Whats the best option for an arcade cabinet screen in your opinion?

What’s the best option for an arcade cabinet screen in your opinion? I have an empty cabinet that I’m planning on throwing a PC into

>Authentic arcade monitor
Looks great and has RGB signal but is a pain in the ass to find locally and is very expensive. May require extra set-up/isolation transformer. No idea how to connect it to a PC

>CRT PC monitor
I could use shaders/filters to make it look more accurate to an arcade monitor, much more of a plug and play solution

Requires me to source an old AMD GPU to get the correct signal via CRTEmudriver, nervous about noticeable input lag with the component to VGA signal converters

>LCD monitor
Easiest solution but looks like crap imo, shaders can hide the inauthenticity but I don’t like how they look in cabinets to begin with even when powered off

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  1. 10 months ago

    A CRT TV is probably the best and cheapest option. You can get them for free and they won't have the high number of hours an authentic arcade monitor will. And since arcade monitors were typically consumer grade tubes anyway it's not a quality downgrade.

  2. 10 months ago

    That Family Guy table sucks. Giving each character their own ramp/letters is a neat idea but the whole frickin table is ramps. And as you would expect, the voice clips get repetitive fast.

  3. 10 months ago

    >arcade monitor
    If you have to ask this question via this thread on this board then you are not ready to be working with real arcade monitors, power supplies, and PCBs.
    I file this is in the "why bother" category. The display is the centerpiece of your cabinet and you will *always* feel like it is lacking that special magic when you are looking at an LCD screen.
    >CRT TV
    This is a good choice, and it isn't that hard to set up the software. Do not worry about input lag when converting analog to analog signals. It's on the order of nanoseconds. You could also use an Nvidia Quadro for this.
    >CRT PC monitor
    This is the alternative to a CRT TV, and I prefer it because it gives me access to 480p games as well as higher resolution indie arcade-style PC games. With shaders it looks very very close to a real arcade monitor.

    I say build the cabinet to take a 19" CRT TV and make it so you can easily swap it out to the PC CRT in a few minutes if you feel like it.

    Extra note: you might think you should go with a bigger screen size and have 2/4 player support. I say that would be a mistake unless you have very specific circumstances.

    • 10 months ago

      I wonder if there are any mounting designs out there. Would be cool to be able to swap horizontal/vertical around

      • 10 months ago

        I highly suggest just going with a flat shelf and then building some removable spacers out of wood to allow you to wedge the CRT in there case and all.

  4. 10 months ago

    bro wtf is this shit?

    • 10 months ago

      A goof.
      But autists will act like it was supposed to be a serious project.

  5. 10 months ago

    Like so.
    The wedges are removable and probably press up against some other brackets you make towards the back. If you make them right you should be able to fit a good variety of similar sized CRTs without needing to make new wedges. The weight of the CRT and the downward angle should hold them in place very well.
    Just remember to remove the CRT if you're going to transport the cabinet.

  6. 10 months ago

    It highly depends on circumstances.
    I always prefer original parts to preserve the history of the machine. However that isn't always possible. It's getting harder to find replacement CRT parts. The last CRT factory closed in 2007. We've been using surplus parts for the past 15 years.

    If the choice is an arcade machine being scrapped or using an LCD, then I say use an LCD. Keeping most of the machine running is better than nothing. Some countries no longer have access to CRT spare parts anymore. They don't have the luxury of debating which is best as if it's an academic debate. They simply don't have spare parts anymore and must use what is available.

  7. 10 months ago

    a high refresh rate PC monitor is best for pinball, and arcade video games are shallow and boring so don't bother with them

  8. 10 months ago

    If you live outside the United States or Western Europe then....It's very difficult get replacement CRT arcade monitors anymore. It's even more harder finding qualified people who know how to repair them.

    I lived in Poland 6 years ago and found a random abandoned Pac Man cabinet in a storage basement. The CRT monitor was busted. I tried looking for local repair techs to fix it. There were none I could find. Zero. It was laughable. It was like trying to find someone in modern day to fix a Sony tape player from the 1970s. Anyone who knows about the technology is retired or dead. CRT is old technology.

    I tried finding replacement CRT and spare parts. There were none available in my country. I would have to import and the cost was Crazy expensive. Not an option. My only option was to use an LCD to get it running again. I have no regrets.

    You people need to stop acting like CRT is an option for everyone. They don't make CRT anymore. It's not available in many places anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      Why didn't you use a CRT television?

      • 10 months ago

        Did you not read anything I just wrote?

        • 10 months ago

          >It's very difficult get replacement CRT arcade monitors anymore.
          You didn't say a thing about CRT televisions.

      • 10 months ago

        I would infer based on the context of story that working, good condition, CRT TVs are just as hard to find in some parts of world. Even if you find a CRT TV, the screen is most often old or are not functioning in best condition. LCDs are much easier to get these days in most countries. Many people have a spare LCD in their house.

      • 10 months ago

        >I would have to import and the cost was Crazy expensive.
        Crazy expensive is relative.
        Arcade machine restoration is not a cheap hobby.

        A 13" CRT TV would have been preferable over any LCD. It would still be fine to play the game. That's the same size as used in Pac-Man wienertails.

        Found plenty of CRTs on polish craigslist.

        Pedantic quibble, CRT refers only to the tube. Cathode Ray Tube. Both arcade monitors and consumer TV's have tubes, they each also have a chassis to drive the electronic signals needed to make pictures viewable on those tubes. A consumer TV will very likely not have all the adjustable controls an arcade monitor will give you. You may be successful in getting an image to show up, but it might not be adjustable enough to get it looking good/centered without more modifications to your TV's chassis. Let's not forget other shit like scan rate frequencies (15.75khz, etc), vertical freqs (60hz), crt types, deflection yokes, ohms, color purity, bias, filament voltage, emissions, cutoffs, G1 short, guns, and 100 other variables that arcade CRT monitors require in order to look good. But yeah. Just shove a CRT TV into an arcade cabinet. They are all the same amirite?

        • 10 months ago

          >A consumer TV will very likely not have all the adjustable controls an arcade monitor will give you.
          It will. Either in the service menu or as pots inside the television casing.
          >You may be successful in getting an image to show up, but it might not be adjustable enough to get it looking good/centered without more modifications to your TV's chassis.
          Exaggeration/See Above. Working on real arcade hardware ain't easy-mode. Yes, you'll have to do some calibration and put in some work.
          >Let's not forget other shit like scan rate frequencies (15.75khz, etc), vertical freqs (60hz), crt types, deflection yokes, ohms, color purity, bias, filament voltage, emissions, cutoffs, G1 short, guns, and 100 other variables that arcade CRT monitors require in order to look good.
          I haven't. And all those things you just mentioned would still pop up if you did obtain a real arcade monitor replacement.
          So what you're saying here is really that you're not confident enough or don't have the skills to work with CRT electronics.

          But even then there are ways to get around this.
          I would rather see a Pac-Man cabinet with a CRT TV hooked up to PC/console running an emulator than a Pac-Man cabinet with a real PCB connected to an LCD.

          • 10 months ago

            >It will. Either in the service menu or as pots inside the television casing.
            This is a flat out lie. Having worked with dozens of TV CRT brands, I know you are lying. You can't guarantee all brands will have the necessary controls built in.

            >Working on real arcade hardware ain't easy-mode. Yes, you'll have to do some calibration and put in some work.
            Yes because some Polish dude who found an old arcade cabinet for free in a Barn or wherever is going to do all that.

            >And all those things you just mentioned would still pop up if you did obtain a real arcade monitor replacement.
            >So what you're saying here is really that you're not confident enough or don't have the skills to work with CRT electronics.
            You probably don't know half of the specific things I listed do you? And that's why you are avoiding discussing the specifics and talking in "generalities". Describe the terms I specifically listed to me, or else I know you are full of shit. Go ahead. I'm waiting.

            >I would rather see a Pac-Man cabinet with a CRT TV
            Some of us have standards. I would rather see it done RIGHT with compatible and original parts. You are just obsessed with CRTs without knowing specifics. A blanket fanboy. Not just any CRT will do.

            The Polish anon is probably better off using an LCD if he doesn't have replacement parts.

            • 10 months ago

              >I would rather see it done RIGHT with compatible and original parts.
              Then you wouldn't use an LCD.

              Not going to write an essay for you describing every technical element of a CRT. If you don't believe then go right ahead. Also shove your opinions straight up your ass at the same time, buddy. I ain't got nothing to prove to you. The posts I've made so far tell the story they needed to.

              • 10 months ago

                Stop lying.

              • 10 months ago

                >Not going to write an essay for you describing every technical element of a CRT.
                Because you can't. I didn't ask for an essay. It's pathetic that you can't even give me a basic description lmao. You keep avoiding a discussion which means you know nothing about arcade monitors. You tried to insult and make fun of the Polish anon. But you are a pretender and got called out by someone who actually knows what they are doing. So here you are running away while trying to save face.

                >I ain't got nothing to prove to you.
                If you are going around threads preaching to others then you better at least know the basics of what you are talking about. But nope you are fraud. Yes please play the, "Oh shit I got called out but I'll just pretend I'm too good to write out a proper response" card. Everyone TOTALLY believes you. As if that hasn't been done millions of times on forums before you. Soothe your soul poor baby.

            • 10 months ago

              >Yes because some Polish dude who found an old arcade cabinet for free in a Barn or wherever is going to do all that.
              He was given the alternative: a CRT television + emulation. That would preserve the visual appearance of the machine, and pac man emulation is indistinguishable from the real thing unless you are some twin galaxies level player going for the kill screen. I don't keep up with whether not pac man is cycle accurate, but I bet it's 99% of the way there.

            • 10 months ago

              Classic arcade game + LCD = pointless. Removes all nostalgia factor.

            • 10 months ago

              Name a CRT brand that has neither a service menu nor adjustment pots on the chassis or neckboard.

              • 10 months ago

                Answer my question first. Define the terms I listed and your experience with them, or gtfo you fake casual. You probably don't know anything about what I said, but go ahead and try to surprise me.

                >Yes because some Polish dude who found an old arcade cabinet for free in a Barn or wherever is going to do all that.
                He was given the alternative: a CRT television + emulation. That would preserve the visual appearance of the machine, and pac man emulation is indistinguishable from the real thing unless you are some twin galaxies level player going for the kill screen. I don't keep up with whether not pac man is cycle accurate, but I bet it's 99% of the way there.

                >He was given the alternative: a CRT television + emulation.
                We aren't discussing emulation. Polish guy had an actual arcade cabinet and original hardware.

              • 10 months ago

                >Not going to write an essay for you describing every technical element of a CRT.
                Because you can't. I didn't ask for an essay. It's pathetic that you can't even give me a basic description lmao. You keep avoiding a discussion which means you know nothing about arcade monitors. You tried to insult and make fun of the Polish anon. But you are a pretender and got called out by someone who actually knows what they are doing. So here you are running away while trying to save face.

                >I ain't got nothing to prove to you.
                If you are going around threads preaching to others then you better at least know the basics of what you are talking about. But nope you are fraud. Yes please play the, "Oh shit I got called out but I'll just pretend I'm too good to write out a proper response" card. Everyone TOTALLY believes you. As if that hasn't been done millions of times on forums before you. Soothe your soul poor baby.

                cringe posts tbqh

              • 10 months ago

                So now what? Samegayging and trying to change the subject? This is such an old tactic.

              • 10 months ago

                >Answer my question first.
                You brought it up first. The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence of CRTs that don't have these features. If you know so much more than everyone else here it should be easy. Almost as easy as understanding that multiple anons can be discussion the same subject with you at once.
                By the way if you provide one (1) example I'll ask you to name five more because it has to actually be a real issue rather than an outlier.

              • 10 months ago

                >The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence of CRTs that don't have these features.
                There is no such thing as proving a negative.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, this is not the same as proving god doesn't exist. Anon is insisting there are CRTs that lack a certain feature set.
                This would be no different from saying some CRTs don't have component inputs, which would be something easy to provide examples of.
                If he knows as much as he says he does it should be equally easy to provide examples of CRTs which lack a service menu or adjustment pots.

          • 10 months ago

            There are drawbacks. Adjustments would be difficult, and vary also from model to model. There is no universal standard for TVs. Every model come with varying degrees of adjustability depending on TV manufacturer. Some good. Some awful. Those monitors are also useless for vector arcade games.

            • 10 months ago

              That's what the compatibility lists are for.
              Although living in Poland ymmv on that.

        • 10 months ago

          He probably came from the /crt/ general and has no idea what an arcade monitor is like. He probably bought an old crt tv from craigslist and thinks he's a retro gamer expert now.

          • 10 months ago

            (you) completely side-stepped the notion that in any case you're going to run into the same issues with a replacement arcade CRT as you do with using a CRT television. You're still going to need to calibrate purity, convergence, geometry, and account for differences in voltage and resistance. You're still going to need to know if it is compatible with the game PCB's refresh rate and resolution.
            Anon never said this would be a drop-in solution.
            By the way: it is common for arcade operators who actually care about accuracy to convert consumer televisions to arcade monitors when doing repairs or restorations. Either by doing a tube swap or by feeding the correct voltage and impedance adjusted signal to the CRT's normal chassis. Possibly ending up running to a RGB>Component conversion box, RGB modding the CRT, or if it's in Europe going through the SCART RGB connection.

            So Polish anon says he tried to find a replacement arcade CRT. Implying he'd do all that calibration work if he could. It would never be a 100% drop-in solution even if you could still buy one brand new. That implies he'd be willing to get his hands dirty. But what I think really was going on is he didn't want to. He didn't want to have to mess with all that.
            So he bought a nice, clean, easy to work with new LCD (which even then might require some tinkering to get working exactly right). Which is fine, I suppose, but don't pretend it was the only option cuz it wasn't.

            • 10 months ago

              >arcade operators
              Correction: Arcade Vendors. There's a difference.
              Vendors don't run their own arcades, they sell to private buyers and the occasional arcade op.

        • 10 months ago

          You are wasting your breathe anon. On this site, they lump arcade CRT monitors and TV monitors in the same category. They don't know all the little details and differences between the two. They only think both are are CRT screens therefore they are same.

          • 10 months ago

            Because they fundamentally are the same thing.
            That's why you can do tube swaps.
            In some cases they used the same tube in arcade monitors as consumer televisions.

            Arcade monitors are more bare bones since they lack tuners. Occasionally they have some features that make them more robust than the average consumer television, more like a CRT video production monitor with better voltage regulation so you don't get as much blooming on bright screens.
            There are some electrical differences in the video signals, but those can be compensated for.

            • 10 months ago

              >Because they fundamentally are the same thing.
              We aren't talking fundamentally. We are talking specifics here. There are ton of little details that matter when connecting electronics together.

              >That's why you can do tube swaps.
              Tube swaps are not the same as using an actual TV in an arcade cabinet. There's a massive difference here. You are suggesting using the whole TV.

              >In some cases they used the same tube in arcade monitors as consumer televisions.
              Again, quality can vary wildly even with the same tubes.

              • 10 months ago

                >using an actual TV in an arcade cabinet.
                How is this different from what a supergun does?
                Is a Pac-man board that much pickier about video signals compared to later JAMMA games?
                To me it seems you just need an RGB to composite converter box, and to adjust the little dials on the box until you get a good picture.

              • 10 months ago

                >Is a Pac-man board that much pickier about video signals compared to later JAMMA games?
                Looked it up and it works just fine via a pac man to JAMMA adapter that is then fed through the supergun.

          • 10 months ago

            >you will RESPECT my expertise on shit no one cares about

        • 10 months ago

          As someone who has actually restored several classic 80s and 90s arcade cabinets, this thread makes me shake my head. Using an arcade monitor is very different than using a TV. There are specific reasons why arcade monitors are in high demand in the arcade cabinet community, and why we don't just randomly hunt junkyards and dumpsters for any old crt tv. They are not the same thing. Saying they are the same is very offensive to the arcade community and shows a lack of knowledge on the subject.

          This post
          >You may be successful in getting an image to show up, but it might not be adjustable enough to get it looking good/centered without more modifications to your TV's chassis. Let's not forget other shit like scan rate frequencies (15.75khz, etc), vertical freqs (60hz), crt types, deflection yokes, ohms, color purity, bias, filament voltage, emissions, cutoffs, G1 short, guns, and 100 other variables that arcade CRT monitors require in order to look good.
          is 100% correct. This anon is also leaving several others issues out too. I was waiting to see if any other anon mentioned them, but they haven't which is concerning. There are so many items that go into the restoration. Especially when it comes to technical details. You can't just insert a TV or Computer monitor into the cabinet and call it a day. You are comprising on getting the best image possible. If you can't find original parts or at least arcade monitors to use, then you have no business calling it a restoration. Anyone who says just use a TV or computer screen is suggesting an incredibly ghetto and trashy method that completely compromises on detail and quality. I am disappointed in almost this entire thread.

          • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            >You are comprising on getting the best image possible.
            Once the process is done the difference in image quality between a CRT that was originally a TV or video monitor and CRT that started life as arcade monitor will be very minimal.
            You can match the type of mask used, and you can get very close to or match the TVL count.
            If you replaced a dot triad monitor with a later CRT that used a shadow mask or aperture grille the difference will still be minimal.
            It's still going to be a heck of a lot closer and preferable than some LCD (including a LCD hooked up to some scanline generator).

            And you've neglected the fact that arcade monitors were sometimes using literally the same exact tube used in consumer televisions, albeit the more expensive upper-range models.

            -And- you've neglected to think about how putting a great condition late 90s shadow mask CRT with a dark screen coating in a machine that originally came with a basic 80s arcade monitor from GE, Electrohome, Sharp, or Zenith would be an upgrade in CRT technology. The late-model CRT will have a deeper level of contrast and more vivid color.
            Whether you consider that an improvement is subjective taste.

            • 10 months ago

              >difference in image quality between a CRT that was originally a TV or video monitor and CRT that started life as arcade monitor will be very minimal
              This line shows everyone here how ignorant you are.

              >And you've neglected the fact that arcade monitors were sometimes using literally the same exact tube used in consumer televisions, albeit the more expensive upper-range models.
              I could name several models that use the same tube but the quality of the image displayed varies wildly between them. Having the same "tube" doesn't mean the quality will be the same. This is basic knowledge.

              >-And- you've neglected to think about how putting a great condition late 90s shadow mask CRT with a dark screen coating in a machine that originally came with a basic 80s arcade monitor
              The point of restoration is to use era specific parts, or as close as possible. The idea is that you want people to experience the arcade machine how it was originally presented. I'm not putting monitors made in the 2000s into arcade machines from the 1980s.

              • 10 months ago

                Then enlighten everyone instead of just saying other people are wrong. You have to show your work. You can't just cross your arms and say anons are wrong because they just are. Your vague references so far are not good enough.

              • 10 months ago

                >anon refuses to discuss details
                >anon insults anyone who mentions specifics and dismisses their concerns
                >anon now wants others to show their work

              • 10 months ago

                It's your turn bro.
                You do this in every thread. Come in and tell people they don't know anything and then when pressed for details you sull up and start insulting people.

                Either spit that shit out in full 2000 character posts getting into the *very* specific differences and why they matter or be classified as a troll.
                I want to read about increasing spot power, I want to read about differences in phosphor decay times, I want you to explain why having 99% accurate gamma tracking instead of 98% matters so much.

              • 10 months ago

                Concession accepted.

                >You do this in every thread.
                Now you think have an imaginary rival. Lol You're on website that has tens of millions of visitors each month.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >when pressed for details you sull up and start insulting people.
                The only one insulting others when pressed for details is you. See

                >I would rather see it done RIGHT with compatible and original parts.
                Then you wouldn't use an LCD.

                Not going to write an essay for you describing every technical element of a CRT. If you don't believe then go right ahead. Also shove your opinions straight up your ass at the same time, buddy. I ain't got nothing to prove to you. The posts I've made so far tell the story they needed to.

              • 10 months ago

                Still waiting for that explanation, and the reply to this post

                Then what is your major frickin' malfunction? That's what this all started with and you picked a fight over. The idea of anon using an LCD instead of a CRT television.

                You got one more and if it isn't a 2000 character post explaining why there's such a massive substantial difference between an arcade CRT and a consumer CRT repurposed into an arcade CRT then you get classed as a troll.

              • 10 months ago

                >The point of restoration is to use era specific parts, or as close as possible. The idea is that you want people to experience the arcade machine how it was originally presented. I'm not putting monitors made in the 2000s into arcade machines from the 1980s.
                No, you're just advocating for putting an LCD in a Pac-man.

              • 10 months ago

                I didn't even mention LCDs. That's how moronic you are when it comes to reading.

              • 10 months ago

                Then what is your major frickin' malfunction? That's what this all started with and you picked a fight over. The idea of anon using an LCD instead of a CRT television.

              • 10 months ago

                >The idea of anon using an LCD instead of a CRT television.
                You aren't even responding to the correct person.

              • 10 months ago

                If that is true then what was the point of his posts to begin with? Pointing out that you can't just drop a CRT TV in an arcade machine as a 1:1 replacement? No shit, sherlock!
                Good thing no anon every implied as such.
                Dude just rode in on his high horse and wanted to flex his "knowledge" that he assumed no one else had fighting imaginary enemies in his head.

              • 10 months ago

                You are arguing with the wrong person. But this thread isn't hard to follow.

                1. Polish anon tries to restore abandoned Pac Man cabinet.

                2. Polish anon can't find a local repairman to fix the original arcade monitor, or find a replacement arcade monitor without importing it at high cost from another country. Polish anon Decides to temporarily drop in an LCD.

                3. You or someone else decide to tell Polish anon they are wrong for doing so. Call their story BS, and tell them they should have used a TV for a monitor. You then post random polish craigslist ads saying Polish anon should have bought a crt TV from these random places or drive hours to get it without asking Polish anon if he had the capability to do so.

                4. Several new arcade anons (probably from arcade restoration forums) jump in the thread and tell you or the other anons that using a TV is a bad idea. And mention several technical issues with doing so.

                5. The CRT TV Anons outright dismiss the technical problems mentioned, refuse to discuss and/or tell the Arcade anons to "shove their opinions up their ass" and some other insults.

                6. Arcade anons respond by saying using a CRT TV is "trashy and ghetto". And that they should strive to use original parts. That original parts is best. Anything else is a poor substitute.

                7. CRT anons get upset and fling more insults back and forth to the arcade anons.

                8. Arcade anons call you and other CRT TV anons "poor gays".

                <You are here.>

                In my opinion, the main takeaway here is that you (or the CRT TV anons) should not have insulted the Polish anon for his choice of LCD. There is always someone more anal than you when it comes to the internet. You are simply experiencing what you did to the Polish anon. Someone even more anal and elitist is coming in and insulting your choices and suggestions. It is highly entertaining to read.

              • 10 months ago

                Wasn't the 2000 character post.

              • 10 months ago

                You can shorten it more anon. Here:

                1. Polish anon tells arcade story.
                2. Crt tv anons act snobby to him.
                3. Purist arcade anons join the thread and act snobby to Crt tv anons.
                4. Crt tv anons act butt hurt.


              • 10 months ago

                >3. Purist arcade anons join the thread and act snobby to Crt tv anons.
                The "purist arcade anons" refused to explain their reasons after multiple requests. They take the L here.

              • 10 months ago

                They were very clear. They called TVs trashy and ghetto and said original parts were best. What else is there to say

              • 10 months ago

                That's not what they said. They said using a CRT TV for an arcade monitor wouldn't work because... because it just won't, okay! When pressed for specific technical reasons after various mitigating factors were discussed they still have no been forthcoming. And the reason for that is because there actually isn't a good reason. Any list of technical differences has a solution available, and the end result is going to be miles better than the alternative of not using a CRT at all if no other option is available.

                I would actually respect them more if they had said they would rather use an old burned-in used up original arcade CRT over a TV because of accuracy to the original parts. I get that. But that's not what they did.

              • 10 months ago

                >That's not what they said

                As someone who has actually restored several classic 80s and 90s arcade cabinets, this thread makes me shake my head. Using an arcade monitor is very different than using a TV. There are specific reasons why arcade monitors are in high demand in the arcade cabinet community, and why we don't just randomly hunt junkyards and dumpsters for any old crt tv. They are not the same thing. Saying they are the same is very offensive to the arcade community and shows a lack of knowledge on the subject.

                This post
                >You may be successful in getting an image to show up, but it might not be adjustable enough to get it looking good/centered without more modifications to your TV's chassis. Let's not forget other shit like scan rate frequencies (15.75khz, etc), vertical freqs (60hz), crt types, deflection yokes, ohms, color purity, bias, filament voltage, emissions, cutoffs, G1 short, guns, and 100 other variables that arcade CRT monitors require in order to look good.
                is 100% correct. This anon is also leaving several others issues out too. I was waiting to see if any other anon mentioned them, but they haven't which is concerning. There are so many items that go into the restoration. Especially when it comes to technical details. You can't just insert a TV or Computer monitor into the cabinet and call it a day. You are comprising on getting the best image possible. If you can't find original parts or at least arcade monitors to use, then you have no business calling it a restoration. Anyone who says just use a TV or computer screen is suggesting an incredibly ghetto and trashy method that completely compromises on detail and quality. I am disappointed in almost this entire thread.

                >Anyone who says just use a TV or computer screen is suggesting an incredibly ghetto and trashy method

              • 10 months ago

                Pretty much this. Crt tv anons werent the top of the food chain and got smashed by people who restore arcade cabinets. Those people only want original parts

              • 10 months ago

                >difference in image quality between a CRT that was originally a TV or video monitor and CRT that started life as arcade monitor will be very minimal
                This line shows everyone here how ignorant you are.

                >And you've neglected the fact that arcade monitors were sometimes using literally the same exact tube used in consumer televisions, albeit the more expensive upper-range models.
                I could name several models that use the same tube but the quality of the image displayed varies wildly between them. Having the same "tube" doesn't mean the quality will be the same. This is basic knowledge.

                >-And- you've neglected to think about how putting a great condition late 90s shadow mask CRT with a dark screen coating in a machine that originally came with a basic 80s arcade monitor
                The point of restoration is to use era specific parts, or as close as possible. The idea is that you want people to experience the arcade machine how it was originally presented. I'm not putting monitors made in the 2000s into arcade machines from the 1980s.

                So if you were Polish anon what would you have done? Remember there are no arcade monitors available as replacements at all in his region. He also does not know how to repair the one he has, find a repairman,or do a tube swap. So what do you do in that situation?

              • 10 months ago

                >Having the same "tube" doesn't mean the quality will be the same. This is basic knowledge.
                That's just more evidence that using a television tube can work well. I know that some of the later generation arcade monitors like Betson and Wei-ya would use the same tube for their dual-sync and tri-sync monitors and the difference was in the chassis.
                But in the case of a 15khz arcade games using a SDTV should never really be a problem assuming you do the tube swap correctly or use an exterior conversion circuit. The coarse slot mask on most SDTVs will look just as good if not better than the real thing. You wouldn't be losing any detail.

        • 10 months ago

          I get the distinct feeling if I described how I started dicking around with the potentiometers on my arcade monitor without knowing what any of them did while it was plugged and not grounded you would be horrified. It isn't rocket science.

    • 10 months ago

      >I would have to import and the cost was Crazy expensive.
      Crazy expensive is relative.
      Arcade machine restoration is not a cheap hobby.

      A 13" CRT TV would have been preferable over any LCD. It would still be fine to play the game. That's the same size as used in Pac-Man wienertails.

      Found plenty of CRTs on polish craigslist.

      • 10 months ago

        These aren't original parts. They aren't even arcade monitors.

        • 10 months ago

          Then you snide post here

          Did you not read anything I just wrote?

          makes no sense.

          Anyway, there is no real difference. Or very little difference.
          Especially compared with a LCD.

          Since this is PAL territory you won't even need to do an RGB mod on many televisions, or seek out a rare component enabled version, or settle for s-video/composite.

          For a game like Pac-Man the low TVL count of a consumer television will be almost identical to the original monitor. And I'd say in Poland the tubes were probably consumer ones to begin with.

          There's just no real rational reason to use an LCD over a CRT TV in this case if you have a CRT available.

    • 10 months ago

      I live in South America and know exactly what you are talking about. All arcades here use lcd. We have a local arcade in a small town nearby. All machines lcds. I haven't seen a crt monitor in an arcade machine in many years. Lcd is cheapest and what is available so that's what we have to work with when it comes to fixing or maintaining machines. People in the USA are so spoiled. They think the rest of the world is just like the USA with crts everywhere still.

      • 10 months ago

        15 years ago I would never, ever have expected to read a post like this but here we are.

      • 10 months ago

        Arcade operators don't give a shit about authenticity.
        You want to find a CRT in South America you'll be able to.

        • 10 months ago

          >No. Let me tell you why your first hand knowledge about your country is wrong, and why my third hand knowledge about your country that I've never been to is right.


          • 10 months ago

            Don't like it when the tables are turned?
            Maybe you'll remember this next time you make posts about the USA.

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              It's nice you are showing us pictures of old TVs for sale. But polish anon made it clear he wanted original arcade replacement parts. So show us a European website with original replacement arcade monitors for an original Pac Man arcade cabinet being sold at reasonable prices. Anyone can find old TVs. The challenge is finding replacement arcade screens.

              • 10 months ago

                If he wanted original replacement parts why did he use an LCD? That's not original. A CRT TV is a lot closer than an LCD.

  9. 10 months ago


    Starting to think this anon is full of it.

  10. 10 months ago


    95 zt = $23 USD

    >I am settling for sale a functional THOMSON TV with a flat cathode ray tube. The TV is in very good condition. The housing has not turned brown from old age from tobacco smoke, because it was not smoked in the room where it was, moreover, there was no smoking at all. The TV is fully functional, well-maintained remote control also in very good condition. All buttons work after a light press. The TV has one SCART connector (Euroconnector) at the back, 3 RCA sockets and a small headphone socket at the front.

  11. 10 months ago

    This 19" television would work very well as a replacement 19" arcade monitor, assuming it will accept the 60hz Pac-Man PCB signal.
    If not, there are still workarounds.


  12. 10 months ago

    Are you supposed to turn that wheel with your dick?

    • 10 months ago

      You don't turn the wheel. It's taped down. Look at the game on screen. It's a pinball game. I'm guessing you grip the wheel, and press the left and right paddle shifters to make the pinball levers go up and down.

  13. 10 months ago

    same energy

  14. 10 months ago


    I think this can handle most arcade RGB to SCART RGB conversions.

    Might need one of these


  15. 10 months ago

    Who wants to turn on an arcade screen with a TV remote control? Ew.

  16. 10 months ago

    I've been considering making my own mini bartop arcade for playing arcade PCBs for games that don't properly emulate
    Anyone have experience trying it with these old iPad screens from AliExpress with HDMI input?
    Not a lot of decent quality 4:3 flat panels out there

    • 10 months ago

      If the size doesn't bother you they are pretty great. I have one with USB C and it makes a pretty nice second monitor while I am travelling for work but is too small for games for me. The Mistergays love them and talk about them in detail here

    • 10 months ago

      >Not a lot of decent quality 4:3 flat panels out there


      • 10 months ago

        Having a quick look online, it seems to be a very small operation they're running
        Apparently they're using controller boards meant for HDReady TVs that don't actually support the max resolution of the panel properly which causes some known issues. I wouldn't pay 300 bucks for this.

        • 10 months ago

          And where exactly are you finding this nonsense information?

          • 10 months ago

            It does have some issues with gamma and the cable being short, but Unico is going to release a firmware update to address that. The color adjust fixed most of the issues with gamma. Overall I was impressed with it. But I find it hilariously ironic that someone who wants to use an iPad with a generic no brand Chinese adapter for their screen suddenly is so critical of this solid Unico product.

            • 10 months ago

              >But I find it hilariously ironic that someone who wants to use an iPad with a generic no brand Chinese adapter for their screen suddenly is so critical of this solid Unico product.

              He's a poorgay. What do you expect? Poorgays gonna poorgay.

              He'll use a CRT from a dumpster or sitting in a junkyard. But the moment he has to spend money he suddenly has insane standards.

              Ignore poorgays and move on.

              • 10 months ago

                still can't figure out that tricky anonymous thing can ya

            • 10 months ago

              This site isn't KLOV or arcade projects. They don't care about original parts or doing things right.

        • 10 months ago

          You need to do more research. I've ordered the 26 inch series screen and I'm quite happy with it.

      • 10 months ago

        >the concept of an LCD replacing a CRT
        fukkin laffin

        • 10 months ago


  17. 10 months ago

    Your just making a cheap mame cabinet. There's no point in using rare and hard to find items on it. Just use an LCD and call it a day.

  18. 10 months ago

    >shaders can hide the inauthenticity
    They hide nothing. Everyone knows. Shades do nothing.

  19. 10 months ago

    thread hidden

  20. 10 months ago

    Okay so he's locking the wheel down and using left on the dpad and the circle button as flippers, is that what I'm fricking seeing here?

  21. 10 months ago

    Use original arcade parts. Anything else isn't worth debating about.

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