What's a realistic scope for one person dev team game? What's the biggest one person can possibly pull off?

What's a realistic scope for one person dev team game? What's the biggest one person can possibly pull off?
>Yandere dev: fail
>Starsector: epic win
>Dominions (2ppl): epic win

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Yandere dev: fail
    As much as I want to shit on that game I have to give him respect. Gankerirgin posting here got told an idea and actually attempted to do something with it despite knowing dick about making games. Granted the code is a mess but he at least made something playable out of it

    • 10 months ago

      This. Also, I watched a few videos of people giving him shit about his code, but most had no idea what they were talking about. Only some guy with cancer knew his stuff, all the other ones were genuinely moronic.

      • 10 months ago

        Making me sad he's fading into irrelevance, I miss when anons who actually knew what they were talking about brutally dismantled him just for him to make another video making excuses for himself. Feels like a lifetime ago...

        • 10 months ago

          Wait for him running out of money and starting another game.

  2. 10 months ago

    >What's a realistic scope for one person dev team game?
    Roguelike or adventure game. VN if you are a writer. Simple arcade action if you are programming whiz.

    • 10 months ago

      >roguelike/adventure game
      Pretty sure those have big teams

      • 10 months ago

        There is a frickton of adventure games made solo or by tiny team. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCmiCjWAZkoxFy8oD4r1ggA

        Most roguelikes are solo projects, aside from ongoing big names.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, I know what you mean. Prince of persia was made by one guy but I didn't think you meant that kinda adventure game

        • 10 months ago

          Can’t say I’ve heard of any adventure game played on that channel.

      • 10 months ago

        Slay the Spire, one of the games of all time, was made by 2 guys.

    • 10 months ago

      What about kenshi or minecraft?

      • 10 months ago

        stolen code

    • 10 months ago

      why is the simple arcade action in the programming whiz category? (just wondering, it's an interesting idea, like games like Tetris or Space Invaders)

  3. 10 months ago

    Was Pseudoregalia made by an single dev? If so maybe that but game still feels kinda empty.

    • 10 months ago

      Time and experience are your biggest limiters. A weekend game jam would probably predict 50% of your scope. Packing your game with content like modern WRPGs would require lots of time and playtesting, to a prohibitive amount. But in a vacuum you *could* pull off Starfield or RDR2 all on your own. It would just take decades and be torture.

      It's pretty clearly limited scope. The dev makes a lot of small scope jam style proof of concepts, and was working on a much bigger project before getting distracted by Pseudoregalia. Designing the movement was probably half the work, making levels is always easy, the emptiness comes from taking a concept and stretching it to a 3 hour game.

      Honestly as a single dev the scope needs to be much smaller than you think. To work on a single game for multiple years requires the kind of autism dedication (and ability to not lose interest half way through) and discipline that most won't reach.
      For example helltaker, was done by one guy, and even though its just a few puzzle segments and static art dialogue in between, it took him a year to make. Plus he didn't even make the music for it himself so at that point its not even truly full solo dev.

      Art assets suck. I don't get why people think VNs are easy if you're drawing everything. Much easier to make an arcade game with a tenth of the art assets needed, and less than half the ost.

      A game similar to what Yakuza is I would say is a realistic enough scope that just about borders on impossible.

      You can do the cutscenes and all that by yourself using mocap and iPhone facial capture if you really want to and it won't be open world so you kind of just need to design one big enough area that has different street and enterable buildings I guess and you're good to go. I don't really think there's anything that big going on it those that which would require an AAA dev team.

      Yakuza might as well be made by one guy these days. Every single asset is reused, actors come in to shoot some scenes, move the event flags around, ship the game for $69.99. Outside of the minigames, the open world is less complex than GTA 3, which can definitely be made solo today.

      > can't draw for shit
      > still so confident his games attract millions of players

      He is a gigachad equivalent of an indie dev.

      More like
      >make an album
      >shitpost some story about it
      >doodle some girls
      >oh right i need to make a game too
      I wish we could all be this based

  4. 10 months ago

    Make a dating sim or a visual novel. If the art is shit, add the lgbt tag and you'll sell tons of copies anyway.

  5. 10 months ago

    Northern Journey is a one man project. The guy even made a video about how he went about making the game.
    Basically he knew exactly what to do from the very start, found his limitations in asset creation and streamlined the process and didn't really reinvent the wheel either with all the gameplay scripts.

  6. 10 months ago

    >Yandere dev: fail
    True I guess but there's another person right now making another attempt and so far he's been way more successful than YandereDev.

  7. 10 months ago

    yandere sim is pretty achievable with one person if you have competent programming skills.

  8. 10 months ago

    Use an existing game engine like Unity or Unreal, don't write you own unless you have experience in that field.

  9. 10 months ago

    Honestly as a single dev the scope needs to be much smaller than you think. To work on a single game for multiple years requires the kind of autism dedication (and ability to not lose interest half way through) and discipline that most won't reach.
    For example helltaker, was done by one guy, and even though its just a few puzzle segments and static art dialogue in between, it took him a year to make. Plus he didn't even make the music for it himself so at that point its not even truly full solo dev.

  10. 10 months ago

    Yandere sim was a failure only because of unoptimized shit like many characters ticking complex logic every frame, using very high poly assets from the store and other stupid things like that.
    Besides that, isn't complete? I didn't follow for years.

  11. 10 months ago

    Stardew Valley is clearly the most successful example.

  12. 10 months ago

    One person was able to take his shitty game and completely rebuild it from scratch in a month or something, so I think it just depends whether youre a worthless talentless hack or not.

  13. 10 months ago

    starsector is a 3 man affair

  14. 10 months ago

    Does bleach actually work on blood?

  15. 10 months ago

    A game similar to what Yakuza is I would say is a realistic enough scope that just about borders on impossible.

    You can do the cutscenes and all that by yourself using mocap and iPhone facial capture if you really want to and it won't be open world so you kind of just need to design one big enough area that has different street and enterable buildings I guess and you're good to go. I don't really think there's anything that big going on it those that which would require an AAA dev team.

  16. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      > can't draw for shit
      > still so confident his games attract millions of players

      He is a gigachad equivalent of an indie dev.

      • 10 months ago

        he doesn't even look like a chad, let alone a giga one

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