Whata the consensus on Diablo IV?

I enjoyed leveling to 50 but after the story it fell off pretty hard for me. Why cant Blizzard make good endgame?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 12 months ago

    Gaining XP after 50 is so shit.

    • 12 months ago

      Go to WT3 and it's fine.

  2. 12 months ago

    Another XIVtroony thread, Diablo 4 is the best ARPG ever made, 41% yourself.

    • 12 months ago

      Imagine how awesome it would be if it was just you and some friends doing the campaign bosses over and over. How awesome that would be. Everything else is trash. Diablo 2 still the GOAT, I don't give a shit

  3. 12 months ago

    I don't understand why end game is even a thing in the hack & slash genre.
    Why can't they be normal rpgs with an end? Why do people expect them to last forever?
    Also why is diablo on a always online GaaS model? There is no trade, and almost no interaction between players, everyone's playing it solo.
    This is the first hack & slash I've played seriously, I don't understand why the genre is like this, it could just be normal isometric RPGs like DOS2 but with action gameplay

    • 12 months ago

      Play Diablo 2 Resurrected. It's exactly what you want.

    • 12 months ago

      >Why can't they be normal rpgs with an end?
      Because blizzard entertainment
      >Why do people expect them to last forever?
      See above answer
      >Also why is diablo on a always online GaaS model? There is no trade, and almost no interaction between players, everyone's playing it solo.
      Still Blizzard entertainment

      • 12 months ago

        But isn't PoE also like this
        I'm seriously asking I know nothing about the game

        • 12 months ago

          Nah. Players group up all of the time in PoE and trade is basically the focus of the game

          • 12 months ago

            This is complete horse-shit. Amusing how it slips under the radar. People too angery over D4.

    • 12 months ago

      Well, the whole point of the genre is loot and grinding mobs efficiently. Everything else is a backdrop.

      A solution would be to ramp up the difficulty. The regular playthrough is too casual even for casuals, but minmaxing at higher levels is for obsessives.

    • 12 months ago

      because the story mode is a tutorial. the point of the game is repeating the content over and over at faster speeds.It would be like tetris with only one speed and once you clear the board a single time the game ends

    • 12 months ago

      >Why can't they be normal rpgs with an end? Why do people expect them to last forever?

      Because that would take effort and make the devs actually have to design dungeons instead of letting a computer design them

    • 12 months ago

      There is literally not a single game that lets you theorycraft and go into bizarre depths with customization as PoE. Maybe football manager is the only thing that comes close and that's a sim.
      What other genre would you suggest that even comes close?

    • 12 months ago

      >I don't understand why end game is even a thing in the hack & slash genre.
      >Why can't they be normal rpgs with an end? Why do people expect them to last forever?
      because diablo 2 exists
      >Also why is diablo on a always online GaaS model? There is no trade, and almost no interaction between players, everyone's playing it solo.
      there was in diablo 2
      >This is the first hack & slash I've played seriously, I don't understand why the genre is like this, it could just be normal isometric RPGs like DOS2 but with action gameplay
      play diablo 2 resurrected and you'll understand

  4. 12 months ago

    >Why cant Blizzard make good endgame?
    Because Diablo4 is mass-marketed trash with a FOMO battlepass and cosmetic microtransactions. Even Diablo3's endgame was better and it was still bad.

  5. 12 months ago

    It's Diablo 4/10--a slightly below average ARPG from a gameplay standpoint with very high production values/cinematics that ultimately feels unfinished.

  6. 12 months ago

    Diablo 4 is like a shittier Path of Exile. The story is good, and was actually frickin' awesome, and I want to play the story again. But the game needed to have all the characters ready to go from the beginning and it needed a Paladin class. They want to add the Paladin class to expansions so you pay more. That's the only reason. The game could've launched with a Paladin, but they didn't do it. The endgame sucks mostly, and there's not enough to do to warrant you running around on your horse trying to complete Renown. That system is bad.

  7. 12 months ago

    Imagine how awesome it would be if it was just you and some friends doing the campaign bosses over and over. How awesome that would be. Everything else is trash. Diablo 2 still the GOAT, I don't give a shit

    • 12 months ago

      >Diablo 2 still the GOAT, I don't give a shit
      It is and anyone claiming otherwise is coping fricking hard or straight up trolling. If people want to play a MMOARPG, PoE mogs D4 so hard that it's not even funny. That game has an actual trade economy, a player base that groups up and farms together, clans, an actual end game, etc. It's everything D4 tried to be but failed epically at. D4 has one thing going for it: a strong AAA cinematic narrative. No one plays ARPGs for the story, though. No one wants to play through that shit 10,000 times.

  8. 12 months ago

    i have to admit im really butthurt i cant refund it.
    i finished the single player campaign once, and i dont want to ever see this game again.

    i honestly didnt have fun for even 5 minutes throughout the whole playthrough.

    everything in D4 is designed to be anti-fun, or boring.
    >i hate the boring, lameass, "generator generator generator spender" gimmick. I hate it. its anti-fun bullshit.
    >i hate the level scaling
    >i hate the itemisation
    >i hate the skill "tree". Its more like a skill twig. A few spells per class, with 2-3 +dmg perks. What the frick is this shit.
    >i hate the lack of music
    >i hate that there is a "communist-russia grey" filter put over the whole game. I just cant look at it for longer than 5 minutes without falling asleep.

    i could go on and on and on, but i just want to even talk about this shit game anymore.

    Im dissapointed, and pissed off.

    Ill just uninstall it and replay D2R again.

    • 12 months ago

      >i cant refund it
      aaaah, thanks, i love those posts from their target audience

      • 12 months ago

        im man enough to admit i fricked up by buying it.
        now im stuck with a 100$ game i dont ever want to see again in my life.

    • 12 months ago

      Every time I think about buying this game because people keep saying how awesome it is, I read posts like this to remind me that the game still elicits the same feeling in others that it did in myself when I played the closed beta back in October. morons keep telling me that the game "is so different now bro ya gotta play it" but deep down I know that's bullshit. Maybe it'll be alright 5+ years after launch like Diablo 3 RoS and then I'll buy the full game when it's heavily discounted.

      • 12 months ago

        >Maybe it'll be alright 5+ years after launch like Diablo 3 RoS and then I'll buy the full game when it's heavily discounted.

    • 12 months ago

      >hates generator spender mechanic
      >likes spam click potions and spam mana instead
      lmao I rather generate than have to place potions in my fricking belt again

    • 12 months ago

      I wish i could refund too, i already uninstalled and trying to purge it from my memory

    • 12 months ago

      we told you, moron.

  9. 12 months ago

    I don't know why anyone would think a single player game of any kind has a replayable endgame
    You play through it once, that's fun, then you are done

    Diablo 2 only had an endgame because it was multiplayer and you had other human players to interact with. Its entire metagame was built around dueling, trading, MFing and services. You, MFed / traded / rushed to generate the resources to equip your dueling characters, then you dueled. That was the point of the game.
    only turbo autismos who have actual aspergers or some other kind of serious brain malfunction would sit there mindlessly killing completely unthreatening monsters in endgame just for contrived dopamine hit. Like okay, I can throw a single lightning fury and wipe an entire screen of monsters, teleport and repeat. That's fun until you've done it enough its a grind.

    Elden Ring shows what a missed opportunity it is thanks to the terrible crafting system and total lack of dedicated servers. If that game had the same kind of itemization / grinding of a diablo game, and fleshed out its PvP even more than it already is, it would have the same metagame and replayability and you'd have the modern day equivalent of d2jsp pop up to facilitate people's grinding and trading and botting and whatever. Instead its just trivial to mod it and get 999 of everything, and endgame gearing is totally maxed out in a few hours with no reward beyond that, and the PvP is way more restrictive and lamer due to lack of more freeform servers and chat functionality.
    Diablo 4 meanwhile has absolutely frick all for endgame so it shouldn't even be compared to d2

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >I don't know why anyone would think a single player game of any kind has a replayable endgame
      because in less than a month there is going to be a season with competitive ladders for solo and group play, just like d2 & d3

  10. 12 months ago

    There it is dood. You know it's good because *ourguy* Asmongold from OTK(tm) likes it!

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, the streamer marketing push is insane. They even have Mrllama shilling for it now.

      • 12 months ago

        the twitch promo has streamers by the balls and it runs for another couple weeks lol. Blizzards marketing reeks of desperation

      • 12 months ago

        >They even have Mrllama shilling for it now
        He literally made a huge list of changes because the game is fricking grim.

  11. 12 months ago

    >Why cant Blizzard make good endgame?
    Because Diablo has never been about endgame. Its a shitty grindfest for morons who dont wanna play runescape.

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo 2 was all about its endgame

      • 12 months ago

        >23 years old

        The gaming landscape has drastically changed since then. Most people are too stupid or lazy to actually earn things themselves hence why MTX are in every single game now.

    • 12 months ago

      If Runescape had socketed armor drops, and rune drops that are not usable for magic, that could be socketed into socketed armor pieces to make rune words with varying improvements to stats and gold drops and item drops, you might have an awesome Runescape. I suggested that to OSRS, and got little reception. Imagine Old School Runescape with a socketed armor piece that has increased magic find, but with lesser attack options. The greatness and complexity would make the game perfect

  12. 12 months ago

    Last DLC will be Lilith returning and absorbing the power of Diablo in her, making her Diabilith, the "Diablo" of 4 and the grand final boss of 4.

  13. 12 months ago

    >Whata the consensus on Diablo IV?
    playerbase is tired
    grind gear forever
    EXCEPT, it's the 4th one, so not really
    wake me up when they skip Diablo 5 and PoE 3 but commit to a forever-grind without FOMO so I can hop in and out whenever

  14. 12 months ago

    The general consensus is that it's trash, like everyone predicted. May god have mercy on the shiteaters who funded it despite this knowledge.

  15. 12 months ago

    Endgame is just doing what you've already done with more health.

    Game needs unique bosses/raids or something.

  16. 12 months ago

    D4 is a generous 5/10. The only people saying otherwise all make some moronic argument about "It needs more time" or "It's good if you play like 4 hours a week!"

    • 12 months ago

      The campaign, as I said, was tops. It was the best campaign I've played in a while. I enjoyed the adventurous aspect of it, but no one wants to hear that anymore. The endgame is mostly trash because of lack of options to actually feel like you're achieving something. It was a step back from LoD from Diablo 2, which everything even in Diablo has been since then. The magic of the game came from trading items to maximize your characters. Some people on ladders would get good items and you would trade for them. Some people wouldn't get good items and they would trade for what they wanted. Now the game is . . . well I don't know what it is. It's not got enough complexity to theory-craft like PoE.

      • 12 months ago

        D4 is basically just slop. The only people saying it's super fun are people with actual mental illness or some mid thirties dude with 2-3 kids who barely even plays the game, and probably shouldn't even be playing at all.

        It feels like the game was 30-35% complete and then they got word from the execs to push this slop out so that their financial figures look more enticing for the Microsoft acquisition..

        Where tf are the set items, the runewords, the group finding, the trading.. the uber bosses with really cool loot. It's literally missing 50% of the content the same iteration of the game had 20 fricking years ago, it's pretty pathetic honestly.

        • 12 months ago

          100% correct, and anyone opposing you is Blizzard themselves

          • 12 months ago

            Concession accepted.

        • 12 months ago

          Lmao - might actually be good for me. I've got 3 kids and am in my mid thirties. Guess I should give this game a shot

      • 12 months ago

        it was the worst campaign i played in years.
        it was beyond cringe and was so god damn boring, i honestly didnt give a frick to do more of the story.

      • 12 months ago

        the campaign is fricking garbage holy shit read a book dumbass

        • 12 months ago

          Not enough sensory overload with books

  17. 12 months ago

    The game is great.... until you get to level 60/70 and you start to wish you were playing POE instead.

    All of the problems; shit UI, scaling, horrible stash management, repeated dungeons, horrible MMO time gates, are things that only hit on the lategame.

    Thats why casuals will say that this is a 9/10 game while for ARPG grinders this will be a passbale 5/10

  18. 12 months ago

    No trading = no end game.

    Do you think people would play PoE if you couldn't trade and items had no value? And don't use the 'SSF' excuse - If I find a super valuable item on SSF I transfer it to an SSF mule, then move it to trade league to sell it. (or d2jsp)

    • 12 months ago

      I don't trade in POE ever. SSF only (except once in some league, forget which). I don't move items. I fricking hate trading. 1530 hours in POE, mostly hardcore. End game was mapping for me. I stopped playing when they started reworking random fricking affixes to everything and changed all the mob modifiers and now I have no idea what anything does because Chris thinks "Stoneblooded Thunderfist" is a better descriptor than "Shoots lighting, reflects physical damage".

      I'd never play D4 HC though because I fall asleep randomly and die a lot

  19. 12 months ago

    they're announcing that they're fixing literally everything later this week

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah Rods always been great at fixing stuff, look what he did with Gears of War after CliffyB left.

  20. 12 months ago

    I could listen to this soundtrack all day.

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo 4 might not be perfect but it has the best soundtrack in the series.

  21. 12 months ago

    You CANT have a "good" endgame in this genre.
    What autistic morons actually argue over, is what loot-grinder hamster wheel is more ADDICTING and "efficient" for loot/hour. It isn't even on the level of MMO raids where the journey to loot is the core if the fun.

    • 12 months ago

      I disagree, I think POE has a decent endgame.
      >Try your build against bosses, or even Uber Bosses
      >Come up with a farming strategy
      >Trade and accumulate currency
      >Theory craft new builds
      >Complete league challenges for MTX rewards
      >Try to acquire a certain chase item

      That's enough for me, I really enjoy the gameplay loop in POE, and I never really min-max grinding currency, what I enjoy most is messing around with the hundreds and hundreds of unique items and skills to try and come up with whacky builds.

      • 12 months ago

        whats the point in min maxing currency grinding in poe when all it leads to is more min maxing currency grinding

        in Diablo 2, you farmed so you could equip your dueling char, and build more dueling chars

        • 12 months ago

          Not him but it's usually because there is always a stronger boss to kill or that next map tier to shoot for--at least that was the case for me when I played PoE this league. I'm a newb though. There really is a ton of end game stuff to do in that game.

          • 12 months ago

            >what if you fought the same enemies with the same abilities
            >but they had higher values

            • 12 months ago

              They're not the same bosses over and over, though. Some are variations but most of them aren't.

            • 12 months ago

              pinnacle bosses are unique encounters with uber versions that change how the fight plays out. theres a shit ton of enemy variety in poe

        • 12 months ago

          To get your character to the point where it can fight the hardest Uber bosses, or to use that currency to farm a new build that maybe has a higher baseline cost.

          That's what it is for me anyways
          >Make my own build
          >Try to push it to level 90 or so, and see if I can take on bosses
          >If I beat the bosses, I try to take on the Uber bosses
          >I theory craft a new build using the currency I got from the first character
          Then repeat. That's a satisfying gameplay loop to me since there's thousands and thousands of builds you could try, and GGG always also adds entirely new mechanics every season (they've been a little lackluster recently, but POE2 is releasing soon).

  22. 12 months ago

    Should I clear all the dungeons first or should I max out my level first? Will dungeons reward late-game items if I only do them in the late game?

  23. 12 months ago

    So there are no unique endgame bosses? Not even in the level 100 dungeon?

  24. 12 months ago

    the latest stats posted on twitter showed that the average player kills 10 mobs an hour

    • 12 months ago

      Listen, the average guy that works for a living might be able to kill a few monsters, but then they have to idle in town in order to do some plumbing, or put out a fire, or tackle a purse snatcher. Not everyone has hours to spend farming rare gear. They need to feel rewarded, too.

    • 12 months ago

      I need to have sex at least every hour can't spend all the time killing wacky monsters.

  25. 12 months ago

    I was thinking about playing the original Diablo 2 but someone said that singleplayer is terrible. Is this true?

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      if you select barbarian, yes, yes it is

      • 12 months ago

        No it isn't. Stop being a baby. Not everything needs to blow up the screen in a second. I started last season as a throw barb.

        • 12 months ago

          in terms of self-found pvm with no twinked gear / lategame bis stuff its:

          SS tier: sorc
          A tier: pally
          B tier: druid/sin/necro/zon
          C tier:
          D tier:
          F tier:
          FF tier: barbarian

          i don't care if throwing barbs became marginally playable in D2r (you STILL need lategame before they can sustain their throws, because you need to max ds/crit with highlords / etc). They're still a joke compared to real builds until you get 5 runewords worth of gear
          barbarians are just totally unplayable by comparison. You drop off by the time you reach act 1 cold plains normal and you're so far behind you can't even play with allies in act 2 norm
          I've seen all-barb ironman competitions where half the players die before reaching level 9 to duel because barbs are so shit in pvm they can't even level up on their own

          worst class in the game by a mile
          no aoe
          every attack is mitigated by monster defense, block chance and physical resist
          low dps
          no built in mobility

          • 12 months ago

            You're such a meta slave. Holy frick, dude. Not everything needs to be OMG best in the game OMG OMG. The barbarian as a class is the closest to how the warrior feels in Diablo 1 and its a perfectly fine class to play through Diablo 2 with. I do it all of the time untwinked. Maybe people that didn't grow up on D1 can't appreciate the tanky simplicity of the barb.

            • 12 months ago

              Its nothing about the meta
              you can pick almost any random skill in all the other classes to build around and you will have a pretty easy game all the way up to hell.
              fissure? wake of fire? fricking cold arrow zons even. skeletons, poison nova, any sorc skill, hammers, foh, holy auras, elemental martial arts, dragon tail, you can use any of it and plow through the game

              every barb skill is trash that hits a single target for low dps while you're exposed to damage and mitigated by their defense
              >bash, stun, double swing, frenzy, whirlwind, double throw, berserk
              >the only aoe skill is war cry, which is still heavily mitigated and costs absolutely mind boggling amounts of mana that makes it unuseable without a fully geared build with like 5000 mana, decrep merc + self-holding insight staff, and that still sucks ass because dps is trash

              • 12 months ago

                I can tell by what you type that you spend more time watching people play the game than actually playing it yourself. The barb is strong and powerful. It just takes a bit of extra time farming up a mal or two for oath and then you're cruising through hell. Hell, you can give him insight in a decent base and he'll still wipe the floor with everything. You're just shit at the game.

              • 12 months ago

                how the frick is a barb ever going to reach a mal rune AND 4 open socket ethereal base to make a decent oath when you can't even compete with other builds starting in act 1 norm?
                every ladder reset sorcs can be level 85 and farming hell mephisto when a barbarian is still level 30 and barely scraping through norm

                even if a barb gets a rare martel de fer in nightmare and has ~400% ed from skills/stats, he's looking at 1200 damage per hit, reduced by %DR, reduced by attack rating (can't even hit shit without angelics set). He hits a single fricking target lmao
                meanwhile a druid with only +5 skills including some janky +3 pelt, using level 25 synergized fissure, deals 1800 fire damage every 5 frames to every single monster in an aoe because it shotguns, at range, without needing to expose himself to harm or effectively self-stun by moving slowly with whirlwind.
                that druid has like 30x the damage output

              • 12 months ago

                Dude, you fricking suck ass. Just shut the hell up and stop talking about a class you don't even play. You don't hit a single target with whirlwind. You don't need an eth base to make oath. You get the mal rune from hell countess and it doesn't take long. Why are you using a rare martel de fer that you found on the ground? That's perfectly doable but you can just make an insight which is a lot better and the runes are piss easy to farm from nightmare countess. Who are you competing with in your head exactly? Other classes don't matter when you're playing solo. It's very easy to beat hell with an untwinked barb. I've done it so many times that I've lost count.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh, and it sounds like you need help with normal mode as a barb. Any ole weapon with as many orts as you can jam in it will let you sleep through normal

              • 12 months ago

                oh there you go, slap a single target for ~160 damage per hit with your level 21+ barbarian when you're in act 3 after spending hours grinding for runes
                a sorc will be teleporting around with 1000+ aoe unblockable autohit damage fireballs with nothing more than a leaf staff in a base she can buy from akara and runes that don't need you to grind.

              • 12 months ago

                lmao so you're going to run around with a non-eth oath base or non-eth insight?
                you think the game just rains socket elite eth insight bases? go ahead farm nm countess (WITH A BARB, who has to run for like 10 minutes to reach her, lmao)

                approximately 12 hours after ladder has reset people are teleporting around with sorceresses that have ~4000 damage / ~150+ cold mastery blizzard. They hit monsters for 8000 damage per hit, no chance to miss, a big aoe and not in melee range, teleporting instantly around the map at 10x your speed.
                A barbarian is lucky to break 500 average damage per swing at a single target after you account for % miss, % dr, % block on some mobs.

                >Who are you competing with in your head exactly? Other classes don't matter when you're playing solo.
                yeah shitters like you are scrounging around nm andy while other players on ladder are farming high runes

              • 12 months ago

                You're bad at the game and I'm not giving any more yous to someone that has probably never even played a barb before. I don't care about "12 hours after ladder reset blah blah blah." Who gives a shit? I'll spend 12 hours farming up shit for myself and by the end of the week, I'll have a decked out barb with enigma and dual grief from horking hell trav. Get fricked shitter.

                >you think the game just rains socket elite eth insight bases?
                You don't use an eth insight base on a barb you stupid fricker. It'll break. It doesn't take long to find 4 socket polearms or socket them yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                >just give me a full week of relentless grinding and farming numerous high runes before I can even approach the power of a sorc everyone else will be running a matter of hours after a reset

                your sad dual grief enigma trav barb that requires the time invested of a full time job just to acquire high runes is just keeping pace with a sorc wearing a tarnhelm, ali baba, wealth, etc garbage shit she can find while just leveling up. Because even with find item you still move and clear that much slower

              • 12 months ago

                >keeping pace
                Who is keeping score in that stupid fricking head of yours? Is there some sort of "race to enigma" ladder or chaos run clear speed ladder that I don't know about? Play the game at your own pace. It doesn't matter if it takes the barb longer to kill something than other classes if you're having fun. Some people find the struggle fun. Strange, huh? Imagine giving yourself a challenge in Diablo 2.

              • 12 months ago

                why the frick do you think ladder resets
                why do you think battle.net exists

                if you're not going to compete with other players, if you're not going to trade, not going to duel, not going to do services, not going to try to top the ladder- then why the FRICK should anyone care about your opinion on game balance or strategy?
                the power of each build is relative to other builds, it doesn't exist in a vacuum
                nobody cares if you can build a psychic hammer assassin who takes 10 minutes to kill a single monster and then you go autistically grind your way to act 5 hell over the course of a full man-year of work.
                you have been so insulated from the metagame you actually think the worse character in the game- one so amazingly bad its virtually unplayable compared to the others- is somehow good. Its not like its some matter of preference or skill level or risk reward. Barbs are abysmally worse than every other class and sorcs are a mile ahead of the rest. The difference becomes obvious before you've even finished the den of evil in a multiplayer game.

              • 12 months ago

                You are obviously a newb so let me try and explain this to you as simply as I can: I've played the meta builds more times than I can count and it's boring doing that all of the time. I like the challenge and the struggle that underrated builds and characters such as the barb can provide. Where you see "an unplayable build" in the spearazon because she doesn't keep pace and is objectively inferior to most builds in the game, I see my next potential ladder starter. Where you see "most unplayable class" in the barb, I see one of the most solid and durable hardcore ladder starters. Is any of that making sense? Surely it is, right?

              • 12 months ago

                Found the newbie dipshit that has never played hardcore in his life.

                hey here's a hint

                your build cannot be so bad its a self imposed challenge
                and still be good and try to brag about its merit and compare it to real builds

                If you can win single player games with ganondorf in smash bros brawl, good for you, you completed a self-imposed challenge. Its still the worst char in the entire series, and you being autistic enough to play it doesn't change that.
                diablo 2 barbs are laughably underpowered and nobody cares about your special snowflake single-player offline trav grinding for 1000 hours to try to accomplish what a sorc could do in a single playthrough.

                You simply have no concept of balance. Chars don't exist in a vacuum, if one char in a game is dicking around with 100 single target melee damage that misses on every attack while the next char has 1000 aoe long range autohit damage, they aren't even remotely balanced.

              • 12 months ago

                Anyone that says barbs are shit has never played hardcore. Barbs and Pallys are excellent ladder starters. Also, why in the frick is your shitty sorc in that webm still using trash this late in the season? You talk a big game but you're a fricking shitter and I can tell. You calling anyone else autistic is the pot calling the kettle black when you get this twisted up over someone else playing a fricking PvE game differently than you do.

                I never mentioned anything about balance. Saying I like to play barb despite it not being the fastest at clearing isn't any statement about the balance of the game. It's just personal preference.

              • 12 months ago

                Hardcore is a meme. This aint a life or death roguelike, it's a 50 hour grind game. Get the frick on you're a clown.

              • 12 months ago

                You talk about competitiveness while you level 91 softcore sorc wears shit my throw barb left on the ground by day 5. Stop posting.

              • 12 months ago

                If you were competitive you wouldn't be playing these dumb grind games. Go play LoL or HotS nerd.

              • 12 months ago

                He's the one sperging about competitiveness and throwing out spreadsheet numbers even though they're all incorrect not me, moron. At least try and read the comment chain before you make another dumb post.

              • 12 months ago

                oh yeah the best hardcore class ever, the one that has get into melee range to do anything and has no damage mitigation
                literally the only job of a barbarian in a hardcore game is to cast BO on his allies and then watch as they carry his worthless ass
                >Also, why in the frick is your shitty sorc in that webm still using trash this late in the season?
                that webm is from when D2r launched and was like 1 day into a ladder

                >Saying I like to play barb despite it not being the fastest at clearing isn't any statement about the balance of the game. It's just personal preference.
                Then don't contradict people when they explain that the barbarian is by far the worst character in the game and its not even close. You can go play the worst char and try to scrape by with it, but barbs are so painfully bad they fall off within 5 minutes of starting the game and only get worse from there on out. Sorcs can just slap a few points into charged bolt and slaughter all of act 1 while a barb is fumbling around unable to kill trash mobs and that's long before the sorc gets teleport+blizzard

              • 12 months ago

                >has no damage mitigation
                It's called stormshield and max block you fricking moron. Holy hell you know absolutely nothing about the game. This is your last (you).

              • 12 months ago

                gee its almost like all 7 chars have the ability to wear stormshield

                are you so developmentally disabled you don't realize zons are tankier than barbs?
                guess who's tankier
                4000 HP zon with 70% d/a/e, or 8000 HP barb?

              • 12 months ago

                The one that isn't getting stunlocked, moron. Guess which one that is?

                We're going to have to settle this in the blood moor aren't we?

              • 12 months ago

                gee which one is it

                is it the barbarian, who gets stunlocked by a group of urdars/vipers hitting him with unblockable charge and stun on every hit
                or is it the zon who has a 70% chance to simply not be hit by any attack without any animation, so she won't be interrupted
                which one

              • 12 months ago

                Barb has better hit recovery frames. You're stupid and I'll prove it by kicking your ass in a duel. Time to stop spouting bullshit. If you're down, I'll post my battlenet ID and I'll make a non ladder game in D2R. I'll be using my bone nec though.

              • 12 months ago

                >barb is totally better, duel me
                >but i will be playing necro

              • 12 months ago

                We were talking about hardcore and which character is more viable. That's still barb as a ladder starter.

                I just want to duel you for shits because you were going on about competitiveness and pvp in one of your previous posts. I have a few softcore characters that can duel I think. Hell, I might even have barb.

              • 12 months ago

                >We were talking about hardcore and which character is more viable. That's still barb as a ladder starter.
                nobody is talking about hardcore other than you and nobody other than you in the entire world thinks barb is a good ladder starter unless their entire plan is to BO the team and go afk in baal runs and do nothing but leech lmao

                There's a reason 90% of the playerbase is on sorcs at the start of each ladder and its not because everyone else in the world is wrong except you

              • 12 months ago

                You don't play hardcore. You are dumb as frick and know nothing about the game. I'll prove that you don't know shit by kicking your ass in softcore since you don't play hardcore. Time to stop being a b***h

              • 12 months ago

                >I'll prove barbs are the best PvM char
                >by dueling you on my bone necro
                ebin simbly ebin

              • 12 months ago


                I'll bring my barb. All my dudes have decent gear.

              • 12 months ago

                Are you going to duel me or keep pretending to be multiple people ITT like a dumb pussy?

              • 12 months ago

                >keep pretending to be multiple people
                It may also be possible that multiple people think you're moronic

              • 12 months ago

                Put up or shit up, b***h


                No one ITT has attempted yet.

              • 12 months ago

                You're on an anonymous imageboard, if you want to avatargay then go to /vg/.

              • 12 months ago

                >talk shit
                >can't back it up

                Twenty fricking years later and you're still a newb. Stop posting b***h.

              • 12 months ago

                This is why I love Diablo 2. You get clueless dumbfricks spouting bullshit and you can watch them b***h out when you challenge them to PvP. Hopefully D4 gets a scene like that one day.

              • 12 months ago

                >guy is still seething
                *puts you on ignore list*

              • 12 months ago

                Sorry man, but if you're going to talk shit like you're some kind of D2 expert, you should at least be able to back it up in a softcore duel game. You only lose your pride if you lose. Don't like that? Don't talk out of your ass and rant at me simply because I like to start ladder off as a barb sometimes. You'll just come off like a b***h when you get called out and you bring your shitty tal sorc.

              • 12 months ago

                that ain't me i'm just laughing @ you

              • 12 months ago

                Don't lie, b***h boy. We both know it's you. Twenty years a nub.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                You just don't want to be turned into a humorous webm because you suck at video games. Why even post shit like

                why the frick do you think ladder resets
                why do you think battle.net exists

                if you're not going to compete with other players, if you're not going to trade, not going to duel, not going to do services, not going to try to top the ladder- then why the FRICK should anyone care about your opinion on game balance or strategy?
                the power of each build is relative to other builds, it doesn't exist in a vacuum
                nobody cares if you can build a psychic hammer assassin who takes 10 minutes to kill a single monster and then you go autistically grind your way to act 5 hell over the course of a full man-year of work.
                you have been so insulated from the metagame you actually think the worse character in the game- one so amazingly bad its virtually unplayable compared to the others- is somehow good. Its not like its some matter of preference or skill level or risk reward. Barbs are abysmally worse than every other class and sorcs are a mile ahead of the rest. The difference becomes obvious before you've even finished the den of evil in a multiplayer game.

                if you won't get good?

                >if you're not going to compete with other players, if you're not going to trade, not going to duel, not going to do services, not going to try to top the ladder- then why the FRICK should anyone care about your opinion on game balance or strategy?

                If that isn't you, why would you defend that shitter that won't even back up his own words in a softcore game? Dude just loses a bit of gold if he dies and his ear LMFAO. Are you 100% onions or some shit?

              • 12 months ago

                >why would you defend that shitter
                Not the anon you're replying to but I can disagree with that original anon and still laugh at how cringe you are

              • 12 months ago

                There is nothing at all cringe about slapping some dumb frick on Ganker around in a video game and teaching him how to GIT GUD. Do you even play video games?

              • 12 months ago

                >There is nothing at all cringe about slapping some dumb frick on Ganker around in a video game and teaching him how to GIT GUD. Do you even play video games?
                How do you actually type this out and not realize how cringe it is

              • 12 months ago

                So you're a shitter that talks out of his ass then? He's the fricker that brought up dueling to being with.

              • 12 months ago

                >Barb has better hit recovery frames.
                zon doesn't even give a frick about her hit recovery frames because she has dodge/evade/avoid and ignores the attacks
                neither of them should be put into hit recovery by anything BUT urdars/vipers because once your HP is high enough monsters cannot put you into FHR with normal attacks

                70% chance to just not be hit by attacks, spells and projectiles in the first place lmao

                > I'll be using my bone nec though.
                almost like your barb sucks ass
                funny how that works

              • 12 months ago

                Make a game, pussy. I'll bring my barb instead.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                Found the newbie dipshit that has never played hardcore in his life.

              • 12 months ago

                Truth is Sorceress in D2 was intended as the easy to play class because it was targeted at women. Identically to how Rogue is the easiest in D1 and how Bulbasaur is the easiest in Pokemon RGB.

                The current idea of balance 'everyone is equal in everything' is shit and kills game design.

              • 12 months ago

                Based. Love watching zoomers get dabbed on.

                >just give me a full week of relentless grinding and farming numerous high runes before I can even approach the power of a sorc everyone else will be running a matter of hours after a reset

                your sad dual grief enigma trav barb that requires the time invested of a full time job just to acquire high runes is just keeping pace with a sorc wearing a tarnhelm, ali baba, wealth, etc garbage shit she can find while just leveling up. Because even with find item you still move and clear that much slower

                moronic and cringe and clearly uneducated homosexual zoomer. I ran ladder 1 in D2R as a Barb to start and got 2 HR in 30 cow runs lmfao. Get fricked gay. You have no idea what you're even talking about

              • 12 months ago

                > I ran ladder 1 in D2R as a Barb to start and got 2 HR in 30 cow runs lmfao

                There are on average 600 cows per cow run, and in P1 they have only 1:487033 for a sur, 1:654171 for a jah, 1:730549 for a ber, which accounting for a 0.5:1:1 value of a high rune amounts to a 1:412 odds of a high rune per full clear of a cow level
                you can get higher drop rates per horking but this is worthless in cows because hork only hits a single body per cast, and you're looking at ~0.5 seconds of movement and cast animation each, so we're talking 5+ minutes of horking alone
                on average it takes 824 runs to get 2x high runes.
                sure sounds like a good use of your time

              • 12 months ago

                That's why you hork trav or make a pit zerker lol. Imagine shitting on the best MF build in the game. Horking = P8 drops even in a P1 game.

              • 12 months ago

                I play barb because I like to smash things

              • 12 months ago

                Dude acts likes it's impossible to play the game as a barb

              • 12 months ago

                ik boots,helm, maul with Lionheart armor costs like 5pgs, has great mf and can easily farm hell

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah, but can it c o m p e t e?

          • 12 months ago

            >no aoe

            ww exists, IK barb for pit and travi runs is one of the most relaxing class to play

            • 12 months ago

              whirlwind is not an aoe skill, its a single target skill
              you just hit one target every 2 frames

              aoe skills hit multiple enemies at the same time, so their damage output raises with denser mobs

              • 12 months ago

                >compares enigma,cta,infinity javazon to 10pgem mf/horker IK barb pit/travi runner

                both have their niches, frenzy barb still mogs her at ubers

              • 12 months ago

                >both have their niches, frenzy barb still mogs her at ubers
                are you kidding? frenzy barbs are slow at ubers. Javazons kill them in about 1 second each, including meph now thanks to sunder

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo 2 is has inspired a gorillion clones and not a single one has been able to match its combination of tone, art style, soundtrack, and gameplay.

    • 12 months ago

      depends on if you want high end gear quickly or if you like leveling and grinding and finding self found gear

    • 12 months ago

      Unless you want some morons with you who miss the fricking point of enjoying a game like D1-2 for the first time and actually take in the atmosphere and area. Those jackasses will ruin it by flying through every act to reach the end game. They won't click on the Countess tome, they won't do Blood Raven's quest, they'll bum Waypoints and trade their Hellforge for a rush.

      Actually enjoy the game in SP. Act 2 is the best, but all 5 are fun to chill and soak in. Except 3.

      • 12 months ago

        This. For frick's sake, it's not a damn race unless you actually do that shit for a living. There is nothing wrong with taking your time.

  26. 12 months ago

    uhh.... guys....
    im playing it right now, and there's no music in the game?
    im running around in total silence, sometime i hear a flute for like 1-3 seconds, and thats it.

    is the music bugged or something?

    • 12 months ago

      the music is basically ambience, I can't think of a single noticeable musical motif or real song except when they replayed Tristram's theme in a story segment.

      • 12 months ago

        That's why they call it Diablo bore

        jesus christ.
        i was hoping its just bugged.

    • 12 months ago

      That's why they call it Diablo bore

  27. 12 months ago

    buy to pay gaas

  28. 12 months ago

    The only diablo game I didn't bothered to play after finishing story, so pretty meh
    In 2022 when there weren't any games, it would cost $60 no problem, but not this year

  29. 12 months ago

    >I didn't play the game after the campaign
    I'm astounded by this experience, considering the campaign was the most tedious aspect of the game and most people who play it will just go run random shit before touching it

  30. 12 months ago

    This game heavily needs sets IMO. So many skills feel like shit and just aren't usable. The balance is godawful between abilities and items. For some classes you cant even do a certain type of skill build of you don't get lucky and get a unique.

    • 12 months ago

      Sets makes every piece of gear useless, no and frick you.

    • 12 months ago

      Sets makes every piece of gear useless, no and frick you.

      Sets are literally in the game, just being saved for season 1.

      • 12 months ago

        Hope its attached to battle pass

    • 12 months ago

      I like not having sets, it makes unique powers more interesting and requires some thought on what powers can go on what gear.

      sets take up more equipment space and force certain playstyles and builds and they're gay.

    • 12 months ago

      No and frick you d3 Black person
      Oh I guess every slot needs to be for X set! Oh new unique dropped I wonder how it- wait.. my set...
      Die d3 Black person die

  31. 12 months ago

    I can't wait until everything is nerfed so hard that it is on par with minion necro and I don't have to respecc or level another class.

    • 12 months ago

      I cant wait until bone necro is nerfed so I can actually try new builds at nightmare 50 :/

  32. 12 months ago

    >the story it fell off
    Yeah, because they censored due to femoid whine.

    • 12 months ago

      >game ruined by lgbt/feminism
      gee who knew

    • 12 months ago

      Frick me, crying about evil things in diablo and then after work fapping to some fine rape porn. good i hate them so much

    • 12 months ago

      women and trannies fricking things over again. you have demons killing, acting like demons won't rape is so funny, but then again we live in a schizophrenic world where we encourage people to mutilate themselves.

  33. 12 months ago

    >WoW outclassed by FFXIV
    >Diablo 4 outclassed by PoE/Last Epoch
    >SC2 outclassed by Mechabellum and soon Stormgate
    >Hearthstone outclassed by Yugioh/MTG:A
    >OW outclassed by Valorant/CS:GO/Paladins
    >HotS was the only game in a specific niche, outclassed by the gun that was used to shoot and kill it
    lmao why even play blizzard games anymore?

  34. 12 months ago


    Wow what a loss. Sure wish we could've had a rape scene

    • 12 months ago

      I guarantee you if they had the rape scene in the game everyone on this board would be deepthroating Blizzard. It's probably for the best.

  35. 12 months ago

    Look what the frick are my troops doing

    • 12 months ago

      I thought you riceBlack folk were banned from playing their games?

      Also, nice build I run something similar on mine.

      • 12 months ago

        >I thought you riceBlack folk were banned from playing their games?
        Only the mainland bugs

        • 12 months ago

          Ah, that makes sense. Enjoy your game, Necro is pretty good and I think streamers are downplaying them to keep Blizzard from nerfing them like Barbs.

    • 12 months ago

      ya necro is in spaghetti town right now. I noticed that too starting one as my alt. unfortunate, so i started a rogue alt instead.

    • 12 months ago

      with those moon runes for a second i was convinced im looking at some chink slop like lost ark

  36. 12 months ago

    Better question: I played Diablo 1 and 2. Should I play 3 on PC or console? I have no interest playing it multiplayer and I hear the console version plays very differently and it's not as good of a game regardless.

    • 12 months ago

      I'd say D3 on PC but I never tried console. since you played 1 and 2 on PC sticking with PC makes sense

      • 12 months ago

        I mean maybe. I'll think about it.

    • 12 months ago

      Console version is miles better, it has full offline mode support (you can even pause game mid-rift, can't do that on PC). Playing with controller is also much more comfortable, there are some builds that only work on console version because they didn't nerf them.

  37. 12 months ago

    the consesus is play neverwinter nights 2 instead and blizzard are incapable of making a good soulful game.

    you have a greedy souless company that is looking to appeal to the biggest morons. the games are being made by managers and israelites

  38. 12 months ago

    Needs an expansion to truly be great

    Also a frick ton more uniques, and set items. And some sort of corruption mechanic, I want the chance to roll +1 all skills on my items.

  39. 12 months ago

    Boring after reaching WT3 unironically

  40. 12 months ago

    >Having a great time with the boys farming some normal dungeons for exp/loot
    >Over the course of three days they nerf every farm spot into oblivion
    >In a game where you are meant to farm
    And no, I will not waste time doing garbage nightmare dungeons that require 3-4 minutes of running to get to, have horrible density and require backtracking constantly.

  41. 12 months ago

    VERY poor build balance, every class has one archetype that's extremely dominant

  42. 12 months ago

    I just hit 51 and have 0 desire to play more. I finished campaign at 48 and it hasn’t been fun since. the gameplay is extremely shallow

    • 12 months ago

      >the campaign was fun
      Confirmed anti-shill who hasn't played the game

      • 12 months ago

        >"The campaign is fun."

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, you understand what a shill is? Now consider what the opposite would be.

          • 12 months ago

            How is calling the game good the opposite of shilling?

            • 12 months ago

              How is saying the game gets boring at level 51 calling the game good? You're saying the most objectively shitty part of the game is its best part and you shouldn't bother with the rest. That's anti-shilling.

              • 12 months ago

                That just sounds like an opinion to me.

  43. 12 months ago

    I read a bit on their tech support forum. It was scary how many bugs there currently is. PC ending bugs. I think I will wait a while...

  44. 12 months ago


    killing and murder is part of everyday american society, its rape that is taboo (even if that happens in droves too)

  45. 12 months ago

    It doesn't seem finished. The animations and skill effects look really amateur. Dungeon layouts, every mob exploding or having multiple hard CCs, gear level requirements even though they stop scaling after 60, the level scaling, mobs just fading in on top of you, generators actually doing 0 damage making them feel awful. Feels like another d3 situation where it'll be alright in a few years after the expansion where they overhaul literally every aspect

  46. 12 months ago

    The campaign felt like rushing through the latest WoW expansion. Mindless point A to B busywork. This genre is stuck in the past. It was never Diablo that was PoE's competition, it's always been WoW which superseded Diablo 2.

  47. 12 months ago

    The best Diablo until you beat the campaign at which point the game becomes the worst Diablo. Didn't read the thread but I'm sure pretty much everyone agrees with this.

    • 12 months ago

      Immortal is unironically better.

      • 12 months ago

        In some ways I would agree. If immortal didn't have all the dogshit mobile game nonsense in it then yea it would be a better game.

        • 12 months ago

          Isn't 4 also riddled with mobile game bullshit as well, just not as severely? Like mini buys and season passes instead of gacha.

          • 12 months ago

            Yea but it's not tied into player progression. I still think it's cringe because cosmetic's are still content that should be available in a premium AAA priced game. The mobile Diablo stuff is time gated progression systems like every other mobile game.

            • 12 months ago

              Ah, I see. Hope some autists create an open source, no mtx version of Immortal some day.

  48. 12 months ago

    beat the game. it's fricking boring.

  49. 12 months ago

    By far best diablo and arpg overall
    >poetrannies on suicidewatch

  50. 12 months ago

    >why can't blizzard make good games?

  51. 12 months ago

    Druid has no reason to exist. The melee builds are just barbarian and the caster builds are just sorc but while wearing fur or throwing out nature themed projectiles, respectively. Same for non-minion necro builds just being bone/blood/dark colored sorc. Druid shouldn't have made it in and there should have been way more minions for necro.

  52. 12 months ago

    I stopped at level 10, too many Black folk in a medieval setting. Also trannies

  53. 12 months ago

    5.2 user metacritic score


    TOTK 8.7 user metacritic score

    Diablo IV will be a nominee for GOTY as a courtesy and not to piss off Blizz fans but it sure as hell not going to win it

  54. 12 months ago

    yeah I'm the same way, I played to 55 and kind of got bored. I'll probably just come back seasonally now.

  55. 12 months ago

    I am a diabloIV enjoyer

    Diablo1: 10/10
    Diablo2: 8/10
    Diablo3: 3/10
    Diablo4: 7/10

    • 12 months ago

      >duuuuur Diablo 1 is totally 10/10 guys
      >obviously a virtue signaling D2ard

      • 12 months ago

        >Diablo1: 10/10
        Said nobody ever. Even on DevilutionX it's still not as good as 2.

        I'm sorry that it bothers you but it's my favorite diablo, the one I value most highly.

        • 12 months ago

          Glad gameplay doesn't go into your rating system. Guess that's why D3 gets a 3. Brainlet.

        • 12 months ago

          Only acceptable if you recognize it's nostalgia, not design.

          • 12 months ago

            no its design, that said I value atmosphere/story/sound/music the most.

            • 12 months ago

              Valid but hella gay.

            • 12 months ago

              That's not design, it's presentation. You b***h. I'll kick your ass.

    • 12 months ago

      >Diablo1: 10/10
      Said nobody ever. Even on DevilutionX it's still not as good as 2.

    • 12 months ago

      you are mentally ill

      >Diablo: 7/10
      >Diablo 2/LOD: 9/10
      >MedianXL: 10/10
      >Diablo 3 launch: 3/10
      >Diablo 3/ROS: 7/10
      >Diablo 4 launch: 2/10

      • 12 months ago

        What about Hellfire

        • 12 months ago

          glorified patch

          LOD added a ton more shit

      • 12 months ago

        >medianXL that high
        finally an anon of culture around here

      • 12 months ago

        medianxl has the peak arpg formula
        the few years of updates have some autistic grind requirements for me but I still appreciate the hustle of the devs

    • 12 months ago

      you are mentally ill

      >Diablo: 7/10
      >Diablo 2/LOD: 9/10
      >MedianXL: 10/10
      >Diablo 3 launch: 3/10
      >Diablo 3/ROS: 7/10
      >Diablo 4 launch: 2/10

      >Diablo 1 6/10
      >Diablo 2 4/10
      >Diablo 3 9/10
      >Diablo 4 6/10

      And boom goes the dynamite.

      • 12 months ago

        Damn..........zased................this is the best taste i've ever seen.

      • 12 months ago

        If you didn't already post a gigachad I would have posted one. You know what. I'm gonna post one anyway.

      • 12 months ago

        Total Ganker oldgay here. I hearby declare everyone in this thread commence kneeling.

        • 12 months ago

          If you didn't already post a gigachad I would have posted one. You know what. I'm gonna post one anyway.

          Damn..........zased................this is the best taste i've ever seen.

          Thanks guys.

      • 12 months ago

        pretty based, but I would swap scores for 1 and 2. D1 is mostly held up by nostalgia and isn't nearly as fun as replaying D2.

    • 12 months ago

      >Diablo3: 3/10
      >Diablo4: 7/10
      Is there a singular aspect of this game that is done better than 3? What do you even base this shit on?
      >inb4 graphics and cinematics
      Moot point since 4's story is bad enough to make Leah look like a good character

      • 12 months ago

        Not him, but if we compare the two games on launch states then D4 beats D3 by far. D3 only wins right now due to years of support.

        Most ARPGs have a lackluster launch that only gets built up from years of support. From my understanding of it anyway.

    • 12 months ago

      100% accurate.

    • 12 months ago

      D1 and D2 are two different games to me. If I want horrific edge and atmosphere then D1. D2 if I just want fun and loot.

  56. 12 months ago

    Every disblo has been a loot collector a stress relief thing watching shit explode while stoned with friends or w.e. idk why anyone talks about end game. It has never been a complex title.. in any iteration. The frick do people expect?

  57. 12 months ago

    its been shit since before release

  58. 12 months ago

    Didn't play, won't play. Goyslop: the game.

  59. 12 months ago

    d4 on launch is infinitely better than d3 was on launch and thats all that matters to me
    then again it would be very difficult to be as bad as d3 launch

  60. 12 months ago

    >its another butcher shows up in your nightmare dungeon episode

    • 12 months ago


  61. 12 months ago

    Gotta say, I'm not a huge fan of the open world stuff. Having to plan your tasks around shit like worldbosses where you end up like "well this boss spawns in 10 minutes so it's not enough to really do anything, so I guess I'll just go afk around it" is kind of lame.
    This is mostly a personal issue as I might as well just not do them and focus on dungeons but I just have this weird "map bloat" that I don't really like. Makes it hard what to know what I should actually be focusing on even though I know literally everything is the same end result of just getting more chances at loot.

  62. 12 months ago

    Absolutely hate it. Never played a Diablo before but after playing a few missions with my wife (who loves the game) it’s one of the only games I’ve ever played where I’d rather just not play a video game than play this. I have more fun just watching her play and doing nothing than playing it. It’s so boring and mindless and the game never changes.

  63. 12 months ago

    I am lvl 41 and I fricking bored

  64. 12 months ago

    Is there a tier list yet

    • 12 months ago

      >t. the mentality that killed ARPGs

    • 12 months ago

      new one every week because blizzard is nerfing shit every other day

  65. 12 months ago

    I would like everyone to stop discussing this game now.

    Stop playing goyslop shit.

    I don't want to see discussions about goyslop.

    Therefore, you all should stop talking about it because you are fake npcs and part of my simulation. So stop.

  66. 12 months ago

    So what's the expectation for leveling a new character in D4? You can skip the story once you beat it but then what? You just grind out dungeons and do the side stories again as well as map exploration all over again?
    At least in D3 you could swap to adventure mode and jack up the torment difficulty. What is the expectation for someone wanting to level a new class in D4?

    • 12 months ago

      if you cant get boosted in nightmare dungeons then you just farm one dungeon over and over again
      you eventually have to explore the map again and collect all the wps to do helltides

      • 12 months ago

        skipping the story is essentially adventure mode
        you can do the sidequests or do tree of whispers (bounties but better) to level to 50
        when you get to WT3 I think it's best to do nightmare dungeons and try to level glyphs
        for my next character I'll do this then unlock WT4 when I'm able but still level glyphs in WT3 but focus on helltide in WT3 but saving the embers to spend on the WT4 chests to target ancestral upgrades
        I'm honestly not sure what Black folk are complaining about, I think the game is pretty fun

        Oh didn't know all the post 50 stuff unlocked on new characters. I thought you had to be WL3 to be able to do it.
        When making the character I didn't see an option to jump right to WL3 but I didn't try just changing it at the shrine thing.

        >I think the game is pretty fun
        I think you have a split of 50% people that are poopsockers who have already put in ~200 hours and are bored and 50% of people that just didn't play the game and only want to reminisce about how good D2 was by shitting on anything else. Same thing happened with the D3 threads and D4 is arguably better at launch than D3 was at launch.
        However I liked D3 so what the frick do I know

        • 12 months ago

          no you still have to do the WT3 capstone and be in WT3 to do helltides and nightmare dungeons
          1-50 is a bit of a chore compared to D3 for example but that's because it only took a few hours to get to 70 in D3
          I also have faith that seasons will add a bunch of shit to do during levelling, there'll basically be a new mechanic/event type thing with every season I think
          I have about 200 hours so far I think as well, still not bored but then again, I didn't follow any build guides or spoil myself looking at datamined shit before the game came out

          • 12 months ago

            >I didn't follow any build guides
            It truly is the only way to play these games. Metaslaves deserve the rope

    • 12 months ago

      skipping the story is essentially adventure mode
      you can do the sidequests or do tree of whispers (bounties but better) to level to 50
      when you get to WT3 I think it's best to do nightmare dungeons and try to level glyphs
      for my next character I'll do this then unlock WT4 when I'm able but still level glyphs in WT3 but focus on helltide in WT3 but saving the embers to spend on the WT4 chests to target ancestral upgrades
      I'm honestly not sure what Black folk are complaining about, I think the game is pretty fun

      • 12 months ago

        >saving the embers to spend on the WT4 chests
        whats this mean? can you take the helltide currency between difficulties?

        • 12 months ago

          yes i think so, people were porting to Kyovashad, changing to WT4 at the statue and then porting back to open chests
          haven't tried in a few days since I've been levelling a sorceror and it isn't ready for WT4 just yet

  67. 12 months ago


  68. 12 months ago

    It's okay. 6/10. I enjoyed Last Epoch more while playing it.

    T3 locked out via story and capstone is intrusive as frick
    Skill tree being a skill stick.
    Paragon being literal squares. I've never liked this whole endgame levelling stuff. Feels like pure fluff you'd expect post-release when a dev team has run out of ideas for content. It's one reason PoE doesn't appeal to me.
    Game releases with 5 base classes instead of 6 with a missing Knight archetype. You can really feel the game is missing that. Would have liked an Inquisitor-type Knight where you can build between a classic Paladin, Dark Knight or mix of both. Would fit the setting and theme they're going for this time.
    Build diversity feels way more limited this time, I really dug the D3 multi-element skill system. A lot of abilities weren't meta but it made levelling a lot more fun and varied. For example, I like melee necro but I prefer Blood Surge over Sever because it just looks and feels more fun to use unfortunately I have to go Sever because meleecro is overdependent on shadow damage.
    Overdependency on cooldowns and feels like a slog to play instead of being intuitive.
    Still haven't finished the story yet so will see.

  69. 12 months ago

    What's the best character in pvp?

  70. 12 months ago

    Diablo 3 is a decade older and somehow has more features, has better loot, better classes, better cinematics, a better story, more memorable characters, more difficulty levels, and a greater variety of builds. Every update (which are daily now) focuses on removing fun, removing player power, reducing loot drops, etc. Everything D4 does D3 did better years ago. How did the game backpedal so hard? Did any of these devs even play D3?

    • 12 months ago

      >Diablo 3 is a decade older and somehow has more features
      Yes because Diablo 3 has an additional 10 years of development on Diablo 4. It's not that hard to understand

      • 12 months ago

        >make a new game in the franchise
        >cut out all features and QOL implemented over the years of development of the last game from community feedback
        so they are incompetent or just learned nothing? what makes sense about that

        • 12 months ago

          It just isn't how sequels work for game development. It isn't like building blocks where they're able to just take all the work they did on D3 and build directly on top of that for their next game. Most times you start almost completely over.

          • 12 months ago

            so it's both then, they are incompetent and learned nothing. because it isn't just missing extremely basic features like a search bar or seeing possible item affixes but making the same design decisions like monster hard CCs and extra life that they took out of the previous game because people complained. I don't know why you're making excuses for this garbage

            • 12 months ago

              >I don't know why you're making excuses
              It's not an excuse, you just don't really have any idea how game development works so I'm trying to explain to you. But it doesn't sound like you're interesting in having a discussion at all so I'll just stop here.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes I am interested in having a conversation. They are making the exact mistakes and design decision they previously did that they corrected. How does "starting fresh" explain that? Why would a game with a decade of development and community feedback be lacking such basic features that anyone who played the game for 30 minutes would point out? Features they already implemented in their last game from the community feedback?

      • 12 months ago

        So they can’t implement features from an older game? It needs 10 more years just to get to current baseline D3? What kind of brain rot is that?

        >Diablo 3 is a decade older and somehow has more features
        >How did the game backpedal so hard?
        >D4 had 6 years to cook. D3 took 11 years to cook + 12 years to be cooked more
        >D3 was still more trash on release and couldn't even finish their second expansion

        See above. It’s the same company. There’s nothing new in D4, it’s lacking in every regard. If anything, D4 should have released with features and content currently available in D3 but with even more, since, you know, they had 6 years to develop it and learn from D3.

        • 12 months ago

          It's the same company but your reaction shouldn't come off as a surprise. It's kind of a surprise D4 was released as okay as it was - it should have been a worse launch. Their development cycle was really fricked during the scandal which included the original director and various devs leaving midway through development.

          It should come as no surprise why they have learned less from D2/D3 and why some features are missing - because no one had to learn their lesson in the dev team yet. Not saying I don't agree with you, but that's the state of why D4 is the way it is.

          People need to pay attention less to company name and product branding and more with the individuals within the dev team.

          • 12 months ago

            I also find it weird that anon is so hung up on the development of D3. The success of a game is always front loaded. The majority of D3's sales most likely happened during release or during RoS launch. Any development after the fact is really aimed at retaining a core group of players that like those games to begin with.

            One of the most important things when developing additional games (especially sequels) always comes down to the business's biggest concern: how do we get new players. So what a lot of existing players may see as regress, others may see as progress as they try to aim for a more casual market.
            Blizzard doesn't give a frick about the people that played D3 for 10+ years and provided them feedback on their game. Blizzard cares about the person who didn't play D3 at all and why didn't they play it.
            A lot of D4's design decisions also feels like they lend themselves to the desire to have a GaaS game similar to something like Destiny 2 or even an MMO. They want you coming back and spending money in their store every so often and will most likely try to draw people in with interesting seasons. So where you may think "oh why is it missing X", it may end up being the case that you get an entire season focused around X.

            • 12 months ago

              >we don’t want our core audience
              I mean, this has basically been Blizzards strategy for the past few years, so fair point.

              • 12 months ago

                Not just with Blizzard but the "core audience" has proved time and time again that they'll buy the games regardless. It's this way with tons of the big franchises. So I can completely understand it.

            • 12 months ago

              Have you played D4 yet? The hundreds of millions in marketing is what drives new players to buy it. Some things like the open world, crossplay and especially level scaling are aimed at a casual market and could be seen as progress for those people, but there is so much regression in QOL, intentional tedium and annoyance beyond the campaign that it is going to drive those players away. Same with drawing people back in for seasons, the way things are currently designed more casual players are already shocked by how unfriendly it is to just switch builds or level a new character let alone start a new season fresh with the giant checklist of the open world.

              • 12 months ago

                >Have you played D4 yet?
                Literally playing it right now

                >but there is so much regression in QOL, intentional tedium and annoyance beyond the campaign that it is going to drive those players away.
                I dunno about that. People forgot that the average consumer will buy a game, probably not even beat it, and then move on with their lives. The tedium built into the campaign is to attempt to at least keep those players playing for a little longer and maybe purchase something from the cash shop. The majority of money made is just from the first sale which is why marketing is so huge.

                The pretty graphics and big cutscene spectacles are enough to draw in most people. I mean you saw D4 ads plastered all over the place for a little bit so I'm sure it'll do well.

                >how unfriendly it is to just switch builds
                Is it? It's just gold to swap around your builds, didn't seem that bad. Itemization has always been the biggest issue so if you're talking about needing items after respecing then that's just the way it always is. D3 had some quicker ways to get a viable build going as you just needed a bunch of death's breaths or whatever.
                >start a new season fresh
                Yeah this is my biggest concern right now. No idea how these seasons will look with how they're handling the world. New characters should have the entire map explored if you have another character you already did it on. Seems pretty crazy to me.

              • 12 months ago

                >it's just gold, not that bad
                You are entirely correct and most players who have arpg experience will be collecting a set with alternate itemization anyways
                >new characters should have the entire map explored
                Map meta progression is shared but not actual exploration. You still have to discover the areas on a new character.

              • 12 months ago

                Are you still pretty early on? Respeccing or rerolling characters becomes awful once you're in wt4. just switching builds can be okay, but you need to basically farm another full set of full ancestrals because you don't really want to just replace your legendaries, and then find the legendaries which you'll probably have most of. It'll cost quite a few millions in gold to reroll and upgrade all your gear. What's a bit daunting doing it is you have no idea how the new build plays or if it's even good.
                Rerolling new characters though is extremely rough. All the legendaries you found on your other character can't be used because item the aspect have level requirements equal to the items. Even if you get powerleveled to 50 you probably won't have all the legendaries you need, and then you need to farm lower world tiers but can't really use well rolled aspects because you need to save them for ancestrals, but you can't get ancestrals because wt4 is a huge struggle. So yeah, changing builds is an annoyance but starting a new character once you've progressed feels pretty bad, huge time sink if you were to do it alone. They also really need the wardrobe from d3 to store gear setups

              • 12 months ago

                >no idea how the new build plays
                Simply use the build first. It doesn't need to be fully optimized for you to get the hang of it.
                >rerolling toons below 50 is tough because you can't gear them
                You don't need to gear them until WT3 anyways.
                >can't use well rolled aspects
                Simply use the codex until gearing yourself becomes relevant

              • 12 months ago

                By plays I mean what level of gear do you need to even comfortably do wt4, you have no idea what the build is capable of before rerolling to it. And yes, the point is rerolling takes forever. Its hours on hours to level and get a new character geared up for wt4 in a game where everything below that feels completely pointless.

              • 12 months ago

                >everything below that feels completely pointless
                I don't understand your complaint about gearing characters for early game then.
                In general I just don't understand your perspective, the only real difference in WT4 is bigger numbers. Obviously that's the goal, but the gameplay is essentially identical to prior tiers.

              • 12 months ago

                If you are just someone who enjoys the gameplay then no, it wouldn't be so bad rerolling a lot. The only problem I can see coming from that is you would run out of gold to actually change builds if there was a couple in a row you didn't like. Personally I'm not really playing arpgs for the gameplay, so after getting to later endgame stuff having to farm areas/world tiers on a new character where you can't even get endgame items only to have to do it again once you get there feels weird compared to other games in the genre. You can fast track a bit but it seems to really be encouraged not to with how the world tiers are set up. I'd like to be able to have a build fully set up and ready to go to try it on the highest content.

              • 12 months ago

                >run out of gold to actually change builds
                You priced it out at what, 3 million? I would agree that's fairly accurate to respec and upgrade a new set. You can farm that much within an hour, tops. It's really not that cumbersome and I'm also not respeccing without preparing some gear for it beforehand, like I would imagine most do.
                >personally I'm not really playing arpgs for the gameplay
                Unironically, what are you playing it for? Gameplay is all there is to Diablo IV.
                >I'd like to have a build fully set up and go try it on the highest content
                That's simply unreasonable. If it were that easy to change builds there would be no grind to the game at all.

              • 12 months ago

                To min max and push the builds I find interesting to some kind of conclusion. I don't think it's unreasonable, other games like poe or d2 achieve this by not having loot drop (nearly) entirely for the class you are playing so you can farm out entire builds for other classes. D3 achieves it quite well by being able to get very quickly get a build to a point where you can farm and play the build you want with crafting, cube stuff, LoD gem etc. These games also don't have the problem D4 has of you being completely locked from getting the higher tier loot until world tier 3 ad then again at 4 for the highest, a legendary is always a legendary, a well rolled drop is always a good drop.

              • 12 months ago

                >These games also don't have the problem D4 has of you being completely locked from getting the higher tier loot until world tier 3 ad then again at 4 for the highest, a legendary is always a legendary, a well rolled drop is always a good drop.
                Elite loot has existed since d2. Go try and farm a shako on normal or nightmare in d2. Try.

              • 12 months ago

                NM baal drops shako

              • 12 months ago

                My point isn't against certain drops being gated by level or specific content

              • 12 months ago

                >Are you still pretty early on?
                Yeah, only level 54 in WL3
                I haven't really looked into doing any meta builds or whatever as I just have picked what I felt like so far. I'm sure it'll frick me over eventually and I'll have to become a meta slave but for now the respecing works as I haven't done a full respec.
                So to your point, I'm sure it'd be annoying if you did a full build respec to your point.

    • 12 months ago

      >Diablo 3 is a decade older and somehow has more features
      >How did the game backpedal so hard?
      >D4 had 6 years to cook. D3 took 11 years to cook + 12 years to be cooked more
      >D3 was still more trash on release and couldn't even finish their second expansion

      • 12 months ago

        True, but it is also a triple A studio, enormous publisher, that wants to compete, dominate, and should normally want to surpass its predecesor product.

        When some chink company wants to compete in a smartphone market, it doesn't start off with 2000's Nokia development timeline, doesn't it? It brings a product, that is a copycat of most contemporary features. It is the NEW bar.
        Blizzard isn't small like GGG, but instead of focusing on the work, they were fricking around with shit like #MeToo witchhunts, firing likely essential devs.
        I hate Bobby, but I fully believe his recent statement, in regards of what looked like a hostile attempt at taking over the company, using political hysteria that is so prevalent to white, libshit companies.

        I am not saying that is the ultimate cause though. Under Bobby's guidance, only the minimal viable product is possible.

  71. 12 months ago

    waiting to get d4 till season launch.

    Is there a date for that yet?

  72. 12 months ago

    By next expansion, I can see a lot of things being reworked like unlocking World Tiers, skills, loot, skill stick and the paragon system. I think it's better to wait for D4 to get support post-release for another year. D3 wasn't enjoyable until RoS was released.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm holding out to see the extensiveness of the first season. D3 didn't have MTXs yet their seasons support was pretty rough until Blizzard was trying to sell RoS. Post-RoS the seasons started getting more interesting. I'd love for D4 to take all that money and actually make worthwhile seasons with interesting gameplay changes. But I'm pretty cautiously hopeful about that.

  73. 12 months ago

    Couldn't even get myself to lvl 50.
    The open world is filled with recycled content and a lack of variation.

  74. 12 months ago

    d4 made me realize that poe will probably be the last and only arpg this genre will ever have. there will never be an arpg better than poe until the end of time.

    • 12 months ago

      Poop of Exile is not even a game
      I'm happy it exists though I wish all the morons would stick in their containment zone and I didn't have to hear their homosexualry nonstop

    • 12 months ago

      >there will never be an arpg better than poe
      I thought they just announced POE 2 though
      Can't wait for it to go the same route of Diablo where it has an extremely autistic fanbase dead seat on the failure of any new games and will only ever accept that the first game is good

      • 12 months ago

        POE players are in denial about just how much POE2 is going to change things
        There will be a lot of crow eating and cognitive dissonance happening after Exilecon

        • 12 months ago

          >POE players are in denial about just how much POE2 is going to change things
          Dude... are you trying to hype things up? That's all I want.

          • 12 months ago

            kek I think about posts like these and it always makes me chuckle

        • 12 months ago

          >how much POE2 is going to change things
          I hope it changes a ton. I've never been able to get into PoE because every time I try I feel like there's this huge barrier to entry.
          The game really feels like a free to play MMO with tons of the currency bloat and mechanics all over the place. Every single time I tried to hop back in that game, it ended up with me watching some 20-30 minute youtube video trying to summarize what is going on at any point.
          I'm sure it's awesome for people that love PoE but sometimes I simply want to log in and start killing stuff. Never felt like I could do that with that game.

          • 12 months ago

            devs said several times that the game will never change in that regard. it will always be the weird autistic niche game. they dont have the budget to compete in the casual market anyway so they wont bother.

          • 12 months ago

            Every currency has a purpose in crafting. Simplifying the game to make it palatable to tourists would kill it. The game isn't trying to appeal to people with 5 hours played, it's meant to appeal to people with thousands of hours played. If you're a fan of ARPGs the effort spent learning the game is worth it, I promise you. It's overwhelming at first but there are many resources out there to make it easier. The depth of PoE's itemization and character building is unlike anything else on the market and anyone who says otherwise is coping.

          • 12 months ago

            what you want is definitely not going to happen. Builds are about to get way more complex in fact

            • 12 months ago

              When I read that anon's post it calls to mind the dozen seasonal progression mechanics, not build complexity. Builds are complex in name only anyways, you follow meta or get fricked by maps

              • 12 months ago

                not really. I've done off meta since 3.13 and beat all content easily on low budget

              • 12 months ago

                Because you have experience with the game lol. First time players trying to create their own build will get fricked and I'm sure you still follow a build that would be 80% consistent with the meta, because that is the nature of the game's skill trees

        • 12 months ago

          A LOT of people are looking forward to it. There are the degen gamers who live off of zoom zoom but i dont think thats the majority. People will adapt and i think it looks a lot better.

      • 12 months ago

        D2 is the autistic one though.

        • 12 months ago

          Middle aged Diablo 2 casuals are the ones playing this shitty game. PoE autists are the ones b***hing about end game.

  75. 12 months ago

    why does it have a MTX shop at a 100 dollar pricetag?

    • 12 months ago

      Because blizzard fans will accept anything

  76. 12 months ago

    I fricking hate today's Blizzard. I would really really really like to play a new Diablo. And the shit they push out today just isn't worth wasting my time on. Let alone my money. I'd rather replay Diablo on PS1 than anything "Blizzard" makes today.

  77. 12 months ago

    D1-Great aesthetic, but REALLY showing it's age gameplay wise, nostalgic if you played it on release
    D2-Fun gameplay loop, but feels clunky at times thanks to outdated gameplay mechanics
    D3-Great story, very user friendly gameplay, fun but never challenging, a very mindless loot grind
    D4-Story is good but awkwardly unstructured, gameplay loop feels a bit awkward and is limited by the weirdly small skill tree options. You either follow the meta or do terrible damage. Decently challenging though, which is refreshing after D3

    • 12 months ago

      I feel Diablo 4 would have been MUCH better had it been more structured, less open ended. I do surprisingly like the static world map, it feels much better than it being procedurally generated. Areas feel more meaningful now.

      Resources feel like they drain far too quickly though for how much damage they do. They work fine I suppose, but combat always feels a bit stilted as a result, it messes with the flow with I am constantly pausing for a half second every other second to press the next input

  78. 12 months ago

    it's lacking but fun. Lots of potential. Time will tell.

  79. 12 months ago

    There is a story? I just skip every cut scene and encounter I have no idea what is happening.

  80. 12 months ago

    >have side quest to deliver money to starving family
    >"We haven't eaten in days."
    >over 1 million gold in my magic ass pouch
    >can't give him life changing amount of pocket change

    • 12 months ago

      >random quest givers just randomly out and about
      >somehow surviving out of town when there's packs of monsters every 10 feet
      I will never understand how anyone lives in this world

      • 12 months ago

        >have side quest to deliver money to starving family
        >"We haven't eaten in days."
        >over 1 million gold in my magic ass pouch
        >can't give him life changing amount of pocket change

        wHaT dO tHeY eAt

        • 12 months ago

          I mean you say this, but the first game took care to avoid these situations.

  81. 12 months ago

    I quit at 72

  82. 12 months ago

    I just can't be bothered to login any more
    I finished the campaign on a rogue and rerolled hardcore, got to level 35 as a druid and it's all so fricking boring
    the core of the game aka end game sucks donkey dick

  83. 12 months ago

    you all need to shut the frick up right now or get in my game and duel me
    I already told you
    talk shit get hit

    get the frick in here you pussies
    put your money where your mouth is
    wager fg I'll do any 2:1 and still shit all over you and clean house
    put it up or shut the frick up

    • 12 months ago

      Imagine talking shit on video game board and then being too scared to duel in said video game.

  84. 12 months ago

    i will not touch that slop
    i will continue playing diablo 2 for another 20 years

  85. 12 months ago

    this is a question to all the anons who regret buying it
    why did you buy it? it was going to be fricking shit, it was obvious

    • 12 months ago

      Anon here who didn't regret buying it, I'm having fun. Bought the digital deluxe too

      • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      I bought the digital deluxe edition and don't regret it a bit.

    • 12 months ago

      >why did you buy it?
      I didn't
      I bought a gpu and will return said gpu within the 50 day return period
      your regular cashier doesn't know shit about any voucher campaign

    • 12 months ago

      I bought it because people I trusted from PoE said its really good. I regret it because I should have suspected the endgame will be shit. If i had knwe i'd get a maximum of 50 hours from this game i wouldnt have bought it

    • 12 months ago

      i'm stupid
      i felt physical pain playing thru the story
      i'm only 53 but it's getting a bit better with endgame because loot actually fricking drops and i'm at least a bit engaged with trying to make poison work on this rogue
      its fricking painful
      there better be some unique that makes poison tick faster or some shit because FRICK

  86. 12 months ago

    End game is too grindy, in a bad way. Also, making alts sucks because of the renown system and map fog/waypoints not being account wide.

  87. 12 months ago

    why did i roll a necro in the first place
    brb time to make a sorc

  88. 12 months ago

    Is Classic D2 still alive online, or should I just grab an already used CD Key and play it singleplayer?

  89. 12 months ago

    What I dont get is why D4 gave you 4 stash tabs?
    In PoE you buy stash tabs with real money because the game is F2P. What is the philosophy behind limiting stash space in D4?

  90. 12 months ago

    better than d2, might beat poe if blizzard can make good seasons

    • 12 months ago

      Bro most people left the game after less than a week kek

      • 12 months ago

        i stop playing poe after 2 weeks of seasons
        is still a great game

    • 12 months ago

      d4 has no content
      LE will have better longevity

  91. 12 months ago

    I just despise blizzard so much these days I can’t buy their games anymore

  92. 12 months ago

    reminder this is why poetards are so asshurt by another arpg being released. playerbase is bleeding and chris WOLCEN is going to shut down ggg and run with the money like the bald little tiny chinese gremlin that he is

    • 12 months ago

      PoE 2 will literally kill off diablo for all time

      • 12 months ago


        bro zoom out on the graph lol!

        dude the game peaked at 200,000 players years ago!! it's alive!!! typical braindead poe player. go look at your 900 node skill tree while you follow guides you moron

        • 12 months ago

          20k concurrent players is great. Wouldnt surprise me if atleast 500k play the game actively

        • 12 months ago

          brooo zoom OUT it's been doing this for years lol

          • 12 months ago

            >playbase stagnated until the d4 beta encouraged people to try it
            lmao poe is dead as frick after PoE2 drops and people realize its a shitty new campaign that they'll optimize out of their playtime every league

            • 12 months ago

              You're a moron. The new gem system by itself will be a massive refresher. This is what im looking forward to the most by far. They will no doubt prune a bunch of content and streamline the experience a bit aswell to make the launch easier for newcomers. You're deluded if you don't think they will very strategically release the game in such a way to maximize exposure and new players

              • 12 months ago

                >The new gem system by itself will be a massive refresher
                *odds of getting even a 5 link gem gutted to 1 in 10,000,000*
                *you will own nothing and be happy*
                PoE is dead as frick when the reality of PoE2 hits.

              • 12 months ago

                >*odds of getting even a 5 link gem gutted to 1 in 10,000,000*
                I hope they make them incredibly rare. Will make the endgame much more fun. Atleast PoE knows how to keep players engaged in endgame with lucrative rewards, unlike troonablo 4

              • 12 months ago

                >Atleast PoE knows how to keep players engaged in endgame with lucrative rewards
                AHAHAHAHA oh god no this Black person didn't play Trooncible. Sorry your joke game mode Ruthless has 10 concurrent players. Stay mad.

              • 12 months ago

                I did play crucible though. Wait did you literally get filtered by crucible? Its been one of the best crafting leagues ever

              • 12 months ago

                You claimed Trooncible was rewarding. Monsters drop nothing. Items trees are a dogshit, 1/100000 gamble. Nobody likes your troon homosexual game, chris. Stay MAD. Stay SAD. Stay BAD.

              • 12 months ago

                >Monsters drop nothing
                >this troon literally thinks crucible is about the altars you see on regular mapping

              • 12 months ago

                >best crafting league ever
                you aren't helping your case. also, for the record, every time someone refers to a PoE league as a "great crafting league", its almost exclusively a death kneel or cope for how fricking bad it is, and the only people who will remember it fondly are contrarian tools who will claim it was *snort* achktually great, 1.5 to 3 years after it came out. see: synthesis.

              • 12 months ago

                knell*, channeled the spirit of floyd for a second there.

                >Monsters drop nothing
                >this troon literally thinks crucible is about the altars you see on regular mapping

                >crucible is actually about the geodes!
                now youre just fricking coping. stop.

              • 12 months ago

                Synthesis was unironically amazing and the redditeurs being upset at it just confirms my beliefs. Kalandra was dogshit before you accuse me of liking that
                I bet you're the type of shitter who thought sanctum or sentinel was a great league

              • 12 months ago

                >>for the record, every time someone refers to a PoE league as a "great crafting league", its almost exclusively a death kneel or cope for how fricking bad it is, and the only people who will remember it fondly are contrarian tools who will claim it was *snort* achktually great, 1.5 to 3 years after it came out

                >Synthesis was unironically amazing and the redditeurs being upset at it just confirms my beliefs
                yeah, thank you for proving my point, verbatim.

              • 12 months ago

                Black person just saw the bait and stuck his arm straight into the bear trap anyways. You could have at least pretended to like Bestiary or something.

              • 12 months ago

                Kalandra wasn't a crafting league, it was a slot machine. So is Crushitble and Sytheshit, but Kalandra was far, far more egregious.

              • 12 months ago

                Sanctum was shit. Sentinel was harmless. PoE hasn't had a good league since Ultimatum, and even that wasn't great. There's a reason the only time the game gained players was because D4 propped it up, and even then, i'd wager to say D4 made more money its opening weekend than PoE has in its entire lifetime. They aren't even on the same radar.

    • 12 months ago

      bro zoom out on the graph lol!

  93. 12 months ago

    just barely over a week and the game has lost 60% of the its viewers and the amount of channels has gone from 21k peak to 6k

    it's lost ark all over again

    • 12 months ago

      diablo is for millennials and zoomers. gen alpha don't give about diablo lol.

    • 12 months ago

      >poe tard pulls out a stream graph as if viewership is any indicator of playerbase
      Tell me how fortnite is dead because no one watches it XD

      20k concurrent players is great. Wouldnt surprise me if atleast 500k play the game actively

      20k concurrent would probably be around 40-50k daily users

      • 12 months ago

        Active players isnt just daily players though.

        • 12 months ago

          if you aren't playing daily you shouldn't be counted as an active player

          did you forget the amount of channels streaming the game?
          literally every single metric is showing the game losing players which is obvious but it's going incredibly fast
          majority abandoning the game because there's nothing to do after the 12 hour campaign

          desperate to prove your point. it's sad bro. sorry your past 8 seasonal gimmicks have been shit

          • 12 months ago

            >if you aren't playing daily you shouldn't be counted as an active player
            Maybe so but its harder to compare it with other games then because if your game isnt on steam you're probably not releasing that number, or you're using a different definition for active player. IIRC blizzard uses the definition of having played once in the past month

      • 12 months ago

        did you forget the amount of channels streaming the game?
        literally every single metric is showing the game losing players which is obvious but it's going incredibly fast
        majority abandoning the game because there's nothing to do after the 12 hour campaign

      • 12 months ago

        there's no way a game with 20k concurrent is only 40-50k daily players, that's ridiculous

  94. 12 months ago

    >viewers down
    >streaming channels down
    >1 thread on Ganker instead of 5-10
    >10 hours and it's not even at 400 posts
    >homosexual board resetera d4 general has slowed down to barely 10 pages per day compared to 30-40 pages

    • 12 months ago

      just shows how mediocre TOTK, and Diablo 4 are. elden ring was spammed to death for months. hell, even street fighter 5 is being spammed to death on here

      • 12 months ago

        there's like 5 threads a month after it came out. more than sf6. why are you lying

  95. 12 months ago

    generator spender loop is so boring. they would be better off having your generator automatically attack enemies because it's so brainless anyways.

  96. 12 months ago

    >always online
    >game as service
    >level scalling
    >too easy

  97. 12 months ago

    homies never had a chance

  98. 12 months ago

    why havent i seen what diablo looks like in d4 yet? he looked great in 1/2 and pretty moronic looking in 3

    • 12 months ago

      Lmao. Look at this dude. expecting Diablo in his Diablo game.

  99. 12 months ago

    As average as it gets, except the absolutely horrible pvp.

  100. 12 months ago

    Playing D2R just made me want to play D4 for some reason

  101. 12 months ago

    would reflection stop being shit please

  102. 12 months ago

    I just can't justify a 70 dollar game.
    Gonna wait for it to go on sale before buying,

    • 12 months ago

      >If I play 100 hours it's just 0.7 usd per hour!

      • 12 months ago

        Alternatively I can just not buy the always online game until it's piss cheap and has more content.

    • 12 months ago

      It wont. Made 700 mill in a week. Sale never ever poor

      • 12 months ago

        it's only a matter of time

        • 12 months ago

          Unironically, it'll probably take 2 years or longer.

          Just e-stalk a Blizzard employee instead and arrange an "accidental" encounter, then manipulate them into a romantic relationship with you so that you can get a free download code for the game.

  103. 12 months ago

    >item level caps at 725 or whatever
    >meaning you can get your best gear possible in the 70s
    >all leveling accomplishes is those drops just have a higher level requirement
    Who the frick thought this was okay

    • 12 months ago

      Wonder why they didn't just cap the level at 70 and promise to introduve more levels and gear in following seasons then. So many wierd design decisions. Development had to have been rushed.

      • 12 months ago

        They scrapped the entire rune system dude. That was the whole thing keeping itemization interesting. People are complaining about PoE2 taking forever to launch, but it's honestly surprising that blizzard managed to release this game this early when they can't even make a pve campaign for overwatch

    • 12 months ago

      >have to be level 80 to open the wt4 world boss cache

  104. 12 months ago

    It's honestly a pretty solid game, but Ganker will inevitably hate it because they're blinded by autism rage. A few years from now they'll backpedal and claim it's a masterpiece and that they've always been a fan of it.

    • 12 months ago

      A few years from now, loot will have been completely overhauled, the go-fetch/"kill every single enemy" dungeon design will have been scrapped, and the endgame will feel complete. After pumping out two $50 expansions, of course.

      • 12 months ago

        I'll feel gypped if the expansions are only $50. They shouldn't allow the poors to buy it.

  105. 12 months ago

    Because for all they make you do, you're not important. Outside of Diablo 1 where if you play as a warrior, you're a central antagonist in the second game, you're not important in any of their games. In WoW you're just some guy who gets involved in the most important stuff in the game but spectating others.

    In this game, the biggest moment is the fight between Lilith and Inarius, that's the moment everyone talked about, at least. Then when its all said and done it's the one armed girl who rides off with Mephisto, and now you chase after her, too. It's always someone else's story, and you're just an extra.

    • 12 months ago

      Ok go play d3 where you're basically god and your MC keeps telling themselves how badass they are

  106. 12 months ago

    >malthael wipes out 70% of humanity with one weird trick, necromancers hate him!
    what the frick was that

  107. 12 months ago

    Is there even a way to party up with randoms to take on end game shit together?

  108. 12 months ago

    Its fun for awhile. Its a good base to build upon in seasons/expansions. I hate cooldowns

    • 12 months ago

      I'm just waiting for them to inevitably add back in Paladins, Demon Hunters, Monks, and Bards

  109. 12 months ago

    I don't know what I'm missing but I had to basically force myself to play up to 30. It just hasn't been fun and the skill tree and spells aren't clicking for me. This is coming from someone who played Diablo 2 as a kid and loved it. Played the shit out of D3 too.

    • 12 months ago

      >Forced myself to at least get my first character to 50, unlock WT3, all the waypoints, find all the Lilith statues, and get to at least Renown Level 3 in every zone
      >have done that now
      >have no motivation to play another class

    • 12 months ago

      it's just genuinely not that fun to kill monsters imo, you always feel quite weak and the skill effects feel pretty lackluster even compared to just d3. that and they really REALLY want you to have huge downtime between killing them

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah I solved the downtime problem by just clicking back to Ganker after every major battle since I naturally have no real motivation to play. Now I can ult all the time.

  110. 12 months ago

    so how do i necro besides oneshotting everything with a bone spear crit til i run out of essence

    • 12 months ago

      Build around whatever skill drops on your next legendary, I mean shift everything around just for kicks.

    • 12 months ago

      Build around whatever skill drops on your next legendary, I mean shift everything around just for kicks.

      I have yet to find anything that really works on my necro. And, I might be moronic but when I started playing I had 8 skellys then all of a sudden I could only have 3 or so. Did they really get nerfed that hard?
      ..I also can't find the golem skill to put on my skill list. Help..

  111. 12 months ago

    >Why cant Blizzard make good endgame?
    Because the endgame isn't made for you or us
    >WoW arena is for MLG/MDI
    >WoW raids is for MLG/MDI
    >WoW balancing is for MLG/MDI
    >WoW M+ is for MLG/MDI
    >OW was for MLG/MDI
    >Hearthstone was for MLG/MDI
    >HotS was for MLG/MDI
    >Starcraft was for.....was it called MLG/MDI back then?

  112. 12 months ago

    should i buy this game? Im fricking bored bros...

    • 12 months ago

      It's unironically more boring than scrolling aimlessly on the internet. It actually adds net boredom to your life. Not even memeing.

  113. 12 months ago

    >Make game about killing Satan
    >Don’t add a holy knight class

    I know they’re doing it so they can charge people for the class in a DLC but FRICK YOU BLIZZARD

    • 12 months ago

      if it makes you feel any better all the Crusaders that are in the game are either moronic or dead, so you're not missing out on much

  114. 12 months ago

    Why do story and side quests keep giving me followers but then I can't keep them?

    Where are the permanent followers?

  115. 12 months ago

    Is it true that the story is mostly about a Mary Sue girl and you're like just a side character doing nothing?

  116. 12 months ago

    My friends keep telling me to buy this but isn't it basically just an MMO? I don't really understand diablo

    • 12 months ago

      have you played lost ark? it's a slower lost ark with less bullshit mechanics basically

  117. 12 months ago

    I heard there were leaks what where they?

    • 12 months ago

      If only there were some way to search the internet for an answer

  118. 12 months ago

    Has the battlepass been revealed yet?

  119. 12 months ago

    >Whats the consensus on Diablo IV?
    That Blizzard won and Ganker is mindbroken beyond repair about it.

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