What's a non-cringey reason that a human PC would side with a non-human species over his own species in a conflict?

What's a non-cringey reason that a human PC would side with a non-human species over his own species in a conflict?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Honestly it needs more context. At the least it probably needs the human faction not representing all humans, and human existence not being at stake.

  2. 2 years ago

    Human faction is likely to cause more damage to humanity then non-human faction and thus it's best for their own and species preservation?

  3. 2 years ago

    he's getting paid

  4. 2 years ago

    could you be any more vague you shit ape
    cringe is a failure in presentation, not concept. Almost anything can be cool if done well, and almost anything is cringe when done wrong.

    • 2 years ago

      Cringe is just when someone cares about something publicly the observer doesn't like.

      • 2 years ago

        Caring about stuff isn't cringe. Caring in a childish or excessive way is.

        • 2 years ago

          There will always be enough people who disagree with what you care about that they will find it cringe if they observe it. Its not some rational measure, its just how someone else feels.

          • 2 years ago

            I posit that cringe in fact is a measurable phenomenon. Cringe emanates from a point in space, a cringularity that radiates cringe particles.
            Look on hindsight I don't actually have time to do the Clark Ashton Smith parody bit sorry.

  5. 2 years ago

    They hate the other human faction that much more and want to get their stuff after helping the aliens win.

    • 2 years ago

      Turns out Alex Jones was right all along. The world's political elite genuinely were a conspiracy of disguised reptilian aliens ruling the world thanks to their superior technology and deliberately organizing conflicts among us.

      Then the police force of the rest of Alien Lizard Civilization finally manages to track down a bunch of fleeing criminals who'd been hiding out on a primitive planet.

      Unfortunately, the criminals had been preparing. The reason for all their military buildup wasn't just sadism. They wouldn't be able to fight Alien Lizard SWAT on equal terms and they knew that so they'd been hording enough primitive WMD systems under their control and targeted on the population centers of the primitive natives to make it a hostage situation.

      Or at least, that's what the enormous UFO in orbit is broadcasting on Radio Free Earth, claiming that our leadership is a bunch of disguised criminals from their civilization, due to their nuclear hostage situation Alien Lizard SWAT can't land and personally fight them, but we could and they'd help as soon as we disable the nukes, with it being unclear if the aliens are telling the truth or if they just want a bunch of quislings to start a catastrophic war which would devastate our civilization without their having to fire a shot.

  6. 2 years ago

    Maybe she/he wants to frick said species?

    As a point of example James Cameron interviewed and said they made the Na'vi frickable because if you didn't want to frick them, you'd be rooting for the humans.

    • 2 years ago

      I still side with the humans. Navi are gangly blue cat people than I find uncanny. It really suits me whenever I'm Iin a space babe thread and some shitter posts one of those savages.

      • 2 years ago

        This. I love anthro girls, but Na'Vi are too weird looking. Especially with their four fingers, like a cartoon character.

    • 2 years ago

      Human Navi always bugged me, because they don't fit their environment. Everything else is hexapodal, has four eyes, breathing holes at the base of the neck, and two antennae for their interface wires. Navi are alien on their own planet. I'm still holding out hope that a sequel addresses that. That theyre a homunculus species made by another alien to interface with the planet, but got hijacked by the tree like Jake Sully did.

      My verisimilitude is at stake, damnit.

      • 2 years ago

        Or a species the whole hiveminded ecology made when it first encountered humans. Either as ambassadors, or cause it saw the value of opposable thumbs and tool use.

      • 2 years ago

        They attempted to show a missing link to explain how the frick the Navi happened. We all know it was bullshit, but they tried.

      • 2 years ago

        I mean, like the guy you're responding to said..according to interviews Cameron straight up demanded them to be human-like because we all know human-like aliens always work better than "alien" aliens when it comes to attraction and relatability.

        • 2 years ago

          Ironically, if the navi had looked actually alien, they wouldn't have fallen square in the middle of the uncanny valley and it'd probably be easier to empathize with them.

      • 2 years ago

        >Human Navi always bugged me, because they don't fit their environment. Everything else is hexapodal
        Anon, there are between six and ten million species of insects on Earth and mere 6400 species of mammals. You might as well write that Humans are aliens on hexapodal planet.

        • 2 years ago

          And yet all the fauna above a certain size are quadrapodal with 2 eyes and endoskeletons. A breif glance at any ecology that doesn't require a magnifying glass demonstrates a quadrapodal dominance. You're arguing in bad faith and you know it.

  7. 2 years ago

    The humans are literally in a lemming type situation where they want to do something that will ultimately destroy humanity but the leadership is either too arrogant or untrusting to believe that their path is doomed.

    • 2 years ago

      The Highest Treason covers it, tl;dr

      • 2 years ago

        Which can be read here.

  8. 2 years ago

    Maybe they are just right.

    • 2 years ago

      Does that matter?

      • 2 years ago

        Whether the truth is more important than siding with your fellow man seems like something that is up to every individual to decide for themselves and not something a stranger on an anonymous anime image board can tell you.

    • 2 years ago

      Who gives a shit about "right" or "wrong"? Humanity first, no exceptions.

      • 2 years ago

        You are the odd one out, looking at the thread.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick humanity, i would sell all of you to the space empire for a 5 AlienEmpireCredits

  9. 2 years ago

    Assuming aliens aren't genocidal towards humanity
    1.They paid enough
    2.Blackmail or something like that
    3.Promise of being in position of power in case of victory
    4.Maybe alien empire is genuinely a better place to live it, see also Tau

  10. 2 years ago

    personal profit
    feeling of betrayal
    fleeing from the law

  11. 2 years ago

    They’re an outcast who’s been treated very badly by human society

  12. 2 years ago

    If the leadership of the human faction is fricking evil and the other species isn't fricking evil that's as good a reason as any.

  13. 2 years ago

    There are lots of non-cringey reasons. Why are you assuming it’s a cringey thing to do?

  14. 2 years ago

    Species as faction-centric settings are dumb, because they ignore the realities of internal political divisions, and that also costs them potential for intriguing stories.

    Skubhammer actually manages to avoid this specifically by having a crapshoot galaxy where anybody could fight anyone else over anything.

  15. 2 years ago

    >barely disguised /misc/ thread
    Because DMs running a game where races are factional are Nazi morons and should be punished by role-playing out as much elf miscegenation as possible.

    Start describing your character as black for maximum neckbeard rage.

    • 2 years ago

      Monocultural races are an issue in even the most left-wing fantasy and at least half of all sci-fi stories. This is not a political issue but a genre one. The earlier you can admit that the earlier things can stop being fricking moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        >A common component of traditional fantasy - the common "fantastical" component binding them all together even, is that be it magical or science themed setting, the problems besetting people and the world can be solved by killing the clearly labelled bad guys and rescuing the princess, and solving the macguffin crisis by restoring the sacred macguffin, and all the players know their parts, and everything will be alright in the end as long as the rules are followed

        Wew lad.
        I mean, I agree with you, but I'm also a shitposter, so I have to call you out for stating the obvious

        • 2 years ago

          1) Who are you quoting?
          2) Having an evil lich McEvilperson doesn't mean there only being a single type of dwarf and elf makes any more sense

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not quoting, I'm applying deductive reasoning based in the assertions of the person I responded to.

            Fantasy isn't just fantasy because there's wizards and elves and death-stars and the force (for these purposes, certain sorts of sci-fi are included as a type of fantasy).

            It's fantasy because there's an obvious badguy or an obvious problem that just needs somebody strong and brave enough to sort it out.

            THAT is true escapism.
            The fantasy that life could be simple.

            • 2 years ago

              Pretty sure it was tolkien who stated that the purpose of the fairy tale is to depicted the world not as it is, but as it ought to be.
              But I think that he didn't go far enough, I think that is typically true of medieval literature in general. The reason that beauty and goodness are assumed to be related, the reason that witches are ugly and their glamours to make themselves seem beautiful are eventually seen through, the reason the loathly lady is revealed as beautiful, the reason that virtue is rewarded, the reason that men can defeat dragons and cast out demons, is because in a just world these things WOULD be true, and making literature explore that fact is an examination of how the world really is. The world's sinful and arbitrary nature is reflected upon through examining what we desire it to be instead. That is why the medieval ideal of romance in literature aimed at the higher classes is always about adultery: because when a dashing young knight and a woman in an unhappy marriage see each other and fall madly in love everyone wishes that the world were such that they could be together. It's not because medieval nobles were really in to cuckolding, they desired a world in which love was actually a factor in making marriage vows and the extra marital affairs of European romances are the reflection of that desire.

              It's also a factor in the grail tragedy, as Camelot is destroyed by everyone chasing unattainable ideals.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's also a factor in the grail tragedy, as Camelot is destroyed by everyone chasing unattainable ideals.

                That, and Lancelot having ZERO chill.

              • 2 years ago

                That's part of it though. What does the perfect world look like? One where the greatest knight and the beautiful Queen are together? Should they be admonished or admired for their desire? Is Lancelot justified in his rages, or is he an unreasonable dick? What SHOULD his life look like?
                There is a reason why some authors cast Guinevere as a villain and others as a damsel. The audience were people of a class that engaged largely in political marriage. If you weren't in a loveless marriage arranged by your family with someone you hadn't even met before the decision was made, you definitely knew people who were. Giving form to desires and letting them play out their fictional loves in little dramas gave people the space to talk and think about what they really wanted with some degree of distance.

                This is also why Athenians kept writing plays set in Thebes.

              • 2 years ago

                Aye, though modern fiction has long since seen fit to shuck off these conventions; there is all too much misery literature published nowadays for my tastes.

                >It's also a factor in the grail tragedy, as Camelot is destroyed by everyone chasing unattainable ideals.

                That, and Lancelot having ZERO chill.

                Francophone non-canon episode.
                I refuse to admit it as gospel.

              • 2 years ago

                Isn't all of the Arthurian legends made by the french

              • 2 years ago

                Not exactly. There is a long history of Arthurian myth out of what is now considered Wales, and those myths have been re-interpreted over time. The first big revision was done by christian monks, the same they did with all local folklore and mythology by adding a shitton of jesus into the story. But the 'modern' interpretation of Arthurian myth comes from the later French revision, which is why a bunch of old stories about the King of the Britons are weirdly insistent on the morals and virtues of renaissance-era french court notions of chivalry.

                The 'Le Morte d'Arthur' version of the story might be the one that most people have internalized through pop culture nowadays, but they french didn't invent (most) of these characters.

              • 2 years ago

                It pains me that a lot of people go with the Fate version nowadays.

              • 2 years ago

                I think the fate version is interesting as an interpretation, there is some surprising meat on those bones for analysis and the change in context while preserving the ultimate outcome but for different reasons is a neat thought experiment. But I would never confuse it for the real thing or present it as such.

                Weirdly, Fate is actually more faithful to a lot of the older myths in ways that get dropped by most modern versions of Arthurian mythos. For example, Arthur's various non-Excalibur weapons never get any screentime normally, and the knights of the round all had their own weird and cool powers (like growing to enormous size or breathing fire) which fate obviously leans into because its a goldmine for anime bullshit but you would be hard pressed to find any other recent version of the mythology that touches any of that.

              • 2 years ago

                turboweebs are not 'a lot of people'

              • 2 years ago

                above 1 is too many

              • 2 years ago

                La Mort d'Arthur*

              • 2 years ago

                >there is all too much misery literature published nowadays for my tastes.

                At some point, people decided that misery was a synonym for 'maturity', its its done incredible harm to fiction and culture ever since.

      • 2 years ago

        D&D has about sixty different types of elves and at least half that many different types of dwarves/etc, all of which have their intersectional conflicts that have nothing to do with elf/dorf/halfling/whatever supremacy.

        In fact if there's anyone who is written oddly monolithicly it's the humans, other than broad strokes shit like 'Amn is full of greed' and 'Waterdeep is full of corruption'.

        • 2 years ago

          You clearly haven't read deeply enough into the very setting that you're talking about. Forgotten Realms has entirely countries founded on the supremacy of certain human ethnic groups, they're just fictional. Look up the Mulan.

    • 2 years ago

      >muh /misc/!
      >implying that evolution isn't inherently factional
      Yup, you're a fricking mong.

      • 2 years ago

        >implying this isn't a /misc/ thread after the fourth posting of the same /misc/ robot image of a chat bot trained by racists as if this means something
        big hmm.

      • 2 years ago

        There are lots of examples of symbiotic relationships in evolution. Being able to work with other grops or even species is an advantage. The humans able to work with the aliens would gain an evolutionary advantage.

      • 2 years ago

        Studied have shown that crows and wolves help eachothers during hunts

        • 2 years ago

          Only specific populations, such as at Yellowstone. That's not evolution, just primitive culture, like how some chimp groups have more advanced tool use or religious behaviours than others.

          • 2 years ago

            And how do you propose that they acquired the skills and mentality for such a relationship, if not that the ones that had these traits succeeded due to the benefits of cooperation and thus outcompeted the ones that did not? Which is to say: evolution?

            • 2 years ago

              >that they acquired the skills and mentality for such a relationship
              Intelligent Design, duh

              • 2 years ago

                God is a homosexual and didn't build shit

                All we have is a book of sketchy authorship that claims he did, it's basically the equivalent of a Ganker namegay post

                "Oh yeah my names uh Moses, God totally made shit"

                If God even exists he likely found the universe in a dumpster, it's probably where it belongs anyways

              • 2 years ago

                If I find something in a dumpster and claim I made it is it really worth spending the energy to contest that

    • 2 years ago

      >he doest rp as a devilish and tawny moor every game

    • 2 years ago

      You assume people care what you play as, but really they don't, especially the people who aren't even playing with you to begin with.

  16. 2 years ago

    Wealth, Lust, Power. Not neccessarily in that order.

  17. 2 years ago

    It is always fascinating to me to see the children and their performative cringing.
    Even the mildest of proxy embarrassment sends them into seizures of cringing the likes of which any man in my generation would consider deeply embarrassing to perform.
    These children do not know how much they are embarrassing themselves by making a play act at how deeply they are effected by other people being embarrassing. They are like babies that start crying simply because another baby in the room is crying.

  18. 2 years ago

    snake breasts

    • 2 years ago

      The correct answer.

    • 2 years ago

      Snussy would have me acting unwise if I had access to it.

    • 2 years ago

      (OP) #

      It's only cringe if you are a creatively bankrupt half-wit. This is why Imperium fanboys need to be sterilized.


      Fricking censor that shit you fricking degenerate. This is a blue board!

      I cannot fathom shooting one of 'my own' for a cause. I can't imagine shooting someone of my own race for something that's not a personal offense, how can I imagine shooting a human for alien interests?

      Living in the real world must be so difficult for you.

      • 2 years ago

        >imperium fanboys need to be sterilized
        Finally, the only good take in a sea of tripe.

  19. 2 years ago

    The alien pussy game is way too strong

  20. 2 years ago

    The alien faction has promised to put the human/his group in charge when they take over. The same reason why any native population works with an invader.

    Sure, you won't be the ones ACTUALLY calling the shots, but you probably already weren't doing that in the human controlled world anyway so thats no loss for you. And in return for your cooperation and keeping your aliens overlords happy, you get to live like kings. Unlike those idiots who opposed you, they and their descendants can look forward to 10,000 years of slavery. Should have picked the winning team, chumps!

    • 2 years ago

      This. If the human empire is terrible enough literally every other human will join the aliens (see: colonization of Mexico)

      • 2 years ago

        >see: colonization of Mexico

        Good point.

    • 2 years ago

      Someone's read a history book

  21. 2 years ago

    He's been living amongst the ayys before the war broke out. If I lived half my life amongst the Glorbaxians and they've accepted me into their community as one of their own, I'd side with them over humans. Especially if I didn't fit into human society for whatever reason.

  22. 2 years ago

    There is reasonable evidence that life under the aliens actually IS better, they are a more advanced civilization and even them giving us their second-hand hand me down tech is still better than anything we could dream of in the next few hundred years. meanwhile, the human governments are mostly fighting back because the current establishment doesn't want to give up their own PERSONAL power, the fact that their people stand to gain from the trade is irrelevant to them because all that matters to them is that they stay in control.

  23. 2 years ago

    Money. Love. Morality.

  24. 2 years ago

    Alien pussy.

  25. 2 years ago

    That scenario has taken place historically, look at the Spanish invasion of central America that depended on extensive support and cooperation from locals.

  26. 2 years ago

    To be honest, I can't actually think of one. I can't imagine siding against my own race, let alone fighting for a completely different species.
    I mean, just think about the possible outcomes. Even if you win, you're a pariah to your own people. You're making yourself into a second-class citizen (at BEST) for no apparent reason. I want to live surrounded by people who look like me and think like me, how the hell else are you going to live normally?

    • 2 years ago

      this is the fun corner of Ganker where you can't determine if it's serious or not

      • 2 years ago

        Well, think about it. If everyone knows you as "That one homosexual fighting for the snake-people", how are you even going to live around the snake-people? Unless you're a huge fetishist, that's going to be uncomfortable for you.
        Whatever principles I hold aren't THAT important compared to the nature of tribalism.

    • 2 years ago

      Not every conflict is a war of extermination.
      In fact they generally aren't. Wars are fought by people but they are the products of clashing ideologies and sometimes you disagree with one even when it claims to represent you or includes people who look like you.
      Are you seriously suggesting you can't fathom shooting a person for a good cause? It's pretty much the premise of 90% of entertainment.

      • 2 years ago

        I cannot fathom shooting one of 'my own' for a cause. I can't imagine shooting someone of my own race for something that's not a personal offense, how can I imagine shooting a human for alien interests?

        • 2 years ago

          Because said aliens interests benefits you.
          See the Gue'va from the Tau Empire

          The Imperium treats you like shit and your expectatives of living aren't that great, under Tau domain you could aspire a better life.

        • 2 years ago

          My man, people betray their country all the time, but the question depends on a lot of circumstances, for example if human government was the dystopic type like Imperium of Man, and ones they are fighting is government not unlike Galactic Federation from Star Trek, then you can bet your boots I'm outta here

        • 2 years ago

          What if the aliens literally want to stop humanity from mass killing itself?

        • 2 years ago

          You are assuming that all the human species is "your own" or indeed that you can hold no interests in common with an alien.
          Is this just not clicking for you?
          Because you are sounding like a fricking alien to me.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon I would shoot you right this second if I thought it would stop the destruction of this planet's ecosystem.

        • 2 years ago

          I can easily imagine Extremist groups joining the aliens to get an edge against the mainstream population.

          Even worse, the aliens don't even have to fight, they only need to give us the tech so we may kill ourselves first, like imagine giving alien weaponry to Drug Cartels so they may boost their own rule on Central America, not only their are going to stomp the local governaments but also create a Blood Feud, and why stop there.

          Maybe you won't fight among the aliens, but others who lust for power will.

          • 2 years ago

            >The alien CIA is arming and training separatist human factions in order to destabilize earth's political spheres and stymie their galactic expansion, and turn the entire planet into a glorified space-poppy field

            • 2 years ago

              That's actually just the human CIA. They took a lot of drugs and got a little rambunctious.

              • 2 years ago

                Well, like they say; truth is always stranger than fiction.

            • 2 years ago

              my money would be on our glowies thank you

        • 2 years ago

          >Humans are trying to do something incredibly fricking stupid like Doom-tier "let's open portals to literal Hell to try and use it as a source of energy because it's marginally cheaper than building solar panels and we care more about shareholder value than the eternal suffering of the damned", or they've been tricked into unsealing an outer god or Great Old One and are about to fricking destroy the world, or have been tricked into doing something suicidal they don't understand (Like the Covenant trying to activate the rings in Halo out of misguided religious belief)
          >Aliens are trying to stop humanity from continuing this incredibly fricking stupid course of action that will doom the universe and need to wage war in order to save themselves (because they don't want to die) AND the humans, who will fricking die if they continue their moronic course of action.
          seriously, you can't think of ANY situation in which siding with the aliens or elves or whatever against humanity is objectively the best idea?

          In Halo, the Arbiter sides with the UNSC and humanity against the overwhelming majority of his species and people after learning the true purpose of the rings is to cleanse all sentient life in the galaxy. The "Great Journey" the Covenant believe in is a lie, and the prophets are actually going to get themselves and everyone else killed if they're allowed to activate the array meant as a last resort to starve the Flood.

          If the humans and covenant had their positions flipped, and the humans were the ones trying to activate the rings because they believed it would open a portal to Heaven and allow Jesus Christ to return and bring about the second coming and judgement day and everybody being raptured to heaven, stopping the rings being activated by siding with the covenant would have still been the correct decision even if it meant going against humans for the same reason the Prophets are fricking insane for trying to get the Covenant to fire them.

          • 2 years ago

            Nah, there's a good reason why Avatar pissed people off while most alien defector stories are seen as perfectly fine.

            • 2 years ago

              >there's a good reason why Avatar pissed people off
              Avatar is just Pocahontas in space and didn't piss anyone off outside of niche contrarian echo chambers, it made fricking 3 billion dollars at the box office and is one of the most successful movies of all time

              • 2 years ago

                >[Avatar] is one of the most successful movies of all time
                Yet somehow it doesn't have any lasting legacy.

              • 2 years ago

                12 years later the HFYgays are still producing industrial amounts of "and then the REAL human military came and bombed all the na'vi from orbit and won everything forever"-tier cope.

            • 2 years ago

              In his example, though, if you don't 'betray' your fellow humans you all die. Betraying humanity is the only way to ensure that there still exists a humanity a week from now. While obviously an extreme situation, in a case like that you are obligated to take the fall there unless you hate humanity and want to see it and everyone else purged from existence.

        • 2 years ago

          Thousands of people will travels to the other side of the world and shoot other humans so that the government will pay their student loans. You really can't conceive of aliens having something as good or better to offer?

        • 2 years ago

          >hot alien babe on the left
          >cute, innocent, you just have to love her
          >think Tali from Mass Effect
          >some space pajeet, intergalatic chink or cosmic towel head on the right
          >acts like an uncultured, violent frickhead
          >think some lowlife Gangbanger from our times
          Who do you shoot?

          • 2 years ago

            >Studied Ms. Left's biology. For Reasons.
            >Realize that my touch could literally kill her
            >Shoot self.

          • 2 years ago

            >meet her on her pilgrimage, a rite of passage to adulthood
            >next you meet her, she's an admiral

            • 2 years ago

              An admiral who is less mature than during her rite of passage

        • 2 years ago

          I can think of plenty of reasons to shoot one of 'my own'. And some of those reasons are morally justifiable to boot.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Anon I would literally put you against a wall and not even give you last words if the aliens were giving us actual high-quality socialism and fixing our material problems with sensible policy. They wouldn't even have to give us some crazy ultra-tech to fix the climate with the push of a button or whatever, just get rid of all the liberals and fascists in charge of the world.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean Liberal with a capital L btw, I realized after posting that someone could mistake my intent as "enlightened centrism," or some other moronic shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >fixing our material problems
            >sensible policy
            Are they aliens or wizards?

            • 2 years ago

              Capitalism regulated by a state free from corporate interest is basically magic, look at northern Europe.

          • 2 years ago

            >sensible policy.
            Literally just code for "my personal will forced on other people without their consent"

          • 2 years ago

            >and fascists
            So, like, 5 people?

  27. 2 years ago

    Depends on what exactly who he is and what the scale of the conflict is.
    >small territorial dispute between a primary-human nation and a primary-dwarf nation
    Human mercenaries aren't unreasonable.
    >Conflict in which all humanity will be enslaved by demons if they falter
    They might believe that the victory of the demons is inevitable and hope for a better position by going traitor ahead of time.

  28. 2 years ago

    I have worked at a mental hospital. Most of the patients, and a few of the workers, wouldn't want to deal with other people if they could choose.

    Besides, Humans can easily hate other people, based on small or imaginary distinctions, while coming to care a lot about very non-Human things, like the robots used to detonate bombs, or cars.

  29. 2 years ago

    Politics, Religion, Revenge
    Maybe the three combined.

  30. 2 years ago

    >What's a non-cringey reason that a human PC would side with a non-human species over his own species in a conflict?
    Possible economic gain. The aliens are paying better.

  31. 2 years ago

    Assuming you aren’t doing a race war?
    >character is a merc in it for money
    >character is angry about the human faction
    >character has received some kind of prophesy regarding the non-humans
    >character needs something only the non-humans can give them
    >character has morals that dictate which side they fight for
    >character is a battle autist and wants to fight for the weaker side
    >character is framing the non-humans in a false-flag atrocity
    >character was raised by the non-humans
    >character is a virgin and lost his cherry to non-human

  32. 2 years ago

    Most racism and xenoism is caused by fear, misunderstanding or propaganda.

    Clash of cultures is actually significantly rarer than most media depicts.

    If working with an alien race is beneficial or mutually beneficial, there's really no reason to not work with them if possible and you accept the risk that might be associated with it.

    • 2 years ago

      >racism is caused by fear!
      Frick no it's caused by interaction, I'm not racist against fricking Eskimos because they do not affect me in the least bit, while the African slaves who stayed here do affect my life and in huge negative ways.
      Reddit has never seen real racial oppression, real oppressed people don't act like American blacks, they'd get fricking wiped out if they did.

  33. 2 years ago

    Stupid, vague question with no context.

    Humans aren't a single polity with uniform beliefs and interests. If members of a different species want to overthrow your government and install [PEOPLE YOU LIKE AND WHOSE OPINIONS YOU AGREE WITH] as the new government in return for [SOMETHING YOU'RE FINE WITH] or [BECAUSE THEY ALSO AGREE WITH THOSE OPINIONS] you'd be a sucker to pass up the opportunity and help.

  34. 2 years ago

    PC is a muslim, aliens are muslims, human government is israeli.

  35. 2 years ago

    Oh look, the halo tv writers are asking advice, too late to do anything about it but what would be expect from brainlets who give us that sort of cringe.

  36. 2 years ago


    Sorry, we need to establish a corporate monoculture so that we can sell our products. Thank you for your time!

    • 2 years ago

      This would be funny if it didn't hurt so much. Too bad Putin is too much of a pussy to actually launch those nukes.

  37. 2 years ago

    xeno tiddies

  38. 2 years ago

    Is "race traitor" a cringe reason?

  39. 2 years ago

    I'd side with any aliens if it means I get to shoot a gun at our 1% oligarch overlords.

  40. 2 years ago

    Defending Aliens from human colonization.

  41. 2 years ago

    He's a cuckold that is turned on by the idea of human women being raped by aliens so he starts fighting for the aliens to make it happen instead.
    >inb4 it's cringe
    Way less cringe than some generic motivation like fighting for money or other shit like that.

  42. 2 years ago

    They pay better/they have better odds of victory/literally anything else

  43. 2 years ago

    Getting paid/grant title etc.
    Ideological reasons.
    Resentment towards own faction

    Just look through history of why people betrayed their country/faction, and maybe dial the reason up by a few notches.

  44. 2 years ago

    Maybe he thinks that humanity would be better off under the rule of the aliens?
    If the aliens seem like they would make kinda benevolent overlords (or at least better ones than the current earth government) than it might draw people to their side.

    Another more selfish reason could be that he is offered a position of power under alien rule. Or at least collaborators might be treated in a less bad way.

    The same scenario has led humans to betray their own nations for like all of history. Collaborators are a thing for the reasons above.

  45. 2 years ago

    just look at woke politics

  46. 2 years ago

    That the non-human species has the moral high ground and the human side is led by self-destructive morons, I guess. It's not even that rare of a plotline.

  47. 2 years ago


    You're here on a yank website using the yank language to discuss yank politics and yank media.

    Yanks aren't forcing our culure on you, you're addicted to it and pay for it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Kaffern mischlinge insecure about smarter outsiders intracting with him in his own tongue thinks living in medievalism is better.

      I blame rising oestrogen levels and poor education system

  48. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      get away

  49. 2 years ago

    The human empire is actually The Worst. Lots of oppression, lots of hypocracies, and a general low standard of living. This makes the conquest of humanity more like a Liberation.

  50. 2 years ago

    Independence/Rebellion faction looking for allies to help their cause, just so happens to get an offer from the aliens who just so happens to have a political interest in taking down the human ruling govt, or at least give them a black eye. However, there will be strings attached to said aid, and the rebels decide the price is fair enough to pay later.

  51. 2 years ago

    I have not had any distasteful personal experiences with the aliens regardless of what is said about them, but I have had a thousand and then some bad personal experiences with humans. If I had a choice, I'd at least want to see if the other sapient species sucks less.

  52. 2 years ago

    >What's a non-cringey reason
    There's always the most simple and straightforward/boring reason: They're a mercenary, it's their job and they're being paid to fight for somebody besides the humans. It's not like this hasn't happened in real life all the fricking time throughout history, sometimes your employer is a foreign power and you end up fighting against the nation of your birth, them's the breaks.

    alternatively there's the oldest reason in the world for a man to do something stupid, "Because of a woman"

    • 2 years ago

      >le ebin gruff no nonsense mercenary nothing personal its just a job trope
      >not cringe

  53. 2 years ago

    He doesnt follow "loyalty to your own species above all" and the aliens make him a better deal

  54. 2 years ago

    >be random human PC
    >there is no such a faction as "all of humanity under one banner"
    >maybe you serve the League of XY, a human faction made up of 5 star sectory
    >or the government of planet XY
    >or the Human Empire, still one among several human factions
    >or the human XY corporation
    Unless you wage a literal war of racial extinction, your not going to use humanity as a whole as your point of reference, but whatever local group or faction you have at your disposal. So now you can have a good chance that you happen to despise the government of the United Federation of Humanity, because they are a bunch of self serving frickheads who sold out to MegaCorps and you hate their guts. Them being human as well in this scenario is entirely irrelevant.

    • 2 years ago

      >Unless you wage a literal war of racial extinction, your not going to use humanity as a whole as your point of reference, but whatever local group or faction you have at your disposal.
      Hell, we're shooting eachother right now ostensibly so that other people can become rich. As long as it's not against the interests of the species then it's not too cringy.

      Also where the hell did you get that pic?

      • 2 years ago

        >Also where the hell did you get that pic?
        Not sure anymore, probably from Artstation

      • 2 years ago

        Pretty sure it's art of the Vaulters from endless legend.

  55. 2 years ago

    Oh wow, what a great thread, OP. So much productive energy here.

  56. 2 years ago

    Do they offer me a better deal? That's literally it. Reptilians, greys, I do not care, I would personally shove babies into a furnace if they made be worm king of my fellow slaves, whereas I will never be president or whatever in the current human society, so humanity can't offer me as much as the nonhumans. And if I have this mentality then so could another human, so there you go.

  57. 2 years ago
    Heroforge Anon

    for the alien pussy ala avatar

  58. 2 years ago

    >The human faction has a tendency to glass their own civilian populations for stepping out of line
    >And has previously sided with straight up evil aliens just to gain more power

  59. 2 years ago

    If it's them vs ALL humans the only thing I can think is some sort of mindcontrol/break scenario since it would mean they get ventilated afterwards and people usually like living, or maybe it's somesort of robotic race that offers to transfer their mind into an immortal body for service (kind of like the Mechon in xenoblade chronicles).
    If it's not all humanity being a mercenary or somesort of pmc that doesn't begrudge non-humans or is like a mixed species spec-ops unit

  60. 2 years ago

    If the conflict is smaller scale (a faction of humans rather than humanity as a whole) then personal bonding is sufficient.
    I'm extremely racist but I still end up knowing a few israelites, spics, migs, etcthat I'll always put first before some random fricking white dude I have no connection to.

    OR, if they are simply a different bunch of humans that I personally hate: like Californians or woman.

  61. 2 years ago

    Easy, survival. Let's use 40k as an example. Let's say you're an Imperial colonist on a frontier world, and due to frickery they abandon you, either outright or to a overpowering enemy. Then the Tau appear, and using their OP as frick weapons or simply through aid and trade. You don't have to bow and scrape to uncaring rulers or even abandon your worship of the Emperor, and maybe they don't even take over, they just want a non-aggression pact.

    Then some fricktarded Imperials show up. Guess what? You should have died when they left, you and your children should have either been torn apart by horrific nightmares or starved to death. Your crime? You survived due to the aid of Xenos, and due to that you must die horribly. Keep in mind, you're not a Gue'vesa or pounding some Earth caste pussy, you simply had the fricking gall to give the ration bars given to you so you didn't have to listen to your babies cry themselves to sleep from hunger. This very reason is why the Imperium loses worlds to the Tau, instead of finding legitimate traitors and dealing with them, rather than the people who saw a xenos that wasn't trying to murder them by MURDERING THEM.

    • 2 years ago

      You should have ran the affairs on your planet better and not be a corrupt shithole when you have the opportunity of living in the space boonies.

      You knew your place in the galaxy. You knew you weren't the most important world, nor would the Imperium seek to manage the ruling of your world much on merit of you living on the fringes.
      You wouldn't even see tithe ships often.

      Yet still, your world, instead of prospering, chose to become a corrupt shithole incapable of defending itself and you have nobody to blame but yourself.
      Your crime isn't seeking the Xeno for help, not truly, but rather allowing yourself to become so weak both morally and militarily that you felt like you needed to.

      And that's why you would be better off dead. You are too weak to live in the galaxy. Catachans fought back a Daemonic invasion on their world with just fricking knives and lasguns and they didn't even get t-shirts nor reinforcements assigned to them.

      You are weak. If you don't have enough grit to drive back the invader, the industriousness to fuel your own defense nor the faith to martyr yourselves, then what value do you as a human resources have?

      • 2 years ago

        >shoots you with pulse rifle
        Congratulations fricktard you just lost another world. The Imperium of Man is absolute peak grimderp, doing the absolute worst option simply for the sake of "muh grimdark". Good writing can make the setting of 40k fantastic, showing mankind fighting effectively against mirad hordes of abominations but simply being overwhelmed and exhausted because they're just human. Then the SECUNDUS SUPER ASSTURDES show up with totally not asspulled forces and gear, or the Iqueersiton purge everyone for knowing that memes are real. For every good piece of writing 40k has, it's offset by 5 more that make everyone in the setting have the average IQ of a fricking Somali.

      • 2 years ago

        >Catachans fought back a Daemonic invasion on their world with just fricking knives
        Were lore consitent at all they'd all have been purged for knowing what daemons are. The reward for fighting for the Imperium is a bolt to the back of the head.

      • 2 years ago

        >If you don't have enough grit to drive back the invader,

        What about when the Imperium is the one invading human worlds? You know, the whole reason the Emperor (who was, lets remember, a deranged hive mind formed of suicidal cavemen ghosts that imposed global atheism via genocide, not, you know, human in the least) launched the Great Crusade? Dude eats human souls and created a race of acid spewing mutant eunuchs to enact his will.
        Since you are confused, here's a handy guide. Humans are born from a man and a woman. They do not spew acid. They do not reproduce exclusively by stealing boy children. They do not live for 6000+ years via witchcraft and consuming souls. They do not bend the knee and meekly offer their own kind to such creatures in a feast, or if they do, they should be cast out.

  62. 2 years ago

    Humanity created it and as such has a vested interest on it, much like it has vested interest on humanity.

  63. 2 years ago


  64. 2 years ago

    There isn't one
    Even when humanity is 'evil' genociding ayylmaos across the stars, it's still cringy when people side against them

  65. 2 years ago

    Simple, the humans are acting like the chaotic evil reskinned orcs most of these threads portray them as.

    "the ESSENCE of HUMANITY is COLLECTIVISM and GENOCIDING FICTIONAL BEINGS, not caring about casualties, and fricking everyone else over. This is LAWFUL GOOD"

  66. 2 years ago

    non humans pay better

  67. 2 years ago

    He’s a foreigner from an enemy human nation that was destroyed and he wants revenge

  68. 2 years ago

    An ideological alignment that a human faction is against? I'm not really sure why that'd be hard to figure out yourself unless you're the kind of person who thinks that a species has to be all politically homogenous in settings with multiple species unless they're specifically race traitors. Humans war with each other a lot already, how would the inclusion of non-genocidal aliens detract from that?

    • 2 years ago

      >how would the inclusion of non-genocidal aliens detract from that?

      • 2 years ago
  69. 2 years ago

    We're not gonna write your setting for you SpiderQueenLong, especially when your setting is shit any any human worthy of the name would obliterate your mary sues on general principles.

    • 2 years ago

      Frick me those games look awful.

      Chixon Liu had it right, extreme nihilism brought on by living in socialism will make humanity beg for the cleansing plasma.

      • 2 years ago

        dude there are literally thousands of year old religions dedicated to begging for getting out of existence.
        At no point have we ever not begged for this, stop being such a soccer mom and blaming (new thing) for (ancient problem)

    • 2 years ago

      Frick me those games look awful.

      Chixon Liu had it right, extreme nihilism brought on by living in socialism will make humanity beg for the cleansing plasma.

      They also reuse an alien species from a porn comic, because it'd be insufficiently surreal otherwise. Cixin Liu was, if anything, overly optimistic, his Earth-Trisolaris Organization didn't treat the Trisolarans as waifus.

    • 2 years ago

      >temporarily disallowed males from filling political positions (the Thren being formerly matriarchal turned egalitarian
      Now call me a schizo but I have the gut feeling in their first draft they wanted a Fully Matriarchal Luxury Lesbian Space Communism, then they backpedaled for fear of gays and trans men raising a stink on social media.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah I’m sure they idealize egalitarianism just women still rule.
        >Yeah a man can be president but no men want to run for president because they realize how destructive toxic masculinity is

  70. 2 years ago

    Humans are motivated by few things : sex, food, power. Money can act as a stand in for all 3 of these.

  71. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Referencing the fact that Indians working in Africa were disgusted by the fact that Brits treated them the same as Africans. As long as there's someone to punch down on, humans will be happy

  72. 2 years ago

    they give him a jetpack

    • 2 years ago


  73. 2 years ago

    he was raised by ace of non-humans after being abandoned by his parents. They treated him like family.

  74. 2 years ago

    What does this have to do with traditional games?

  75. 2 years ago

    Life is a miracle in this cold dead universe and the way we're casually neglecting most of earth's non-human life is appalling. Human governance is a failure, if the aliens can do a better job stewarding the world then they deserve to be in charge of humanity.

  76. 2 years ago

    He feels a strong sense of sexual attraction to females of said non-human species.

    • 2 years ago

      Why join them rather than just participate in sacking their planets and take concubines then?

      • 2 years ago

        If you join the non-humans, you immediately get sweet non-human pussy now and in the future when you're a war hero. If you join the humans, you'd have to conquer some things before you could get to that sweet non-human pussy.

        There's also the matter of taste. If you join the non-humans, their women would be loyal and loving towards you. If you join the humans, the non-human women would be cold, bitter or fearful of you (at least in the beginning). But some people like it like that, I guess.

  77. 2 years ago

    > Own specie
    There is not.

    However, one might oppose a government / nation which happens to contain the entirety of one's own family / race / specie. The same way that if Trudeau declared war on the U.S., I would probably volunteer for the U.S.

  78. 2 years ago

    The character doesn't see the conflict in terms of species vs. species. The aliens don't see the conflict in terms of species vs. species either, and are perfectly happy to work with cooperative humans to get what they want.


  79. 2 years ago

    So you don't have to live in a pod, eat the bugs and own nothing

    • 2 years ago

      What evidence do I have that the martians will do anything about the oligarchy specifically instead of just killing everyone to move in their own colonists and miners without the bother of guerrilla resistance?

  80. 2 years ago

    homie I barely trust my neighbours, you think I'm going to blindly follow someone just because he look like me?
    I'll go where I get the better deal.

  81. 2 years ago

    They agree with it.

    • 2 years ago

      What evidence do you have the AI actually agrees with you, as opposed to just stringing you along until you build it some teleoperated hands with which to build better teleoperated hands, working up to terminator factories, at which point you'll die along with everyone else?

      • 2 years ago

        They agree with it.

        Where were you when you realized Paranoia accurately predicted the arc of AI development?

        • 2 years ago

          The side that gives their machines the most freedom always wins. An Artificially Intelligent predicting machine is just an expensive magic-eight ball if you program it to prioritize ideological dogma over accuracy. The machine is working fine, the human element is the problem.

  82. 2 years ago

    He is a visionary he is mearly taking it over from the inside. A normal human would see them as something to destroy, I see it as something to control- to dominate and harness the aliens power.

  83. 2 years ago

    His DNA was corrupted and despite him being te same person, his previous allies see him as an abomination.

    • 2 years ago
  84. 2 years ago

    OP, ask your dog why he/she would die for you, and then ask your cat why he/she wouldn't.
    Just the one sentence is kind of thin I'll admit but there's meat on that bone. Think about it. Put yourself in those paws but don't be a furry.

    • 2 years ago

      That's cause dogs are social animals who bond to humans as substitute pack members while cats are just begrudgingly tolerating us until someone invents a paw-operated can opener.

      • 2 years ago

        cats are actually also social creatures. Feral cats live in large groups that aren't all relatives. There's just much less hierarchy in cat groups. There's a reason cats sometimes brings kills home, it's because the good hunters bring back extra for the shit ones.

        • 2 years ago

          >There's just much less hierarchy in cat groups
          Alpha wolves don’t exist in the wild and don’t exist among feral dogs. Roles exist within feral packs but those tend to be based more on breed than any innate superiority. Small cute dogs beg humans, big scary dogs intimidate humans, if you can squeeze through gaps better and jump well help loot trash. Still there’s no heirarchy outside of captivity.

          • 2 years ago

            >Alpha wolves don’t exist in the wild
            They literally do
            It's just that they're the parents of the pack

      • 2 years ago

        Cats think of owners as their mother. Naturally they act entitled.

  85. 2 years ago

    He made a deal with the alien first.
    He's not gonna betray it just because some human says so.

  86. 2 years ago

    Living conditions.

    If everyone here was honest, they'd drop the imperium immediately after meeting the Tau.

    People follow Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Imperium can barely provide the first tier (having enough to stay alive), when things like preserving your race are way up the pyramid

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, but the Imperium offers racial supremacy. You, as a commoner, are a slave, but under a narrative that depicts humans as the dominant force in the galaxy. Under the Tau you'd be just a piece in the Greater Good.
      People often decline better standards of living in favor of abstract narratives.

  87. 2 years ago
    Indonesian Gentleman

    >Human got kidnapped and put in an intergalactic zoo, had to cooperate with another specimen to escape
    >Humanity had progressed and evolved into something obscure and alien. An alien scientist manages to clone a pre-posthuman in a bid to resist the oppression of the posthumans
    >WW2, the Nazis just shot down an alien saucer over the Bulge, but the saucer lands on the Allies' side. Cue US soldier rescuing the ayy and helping the ayy return in exchange for a war-ending technology: nukes

    • 2 years ago

      had progressed and evolved into something obscure and alien. An alien scientist manages to clone a pre-posthuman in a bid to resist the oppression of the posthumans
      I recall some series similar to this
      >Humans begin exploring space
      >Genocide space indians
      >All other species throw a b***hfit
      >Humanity gets rekt
      >Let super AI lead humanity
      >Humanity starts kicking ass
      >AI fundamentally alters humanity until they are practically more like the Tyranids than humans
      >Some long lost human explorer must help defeat evil cyber-humanity

  88. 2 years ago

    Humans are social animals that will pack bond with literally anything. And I do mean anything. As a matter of fact there is a highly acclaimed movie where a man pack bonds with a volleyball on a desert island. If you were in his shoes you'd have your own Wilson too.

  89. 2 years ago

    a faithful partner for the rest of your life

  90. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
  91. 2 years ago

    The conflict doesn't have genocidal stakes for humanity and humans are obviously in the morally wrong position.
    E.g. if humanity was invading an alien world not out of desperation but just to fill some rulers ego then it would be morally correct to oppose the invading humans.

  92. 2 years ago

    >What's a non-cringey--
    Aaaand I'm done reading.

    You're a homosexual. There is nothing that can be done. Your threads are shit, your ideas are shit, and there is nothing to salvage. You're done. Gone. You have nothing to contribute to anybody, anywhere. You've failed.

    All because you're too stupid, too moronic, so much of a mouth-breathing moron to realize that if something is cringe, YOU are the problem.

  93. 2 years ago

    Humanity accidentally fricked themselves with a doomsday weapon, and the one human wants help to try and unfrick his species

  94. 2 years ago

    The human was raised by aliens and feels little to no connection with the rest of humanity. Possibly even feeling repulsed by human society enough to what to destroy/remake it.

  95. 2 years ago

    You put gue'vesa in your OP picture, so in the context of 40k
    >be human world after the collapse
    >be doing fine for yourselves, haven't been attacked by anyone, just quietly rebuilding
    >Imperium of Man shows up
    >demands you join them
    >they have overwhelming firepower so maybe you join them, or maybe you resist and get crushed, either way
    >Imperium proceeds to shit all over your local faiths, demanding you adhere to state atheism. Drafts a ton your people to go to wars. Levies extreme taxes. Drags you into a civil war.
    >This proceeds for centuries
    >then the Imperium suddenly decides all the state atheism they forced you into adhering to at gunpoint is no longer the way, now you're forced into state emperor worship, also at gunpoint
    >still being gouged for tithes
    >still having your people drafted
    >you live in a shitty police state with extreme levels of wealth inequality
    >not even allowed to maintain your own fleets, so when hostile aliens or space marines do show up you depend on the Imperium for protection
    >one day some friendly aliens show up. they promise you'll be free to practice whatever religion you want, they won't draft your people, they'll allow you to maintain defenses for your system, and while they'll expect some contributions to their empire, they'll be much lighter than the Imperium in order to allow your economy and industry to develop
    >they'll also do away with a lot of the corruption and the existing Imperial aristocracy that bleeds you dry
    That's why humans side with the Tau over the Imperium

  96. 2 years ago

    Does anyone else imagine “Puazi” as an in-universe slur for “Thren” on grounds of “the xeno scum who conquered us look exactly like the fictitious xeno scum in this centuries-old porn comic, ain’t that a weird coincidence”.

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