what's his endgame?

what's his endgame?

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  1. 2 years ago

    you are not creative, you are not smart. you are stupid and cringe

    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    To get you to dump unlimited amounts of money into an uncapped Steam 3000 badge before realizing you could have done that with a Steam 3000 foil badge instead.

    • 2 years ago

      You see, once you come to the realization that regular game badges are capped at level 5, requiring only five dupes for a set, the next step is wondering what happens if you were to buy dozens of hundreds of cheap cards to convert to gems to buy booster packs to have the chance to buy foils or simply buy foils directly from the market, but foil badges are typically limited to one level. When you realize summer and winter event badges have uncapped levels, as long as there are cards circulating in the marketplace, you can buy all the regular and foil cards you want to level up the regular event badge and foil event badge with unlimited experience as long as you have unlimited money. Now, most players will realize they do not have unlimited money and stop at some point, but, for those players who do have unlimited money, such as the level 3000 user St4ck, you could just keep going, keep dumping money into the badge for as long as the event lasts, and possibly do the same for the next event badge when the next seasonal sale hits. So each event is a very cleverly designed whale trap, set with its own special whale bait . Not for average players, only the best, who are straight up willing to exchange cash for XP. Now, Spiffing Brit tested out an alternative method where you get a group of players to spend their steam points on awards for your posts, reviews, images and artwork, so you are not spending cash, you are spending the secondary currency from spending cash, which is almost different enough from spending cash for exp. The Stemspeedrun account is a little over a day old and is level 147 from being flooded with awards. Now, you may ask, why level up your steam profile at all? Isn't it just wasting money for more e-peen flexing? Yes. Yes it is.

      People actually care about that shit? Lmao.

      • 2 years ago

        The disgust i feel for them has surpassed the lmao state and has entered the hate state. What the frick is wrong with you homosexuals?

  3. 2 years ago

    he has none. you already bought all the games worth buying in steam sales from the early 2010s. You arent really still buying games are you?

  4. 2 years ago

    You see, once you come to the realization that regular game badges are capped at level 5, requiring only five dupes for a set, the next step is wondering what happens if you were to buy dozens of hundreds of cheap cards to convert to gems to buy booster packs to have the chance to buy foils or simply buy foils directly from the market, but foil badges are typically limited to one level. When you realize summer and winter event badges have uncapped levels, as long as there are cards circulating in the marketplace, you can buy all the regular and foil cards you want to level up the regular event badge and foil event badge with unlimited experience as long as you have unlimited money. Now, most players will realize they do not have unlimited money and stop at some point, but, for those players who do have unlimited money, such as the level 3000 user St4ck, you could just keep going, keep dumping money into the badge for as long as the event lasts, and possibly do the same for the next event badge when the next seasonal sale hits. So each event is a very cleverly designed whale trap, set with its own special whale bait . Not for average players, only the best, who are straight up willing to exchange cash for XP. Now, Spiffing Brit tested out an alternative method where you get a group of players to spend their steam points on awards for your posts, reviews, images and artwork, so you are not spending cash, you are spending the secondary currency from spending cash, which is almost different enough from spending cash for exp. The Stemspeedrun account is a little over a day old and is level 147 from being flooded with awards. Now, you may ask, why level up your steam profile at all? Isn't it just wasting money for more e-peen flexing? Yes. Yes it is.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank god I don't give a frick about these dick measuring contest

  5. 2 years ago

    to try and tell that in the year 3000 season sale events are still boring.

  6. 2 years ago

    >dude just click through menus until you find the hidden game lmao
    This is the worst event they've ever done. The animal race was shit but at least the drama surrounding it was entertaining.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd take the animal race any day. I thought it was shit when it happened but I can't even remember the events from the recent steam sales.

      • 2 years ago

        I can, but that's only because they keep forcing untradeable, unsellable, undeletable shit into our inventories that we can never get rid of.

    • 2 years ago

      The last memorable event was the wormhole monster fighting one.

  7. 2 years ago

    At this point they are not looking for normal players, they are looking for mega whales like St4ck from the Qatar Royal Family, and rival mega whales who are willing to tell themselves, "I could beat level 3000" and aren't afraid to dump obscene amounts of money to get there. Maybe no one will fall for it. But if someone does, Valve gets that much more money.

    • 2 years ago

      They pump money into steam for the sole purpose to increase their profile level?

      • 2 years ago

        Bigger profile level means more storage space on workshop files/artwork/group chats you own and being more likely to receive booster packs as a random drop, which can be sold or crafted into more badges for coupons and Steam Items.

        • 2 years ago

          Sure, but isn't that maxed out rather quickly? If I remember correctly, chances on card drops max out at level 50.

          • 2 years ago

            General booster packs, max out at 100
            At which point the next factor is your plain and foil badge levels.

            • 2 years ago

              Read it wrong.
              It's a flat 20% increase every 10 levels.
              I might have mixed up odds of receiving a particular booster pack which depends on badge levels.

  8. 2 years ago


    >he doesn't remember

    • 2 years ago

      Don't fricking remind me of that trash fire, what a fricking shitshow it was.

  9. 2 years ago

    summer sales used to have creative minigames
    what happened?

    • 2 years ago

      the good people working at valve left or quit
      all the shovelware, lack of updates for their popular online titles as opposed to before prove it

  10. 2 years ago

    marketing tactic.
    >have to scour games and prices to find a "clue"
    >when all it does is suspiciously makes you remember the shit you browsed to get the "clue"
    >Levels up your steam level to encourage to buy more.

    • 2 years ago

      If this drives you to buy games, then you were already an impulsive driven consumer. Anyone else goes by what's on their wish list or what their friends are playing/telling them to buy.

    • 2 years ago

      >scour every category and subcategory
      >whole thing is filled with the same 5 games
      was i doing it wrong

    • 2 years ago

      This "event" is the Black personest shit Valve's pulled so far... and they'll undoubtedly top it with an ever greater scam in ~6 months.

  11. 2 years ago

    This event has been heavily promoting the idea of crafting badges for your existing games, to introduce players to it if they've been ignoring the whole badge crafting ecosystem, and if you do try it out, you get rewarded with more event cards. When you get your set of ten free cards for finding the ten fake games, you can make one event badge. When you have enough cards to make a badge, the option to buy the full set of cards for the badge from the marketplace appears, so instead of settling for the 10 free cards for the badge, you put cash in your steam account and buy multiple sets of cards from the marketplace to keep leveling up your badge to increase your steam profile level. The event badge appears as an unlimited experience gain opportunity because the the normal game badges can only be crafted five times per game, giving a limited number of rewards, while the event badge has no limit, and still gives free cards from crafting itself, so someone could keep buying event cards on the marketplace and crafting event badges, then craft more levels from the free cards given from crafting, then add some more funds to their steam wallet and keep buying cards from the marketplace, which is flooded with free cards that other players don't want because they are being given from crafting, and just keep alternating between free and paid cards, and if someone doesn't realize they can do this during this event, they can realize it during the next event, as long as there is another steam sale.

  12. 2 years ago

    >click for first clue
    >game involves music industry and u have 6 strings to work with
    >mfw i get filtered immediately

    no i won't google the answer cause that's cheating, and cheating is wrong

    • 2 years ago

      It's a literal fake game
      Just search the tab the clue link opens and search for the obviously fake game title

      • 2 years ago

        The fake game's price is also scrambled.

    • 2 years ago

      i tried to cheat and still gave up because i can't find shit.

      • 2 years ago

        You don't need to cheat. Just look at the price of the games and click on the one that's worth THX instead of dollars/your local currency.

  13. 2 years ago

    St4ck Level 5000 XP 125,287,510
    Intergalactic Steam Summer Sale Badge Intergalactic - Lvl 200,000+ Level 336219, 33,621,900 XP
    The Steam Awards - 2019 Badge Steam Awards 2019 - 100,000+ Level 165001, 16,500,100 XP
    The Steam Winter Sale - 2018 Badge Steam Awards 2018 - 350,000+ Level 357368, 35,736,800 XP
    Steam Summer 2017 Badge Summer Sale 2017 St4cked Lvl 100K Level 133463, 13,346,300 XP
    Steam Summer 2017 Foil Badge Summer Sale 2017 Foil Lvl 500+ Level 569, 56,900 XP

  14. 2 years ago

    You only have to dump $300,000 into event badges to beat that.

  15. 2 years ago

    Only slightly unrelated but while searching for the last fake game in this stupid summer games gimmick I found this very strange game:

    >in Chinese only
    >is 200 burger bucks
    >"It's a simple game where two playIt's a simple game where two players play chess one after the other until one person plays five pieces to win. Although the rules of this game are simple, they are very wise,"

    What hell is this?

    • 2 years ago

      CCP's missile codes

      • 2 years ago

        It better be for that price

    • 2 years ago

      This is weirder than the fake games.
      Probably just a scam/money laundering though.

  16. 2 years ago

    Consider the number of players who try to level up only to quit and realize it's not worth it, and at what point they decide it isn't worth it. Maybe they put in $50-100 before saying "this is stupid, it isn't worth it." The whole concept of not being worth it is built in to the monetization process.

  17. 2 years ago

    Who is this guy anyway? Is he a real person you're supposed to recognize or something?

    This reference might be too boomer for me no cap

  18. 2 years ago

    I am Clorthax, a time-traveling trickster! I know what you’re thinking: "A professional trickster? This sounds like a trick!" That is a reasonable concern! But what I am about to tell you is not a trick, and to prove it, I will type it in all caps: THIS IS NOT A TRICK.

    Okay, it’s a trick. But only on the people of the future! You’re going to love this. Why? Because I have stolen the ten best games from the far future, then traveled across an ocean of time to sell them to you! Exclusively on Steam!

    Anyway, I can’t outright tell you the names of these incredible games, or their exact location on Steam. This would create a timeline-destroying paradox that will make the future an unlivable hellscape.

    Instead, I can give you vague hints about these games. This will still create paradoxes, of course — but smaller ones that’ll just make the future slightly crappier. And I’ll be rich and famous, so who cares.

  19. 2 years ago

    It appears to reference various graphical design styles from the 80's-90's so it is like a fake retro throwback but nothing specific. Like a reference to vector graphics like in BattleZone. Or the dots used on the design of a soda can. Or the idea of a 90's background. Kind of low effort, really.

  20. 2 years ago

    >zoomers feeling nostalgic about the shitty race from like 2 years ago

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