What would happen if someone in the Final Fantasy universe figured out that there are ways to use spears that don't involve jumping into the sky?

What would happen if someone in the Final Fantasy universe figured out that there are ways to use spears that don't involve jumping into the sky?

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  1. 4 months ago

    >what if people who lived in a world that runs on rule of cool figured out how to do things in a boring way instead of a cool way
    Do you ever think before posting?

  2. 4 months ago

    Ricard doesn't use Jump so I guess play FF2 and find out.

  3. 4 months ago

    You'd still get an earful about "destiny" and whatnot.

  4. 4 months ago

    Prolly not much. The advantage a spear has in reach doesn't really change anything if your opponents can reliably take getting stabbed a dozen times before dropping.

    Could do agility based spearmen that dodge back to keep enemies in spears reach but out of swords reach but that's a high skill role so won't make a big difference to the vast majority of soldiers.

  5. 4 months ago

    Holding your ground and placing the butt of the spear on the ground so that they impale themselves on the tip doesn't sound interesting gameplay wise. Neither does gathering in a formation to create a wall of point sticks the opponent has to avoid directly attacking from a single player gameplay perspective.

    • 4 months ago

      It does sound pretty interesting for a skirmish game. Though I think final fantasy fans wouldnt enjoy It Very much

      • 4 months ago

        It just doesn't mesh with the gameplay model

    • 4 months ago

      this is a game series where a common magical attack is summoning clones or weaponry that moves on its own, a spear wall is a perfectly fine mechanic even in single player, the problem is it starts to work only the further you get from turn based gameplay which as the board were on will constantly remind everyone, is what makes more modern final fantasy games irredeemable and unplayable

  6. 4 months ago

    Name a more unique and cool fighting style.

    • 4 months ago


  7. 4 months ago

    The same thing that would happen if Kain discovered that gauntlets are almost as important as helmets and would hide his homosexual nail polish

  8. 4 months ago

    Have you tried using the "attack" command instead of "jump"?

    • 4 months ago

      there's literally no point. Not only does jump make his attack stronger, it also forces the enemy trying to attack him to miss, preventing damage to himself or to another party member, which actually makes him a pretty decent off-tank, doing his part to mitigate incoming damage while dealing respectable, above average damage

      • 4 months ago

        >there's literally no point.
        It's faster. Berserk Kain especially will outdamage Jumping Kain by quite a bit.
        There are situations where one is better than the other. This is why FF4 filters all the midwits. They need elaborate overpowered builds and long, flashy animations because they don't have the patience to pay attention to any kind of real mechanics and make simple yet relevant decisions during combat.
        > it also forces the enemy trying to attack him to miss
        Not true. Atttacks that would have targeted Kain just hit another party member instead. I'm pretty sure AoEs will hit the remaining party more intensely also, if the spell divides AoE damage per target. It's a double-edged sword also, because although Kain will miss enemy AoE damage he'll also miss any beneficial AoEs while he's in the air.

        • 4 months ago



          it's ff4

          • 4 months ago

            >theres literally no point
            >spoonfeeds you a reason to not click jump
            have a nice day. im nta but have a nice day, seriously.

        • 4 months ago

          Berserk Kain is cheese and loses the utility of being able to use items, which in tough boss fights can make a difference.

          >Not true. Atttacks that would have targeted Kain just hit another party member instead.
          incorrect. The enemy's attack is wasted when it tries to attack jumping Kain. That damage mitigation makes a difference especially when its a big spell like Fire3 that would have devastated another party member

          • 4 months ago

            can confirm

            • 4 months ago

              Post evidence

              • 4 months ago

                what do you want from him? A screen shot of the extremely brief flash that shows the monster attack followed by nothing? Just fire up FF4 and play the opening 5 minutes when its just DK Cecil and Kain and see for yourself. Kain's ability to negate incoming damage makes him the perfect off-tank compliment to Cecil, because it greatly reduces the need to direct your cure spells at him while marginally reducing the need to direct your cure spells at anyone at all, so Rosa can instead spend more time casting buffs and using aim to contribute to the overall party DPS

              • 4 months ago

                >A screen shot of the extremely brief flash that shows the monster attack followed by nothing?
                Yes. Or some other actual proof that the logic in fact works that way, because I've played this game hundreds of times over the years and have never seen it happen. In fact I'm pretty sure that the enemy does not even try to acquire a target until it's time to act, meaning it's impossible for them to target Kain in the first place if he is already in the air. The game has no concept of a threat list or current target. There only a couple of times when an enemy pretends to "acquire a target" before attacking, but in those situations if Kain is selected as the target and jumps immediately after, the payload will hit a different party member instead. Go ahead and try it on Trap Doors and see if you can get it to whiff on Kain. It won't happen.

                The only time I can think of where you can evade a targeted attack is the scripted battle with Golbez and the Shadow Dragon. If you time Kain to be in the air when the script fires, it will skip Kain. But again, target-acquisition and ability happens immediately in sequence. When Kain evades Demolish, it won't say "Demolish" and do nothing. Shadow just ignores Kain altogether if he's in the air when the script fires (even if he lands before the script completes).

                >Kain's ability to negate incoming damage makes him the perfect off-tank
                He doesn't negate incoming damage. The attacks just go on someone else. At the beginning of the game it's actually hard to even see it happen because the enemies are so slow Kain's jump often resolves without them even getting a turn. (This contributes to the misconception that Kain's jump has no meaningful cost, though).

              • 4 months ago

                >Go ahead and try it on Trap Doors and see if you can get it to whiff on Kain.
                Can confirm, played it yesterday against those doors and they just re-select the target if you jump. It even looks like that fight was specifically made for Kain since that's the "last" dungeon we get to use him on, but nah.

      • 4 months ago

        Dragoons have decent bulk and jump means your allies get targeted instead which is a waste. It's a selfish class with mediocre damage which suits Kain perfectly.

  9. 4 months ago

    >Charging Thrust
    Attacks a unit in a straight line from the user; the more distant the target, the stronger the attack. Cannot be used after moving
    >Sonic Boom
    Attacks all units on either side of a straight line. However, units at a significantly different height are not effected. Cannot be used after moving and can only be used when a spear is equipped.

  10. 4 months ago

    jumpchads win again, fricking morons being filtered by !Jump. K E K

  11. 4 months ago

    Try lancer in FFXIV and enjoy the awkward boring stab experience

  12. 4 months ago

    They should figure out physical weapons and object collisions first.

  13. 4 months ago

    Last time I played FF4(DS) I only used Jump to avoid screen nukes, which are pretty common on boss fights there. Difficulty is high enough that it becomes pretty much the only way to beat Zeromus during the Meteor phase.

    • 4 months ago

      >Difficulty is high enough that it becomes pretty much the only way to beat Zeromus during the Meteor phase.
      What difficulty? You don't need jump to beat Zeromus lol.

      • 4 months ago

        you're overlevelled

      • 4 months ago

        FF4 DS is much harder than the regular game, especially the boss fights. Zeromus gets a completely different attack pattern, and hits much harder.
        It doesn't help that I was playing blind, so I pretty much didn't use most of the good augments.

  14. 4 months ago

    Another nice thing about using jump is that it lets you put Kain in the backrow, where, with his plate armor, he'll take basically no damage from physical attacks when the enemies do get a hit in on him. Basically the same thing as avoiding with a jump.

    • 4 months ago

      You’re technically correct but in practice Kain doesn’t really need the extra defense since half the time the enemy attack isn’t even landing. Especially compared to Edge whose lack of plate armor makes him squishier and he can throw or use jutsu from the back row to maintain damage output. there’s no one else who can really stand alongside Cecil in the front row unless you’re playing the GBA version that lets you switch party members, but if you put someone like Yang there instead, you’d probably rather have a nuker like Palom in the back row who can far outclass Kain’s damage output.

  15. 4 months ago

    Dissidia NT Kain is fricking badass and I wish SE would get off their asses and hire Capcom to make a VS fighter

    • 4 months ago

      Aren't they doing another Dissidia NT with the stupid 3v3 shit? 1v1 Dissidias were much more fun

  16. 4 months ago


  17. 4 months ago

    I'm creating a dragoon character for a TB rpg, I've already added skills like jump, lancet, dive. Are there any other interesting skill or mechanics that I should add?

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