Whats a must have Saturn Game you would recommend?

I got a Sega Saturn off my uncle thats sat in his attic in mint condition since the 1990's. I picked up a Satiator that turns the mpeg video slot into the equivalent of a R4 card or Everdrive. I could just throw everything on but thats an overwhelming lot of selection to start with.

I've already got some stuff like Nights, Radiant Silvergun, Shining Force 3, Shinobi X and so on good to go but what would you consider a must play Sega Saturn game?

-Also he only had the "3d" controller with the analogue stick and it doesn't feel that great, are the modern officially licensed repros of the original controller worth picking up at like 30 quid?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    Policenauts, Sakura Wars fan translations
    Also this game

  2. 6 months ago

    Sonic 3D Blast/Flickies' Island. It's absolute ass but it looks great and the music is fun. Good one to have in the collection even if just for the meme.

  3. 6 months ago

    Unironically, there aren't any.

  4. 6 months ago


  5. 6 months ago

    I would buy one these if they didn't cost so damn much, I'm sticking to burned CDs.

    • 6 months ago

      I got a large refund on something so decided to splurge, didn't want to rip out the drive and solder some shitty 3d printed board on plus theres always a much higher resell value if i ever get bored of it to pass it on. Still damn steep though but seems to be solidly built and not a cheap workaround job.

      • 6 months ago

        You could've gotten a Saroo though.

        • 6 months ago

          Bad idea considering that the thing is buggy as hell and the creator is about to do a hardware redesign that will render the current versions obsolete

  6. 6 months ago

    Saturn Bomberman fight.

  7. 6 months ago

    my favorite games on saturn:
    cotton 2
    cotton boomerang
    guardian force (NOT HEROES)
    psychic killer taromaru
    elevator action returns
    panzer dragoon zwei
    twinkle star sprites

    I think with all of these you will have fun very quickly

  8. 6 months ago

    What I own.

  9. 6 months ago

    Astra Superstars
    Battle Garegga
    Bubble Symphony
    Bulk Slash
    Burning Rangers
    Darius Gaiden
    Die Hard Arcade
    Dragon Force
    Elevator Action Returns
    Gungriffon 2
    Last Bronx
    Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
    Panzer Dragoon Saga
    Sakura Taisen 2
    Saturn Bomberman
    Shining The Holy Ark
    Silhouette Mirage
    Zoko Oyoyo

  10. 6 months ago

    These were always fun while growing up, OP.

    > Astal
    > Black Fire
    > Bug!
    > Daytona USA
    > Off-World Interceptor Extreme
    > Panzer Dragoon

  11. 6 months ago

    >CTRL+F Sega Rally
    >no results
    I'm disappointed. Sure it's one of the most popular and obvious choices but that's for a good reason

  12. 6 months ago

    Lunar Silver Star Story Complete

  13. 6 months ago

    must plays in my book:
    burning rangers
    guardian heroes
    bulk slash
    darius gaiden

  14. 6 months ago

    Panzer dragoon

  15. 6 months ago

    Take the 3d pad apart and clean it. Take the analog stick apart and put some kind of grease under the stick too. I thought that controller was shit, now it's totally different. So damn smooth

  16. 6 months ago

    The Panzer Dragoon games
    The recent fan translation of Linkle Liver Story
    The recent fan translation of Bulk Slash
    Burning Rangers
    Keio Flying Squadron 2
    Magic Knight Rayearth
    Three Dirty Dwarves
    The recent fan translation of Silhouette Mirage
    Mr. Bones

    If you don't mind the games being in Japanese:
    Game Tengoku/The Game Paradise
    Princess Crown

    • 6 months ago

      >The recent fan translation of Silhouette Mirage
      >someone ported the Working Designs script instead of retranslating it

      • 6 months ago

        At least you get the better visuals from the Saturn version that way, the only other option was the PS1 version which was an official Working Designs release.

        Also from my understanding it was a proof of concept that they would be able to do it to pave the way for a proper retranslation.

      • 6 months ago

        At least you get the better visuals from the Saturn version that way, the only other option was the PS1 version which was an official Working Designs release.

        Also from my understanding it was a proof of concept that they would be able to do it to pave the way for a proper retranslation.

        I've always wondered, some games have been localised on PS1 but not on Saturn despite that it would take next to no effort, probably. Why is that?

        • 6 months ago

          Saturn versions had full animation cutscenes that required an additional mpeg video card sold only in japan, when the games were ported to the ps1 whole cutscenes were replaced and in many cases the soundtrack and it was simply less work to localise for a much, much bigger potential audience with the PS1 adoption rate.

        • 6 months ago

          Console was dying in America at that time so some companies didn't want to take the risk and Bernie being Bernie.

        • 6 months ago

          My guess is they just considered it not worth it considering how poorly the Saturn sold outside Japan while the PS1 was breaking records. The number of people who would have had a Saturn, not have a PS1, and be in the potential market group for a game would have been very very small, likely too small to justify the costs of translating it.

          Saturn versions had full animation cutscenes that required an additional mpeg video card sold only in japan, when the games were ported to the ps1 whole cutscenes were replaced and in many cases the soundtrack and it was simply less work to localise for a much, much bigger potential audience with the PS1 adoption rate.

          I highly highly doubt it.

          Very few games had MPEG versions, most of them were heavily Japanese-only style games that few in the US would care about like visual novels or supplementary media-only material for games, and the MPEG card was optional in all of them except one as all those MPEG games also had non-MPEG versions of their FMVs for those without the card.

          The only game which required it was a special MPEG version of Lunar, which was not only available as a separate non-MPEG version on Saturn anyway but was also on the PS1 with FMV that was about on par if not better than the Saturn MPEG version.

          Most of the Saturn MPEG games didn't even have a PS1 release either Japan or otherwise.

          Publishers remove features from games all the time that support peripherals in Japan that aren't in the US ( PockerStation, PS2 HDD support, etc), a game having MPEG was hardly going to cause an issue with releasing it outside Japan. Saying that it was due to the MPEG card is nonsensical.

  17. 6 months ago

    Virtual hylide, b***h!

  18. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Frick that cheating chink shit.

  19. 6 months ago

    Virtual On is good but I'd only recommend it if you can find one of those big twin stick arcade sticks to play it with.

  20. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      thats nothing, compared to buying a saturn whose disc reader doesnt work, buying 80 dollar games

      heart of the alien

      that's all you need to play

  21. 6 months ago

    Guardian Heroes, Panzer Dragoon (all 3), Burning Rangers. Just search for recommended games and pick whatever you want.

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