What Yakuza games are worth playing, and what order should they be played in?

What Yakuza games are worth playing, and what order should they be played in?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Zero is the only one worth playing.

  2. 8 months ago

    1,2 and 0 but 3-6 have their moments too. Haven't played the rest

  3. 8 months ago

    Not OP, but I played Kiwami and hated it, even though this series looked like it'd be right up my alley. I even enjoyed Shenmue back in the Dreamcast days. Should I try a different game in the series, or does not liking Kiwami mean I won't like the rest of the series? I don't care for RPGs so don't bother recommending Like A Dragon.

    • 8 months ago

      the PS2 originals are much better, kiwami is kind of bloated and kills the pacing.
      yakuza is very different from shenmue. shenmue is more of a life sim with a combat system ripped straight from virtua fighter while yakuza is an adventure game with a beat em up combat system.
      personally the original ps2 games, yakuza 3, and yakuza 4 are my favorite. 5 and 6 are ok but not as strong, the remakes definitely improved the core mechanics (especially 2) but like I said yk1 is bloated.
      you can also try judgment and lost judgment, the combat is amazing and they are separated from the main yakuza games. there is also a fist of the north star yakuza spin off that's really good if not a bit grindy.

      • 8 months ago

        oh and there is this, but unless you are a veteran and know what you are getting into I wouldn't start with it

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't understand the combat at all in Kiwami. I figured I must not have paid enough attention during a tutorial or something. I got to a boss that just handed my ass to me, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Whereas Shenmue's combat was basically just Virtua Fighter, which I was already familiar with, so I had no issues. I dunno, maybe I'm just moronic.

        • 8 months ago

          Start with 0, then the Kiwamis, release order from 3+. Release order if you wanna play the PS2 titles. 0 is considered by most to be the best in the series.

          Kiwami starts off rougher than the others. I guess the idea being that most players at launch were playing it right after finishing 0 and the start of Kiwami feels like late game 0 difficulty. Also Kiryu was rotting in prison for a while so he's supposed to be rusty.

        • 8 months ago

          >I didn't understand the combat at all in Kiwami
          square is light attack, triangle is your finisher/heavy attack, circle is grab, x is dodge, r1 to block. you also trigger heat actions with triangle, try grabbing an enemy near a wall and hit triangle when it appears.
          it's a modern take on something like streets of rage

          • 8 months ago

            kiwami 1 also had that weird system where bosses had a phase where they would regen health and you have to use a heat attack to stop it

          • 8 months ago

            Gameplay came from spikeout

            • 8 months ago

              I'm well aware

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm well aware

                Hardly a /vr/ question is it. Everything up to the reboot is worth playing, including Dead Souls. Great game, hugely underrated. If you're looking to skip something, the samurai games and Kiwami 1 are the weakest. Just start at the start and play everything, stop after 6 because it's a good ending and 7 is a soft reboot that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

                >Hardly a /vr/ question is it.
                first two games are /vr/

              • 8 months ago

                Meanwhile the overwhelming majority of the series isn't.

        • 8 months ago

          Release order. Main reason being it's REALLY hard to go back to 1-2 if you don't start with them, and it is insanely hard to go back to 3 without having started with 1-2 because goddamn does 3 feel clunky by comparison.

          That being said I would not recommend skipping any of the games as it's all one continuous story and if you start getting invested in said story, you'll want to stick with it for every game even if the gameplay isn't great in that particular title.

          >I didn't understand the combat at all in Kiwami.
          Tiger Drop all day erry day homie. The move was never bettee than it was in that game.

  4. 8 months ago

    >What order
    Release order.

  5. 8 months ago

    Play in release order or chronological order

  6. 8 months ago

    >walk down street
    >loads of people going about their business
    >talk to one of them
    >sorry I'm busy
    >talk to store vendor
    >oh hi ryo how are things at home
    >wanna buy some more jeans
    >I'm the only one around here who imports them from the states
    >yeah, maybe some other time

    >walk down busy street
    >some random guy half my size approaches me
    >hey frick you buddy
    >fight loading screen starts
    >pummel the guy
    >keep walking down busy street
    >some dude brandishing a knife appraoches
    >I've never seen you before and I don't know who you are but I'm going to get you
    >fight loading screen starts

    • 8 months ago

      Yakuza is 25 hours of Kiryu either beating people until they eat through a tube or being a turbo autist that runs around solving stranger's problems like Batman. I love Kiryu's complete lack of social awareness. Greatest cutscene in the series is Kiryu standing on a busy street corner loudly telling a teenage girl about how there's nothing wrong with being a pervert and "what has a pervert ever done to you?" and how harmless it is to buy used panties.

  7. 8 months ago

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, (kiwami, kiwami 2) 6
    0, kiwami, kiwami 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    a lot of people recommend starting with 0 and then the kiwamis and it seems the devs do too since there are references to 0 in kiwami and to 0 and kiwami in kiwami 2, and even some in the 3-5 remasters.
    i did that, however i do kinda wish i didn't since 0 has BY FAR the best story (so far, im about halfway through 5).
    like, it's kinda depressing to play 0, then expecting the same quality and then you play the fricking awful dumpster bin writing that is 4. (akiyama is amazing though)

    i'd say it's kind of a double-edged sword, starting with 0 will most likely get you sold and hooked on the series since it's so great, but in the story department the others don't really hold a candle to it.

    • 8 months ago

      >0 has BY FAR the best story
      I think people who start at 0 only say that because it's your first exposure to the Yakuza world, so it leaves a bigger impression. There's hardly a jump in quality between 5, 0 and 6 in terms of writing, I'd say they're about on the same level. Of course going from 0 to 1 is a big shock to the system because 1's story is pretty dumb, and so is 2's, 2 is just more dramatic. And 3 is a beach episode. 4 is just stupid. 5-0-6 are all fine.

      • 8 months ago

        that might be the case, 5 has been pretty cool so far and since 6 came after 0 i'm sure it'll be better than the others
        what i don't get at all is how people say that 3 is the worst one when 4 exists

    • 8 months ago

      What this anon says.
      Also, story-wise you'll care much more of characters in1/Kiwami if you played 0.

  8. 8 months ago

    I started with Yakuza 2. I remember it was one of the very last PS2 games released in my country and the first one was pretty much impossible to find by that point

  9. 8 months ago

    >yakuza are supposed to be a group of badass Chad's
    >shit themselves every time they see a gun

    • 8 months ago

      Kiryu has an entire move dedicated to telling gun people GFY and in Rush he's nearly impossible for them to hit. Argument refuted.

      • 8 months ago

        Nah cope yakuza sucks. Pretty sure ghetto homies could frick them up and they can't aim for shit cause they shoot their 'glock 40s' sideways

    • 8 months ago

      But that's not what happens. People in Yakuza aren't necessarily scared of guns, they just know that in cutscenes, guns kill people. What's frustrating is the game uses the same plot point EVERY TIME
      >bad guy has gun
      >bad guy is knocked down
      >gun goes on floor
      >no one takes gun away
      >good guys have this conversation
      >bad guy reaches for gun, grabs it, and fatally shoots the important character for that game
      It just keeps happening

  10. 8 months ago

    Hardly a /vr/ question is it. Everything up to the reboot is worth playing, including Dead Souls. Great game, hugely underrated. If you're looking to skip something, the samurai games and Kiwami 1 are the weakest. Just start at the start and play everything, stop after 6 because it's a good ending and 7 is a soft reboot that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

    • 8 months ago

      Dead Souls and dogshit i thought it would be like zombie revenge but the older game is just better and felt more like a Yakuza game than anything dead souls is. only play dead souls because of the memes

      • 8 months ago

        >felt more like a Yakuza game than anything dead souls is
        Yeah that's total nonsense, Dead Souls is pretty much a fully fledged Yakuza game with side quests and mini-games, the only difference is you use guns more in it. There's a weird perception that it's some kind of a huge departure from the formula but it's not, you just use guns more, that's it, it's just a Yakuza game otherwise.

        • 8 months ago

          Gameplay is terrible. Zombie Revenge is an arcade game but it plays like Yakuza while Dead Souls is an unplayable mess, they couldn't code functional weapons in the game there's no feedback or depth

          • 8 months ago

            >Gameplay is terrible
            If you're in the mood to nitpick, you can say all Yakuza games have shit gameplay. I don't think Dead Souls gunplay is any shittier than, say, swordplay in Kenzan. I'd say Kenzan gameplay is the worst in the series but you don't see people comparing it to Onimusha and going "umm it lacks feedback and depth". People like to shit on Dead Souls because they misunderstand what the game is. It's the same open world adventure game, you shouldn't compare it to TPS games the same way you don't compare Kenzan to Onimusha.

  11. 8 months ago

    why do people keep asking when the answer is always release order for everything

    • 8 months ago

      Most of time, but definitely not for Yakuza. I start with 0 and after finish K1 and K2 I realized that 0 would be much less enjoyable if I already knew what have happened.

  12. 8 months ago

    all of them

  13. 8 months ago

    Only 2 of the games are actually retro

  14. 8 months ago

    >Kiryu in the first two games is a pretty normal-looking guy who’s tough and mean but has a strong sense of honor
    >Kiryu in the later games is basically a Japanese Jesus Christ with chiseled good looks
    I like all the games but that always bothered me, I’m glad Yakuza 4 introduced playable characters who were actually flawed again.

    • 8 months ago

      shut up incel

    • 8 months ago

      is it me or is SEGA all about that furled brow?

    • 8 months ago

      in the later games is basically a Japanese Jesus Christ with chiseled good looks
      I'd argue that's only really 6

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