what's the best 40k box set for a starter

what's the box set that provides the most value for starters?
I don't even want to play the game, I just wanna paint these lil cuties

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Honestly that one. the only better value you can is buying a single cheap HQ with the right paints.

    • 11 months ago

      how about the recruit set?

      • 11 months ago

        are you talking about the necrons vs marines recruit edition?

        it's a really good deal, especially from israelites' workshop. You get a lot of plastic for the money even if you just want the marines or necrons.

        First and foremost pick models you like. Don't fall into the logic of "I'm gonna buy cheap models to 'practice on' then buy models i like when I'm good." Any model you enjoy painting will also be practice. I started with the 3 model set you posted and I got the 10 man space marine box after. 10 dudes is a lot for a beginner and it took me almost 2 months to do them all in different schemes. you will learn a lot in that one box. Not to mention that assembling and trimming sprue nubs and mould lines takes a while too.

        once your beginner set is done, get some cheap brushes off amazon. Get some Vallejo or Army Painter paints (people like to shit on AP but they're perfectly fine and fairly priced for beginners). The box you got comes with the old formula of agrax earthshade. Do not spill it since it's out of production and most people liek it better than the new formula. You can get citadel paints and they range from okay to good but they charge a premium price. They're metallic paints are decent where most brands are really hit or miss with ther metallics.

        • 11 months ago

          >Not to mention that assembling and trimming sprue nubs and mould lines takes a while too.

          And don't skip this. It fricking sucks. It will drain the interest right out of you, especially when you find a fricking mold line running right down the middle of a ridged bit.

          But if you don't do it, your painted models will look like shit and you'll feel like a lazy frick.

          No, you won't get all the mold lines. You'll miss something and it will stick out like a sore thumb and you'll think "how in the hell did I miss THAT?!?!"

          But you'll know you tried, and you'll get better with the next one.

          3D printed resin models are usually much better in this regard. Scrape off the support nubs and you're all set.

        • 11 months ago

          Hey thanks for this. What tools should I have on hand for removing mold lines and such? a diamond needle file or is that too harsh? I got the same beginner set as that fella. I wanted to paint some iron hands but damn is their stuff hard to find, even just the primaris upgrade piece kit is hard to find. I was told to learn how to mix paints and you'll save a buttload of money instead of buying every shade. Is there a tutorial for that? Also I see in the grimdark videos (I'm watching the ultramarine one now) that he is using an airbrush and only oil paints. Should I go ahead and invest in an airbrush now or later after I get more experience painting regularly?

          • 11 months ago

            a hobby knife if you are broke
            a mould line remover if you are normal.

          • 11 months ago

            hobby knife.
            use the back of the knife, or if you're a psycho use the front and whittle/gouge the moudlines off. The moudlines doesn't need to be completely gone, just needs to be flat and level with the rest of the plastic since your paint will cover it. I would pay a few bucks more for an xacto blade over the cheap chinese hobby blades.

            >mix paints
            sure I guess but it gets tedious trying to mix the same shade of paint when you're basecoating 5 space marines. I prefer to not have all my soldiers in darker/lighter shades of the same blue. I only mix paints for small accessories unique to that model like a shieldor pelt

            >hard to find iron hands shit
            I asked my LGS to put in an order for an iron hands upgrade kit and it took a month+ to arrive and I had to pay GW price for it. Might have to do with them being crazy strong in 9th edition that you can't find their shit. You can try getting the expensice Horus heresy resin models and proxxying them for 40k.

            No. Not yet, at least. it's an investment that you should wait months before you can consider. It's best for priming and basecoating. you will still need to know how to handle a brush for smaller details. Don't listen to the advance youtube tutorials when you're starting out. Right now focus on painting within the lines, thinning your paint well and finding what you enjoy painting. AoS has good models with varied textures. The new chaos warriors and the ogor gluttons are great for beginners.

            >grimdark iron hands
            try this:
            paint black
            pick out rivets and metal parts with leadbelcher or iron warriors
            paint gun white
            drybrush all over with leadbelcher
            wash all over with nuln oil
            drybrush with leadbelcher

            or you can try painting it all with leadbelcher/iron warriors and doing 2 coats of nuln oil

            • 11 months ago

              Thanks for this. I'll head to my local shop tomorrow and see if they'll special order the upgrade kit. I probably won't paint an iron hands as my first mini but maybe the 2nd or third one once I have more experience. I'll just do the ultramarine that came in the starter box first since the iton hands upgrade kit is gonna be pricey. I bought the paints you said off Amazon though but I'm not sure what you mean by wash so I'm gonna head to the WIP thread and see if I can find out.

              • 11 months ago

                >paints off amazon
                I dont recall suggesting any paints on here

                nuln oil, agrax earthshade, seraphim sepia, dark tone, strong tone etc are all washes. They're just paints with a shit ton of medium and water to make them runny and fill in cracks easily to give the model more definition. watch any painting tutorial and you'll see somebody use a pre-mixed wash/shade or one they made themselves

                >2nd or third mini
                They're black with silver details. they're the easiest chapter to paint (even more than Ultramarines). silver goes over black like butter. Just paint it all black and highlight with a blue color like dark reaper or a grey like eshin grey.

                >upgrade kit
                i should warn you that the primaris upgrade kit only works with aggressors, hellblasters, and intercessors. Read the description on the GW site to figure out what each piece is for. I stopped doing IH a while ago but you can still use the robotic heads and arms for any chapter since they all use cybernetics here or there

              • 11 months ago

                I just got the leadbelcher and nuln oil off amazon is what I meant. I'll check out those colors dark reaper and eshin grey you mentioned also. Thanks again for the advice.

  2. 11 months ago

    Leviathan has great value if you can get one, as some point they likely release smaller starter sets similar to those Recruit and Elite edition boxes though.
    >I just wanna paint
    Have you ever painted something? if you're super new then having a huge box with two armies like Leviathan might be a good idea even if you don't plan to play the game. You want models to paint, even better if they're as different as possible.
    If you have already painted models for different systems then better just get some characters you like and paint those as display models.

  3. 11 months ago

    pick up a small unit of some minis you like the most, some army painter paints, primer, a wet pallet and some cheap brushes. only get the colors you need for the kit and if you want you can pick up a primer in the base color of the minis. tyr not to get a giant starter box or bite off more than you can chew, start small. avoid paint that comes in pots, they are a pain to get on the wet pallet. you'll also need some nippers and a hobby knife.
    a few tips: THIN YOUR PAINTS. it will usually take 2 or 3 coats to get a solid color, to thin your paint mix in a bit of water. IMPORTANT: to know if your paint is the right consistency; paint on your hand if you CAN NOT see your skin texture the paint is too thick, if you CAN see your skin color it's to think, if you can't see your skin color but you can see your skin texture the paint is just right. you can also try the slap chop method with some contrast paint (just look up slap chop mini on yt).
    getting all the shit you need can be costly form the start so just limit yourself to what you need, don't spend a bunch of money on a starter paint set or expensive brushes.
    pick a squad you think looks cool, have fun.
    oh and paint in a bright room under a bright lamp.

    • 11 months ago

      thanks!Got picrew, some good nippers and knives
      gotta make myself some prime primaris frickers!

    • 11 months ago

      You don't have to buy a wet palette, they can be made super cheaply and with a single roll of parchment paper nearly unlimited

  4. 11 months ago

    If you just want to paint models you like then I'd buy them by the individual box

  5. 11 months ago

    >what's the box set that provides the most value for starters?
    >I don't even want to play the game, I just wanna paint these lil cuties
    Assault on Black Reach

  6. 11 months ago

    Once you've got your paints, if you like it, get some minis cheap on eBay. You can get stuff like half-size squads or old metal minis that you just strip and repaint for next to nothing compared to retail.

    • 11 months ago

      This is such a lie. Used shit on eBay is like 90% the price of new shit unless it has major problems.

      • 11 months ago

        Even if it has problems it's still going for a premium if they can slap oop on it.

  7. 11 months ago

    The best sets are usually the limited release armies like the Boarding Patrol boxes - but not for all factions. The Grey Knights one was good, but featured older models. I'm going to spend a bit more on 3d printed legs to make them look better.

    Usually the Christmas big battalion boxes are great value, but again that will vary by army, so watch any number of vids on yourtube that popup about which boxes are good value.

  8. 11 months ago

    Don't get a big box then. Just get a few models. Unless you do actually want to paint a bunch of the same model in slightly different poses.

  9. 11 months ago

    Related, but I'm looking to pick up Grey Knights as a main and T'au as a secondary army. Any recommendations for, say, 500-1000pt games? I wanna use a dreadknight at the very least.

    • 11 months ago

      get the grey knights combat patrol. you may even want to buy 2 of them since it's such an insanely good box. It'll likely be $10-20 cheaper off amazon. the tau combat patrol is okay too, it's very infantry heavy with only 1 battlesuit. if by some miracle you find the boarding patrol for tau get on that shit fast

    • 11 months ago

      Grey Knights essentially only have 3 model kits. Terminators, Strike Squads and the Dreadknight and those are all in the combat patrol.

  10. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      mine disappeared (parents tossed it when I moved out) without a single survivor

  11. 11 months ago

    Where can I get an irons hands set? or even just the upgrades? I'm new to painting and all that as well. I just really like that chapter.

  12. 11 months ago

    I spent 25 buckaroos for this

    • 11 months ago

      the frick is this shit james

      • 11 months ago

        >the frick is this shit james

        What were you expecting, Steve?

        • 11 months ago

          a bigger box and more minis for 25 buckaroos?

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              frick me I need to get into resin printing.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm going to be perfectly honest, if you're as dumb as your reaction to getting what was very clearly advertised to you implies, if you got a resin printer you'd probably fail to print anything, break it and wind up in the hospital with acute resin exposure.

          • 11 months ago

            You're aware that what is in the box is exactly what's in the OP image, and also on the picture on the front of the box and also what's shown in the diagram of what's in the box that's also on the front of the box?

            The exact box contents are shown 3 times in that picture.

            Also why would the box be bigger and why would that be desirable?

          • 11 months ago

            It's three minis and 6 paints that if you reseal well every time you use them and add a drop of water occasionally will last a lifetime, believe me it's a good deal, the paints alone are 4.55 a piece besides astrogranite which is 7.80

            • 11 months ago

              >mould line removers
              where's those shit?Can't even fricking battle ready my smurfs with my current kit

              • 11 months ago

                in your balls

          • 11 months ago

            Anon you can literally see what's in the box on the box, did you see it on the shelf and just assume there was secret shit in it?

            • 11 months ago


  13. 11 months ago

    40k: Fireteam and the 40k: Paint Starter kit.
    15 models, good entry level rule set that teaches all the neccessary wargame abstracts, tokens, and one box model expansions that permits "added value" to expanding diverse model selections if you get bored of Space Marines/Necrons.
    Paint Starter has a nice enough Citadel Snipper and comes with the proprietary mold line remover which is nice. All you're missing is a pot of Tamiya Extra Thin.

    • 11 months ago

      How is this as a game? I’ve low key enjoyed the other non-hobby store intro games they’ve done.

  14. 11 months ago

    If you wanna paint and not play the game then there's really no reason to purchase 40k, you can go for any cool looking scifi models of which there are plenty, and they don't cost an arm and a leg for extremely overpriced plastic. Might as well just look for recast models on aliexpress.

    • 11 months ago

      i haven't had any luck finding recasts on aliexpress, though i have no idea what words they use to list stuff since they don't seem to use "warhammer" to list anything, is there some other way they describe them on there?

  15. 11 months ago

    I got that set, paints and models good but brush wasn't like that one at all, very bad so i suggest you pick up a cheap set of miniature brushes too, use their brush for applying the technical paint astrogranite to the base

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