What's even the point of the healer class?

Seriously, why not just bring some healing potions instead?
Seems a lot more convinient than having to lug around some sack of human garbage just to get your heals.

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  1. 5 months ago

    If your healer heals as much as a potion then either he or your game are shit

  2. 5 months ago

    Just post the pornjdjdhhsvhgvv

  3. 5 months ago

    Healers don't just heal, they also have a lot of positive buffs. If you bring a potion for everything a healer can do, you won't have enough space to carry loot.

  4. 5 months ago

    Why are healers like that Gankerros?

  5. 5 months ago

    why does this image keep getting redrawn

    • 5 months ago

      Every internet meme gets inevitably done to death. I've seen like 50 different variations of "rich superhero/supervillain pays One-Punch Man to go away", and they're all equally unfunny

  6. 5 months ago

    they exist so I can enjoy the game more, simple as.

  7. 5 months ago

    there are fricking 6 million different variations of this shitty comic
    >haha get it guys the healer is angry and mean
    >when normally people think theyre shy and weak haha get it
    same thing with those animal crossing comics
    everyone just making the same comic over and over again
    come up with something new

  8. 5 months ago

    just post porn already you fricking moron

  9. 5 months ago

    There is no point to the healer class, the original design of healers was support. Healers only came about when devs kept pushing the damage taken by tanks from bosses because of difficulty/amount of people raiding.

  10. 5 months ago
  11. 5 months ago

    >What is the point of healers?
    A large volume of people are idiots. If your game is mainstream, many idiots will play it. These idiots will be bad at the game and fail constantly, are too stupid too improve, so will just quit.

    But wait, what if we add a role to the game where a good player can fix all the moronic players’ mistakes? Now dumb players don’t realize how dumb they are, and healers get to feel good for helping dumbasses.

    • 5 months ago

      This is true, devs often say that healers are there to be inclusive for people who aren't good at shooting or other mechanics. However nobody wants to heal no matter how bad they are at the game because healing is intrinsically boring.

      This is why healers are mad all the time and demand you praise them, because they are literally wasting their time so their team can win.

    • 5 months ago

      The real reason is ebb and flow. Combat is composed of two health bars draining and you have to make sure your health bar drains slower. Healing gives you your health bar in pieces as opposed to having one massive health bar. This allows those near death scenarios where the Party is near death and then a last minute heal comes in to prolong the fight a little longer. And obscures the watching two health bars drain tedium that would occur if there were just massive health bars to make up for no healing.

      • 5 months ago

        The concept of healing isn’t the same as having a dedicated healer class that exists primarily to apply healing to teammates.

        • 5 months ago

          The dedicated healer class exist because of the concept of healing. That is a distinction without a difference,

  12. 5 months ago

    mid-battle healing is one of the most cancerous things in all of gaming, but people aren't ready for that conversation

  13. 5 months ago

    The point of the healer is to make sure the tank and the DPS are able to do their job and worry about keeping their rotations optimal and not stopping for maintenance. It's why when I play healer, I'm the first one to interact with any boss mechanics, like having to light candles or hit switches or whatever. The healer is the stage hand, or the roadie.

  14. 5 months ago

    The whole trinity is fricking moronic, as are other class-based systems that try to create tanks and healers. Every class should effectively be a DPS, the variety can come from the weapon of their choosing and how heavy their armor is, but no class should ever think of getting hit as anything but something to avoid.

    >Ninja Gaiden
    Every single game that is widely accepted as having good action combat doesn't have a concept of a tank like in (MMO)RPGs. Even Souls games don't really have a classic tank, you're still expected to actively parry and dodge, not sit there taking blows.

    • 5 months ago

      >Every single game that is widely accepted as having good action combat doesn't have a concept of a tank like in (MMO)RPGs
      Are you fricking moronic? None of those are multiplayer RPGs. You could have at least mentioned Monster Hunter you dumbfrick.

      • 5 months ago

        >None of those are multiplayer RPGs
        That's not the point, the point is that tank-healer-dps systems (and their offshoots) are founded on bad ideas that should be put to rest. Which is why it has only survived in extremely limited and bad combat systems like found in tab-targeting MMOs. Games focusing on combat as those I mentioned NEVER have the equivalent of a tank or healer play style, it's all variations of DPS.

        If you want a multiplayer example you can look at Vermintide and Deep Rock Galactic. You can be more tanky, but a tank doesn't really exist.

        You haven't played Dark Souls 1. Maxing poise and super armoring through with a great sword is common. It's the entire joke behind the giant dad meme.

        >with a great sword
        Even in this extreme example, you're still a tanky DPS.

        Obviously there's a spectrum to it, that doesn't mean one end of it is the same as the other.

        Any game where an enemy can only focus on one player will inevitably regress into the trinity.
        Players will strategize and make the enemies focus their attacks on a single player, and have another player keep that one alive. All other players automatically become DPS.

        tl;dr Tabtarget cancer inevitably results in trinity and therefore has to die with it

        I agree tabtarget is a cancer, but I don't mind the idea of one player attracting attention, what I mind is the mindless passive tank who sits there taking blows while the healer heals him and DPS do damage. Everyone should be a DPS, with a possible support/tanking slant to it if they wish.

        • 5 months ago

          >the point is that tank-healer-dps systems (and their offshoots) are founded on bad ideas that should be put to rest.
          And you're proving it by... using single player game examples instead of multiplayer examples.
          Like I said dumbfrick, if you look at something like Monster Hunter, you tend to have "lite-roles", where a lance user has a shield but is not expected to tank, a hunting horn player has buffs but is expected to fully dps, every player has access to gear that can make them tankier, dpsier, or supportier without making them not-dps, while still being fully-fledged out action games
          And in truth, that's how multiplayer RPGs used to be in the past too, you had supports and controllers all expected to do dps, now supports are flanderized into pure tanks and healers, and controllers are flanderized into pure dps

        • 5 months ago

          That isn't extreme. Tanking through hits with super armor is exceedingly common. It's more common in Fighting games but tons of RPGs have defensive or stall based strategies. Gamers tend to prioritize quick kills and big damage numbers but they're still there. Less so in your hack and slashes but even Devil May Cry has Royal Guard which is basically just standing still and timing blocks. And going back to Dark Souls great swords are not known for DPS. Faster Dex based weapons are closer to a typical DPS. DS3 even emphasizes this with Poise only working on certain frames for heavy weapons. To offset they're slower speed and higher weight. Taking hits to gain advantage is very common.

        • 5 months ago

          >If you want a multiplayer example you can look at Vermintide and Deep Rock Galactic. You can be more tanky, but a tank doesn't really exist.
          and I've played both of them and I can attest that they're largely fueled by the desire to see big numbers at the end screen unless you manage to get humbled by the difficulty which gets rarer the better you get
          if you split people into roles they're no longer quietly seething at obviously desperate point farming strategies

        • 5 months ago

          >No tank
          Is Iron breaker a joke to you?

    • 5 months ago

      You haven't played Dark Souls 1. Maxing poise and super armoring through with a great sword is common. It's the entire joke behind the giant dad meme.

    • 5 months ago

      Any game where an enemy can only focus on one player will inevitably regress into the trinity.
      Players will strategize and make the enemies focus their attacks on a single player, and have another player keep that one alive. All other players automatically become DPS.

      tl;dr Tabtarget cancer inevitably results in trinity and therefore has to die with it

    • 5 months ago

      >Souls games don't have tank builds
      Tell that to my heavy armor+greatshield+DBS str/fai build from my first playthrough of demon's souls

  15. 5 months ago

    >healing in pve
    gay whack a mole

    >healing in pvp
    making sweats mad

    the choice is clear

    • 5 months ago

      DPS is literally whack a mole

  16. 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago

    I like healing.
    DPS is boring for me. You just do your rotation infinitely, and the best enjoyment comes from trying to keep as optimal as possible while having to respond to mechanics forcing you to move.

    Tank has a shittier rotation and only simple mitigation juggling to make up for it. Plus you have to know the routes, which just makes me not want to tank until I’ve done a dungeon a dozen times.

    Healer I have a simple dps rotation, but healer cooldowns to juggle, but I’m mostly dealing with triaging constant things caused by my fellow players, so there’s constant variety in runs. Admittedly, if you have a good group you’ll have little to heal, so that cam be boring, but hard to mind basically getting a carry, and I usually play whatever has the most utility abilities so I can at least have fun distributing those.

    I did tank more than heal in XIV since every dungeon was a straight line and healer dps rotations are mostly spamming one button.

  18. 5 months ago

    morello was right about healing, especially in pvp

  19. 5 months ago

    I honestly wish less games had a healer role period. Then there's no obligation to take it or figure out a way to make it fun.

  20. 5 months ago

    Damn healbawd awful attitude needs correction adjustment

  21. 5 months ago

    What is even the point of a tank class?
    Seriously, why not just bring shields instead?
    Seems a lot more convenient than having to follow behind some sack of human garbage just to avoid aggro

    • 5 months ago

      cool it with the antisemitism

  22. 5 months ago

    Yup, I fricking hate PvE healers. PvE healers I party up often act like they're some sort of king or queen. PvP healers on the other hand, I'd body block a lightning bolt for them. It's the other way around with PvP healers, players would most likely try to blame bad things happening on PvP healers. But one time, I tried to study PvP healer character to know more about them since they are a pain in the ass to kill, ie. learn their timings, skill combos, skill use triggers, etc., and I realized while playing a PvP healer character, it's like a fricking Starcraft 2 game. It's like I'm micromanaging my units and having to keyboard reflex of 400 APM. And here's the thing, rarely do I encounter shitwipe PvP healers, rarely do I hear them complain nor blame their team mates. And knowing PvP healer gameplay is hectic after I've tried it, I kinda want to salute every PvP healer I team up with in games.

  23. 5 months ago

    >posting the edit

  24. 5 months ago

    Why not just make a heal bot that automatically heals you for the cost of some coin?

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