What will 6th edition D&D look like? Assuming 5e isn't the last stop on this train.

What will 6th edition D&D look like? Assuming 5e isn't the last stop on this train. I doubt it considering printing rule books is the bread and butter of D&D WoTC.

>Ability Score Bonus is no longer determined by your starting race/species. Everyone gets a +2 and a +1 to an ability score of choice, or something along those lines.
>Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha all make it over relatively unscathed as does most ways of determining those scores.
>There are fewer skills - we seem to be losing more each new edition. My best is on Survival, Nature, and Animal Handling being rolled together in some way into a grant 'Nature' related skill.
>We lose 3 saving throws, Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma.
>DMG and PHB will be filled with a lot of Consent Form bullshit. I don't care about politics, but this has been everywhere and shows now sign of stopping.
>No more feats. Might see some sort of expansion on Fighter Maneuvers to give martial characters something else to take to make up for a lack of magic.

Essentially, I see 6e just being 5e but very watered down. I have not liked the way 5e has been going for a while. Not to say 5th is a bad game - I do still play it and enjoy it, but our table does not use anything that goes past Tashas. I do not see the trend of watering down the game stopping anytime soon, but maybe I am wrong. I am too pessimistic? Or is there nothing to be optimistic for? How does this impact the rest of the hobby?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Considering the remaining staff at WotC, official 6e will be something of a joke, and will be treated as such. It will taste something like 4e, an attempt to simplify the game while keeping it gamey, and will probably have a full page dedicated to all the different pronouns you can use for your character.

    Some other company will swoop in, show off their own 5e+ that will just improve 5e in some modest way, and will be treated like the "true D&D" for several years simply by putting effort into courting the twitch audience.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, I had considered there would be something akin to Pathfinder/3.5 relation for 5e. Could also wind up in a situation too where retro gaming becomes popular if the 'fad' stage D&D is in starts to fade.

      And yeah, how could I forget the pronouns....

    • 2 years ago

      >It will taste something like 4e, an attempt to simplify the game while keeping it gamey

      what the frick are you smoking Black person

      • 2 years ago

        "It didn't have full-length paragraphs describing everything in excessive bloated detail and instead put the exact-same info in consistent easy-to-read boxes and this makes me angry and scared" - That anon

    • 2 years ago

      >Some other company will swoop in, show off their own 5e+ that will just improve 5e in some modest way, and will be treated like the "true D&D" for several years simply by putting effort into courting the twitch audience.

      There are no competitor companies anymore. You're either the original or you're nobody. If what you're saying is true we'd have seen Games Workshop and WotC fall by now.

  2. 2 years ago

    i know you're fishing for something like NO RACES BUT YOU PICK AT LEAST ONE OF THE FORTY SEXUALITIES
    but i think every d&d edition has been an attempt to correct the biggest criticisms of the previous. it's almost always an over-correction, but it's specifically meant to be different in some substantial way.
    5e gets so much criticism that it's hard to pick out the biggest. my guess is that they'll decide 6e needs to have more detailed mechanics that immerse the players in the fantasy world. more "simulationist" if you'll excuse the term
    so it'll probably have 100 pages of description on different materials and how they give +1s if used in the construction of different items and they'll carefully describe the full biology of owlbears down to how often they shit and when they get horny
    this will overshadow combat so every battle will just be counting up all the modifiers from the current temperature, wind direction, humidity, each character's hunger, thirst and mental disposition, their muscle growth and tearing, the healing process of previous lacerations and bruises, infections, etc and then do a simple greater than or less than to determine the victor

    • 2 years ago

      That doesn't sound that bad actually

    • 2 years ago

      OP Again
      >Its almost an over-correction
      I guess that's one way to look at it. The change from 4e to 5e did seem like they did everything scrub 4e from our memories by returning it fairly close to what 3.5 was but with some tweaks. Borrowed some of the things Pathfinder had done, etc...

      They could go that simulation route. But I kind of doubt it. As a previous anon said, I don't see the current staff there doing that. D&D was at its "BEST" in terms of sales and popularity. Execs really don't have a reason to change sale or try something new.

      But I would like to be proven wrong. Sorry if my pessimism sounded like I am fishing for a certain answer, just what I honestly think is going to happen.

      • 2 years ago

        5 couldn't be further from 3.5.

        • 2 years ago

          Grew up with 3.5. Maybe I need to go back and play it and Pathfinder again, but honestly 5e just seems like a very watered down version of 3.5. Most bonuses are converted to 'Advantage.' Negative scores on races are removed. Skills are watered down to 'are you proficient or no.' But most of the core game play is similar. At least far more than it is to something like 4e.

          • 2 years ago

            I gre up with 3 base, picked up the starter kit at a B&N with some allowance money. Back when it came in a bookshaped box. Played that thing to pieces and begrudgingly moved up to 3.5 later on.
            4 was an entirely different game, 5 is completely divorced from either of them.

            • 2 years ago

              Well, maybe I should revisit 3.5 and Pathfinder then. Might be remembering things incorrectly.

              • 2 years ago

                You are. 5e has more in common with 4e than 3.5e but memes during the playtest said it was deleting 4e so people still think that.


                What will 6th edition D&D look like? Assuming 5e isn't the last stop on this train. I doubt it considering printing rule books is the bread and butter of D&D WoTC.

                >Ability Score Bonus is no longer determined by your starting race/species. Everyone gets a +2 and a +1 to an ability score of choice, or something along those lines.
                >Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha all make it over relatively unscathed as does most ways of determining those scores.
                >There are fewer skills - we seem to be losing more each new edition. My best is on Survival, Nature, and Animal Handling being rolled together in some way into a grant 'Nature' related skill.
                >We lose 3 saving throws, Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma.
                >DMG and PHB will be filled with a lot of Consent Form bullshit. I don't care about politics, but this has been everywhere and shows now sign of stopping.
                >No more feats. Might see some sort of expansion on Fighter Maneuvers to give martial characters something else to take to make up for a lack of magic.

                Essentially, I see 6e just being 5e but very watered down. I have not liked the way 5e has been going for a while. Not to say 5th is a bad game - I do still play it and enjoy it, but our table does not use anything that goes past Tashas. I do not see the trend of watering down the game stopping anytime soon, but maybe I am wrong. I am too pessimistic? Or is there nothing to be optimistic for? How does this impact the rest of the hobby?

                IIRC they semi-quietly announced there wouldn't be a new edition but rather an update to the core books to mesh with current design ideas.
                So it seems like they're going to try to do subtle tweaks over time and every ~10 years reprint every book so that they can profit off of people forever with slight tweaks and changes like a "live service"

              • 2 years ago

                >Reprint every book so that they can profit off of people forever with slight tweaks and changes like a "live service."

                I hadn't considered that. I honestly thought they might do a Microsoft thing, call it a new edition when its literally almost the same product but with a new coat of paint. Not sure if that will work for them.

                It could be the last stop. I bet it's far easier and more profitable to produce merchandise and lifestyle bullshit than to pay entire teams of people to write and produce art for books that no one reads.

                Nah. Eventually things will fizzle out like it does with most fads. I think they will have to reprint the PHB and other core books at some point to keep generating revenue. Everything is built on the core books, could be what another anon said that they just do updates like a live service.

                Score Bonus is no longer determined by your starting race/species. Everyone gets a +2 and a +1 to an ability score of choice, or something along those lines.
                >>Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha all make it over relatively unscathed as does most ways of determining those scores.
                are fewer skills - we seem to be losing more each new edition. My best is on Survival, Nature, and Animal Handling being rolled together in some way into a grant 'Nature' related skill.
                >>We lose 3 saving throws, Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma.
                >>DMG and PHB will be filled with a lot of Consent Form bullshit. I don't care about politics, but this has been everywhere and shows now sign of stopping.
                >>No more feats. Might see some sort of expansion on Fighter Maneuvers to give martial characters something else to take to make up for a lack of magic.
                frankly, all of it seems fine except for the last one. and I sincerely doubt they will get rid of feats since it's one of the most commonly used optional rules in the game.

                I think the biggest change they will do is how the rest system works. no one uses the rest system like how they described and 99% of game balance issue is stemmed from how often characters get rest.

                If you like it, good for you. Not just saying that, glad someone enjoys it. I just feel like it leads to issues where races start lose their identity. Take away one things, then another... it isn't long before we are at a point where everything just feels like you are a playing different varieties of human.

              • 2 years ago

                >I just feel like it leads to issues where races start lose their identity. Take away one things, then another... it isn't long before we are at a point where everything just feels like you are a playing different varieties of human.
                That's because WOTC refuses to elaborate on any of the races at all.
                Look at something like warhammer where Empire, Brettonians, and Beastmen all have the same base stats across the board due to being at base they are humans, but no one in the fanbase will every equate those being interchangeably the same.

                Racial stat being taken away being complained about is just complaining of a minor symptom while ignoring the core disease of each race having zero cultural distinction. WOTC doesn't need to make races more mechanically distinct, if anything that just make everyone play cookie cutter stuff and be mechanically constrained to no one's benefit. They need to actually expand their playable races to have actual cultural details.

              • 2 years ago

                i didnt expect to see a reference to the goblins comic, damn how long has it been?
                is it still going on?

          • 2 years ago

            >But most of the core game play is similar. At least far more than it is to something like 4e.
            >Most bonuses are converted to 'Advantage.'
            in 4e, enemies being prone, stunned, flanking an enemy, etc, all gave you one instance of nonstacking Combat Advantage which was +2 to your roll.
            >Negative scores on races are removed
            Same thing in 4e
            >Skills are watered down to 'are you proficient or no'
            Same thing in 4e, kek

            you don't know what you're talking about moron

            • 2 years ago

              Besides Combat Advantage and Advantage being the same thing the other two aren't "core gameplay" they're just character statistics.
              When people say 5e is 3.5 they mean stuff like Fighters and their ilk are mostly back to moving and hitting without much in the way of doing other stuff besides battle master and some similar subclasses, Casters are back to using vancian casting or at least a similar system that uses spell slots in much of the same way, saving throws return instead of Non-armor defenses (yes, 4e had saving throws as well but they were different and uncommon).
              There are more examples but these are the ones that instantly come to mind.
              Obviously 5e is genetically a bit of 4e and 3.5 but it's clear from the design they were trying very hard to emulate 3.5 rather than 4e considering the complaints about 4e at the time and the success of Pathfinder.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like GURPS but all the extra autism rules are mandatory because WotC said so.

  3. 2 years ago

    Audience participation mechanics for streaming.

  4. 2 years ago

    It could be the last stop. I bet it's far easier and more profitable to produce merchandise and lifestyle bullshit than to pay entire teams of people to write and produce art for books that no one reads.

  5. 2 years ago

    Score Bonus is no longer determined by your starting race/species. Everyone gets a +2 and a +1 to an ability score of choice, or something along those lines.
    >>Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha all make it over relatively unscathed as does most ways of determining those scores.
    are fewer skills - we seem to be losing more each new edition. My best is on Survival, Nature, and Animal Handling being rolled together in some way into a grant 'Nature' related skill.
    >>We lose 3 saving throws, Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma.
    >>DMG and PHB will be filled with a lot of Consent Form bullshit. I don't care about politics, but this has been everywhere and shows now sign of stopping.
    >>No more feats. Might see some sort of expansion on Fighter Maneuvers to give martial characters something else to take to make up for a lack of magic.
    frankly, all of it seems fine except for the last one. and I sincerely doubt they will get rid of feats since it's one of the most commonly used optional rules in the game.

    I think the biggest change they will do is how the rest system works. no one uses the rest system like how they described and 99% of game balance issue is stemmed from how often characters get rest.

    • 2 years ago

      >starts using the term "Scene" to describe when hp is restored and abilities return

      • 2 years ago

        I'd be fine with it.
        It's heroic fantasy so if things reset between sessions or encounters, that's perfectly in line.

        • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        I'd be fine with it.
        It's heroic fantasy so if things reset between sessions or encounters, that's perfectly in line.

        Going to have to agree with the first anon. I actually would not like that. I prefer it if health and abilities did not reset between encounters. If you are injured in a fight and then still have to travel several miles, on foot, to your destination, that should have some kind of impact. Resting to heal should also present some risk, could get attacked at night... etc.

        • 2 years ago

          That's just 4e borrowing storyshitter rule-light game jank.
          Hence it being a joke, which somehow you unironically latched onto.
          Literally just play 4e with a bad DM nogames.
          That shit already exists and has for well over a decade.

        • 2 years ago

          >. If you are injured in a fight and then still have to travel several miles, on foot, to your destination, that should have some kind of impact. Resting to heal should also present some risk, could get attacked at night... etc.
          So the "scene" doesn't end until you make it through.

          why is this such a pressing issue when the solution is so simple?

        • 2 years ago

          >I actually would not like that. I prefer it if health and abilities did not reset between encounters. If you are injured in a fight and then still have to travel several miles, on foot, to your destination, that should have some kind of impact.
          Ever play a SaGa game? Your HP heals fully each fight, but not lifepoints (deducted when at 0 or take damage at 0), Waza Points (MP for skills) and Jutsu Points (MP for magic).

          In many of the SaGa games, 0LP is often permadeath.

  6. 2 years ago

    >What will 6th edition D&D look like?

  7. 2 years ago

    >so fricking streamlined
    >races are out the window
    >feats are gone too
    >they come up with some absurd action point system for martial characters that somehow amounts to them having even fewer actions and attacks per round
    >all casters get even more spells
    >DMG is one page long and just tells the DM to buy a campaign book and follow it to the letter
    >casters get more HP and better saves
    >anyone who plays a caster gets a free handjob from Mike Mearls himself
    >if Mearls is busy, Monte Cook will let you frick his mouth

    • 2 years ago

      Does Mike Mearls give good hand jobs?

      Jokes aside, yeah, its going to be heavily streamlined to a fault.

      • 2 years ago

        For what it's worth, I do think D&D needs to be streamlined, but by that I mean there's a lot of sacred cow mechanics that need to be slaughtered. Unfortunately, D&D as a whole brand was built on the idea of holding up a bunch of clunky bullshit and waving it around until people assumed that what they wanted from D&D was a handful of familiar spells and class abilities.

        The real problem is that they keep designing the game like it's MtG and every ability needs to be some sort of tournament legal card that can be ruled on and judged during use. But RPGs aren't TCGs and continually trying to create a rigid idea of fair and balanced play has made the game worse and worse as time goes on.

    • 2 years ago

      In a world where magic is fricking mundane and in literally everything, somehow the fricking conan-esque superhumans are the one thing untouched by it.
      Until all beaterchads are Bartleby-tier, at minimum at high level, the game is hoglogs.

  8. 2 years ago

    >implying there will still be number scores
    Nah, son, 6e, or "D&D Inclusive" will work entirely on a "narrative rule of fun" system.
    You're gonna pick two stats you're good at and one you suck at to create your one-of-a-kind character for an "X-and-Y-but-Z" system.
    For example, high strength and wisdom, low constitution gives you a character that is "Strong and Wise, but Sickly". This will affect your strength, wisdom and constitution rolls and saves by giving them advantage and disadvantage respectively.

    >But what about races and shit, anon?
    There will not be any more "races". You bring your character to the table and that's it. Tall lanky humanoid with green skin and blades for arms? Whatever. Inclusion.
    Stout purple demon-faced, snake-tailed, axe-wielding pudding with pelican wings? You go, queen.
    It'll be terrible. 5e is already terrible and this will be worse.
    But there won't be a 6e. The normies like 5e too much and eat any spoonful of shit WotC and other 3rd parties throw at it. Not to mention the sheer amount of eceleb worship around 5e.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Ability Score Bonus is no longer determined by your starting race/species. Everyone gets a +2 and a +1 to an ability score of choice, or something along those lines.
    """ancestry""" gets reduced to the equivalent of a very minor feat
    >Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha all make it over relatively unscathed as does most ways of determining those scores.
    Of course, because it wouldn't be D&D otherwise
    >There are fewer skills
    What you said about a few skills being rolled into a 'Nature' skill. Investigation is also removed and rolled into Perception.
    Hopefully Athletics and Acrobatics get rolled into one skill, and rules just make it explicit about being able to use Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution depending on the situation.
    >>We lose 3 saving throws, Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma.
    Fort/Ref/Will were not that complicated, I can see that coming back so devs don't have to deal with 'weak'/'strong' saves again
    >>DMG and PHB will be filled with a lot of Consent Form bullshit.
    No one reads the PHB anyways, this stuff is just for pick up Adventures League games anyways.
    >No more feats
    Lolno. Feats are a major way to customize characters. Never going to go away. If anything they will relax it and make feats a separate track of character improvement.

  10. 2 years ago

    Who cares. WotC can't make an actual D&D game.
    They lack creative spirit.

    • 2 years ago

      This is also true. Regardless of what they release, the good will is gone. Buying their products and supporting those assclowns is out of the question. I'd sooner try to make a D&D-like Fantasy Heartbreaker of my own. And if it's good and worth playing, I'll just pirate the books, because frick WotC, that's why.

  11. 2 years ago

    waiting for disney to merge with hasbro and pull a star wars

  12. 2 years ago

    5.5 is coming in 2024, so we're probably never getting all the way to 6.

  13. 2 years ago

    >Spells and basic attacks are gone, replaced by effects; Wound, charm, manifest, etc
    >spell casters get elemental effects
    >dodge/disengage is a move action
    >HP is restored by level every turn
    >HP restored to half at the end of every encounter
    >Regain consciousness if HP auto heals to half
    >No more spellslots everything is at will
    >Max level is 10
    >weapon & armor proficiency gone

  14. 2 years ago

    >There are fewer skills - we seem to be losing more each new edition
    The skill system was criticized harshly in 2e, and considered shit in 3e, and in 4e people refused to understand that skill challenges can have "levels" along with half the fricking system. Better off just removing skills altogether and OSRing it.

    I've never seen a skill system that was not absolute dogshit.

  15. 2 years ago

    >AC becomes -10 to 10 again
    >THAC0 comes back
    >STR of 18(99) comes back
    >Alignment languages come back
    >Comeliness comes back
    >No feats
    >All classes have different exp requirements for different levels

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