What would the definitive Conan RPG be like?

What would the definitive Conan RPG be like?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    idk but hopefully it has better art

  2. 2 years ago

    Something where women are good looking and naked. good luck with that.

    • 2 years ago


      Modded* Kenshi.

      But no seriously, Conan's thing is that it's very brutal and very direct. You would want something that makes you feel lonely but free.

  3. 2 years ago

    I would say one where you play Conan himself and not one where you make your own character, and goes through his times as a Forest Runner on the Aquilonian frontier

    • 2 years ago

      In general, I would say focus on one particular aspect of his life instead of trying to do it all. Focus on Conan the Thief, Conan the Pirate, Conan the Cossack ect instead of trying to do everything

  4. 2 years ago

    Unironically Conan Exiles without memeing.
    >Play a character within the myriad of races across the Conanverse from Stygia, Turan, Hyboria, and the Black Kingdoms.
    >Pray to particular gods and receive their benefits utilizing all forms of ritualism from human sacrifice in the case of Set and Yog or sex worship in the case of Ishtar either through orgies or bestiality.
    >Survive in an already hellish landscape by any means.
    The only change would be probably making it a grounded linear experience RPG exploring a landscape sacking tombs and hidden ruins.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah Conan Exiles but made with singleplayer in mind instead of an MMO would be close to ideal. Give it more focus on story, more NPC dialogue, companions with fleshed out personalities, etc. and it would be a good Skyrim-style RPG. Funcom was supposed to be making a singleplayer Conan game but they went radio silent on it after Covid, so afaik we are still in the dark on whether anything along these lines is currently in the works.

      Something where women are good looking and naked. Good luck with that.

      The current IP holders already have full nudity and pretty good female character models in Conan Exiles, so that shouldn't be an issue. Funcom's stuff is pretty on point in general when it comes to aesthetics and there is very little they shy away from when it comes to adapting all the gritty and salacious stuff from the original short stories. A much bigger issue is that they aren't competent enough to make good combat or a functional magic system.

      • 2 years ago

        Funcom will never do a rpg story game in the Conan universe like the witcher. Which is why they will never be a billion dollar company.

        They will continue to push out lackluster online games-as-a-service microtransaction shit disguised as games untill they finally go bankrupt or someone richer aquires the IP.

        • 2 years ago

          >someone richer aquires the IP.
          Do they even own IP exclusively? Isn't this setting in public domain?

      • 2 years ago

        >Funcom was supposed to be making a singleplayer Conan game but they went radio silent on it after Covid,
        I think they are too busy with Dune MMO.
        And to think this is a company that once given us The Longest Journey, one of the best adventure games ever.

      • 2 years ago

        I've only played Exiles by myself. I enjoy world PvP and cooperative building but I don't need to fuss with those things while I'm still exploring a hand made fantasy world. The game is fantastic just for exploring and surviving on my own. I think what sets it aside is that it's not that hard to get safe and hunker down for the night. Other games in the genre threaten you immediately with starvation and death by the elements, and they usually lack the atmosphere for downtime by a campfire to be anything but a pain in the ass. It also sucks to have to choose between stupid death and following a wiki.

        Funcom will never do a rpg story game in the Conan universe like the witcher. Which is why they will never be a billion dollar company.

        They will continue to push out lackluster online games-as-a-service microtransaction shit disguised as games untill they finally go bankrupt or someone richer aquires the IP.

        Aren't they owned by Tencent now?

        I will add that Age of Conan had everything it needed to be a great game. It just wasn't, for some reason. I think after Tortage everyone was too spread out, and the lack of an incentive not to PK led to constant sneaking around. Maybe I should not have chosen a PvP server.

        • 2 years ago

          Nah I played in a pve server and its was trash as well.
          The only good things were the concept art and music.

          • 2 years ago

            Tortage Underhalls were the shit, though. It was like fighting over OG Vivec City from Morrowind with all the tunnels and ladders and different areas, to say nothing of exploiting the zoning. Kind of stupid in a way but there was nothing else like it. You're right about it being trash, but I choose to remember it fondly and now as a great action game saddled with boring quests and the worst itemization imaginable.

            • 2 years ago

              MMOs were the trend of the time, much like bilge coop and survival games are now.

              Conan seems trapped here. But its not like other companies are making big cool fantasy franchises anyway. We have years now of souless asscreed type stuff like shadow of mordor etc.
              The industry is stuck.

              I am just glad Dragon Dogma 2 is being made, its not that I dont love souls games but they are getting more and more over the top instead of its origins of slow and metroidvania.

              And I mean I dont think suits think Conan is a good franchise to handle.

            • 2 years ago

              >I choose to remember it fondly and NOT as a great action game saddled with boring quests and the worst itemization imaginable.

    • 2 years ago

      Not Conan Exiles. Somebody bought that for me and it turned out to be pokemon. You just let NPCs fight for you.

      • 2 years ago

        No you dont...

        • 2 years ago

          >durability drops like crazy
          >need to build specifically for it when 99% of the game is grinding shit
          >easily gets over 10000hp
          >no durability consumed so you can just give them boss weapons and gg
          >will teleport to you so it's not even like it's hard to keep them around
          >can quickly farm up dozens of these guys as backups

          I know you want people to play your dead game but come on. PVE is just thralls and PVP *somebody* has to do the farming.

          • 2 years ago

            For my singleplayer run I went full scarcity and pumped the difficulty up. Then I used the Better Thralls mod to allow me to have 3 followers instead of just 1, but I balanced it by using another mod that provides sliders for thrall damage and damage taken. I gave them .33 damage and 3x damage taken. Thralls are now more like sidekicks that help distract enemies while you do the real damage. It also feels cooler rolling with a posse instead of just one dude and you can try to employ tactics based on the equipment you give them.

            • 2 years ago

              >I gave them .33 damage and 3x damage taken
              Oh no it was 2x damage taken because I already had mobs set to deal 1.5x damage

            • 2 years ago

              >I gave them .33 damage and 3x damage taken
              Oh no it was 2x damage taken because I already had mobs set to deal 1.5x damage

              I also increased purge frequency and maxed the difficulty, which was a real challenge because the damage sliders for thralls applied to all thralls, not just followers. Had a couple bases totally destroyed in that run.

    • 2 years ago

      >its an rpg because you play the role of conan

  5. 2 years ago

    Isn't that just the Rance games

    • 2 years ago

      Rance lacks the wisdom of the primordial hyperborean aryan Conan and is an effeminate gay (will piss off the porn obsessed incels in me saying so but it's true). Conan embodies the Grecian ideal of heroism while Rance in comparison a lowly trickster satyr.

      • 2 years ago

        >Conan embodies the Grecian ideal of heroism
        Anon, Conan's defining epithet is literally "the Barbarian", and he has no care in the world for duty or glory.

        • 2 years ago

          >Anon, Conan's defining epithet is literally "the Barbarian"
          You clearly don't understand the irony in him being the ubermensch in spite of that moniker, that perhaps being of the Earth, the concrete and real, is what aspired him to the condition he reached.
          >and he has no care in the world for duty or glory.
          Of course he does, he internalizes all of it alongside the full range of the human condition such as passion, rage, love, melancholy, philosophy etc.

          • 2 years ago

            >You clearly don't understand the irony in him being the ubermensch in spite of that moniker, that perhaps being of the Earth, the concrete and real, is what aspired him to the condition he reached.
            Maybe, but now you are going for a bastardization of Neech instead of "Grecian idea of heroism". Just stop with the faux-appeals to bastardized traditions and say "based" like a normal overly-conscious degenerate.

            • 2 years ago

              >bastardization of Neech instead of "Grecian idea of heroism".
              They aren't mutually exclusive things.
              >Just stop with the faux-appeals to bastardized traditions and say "based" like a normal overly-conscious degenerate.
              Anti-intellectual Black personisms aren't based.

          • 2 years ago

            >literally cares not for any transcendence
            Nothing nietzschean about ignorant living and base desire indulgence. He's bold and only cares about living, no more, no less.
            Not the most exemplary human, but a human still.

            • 2 years ago

              How do you miss the themes of Conan so badly? Read the Dark Horse depiction of his visit to Hyperborea for the most distilled version of his values.

              Howard and Lovecraft were pen pals who argued barbarity vs civilization in a series of letters. You can see how each man's own nature and life influenced his worldview.
              Howard was a Texan who grew-up on frontier stories from old folks, bar room tales from men who worked on oil derricks, and boxed. He saw physically capable men as the most ideal and the vaunted sophistication of "civilization" a glamour to mask the dominance of flabby, inferior hypocrites.
              Howard was an Anglo nerd who was bedridden in the northeast and often afflicted by fever dreams. He heard tales of sailors enountering far-off lands. He saw the worldview of savages as potentially true but horrible. Civilization was a rising from the muck and barbarity and eternal threat it may relapse into.

              Between the two, Howard's more right.

              • 2 years ago

                Weren't both of them ultimately afraid of living?
                Howard killed himself, remember? It's an interesting dream he sublimated, but if you know anything about savagery, actual one, you'd know it isn't nice.
                Concurrently, this over arching "civilization" concept that you mock was built by many people over the years, including these so called strong men, at least a few of which actually held moral principles worth being called as such.
                But its negative sides don't operate in a vacuum, civilization just happens to expand capabilities, and when savage have resources, they still act like savages.
                Don't blame complex ideals when you aren't capable enough or willing to realize the real complexity of the world, or people that seek to corrupt others, creating many evils which bias your perspective so much you throw away paths and ways from considerations.

              • 2 years ago

                wow this is just so cringeworthy and embarrassing. I actually feel ashamed for reading this. this is how moronic the poltards who keep posturing with 'muh Nietzsche' actually are

              • 2 years ago

                No more embarrassing than making dithyrambs about glorified thugs, I'd say.

              • 2 years ago

                >glorified thugs

              • 2 years ago

                >afraid of living
                what a gay phrase.

                Howard killed himself out of grief over his mother's passing. It was a mistake but to call it
                >fear of living
                makes you sound like a homosexual.

                not how that word's used

                >Don't blame complex ideals when you aren't capable enough or willing to realize the real complexity of the world, or people that seek to corrupt others, creating many evils which bias your perspective so much you throw away paths and ways from considerations.
                are you esl or a bot?

              • 2 years ago

                >grief over his mother's passing
                So he did, yet what does it tell you about his motivations? What he wrote and adored, and how he lived are two different things.

              • 2 years ago

                the frick are you trying to say? You are inarticulate as hell. Declare a statement.

              • 2 years ago

                >Dark Horse depiction of his visit to Hyperborea for the most distilled version of his values.
                dont care about non-howard stories tbh, fanfiction as far as im concerned

              • 2 years ago

                It's literally fanfiction, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth reading.

              • 2 years ago

                Take the strength of the barbarian with the intelligence and capabilities of an reasonable, rational man. That balance should be each person's standard of living.

              • 2 years ago

                There is no glory in conquest for the sake of ego. Of one man's supremacy over another for the sake of evolution. In strength used only for destruction. I love Conan but it seems like you don't understand the purpose of Power, Strength or the Riddle of Steel. Only weak, insecure manchildren, women and children dream and wish of such a reality, to dominate and be dominated, especially on a website designed to teach it's userbase that each thread isn't an opportunity for discussion, growth and expansion of your life, for collaborative input and output for the betterment of the species and uplifting for the spirit and the ego but in turn adversarial and competitive. Complete shit. Hyperboreea is complete shit. Our contemporary civilization has a lot to be desired for but escaping into a world teeming with constant self-destruction is not the way. Which makes me wonder sometimes why do I even frequent this shithole to begin with. At some point there was value and power in these discussions but not anymore. Perhaps I should just leave.

              • 2 years ago

                That's a nice dramatization, but no.
                It's just an evil approach to things, merely one type of it.

              • 2 years ago

                Hyperboreea is a dramatization and mixture of the Iron Age and various other timelines in human history. I was being by not simply calling you a feudal anarchist because despite some of it's charm it truly is beyond evil.

              • 2 years ago

                Beyond evil?

              • 2 years ago

                Beyond Evil. What is already known to us as evil. We do not know the ramifications of just how depraved and backwards humanity will plunge into should such a reality occur. Although considering the rejection of nuclear disarmament you just might get your wish.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah. Well, I can't agree, I'd say that's just your typical run of the mill evil.
                Actual things in the "beyond evil" category are sufficiently terrible that it's not wise to talk about them with most other human beings, it's too damaging.

              • 2 years ago

                being civil*

                >There is no glory in conquest for the sake of ego.

                Yes there is.

                Only weak men desire power for the sake of it, they have none. Strong men build and find purpose in power to better mankind. Even the inspiration Howard took was from working class men.

              • 2 years ago

                >Only weak men desire power for the sake of it
                Literally no? It's just greed.

              • 2 years ago

                Greed has no authentic power. It is completely hollow. If you still believe "money has absolute power" you have much to learn. Everything has already been given to you, from scriptures of every culture on Earth to historical accounts to the entirety of recorded human existence alone. Not to mention the judgements you have to make on your own as you age.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, I'm just referring to special type of people who like power just because, and commit amoral action routinely just because they may.

              • 2 years ago

                >you are weak if you self-aggrandize
                >you are strong if you are submissive

                Your morality is slavery.

              • 2 years ago

                >helping mankind and your community is submissive
                what a cuck sissy you are

              • 2 years ago

                Projecting child, seeking your own good is natural. A baby tries to grasp all around it to extend itself.

                To say it would be "weak" (your homosexual wordchoice) for a man to pursue his own benefit, and frame the only good a man may do as submission to a vague, "people" defines slavery as righteousness.

              • 2 years ago

                Only children seek their own good entirely. It's not my "homosexual wordchoice" numbskull, it's your mental state. Scarcity and limited. Your ability to even write or think such filth is allowed by strong men who planted the proverbial trees whose shadow you now besmirch. Contribution to the welfare of yourself should extend to that community which you care for, that is true strength. You have made nothing. Are nothing and will be nothing, until you contribute. Even this sycophant shithole operates on the prescribed notion that you should contribute quality discussion, not self-serving filth. Now contribute a good post or frick off with your weak minded rationalizations because the world you subscribe to will collapse and end within one lifetime, yours.

              • 2 years ago

                Personal vs public good is a false dichotomy.

                The fact you define personal good as innately in opposition to the public good reveals your golem doctrine.

              • 2 years ago

                It is not. You have decided that based on your personal, self-serving ideals. People have bled and died to have allowed you to even have such a pedantic, childish belief system to begin with. A value that you cannot even recognize at all through any lack of gratitude, respect or thought of other generations other than yourself. This "contemporary civilization" is the product of extreme individualism born from a self-serving, self-destructive ideals, which you try to pass off as strength. Hypernormalization of homogenous values within each human being to strive to better one self, to seek a better existence is something that each man comes to struggle with at a point where the realization of a lack of any contribution or purpose clears itself with no ambiguity. Think again one more time who did Howard model his characters after, men like you? A man that lives for himself, dies alone and forgotten. A man that contributes what he has gained, teaches others to gain and shares within the proverbial wealth has genuine power. Power which allows you to even exist and spout such nonsense today.

              • 2 years ago

                >IS NOT!
                >blah blah blah I'm a homosexual
                yeah we get it.

              • 2 years ago

                What makes you want to keep posturing with this oh so deep and profound redditor pseud crap under a god damn Conan thread of all things?

              • 2 years ago

                >To say it would be "weak" (your homosexual wordchoice) for a man to pursue his own benefit
                If we refer to Nietzsche, then yeah - you'd classify his ideal of Ubermensch as submissive, as Ubermensch is by definition above the very concept of "his own benefit", and instead he directs his actions according to his own absolute morality to which everything (including himself) is subjected, hence the aristocracy of the spirit. An Ubermensch would never harm or exploit others for the sake of his own benefit, as subservience to one's own ego and desires is the lowest form of slave mentality, and he would rather sacrifice his own life in protection of his subjects (an expression of noblesse oblige), not because they are better than him, but specifically because he is better than them - he sees the undeniable value of self-sacrifice for the sake of Truth and how this secures one's true immortality through eternal recurrence, while the weaker man cannot do the same due to being slaves to their own ego (which is driven by a fear of death and solitude). An aristocrat of the spirit indeed gives his labor and his very life to the service of others - not as their slave, but as their protector and caretaker, as lower men in their ignorance cannot really serve or protect themselves, so it falls to the Ubermensch to do it for them - he is the original ideal of the Just King who truly and sincerely is a servant of his own kingdom and subjects.

                >bastardization of Neech instead of "Grecian idea of heroism".
                They aren't mutually exclusive things.
                >Just stop with the faux-appeals to bastardized traditions and say "based" like a normal overly-conscious degenerate.
                Anti-intellectual Black personisms aren't based.

                >Anti-intellectual Black personisms aren't based.
                Bastardizing the ideas of white people in order to justify your own unga-bunga behaviour in a cargo-cult fashion is the quintessential Black personism.

              • 2 years ago

                >the ideas of white people
                Don't get too pretentious.

              • 2 years ago

                >There is no glory in conquest for the sake of ego.

                Yes there is.

            • 2 years ago

              >ignorant living and base desire indulgence. He's bold and only cares about living, no more, no less.
              Confirmed for never having read any Conan. The whole point of the character is that he's more worldly, intelligent, and philosophical than any of the 'civilized' people he ever runs into.

              • 2 years ago

                He is the true Enkidu that never gets bewitched by a sacred prostitute.

                A chad pastoralist on the edges of civilizational and actual barbarism hence a person on the edge that can judge both.

                I saying this description because noble savage is not the right way, people were writing noble savages at the time and they were cringe trash.

                They're straight up barbarian Irish

                Well in my mind he was a difficult to gauge ethnicity but fine.

              • 2 years ago

                Being a unique outlier already means it's incorrect to put him in main categories.

              • 2 years ago

                I liked Disco Elysium but I found the satire of Conan there a bit forced.
                Although its possible the satire was more about cheap Conan knock off's and just low brow fantasy lit overall.

                Conan stories he has his gigantic melancholies and mirth like howard said, but he is never a big snowflake nor racist nor a superman caricature.

                Some of his stories are kinda shit, but at his best Conan is like the perfect fantasy protag warrior blueprint.

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't say Conan isn't racist. He's very clear in the stories that he only likes light skinned women and hates dark skinned women

              • 2 years ago

                So now that's racism as well?

              • 2 years ago

                God forbid people have tastes, fetishes and preferences.

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't say perfect, as that is too reductive, but he's good.

              • 2 years ago

                You are right, its just the nature of this website pushes me to hyperbole.

                Hence why I said blueprint. He's really good.

              • 2 years ago

                That's not even remotely the point of the character. What story did you read that led you to think this? Conan develops a sense of wisdom and gains some functional knowledge by the time he is King, but Conan despises philosophical debates and intellectualism, and is no way a sophisticated man.

                >I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of the Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content

              • 2 years ago

                >Let me never really live; let me know the greasy juices of microwave pizza and bland beer on my palate, the hot embrace of my left hand, the mad exultation of shitposting when the monitor glows blue and grey, and I am never content.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, Conan is celtic.

        • 2 years ago

          I always liked to envision him as a lost med race, half the chadness of meds, and half the aesthetics of a dolph lundgren nord. Frank Frazzetta honestly did a good job.

          An ethnicity that would be hard to find modern analogues. Since he is atlantean sort off. I find it strange why modern games and run of the mill tabletop settings are not more inventive with ethnicities.

          It's a bit niche, yeah. I don't think most people really know how good the Hyborian Age is as a setting.

          The age is part of it, it was old even when the first movie was super famous, and most shit done with sword and sorcery was terrible later. outside some small exceptions.

          I am still amazed Disney did John Carter. Both settings are not good for the current homosexualron zeigeist.

          Or maybe it is, since there is most likely an audience there.

          • 2 years ago

            Aren't Cimmerians their own people, albeit closer to other people in the region, like Scythians and so on?

          • 2 years ago

            Aren't Cimmerians their own people, albeit closer to other people in the region, like Scythians and so on?

            They're straight up barbarian Irish

      • 2 years ago

        Lol, Conan doesn’t give a shit about “heroism” or any such ideals, he does shit purely because it feels good.

        • 2 years ago

          Couldn't be more wrong. Conan follows an internal moral and ethical code of honor, he is not a pure hedonist. That's next level cope from degenerates here that don't understand the franchise or what's it about. There is a strong element of sex, mayhem and chaos but Conan never strays from the path his father tried to instill into him.

          • 2 years ago

            >his father
            i dont remember any howard story mentioning his father?

            • 2 years ago

              He was a blacksmith. Discipline, dedication and an iron will to bend metal into shape is instilled into his blood.

              • 2 years ago

                so i was right, howard never wrote on his father. idk whatever fanfic you pulled your line of thinking from.

              • 2 years ago

                the movie is canon

              • 2 years ago

                >the movie is canon

                It says right there he was a blacksmith. What do you think blacksmiths do? Have sex on the anvil all day? You think it's easy to become a blacksmith when you jerk off all day and do whatever you want? I've done both woodwork and metalwork, it's hard work that remains instilled in the blood.

                lot of cope for something you entitely made up in your head. all we ever got was that his father was a blacksmith and you have it in your mind he was the person who made conan the man he was in the stories. for all we know his father could have been a shitty father and a shitty blacksmith and that theory would have as much validity as yours. ergo, meaning jack shit within the canon as described by the only persons stories that matter, howards.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's not canon because... it just isn't, okay!

              • 2 years ago

                yes. its not canon because it has nothing to do with the original creator. i suppose every story on archive dot org is canon if we follow your stupid line of thought.

              • 2 years ago

                Except that it does? They bought the license off of Marvel who decide what is Canon since Howard's death. A serialization of the book and it is canon by definition. Besides this is irrelevant because it is specifically stated for a reason that he is a son of a blacksmith to give him a background outside of his early experience. There would be no point to it other than to establish character through genetic lineage. In fact I thought the opening scene of the movie quite appropriate and rather beautiful, like the rest of the movie. Don't be a contrarian to save face on an anonymous website, nobody cares.

              • 2 years ago

                anything that isnt written by howard is not canon. you can enjoy those stories sure but trying to argue something as fact when you base your source from something not even penned by the man himself is moronic. if marvel made conan an effeminate homosexual that would be canon judt because marvel monopolizes the right to bastardize his character and story. no you can frick off.

              • 2 years ago

                Even I submit to your point on canon, which is irrelevant to the discussion about the original point. The establishment of his father as a blacksmith is purposeful and the effect of that is evident in the original works by the author, not in the movie or comics. Conan is not a hedonist for no other reason than "he does whatever he wants" and never will be. Neither in the books nor the "supposedly" non-canon movie and comics. Everything he does has purpose, forged from discipline and grit due to his lineage. That is why he succeeds as both a man and warrior against the dozen foes he faces when others just as savage, mindlessly powerful as him fail. Blood is blood.

              • 2 years ago

                >Um there's no mention of his father
                >Here it is
                >Well achtually it doesn't matter because it just doesnt!
                >If it didn't, it wouldn't be mentioned and the movie is canon
                >Um sweetie no it's not because I said so
                bro sorry you didn't have a good father figure but it's pretty obvious why he's the way he is, blood is blood
                just take the L and move on

              • 2 years ago

                >his father was a blacksmith
                >proceeds to extract some absurd headcanon from that single line
                yea you dont know jack shit

              • 2 years ago

                If he was a shitty father he wouldn't even be mentioned, you are either genuinely moronic or shitposting. Either way go back to your hedonism pretending that's what makes Conan great. I have a knife to make

              • 2 years ago

                even howard does not know the finer details of conans upbringing as outlined in the link YOU posted and yet here you are claiming to know more than howard himself. claiming to know what his father was like or what values he tried to teach conan if he did teach him anything at all. you are a stupid man that bases his idea of conan off some noncanon shit like the movies or comics. away with you, you moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Conan is not a hedonist. If you believe there is no point to establishing his lineage, which is canon, then you are the only stupid person here. Not only because you don't understand writing or establishing character but also pointless posturing to save face over a mistake that you have been corrected on, twice.

              • 2 years ago

                Howard has written in far greater detail concerning the world of Hyboria than conans upbringing. you are right he does mention his father but only in such an offhand remark that it is rendered utterly meaningless.
                >his father is a blacksmith
                thats literally it and you are admitting to everyone your idea of conan and who he is, is based off non canon work. laughable. you failed. dont try again.

              • 2 years ago

                For the last time because you seem to be irreparably stupid.

                "I am a barbarian and the son of a blacksmith."
                This sentence bears purpose and meaning. The purpose to establish character and background. The meaning to convey his virtue and values, instilled by either direct parenthood and upbringing or indirect by blood. It is not random. Written by Howard. It is by definition canon. I do not give a shit about *your* degenerate fantasies about him being anything other than a man with a disciplined, intelligent and tough mind, forged by the environment and maintained by his blood. That is why he succeeds as a man in his world and as a character in the reader's eyes. Any creative or intelligent person understands this, that is why it was given attention in both the movie and the comics for this exact specific reason, because you slow and special types need to be told instead of inferring it naturally. This debate is over.

              • 2 years ago

                Lmao how could you say that. The movie mixes Kull's background with that of Conan, it's a blatant fanfic

              • 2 years ago

                >The movie mixes Kull's background with that of Conan
                It does?

              • 2 years ago

                of course it doesn't, Kull is literally a SJW they're nothing alike

              • 2 years ago

                of course it doesn't, Kull is literally a SJW they're nothing alike

                >Conan's early life as a slave and gladiator in the movie borrows heavily from Kull's origin story and only shares minor details with Conan's literary origins; Conan was never a slave or a gladiator in Howard's stories, and left Cimmeria on his own will.

              • 2 years ago

                It says right there he was a blacksmith. What do you think blacksmiths do? Have sex on the anvil all day? You think it's easy to become a blacksmith when you jerk off all day and do whatever you want? I've done both woodwork and metalwork, it's hard work that remains instilled in the blood.

    • 2 years ago

      I like the idea of conquering people and raping their women, but Rance always seemed a bit moronic to me. But I never played his games. Is my impression correct or wrong?

    • 2 years ago

      i would love a family tree to see how many children he produced.

      • 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago

    Rather than linear leveling, your wealth and influence would be like a waveform. You would easily and quickly attain riches, allowing you to buy horses, armor, booze, and women. You would quickly and easily lose your riches, ship, crew, and equipment.

    • 2 years ago

      That's a great mechanic, that's one of my favorite aspects of Conan as a character, that he's made and lost so many different fortunes from different treasures just through drinking and whoring all of them away

      • 2 years ago

        the scene in your pic's recreated in The Northman. Highly recommend.


        That's an actual rule and gameplay mechanic in one of the Conan pen and paper RPGs. You roll to see how much starting wealth your character has left after squandering the last adventures treasure on booze, baubels and women/boys.


        You just don't get it

        still ugly Moshe.

        • 2 years ago

          >> /boys

          denying my snu snu!?

          • 2 years ago

            how DARE you?

            • 2 years ago

              Still would participate in her rape culture

    • 2 years ago

      That's an actual rule and gameplay mechanic in one of the Conan pen and paper RPGs. You roll to see how much starting wealth your character has left after squandering the last adventures treasure on booze, baubels and women/boys.

    • 2 years ago

      I think it would be cool for the game to have high and lows (like in

      That's a great mechanic, that's one of my favorite aspects of Conan as a character, that he's made and lost so many different fortunes from different treasures just through drinking and whoring all of them away

      That's an actual rule and gameplay mechanic in one of the Conan pen and paper RPGs. You roll to see how much starting wealth your character has left after squandering the last adventures treasure on booze, baubels and women/boys.

      ) to work as different acts. Game would start as young conan in Venarium, then introduce you to "civilized lands" to get fame and riches until you lose it all and start somewhere else in "act 2". Like joining the freebooters and eventually challenging the captain, raid the seas and beaches until you lose all your men and wealth in some fricking jungle swamp temple against some demon toad. In "act 3" you come back to the continent, got recruited in army and eventually rise up to a general, until you frick up and again lose everything by having an affair with a queen. Then in "act 4" you are fleeing angry king to the east, got caught by slavers and again, eventually kill their leader and start being a bandit... and so on.

      I don't know if anyone would like to play it like this, but power creep by getting like "atlantean sword +3" upgrades would not fit in conan game at all.

      • 2 years ago

        I would love a game like this, especially if you could do like a randomizer mode.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't prefer linear scripted experiences. A proper videogame's a simulation. Conan, out of all the properties there are, lends itself to an open world with an overmap.

        What I'm trying to emphasize is the concept of a more dynamic range to what your dude has, is a part of, and can do (perhaps managed by some ai as in Left 4 Dead) rather than the Diablo 2 style: each area's enemies are slightly harder than the last's.

        Say your spawning area were random for example. You start lost. Could be in the deserts of Zaboulistan fighting camel-riding raiders, the black coast where you run into a dinosaur, or the last survivor of a battle with picts, coming-to on the battlefield.

        The fun/frustration for players would be not being able to accrue power to the point you craft a perfect town or have maxed out all your gear or whatever. Instead you might join-up as a mercenary in a war, akin to Mount and Blade, which side you take up to you. How does it go? This too is dynamic. Rather than winning one scenario and going onto the next, your army could get wiped yet your dude keeps going.

        Any Conan game needs to heavily be focused on fighting giant monsters

        partial agree. Could have modular scenario-types which are chained with a pseudo-random system (eliminating pasts event-types from the list until none are left then resetting) selecting between haunted ruins, treasure hunt, princess rescue, battle, dark socereror, ancient monster, demon summoning, etc.

        These can be further modulated for a wider combinatorial space. So Player A finds the Dissapearing City and inside is a great ruby gem. Player B also experienced a Dissapearing City instance but in his case he found a frog-statue come to life inside. Player A was guarding a wench. Player B was alone. And so forth.

        Many systems could be layered on top of each other to allow for a great deal of dynamism and replayability.

        • 2 years ago

          >lends itself to an open world with an overmap.
          this but unironically. funnily enough, i think a mount and blade like conan game would work best. because for me, i have always loved the world of conan and the stories where armies clash kingdoms clash were my favorite. so a mount and blade that was more heavily RPG like, as in actual quests and fleshed out characters and dungeon raiding would work perfectly as you could possibly build your own mercenary company or even kingdom like conan. maybe its before or after conan so you dont have to kill conan and fight him. rather it would be set in hyboria and all of its glory.

      • 2 years ago

        Interesting, but combine it with permanent skills so people feel like they're progressing meaningfully.

        Like, once you do pirate stuff you permanently learn some new fighting styles from pirates unlocking new weapon choices and some stuff like sailing, which probably isn't super useful immediately but maybe you can go sandbox mode at the end after the main quest and those skills now allow you to do more things. The improvements shouldn't be material, but rather more about gaining abilities from the experiences.

        • 2 years ago

          >The improvements shouldn't be material, but rather more about gaining abilities from the experiences.
          Yeah, like life. If we want to be overly autistic, maybe your stats would rise and lower when you age, but then you would compensate your decreasing speed with new moves and tactics. But really, sadly not many would like to play like that.

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds cool on paper but I would not really like a fable type conan game.

            Personally my favourite conan game was modding skyrim to hell and high water.
            So a semi sandbox type game with cool quester story beats and decent combat woudl be the dream.
            Dragon Dogma woudl also work.

            Fricking hell I will take anything what am I saying. fantasy is being so mistreated these days. And I have no clear idea why, only scapegoats.

            We lack the nuance in entertainment today to either not make it tame and limp and overproduced like most western stuff, or over the top anime like eastern stuff.

            • 2 years ago

              >Personally my favourite conan game was modding skyrim
              >decent combat
              Well I agree in principle

              • 2 years ago

                Some mods make it much more bearable. And kinda off engaging. But yeah.

          • 2 years ago

            iirc the canon conan storyline takes him from his early twenties to middle age. I guess you could do a mini-timeskip in between each mission. If you're going to do penalties, I think you kinda have to give the player some level of control over them or it'll feel like shit. It might be something like losing one attribute point at the end of every episode, or maybe you make it a choice between losing two of the player's choice or one random.

            But it would make for a very interesting game, imo. You'd maybe start off with a larger health pool, faster movement, faster combat animations, but very simple choices with only like one or two attacks, limited weapon choices, and extremely few skills. Later conan would be slower, less hp, but more choices, more attacks unlocked (maybe finishing moves/stuns? I know the combat sucked in the arkham games, but you could go something like that route in terms of getting new abilities), and you could give him skills like grappling hook use or rock climbing that would open up the maps and give the player more options than just charging in the front door and killing everything. Later conan could have the choice to employ some of this thief skills and stealth kill enemies as an example.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah it would be nice&different if you could solve problems in later game by your (wisdom)stat when as a new character you'd have like only 2 options, flee or rage in example. You could easily win over younger opponents by playing their aggression against them etc.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah that's where I got the arkham comparison from. I think the mode of unlocking more options as you get more gear and skills is fine, and honestly while the combat in those games is very uninvolved button mashing I think something like a combo meter or whatever would actually be a functional way for conan to change up his style as the game goes on.

              • 2 years ago

                No please frick batman combat and asscreed turn you brain off counter shit.

                Maybe something like recent God of War, some combos, some dmc dna there, finishers to make normies happy.
                But not dumbass arkham combat. In those games it works cause batman has other tools as well.

                I am not asking for complex dmcbayo, but a slower more methodical combat where you can feel the impact of Conan and have some skill combos.

              • 2 years ago

                >but a slower more methodical combat where you can feel the impact of Conan and have some skill combos
                Something like For Honor, maybe? God I wish someone would do this battle system in a better game.

              • 2 years ago

                No For Honor is too duel focused.

                I think a mix of God of War, and Dragon Dogma would be better.

                Darksiders devs actually had a good simplified system that could be changed into that.
                DK 3 was more souls like but it made dodging better, and had tons of combos.

                I would just try to not make it too anime, attacks form Conan huge axes still be impactful but something a human could pull off.

                And fricking hell, nobody does it anymore have tons gore and slicing. Like Severance.

              • 2 years ago

                for honors combat sucked donkey dick. takes away player control too much.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah I wouldn't include a counter. I meant more the whole small combo building style where you have finishing moves you unlock and things flow pretty well against hordes of enemies. Maybe the ultimate endgame combat skill would be a counter like the first game, where it has to be timed right and you can't use it to interrupt other moves freely like in Knight and City and it can only affect one enemy at a time. But the main thing would be conan gaining additional moves to use in combat so you can feel him becoming more powerful even as you age and have less hp/damage on each hit.

                I don't think the other tools thing would be a bad idea. Conan could easily have some stuff he can use like a primary sword/axe/whatever + off hand option like shield/small weapon/rope/fists/etc. I'm not suggesting he have a utility belt, but conan does typically get creative in combat. He's very good at using terrain and its pretty common for him to do shit like lose his weapon and go grapple people/monsters. An offhand system similar to the arkham gadgets, but toned down, could allow the player to do some of that stuff while still in combat.

              • 2 years ago

                I would include a parry, they are the ultimate for experience players.

                Hence why Dark messiah is so cool, you can use the terrain, have tons of tools.

                The perfection would be a god of war 2018 with Dark Messiah, and cool combat like Dragon Dogma. With tons of gore.

  7. 2 years ago
  8. 2 years ago

    Play severance blade of darkness as the barbarian

    • 2 years ago

      Eh, Amazon's more fun to play.

      • 2 years ago

        You mean knight. Amazon and dwarf are too underbaked

        • 2 years ago

          Amazon was hands down the easiest to play due to her long dodges and reach with her weapons.

    • 2 years ago

      Eh, Amazon's more fun to play.


    • 2 years ago

      Tukaram in Severance i great, but the setting in the game is interesting, its a mesh of tolkien and Sword and Sorcery.

  9. 2 years ago

    You'd have to do it very much like Witcher 3 in the sense that it has a tight narrative focus on a main character.
    Semi open world with vast exploraable areas with hidden secrets in each area.
    Also you need picts (Black folk) for conan to slaughter by the hundreds. It also should have almost only human/non magical beast npcs to fight with the odd monster or wizard here or there to frick your face off.

    • 2 years ago

      I can already see quicktime events where conan wrestles with ape monsters... and achievements where conan fricks 2 valeria clones at once.

      And cutscenes where conan fights against 10 drunkards and gets knocked out with wooden stool just to get him into jail where mysterious figure comes and offers to unlock his chains if he does a quest for him.

      Frick. I've read too much old conan comics.

    • 2 years ago

      Picts are the celts/gaelish. The Black folk in Conan have another name. Howard did not shy away from being racist. So the Black folk are described as primitive and brutal.

      • 2 years ago

        >The Black folk in Conan have another name.

        • 2 years ago

          The man eaters of Darfar are only one of the many black tribes described in the Hyborian Age

          • 2 years ago

            They're one of the most fleshed out though, and probably the most "racist" considering they're all cannibals with filed teeth and wearing loincloths. Everything else is just african.

            • 2 years ago

              They would be the best for any RPG game too because they were so widely trafficked as slaves and used as pit fighters and goon henchmen. The Amazonians were also a black kingdom in the Hyborian Age

              >taking so seriously a setting Howard didn't even care about and only kept writing for because it paid the bills
              If you want the stuff he put his heart and soul into, read his westerns.

              That's why Beyond the Black River is one of his best, it's essentially a Cowboys and Indians story but in Conans world

              • 2 years ago

                >That's why Beyond the Black River is one of his best, it's essentially a Cowboys and Indians story but in Conans world
                Agreed, all he wanted was to tell cowboy stories so whenever he could, it was his best stuff.

              • 2 years ago

                frick, that Black person is ugly. I couldn't stand seeing her in the movie

              • 2 years ago

                She was fairly famous at the time as a model.

              • 2 years ago

                You just don't get it

              • 2 years ago

                I might have a jungle fever, but that Black person has face of a man

              • 2 years ago

                Frick, I might just start a Darfari/Kushite colony in Canon Exiles.

              • 2 years ago

                She totally raped that nerd into submission didn't she.

  10. 2 years ago

    I always preferred Fafhrd over Conan.
    And I wish more RPGs would give me seedy, edgy shitholes like Lankhmar or Sanctuary from Thieves World.

    • 2 years ago

      No videogame writer would be able to pull off Leiber's style. He walked a razor's edge between grimdark and goofy tongue-in-cheek humor, and anyone who tried to replicate it would fall too far to one side or the other.

  11. 2 years ago

    Every Conan RPG would suck, because they would force Conan as a protagonist, or make the story revolve around him, when that's honestly not even what makes Conan interesting... despite the name.

    • 2 years ago

      What aktshcually makes Conan intredasting, then?

      • 2 years ago

        The lore, the cultures, the brutality of the world, and quite honestly, the barely clothed women. Low fantasy excels at this.

    • 2 years ago

      Conan is very interesting, but he is not open to the growth journey the players of a game want. An RPG is about growing stats and developing the abilities of your character, but Conan is already max level running nothing but endgame bonus dungeons.

      • 2 years ago

        Conan is only interesting when he isn't king. Age of Conan tried, but its just that his story is finished, like you said.

    • 2 years ago

      >because they would force Conan as a protagonist
      Why would they? Both Conan Exiles and Age of Conan don't have him as a playable protagonist and both work fine. And I am not saying that just because I want to play as a hot Stygian big-tidded waifu.

      • 2 years ago

        It would be the biggest decision in making a single player Conan RPG, if Conan himself would be the protagonist or not. I think he pretty much needs to be the protagonist honestly, start with his early adventures when he first sets out into the world as a vagabond and thief and build to him becoming a renowned mercenary captain

      • 2 years ago

        Age of Conan snipped his gnads and made him king, so all he does is complain from his throne. It's the least interesting aspect of Conan the person. The problem is that everything part of conan lore is just described as part of the Conan universe, and to make a Conan RPG and not talk about Conan would just be weird and confusing to the casual player... but its also the most diverse and discussed part of conan as a whole. It really needs another name for the universe.

        • 2 years ago

          >It really needs another name for the universe.
          Isn't it referred to as the Hyborean Age? Doesn't Kull live there too?

          • 2 years ago

            Hyborean Age has never really stuck. People will always refer to it as Conan.

          • 2 years ago

            Also Sonja.

            • 2 years ago

              Red Sonja was actually a Ukrainian mercenary set during the Cossack age when REH wrote her. I think it was De Camp or some other later writer who reworked her to fit in Conans world

              • 2 years ago

                In the comics, but thats not a bad thing. They both work well together.

          • 2 years ago

            Kull existed in the age before the Hyborian Age, the age before Atlantis and Lemuria sunk during the first meltwater pulse

            Hyborean Age has never really stuck. People will always refer to it as Conan.

            The Hyborian Age is still the widely accept term for the age

            • 2 years ago

              Sure, but I guarantee a majority of people will still call it Conan. Its cursed.

              • 2 years ago

                I think most people would jive with calling it the Hyborian Age and portraying it as a lost age of magic and monsters that's beyond just Conan

          • 2 years ago

            Kull is a thousand years earlier. Occasionally his comic villains would be immortal and cross over with Conan stuff (most notably thulsa doom, albeit that's more the other way around), but for the most part they were similar yet distinct. Atlantis, the kingdom Kull rules, is gone by the time Conan rolls up.

  12. 2 years ago

    I would try to make the classes as unique to Conans world as possible while still keeping to classic class archetypes. I would make the choice straight away to have zero magical abilities or classes for players, magic is for major villains only.

    Besides Barbarian, these are some of the best examples I can think of for classes unique to the Hyborian Age

    Forest Runner, from Beyond the Black River. They're experienced woodsmen from the Aquilonian frontier lands who range out into the Pictish wildlands as elite recon forces, often on missions to kill the braves of enemy Pict tribes who have killed Aquilonian settlers. They've learned how to fight and operate like the Picts, wearing mostly deerskin clothing and leather and fighting with axes, daggers and bows.

    • 2 years ago

      Here's what I'm thinking for classes,

      The northern Hyborian regions beyond the borders of Aquilonia, which are Cimmeria, Asgard and Vanaheim get Barbarian

      The civilized Hyborian races of the Aquilonians, Nemedians and Brythinians get Forest Runner, the guerilla operator of colonization projects.

      The steppe and desert nomads of the eastern borders of Aquilonia, Ophir, Koth and the Hyrkanians get the Cossack, the raider and bandit with a sabre in hand and billowing clothes

      And the southern coast of Aquilonia, Zingara, and the black coast get the Freebooter, the guild brotherhood of free sailors who are seen as pirates by others but see themselves as a higher ideal

      This way we have a barbaric or semi barbaric class for each direction from Aquilonia,

  13. 2 years ago

    >taking so seriously a setting Howard didn't even care about and only kept writing for because it paid the bills
    If you want the stuff he put his heart and soul into, read his westerns.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd play a Gent From Bear Creek action game.

      • 2 years ago

        Breck Elkins is too moronic to be a protagonist

        • 2 years ago

          He is dumb but he has that "larger than life" aspect to him, like something out of a folk tale

  14. 2 years ago

    For me it's Solomon Kane

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw no Solomon Kane book with Truman on art

      • 2 years ago

        Inb4 witcher3-like solomon kane game where you have "witchhunter-vision" and all, kek

  15. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      By the way are the comics worth it?

      I read all of Conan stories and saw the movies but never read the comics. Snippets of them I see always seem a bit too marvel gay.

      I like the art of these black and white ones like posted here

      • 2 years ago

        The black and white magazine is The Savage Sword of Conan and its great. The 70s Marvel comics are very definitive for Conan and played a big role in reviving Conan as a popular character

        • 2 years ago

          I will google it, cant be hard to find a mega or a torrent with the full cbr collection.

      • 2 years ago

        Definitely yes and sometimes no! There's like million of them, most of the older are soul, some later ones are plain marvel shit. There was so many artist and writers, so quality jumped a lot. Some stories are 1:1 from the Howard stories (though shortened), some are overly clichey saturday morning cartoon shit. Overall i can only recommend them as it's easy to skip shit stories, there's not much continuity, other than some stories which span for few magazines.

        TL;DR: yes

        • 2 years ago

          I like the depiction of Yag Kosha on the left more. I feel like a lot of artists go too direct and just make him quite literally have an earth elephants head on a human body, when I read it more as Yag being a bizarre alien who can only he described as looking somewhat like a human with an elephant head

          • 2 years ago

            You can also go too alien with it, but I like the creativity

            • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Most of those old conan comic artists had not much imagination and there's only few faces they can draw. In example john buscema (on right b&w page) is kinda good, but his monsters are always the same gorilla lizards etc. Left one is barry windsor-smith whom i hated as a kid, but learned to love later, his style is more of a trippy 60-70's fantasy with all the details on wall panels etc. but again, everyone has the same face and monsters are mainly gorilla lizards.

            It's just cheap marvel comic after all, printed on toilet paper.

            • 2 years ago

              BWS got a lot better as he got older, btw

              • 2 years ago

                Love euro BD artists, we need them now more than ever god damn it.

                Btw accidentally found some cool art of Conan on sadpanda of all the places.

                I was just searching for babes. But ever since the purge sadpanda lost most of its shit now that its just a site for Chinese guro. The frick is wrong is china.

                Damn this is some of the best Conan art I've seen

              • 2 years ago

                Its pretty neat yeah.

            • 2 years ago

              That's a problem in general with most Conan art. They often model their depictions of the monsters and cultures too directly on the real life analogs they're based on. Aquilonia gets far too much Roman and Greek influence when that's only one of the many important creative influences on it

      • 2 years ago

        Savage sword is fantastic like

        The black and white magazine is The Savage Sword of Conan and its great. The 70s Marvel comics are very definitive for Conan and played a big role in reviving Conan as a popular character


        To add to it, the first few stories are direct adaptations of the conan novels so the timeline jumps around a bit. After that they got more settled into a continuous timeline so there's less jumping. The original stories are also quite good, howard's are still some of the best because they brought in text from the books and the art really works to complement that, but the writing for later stories is strong if more straightforward sometimes. It does fall off near the end, but if that hadn't happened it wouldn't have ended so you kinda have to expect that.

        I will google it, cant be hard to find a mega or a torrent with the full cbr collection.

        If you get the full issues torrented they'll come with shorter stories from Kull and Solomon Kane. The Kull stories sometimes end up crossing over with the conan ones, usually the villain that Kull defeats lives and is now fighting Conan in the main storyline kind of thing. It adds a bit to the experience and both of them are heroes in the same vein as conan himself, except Kull is a married man and Kane is religious so while he's constantly rescuing hot puritan women he's constantly sweating about his vow not to bang them. Still, if you like more modern supernatural enemies like werewolves Kane is great and Kull is fun for his kingdom focused stuff.

  16. 2 years ago

    Any Conan game needs to heavily be focused on fighting giant monsters

    • 2 years ago

      And big tity women with fine asses

      • 2 years ago

        Why would you want to fight big titty women with fine asses?

  17. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      it would be perfect i havent played first person melee RPG with a better combat feeling and mechanics
      such a game in the conan setting if handled correctly would make me cream my pants
      also needs a healthy dose of boobage for true conan feel
      i doubt such a game would be made

      • 2 years ago

        Dark messiah type game woudl be perfect, but it would need a serious budget.

        Elderborn is good but you can feel the low budget in it.

        I also doubt such a game would ever be made. The industry and culture is in such a weird position.

  18. 2 years ago

    Conan Exiles. Anyone saying otherwise is the cancer killing gaming.

  19. 2 years ago

    Why the FRICK has there never been any mods for the Conan universe? Forget games, for many of the popular sandbox games, total war, paradox games, mount and blade, there has never been a hyborian mod. Why is that? Is Conan that unknown? That unpopular?

    • 2 years ago

      It's a bit niche, yeah. I don't think most people really know how good the Hyborian Age is as a setting.

      • 2 years ago

        >how good the Hyborian Age is as a setting.
        i loved age of conan for that reason alone. seeing all the different areas of the conan world and monsters, just wish it wasnt stuck behind an MMO.

        • 2 years ago

          Conan Exiles is so bad.
          I really tried to like it but it is a complete shitshow. It doesn't hold a candle to neither the 80s pulp illustration aesthetic or any good gameplay philosophy

          • 2 years ago

            >Conan Exiles is so bad.
            best sandbox and best conan game
            you got filtered

            • 2 years ago

              I am still wondering how shit like ARK has more players than Conan exiles. The name alone should bring people in

            • 2 years ago

              >I enjoy eating shit
              We are starved for Conan content but I'm not that desperate.

  20. 2 years ago

    I think both of you are being extremely reductive, given complexity of the matter.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't even see the point in discussing it, proving my earlier point about adversity and competitiveness of this website.

      There is nothing bad about being your own man but there is everything bad about having no contribution. It's basic common sense, interesting to note how it's always mentioned but never most don't actually follow basic common sense. That's because man is also irrational and fiercely independent, especially when he's young. There's nothing wrong with that, a lot of values in Hyperboreea are seductive to young impressionable men, especially lonely disillusioned me who have never held real power in their grasp, never had to make hard decisions or hold responsibility over another. It is a genuinely good thing that none of you know what it is like to spend a lifetime in self-serving pursuit, or worse to murder another human being because of it. With luck you will understand it the more years go by.

      • 2 years ago

        Depends. Better no contribution than bad contribution, I'd say.

  21. 2 years ago

    How's the coom modding scene for conan exiles?

  22. 2 years ago

    How do you picture the Aquilonians? Most people lean entirely into the Roman aspect but they're just as much inspired by late classical and early medieval France

    • 2 years ago

      Aquilonia shouldn't have a regimented state military, every lord of Aquilonia has his own cadre of knights and raises their own forces to bring to the kings orders

      • 2 years ago

        How do you picture the Aquilonians? Most people lean entirely into the Roman aspect but they're just as much inspired by late classical and early medieval France

        what? did people think aquilonia had a standing army like the romans?

        • 2 years ago

          I've seen some depictions that show the Aquilonian armies like that

          • 2 years ago

            >I've seen some depictions
            From Howards stories?

    • 2 years ago

      isn't it Charlemagne's Empire with a mix of Roman and Greek thrown in.

    • 2 years ago

      Aquilonia had fricking armies of people in full plate armor
      there's nothing even remotely ancient or classical about it beyond people having Roman names, its completely high medieval and beyond

  23. 2 years ago

    I'd like to know Conan's full CV as i don't remember all of Howard's stories. Like how many years he used to be a freebooter and how many armies he commanded?

  24. 2 years ago

    I would try to keep the world as pure as possible full of grand adventure. Distinctly clasical Iliad in nature but weird in parts.
    The story form would be Tower of the Elephant which reads as a simple but effective D&D adventure.
    Focus a lot on the beauty of travel and occasional encounters, help villagers against monsters. Save damsels from sacrifice.
    Suffocating cities later for some intrigue.
    Of course have some TnA see through princesses and queens to woe and leave them for more adventure later.
    Hints of lovecraftian monsters.

    My God sword and sorcery writes itself, but its a cursed genre like cyberpunk.

    I dont expect anything like this for the next 30 years.

  25. 2 years ago

    Forgot to say the MMO was hot garbage. cant believe I wasted hours on that shit with a friend when it went free to play.

    But it had really cool ost imitating the amazing first movie soundtrack.

    • 2 years ago

      Conan's descended from the Atlanteans like King Kull. Atlantaeans = Atla = Aryans = Alans


      • 2 years ago

        In REHs world, the Nordics evolved from a type of blonde prehuman ape man race that invaded from the tundra during the first meltwater pulse

  26. 2 years ago

    how does one get into hyborian univese? I'm only familiar with the movie and a shitty PS2 game.

    • 2 years ago

      Just read the original Conan books, whatever order you want
      Not complicated

    • 2 years ago

      Read the original short stories and if you are really into it read the novels by sprague de camp.
      Also watch the Schwarzenegger movie. It's the closest we will ever get to a movie version of conan.

    • 2 years ago

      You can start with this, an essay REH wrote on the background and worldbuilding of the Hyborian Age

  27. 2 years ago

    >voluntarily calling yourself a barbarian
    The term is an insult though.

    • 2 years ago

      >The term is an insult though.
      "Buh-buh-barbarians!" cries out the medmutt as he is being conquered by better people.

  28. 2 years ago

    I found out the creator of Conan was born and lived 30 minutes from where I am in Texas. He was a quiet man who lived with his mother, was probably gay but hid it in a time where that would get you taken into the woods and killed, then later took his own life, penniless and alone. I went to visit the tiny white house he lived in, it's a museum now. Crazy to think his legacy would still be going all these years later.

    • 2 years ago

      Quiet? I always read that he was considered the town eccentric because he would shout out parts of his stories outloud in public, and do things like shadow box down the street or swing swords around because he liked to act out scenes he was writing

      • 2 years ago

        That’s not irregular for Texas.

      • 2 years ago

        He devoured books and for his age he still lived in a time where the classics were "relevant". Kinda. The gathering of energies that woudl turn into D&D gaming later.

        He kinda reminds me a lot of myself or friends of mine in pre internet age, were we devoured whatever cool history or sci fi fantasy fiction we could get, but unlike my dumb ass self, he also had incredible erudition for his age.

        A shame he died, maybe with some years and wisdom his shit woudl only got even better.
        But I guess tons of other writers picked up his legacy.

    • 2 years ago

      What's crazy to me is that he wrote the majority of his stories in his... mid-20s? Not only did he leave behind such a long lasting legacy before tragically blowing his brains out at a young age, he did accomplished so much at the same age as your average Gankerner and redditor. its inspiring in a sense, minus the grim ending.

      hopefully he got isekai'd/Almuric'd to hyborea and lived a full life of plunder and boxing

  29. 2 years ago

    What is the copyright on the franchise? Who owns the rights? Are the books public domain? I was considering a Hyperboreea setting for a project.

  30. 2 years ago

    I was looking for this as well. It seems that video games belong to Funcom, comics to Marvel, and recently Netflix made an exclusive deal for live action, but apparently some part of original stories are in public domain outside USA, in most countries. Apparently. But if you use something from later or nonHoward works then our corpo overlords will find you and frick you over just like some sculptor https://www.courthousenews.com/artist-thwacked-for-conan-the-barbarian-infringement/
    Most of Howard only Conan stuff should go into full public domain everywhere soon™, but israelites will probably prevent this somehow.

    • 2 years ago

      meant for

      What is the copyright on the franchise? Who owns the rights? Are the books public domain? I was considering a Hyperboreea setting for a project.

    • 2 years ago

      frick this bullshittery

    • 2 years ago

      Land of the free. To be fair he made a huge mistake bringing it online. There's so much bootleg shit that I see on my travels around the world, from capeshit to stuff from the 80s like thundercats being peddled in tons of different places like marketplaces or bootleg corner shops

    • 2 years ago

      I think he can use the setting at the very least.

      It does not even have to be hyboria. I woudl gladly play anything sword and sorcery.

      Tyranny was too gay.

    • 2 years ago

      >netflix live action
      I dread to see what twink mystery meat those Skeksis will miscast and misnomer, "Conan".

  31. 2 years ago

    >Conan RPG
    > Definitive character
    > RPG
    Isn't that an adventure game?

  32. 2 years ago

    Hot as frick women.

  33. 2 years ago

    Does Exiles give you the actual Conan experience?

    How is the 7th gen Conan game?

  34. 2 years ago


  35. 2 years ago

    The first thing that came to my mind was immediately a mix of an old indian god and something lovecraftian. When i first read the story.

    So all these look fine to me.

    The best thing about that simple but genius story is that it immediately sets up that there are mysterious beings and shit that will never be fully understood, and magic is scary.

    Magic is scary but not flashy is clearly one of the traits of sword and sorcery and I love that.

    • 2 years ago

      Btw accidentally found some cool art of Conan on sadpanda of all the places.

      I was just searching for babes. But ever since the purge sadpanda lost most of its shit now that its just a site for Chinese guro. The frick is wrong is china.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, i really prefer Spells like that Yag-Kosha's last enchantment, magic potions, levitate, entering spirit worlds and summoning demons instead of boring magic missiles and gay rays.

  36. 2 years ago

    Love euro BD artists, we need them now more than ever god damn it.

  37. 2 years ago
  38. 2 years ago

    Cute Conan.

  39. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
  40. 2 years ago
  41. 2 years ago

    I'm still pissy about Age of Conan.

    • 2 years ago

      At least they were not afraid to show breasts. And the promise of "singleplayer" was cute.

      Fricking WoW did so much damage to gaming.

      • 2 years ago

        WoW was the MCU of gaming. It made so much money that its competitors lost their minds and crippled their IPs for a decade or more in their frantic, poorly conceived efforts to quickly copycat its success.

        • 2 years ago

          And they never really asked themselves the obvious question: Why would people play imitation WoW when they could play the actual WoW? They kept chasing that mythical "WoW killer" without bothering to try to create something distinct enough from WoW to draw and sustain its own audience.

          • 2 years ago

            But thats the thing I think they tried to eventually create new playstyles for mmos.
            I think the first ones were in better position like wow and galaxies.

            I think I know why people liked WoW, the social aspect and the shit mmo gameplay but it was less obtrusive than other copycats and korean shit.

            But I hated it, a friend of mine from D&D convinced me to play with him and quit soon after, same thing with age of conan. I never liked WoW cartoon fantasy anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine though if all the pink hair and troon hormones roiling behind the walls of Blizzard were to be unleashed on the rest of the world. There must be a thousand of them in there by now. I'm going to suppress an urge to compare it to Thangorodrim, but not really.

    • 2 years ago

      I had so many excellent individual single player moments in that game, I'm still so mad that it was an mmo.

      Ultimately though, I don't think magic and sorcerery should be available for the player character in a Conan game

  42. 2 years ago

    Did Age of Conan ever recover after Conan Exiles? The only reason why Age of Conan was even surviving as an MMO was because a particular group of people were using it as their LARP/RP game in the Conanverse, but Conan Exiles does that significantly better and superiorly.

  43. 2 years ago

    >Conan Exiles

    I remember it briefly because of dong physics like a skyrim mod. But honestly Exiles looks terrible.

    • 2 years ago

      It's okay, theres a lot to like in Conan Exiles from the tidbits of lore, the god worship, the survival and cruel aspect of the Conanverse (cannibalism), and the autism building. Also, sorcery and necromancy has finally been added to the game. On top of that there are so many fricking mods made for Conan Exiles that you can alter the experience to make it an entirely different game.

      It's unfortunately the best Conan game, and the one that really feels like you're into the Conan world, in a franchise that is devoid of good games.

    • 2 years ago

      It's okay, theres a lot to like in Conan Exiles from the tidbits of lore, the god worship, the survival and cruel aspect of the Conanverse (cannibalism), and the autism building. Also, sorcery and necromancy has finally been added to the game. On top of that there are so many fricking mods made for Conan Exiles that you can alter the experience to make it an entirely different game.

      It's unfortunately the best Conan game, and the one that really feels like you're into the Conan world, in a franchise that is devoid of good games.

      Played exiles for around 80 hours and i have to agree it is the best conan game currently. The atmosphere and world building is mint, but very unfortunately hindered by the awful gameplay and being an ARK clone. It makes you feel like you are in a conan story when its not forcing you to grind (thankfully partially solved by changing the server’s values). Makes me wish for a single player game in the same vein but with more focus on the gameplay (survival, exploration, combat) and less on the ARK shit

  44. 2 years ago

    It's easy. Mount and Blade Conan. More RPG mechanics, more quests, more dungeon raiding. Can have babies become king have a family BUT, perma death is enabled. BUT, when your current character dies, you reroll a new character into the SAME WORLD. So, lets say your guy makes it as king and has a child. However one night, his sleep is interrupted by assassins, just like Conan. Unlike Conan though, you die and fail to repel the assassins. So now you would reroll a new character and see the kingdom that built up with your previous character ruled by false kings. Maybe this new character will help the child reclaim the throne, maybe you dont. But thats the beauty of it. The world keeps going and going. So it would have that sense of losing and gaining fortune like the Conan stories.

    • 2 years ago

      Mount and Blade directional combat is truly the only right choice for Conan, but I would remove all the kingdom building aspects of it, strictly orient it around becoming a mercenary captain and max it out around recruiting 70-80 men and just hyper focus on the combat aspect of it. Add in some more mechanics like climbing, scaling, jumping and stealth for assassinations. Set it in the southern regions and call it Warlords of Koth

      • 2 years ago

        Also, very strictly no use of magic by any player character, magic is only used by significant enemies. It's entirely focused on building a band of warriors. You can't build your own kingdom or full army but instead can become an elite mercenary shock troop unit that can decide the fate of an entire battle

      • 2 years ago

        >remove all the kingdom building aspects
        that would be endgame maybe? you usurp the crown, hold out against foreign hordes and conspirators for some time and then you win? or it'll mark the start of a new game plus: you stay the king for some time, then something unavoidable happens (betrayal, poisoning, revolt) and then you start all over again, in a harder world

        • 2 years ago

          I would like it to have the aspect others here were talking about, where you often lose everything and start from square one. If your band becomes too powerful you will be increasingly targeted and will face things like the faction who employed you betraying you

          >Mount and Blade directional combat is truly the only right choice for Conan, but I would remove all the kingdom building aspects of it, strictly orient it around becoming a mercenary captain and max it out around recruiting 70-80 men and just hyper focus on the combat aspect of it.
          That is fine, M&B is better when you are playing as a mercenary captain or a trader instead of a vassal or engaging in kingdom building, which is mostly tedious relationship grinding.

          Exactly, I would want the focus to be around having to constantly keep your warrior band in battle and acquiring wealth and slaves or they will desert or mutiny against you, ending either with a champion among them challenging you or an assassination attempt. And you can't keep the band out in the field in grueling conditions too long either, you have to take them into cities to spend their money on prostitutes and drinking or they'll do the same.

      • 2 years ago

        >Mount and Blade directional combat is truly the only right choice for Conan, but I would remove all the kingdom building aspects of it, strictly orient it around becoming a mercenary captain and max it out around recruiting 70-80 men and just hyper focus on the combat aspect of it.
        That is fine, M&B is better when you are playing as a mercenary captain or a trader instead of a vassal or engaging in kingdom building, which is mostly tedious relationship grinding.

      • 2 years ago

        > but I would remove all the kingdom building aspects of it

        Knowing how Conan's story ends this is just dumb. Becoming King should be the natural endgame of a campaign, and the solution of the normal tedium is not to just remove it all together but to make it interesting. Assassinations, conspiring noblemen and foreign kings invading your land all can be made more dynamic, and more important, you should always have the option to give the crown to another dude and go back being an adventurer.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm thinking about a game being set during a single era of his life and fully realizing that era with his specific lifestyle at the time being created in detail instead of trying to put the full arc of his life in one game. It would be just the single experience of young Conan the vagabond thief, Conan the freebooter and pirate, Conan the Cossack warlord and so on, but not all of them.

          • 2 years ago

            Ahhh, then yeah, that's completely fair, tho I am not sure if the open style of Warband would go that well with the hyper-focused nature of such a game.

      • 2 years ago

        >Mount and Blade directional combat is truly the only right choice for Conan
        Its not about the directional combat per say, its more about the freedom of Mount and Blade where your character can essentially do whatever, even eventually becoming a king. Obviously the game wouldnt be an exact copy of something like Bannerlord and all of its faults, just the idea of its open world RPG guy able to partake in quests and engage in relationships and go dungeon diving. Thats what perma death is for, your character dies you have to roll a new one and this allows you to keep playing the same world your previous character has made his mark in, but now instead of being limited to solely a merc captain, maybe now you just want to dungeon dive, or go pirate or whatever in Hyboria.

    • 2 years ago

      Warsword has dungeons to explore with like max 3 other your troops. It's very cool. In general I like those smaller scale battles in M&B like hideout attack, assassin ambush, prison break etc. Shame that Bannerlord got rid off many of them.

  45. 2 years ago

    No game will simulate this. Go to the gym, get built. That alone should be close enough, if not join then an mma club. If not, go to medieval fight reinactments, learn swordmanship. Joining a PMC is garbage, enjoy dying to a drone

    For me its SEA sex tourism, fights, drinking and gambling.

  46. 2 years ago

    Anyone else find it weird how REH often uses extremely modern concepts in his world building? Like in Rogues in the House, there are police, secret police, spies selling state secrets, fairly advanced technology and machinery, and discussions about science, human evolution and pre human Neanderthal like beings in the world. The setting also seems like a venetian carnival inspired place

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah the setting is actually very advanced on the arc of civilization development, with most regions organized into large nation-states with stable governments, and the tech level seems just a few decades away from gunpowder and printing presses. I think Howard was aware of this and it's why he set it in an ambiguous antediluvian time period from which no physical evidence could survive all the way to the present day; that way he didn't have to worry about historical verisimilitude and could just cram in whatever struck him as cool.

    • 2 years ago

      That my take on hyboria, you go full primitive to civilized in a few seconds.

      It's one of its benefits.

    • 2 years ago

      >Like in Rogues in the House, there are police, secret police, spies selling state secrets, fairly advanced technology and machinery, and discussions about science, human evolution and pre human Neanderthal like beings in the world.

      What makes you think these are modern concepts? Spies, state secrets, government agents and secret enforcers are all concepts and necessities as old as civilization itself, and the invention of science and technology are just as ancient.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah the setting is actually very advanced on the arc of civilization development, with most regions organized into large nation-states with stable governments, and the tech level seems just a few decades away from gunpowder and printing presses. I think Howard was aware of this and it's why he set it in an ambiguous antediluvian time period from which no physical evidence could survive all the way to the present day; that way he didn't have to worry about historical verisimilitude and could just cram in whatever struck him as cool.

      imo its part of what makes conan compelling. The trappings of more modern society make him more of a contrast against it, and conan exists in a place where he can be a commentary/rebellion against modern society without coming across as stupid or contrived like most commentaries. The world howard made is functional and believable before anything, but it's functional in a way that both provides some modern trappings alongside the swords and sorcery setting. It meshes everything really well, and makes conan himself stand out more in the world.

  47. 2 years ago

    As much as I woudl play a game as Conan, no matter the setup, skyrim like, DD like.

    I would play a game set on hyboria with anyone. Frick I would play a game with valeria or even comic red sonja.

    Hyboria is interesting enough.

    • 2 years ago

      Pirate adventure game centered around Belit and the Tigress for me

      • 2 years ago

        Just to wash the homosexualry of poe2? Sure. I love pirate and age of exploration shit.

        I wish we had a new uncharted waters.

        • 2 years ago

          >Just to wash the homosexualry of poe2?
          That'd be the perfect way to do it. It's beyond sad we still don't have a decent sailing/pirate rpg with any vision.
          I have high hopes for Valheim to sort of scratch this itch when it's closer to finished, Atlas has some moments but where is the truly epic in scope pirate rpg that isn't an empty buggy builder mess ffs.

          • 2 years ago

            >a decent sailing/pirate rpg with any vision
            Except that we do. Corsairs Ship Pack mod. Too bad that it filters basically everyone. I always bring it up with any ship games as an extremely nuanced and gameplay heavy and people take one look at it and immediately get filtered. Well go play Sea of Thieves on the console or whatever then. The mod is extremely good, fully customizable with it's content and completely free.

          • 2 years ago

            I have yet to try the newest port royale.
            Sid meyers will always be there, its such a perfect little game.

            Its kind of a shame that eurojank was too much jank I forget the name, you could even romance a catholic nun, now thats based.

            Something like Age of Barbarian but more RPG would be a good start.

            I am so starved I would not mind a metroidvania with those disgusting default DAZ models. But Age of Barbarian is a fun bad game.

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        These depictions truly don't get Belit. Her crew was a death cult who suicidally worshipped her as a death Goddess, and she led them in raiding the civilized coasts and carrying out sacrifice rituals. They were the most feared pirates of the age when Conan joined them

        • 2 years ago

          didnt she die because of some bat ape?

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, she got hung by it. It was a being who descended from a humanoid winged race from before the sinking of the Atlantis age. The flood uprooted some primordial substance that corrupted the water of the city the winged race lived in and slowly through generations devolved them into the winged bat ape creature of Queen of the Black Coast, which is the very last of its kind. The lost city is found deep in the stagnant poison River Styx which is hunted by sea serpants.

            • 2 years ago

              Conan fighting some kind of ape man is the definitive visualization of Conans character in my opinion

              • 2 years ago

                Well it was beasts that could actually kill him easily. Some humans could compete with Conan and kill him too, but no as easy.

                I always envision Conanor Conan wannabe with fighting big snakes because of the reptilian coldness and primitive aspect, or a dark sorcerer.

              • 2 years ago

                The apeman is Conans beastial shadow aspect

        • 2 years ago

          I never envision her as 17 century pirate.

          I alwyas saw her more like a Medea commanding his own cult of men yeah.

          Although it might be true Howard was going for a Anne Bonny Pirate thing as well.
          I see sea navigation in Hyboria as still classical age primitive mostly nevertheless.

  48. 2 years ago

    lol at calling Conan Exiles an RPG
    its a survival grinder/builder

  49. 2 years ago

    Its definitely strange how Conan caricature is seen as hyper masculine these days.
    As Valeria for example, was very likely better with a sword than Conan.

    I hate that we have to have in modern media a 5050 malefemale in armies.

    In a way like Conan, the female warriors were also rebelling against society and preconceptions. Both trying to be free. They were unique.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm glad Valeria got to be in the first movie, or else she would have been completely subsumed by Red Sonja

      • 2 years ago

        Oh yeah and sandahl was in peak form. What a statuesque woman. I am glad he choose actors for their physical image and just be operatic and let older actors do most of the talking. Great decision.

        The first movie was lighting in a bottle kinda like fellowship.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh yeah and sandahl was in peak form. What a statuesque woman. I am glad he choose actors for their physical image and just be operatic and let older actors do most of the talking. Great decision.

        The first movie was lighting in a bottle kinda like fellowship.

        It's the other way around though, Valeria stole very crucial lines and character arcs from Belit, casting her aside in the Conan mythos. Movie Valeria was basically Belit

  50. 2 years ago

    What do you guys think of Jack Vance?

    I actually never read his stuff and seems like very nice fantasy as well. Problem is I hate reading on the pc.

    Although I could probably buysend to my country some of his books online.

    • 2 years ago

      i love his stuff, demon princes and tales of the dying earth are both long but top noth imo

  51. 2 years ago
  52. 2 years ago

    I’d imagine a battle system set up like Nioh, and different DLC centered around stories like Frost Giants Daughter, Midnight God, etc. Basically doing small quests all across Hyperboria. Anything outside of that and it may as well be a 70+ hour harem simulator

  53. 2 years ago

    How would you describe and differentiate all the different cultures of the Hyborian Age from one another? For example, the Aquilonians, Nemedians and Brythinians.

    • 2 years ago

      Well they were all based on european medieval kingdoms and world so pick up Europe from Charles V timeline and transform them in to more classical age equivalents.

      Zingara was spainportugal, so make them hardy sailors but instead of carrack they explore hyboria hugging the coast and have adventures on the isles.
      Aquilonia is france, Nemedia Germancentral Europe.

      Some Vikings on the north, some fantasy egyptiansbabylonians in stygia.

      China in Kithai etc etc

      It all works great in much better than say warhammer fantasy which is trying to do the same thing.

    • 2 years ago

      They're all representative of some aspect of trying to reconstruct a civilization in sort of post Roman colonial era of Europe style, with Aquilonia being the Charlemagne holy Roman Empire high culture, Nemedia being a Nordic mixed lesser but still high culture version, and Brythunia being the Kievan Rus style version of it. Don't take it too directly, as this is only a loose reference point, but it's Aquilonia acting as post Rome France, Nemedia is post Rome southern Germany, and Brythunia Nordic colonized western Russia. Ophir and Koth are the very late eastern Roman Empire and early Turkic dynasties. Zingara and Argos would be modeled after very late era easternized Greek coastal trading colonies, and have some venetian elements as well

      • 2 years ago

        Well they were all based on european medieval kingdoms and world so pick up Europe from Charles V timeline and transform them in to more classical age equivalents.

        Zingara was spainportugal, so make them hardy sailors but instead of carrack they explore hyboria hugging the coast and have adventures on the isles.
        Aquilonia is france, Nemedia Germancentral Europe.

        Some Vikings on the north, some fantasy egyptiansbabylonians in stygia.

        China in Kithai etc etc

        It all works great in much better than say warhammer fantasy which is trying to do the same thing.

        They're supposed to be remnants from cultures of the ancient Thurian Age

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago
  54. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        So many cool settings are underutilized. D&D and it's copies really overstayed their welcome

        • 2 years ago

          D&D gets scapegoated a bit but lets not forget most people were using homebrew cliche settings people were not forced to use gay faerun.

          Its mostly about rules.

          Dark Sun was great.

          But i get what you mean high fantasy schlock. But I also really dislike the gritty GOT type fantasy like Witcher.

          • 2 years ago

            >D&D gets scapegoated a bit but lets not forget most people were using homebrew cliche settings people were not forced to use gay faerun.
            Yeah but I'm tired of them

            • 2 years ago

              What kind of settings are you looking for?

            • 2 years ago

              Oh yeah met too man. and even alt derivatives like obsidian pillars did not do it for me. At that point just make a 17th century historical game.

              Which I fricking love historical settings but asscreed ruined them.

              Even the derivatives of Sword and Sorcery are usually more fun, but touchy in such puritanical times we line now.

              Enjoying Conan in childhood because of its aesthetics and higher than life appeal, people stopped enjoying them merely because of vanity and this stupid necessity for gritty and "realistic", and later in life enjoying Conan again because beneath the flashy exterior there there is more than meets the eye in this barbarian.

              Oh Hyborian wanderers how I wish SW got more entertainment. Give me grand adventuring, give me bikini armor frick you, give me life.

              • 2 years ago

                We just lack culture of creating fantasy worlds based on hyper exaggerated caricatured of ancient world concepts. That's how these worlds are created. REH just started writing based on his imagination and fantasies and made the world around it. Create a world around your raw imagination and then world building around it

          • 2 years ago

            Witcher originally isn't like GOT at all, you probably think that because of TW2 which was a Westernized abomination that appealed to the GOT trend

            • 2 years ago

              I know its not, its more classic dark fantasy. But it got infected by the times. Its not my thing, I dislike the games.
              Tried the books and are not for me as well. Elric was also kinda cool but never finished as well.

  55. 2 years ago

    did she brapped while conan carried her?

  56. 2 years ago

    what are your thoughts on conan the destroyer?

    • 2 years ago

      Nowhere near as good as the first but still enjoyable in its own way. It has a few moments of great aesthetics too

    • 2 years ago

      Super fricking dumb but enjoyable.

    • 2 years ago

      I watched conan movies back to back and was genuinely impressed by Arnie's acting in the first one, it's like he actually tried. And for some reason he just stopped giving a shit in the second. At least it was fun to watch.

      • 2 years ago

        If you watch the making off, ( I recommend, its on youtube) you can clearly see he respected the director artistic vision. Instead of disregarding the pulpy origins he went all serious in it.

        Of course after making ALL the money and rocketing his career in the 80's the second movie is more about making more money and being silly.

        Its kinda like Rocky 1 and Rambo 1 are serious ass movies then the sequels are just dumb fun.

        • 2 years ago

          The first movie was actually thoughtful and worked on by creative geniuses. The second one is a second rate D&D adventure

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah and even a normal person could tell, when you see the concept art, its fricking beautiful, not to mention the unbelievably amazing ost.

            In the making off you can tell they are fake hyping it ( too much) Arnie seems taken aback by the art even years after, must have been even more when he was younger.

            And its not the Frazetta painting I am talking here which impressed arnold, the storyboard is incredible.

            NO wonder all the other SW stuff seemed so cheap even xena in the 90s. hard act to follow.

            At the very least the movie revitalized all the dreamers and visionaries in D&D and fantasy all up to fellowship.

            And the first movie is not perfect, its wonky here and there, the storyboard fully realized would be pure art.

            • 2 years ago

              >In the making off you can tell they are NOT fake hyping it ( too much)

              Its what I meant.

            • 2 years ago

              The first movies version of Thulsa Doom is objectively the best version of the character

  57. 2 years ago

    I would settle for a god of War 2018 clone combat with gore.
    If we are talking only action game here.

    I kind feel GOW2018 kinda vindicates God Hand with a great 3rd person camera that still has other angles to show to action, and its fun as frick.
    My main beef with gow 2018 is that nothing fricking happens storywise.

    The ps3 era game was already a poor god of war but trying to follow god of war 23.

    Just dont make souls like or asscreed, it does not fit conan. Those shadow of mordor games are just meh.

  58. 2 years ago

    I just want moddable TES clone. Anything. Please. Sword and Sorcery is cool too.

  59. 2 years ago

    How can you Black folk look at something like Conan Exiles and honestly say it is faithful and in good taste?

    Look at the online community, it's a complete laughing stock filled with sex mods, erpers, degenerates, cliques of normoids and betacuck homosexuals.

    Not to mention that the singleplayer experience is beyond laughably pathetic, it's a shitty survival grinder mmo. Stop bringing it up, just because we have nothing else doesn't mean this is acceptable. My god the people playing this shitpile are beyond weak in mind, body and spirit.

    • 2 years ago

      Any good sex mods rec for it, though?

    • 2 years ago

      As someone with 500 hours in Exiles (pvp servers) you are 100% right.

      • 2 years ago

        I have only around 30-40 and I'm honestly done. The thing that put me over the edge was a pony rainbow kingdom where the clan outfit was bunny ears and garterbelts on both women and men and rainbow candies everywhere from buildings and everything in general. Why the hell are people so awful frick sake

        They could at least have made this bullshit appear like it's not made from latex and plastic...

        • 2 years ago

          The world should have Elden Ring tone fro exploration (but thats about it), gameplay should be often have gore

          The hardest aspect is trying to find a balance between Conan fighting hordes of human enemies and Conan fighting giant monsters. Both require very different styles of mechanics

          In my view the best part of the game is the sophisticated thrall system. It's a bit clunky at first but literal slavery in current year climate is a rare sight. There's something primal about it that works well with the themes of Conan. Kenshi did it too.

  60. 2 years ago

    apart from conan, fafhrd and the grey mouser, and red sonja, what other titles would you anons recommend?
    also, hold onto that.

    • 2 years ago

      Cool manga, it nails the prog rock SW feel I like.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not exactly sword and sorcery, definitely more Norse, but it has a similar feel of an epic grounded world that's also mystical: Gene Wolfe's The Knight

  61. 2 years ago

    That's too toxic in current year Anon.

  62. 2 years ago

    Is any of the DLC for Exiles worth getting?

  63. 2 years ago

    The world should have Elden Ring tone fro exploration (but thats about it), gameplay should be often have gore

    • 2 years ago

      The hardest aspect is trying to find a balance between Conan fighting hordes of human enemies and Conan fighting giant monsters. Both require very different styles of mechanics

  64. 2 years ago

    I've achieved a perfect flow state during the first hour of Conan Exiles. Afterwards the game spirals into a low challenge, low skill grinding that doesn't lend itself to anything other than your typical mmo garbage. The multiplayer aspect is beyond disgusting, I won't even comment on it either.

  65. 2 years ago

    >Thoth Amon of the Black Ring is the man who created the Exiled Lands.

    >During one of his journeys seeking sorcerous knowledge, he stumbled upon the Unnamed City and, befriending the lone survivor, Warmaker Klael, he soon learned of the powerful artefacts contained beneath the city.

    >Exploring the ruins, he found the Serpent Ring of Set, and the slave bracelets of the Giant-kings. In his twisted mind, a plan began to form. A deal was struck with King Cstephon of Stygia. Thoth Amon would provide the bracelets and a place where the political and ideological enemies of the king could be exiled forever (but kept alive as a contingency for the future) and in return, King Cstephon would provide troops to occasionally ride through the Exiled Lands and collect any artifacts that the poor unfortunates had obtained.

    >This then was the founding of the Exiled Lands and the Purge, though over the years the deal has altered and Thoth Amon has extended his offer to other rulers across the world (without the knowledge of King Cstephon, naturally).

    >Thoth Amon has moved further and further from the concerns of the worldly - he no longer deals personally with the affairs of the Exiled Lands. Instead, he sends his enforcer, the Servant of the Ring to deal with any major problems.
    *inhales* Hahahahahhahhhahhahahahahhahahhahhhahhahhahahhhahhahahahahhahahhhahhahahahahhahahhhahhahahahahhahahhhahhahahahahhahahhhahhahhhahhahahahahhah
    OH wow
    This was complete garbage

  66. 2 years ago

    Something like Age of Barbarian but more RPG would be a good start.

    • 2 years ago

      The guy who made AoB is actually working on exactly that right now. And has plans for an even more RPG-heavy game after that. Unfortunately he's a lazy Italian who writes code by rolling his face back and forth across his keyboard, so it's not certain he'll finish any new games or that they'll be stable enough to be playable.

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like weg. Although weg are basically pie in the sky indie development. No accountability.

        • 2 years ago

          The guy who made AoB is actually working on exactly that right now. And has plans for an even more RPG-heavy game after that. Unfortunately he's a lazy Italian who writes code by rolling his face back and forth across his keyboard, so it's not certain he'll finish any new games or that they'll be stable enough to be playable.

          Unless you're directly supporting or paying the developer, they don't owe you anything. This extends to any "contributions" of any kind that are not specifically requested by said dev either. if you're unhappy with the state of development, do it better yourself.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't disagreewith this. The dev can of course do whatever he wants or nothing at all. I just wanted to point out that an AoB rpg is in fact getting made but with the caveat that, based on the dev's record, it might not be good or finished.

  67. 2 years ago


  68. 2 years ago


  69. 2 years ago

    Exiles is 100$. Stop and think about it. Sure the base game is only 20$ but you miss out on at the very least the multiplayer component, which isn't very good to begin with and yet there's nothing else to do in the base game.

    Even on a -60% sale it's still 40$. Even if you skip all the useless DLC besides the main ones it's still not worth the price for what it offers. Let that sink in. What an unimaginable sad nightmare we live in where this is the best Hyperboreea can be. We absolutely need you boys to step up and work on something better, nobody else will.

  70. 2 years ago

    We haven't had a proper sword & sorcery game since Diablo 1.

  71. 2 years ago

    Kind of a shame now that I remember that Korgoth Of Barbaria was cancelled.

    God fricking mess western young adult animations is. Non-existent except for an occasional french short.,

  72. 2 years ago

    Skyrim could do it with the appropriate mods

    • 2 years ago

      I know I did. And I cum inflate every follower once in a while, I would guess Conan could to.

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