whatever happened to classic mario?

whatever happened to classic mario?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      wait a minute classic mario didn't always have blue overalls wtf

      • 8 months ago

        Red overalls
        >Mario Bros arcade
        Blue overalls
        >SMB1 and 2
        Red overalls
        >SMB3 onwards
        Blue overalls

  2. 8 months ago

    Wonder is in 10 days

    • 8 months ago

      oh shit

  3. 8 months ago

    He's still contained inside Mario as his 2D form.

  4. 8 months ago

    Mario never split his identity so drastically. Mario is Mario.

  5. 8 months ago

    Mario moved on, sonic has been stuck in the past for 20 bloody years. Sonic is a dead series propped up purely for money. Before you mention frontiers, I’d remind you that they ran right back to classic sonic right after frontiers, so yes, they are still stuck in the 90’s.

    • 8 months ago

      This. Look at how heavy they israeliteed out origins. This is how much Sega cares about Sonic

      • 8 months ago

        honestly maybe sega needs to be israelitewy these days I swear to god they were burning money on the most schizo of shit in the 90s. Sega used to be based morons.

      • 8 months ago

        >Roger CraiNg Smith
        Are you fricking kidding me????

    • 8 months ago

      This. Look at how heavy they israeliteed out origins. This is how much Sega cares about Sonic

      Ironic, given it Sonic was made to be the more "modern" character

    • 8 months ago

      >moved on
      >design is same as always
      >no new IPs, always a classic platformer, RPG, sports, party, or kart

    • 8 months ago

      >Mario moved on
      No he didn't, he's been doing the same thing forever.

    • 8 months ago

      Mario's been nostalgiagayging it up since the 2000s, he never stopped. Odyssey's full of refences to the original 8bit-Mario games, Mario 99 happened, Mario Makers 1 and 2 happened, so on and so forth
      Having a "classic" throwback isn't something new for franchises. Half of the Kirby franchise's music is remixes of songs from the fricking 90s gameboy era. The Zelda franchise is a constant cycle of Ocarina of Time and LTTP homages. The only reason why "Classic" Mario isn't a character is because there isn't as big of a design gap between 80s Mario and modern Mario outside of fidelity (and also that Sega did the whole "past personification" thing before they did)

      • 8 months ago

        Nta, but Sonic would be in a place to be doing the same sorts of throwbacks and nods within its new games if the series had continued to be well received. Because of the negative reception and the split fanbase, they felt the need to say, “h-hey, it’s your old pal classic sonic! Just as you remember him! Please buy the game…”

        • 8 months ago

          >Because of the negative reception and the split fanbase, they felt the need to say, “h-hey, it’s your old pal classic sonic! Just as you remember him! Please buy the game…
          literal fanfiction
          Frontiers sold 4x more than Mania despite nostalgia supposedly being some magic bullet to raise sales.
          Classic Sonic is a thing because people in the general audience and Sonic Team like the art style and the gameplay style enough to want more.

          • 8 months ago

            Are you stupid? What does Frontiers have to do with the creation of classic Sonic as a separate character? He was made after Unleashed to engender some good will

            >if the series had continued to be well received
            People/fans would have still requested "classic"-style Sonic games anyway considering the blatant shift in tone Sonic had during the 2000s, even if the series' general output was still considered high quality. This is a large part of why the fanbase split happened, and you can see Sonic Team attempting to respond to this change as far back as Heroes.

            They could have made 2D Sonic without the “classic” character, as they did with Advance, but they fricked up with Somic 4 and they kept reinventing and stumbling with 3D Sonic. That’s the reason the brand become so unmanageable that they needed to have the split

            • 8 months ago

              >They could have made 2D Sonic without the “classic” character, as they did with Advance
              Sure, but at this point there's a clear difference between Sonic Team's views on general 2D Sonic and classic Sonic.
              Classic Sonic harbors a specific style of gameplay, a style which was really only brought back for Advance 1, and then gradually altered and ultimately dropped completely in the following 2D games. Iizuka has even stated in interviews for Superstars that Sonic 4 was designed to be closer to the latter Advance titles (and I suppose Rush) in its gameplay than the classic games.

              Sega could be making 2D Sonic games with the modern design, but they wouldn't be classic-styled games, they'd be stuff like Rush or the 2D sections featured in every modern 3D title, because that's the type of gameplay experience Sonic Team associates with modern Sonic. So in Sonic Team's mind a classic-style game should feature the classic designs, which is why we now have a separate classic Sonic entity from a marketing standpoint.

              • 8 months ago

                I agree with everything you’re saying, but in terms of denoting “classic Sonic” as his own character and not simply having Sonic’s style being maleable, I think the drastically different design ethos they’ve stumbled into over the years and the differing demographic appeals are the reason for the distinction in marketing. I think the lack of consistent identity in design (gameplay, story and art) lead to the audience bifurcation that resulted in the 2 different characters

              • 8 months ago

                >I think the lack of consistent identity in design (gameplay, story and art) lead to the audience bifurcation that resulted in the 2 different characters
                Definitely, however from a modern day standpoint I see it as a non-issue. 3D Sonic can be its own thing, while 2D is similarly its own thing, with each using different character designs and general approaches to presentation (classic Sonic won't be using emo metal during its Super Sonic boss fight, for example) to help make each experience stand out a bit more, similar to the differences between standard platforming Mario and Paper Mario. Each designed for different groups, while also allowing for a bit of crossover appeal.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, I don’t find it to be an issue, but it’s interesting to contrast with other IP that had more of a solid identity with the creatives. Sonic devs more so had an idea of what it should be (“cool”) and thus he’s transformed a lot over the years. Honestly, even within 3D, Frontiers Sonic is barely recognizable as the same as Colors Sonic. I can’t help but think that the series may have been better off with a consistent tone/style, but maybe changing with the times has allowed it to remain popular despite its stumbles. Hard to say, but fun to consider

              • 8 months ago

                I think changing in some fashion is just what happens to an IP that manages to stick around for numerous decades. Doom and Pac-Man are examples of franchises that have similarly re-invented themselves in different ways over the years, amassing different types of fans that are attracted to the different ways the IP has been envisioned by different devs. It's just a natural part of the process, just like purposefully going back or playing off of a given series' roots at some point a decade or two later.

                That said, Sonic probably stands out a bit more due to re-inventing itself multiple times within a significantly shorter time span. Doom has never been criticized for having an "identity crisis" of sorts simply because its reboots/re-inventions are more spread out in comparison.

              • 8 months ago

                Doom 3 is the only real aberration, and it was a reboot that purposefully ditched the “mascot” of a series less reliant on a mascot. Pacman absolutely floundered in its transition to 3D, hence the dozens of designs that no one liked and no new games being made. Besides, there are dozens of IP examples to the contrary, like the one mentioned in the OP

              • 8 months ago

                >Doom 3 is the only real aberration
                Modern Doom games don't play anything like the original games, they just have more "throwback" references than Doom 3 did. If anything they play more like successors to Painkiller.
                Is this a bad thing? Not really, but it's still an example of how natural it is for iconic IPs to change over the years, which was the point, not if said changes are particularity done well.

              • 8 months ago

                NuDoom is closer stylistically to old Doom than Frontiers Sonic is to Classic Sonic. These things obviously work on spectrum, and IP that lie dormant for longer, like Doom did, are more probe to bigger changes when they’re rebooted. Yet Sonic is still farther from where it started than Doom. Having consistent releases with such inconsistent identities makes Sonic atypical. Find it really strange that you don’t see this and thought Doom and Pacman were good examples to the contrary

              • 8 months ago

                >NuDoom is closer stylistically to old Doom than Frontiers Sonic is to Classic Sonic.
                Only Doom Eternal can be considered comparable to the original games in that regard, and that was specifically done as a response to the more generic "safe" sci-fi style featured in 2016. At this point in time Frontiers is basically Sonic's equivalent to 2016, even down to having separate throwback areas that exist specifically to evoke the more traditional style featured in older entries.
                >These things obviously work on spectrum, and IP that lie dormant for longer, like Doom did, are more probe to bigger changes when they’re rebooted.
                Yes, I already acknowledged this. It's why "identity crisis" is never a criticism thrown at the series, as each generation basically has its own take on Doom at this point.
                >Having consistent releases with such inconsistent identities makes Sonic atypical.
                I already stated this also.
                >Find it really strange that you don’t see this and thought Doom and Pacman were good examples to the contrary
                Contrary to what? All I said was that most long-lasting IPs tend to change (and fall back on nostalgia in some cases) over time, with Sonic standing out more due to how frequent it re-invents its own identity in comparison. I'm honestly not sure what is being argued here.

              • 8 months ago

                My mistake, I had misread your earlier post. Was responding in between catching up on work. Should have been more attentive. My bad, anon.

              • 8 months ago

                It's okay. I still love you.

        • 8 months ago

          >if the series had continued to be well received
          People/fans would have still requested "classic"-style Sonic games anyway considering the blatant shift in tone Sonic had during the 2000s, even if the series' general output was still considered high quality. This is a large part of why the fanbase split happened, and you can see Sonic Team attempting to respond to this change as far back as Heroes.

  6. 8 months ago

    damn you can use the game voucher on mario but not sonic. he's an honorary nintendo character at this point

  7. 8 months ago

    There is no "classic Mario" as Mario never had a series-crippling identity crisis.

  8. 8 months ago

    Mario is still the same character
    >Sonic too
    Generations says no. But Frontiers says yes... I don't know it's a clusterfrick

  9. 8 months ago

    He was in Odyssey.

  10. 8 months ago

    here he is

  11. 8 months ago

    The whole Classic/Modern split Sega is doing with Sonic is fricking dumb. It was fine when they did it Generations because it was an anniversery game and time travel, but it doesn't need to stay a thing now

    • 8 months ago

      In Frontiers you play as modern and meet modern characters but they reference classic shit like 'oh yeah remember when we went through that'. Sonic timeline is fricked beyond belief

    • 8 months ago

      it's weird since up until that point sonic was also just sonic
      the adventure redesigns were never meant to be separate characters

      • 8 months ago

        Which is how it should've stayed

        • 8 months ago

          sonic adventure 1, 2 and everything that followed were so shit, a classic/modern distinction was already forming well before generations

    • 8 months ago

      Classic Sonic in Generations was Sonic from the past. After returning to the past, he branched the timeline and became a separate character, leading to Sonic Mania and his appearance in Forces.
      >inb4 that's moronic
      Yeah, I know.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm honestly fine with it after Frontiers. There's absolutely no fricking way to integrate the magic and whimsy of the classic series in with the modern edge anymore. That door is shut.

      • 8 months ago

        Modern should've been just Sonic's Mega Man X.
        They even had an anime called Sonic X to advertise it lol.

    • 8 months ago

      >The whole Classic/Modern split Sega is doing with Sonic is fricking dumb.
      I don't see how it's any different from any other multimedia franchise having different "branches" of the same IP to appeal to different crowds. The only argument I tend to see against it just boils down to certain people wanting to see their preferred design/characters in every piece of Sonic media instead.

      • 8 months ago

        >I don't see how it's any different from any other multimedia franchise having different "branches" of the same IP
        >implying that's a good thing

        • 8 months ago

          I not seeing any reason why it's a bad thing.

          • 8 months ago

            It must be nice with your head in the ground these last 10 years.

            • 8 months ago

              Sonic has been "bad" for around 25 years now, so your shallow attempt at a point doesn't stand.
              You're literally the type of person I was talking about where both branches of the series existing at once is only a problem because you just want media with your preferred design in it.

              • 8 months ago

                Sure buddy. I'm glad that cope is working out for you

              • 8 months ago

                What exactly am I coping with.

              • 8 months ago

                You invented a strawman for me to prove your point
                Having "mulitple" versions only serves to make the franchise is disjointed and soulless than anything, and only a rare few franchises can pull it off well.

              • 8 months ago

                >You invented a strawman for me to prove your point
                And you had every opportunity to prove my claim otherwise, and did nothing.
                >Having "mulitple" versions only serves to make the franchise is disjointed and soulless than anything
                >and only a rare few franchises can pull it off well
                And this doesn't include Sonic because...? 3D Sonic is now open world-focused with the modern designs, while 2D is a classic-styled experience with the classic designs. Then you have the movies which do their own thing, and that "Sonic and Friends" tiktok thing for Japanese children.
                Nothing about this is disjointed. They all serve their own purpose by offering the IP to different demographics who hold different interests.

              • 8 months ago

                What's to prove otherwise? The evidence is clear as day and I don't feel naming everything that's shit now
                >3D Sonic is now open world-focused with the modern designs, while 2D is a classic-styled experience with the classic designs
                Y'know except when it's not.

              • 8 months ago

                >What's to prove otherwise? The evidence is clear as day and I don't feel naming everything that's shit now
                You won't name it because you can't. Again, the series isn't any more "shit" now than it has been since the mid 90s, although it has become considerably more relevant again, partly because of Sega taking this branched approach, instead of trying to appeal to as many people as possible within a single project, which is *actually* what caused the series to feel like it was going through a disjointed identity crisis.
                >Y'know except when it's not.
                When is it not? That's exactly what it is now, and is exactly what Iizuka sees the videogame part of the franchise being like going into the future.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon, Sega is aware of how their fanbase will react if they release a game where the character design deviates more than 5% of what some random autist likes, so they have to scream "ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE! NOT A REBOOT! DON'T PANIC! ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE! NOT A REBOOT!" as much as they can
      Classic Sonic is their way of having their cake and eating it

  12. 8 months ago

    this is what sonic should've always been

    • 8 months ago

      The modern asethetic was a mistake, it's nice to see Sonic moving on from it, even if Superstars does kind of have a cheap mobile game aesthetic. Fang's character design is so good. In terms of design it probably goes:
      Sonic = Knuckles > Tails = Fang > Eggman >> Amy > Trip

      frick off classicpedo

      • 8 months ago

        >he says as he jerks off to Sage e-girl porn for the 20th time today

  13. 8 months ago

    The modern asethetic was a mistake, it's nice to see Sonic moving on from it, even if Superstars does kind of have a cheap mobile game aesthetic. Fang's character design is so good. In terms of design it probably goes:
    Sonic = Knuckles > Tails = Fang > Eggman >> Amy > Trip

  14. 8 months ago

    That Sonic render... Looks like it has... sovl...

  15. 8 months ago

    Modern mario isn't a tonal, drastic departure from 80s Mario. Odyssey is the most distance from OG Mario but the gameplay is still authentic to the experience of the 2D gameplay, unlike Modern Sonic is to Classic.
    >But what about muh Advance Game-
    2nd game abandoned it for proto boostshit
    >But they can always just add it back i-
    No, they can't. The modern fanbase doesn't want that. SEGA clearly don't want that. Otherwise Modern wouldn't be a thing in the first place. That's why Classic Sonic is a thing now instead of Classic Sonic being just "Sonic the Hedgehog" and Modern Sonic being "Modern Sonic". Mario doesn't need this.

    • 8 months ago

      Frick off back to South Island Central, langegay.

  16. 8 months ago

    The people that seriously thinks fishing meching and hunting are natural transtions from classic Sonic are just tranoids doped on copium
    >B-b-but muh DBZism
    Wasn't the selling point of the classic games. Never was, never wil be. They were always parts of the almost exclusively American pie.

  17. 8 months ago

    Reminder that nobody likes Sonic in Japan.

    • 8 months ago

      nobody likes Sonic in america either

      • 8 months ago

        Then why are their favorite games the ones made by the Japanese devs that made obviously better quality games in the 90s?

        • 8 months ago

          nostalgia for when they didn't have standards

          • 8 months ago

            So everyone's standards on Ganker

      • 8 months ago

        If that was the case Sonic would have died in the 2000s along with every other mascot platformer not named Mario.

    • 8 months ago

      Unless you just copy BOTW and slap Evagelion in it and call that a Sonic game

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        No one but a autistic woman pretending to be a dog likes sonic in japan

        • 8 months ago

          >autistic woman
          they behave this way because they know moronic simps like you will believe it's real and not an act, and give them money for it. not every japanese woman is autistic regardless of what anime homosexuals have consitioned you to believe.

        • 8 months ago

          That's every japanese woman.

  18. 8 months ago

    he smoked that barrio

  19. 8 months ago

    This art is really nice. Too bad the rest of the game likely won’t match its quality

  20. 8 months ago

    >be me get super excited have been debating between sonic superstars and mario wonder
    >In a massive mood for some good ol' sonic
    >only have a nintendo switch
    >forgot that it wasn't developed for the switch, and that I'll be playing the inferior port
    Son of a b***h, I'm going to have to get wonder aren't I?

    • 8 months ago

      It’ll likely run alright. It’ll just be ugly as frick and a little more buggy. How buggy? Who’s to say

      • 8 months ago

        If I open the screenshots on the nintendo eshop listing is that what the game is supposed to look like on muh switch?

        • 8 months ago

          I believe that’s the case

  21. 8 months ago

    >no green-eyed sonic
    Ah... yup I'm thinking it's going to be a good game.

  22. 8 months ago

    It don't matter.
    Sonic is more popular, period.
    You will always find Sonic threads, but a Mario thread? Rarely.
    People love talking about Sonic, regardless of whether it's badly or goodly.

  23. 8 months ago


    Not the point
    No one said these two Sonic's aren't the same Sonic. As in the same BEING.

    It's just two different tonal directions that clearly clash between each other's ideals, that's the point people are talking about. Only morons took Forces out of context and claimed Classic Sonic was some AU Batman where he's his father that survived while Bruce died, it's about classic Sonic's ideology pre Naka's control was far far different to how people see Modern Sonic. Example: Sonic 06. There's simply no timeline Classic Sonic looks like it would have ever became Sonic 06, without a fundamentally different outlook on what Sonic "should" be. And the guy that wrote for those games explicitly states that himself. Classic is NOT Modern, not by being two separate Sonics, but by being the same Sonic warped into someone else's headcanon.

    It's kinda like now, the modern Sonic today by Ian Flynn is honestly nothing like Maekawa's Sonic. But the difference is that Modern Sonic today doesn't have a new design to separate that direction of Sonic with Ian Flynn's direction of Sonic. Classic had ALL of his ideologies, by Oshima and Yasahara, deleted in favor of more and more and more DBZ stealing and nothing really original to Sonic himself. Case in point, what about CD looks like anything else done in any other medium? Nothing. Compare that to SA1/2, one being Godzilla, the other being about some romance movie between two partners (Shadow and Maria). After than, 06, literally FF type shit. Now Frontiers, Evangelion.

    That's what people mean when people see a difference between classic and modern Sonic. It's on a fundamental perspective, not literal. It's better to look at it like Trunks from DBZ (ironic I know but just follow me here), Kid Trunks becomes the Future Trunks in one timeline and the same Trunks into the Super Timeline. Same person, different directions in time. Modern Sonic is Classic Sonic going into a direction 90s kids didn't ask for nor expected.

    • 8 months ago

      >like dropping a tub onto my head
      Wtf is he talking about

  24. 8 months ago

    sonic heghog

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