What's it like? Saw it on steam, never heard of it before. Is it fun?

What's it like? Saw it on steam, never heard of it before. Is it fun?

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  1. 2 years ago

    People have mixed feelings about it try and see for yourself

  2. 2 years ago

    It's got that god-awful gothic combat. The setting is also just weird for the sake of it, none of the factions or their interactions make any sense.

    • 2 years ago

      >It's got that god-awful gothic combat
      It's combat is fricking nothing like Gothic, it's much worse

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry, I meant like gothic 3 and arcania (gothic 4). My bad.

    • 2 years ago

      >god-awful gothic combat
      gothic combat is not awful
      elex combat is
      in elex you have shity same mele combo that you cant use if you run out of stamina
      in gothic its a weapon range minigame (left swing right swing top swing have different reach and swing speed, you can mix it)
      and the cc (frost spells, wind spells) is balanced and used only by strong enemies
      in elex beasts have infinite stamina stunlock atacks so only range weapons are viable
      and flamethrover have infinite range and aoe that stun lock enemies (or you if enemy have that) so ether you dominate the game by going flamethrower with tank companion that takes agro or you suck at the game (other ranged weapons are fine)
      elex 1 at least looked beautifull , elex 2 looks like grey monohromic vomit with no texture (litterary)

  3. 2 years ago

    Watch the best review ever.

  4. 2 years ago

    Undistilled eurojank masochist simulator. Its potency is enough to kill a 103 IQ zoomer with brain aneurysm. It's too strong even for me, you have to be a buck-toothed europoor to enjoy that shit.

  5. 2 years ago

    I haven't played a decent rpg in a long time so I liked it.

  6. 2 years ago

    It's not fun and that's why it's fun.

  7. 2 years ago

    it is fun but you have to exploit its systems to get the most out of it. stunlock your opponents in combat over and over. drink experience potions and become a god easily.

  8. 2 years ago

    >1st game
    >big E(vil) is coming
    >it's YOUR job to unite everyone and stop big E
    >defeat big E
    >*watch cutscene* wtf is this?
    >learn in 2nd game
    >2nd game
    >turns out big E wasn't real big E
    >actually they themselves were fighting against real big E which is still coming
    >it's YOUR job to unite everyone 2.0 edition now with more factions edition and stop big E
    >defeat big E
    >watch cutscene
    >turns out big E wasn't real big E
    >actually they themselves were fighting against real big E which is still coming
    >learn more in 3rd game
    Main story suck balls. Gameplay and exploration are great, quests are good.
    There is no reason not to play PB games.

    • 2 years ago

      I wonder if we'll get the epic twist that the big bad evil was humanity all along.

      • 2 years ago

        Technically speaking, yes, that's what cutscene at the of 2nd game say. True big Evil is actually scientists who left Earth long time ago, before shit hit the fan, then with the power of Science they transcended into new beings and now they want to go Home but first they need to turn old & shitty Home into new & trendy. You play as conservative whose motto is - new bad, old good.

    • 2 years ago

      Elex 2's version of the cliffhanger is far better though, it's literally what Elex 1's should have been. It doesn't take a genius to see that PB would never, ever in a thousand years was going to do justice to an alien invasion. War is simply beyond their abilities, let alone their engine's. And lo and behold, Elex 2 fricking sucks in no small part because of this.

      Now a more vague "a cosmic event is approaching, and he who controls it will have the power to rewrite reality"? That's exactly the type of story they can actually execute. That's where focusing on faction ideologies and conflicts, and simply deciding who to join, until the singularity arrives in the final 10 minutes and you get your not-cold meter ending would actually work with the story they are telling.
      Of course I'm not saying they won't find a way to frick it up. They can be moronic and do a literal invasion for the third time in a row and sideline the factions. But at least this cliffhanger isn't inherently doomed to failure like the previous one.

    • 2 years ago

      >Gameplay [...] great
      Combat is clunky as shit, builds mean nothing, you have like 3 different attacks and 3 different enemy types and you see all 3 of them in your first 2 hours.
      I could accept someone liking the world or quests of whatever but the GAMEPLAY is supposed to be great, of all things?
      It's not responsive enough to be a good ARPG and it doesn't have enough crunch to be a meaningful RPG.

  9. 2 years ago

    i didn't like it, and i think it's worse than Gothic 3

  10. 2 years ago

    As someone who enjoyed Elex on release eceleb guy is mostly right on it. The combat isn't that great in large part due to the stamina system (compared to say Risen 1 which worked a lot better), though you don't need to go full flamethrower stunlocking to trivialize it. Cleric spells like the black hole one, Outlaw grenades or Berserk buff magic work roughly as well.

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    >Is it fun?
    It was for me. People (autists and pretentious homosexuals) shit on the combat yet you are free to make it as hard or easy for yourself as you like. The open world is actually open so you can frick around while exploring and find some good stuff if you are tired doing quests. It does feel a bit clunky, but it's something easy to get used to.

  13. 2 years ago


  14. 2 years ago

    It's terrible.
    They couldn't decide if they want to rip-off Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas or Mass Effect, so they just combined all three into a moronic, tonal mess.
    The mechanics and combat are moronic too.

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