What would life have been like as a medieval peasant? it seems a more natural simple life

What would life have been like as a medieval peasant? it seems a more natural simple life

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    ud spend ur days crawling in the mud and eating shit

    • 3 months ago

      He said Medieval not modern day India.

      • 3 months ago

        Life would have been shit. There's a reason they were called dark ages. Due to a major volcanic eruption most of the time weather was gloomy and dreary. Food shortages, low survival rates during winter, disentery, life expectancy half of what it is today, hoping at any given moment you don't annoy some dipshit royal who wants to frick your wife or use your land. Spending most of your time working to have enough food for the winter and hoping the local ruler isn't a dick and doesn't over-collect your food for taxes so that you don't starve.
        Yes it was a simple life, because development of civilization was simple. But you don't want that kind of simple, where every day you wake up is a cointoss on whether you'll be alive that night.
        There's a reason the population count at the time was estimated at a quarter of a billion. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Most children didn't make it thorugh birth, and of those that did, more than half didn't reach adulthood. There's a reason most countries had the tradition of not naming a child until the age of 5.

        If you were a person of that time. Life would have been miserable at best.
        If you were a modern person in that time. Life would have been unbearable, because not only would you know all the safeties and amenities of nearly two millennia worth of scientific development, but also you wouldn't be able to do anything about it as telling a single soul or even trying to recreate modern technology would result in you either being killed for being a witch by the locals, or killed for being a witch by the royals, or killed for being a witch by the church.

        • 3 months ago

          >There's a reason they were called dark ages

        • 3 months ago

          It was called the dark ages because knowledge was lost since craftsmen in europe were often unwilling to pass on their techniques or even write them down, and if they did, the literacy rate was very low, so no one could make use of it anyway. As a result, education plummeted, along with scientific inquiry, and it wasn't until the churches started funding scholars and the recording of knowledge got back on track that the renaissance began. They weren't called the dark ages because they were literally dark.

          • 3 months ago

            They were called the dark ages because God fricked off for a bit

          • 3 months ago

            >was called the dark ages because
            Because history was not written down and we don't know what happened. Church made some records but they have no desire to document everything thoroughly so history was lost.

            >since craftsmen in europe were often unwilling to pass on their techniques
            Quite the opposite. Medieval craftsman guilds while archaic still made go job preserving skill and knowledge of the craft. Suing medieval age we have non stop rising in craftsman skill and technology, there was no period when it plummeted and we have decrease of archeologic artefacts quality. Europe also picked foreign innovations easily (like heave plough and horse collar, and blast furnace all invented by China and brought by asians Into Europe) and eventually summ of these inventions lead to industrial revolution

      • 3 months ago

        in premodern times cities were literally filled with shit. yeah people used to empty their chamberpots and shit in the streets. Even in the 18th century paris city was filled with shit and was known for its stench.

        • 3 months ago

          that's paris, the french have always been stereotypically filthy. most other european groups strived to be clean freaks and that got passed down through the generations.

          • 3 months ago

            in premodern times cities were literally filled with shit. yeah people used to empty their chamberpots and shit in the streets. Even in the 18th century paris city was filled with shit and was known for its stench.

            It's rather funny how France has become perceived (until very recent times) as a place of prim and poshy pricks when France was, historically, the China of Europe. It was enormous, the Kingdom of Christendom and the big nasty brute in any room it entered. France was and always will be the gold standard of what "feudalism" looks like, especially Northern France.

    • 3 months ago

      That's today's India.

  2. 3 months ago

    How exactly is it "natural"? "Natural" would be you living in a cave and eating only what you can pick and hunt.

    • 3 months ago

      you are brainfried

      • 3 months ago

        Nta but living in an abitrary feudal caste system with enforced Abrahamic morality isn't natural

        • 3 months ago

          Like having tech barons telling you to be ethnically Replaced while all the while they are shifty israelites that are cheating at "the Game" and abusing White fairness? You're right, that isn't natural.

          • 3 months ago

            Neither is. Natural would mean returning to being nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes who would settle their differences through rape. Agriculture spelled the ruination of our species.

  3. 3 months ago

    The noble is deciding to kill me and rape my wife, oh well.

  4. 3 months ago

    i dont know if this is just bait but in case you want a real answer, here you go:
    >wake up at sunrise, you dont have a clock but your rooster functions as an alarm
    >wife that you married because your families arranged it makes breakfast
    >your two sons and you go out into the fields and work them until about 10 am-ish or so. your daughter stays inside with your wife cleaning and organizing the house, collecting chicken eggs and any other animal care
    >at about 10 am-ish you all take a break and hang out until mid day, at which point you have lunch outside together
    >you continue to hang out until about 4 pm when it cools down, then you and your sons continue working in the fields until evening, where you close up the animals
    >dinner is just before sun down, again prepared by wife & daughter
    >you sleep as the sun goes down
    >repeat until winter at which point its literally 'survive off of what you saved during spring/summer and have nothing to do except wild pig sex with your wife over and over, so your next child is born next mid-summer when life is easiest'
    >end of summer and beginning of autumn is when you bring harvests to town to sell to the israelites
    >on sundays you skip the morning routine to all go to church and socialize with the other peasants after services

    there you go. it was a harder life than people know today but nowhere near the backbreaking slave-labor its made out to be. you got fed a LOT of calories, had guaranteed authority in your own home as the man of the house, and were generally respected

    • 3 months ago

      sounds kino

      • 3 months ago

        yeah, until the nearest king decides to pillage your village and steal your daughters and wife as payment

        • 3 months ago

          How often did that actually happen though? I figure if you're a serf that would just lead to some really bad legal blood between him and your liege lord and would just lead to the king's family getting deposed by popular revolt sooner rather than later.

          • 3 months ago

            >would just lead to the king's family getting deposed by popular revolt
            most kings got deposed because they ran away or got killed by other kingdoms invading

        • 3 months ago

          That's literally not how it worked at all zoomie

        • 3 months ago

          King have zero reason to pick on random peasant villages since if they win those peasants become theirs. As for the wife stealing the king already has a 10/10 mail ordered semen demon for a wife.

          • 3 months ago

            >King have zero reason to pick on random peasant villages
            More money is always a good reason

            • 3 months ago

              Plebs have nothing. If you keep them alive they make money for you by simply working and paying taxes.

              • 3 months ago

                I feel like its because elites/rich/rats are too, TOO invasive, you see, you really wish politicians were just corrupt, since all they would care about is frick some good pussies in their yacht, but not what we have today, they literally live to see us suffer, they invade our personal spaces. Hell, its like the only thing they have in mind is how to mentally torture us, to the point im convinced they developed some kind of parasitic mental illness where they can feel pleasure or happiness anymore.

                If you are a millennial you will understand, we experienced that sudden SHIFT. Everything became expensive, crazier, full of hate. Had I knew how things would have turned I would have quit high school, developed some skill earlier, and buy some carhouse when they were really cheap, then live far away from anything. Its like we really died in 2012 and we are in some kind of Purgatory.

                We also arent allowed to get some kind of small house, since elites know people are really simple and would be happy with just some small space for us, but no, we are not allowed to even afford that. This is also why I cant blame people for working the minimum, its just not worth it anymore.

                Only hope I have, is that next generations are radically different from boomers and israelites. You see people under 35 just want to have a normal life. Not le torture people to feel better. I remember an anon talking about how ma$ons had a lot of trouble recruiting young members, its because young people just want peace and have fun, while the older ones want to cause suffering to feel better with themselves. A boomer wants 10 black wieners working on his fields, but younger people just want a wife and their white kids working on it instead.

                Life is a cycle after all, but you and I just have the real bad luck of being born just in such a disgusting time.

                This is why everything is crashing. Rich homosexuals want society poor, but a poor society wont spend as much money nor will bring more consumers to this world.
                Its why companies reached the moronic conclusion of "i know just lets make products more expensive".
                No, if men were happy and well provided, they would have families. A depressed, lonely man will just consume from the free and infinite entertainment internet provides, while if a man had a good job and a place to live he would spend a lot of money in seducing his future wife, his wife would also spend a lot of money, and then their kids would require for the family guy to consume to provide them food, clothes, videogames, etc.
                >but immigration!
                You see: quality. Those immigrants cost more than what they add. Actually, do you really expect them to pay rent and mortgage the moment they outbreed us 100 to 1? no. Actually already seeing cases of immigrants taking some house by the force.

          • 3 months ago

            People with unchecked power have always done evil shit to those under their charge for kicks. There have been more Caligulas than Cincinnatuses.

        • 3 months ago

          Joke's on him, I love ntr

    • 3 months ago

      >harder life
      I hate how the only metric is how 'comfortable' your work is or convenience. Modern work and living environment especially in cities is psychological torture and much 'harder'.

      • 3 months ago

        physically harder then. you can't say working in a cubicle is more physically strenuous than farming a field with hand powered and horse-drawn tools

      • 3 months ago

        Back to the cagie, wagie.

      • 3 months ago

        >Modern work and living environment especially in cities is psychological torture and much 'harder'.
        I hate how the only metric is how "comfortable" your feefees are. Modern work is simple and easy, just because you've got the emotional fortitude of a snowflake in a sauna doesn't mean the modern work is hard.
        Man the frick up. Life is hard. I lost my home and country to a war when I was six years old and by the time I was 10 I was molested twice so no, Black person, waking up in a safe house, getting into my car, driving safely to my workplace, and performing a menial task for $17 an hour is not "Psychological torture"
        It's fine to have an easy and sheltered life. I wouldn't wish my childhood on anyone and it's not a badge of honor, it's just a shit RNG starter roll, but let's not pretend a bit of a mundane existence is "psychological torture" you're not suffering, you're just sheltered.

      • 3 months ago

        >Man, working as a wagie in an office under a modern democracy is so much harder than being a serf and spending everyday tilling the fields of a medieval lord
        This is so stupidly privileged that it hurts lol

      • 3 months ago

        Psychological pain is much MUCH more painful than physical pain and I'm tired of pretending it's not (you all know this too, just think about it for two seconds and you'll agree with me)

        • 3 months ago

          Physical pain requires chemicals to mitigate temporarily. You can mitigate psychological pain using distractions.

    • 3 months ago

      >arranged marriage
      I'll accept if it actually happened but what would even be the point?

      • 3 months ago

        Bitches needed to be married off. Their only purpose was to create children. Can't do that if not married.

        • 3 months ago

          Do you think peasants didn't want to start families?

          arranged marriages were for combining wealth and land, you as a peasant had none.

          • 3 months ago

            You absolutely did, it was meager wealth but peasants could be rich or poor relative to the average peasant. Social mobility existed, and that was enough to encourage arranged marriages in all strata. Of course, 90% of the time an arranged marriage coincidentally involved two people that loved each other already, but the marriage was arranged in the sense that the parents were the ones who initiated, oversaw and finally executed the marriage. You *could* be married off to a man or woman you never met, but this rarely happened because peasants back in the day were still human. The monstrous shit you get with nobility impregnating 13 year olds was due to them, again, being nobility. Literally the elites. They were sociopaths then and they’re sociopaths now.

      • 3 months ago

        Do you think peasants didn't want to start families?

      • 3 months ago

        Read Reymont
        Parents if peasant woman would give away their daughter to more sucesfull peasant. For example Millers son who own a mill would be worth more than fisherman

    • 3 months ago

      Man so many people here don't know frick all about european medieval history except what was "thought" during the victorian period. All of these tropes so many anons are spouting off have no basis in reality and are all perpetuated by romanticists who knew frick all of what they were talking about. Only anon in this thread that got it right was . Overall a simple hard life but not a bad one. Pick up a book sometime about medieval history and realize that every piece of fantasy media placed in that time period is lying to you.

      • 3 months ago

        Everyone in this thread is moronic and buys into either
        >life was great back then and so le hecking trad and I totally would have been a knight and the king would suck me off and and
        >life was brutal and people only lived for 5 seconds and the nobles would frick your wife and law and order never existed and famine happened every year

        • 3 months ago

          Even the supposed "violent brutal dark ages" was A LOT more bearable in the type of violence compared to early modern and onwards industrial scale standing armies violence. Not that having your village pillaged is particularly pleasant or anything

          People also seem to think of feudalism and confuse it with absolute monarchy and the eventual development into steicter authoritarian bueracracy, not realising being nominally "owned" by some duke of frickshitnowhere essentially left you de facto free apart from some Black person occasionally remembering to come along and collect 10% of your wheat. Best case scenario you automatically pay 30% of everything you earn, 20% of everything you buy, 50% of any land or 20% of any business you own, if the local faceless authority deigns that you have permission to own property

          • 3 months ago

            >People also seem to think of feudalism and confuse it with absolute monarchy and the eventual development into stricter authoritarian bureaucracy
            People tend to forget that the average peasant had no reason to really give a damn about the King or even the Duke when their primary concerns have always been with the manor lord or, in the Early Modern Period, their local officials. If you were a peasant living in Tudor England, the king would only ever exist as a semi-mythical figure who does things "over there," while the Duke is the modern presentation of presidents or prime ministers as, "that guy who lives in the wealthy part of the country and makes things difficult for us."

            To the peasant, your shire was your world. Indeed, you couldn't even move out of the shire without permission. This idea of free-flowing peoples and migrant waves that every multicultural loser tries to use to explain why there's a black fella in Oxford is deeply illiterate in the way of the world. The shire is where your government operates, your family lives, and you work. That's why Tolkien used the term Shire for the Shire, because it's a microcosm of relative functionality in a world that oftentimes does not make sense.

            • 3 months ago

              Why did I hit the send button? Frick! I was going to add that I use Blighty as an example because English peasants were far more independent and politically-active than the average European peasant. Despite my mentions of the shire effectively existing as a means to keep you tied to the land, English peasants had lives significantly more free than the average French or German or, Heaven forbid, Russian peasant.

              And speaking of "tied to the land," I feel compelled to get dangerously political and use the state of history to explain the state of modern times. While it's fun and frisky to compare our current world to the imminent fall of Rome, a far more dull and coherent example can be found much later in the annals of your favorite tome; the Early Modern Period. This was a period of steady (and high) inflation where population booms gave landowners an easy influx of cheap and desperate labor which allowed them to reach high levels of wealth and comfort while the average worker who lacked land basically had to eat shit and struggle with spending most of their money on food and rent.

              What ended this cycle? It kinda burned itself out. That's all. There was no upheaval, just times got Bad and then eventually times got less Bad.

      • 3 months ago

        >Only anon in this thread that got it right was

        i dont know if this is just bait but in case you want a real answer, here you go:

        >wake up at sunrise, you dont have a clock but your rooster functions as an alarm
        >wife that you married because your families arranged it makes breakfast
        >your two sons and you go out into the fields and work them until about 10 am-ish or so. your daughter stays inside with your wife cleaning and organizing the house, collecting chicken eggs and any other animal care
        >at about 10 am-ish you all take a break and hang out until mid day, at which point you have lunch outside together
        >you continue to hang out until about 4 pm when it cools down, then you and your sons continue working in the fields until evening, where you close up the animals
        >dinner is just before sun down, again prepared by wife & daughter
        >you sleep as the sun goes down
        >repeat until winter at which point its literally 'survive off of what you saved during spring/summer and have nothing to do except wild pig sex with your wife over and over, so your next child is born next mid-summer when life is easiest'
        >end of summer and beginning of autumn is when you bring harvests to town to sell to the israelites
        >on sundays you skip the morning routine to all go to church and socialize with the other peasants after services

        there you go. it was a harder life than people know today but nowhere near the backbreaking slave-labor its made out to be. you got fed a LOT of calories, had guaranteed authority in your own home as the man of the house, and were generally respected
        No, you don't realize how risky and shitty agriculture used to be before being modernised. Peasants quite literally worked to live and if they didn't put in those long hours and get lucky they could easily starve. Everyone was also basically moronic and illiterate, so there was no social mobility. Newborn children also typically didn't survive, about half of them died, so dead babies just... everywhere, and women often died during child birth so hope youre not too attached to your wife. Agriculture was not their sole responsibility either, lords would dictate that they would build roads, cut down forests, and other such things, and peasants could not refuse. Their living situation was terrible, small poorly insulated buildings with earthen floors and little in the way of furnishing where bedbugs and lice were rampant. They didn't get meat, mostly bread root vegetables, and gruel with no spices. So you do the same thing every day, eat shit, never learn or improve, then die from diarrhea or something.

        • 3 months ago

          Don't forget that since farming was less efficient, they could've worked like dogs all year and would still starve/destitute if there was a drought or bad harvest. In modern world, due to everything being so connected, the chances of a local farmer starving due to a bad harvest is none.

        • 3 months ago

          This IS the trade off though, a bad harvest might not outright kill you, but you are fricked. Get any sort of serious disease and you're fricked, but that is mainly true nowaday in 1st world countries with good healthcare too (just less likely to have an infection or transmissable disease ateast)

    • 3 months ago

      >your daughter stays inside with your wife cleaning and organizing the house
      what is there to clean and organise? the one wooden table?

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty much, though the chill factor varies a lot depending on your status, country and period. Serfdom could be anywhere between a nothingburger and basically slavery.

    • 3 months ago

      >you got fed a LOT of calories, had guaranteed authority in your own home as the man of the house, and were generally respected
      Literally none of this is guaranteed. At all.

    • 3 months ago

      take me back bros

    • 3 months ago

      Consider this.

      Today it takes about 3-5 hours a week to keep a house. That means tasks like cleaning, maintenance, cooking and so on.
      100 years ago it took 50 hours a week to keep a house.
      How much do you think it took 500 or even 1000 years ago?

      Being a medieval peasant wasn't just long, back breaking work, it also just had a shitload of extra steps because nothing was done for you, so you had to trace any task back to the very first step and do it all. And that first task could be fricking growing plants so you could harvest them to make twine to make cloth to make clothes.
      And remember, this shit wasn't optional. If you didn't do it, your chance of survival decreased and you could very well end up fricking dying because it's winter now and you simply didn't make enough preparations to survive it. Aint no one going to give you welfare so you can go buy food from a supermarket.

      • 3 months ago

        You could just buy clothes you moron. Not every single person was a farmer. Do you think commerce didn't exist before the modern era?

    • 3 months ago

      Literally so many of modern day things are attributed to the fact that we weren't meant to live like this
      >So many people have social anxiety and have fear of strangers because back then you lived Ina village where you knew everyone and understood their behaviour
      >Now you're surrounded by strangers everyday 24/7 and you can't trust.
      >The 9-5 is utter insanity brought on by the industrial revolution, farmers only worked 150 days of the year
      >The dumbest NEED to die off, the problem children would be culled naturally, deformities are wiped out, they absolutely shouldn't be save sand paraded as a testament to the arrogance of modern science
      >you would have known your wife your entire life and you two would have been the only ones for each other
      >Now girls date around until they find Mr right and can't pair bond properly
      >Back in the day you had no men vs women shit, nobody had opinions of meaningless shit that divided people, if you were a man or woman and could talk and found each other attractive then that was literally all it took to get along and be happy
      >Now women's natural caring tendencies are political stances and men's natural conservative and safeguard tendencies are used to push a wedge between men and women finding each other.
      >Most women are antinatalism and hate children and babies and just want to ride wiener for their entire lives with no concept of what a lonely pathetic life they'll lead once they turn 40-50 and they realize adult friends are worthless and family is forever

      I feel like we were born in hell. All the things that helped humans stick together and be happy, make families work, make living worthwhile, have all been stripped from us. We're living in an experiment, and it's failing completely.

      • 3 months ago

        >frogposter is moronic
        another day, another blue sky

        • 3 months ago

          >farmers only worked 150 days of the year

          This is completely false. You worked for your landlord for 150 days a year. That is 150 days of unpaid work otherwise you lose your fricking farm/house and then you're dead a few weeks later.
          And while doing this work, you had to maintain your own affairs. This means farm your own land, maintain your own home and generally just making sure you survived.

          You were also probably tithing away about half of everything you made as well.

          It’s deluded underaged morons that fell into the doom spiral and went with the “we need to go back option” thinking that they wouldn’t be malnourished manlets slaving away and dying at 50.

          Yeah that's right guys, everything was so fricking awful everyone was on the verge of fricking suicide before factories took over.

          Only focus on the negatives of the past, don't ever dare look at how they used to work and survive without electricity and medicine for a hundred thousand years.

          • 3 months ago

            >I want to be a illiterate malnourished peasant slaving away, living and dying in the same place, and being the equivalent of an eternal wagie but since it fits the chad trad aesthetic I have created in my head it’s better than flipping burgers
            You’d be a literal pawn only instead of corporations it’s your landlord.

            • 3 months ago

              City-slickers were even less literate and more malnourished. Even 500 years ago, cities had such catastrophic negative population growth that it makes modern misanthropes look fertile by comparison.

              • 3 months ago

                >everywhere was shitty
                Yeah I know the medieval era sucked for a majority of people, thanks for pointing that out, weird that you just brought that up for no reason but thanks for helping me prove my point.

            • 3 months ago

              >don't ever dare look at how they used to work and survive without electricity and medicine
              You can do that right now, just build a small shack in the woods

              You people aren't real, no way you lack reading comprehension.

              My post was about the utter lack of community, familiarity, traditional upbringing and balanced labour that wasn't oppressive.
              And you just focus on the most moronic shit.

              • 3 months ago

                >yeah bro I would love to be under the yoke of a liege lord it’s so liberating this boot if so much tastier than the corporate one I lick I’m so subversive
                You should think of reading a book, Chad and shitjak edits aren’t good ways to acquire information.

              • 3 months ago

                What if I want to work for a corporation under a monarchy

              • 3 months ago

                Victorian era

          • 3 months ago

            >don't ever dare look at how they used to work and survive without electricity and medicine
            You can do that right now, just build a small shack in the woods

            • 3 months ago

              >just build a small shack in the woods
              >get deleted as soon as anyone finds out about it because the land belongs to a corporation or the government

      • 3 months ago

        >farmers only worked 150 days of the year

        This is completely false. You worked for your landlord for 150 days a year. That is 150 days of unpaid work otherwise you lose your fricking farm/house and then you're dead a few weeks later.
        And while doing this work, you had to maintain your own affairs. This means farm your own land, maintain your own home and generally just making sure you survived.

        You were also probably tithing away about half of everything you made as well.

        • 3 months ago

          >hurr durr they'd just kick you out for not giving away your hard earned shekels
          That's why communities back then actually were communities. People knew each other and could organize and band together.
          Hence why the landlord/king had to make sure not to overstep or he'd have torches and pitchforks outside his estate by the end of the week.

          Now you can just hike up the taxes to 60% and no one will be able to do anything about it other than complain and bicker amongst themselves.

          Toothless divided society.

          • 3 months ago

            >Hence why the landlord/king had to make sure not to overstep or he'd have torches and pitchforks outside his estate by the end of the week.

            This is mostly bullshit. Not only peasants were mostly powerless, they were sometimes joining military campaigns for search for wealth without much coercion. That's because their lives were so shit. They only became a real problem when they really had nothing to lose. At any point, modern people in the west have a ton to lose.

          • 3 months ago

            I can definitely see what an anon meant earlier as well about trades and everyone playing their part
            Back then if you knew how to make a table, you were worthwhile. People would come to you for a table, you'd feel like you're contributing, that makes you happy. For a long time now we have just been cogs in machines, look at how the wagie life is so unfulfilling and people kill themselves over it.
            A lot of mental health issues are us dealing with the effects of "advancements" we made, there is a huge mental health crisis and our answer is to throw meds at it. Really dumb

            • 3 months ago

              What else are we suppose to do?

              The people that maintain the system we live in now also happen to be the people who enjoy the maximum benefits of that system. You think Elon Musk wants that model in lingerie to choke herself on his dick while he snorts coke or do you think he wants to hang out with outside and hunt with spears in the cold, while slowly dying of starvation?

              • 3 months ago

                >*with you outside

      • 3 months ago

        >we weren't meant to live like this
        We were meant to live in caves, hunt and gather. That's still, to this day, what our brains try to get us to do. Our instincts aren't built to work in a agricultural setting, much less a modern-day setting.

        It's important to remember that man is not a natural industrialist, that's just cope. Our brains are hunter/gatherers who want to live in somewhat-warm caves.

        • 3 months ago

          This. A good example would be why many people are so fat. We don't eat because we're gluttonous morons, we eat because our lizard-brain is afraid that if we don't eat NOW there might not be more later, so its better to scarf down a bit too much than a bit too little.

          Of course WHAT we eat is pretty much poison and "foodlikes" at this point, which isn't doing us any favors either.

        • 3 months ago

          Africa is pretty big, we could gather the smartest and most fit anons and establish an hunter gatherer band. Lack of appropriate levels of natural melatonin production would be a problem, but we could skin Black folk and wear their hides to protect ourselves from the sun. Also we would have to find a way to deal with malaria.

        • 3 months ago

          You were made to live in a cave yes. We aren’t all such failures that we desire to go back to the most primitive stages of human history.

      • 3 months ago

        You started off well but then regressed back into the typical incel memes. Women in Medieval era where massive cheats and those "pure" nuns you worship were bitter as hell cronies

      • 3 months ago

        >sometimes people are mean or distant with me, I'm in hell! Help medieval peasants, I wish i was one of you, then I'd get laid!

        Fricking. Pathetic.

      • 3 months ago

        >Now you're surrounded by strangers everyday 24/7 and you can't trust.
        this is only a problem for non-euros. It's been studied scientifically.

        • 3 months ago

          Euro here (French).
          A large share of the strangers I'm surrounded with when in the streets are arabs and Black folks, and you never know when one of them will snap and start killing everyone around in the name of allah.

          • 3 months ago

            as I said it's a problem for non-euros.

            • 3 months ago

              Euro here (French).
              A large share of the strangers I'm surrounded with when in the streets are arabs and Black folks, and you never know when one of them will snap and start killing everyone around in the name of allah.

              they ape out randomly because when living in an area with more than ~250 people their brain goes into permanent fight-or-flight mode

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like its because elites/rich/rats are too, TOO invasive, you see, you really wish politicians were just corrupt, since all they would care about is frick some good pussies in their yacht, but not what we have today, they literally live to see us suffer, they invade our personal spaces. Hell, its like the only thing they have in mind is how to mentally torture us, to the point im convinced they developed some kind of parasitic mental illness where they can feel pleasure or happiness anymore.

        If you are a millennial you will understand, we experienced that sudden SHIFT. Everything became expensive, crazier, full of hate. Had I knew how things would have turned I would have quit high school, developed some skill earlier, and buy some carhouse when they were really cheap, then live far away from anything. Its like we really died in 2012 and we are in some kind of Purgatory.

        We also arent allowed to get some kind of small house, since elites know people are really simple and would be happy with just some small space for us, but no, we are not allowed to even afford that. This is also why I cant blame people for working the minimum, its just not worth it anymore.

        Only hope I have, is that next generations are radically different from boomers and israelites. You see people under 35 just want to have a normal life. Not le torture people to feel better. I remember an anon talking about how ma$ons had a lot of trouble recruiting young members, its because young people just want peace and have fun, while the older ones want to cause suffering to feel better with themselves. A boomer wants 10 black wieners working on his fields, but younger people just want a wife and their white kids working on it instead.

        Life is a cycle after all, but you and I just have the real bad luck of being born just in such a disgusting time.

        • 3 months ago

          Writing this, do you get the feeling that there's something wrong with you?
          I'm just curious if that type of introspection takes place, or are you just convinced 99% of the rest of the world have lost their minds.

          I'm not taking a stance for or against any of it, I'm just curious if people like you feel like this is totally normal and you're fine and there's nothing to worry about or if a small tingling inside you says that this isn't healthy.

        • 3 months ago

          >If you are a millennial you will understand, we experienced that sudden SHIFT. Everything became expensive, crazier, full of hate.
          In your schizophrenic ranting, this is the only paragraph that kinda somehow accidentally made sense. Somewhere around the 2010s the entire western side of the planet feels like it snapped. Like something fundamentally broke in our collective subconsciousness or something. This is literally "it is just a feeling that came to me", but it somehow feels like everyone is very riled up about nothing, hostility is becoming the norm and humanity as a species are somehow more "foggy" than we used to be.

          • 3 months ago

            It happened in 2012, with the end of the mayan calendar. We just misinterpreted what "end of the world" meant

        • 3 months ago

          I think the rich, or the top 1% or whatever don't really have the perspectives we have.

          You can lay on the deck of your super-yacht hearing calm waves having eaten the finest steak on Earth and century-old wine with a good buzz, the finest coke in the world and an array of supermodels licking/sucking/fricking every sensitive zone you have. Knowing that there is no problem that can arise that you can't pay through or pleasure that can exist that you can't obtain again and again and again.

          I think that dehumanizes you. You're no longer a "traditional" person at that point, your perspective compared to the average 9-5 Joe just isn't comparable anymore. Your are so far beyond (not above, just beyond) him that there it's like your a different species.

      • 3 months ago

        We simply must be taken back

      • 3 months ago

        The whole work 9 hours come from dumb boomers who dont realize technology makes everything faster and simpler, plus boomers being afraid of their wives and having no friends make them force onto us that moronic culture
        Glad remote jobs make them seethe

        • 3 months ago

          I think part of the problem with modern work is that we actually don't know how to cut work out in any sort of sensible way.

          When automation and AI started taking off, we should have looked towards less working hours, more free time and furthering human culture and creativity. We somehow came to the conclusion that it would be better if the employees kept working the same hours but instead produced more than before.
          It feels like we're just advancing for the sake of it now, because it's clear that all this advancement isn't meant to improve our lives at all, just our productivity.

          • 3 months ago

            Again: boomers. Boomers are socially moronic. They rather feel "powerful" by seeing some exploited poor salaryman instead of just go get a lover or something.
            We could live A LOT better. As boomers die that moronic mentality will die with them fortunately, since even the rich people kids see pointless and boring to torture people instead of playing Fortnite

          • 3 months ago

            >It feels like we're just advancing for the sake of it now, because it's clear that all this advancement isn't meant to improve our lives at all, just our productivity.

            • 3 months ago

              whats funny is that remote job proved work was not only unnafected but in some cases it even improved productivity, not to mention people having more times for themselves ergo more time to spend money
              Its boomers the one who need to fap at mysery

    • 3 months ago

      It’s deluded underaged morons that fell into the doom spiral and went with the “we need to go back option” thinking that they wouldn’t be malnourished manlets slaving away and dying at 50.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah that's right guys, everything was so fricking awful everyone was on the verge of fricking suicide before factories took over.

        Only focus on the negatives of the past, don't ever dare look at how they used to work and survive without electricity and medicine for a hundred thousand years.

        Why are they like this?

    • 3 months ago

      This is the good times though. Bad times? 3/4th of your village gets wiped out because of a single sickness. Or a couple dozen soldiers marching through decide to rape your wife and daughter, kill you and take your pigs. Or they would just trample your fields for fun. Or a few bad harvests in a row and you're starving and burying your children.

    • 3 months ago

      >medieval times having no clocks
      Didn’t even read past this, the frick is wrong with you pseud

    • 3 months ago

      You have no idea what you are talking about amon. There like a millon things you are forgetting about.

    • 3 months ago

      That doesn't sound so bad. Maybe a bit boring.

    • 3 months ago

      Doesnt sound so bad until you remember war, deadly diseases and shit

      • 3 months ago

        None of that stuff ever ever happened every. Everyone before modern times got along and never died and lived to be 140 and there wasn't any war or murder or rape or anything. It's all modern lies spread by israelites.

        • 3 months ago

          really makes me wonder. See indians, they live surrounded by shit yet they keep multiplying
          Makes me think israelites poisoned water and food instead.

      • 3 months ago

        t. vaccinated

      • 3 months ago

        Good thing war and deadly diseases no longer exist

    • 3 months ago

      >What would life have been like as a medieval peasant?

      This: is fairly accurate.
      The only thing I'd add is healthcare was objectively dogshit (you didn't name your kid before the age of 5 due to high-infant-mortality and ordinary infections and work accidents had the potential to leave people crippled for life). People were also a lot uglier.
      Your reputation with your neighbors, and local official, also meant everything. Rumors could, and did, regularly kill people.

      >arranged marriage
      I'll accept if it actually happened but what would even be the point?

      >I'll accept if it actually happened but what would even be the point?

      Marry & reproduce was a common bylaw enforced in ye olde times. In some parts of the UK a widow could be unmarried for 3 years before she was expected to marry again and move on with her life. Kingdoms need laborers, tax payers, etc. Family was also your main form of social security, so it was in your best interest.

      >your daughter stays inside with your wife cleaning and organizing the house
      what is there to clean and organise? the one wooden table?

      >what is there to clean and organise? the one wooden table?

      Without modern convenience even a small house hold of 5-7 people is a massive amount of work: preparing food, brewing ale, baking bread, mending and making clothes, washing those clothes, all by hand.

      >you got fed a LOT of calories, had guaranteed authority in your own home as the man of the house, and were generally respected
      Literally none of this is guaranteed. At all.

      This is the good times though. Bad times? 3/4th of your village gets wiped out because of a single sickness. Or a couple dozen soldiers marching through decide to rape your wife and daughter, kill you and take your pigs. Or they would just trample your fields for fun. Or a few bad harvests in a row and you're starving and burying your children.

      Doesnt sound so bad until you remember war, deadly diseases and shit

      It definitely comes in shades.
      -Every 15 years you could expect a life ruining famine where all the children, and most of the elderly, would die and crime would be rampant from starving people going completely feral.
      -The ultimate authority is the local lord and if he's a c**t you're functionally a slave and your life will be hell.
      -There's no internet, there's no police, and there's no news: you could go to sleep on a perfectly normal day and wake up to France, Sweden, or even your own King, in the middle of pillaging, raping, and burning down, the town you've lived in for 4 generations.

    • 3 months ago

      >work the field work the field
      As someone who grew up in the sticks and tended to a farm, what I don't really get is is idea that medieval peasants worked the field every day. What exactly were they accomplishing? You do the fire-fallow and sowing of the seeds in the spring, but it's the rain and sunlight that grows your crops. Not you. The only thing you can really do while your crops are growing is taking out the weeds and watering them by hand when it's too dry.
      Granted, I only have limited modern experience of this.

    • 3 months ago

      how h-h-horrible

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds unbelievably boring. Face it, almost every modern human except weird technophobes who live in tents in the forest who enjoy that.

    • 3 months ago

      you forgot "get killed by bandits" or "get killed by invading army" or "get killed because you stubbed your toe" or "get killed because the water was shit"

    • 3 months ago

      You forgot the parts about your liege lord fricking your wives and daughters via prima nocta, the disproportionate taxation and tithes owed to your land's lord and the church, being forcibly conscripted to fight and die in some foreign war, or your village being burned down by raiders, brought to ruin by plagues, or otherwise destroyed by famine.

      And even then, if by some miracle your village was one in a safe territory far from any war and ruled by a just lord, you'd still have to do back-breaking labor every day so that you don't starve to death. Most Gankereddiors are neets, programmers, clerks, and office wagies with maybe a few honest blue-collar workers mixed in. Good fricking luck.

      • 3 months ago

        incel moment

      • 3 months ago

        >prima nocta
        that was only a privilege and it only meant something if the lord found your wife/daughter hot to do it, or because he wanted to frick with you specifically
        it wasn't the norm, they weren't all going to frick every single ugly peasant woman in the village

      • 3 months ago

        You played too much vidya. Was majority of peasants never got to experience any of that shit except taxation (which is lower than today's).

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty much this
      If you can endure daily hard labor works (again, farming is not chill at all, even with modern equipments) and can accept that a slight change in weather will frick up all that hard works, or your lord suddenly have a funny ides, or local bandit, or war, or plague
      In conclusion, its a fairly simple life, but with very low risk management, if crisis happen, you are certainly going to be fricked harder than modern men

    • 3 months ago

      >generally respected
      nobility didn't even treat peasants as same species

      >guaranteed authority
      peasants don't get to appeal to courts for injustice, the lord that oppresses you is also your judge

      >your own home as the man of the house
      you don't own your land, have to pay taxes in coin or resources, depending on a country you also have to wagie on lord's fields 1-4 days a week

      read any medieval book about managing lordly household, peasants are farming equipment to be exploited just enough to allow them to survive with some surplus but not enough to invest in themselves or dream about better life

    • 3 months ago

      This only applies when all days go by without any form of conflict or accident.
      During those times your could fall incredibly deep for things that we would consider minor inconveniences today.
      You're less safe from basically everything: bad weather including floods, storms and droughts, other people, authority, deseases and injuries, wild animals probably more I'm forgetting.

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds comfy, unfortunately it could all come to a swift end simply because some schizo nobles decided to start a hundred year war and conscripted you and your sons to fight it.

    • 3 months ago

      >based anon truth teller making homosexuals and cuckolds screech

    • 3 months ago

      the male fantasy and it's disgusting

    • 3 months ago

      This is assuming everything stays optimal and nothing like
      >Get a moderate to severe injury and you live in a village where the local learned man/witch woman got hanged by the Church
      >The local lord doesn't levy higher taxes from you
      >The local lord doesn't ape out and needs to conscript men to solve his homie moment
      >You catch an illness that is worse than a cold

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      you forgot
      >every other year the neighboring duke's forces ride through the village torching every house and raping every woman they can catch because the 47th War of gaylordian Succession is going on

    • 3 months ago

      i posted this and im going to respond to the constant barrage of bullshit responses it got because im masochistic and argumentative

      wars were rarer than you think and most major countries wouldn't have more than 1 war in a 50 year period. also bandits attacking villages is a video game invention. didnt happen irl, they stayed in the wilderness
      >you never had news
      untrue. traveling minstrels, performers, and merchants brought news of the wider world with them and it was a big deal when they visited because of that
      >you were stupid and ignorant and illiterate
      untrue. literacy certainly wasnt universal but the church was in the middle of its push for literacy so people could read the bible, and you could always learn to read from the local clergy if you had the time. no, the average peasant had no understanding of things we know today, but they had a deep functional knowledge in different areas. example; do you know when the optimal time is to plant onions? do you know how to help a cow give birth? do you know how to take care of a horse or how to not completely frick a vegetable garden?
      >you were worked to the bone for the local lords
      untrue. life was definitely harder than it is now but peasants were used to it; their bodies were akin to our amateur athletes today just because of how they lived. taxes to the local lord were almost never onerous because it would frick the lord in the long term to do so
      >diseases and lack of healthcare
      they didnt have modern healthcare by any means but you're delusional if you think they didnt have folk remedies for a LOT of ailments. the old women typically had plenty of herb and plant based medicines and your chances of dying from anything less than a plague were low. wounds were treated with honey based poultices to reduce chances of infection, which has been used for thousands of years
      >high infant mortality rate
      this one is actually true, and is one of the reasons why you would have so many kids

      • 3 months ago

        The genuine >enjoy your bandit raids posts have been hilarious though and you'd only get that on Ganker kek

      • 3 months ago

        part 2 electric boogaloo

        vastly overblown from media and vidya. back then we weren't fricking with the climate by chopping down the amazon or burning the liquid corpses of dinosaurs, it was steady and stable and everyone knew when the warm and cold and rainy and dry parts of the year were and they almost never changed. not to say that droughts didn't happen from time to time, but they weren't nearly as common as you may think
        >lord fricking your wife
        almost never actually happened. you think the lord has the time to ride 3-4 hours out to your dinky village just to frick some random peasant girl, when he could get prettier girls to visit his castle or keep? frick no. besides if he did, he would get a reputation as a philanderer which would hurt his prospects for marriage among the nobility
        see droughts, far far rarer in reality than you think. this is also why every village had a granary to store grains and flours in which would last for YEARS before spoiling, just in case shit like this or droughts happened
        >the king/duke/whatever oppressed his people
        didnt happen unless you wanted a peasant revolt. i know this is an alien concept in today's society of sociopathic behavior, but in medieval times, people generally cared about their neighbor. they were your people, your fellow englishmen/frenchmen/germans/whatever, your brothers and sisters. the kings were raised to try and make their kingdoms prosper and that meant making sure the peasantry prospered too.

        • 3 months ago

          >huurduur droughts r over ated
          Droughts affect agriculture and prices to this very day you moronic mongoloid.Despite all the advances in food preservation ,irrigation and pesticides.
          One bad harvest and its enough to turn the food market upside down.
          To think that this wasn't the case back then as well is pure contrarianism and denying basic market principles.

    • 3 months ago


  5. 3 months ago

    Natural and simple? Yeah thats one way to put being on the edge of starvation your whole life.
    Imagine not having good shoes.
    Imagine not have real soap.
    Imagine an infestation of insects in your hovel and theres nothing you can do but wait for winter and freeze them out.
    Imagine drinking nothing but water and maybe what amounts to prison mash.
    Imagine getting a small cut, and dying from infection.
    Imagine not bowing before your ruler and being broken on a rack.
    Imagine believing ghosts, curses and the supernatural so powerfully a gypsy looking at you scares you to death.
    Imagine not being able to read.
    Imagine women without 21st century beauty products.
    Imagine a forest actually teaming with hungry wolves.
    Imagine no light switches, only hand made candles.
    Imagine only wearing clothes you made yourself.
    And here’s the real fricking, nasty clincher- imagine no video games. Just hard farm labour, busted hands, and a bent back.
    Yes when I was a kid I thought medieval times would be great. I grew out of that silly notion.

    • 3 months ago

      you sound like a big baby

      • 3 months ago

        You obviously don’t appreciate that you can read. Now go walk in the rain across uneven ground with rags and a thin strip of leather on your feet for shoes. Don’t forget to kill and defeather your own chicken for diner. Eat the feet too. You can’t waste a thing.

        • 3 months ago

          You could get great shoes in medieval times. Made of real thick leather. Why is it you have tatters?

          • 3 months ago

            You would never trade the shoes you own today for what they wore.
            Now excuse while I go the fridge and turn up the heat with the flick of a switch.

            • 3 months ago

              I really couldn't care less about my nikes. Id be barefoot most the time anyway

              • 3 months ago

                Great. Go do your farm labour bare foot. Also they need you at the chapel they’re building. Everyone helps. Go lug all that stone barefoot and without gloves. Try not to drop a stone on your foot. No medical insurance or ei available. You go lame, your family starves.

              • 3 months ago

                >Id be barefoot most the time anyway
                Black person what? I spend most of my time tilling fields and stalking through forests, no fricking way you'd do any of that barefoot unless you intended on losing toes and fricking up your feet regularly.

            • 3 months ago

              The shoes of today are cloth and rubber foam pieces of shit that fall apart after a few months

              • 3 months ago

                >The shoes of today are cloth and rubber foam pieces of shit that fall apart after a few months
                Take the leather work boot pill, i've had the same work boots for 7 years now, still going strong.

              • 3 months ago

                I feel like I have to spend upwards of $200 to get a work boot that'll last more than a few years

              • 3 months ago

                >I feel like I have to spend upwards of $200 to get a work boot that'll last more than a few years
                Nah shop around for specials or buy a "as new" pair second hand, but I mean even at $200 a pop they're better value than all the chink made shit purporting to be shoes today because they will last, and if you need to resole them, even that is relatively cheap....assuming you can still find a shoe repair shop.

          • 3 months ago

            >You could get great shoes in medieval times.
            Shoes and boots on thick soles (aka modern style) started about in beginning of the 16th century, and it was quite fast development, before there were no such shoes and over course ever century mostly thick soles remained.
            Before shoes were more like leather sock, with very thin sole.
            But probably it was not that big discomfort as people walked more barefoot and had rugged feet. Even aristocracy who could afford anything wore such shoes.

    • 3 months ago

      You are as well as your farm did.
      What would you need soap for?
      Drinking water was a sure way to get stomach parasites. Everyone drank beer back then
      Why wouldn't you bow to your ruler?
      What was there to read besides the bible?
      Don't go into the forest unarmed
      What do you want electric lighting for Man was made to sleep when it gets dark

      • 3 months ago

        > What would you need soap for
        Right, I forget I’m on 4chins.

        • 3 months ago

          Back then I mean. You're not going to notice smells that are everywhere all the time

      • 3 months ago

        >You are as well as your farm did.
        With the exception of taxes levied by your liege and restrictions on farming due to the open-field system (these things vary, some places were stricter than others).
        >What would you need soap for?
        To... clean yourself? I know it might be a foreign concept, but people really take care of their hygiene.
        >Drinking water was a sure way to get stomach parasites.
        What? At the countryside you could literally just drink from a spring. Wells were common and cities would have cisterns and aqueducts to supply clean water to residents.
        >Everyone drank beer back then
        No they didn't. The "beer" they drank wouldn't even be beer like we nowadays have, it would've been low on alcohol and high on calories, essentially liquid bread and was used to pay wages.
        >What was there to read besides the bible?
        No peasant could read a bible back then, before reformation all bibles were in latin and it would be rare for a peasant to even get a hold of one since printing press wasn't invented yet.
        >Don't go into the forest unarmed
        Why? Unless you're planning a long trek to a city or something, in which case you need to be prepared to be confronted by highwaymen, there's no threats.
        >What do you want electric lighting for Man was made to sleep when it gets dark
        Depending on the latitude, it can get dark really early, in which case you have plenty of time for some handicrafts.

    • 3 months ago

      >Natural and simple? Yeah thats one way to put being on the edge of starvation your whole life.
      That's true. It wouldn't be uncommon having to scrape by to survive over winter.
      >Imagine not having good shoes.
      People did have shoes, even quite decent ones also, but of course nothing compared to what we have now.
      >Imagine not have real soap.
      What is "real soap"? They had the same soap made from animal fat and lye that people use today and have used for eons.
      >Imagine an infestation of insects in your hovel and theres nothing you can do but wait for winter and freeze them out
      That's just a part of life, you wouldn't even notice it. Besides, most pests didn't exist yet and smoke is a good way to get rid of them.
      >Imagine drinking nothing but water and maybe what amounts to prison mash.
      Beer was common, although not the kind of beer you'd now think of. Wine would've also been easy to access, especially in warmer climates.
      >Imagine getting a small cut, and dying from infection.
      People knew how to use local herbs to treat a wound, you'd be fine.
      >Imagine not bowing before your ruler and being broken on a rack.
      Just part of normal social customs.
      >Imagine believing ghosts, curses and the supernatural so powerfully a gypsy looking at you scares you to death.
      Gypsies didn't exist in medieval times.
      >Imagine not being able to read.
      People could read, but you weren't considered literate if you didn't know latin.
      >Imagine women without 21st century beauty products.
      Makeup goes pretty much as far as civilizations in general. And it was used by both sexes.
      >Imagine a forest actually teaming with hungry wolves.
      Most wolf populations had died from western and central Europe before middle ages. Besides, they would be more afraid of you than vice versa.
      >Imagine no light switches, only hand made candles.
      You really don't have to go back far that this was reality for most people.
      >Imagine only wearing clothes you made yourself.
      Tailors existed even back then.

  6. 3 months ago
  7. 3 months ago

    I wish all you Black folk crying about how you're not from medieval times would just go outside and get off Ganker.

  8. 3 months ago

    Our currency was women rapes and Black person lynchings

  9. 3 months ago

    You most likely wouldn't even make it past your 40s and die from a small cut that got infected.

    • 3 months ago

      Life was more condensed back then. You may not live past your 40s but you spent that entire time living. You were making your kids at 12, soon as you were ready. You matured quickly. Compare that to modern times where everything is stretched out and many 30 something year olds are sitting here with minimal life experience. Also, it was the industrial age in which life expectancy was severely low, lower than medieval, back then you were lucky to make it through the 20s

      • 3 months ago

        mortality rates back then were skewed by high infant deaths. if you lived past 10 you probably lived into your 60s or 70s.

  10. 3 months ago

    >streets are full of shit because people just dump it out the window
    >no sanitation of any kind
    >no running water
    >no good medical care
    >ridiculous taxes
    >ridiculous bans on hunting

    Frick that shit for a joke, and I say that as a man who lives off grid and hunts/fishes/grows 80% of his own food, lives off rainwater/solar and mills his own forest for income and leads a pretty simple life.

    • 3 months ago

      >a man who lives off grid
      >posting on Ganker

      • 3 months ago

        >posting on Ganker
        And other boards.

        You don't need to be connected to the grid or trapped in a city to enjoy the fruits of modernity but with none of the Black folk.

        • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      are full of shit because people just dump it out the window
      Never happened, you dumb homosexual. Those people are not indians, they knew much more than your media israelites make you believe.
      This stems from a picture of a book, where a woman throws something at musicians or something. It usually gets cropped out, saying that they threw piss and shit out on the streets, when in reality all excrements were valuable and composted into fertilizer.
      Think you absolute fricking Black person! THINK!

  11. 3 months ago

    Theres a big chance you died during birth or not long after. Just so many reasons for your meningless life of being a slave with extra steps to end out of nowhere that I cant think why anyone would want to live like that.
    That would make for medieval life sim for sure, you roll a dice to see if you were even able to make it out of your moms vegana and the biggest accomplishment would be for a while while contributing to the lords estate.

  12. 3 months ago

    probably pretty nice aside from everyone being filthy and ugly and the food being bad and the medical care being non-existent and there being no video games or movies and the local robber baron fricking you figuratively with taxes while fricking your wife and daughters literally with coercion and intimidation.

  13. 3 months ago

    A few days of farming followed up by a lot of days doing frick all while waiting for the crops to grow.

  14. 3 months ago

    you one clothe your whole life or you make them from scratch.

  15. 3 months ago

    Just move to commiefornia or NYC

  16. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      This looks like it will be janky as all hell, but kino anyway

    • 3 months ago

      western musou game, finally

  17. 3 months ago

    Didn't peasants get loads of free time to themselves?

    • 3 months ago

      >Didn't peasants get loads of free time to themselves?
      I've fricking no idea where people got this idea, farmers don't just sit around and watch their crops grow, they've got tons of shit to do and often run other businesses on the side to help make ends meet.

      • 3 months ago

        It’s a weird meme that I’ve only ever seen on here. I think some people started it as a joke and then it started being taken seriously by genuine morons.

        • 3 months ago

          Tumblr? Reddit? Twitter?

          • 3 months ago

            Nope. Not even once. Redditors are moronic in other ways but they wouldn’t fall for the weird trad-medieval fantasy that many on here have.

            • 3 months ago

              They like the idea of degrowth.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah but that’s more of a lame modern fantasy about keeping the benefits of modernity while going back to a more natural/quiet lifestyle. Here anons get genuinely duped into thinking they would have a great life as a medieval peasant.

  18. 3 months ago

    >What would life have been like as a medieval peasant?
    the difficulty depends on if you're born as a man or woman, men would be baby b***h easy mode

  19. 3 months ago

    >Be male
    >Get overworked and die at 34
    >Be female
    >Get overworked and raped and die at 31
    The good life.

    • 3 months ago

      I love equality now.

  20. 3 months ago

    Sex with Amicia

  21. 3 months ago

    every single goddamn topic on this board devolved into "i wish i was a strong white man who dont need no state". every time. without fail.

    • 3 months ago

      >every single goddamn topic on this board devolved into "i wish i was a strong white man who dont need no state".
      Sounds pretty based.

      • 3 months ago

        it would be based if they actually didnt need a state instead of sitting at home wishing for it to be true and making threads about "This videogame is the best game ever made because its for white men, the sequel is for Black folk" and the game is fricking Sonic Adventure.

        not once have ever seen someone say "i dont care if Black folk like it because im based"

    • 3 months ago

      I look like and act like those things

    • 3 months ago

      It's hilarious to see these neets who's only skills are fapping to anime girls 5 times a day and shiposting on the internet think they would've somehow been living a better life a thousand years ago.

      • 3 months ago

        It reminds me of this parody I saw where it was a bunch of people doing the whole “I wish I was during” thing but it was for shit like Victorian London and the Black Death.

      • 3 months ago

        The Internet and social media have crippled society, and soon AI. We weren't supposed to be doing any of this, hence why mental health is so fricked. None of this is good for the brain nor are quick dopamine hits. The world is currently facing its biggest addiction problem yet more ingrained than alcohol.
        Besides, your argument comes down to
        >oh no, you would have been, le toiling!
        Not a bad thing. Many today are too comfortable and lazy, but no one can deny satisfaction of a life with meaning, and that simple meaning can be found in a simple life compared to the convoluted mindfrick of modern times

  22. 3 months ago

    life peaked right after ww2, 1950-80
    after and before that period was and is and will be an utter shit

  23. 3 months ago

    Why does this game look so blurry and shit? honest question.

    • 3 months ago

      Hey moron go ask Hiro why we have a 2mb cap on webms.

      • 3 months ago

        The cap is 4mb. Vp9 is allowed.

  24. 3 months ago

    The worst thing about the modern world is that things were vastly better in living memory. The 90s was objectively superior to anything that came after. In the Middle-Ages, nobody knew any different so hardship was much more tolerable.

    • 3 months ago

      >The 90s was objectively superior
      >King Glowies presidency
      >Pedo Willie’s presidency
      You’re underaged and it shows.

      • 3 months ago

        If you want to look at presidencies Donald Trump was the first good president in almost 100 years

        • 3 months ago

          So you acknowledge that it wasn’t better.

  25. 3 months ago

    We used to love each other.
    Technology wasn't worth the sorrow of alienation.
    I just want to matter to someone.

  26. 3 months ago

    not all peasants were serfs

  27. 3 months ago

    75% of the peasants were serfs

  28. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      This shit really peeves me. I was watching House of the Dragon recently and they actually went out their way to be a bit more colourful in costumes compared to GoT, but then they had to ruin it by toning the saturation down. Just show some colour FRICK

    • 3 months ago

      >wearing green
      Peasants wouldn't really be wearing green. Yellow and red dye process is simple, but green requires a cloth to first be dyed yellow, and on a second stage to dye it green.

  29. 3 months ago

    >tradgay is having tantrum
    Typical go play Skyrim and cry about how awful society it while stuffing you greasy maw with tendies you bought with neetbux mommy gave you.

    • 3 months ago

      75% of the peasants were serfs

      So you acknowledge that it wasn’t better.

      >yeah bro I would love to be under the yoke of a liege lord it’s so liberating this boot if so much tastier than the corporate one I lick I’m so subversive
      You should think of reading a book, Chad and shitjak edits aren’t good ways to acquire information.

      Back then it was shit. Don't kid yourself.
      Right now it is shit, but it doesn't have to be

      We're advanced enough that people should be given a very high quality of life, and yet that doesn't happen with how much we're exploited.

      >we weren't meant to live like this
      We were meant to live in caves, hunt and gather. That's still, to this day, what our brains try to get us to do. Our instincts aren't built to work in a agricultural setting, much less a modern-day setting.

      It's important to remember that man is not a natural industrialist, that's just cope. Our brains are hunter/gatherers who want to live in somewhat-warm caves.

      >Hey man modern socializing is unnatural and causes the anxiety disorders today because we were meant to live in small communities where you were familiar with everyone, not cities filled with strangers
      >And unhealthy sexual behaviour is causing people to struggle with pair bonding and finding lifelong partners to have families
      >and unethically long work hours where you only have 4 hours of the day to yourself and 2 days off


      • 3 months ago

        Who on Earth are you quoting?

        • 3 months ago

          Literally everyone who replied to him including you probably

      • 3 months ago

        There should be a happy medium. You know, a normal people socialism without subhuman shit like trannies and God.

        • 3 months ago

          >happy medium
          Wasn't that essentially what we had from the 20s to the 80s? Maybe a little too much of God-focus for your taste, but it felt like a very functional medium where your job wasn't so demanding it burned you out, and your wife and kids were warm and loving (most of the time).

      • 3 months ago

        >gets called out
        >throws and tantrum and strawmans
        Enjoy your fantasy moron, you’re never going back all you can do I move forward.

  30. 3 months ago

    is she going to frick that shota

  31. 3 months ago

    The French are some of the horniest people around so the fact that they covered her ass made me think that the creative team was filled with gays.

  32. 3 months ago

    Back then it was shit. Don't kid yourself.
    Right now it is shit, but it doesn't have to be

    We're advanced enough that people should be given a very high quality of life, and yet that doesn't happen with how much we're exploited.

    • 3 months ago

      Cope. You can't have modern convenience without exploitation.
      You can't have billions of people yoked together in a massive alienating machine and expect them to be happy when none of them matter enough for the group to want to keep them alive or even treat them with basic respect.
      Most overlooked aspect of early society was how everyone felt genuinely useful to their neighbors, bonds were stronger and more immediate, more real, visceral, lasting. Modernity breeds alienation and stagnation.
      As all life inevitably marches towards its end
      So too do all societies move towards collapse.
      The closer we get
      The more painful it becomes.
      Our hair is white.

      The issue with the medievel times is that no one really thinks about how much security our current society offers us (at least in non-thirdy countries). Back in the day all the following was either a death sentence or a life-changing inconvenience:
      >you getting sick with literally anything, or a family member (guess who's going to have to pick up that slack?)
      >any minor strain or physical injury is a huge burden
      >a larger physical injury such as a break or deformity is usually death
      >minor plague that can put multiple people out of commission, everyone laying in bed means animals die, chores go untended, harvests spoil
      >literally any minor or major natural disaster
      >bad weather, yes, no rain or too much rain can absolutely be insta-death
      >any threat of violence, if hooligans roll onto your farm that's probably the end right there (at best it will delay your work, which can be death, and at worst it will permanently remove your workforce, including you)
      >change in the way your local authority sees land laws (you have precious few "ownership rights") or taxes
      >degradation and natural upkeep, disarray is a b***h and you don't know how to fix it it can be catastrophic

      The most damming one is:
      >if any of this happens to anyone else in your society it can also have grave consequences
      If you have an animal farm, for example, and the local butcher dies or is injured you're screwed. Or maybe you're a wheat farm? If the baker is sick and can't bake then it's probably also over. This shit spoils FAST and if they're not there to take it off your hands for cash you're completely fricked.

      There are a billion things that can go wrong that most civilized first-world countries are practically just immune to today.

      So? They didn't live in terror of death or discomfort, and each felt essential to the other.
      There is no such thing as love today, what we think of as love is counterfeit.

      • 3 months ago

        >There is no such thing as love today, what we think of as love is counterfeit.
        You're more cynical than I am. Sad.

      • 3 months ago

        Exploitation is not a real thing frick off moronic commie

    • 3 months ago

      >We're advanced enough that people should be given a very high quality of life, and yet that doesn't happen with how much we're exploited.
      True. But part of the advancement we have achieved comes BECAUSE we were exploited. If the rich didn't whip 99% of the population there wouldn't be as many advancements as we have today. Our problem is that we don't know how to tell when we've advanced enough and need to focus on balancing shit out.

  33. 3 months ago

    The issue with the medievel times is that no one really thinks about how much security our current society offers us (at least in non-thirdy countries). Back in the day all the following was either a death sentence or a life-changing inconvenience:
    >you getting sick with literally anything, or a family member (guess who's going to have to pick up that slack?)
    >any minor strain or physical injury is a huge burden
    >a larger physical injury such as a break or deformity is usually death
    >minor plague that can put multiple people out of commission, everyone laying in bed means animals die, chores go untended, harvests spoil
    >literally any minor or major natural disaster
    >bad weather, yes, no rain or too much rain can absolutely be insta-death
    >any threat of violence, if hooligans roll onto your farm that's probably the end right there (at best it will delay your work, which can be death, and at worst it will permanently remove your workforce, including you)
    >change in the way your local authority sees land laws (you have precious few "ownership rights") or taxes
    >degradation and natural upkeep, disarray is a b***h and you don't know how to fix it it can be catastrophic

    The most damming one is:
    >if any of this happens to anyone else in your society it can also have grave consequences
    If you have an animal farm, for example, and the local butcher dies or is injured you're screwed. Or maybe you're a wheat farm? If the baker is sick and can't bake then it's probably also over. This shit spoils FAST and if they're not there to take it off your hands for cash you're completely fricked.

    There are a billion things that can go wrong that most civilized first-world countries are practically just immune to today.

    • 3 months ago

      > If you have an animal farm, for example, and the local butcher dies or is injured you're screwed. Or maybe you're a wheat farm? If the baker is sick and can't bake then it's probably also over.
      I strongly disagree with this point, you've picked two examples of jobs that could be easily picked up by anyone in an emergency.

      In fact, I think today we have the opposite, imagine a software engineer being sick while the Production environment is down or a job that is safety critical like a pilot, or nuclear plant safety engineer.

      Skills are much harder to come by nowadays as they are far more specialised and require training and hands-on experience.

      • 3 months ago

        >anyone in an emergency
        99% of the population could not do a butchers job with 0 training in an emergency. In the medieval days a non-trained butcher would overstock (and thus spoil) and not handle the meat correctly at all and make it unsellable and inedible.

        >In fact, I think today we have the opposite, imagine a software engineer being sick while the Production environment is down or a job that is safety critical like a pilot, or nuclear plant safety engineer.
        Yes, which is why there are multiple software devs who are responsible for production, and there are two pilots in every aircraft, and why a nuclear plant safety engineer never works alone. But if that one doctor in your village slipped, hit his head, and went into a coma, that could very well be the death of that village because the next village over was 12 days walk and little Timmy's infection isn't going to wait for that.

        >Skills are much harder to come by nowadays as they are far more specialised and require training and hands-on experience.
        This I actually agree with you on. There is very little room for the generalist in today's society, but that doesn't mean the specialist wasn't important in medieval times.

    • 3 months ago

      >This shit spoils FAST and if they're not there to take it off your hands for cash you're completely fricked.
      They had ways to preserve food back then. Do you guys just think tech pops out of nowhere? Like people were fricked before refrigerators? They could salt their meat, they could pickle, they had their own ways

    • 3 months ago

      >Only anon in this thread that got it right was [...]
      No, you don't realize how risky and shitty agriculture used to be before being modernised. Peasants quite literally worked to live and if they didn't put in those long hours and get lucky they could easily starve. Everyone was also basically moronic and illiterate, so there was no social mobility. Newborn children also typically didn't survive, about half of them died, so dead babies just... everywhere, and women often died during child birth so hope youre not too attached to your wife. Agriculture was not their sole responsibility either, lords would dictate that they would build roads, cut down forests, and other such things, and peasants could not refuse. Their living situation was terrible, small poorly insulated buildings with earthen floors and little in the way of furnishing where bedbugs and lice were rampant. They didn't get meat, mostly bread root vegetables, and gruel with no spices. So you do the same thing every day, eat shit, never learn or improve, then die from diarrhea or something.

      >no fricking electricity
      >no running water
      >no paved roads unless you are in the city
      >no education of any kind
      >you can't afford it and even if you can you have to get permission for it first
      >you have to get permission to cut wood to keep your self and your family alive through winter
      >if you don't get a permit then the choices are death or jail
      >get anything more than a mild fever and you're done for
      >no medicine
      >no hospitals
      >doctors cost an arm and a leg just for the priviledge to visit
      >if they can even cure you of whatever you ail from you then have to sign over half your land as payment
      >you're a fricking medieval peasant and don't own the land you cultivate for the land owner anyways
      >unless you happen to have a bag of gold coins sitting around the house to repay your deb to the doctor you are fricked
      >if you somehow do have a bag of gold johny law comes to your house and arrest you because peasants were not allowed to handle much less own anything above copper when it comes to coins
      >gold and silver were reserved for nobles
      >you are not allowed to eat meat more that a couple times a month
      >wild game hunting without express permission of the noble that owns the forest is prohibited and punished by death or jail

      Isn't medieval peasant life so much better than today amirite tradbros?

      We would totally like dominate and shit wouldn't we?
      We were just born in the wrong time..


      In modern days you can be bored, unfulfilled, unloved and have no sense of community or trust or live that "simple life".

      But you are also not dying of a fever. If the local corn harvest fails this year you and your entire family don't go to their graves. If you're not good at what society has to offer there is welfare, and government programming and even autism-bux to keep you afloat. You won't starve, you won't die of thirst, you won't freeze, your won't die of overheating.
      You're romanticizing an age where (You) would probably not live to be the age you are now.

      • 3 months ago

        Instead of bettering the world we live in, trads would rather escape to fantasies of a world worse off than our own.

  34. 3 months ago

    Cool thread, but let's not forget that you American conservatives are dysgenic Amerimutts that deserve to get stabbed by blacks.

    Yes, your left is batshit insane and not real left at all. But that doesn't excuse you being you.

  35. 3 months ago

    and if your wife is too pretty the local lord or gang would kill you for her

  36. 3 months ago

    This actually gives a pretty good overview and is also entertaining

  37. 3 months ago

    population went up by 10000000000000000% since those ages
    what this means is that, of this thread, for every 10 anons posting, 10 would not exist.

    most of you would simply not survive or make it long enough to pass on offspring

    • 3 months ago

      Implying I will pass on offspring today

  38. 3 months ago

    Considering my generally poor health, myriad genetic defects, complete absence of any luck and my lowly social status, I would have probably died of something silly like an infection from a cut or turbo diarrhea at an early age.

  39. 3 months ago

    Degrowth morons are mentally ill.

    • 3 months ago

      ...is this an actual thing now?

      • 3 months ago

        For a while now.

        • 3 months ago

          In your zoomer brain only

  40. 3 months ago

    Probably pretty bad but still better than the average wage slave/ttroony social media lobotomized sad frick of first world and barely above beast level browns living in std/crime/war ridden pretend governments of third world

  41. 3 months ago

    Poop everywhere. Just like in India

  42. 3 months ago


  43. 3 months ago

    >look up r34 of this game
    >hundreds of hits
    >it's all pics of the little boy being fricked by older women from other franchises
    >realize this is probably the only decent quality little boy model in recent years and that's why it's being used everywhere
    shotacons sure have it rough huh

  44. 3 months ago

    Simple for sure, not any more natural than what we have now though, civilization is unnatural by default.

    • 3 months ago

      Far from it. If 99% of the planet dies and we return to hunter-gatherer societies of 10-20 people we'll literally be exactly where biological evolution wants us to be. In lack of better words, return to monkey.

  45. 3 months ago

    This thread is actually pretty reflected. Ganker is pretty solid when we're not discussing video games.

  46. 3 months ago

    One of the few things the mighty and powerful learned about the plague is that when peasants diminuish, prices soar, including wages.

    Putting this into a XXI century perspective, this explains why the wealthy and powerful invite so many foreigners into the countries, so that the wages stays low as possible.

    • 3 months ago

      but that also causes
      >worse people
      >worse dating pool for their descendants
      Rich men used to find a wife in some normal place, now rich kids can only date the ugliest globinas their parents selct for them and have way, WAY less freedom than a normal man used to have in the 80s.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes but consider:
        >more money

        • 3 months ago

          You can get even more money if people are less miserable, this is about rich people being autistic and spiteful

          The wealthy marry among themselves. It's more about maintaining wealth than finding love. incest is extremely common even if denied. It's cousins, and half brothers all over.

          In the old days it was the same.

          Yeah, more inbreeding ugly creaturas.
          Meanwhile, in the 80s any man with a minimum job could travel everywhere and choose which beautiful woman to marry.
          Rich kids will never experience this.

      • 3 months ago

        The wealthy marry among themselves. It's more about maintaining wealth than finding love. incest is extremely common even if denied. It's cousins, and half brothers all over.

        In the old days it was the same.

      • 3 months ago

        The rich aren't thinking that far ahead. They will do what brings the most money and ignore anything not an immediate consequence

        • 3 months ago

          Thats because they lack masculinity
          Even the most moronic soccer player spend their money in a smarter way
          >find some prime pussy
          >have 4 kids
          >have comfy holydays in some big, comfy yacht
          >give kids a huge place to live and to play in beautiful gardens.

  47. 3 months ago

    Move to any rural poorer country if you want a genuine experience

  48. 3 months ago

    Cons: life hundred times worse, less comfy
    no entertainment
    short lifespan with shitty diseases
    works sucks
    Pro: easier to find pussy

  49. 3 months ago

    >no fricking electricity
    >no running water
    >no paved roads unless you are in the city
    >no education of any kind
    >you can't afford it and even if you can you have to get permission for it first
    >you have to get permission to cut wood to keep your self and your family alive through winter
    >if you don't get a permit then the choices are death or jail
    >get anything more than a mild fever and you're done for
    >no medicine
    >no hospitals
    >doctors cost an arm and a leg just for the priviledge to visit
    >if they can even cure you of whatever you ail from you then have to sign over half your land as payment
    >you're a fricking medieval peasant and don't own the land you cultivate for the land owner anyways
    >unless you happen to have a bag of gold coins sitting around the house to repay your deb to the doctor you are fricked
    >if you somehow do have a bag of gold johny law comes to your house and arrest you because peasants were not allowed to handle much less own anything above copper when it comes to coins
    >gold and silver were reserved for nobles
    >you are not allowed to eat meat more that a couple times a month
    >wild game hunting without express permission of the noble that owns the forest is prohibited and punished by death or jail

    Isn't medieval peasant life so much better than today amirite tradbros?

    We would totally like dominate and shit wouldn't we?
    We were just born in the wrong time..

    • 3 months ago

      Everything you said is false and you need to read a book
      >they didnt have anything bro!
      >all our stuff we have today just popped out of nowhere
      >it wasn't developed over a long period of time
      >if you got a tiny scratch you were dead bro, it isn't like they had any medical experts back then, or herbal remedies, no vaxxes bro

      • 3 months ago

        >Everything you said is false
        >no fricking electricity

      • 3 months ago

        >herbal remedies lmao
        You got me there.
        You'd still be dead but at least you'dprobably die high as frick on a conconction of shrooms,dung and roots made by that guy that wears a turtle shell as a hat ,claims he's a druid and lives by the edge of the village talking to his shoe and eats nothing but lentils and acorns.

        • 3 months ago

          Do you actually base all your knowledge of the past on Skyrim?

          • 3 months ago

            Your definition of what constitutes 'read a book' probably comes with the tags

          • 3 months ago

            Nta but please, most villages didnt have doctors
            At best a grandma would tell them to eat ginger soup or sth because it will surely work like the grandma of her grandma has told her

      • 3 months ago

        >if you got a tiny scratch you were dead bro, it isn't like they had any medical experts back then, or herbal remedies, no vaxxes bro
        Well I mean
        >spend all day shoveling shit
        >cut your thumb on a rusty nail
        >if the tetanus doesn't get you, the bacterial infection will
        >get it amputated in the barn with a hacksaw and a bottle of watered down ale
        >have to keep shoveling shit to get money
        >never fricking heals properly
        >turns gangrenous
        >get hand amputated in the barn with a hacksaw (no ale this time)
        >cycle repeats until whole arm is gone or you just die from a cold or random broken bone or whatever

        They didn't have shit back then. At best, you could expect to be given poisonous herbs to make you vomit out your bad humors, or get drained by leeches for the same.

      • 3 months ago

        It’s actually quite hard to comprehend just how shit medicine was for almost all of human history. Antibiotics are only a century old. Before then you’d just die from a basic infection.

  50. 3 months ago

    It was better to live under the king's rule than a lord's rule. A king usually gave more right to the peasants, same couldn't be said about lords, hungry for wealth and power, would slave every possible way to gather resources from the peasants in made up taxes.

    • 3 months ago

      Newsflash moron:

      You don't get a choice.
      You live under the rule of both a king AND a lord AND NEITHER YOU NOR YOUR FAMILY WILL HAVE A SINGLE SAY IN THAT.

      Nobody cares about what a medieval peasant hinks or wants.

  51. 3 months ago

    They didn't have video games, just like this thread.

  52. 3 months ago

    In medieval days, a man was 15 years oldm father or three to four children, full bearded, battle hardened and would probably die before reaching twenty.

  53. 3 months ago

    I can't say for sure, but I think that humans are inherently prone to make up shit just to complain about it

    I think that depression, anxiety or whatever is so common nowadays because we are so carefree that we just need something to justify our whole lives

    • 3 months ago

      i feel like humanity reached their peak in 1980-90-2000, where people just had the enough technology and money to have fun.
      If anything boomers had it SO easy they create most problems these days. Notice how much they hate their kids

      • 3 months ago

        Notice how in isekais, the reincarnated mc has a good father. Really makes you think.

  54. 3 months ago

    Really awful probably, you would suffer (or die) from easily preventable or treatable illnesses and conditions, especially given the amount of physical effort your work would require.

  55. 3 months ago

    Probably pretty miserable for the most part considering that most of your siblings would die at an early age and we didn't know shit about diseases. Still better than being a modern day citygay I suppose.

  56. 3 months ago

    Remember what we've lost.

    • 3 months ago

      >the boomers of the medieval times

  57. 3 months ago

    >Ganker talking about (Medieval) history

    Ergo, a bottomless cesspool of Enlightened and Victorian perpetuated stereotypes and pfalsehoods.

  58. 3 months ago

    There was more human contact. I absolutely hate internet and digital age

    • 3 months ago

      You can still go outside today.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes and I do, but all I can see is people glued to their screens and talking gibberish about some "viral" happening

  59. 3 months ago

    A peasant would suck. You would be better of obtaining a huge chuck of land and getting random dudes to pledge themselves to you. You could have easily larp your way to lordship back then, even if you don’t deserve it. If you have men who would serve you the crown would simply recognize you if you were also a loyal dog. Simple as that.

  60. 3 months ago

    Young lady would not wear pants.

  61. 3 months ago

    >hunt small game in the woods near your house so you won't starve because the nobility took your grains
    >oops, can't hunt on the land of a noble too
    >get beheaded

    • 3 months ago

      >so you won't starve because the nobility took your grains
      The noble only took a portion of your crops, as payment for the land and the house you live and work in. If you didn't like the deal, or if your boss was getting too much, you could congregate with other serfs and take the noble to court, and that happened A LOT, there are multiple notary accounts on those situations. Also you DO know that EVERYONE had pigs and cows and chickens, yes? Eggs, cheese, butter, bread, fish... So try to study more.

      • 3 months ago

        Depends on exact time, place and location also human factor. In Eastern europe and Russia nobles had far more privileges and serfs were almost totally dependable on goodwill from their masters

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not sure why you anons all think the King's would just come and pillage you for no reason all the time... it was more beneficial to keep you farming for the kingdom. Why are you so hard to shit on the middle ages?

      • 3 months ago

        >it was more beneficial to keep you farming for the kingdom

        You're assuming that the King is rational enough to realize that.

        • 3 months ago

          You're assuming that he isn't like a doomer

          • 3 months ago

            You'd have to be really lucky to live under a King whose mind hasn't been poisoned by inbreeding, lead-tainted water, a childhood of extreme luxury and opulence instilling a belief of superiority over the common man, the general corruptive influence of unquestioned power, any number of mental conditions that won't be named, let alone treated, until centuries later and/or any other factors.

            • 3 months ago

              I remember there was this one french king who thought he was made of glass

            • 3 months ago

              > have to be really lucky to live under a King whose mind hasn't been poisoned
              Most kings had nothing to gain by killing or harming their own peasants. Those are your soldiers for war and your farmers for peace. I know in your game of thrones fantasy idea of the middle ages it was total turmoil, but thats all in your head

    • 3 months ago

      Killing cumans.

      I really like the game but I wish it was better balanced.
      Would be better without the master strike feature or if it wasn't the only option when fighting the very skilled opponents because the one that attacks first just gets their hit deflected and countered in one move so you're just sitting there waiting for your opponent to strike.
      It's legit more fun to have that back and forth of attacking and perfect blocking each other in turn than it is to wait for the master strike opportunity.

      I wouldn't mind the OneVsMany random fights if you could offset with better skills and gear but running into entire groups of full plate bandits that can surround you and perfectly counter your strikes is just not fun because then it just encourages you to abuse the shitty AI (arrow to the face as they're beelining to you, abusing sneak, etc.)
      Went back to Skalitz to get the buried treasure, ran into a group of 3 full plate bandits and had to abuse the shitty AI detection to basically one shot a guy with a bow and then constantly move away from from one guy constantly investigating what's happening while fighting a third guy that did agro.
      It felt like a cheap victory.
      Thank frick for the mace I was carrying.

      You were allowed to hunt hares and shit like that.
      Just buy the hunting season pass lol.

      • 3 months ago

        Installing the combat rebalanced mod improved the game significantly for me. I now had to rely on proper blocking and parrying, instead of just waiting for the green icon so I can pop a perfect guard.

    • 3 months ago

      >the nobility took your grains
      Literally a 1/10th of your harvest.
      You now get VAT and income taxes and other shit combined for over 50%.

      • 3 months ago

        >so you won't starve because the nobility took your grains
        The noble only took a portion of your crops, as payment for the land and the house you live and work in. If you didn't like the deal, or if your boss was getting too much, you could congregate with other serfs and take the noble to court, and that happened A LOT, there are multiple notary accounts on those situations. Also you DO know that EVERYONE had pigs and cows and chickens, yes? Eggs, cheese, butter, bread, fish... So try to study more.

        >ACHSUALY it's only a % of the harvest
        Yes a portion that they dictated the % of and changed according to their acrued gambling debts or if the king planned another war or not and that % you would have to pay it come rain or sunshine.
        >Didn't make the harvest because of drought?
        Don't care, frick you pay me.
        >Oh you got sick and didn't gather it in time so the crops spoiled?
        Don't care, frick you pay me.
        >Bandits made off with your crops and killed all your animals you say?
        NOT MY FRICKING PROBLEM, frick you pay me.
        >Oh you think i'm unfair and you're gonna leave and serve another lord?
        Not without fricking paying me.Pay and only then you have my permission to leave and good luck finding another lord to serve after i put the word out of what a thieving ,unreliable ,drunkard pagan worshipping lazy dog you are.

        Let's see who they believe ,a filthy peasant or me a disinguished member of the aristocracy and land-owner.

        • 3 months ago

          No, dumb gay, it was literally a maximum of 1/10th. Its not an arbitrary number to be changed or messed with.

  62. 3 months ago

    >All this posts and not one mention Kingdom come:Deliverance

    It's probably the best game that's set on the medieval period. It has a fully fleshed out Codex that describes how people of different statuses eat, drink, and shit.

    • 3 months ago

      >could have a simple but robust combat system to make it accessible
      >nah have the most jankiest, obscure, taking control out of you every two seconds for a grab, laggy, awkward combat system lad
      >whenever I put it down It hurts to come back because I forgot all the tricks and stuff you need to know about fights

      Black person Black person Black person

    • 3 months ago

      >could have a simple but robust combat system to make it accessible
      >nah have the most jankiest, obscure, taking control out of you every two seconds for a grab, laggy, awkward combat system lad
      >whenever I put it down It hurts to come back because I forgot all the tricks and stuff you need to know about fights

      Black person Black person Black person

      Dropped it pretty fast. Slow and janky. Im not a patient person I admit. maybe I missed a goldmine.

  63. 3 months ago

    Pretty comfy if you're not stupid, just invent some tools and keep them secret, bam, work done in a jiffy and you can spend your time looking at morons and not playing video games, basically the primal form of browsing Ganker

  64. 3 months ago

    You'd have a different set of problems and perks, the only recurrent trait is suffering.

  65. 3 months ago

    For alpha males it would probably be alot easier than modern days. You just force your way in life with pure masculine strength and will. Even beta males with somewhat good name and status could get a wife offered to them without questions asked. Youre completely allowed to dominate women and children, theyre basically toys for men. Well, for women and children, if theyre not extremely lucky with their parents and men then its pure hell on earth

    • 3 months ago

      >>For alpha males it would probably be alot easier than modern days
      I'd say until fairly recently it was still very easy.

      >>You're completely allowed to dominate women and children
      Unless you were married, so under your husband's status, harassments and violent acts were taken seriously by the Church and the law, although theft was much more scandalous in those times. You could also ask for a divorce, but that wasn't easy then and isn't easy now.

      >>If they're not extremely lucky with their parents and men then its pure hell on Earth
      It wasn't likely "pure Hell" for them in the Antiquity, or the Roman Empire, or the Middle Ages, or the Renaissance. They probably didn't perceive it as "Hell", as women were trained and expected to act a certain way. Not that some didn't complain, of course. You also have to remember that in the second half of the Middle Ages, "courtly love" and the chivalrous etiquette arose in Europe, so men (above a certain class) were expected to act with a certain dignity and manners towards a lady.

  66. 3 months ago

    god i wanna kiss bofadem (+frick)

  67. 3 months ago

    I want to have sex with a 15 year old french girl nonconsensually. I want her to shriek in broken english with a very thick accent while I fill her tummy with a soapy enemy till she looks pregnant. I want her to forget about bargaining with me and just cry in french while I stuff her urethra with my middle finger while she does her best to clench her butthole so she doesn't embarass herself further by spraying out the sloshing contents of her cramping insides.
    Also that bandit girl would be fun to frick too.

    • 3 months ago


  68. 3 months ago

    I like being able to shower and brush my teeth. Frick shovelling shit and having to do every single thing yourself.

    • 3 months ago

      They bathed in the middle ages, they had rudimentary soap and oils.
      >They would rub their teeth and gums with a rough linen. Recipes have been discovered for pastes and powders they might have applied to the cloth to clean and whiten teeth, as well as to freshen breath. Some pastes were made from ground sage mixed with salt crystals.
      Toothbrushes have been found as far back as 3000bc, crude ones made by the Egyptians.
      Its a huge meme for some reason that during the middle ages nobody ever washed themselves

      • 3 months ago

        The Enlightenment ran with the idea that peasants were shit-stained losers because they never bathed, but that’s because peasants didn’t bathe in the sense of using a tub to submerge themselves. The common method of hygiene for a peasant was heating water to a boil and using a rag to scrub yourself with the contents until your skin, “glowed with pinkish hue.” Basically, that feeling you get when you’ve been heated up.

        Does the technique sound familiar? That’s because it’s similar to that thing Japanese people do with the stool and the big titty sister rubbing you down.

      • 3 months ago

        It's because the english never did, they still don't

  69. 3 months ago

    I would rather be a peasant than live in modern american city where everyone is on fentalyl and nogs try to play the knockout game on you everyday.
    Thankfully i live in an aryan country so i wouldnt change a thing

    • 3 months ago

      >Thankfully i live in an aryan country
      Those still exist?

  70. 3 months ago

    >be medieval peasant
    >live in a history where the peasants can't read even though they must and the aristocrats can read even though they don't need to
    >commerce is impossible because nobody can write down anything or keep track of any kind of goods or taxes
    >aristocrats can't maintain their lifestyles because the lower class that supports them can't exist
    I sure love being an illiterate peasant

    • 3 months ago

      i know what you're doing, but my inner autist is compelled to point out that knowing your numbers isn't the same as knowing your letters, and you can easily be able to count and do basic arithmetic without being able to read

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah I know. It's just funny how the contemporary impression of medieval peasantry is that they can't read when in reality "literacy" meant that you could read Latin. Afterall, if you could read Latin, you wouldn't need a clergyman to interpret the holy bible for you, which would let you think for yourself and that wouldn't be proper. That's probably why the words "read" and "literacy" are distinct. The former is a humble, old and native word referring to a simple act and the latter is a foreign "sophisticated" word

  71. 3 months ago

    Excellent teeth, top quality clothes, heat is not a problem thanks to ac and fans, excellent food thanks to salt and sugar being cheap, excellent clean pure quality water, soap, cheap electricity, quality media and much more!

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