance patch.

  39. 8 months ago

    I liked it. Bayonetta actually looked hot in this game.

    • 8 months ago

      Sure if you like aging pornstars.

  40. 8 months ago

    It was okay. Enjoyed the combat, the kaiju monsters were a cool idea but weren't always realised correctly, felt janky throughout. Found 3's story better than 2, but worse than 1, thought they should have expanded on the Hell vs Paradise but instead focused too much on FOTM multiverse. Found Bayo's looks to be the worst of the three, but still hot. The ending was a surprise, but didn't dislike it. I enjoyed the meltdown of snoys about it tho

  41. 8 months ago

    Are video game voice actors shit? Why do all the iconic voices keep getting recast?

  42. 8 months ago

    >$10000 for 4 hours of work is underpaying
    Imagine being in the 1% and saying shit like this

    • 8 months ago

      Dumbass, do you think that voice actors still keep getting paid when their work is done?

      • 8 months ago

        >don’t do work
        >don’t get paid
        WOOOOOOW, the union she’s part of literally guarantees its members work and said work has minimum pay requirements

      • 8 months ago

        Do you?

      • 8 months ago

        >t. Never had a job

      • 8 months ago

        Some people do. Martinet famously made royalties even for when Mario's voice showed up in commercials(which is why he's usually quiet in those) but he was the rare exception and he still will presumably get residuals any time Nintendo taps into the old archives for re-releases.

  43. 8 months ago

    new bayo voice is just objectively better

  44. 8 months ago

    >just saw the vanquish/bayonetta ps4 disc in game store
    >ah nice dude vanquish was awesome
    >completely ignored bayonetta for 17 years
    >try it after i drank and smoked a bit
    >holy frick its fun and yes even sexy
    >look up sequels
    >i have to buy a toy I dont want just to play
    What a bummer man, but Im only on chapter 8 my first run, plenty left.

  45. 8 months ago

    lying b***h

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