What's the best RPG to play if you like lots of interaction between the party members?

What's the best RPG to play if you like lots of interaction between the party members?

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  1. 2 years ago

    my homie any good rpg post baldur's gate 2

  2. 2 years ago

    I legitimately hate all of those people. Luke was in no way responsible for what happened and the fact that the narrative treats it like he was is utterly ridiculous. I don't understand how anyone can possibly sympathize with Jade, who could have prevented everything with ease.

    • 2 years ago

      Certainly not that one.

      Maybe you’ve played Abyss when you were much too young, but you are both wrong.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll admit it's actually been a good while but how am I wrong? Almost everyone in the party knows who Van was. Except Luke. All Luke knew was that Van was the only one who ever showed him compassion and tried to teach him. Maybe nobody had any reason to want to educate Luke because he was kind of a shit head, but at the same time he had no reason to want to trust them either because they're shit heads too. So we have an ignorant shit and some shit heads who KIND OF have an idea of what's at risk here, one of whom actually knows literally everything in the game before it happens (Seriously frick Jade) and the shit heads who know shit do nothing. Meanwhile the ignorant shit head makes the only mistake of trusting someone he had no reason to not trust and it results in a bad thing that he had no way of even imagining could have been a thing because the abyss is a goddamn secret to almost everyone. And oh yeah, GODDAMN MIND CONTROL!! There is zero way you can even begin to logically argue any of this was Luke's fault. Even trying to say his fault was his ignorance is pushing it too far because there's no way he could have even begun to not be ignorant about this shit. Do educate me if I'm missing something, but this shit is moronic.

        • 2 years ago

          I really don't get Tales fans. Abyss is held in such high regard but if you pay so much as a little attention or have so much as a little common sense, the story fundamentally does not work. Luke's character doesn't develop, it regresses to a point where he's just a dumping man for all the world's problems, even ones that you cannot even begin to pretend are his fault. He was so in the dark about everything but nobody would ever explain shit, and then they yell at him when he doesn't know what the fricking is happening. Meanwhile all the other characters, who did have some idea of what was happening, either claimed up or did nothing to help but I guess it's okay because you get some mouth piece dribble about them "Accepting responsibility" for their faults but never actually have to face any consequences for their inactions. And it's like the game deliberately wants you to forget the villain can just MIND CONTROL Luke anyways so free will is a moot point there too. And that's just Luke, if I even start to get into the business with Arietta I think I might burst a blood vessel. (Let's just murder this little girl because "The duel was her first decision she made for herself" even though it was based on misinformation, ignorance and we're not even gonna try and explain shit to her. No better to just end her life and any future choices she could have potentially made."

          I don't have anything bad to say about the gameplay. It's fine. Not amazing but fine. But it's not the game play people praise. It's always the story or characters which are moronic. It's just HAHAH LOL FUNNEH SKITS. I think I fricking hate skits. They've become such a cheap way for characters to just act however the writer needs them too with no regard for personality or narrative all in an attempt to come off as quirky. Just look at skit Luke. He'll fight back if people insult him but in the story he's sad sack 24/7. I just don't know what I'm missing. I guess Tear is super hot. That's something.

          I legitimately hate all of those people. Luke was in no way responsible for what happened and the fact that the narrative treats it like he was is utterly ridiculous. I don't understand how anyone can possibly sympathize with Jade, who could have prevented everything with ease.

          Certainly not that one.

          It's a Japanese tradition thing where you own up to whatever you frick up on even if it's not entirely your fault. Falls kind of flat on its face to an audience without that mindset, but really, who ever played Tales for the story?

          • 2 years ago

            Part of why I love X2 and Zestiria to an extent so much is its lore. The effort into worldbuilding lets me appreciate the game and the characters' struggles more.

    • 2 years ago

      I wish we had the option to kill Anise. Fricking hypocrite

    • 2 years ago

      Hey, replica Ion was pretty decent. And Mieu didn't do anything that bad after he joined.

      • 2 years ago

        Ion is one of the people most responsible for what went down. He had one job. DON'T open the door. It was actually more effort for him to screw up. Though he died saving Tear who is hot so it's all forgiven.

  3. 2 years ago

    The Sequel series in general is really good about this. It's hampered a bit by the self-insert protagonist though.
    All of the Rance games have fun character dialogue, but for specifically what OP is asking for, Rance Quest Magnum is the best out of them. Rance Quest Magnum has problems with its overall plot, but the character interactions and all of the wacky side events with them are a barrel of laughs.

    • 2 years ago

      Isn't Rance a hentai series?

      • 2 years ago

        yeah and it keeps repeating the same jokes over

      • 2 years ago

        yeah and it keeps repeating the same jokes over

        Rance is genuinely a better crafted and immersive series than 70% of the drivel posted on this board.

  4. 2 years ago

    Certainly not that one.

  5. 2 years ago

    Shadow Hearts series
    Xenosaga series

  6. 2 years ago

    Daily reminder that jarpigs aren't rpgs

  7. 2 years ago

    trails unironically

  8. 2 years ago

    Who's the redhead in the front, she's cute.

  9. 2 years ago

    Atelier is all about character events (often with multiple characters, not just 1v1 like in Persona).

    Also check out Blue Reflection and Caligula Effect.

  10. 2 years ago

    Tales Of Arise was a charm and a delight, even if ultimately a letdown story wise.

  11. 2 years ago

    I really don't get Tales fans. Abyss is held in such high regard but if you pay so much as a little attention or have so much as a little common sense, the story fundamentally does not work. Luke's character doesn't develop, it regresses to a point where he's just a dumping man for all the world's problems, even ones that you cannot even begin to pretend are his fault. He was so in the dark about everything but nobody would ever explain shit, and then they yell at him when he doesn't know what the fricking is happening. Meanwhile all the other characters, who did have some idea of what was happening, either claimed up or did nothing to help but I guess it's okay because you get some mouth piece dribble about them "Accepting responsibility" for their faults but never actually have to face any consequences for their inactions. And it's like the game deliberately wants you to forget the villain can just MIND CONTROL Luke anyways so free will is a moot point there too. And that's just Luke, if I even start to get into the business with Arietta I think I might burst a blood vessel. (Let's just murder this little girl because "The duel was her first decision she made for herself" even though it was based on misinformation, ignorance and we're not even gonna try and explain shit to her. No better to just end her life and any future choices she could have potentially made."

    I don't have anything bad to say about the gameplay. It's fine. Not amazing but fine. But it's not the game play people praise. It's always the story or characters which are moronic. It's just HAHAH LOL FUNNEH SKITS. I think I fricking hate skits. They've become such a cheap way for characters to just act however the writer needs them too with no regard for personality or narrative all in an attempt to come off as quirky. Just look at skit Luke. He'll fight back if people insult him but in the story he's sad sack 24/7. I just don't know what I'm missing. I guess Tear is super hot. That's something.

  12. 2 years ago

    Pathfinder Kingmaker was a great game with lots of character interaction.
    You may not like all th echaracters but they certanly interact with each other.

  13. 2 years ago

    any tales of game. whether you actually like the people interacting is another story

  14. 2 years ago

    I think Tales is the JRPG series that has this the most.

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