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How do you feel about voiced isaac?

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  1. 3 months ago

    I liked it better in 2 where his casual acceptance of everything makes sense after 1.

    • 3 months ago

      >I liked it better in 2
      2 is just the better game in every single way. Every supposedly "new idea" in the remake is just stealing ones from 2.

  2. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      I like how collectively this is a line we all remember.

  3. 3 months ago

    I never heard it since I already owned the original. I hated 3 because of how cuckold he was and how stupid the writing got ( black sceintist that died on the elevator because she wouldn't jump). So when I hear his voice I get mad.

    • 3 months ago

      3 became too much of an open-worldish action game so I dropped it after the 1st boss that was I think in the snow outside or something..

  4. 3 months ago

    I liked all the stuff they remade.
    I did not like the new additions.

  5. 3 months ago

    The Necro animations are inexcusably bad and make the gameplay feel so much less satisfying.

  6. 3 months ago

    It's fine, there is a more raw horror to voiceless Isaac, but he thankfully isn't a jabbermouth in the remake, it still maintains the horror fine

  7. 3 months ago

    It's shit.
    Lots of Horror games use isolation as a tool but the moment the player character talks the player isn't alone anymore and the game becomes automatically less scary.
    OG Isaac was a vessel to transport the player inside the ishimura it's literally a self insert character that also why you almost never saw his face.

    • 3 months ago

      Isaac was always his own character with his own backstory.

    • 3 months ago

      If you’re running around doing chores for people, it’s better to have your character talk instead of just blindly doing what he is told

  8. 3 months ago

    Voiced Isaac was mostly fine in the remake. I still hate how poorly written he is in 2 and 3 though.

  9. 3 months ago

    It's a good game i liked it more than the original but still I don't know why they had to add Black folk everywhere.

  10. 3 months ago

    it's a good remake a lot better than it had any right to be but at the same time it is still a pointless remake since Dead Space never needed a remake

    Also Dead Space 2 is still the best Dead Space game.

  11. 3 months ago

    I think outside of the bad changes like Kyne and the Soldier RIG it's good. The weapons got good overhauls and I love how open the Ishimura now feels. Holy frick was Kyne a mistake though.

  12. 3 months ago

    I thought it was good overall in terms of the gameplay improvements and weapon additions (although some of the access key card stuff was obnoxious). I found the changes to the story and most of the voice acting to be worse than the original for the most part though.

  13. 3 months ago

    Am I crazy for thinking the remake was a scarier game than the original?

    • 3 months ago

      Ea killed visceral, dead space then hired some expendable amateurs to dig out the corpse, give it some makeup then sell it for full price. The fact that everyone creamed themselves over it then rushed to throw money at EA says a lot about the state of gaming.

      Yes. You're moronic and a EA shill.
      >original game
      You make a mad rush to a elevator with a necromorph right on your ass, but the elevator door is closed. You have to open it and get inside while a monste is literally humping your ass, then the music goes quiet to give you a sense of salvation... only to turn back on when the necro starts tearing the door open
      The elevator is waiting open for you so there's no more "oh god oh god get in" probably because it was just too scary for the poor testers and they were so terrified they kept dropping the controller and didn't know which button to press to open the elevator. Then the SCARY HORROR MUSIC keeps playing all the time because the moronic pajeets didn't understand why it went quiet in the original game

      >original game has pretty tasteful lighting and good atmosphere, the levels really giving you an impression that there were people working there not long ago before the whole place got wiped out
      >in the remake everything is dark and foggy like you're in a haunted house because, to quote one of their devs "darkness is scary I think"

  14. 3 months ago

    Just play the original

  15. 3 months ago

    Dead Space and 2 are forever on my 3x3 but I can't bring myself to play this. I even bought this randomly on the xbox store when I saw it for 7.99 around christmas thinking I wouldn't play it. I just don't want to see what they did to my boy.

  16. 3 months ago

    Voiced Isaac is fine, but the remake sucks ass.

  17. 3 months ago

    Are they remaking 2? Also what's so wrong about 3?

    • 3 months ago

      Some of the problems with 3 are universal ammo so you always have ammo for your most powerful weapon and there's no need to conserve ammo for a boss or tension when you don't have any for your good gun, shitty ass human opponents and the ending is locked behind dlc.

    • 3 months ago

      >Also what's so wrong about 3?
      Basically everything.
      >Checkpoint system instead of saves.
      >Necromorphs are now twice as fast as in any other game by default.
      >Shooting off limbs is pointless because it's harder to hit them due to their spasticness and speed, and center of mass shots can kill in the same amount of shots or less as an arm and a leg.
      >Even if you cut off legs it's just a one second stun before they start moving towards you at the same speed as if they had legs.
      >Universal Ammo is necessary for the modding system but it leads to huge swathes of the weapon types being unviable because some can shoot 20 rounds for 1 UA while others can shoot 1 round for 5 UA.
      The 20 rounds for 1 UA can kill like six to eight Necromorphs just as an FYI.
      >Plasma Cutter is one of the more mediocre weapons in the game even with +3 buffs.
      >Best weapons are a single shot assault rifle and a chaingun.
      >Remember the Regenerator and how much you liked it? Yeah, we brought it back. and another one. and another one.
      >Optional side locations exist but they all use so much of the same map locations and structures that you feel like you're doing the exact same side location every time you find a new one.
      >Multiple side locations are co-op only, and if you play Isaac instead of Carver you gain absolutely nothing from playing them in terms of an experience as they're all for Carver.
      >Game goes straight into the garbage as soon as you reach Tau Volantis because it's just you doing these boring puzzles, running around the same scienc-y interiors, and fighting tons of Necromorphs who just jump out of snow.
      >Most suits suck ass.
      >There is never a point where it's scary or tense despite them constantly trying since all they do is jump scares.
      >Human enemies which kill any tension even more and Elton John is a garbage villain.
      >Ellie guilt trips Isaac into helping her stop the Necromorphs and starts up a relationship with a complete butthole despite loving Isaac.

  18. 3 months ago

    I like it
    >How do you feel about voiced isaac?
    Mute protagonist Isaac feels like an errand boy for Hammond while he sits safe and snug in the captain's nest. Voiced Isaac takes the initiative to cone up with solutions and execute them, which fits nicely with his character and job as an engineer.

    • 3 months ago

      But Hammond has no reason to exist in the remake now, and they butchered his character.

      • 3 months ago

        >But Hammond has no reason to exist in the remake now
        He's the Kellion's head of security...?

        • 3 months ago

          And then he jobs to a regular fricking necromorph, when in the original he fought a big one.

    • 3 months ago

      Hammond is the leader of the rescue mission. It makes sense that he directs Isaac.

      • 3 months ago

        Hammond isn't an engineer, I doubt he has any idea how the mechanics of a spaceship work. It makes 0 sense for him to comr up with ideas for fixing the Ishimura

        But Hammond has no reason to exist in the remake now, and they butchered his character.

        But Hammond has no reason to exist in the remake now
        He still functions as a red herring for when Daniels starts pointing fingers and accusing him of having ulterior motives related to the marker (nice projection there Daniels)

        • 3 months ago

          You don't have to be a technical expert on a ship's systems to know how important the system is. Nobody who is sent to lead a rescue mission to a planet cracker is going to be ignorant how all the systems of the ship work together. Hammond only needs to tell Isaac that yes, he needs to fix the gravity tethers before doing anything else, not how to fix them.

          • 3 months ago

            Hammond is there to lead the mission, Isaac is there to fix stuff.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah and the leader points the engineer at what he wants fixed. Hammond does not need to be an engineer to lead Isaac. It works well in Dead Space where Hammond comes off as a real leader while he's trying to keep them all alive with the ship falling apart and Kendra doomposting every decision he makes. He's fricking shit in nuSpace. He's got fricking nothing to work with.

  19. 3 months ago

    voiced issac is fine, hammond got a massive downgrade.

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