What's The Best Way to Make This Game?

Paradox has confirmed they have another historical GSG in development that they claim is from an era they've never touched before and it will probably be the Cold War, how would you design it so it's not a disaster? You can keep it as a HOI spin-off if you chose.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Rip off Espiocracy but with an actual budget.
    Don't recycle the HoI engine so that it's actually interesting to play.

    • 2 years ago

      Ideally it would be a mix of HoI, Victoria with a deep new mechanic about espionage
      But HoI4 is unsuitable because it has ultra-simplified economics, internal politics and diplomacy. Vicky3 is a complete disaster and should not be used as inspiration for anything.
      CW era has no map painting and PDX can't code an AI for shit, the result would be a braindead broken mess.

      That game already exists and it's called Terminal Conflict.
      But it's too smart for PDX playerbase, so the zommers pretend it doesn't exist, for it lacks PDX logo nor tries to be a PDX clone

      • 2 years ago

        Entirely different game, and not a particularly good one

      • 2 years ago

        not a gsg

        • 2 years ago

          Nta, but it can't be a gsg, given the whole "grand strategy game" is marketing gimmick to sell Paradox shit since HoI1, back when you were still a toddler

      • 2 years ago

        Plays like Precipice or one of those other boardgames in video game format.
        I do respect your committal to the bit though, shilling Terminal Conflict whenever you get the chance.

        • 2 years ago

          But I'm not shilling it, since it's severely overpriced for its content (even with regular discounts). Instead, I'm giving it for free.
          Here, grab some: 1az3Y6L2yd

      • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Ideally it would be a mix of HoI, Victoria with a deep new mechanic about espionage
    But HoI4 is unsuitable because it has ultra-simplified economics, internal politics and diplomacy. Vicky3 is a complete disaster and should not be used as inspiration for anything.
    CW era has no map painting and PDX can't code an AI for shit, the result would be a braindead broken mess.

    • 2 years ago

      you just solved your own problem there already
      HoI4 with a nicer map and with an improved vic2 economy and more espionage

  3. 2 years ago

    HoI3 was fundamentally the wrong base for this game

  4. 2 years ago

    what ever happened to the mod project to finish this?

  5. 2 years ago

    >they claim is from an era they've never touched before and it will probably be the Cold War
    But they touched it already, by (failing) to make EvW.
    >Still having any hopes for a PDX game

  6. 2 years ago

    The stated problem was that a Cold War game ultimately would have only two worthwhile nations to play, if one follows other PDX ges' formula: tge USA and the Soviet Union. Everybody else would insignificant (yes, that includes China and le based Germany), and any attempt to give them buffs would create an ahistorical shitshow, one that's even worse than any autistic commie mod or Kaiserreich derivative could possibly be.

    On top of that, a lot of the actors from the time have still-living close relative, who could very possibly sue if they aren't all presented in good light. You'd need to trigger Gankergays' autism in order to make that work.

    Oh, and pops were divided in age groups because we do actually have data from the time. But you also had the option to indirectly murder them. Guess how a company that won't acknowledge any kind of real genocide, be it the Holodomor, the Holocaust, the Rape of Nanking or the Bengal Famine feels about adding the option to simulate the Tutsi genocide or the Balkan Wars beyond "ahah funneh Serbian musician".

    Supreme Ruler, a game PDX published, could do this because everything was abstracted and anonimized to the point of being peak Spreadsheet Simulator, but if you stray outside of that, you are going to need to deal with a game where you either play a fricking undefeatable giant that can only be stopped by arbitrary modifiers, or you are a gnat entirely at the mercy of the AI of the aforementioned giants.

    I guess having something sidestepping the issue and being more about culture and economics might be nifty, but judging by how Vicky 3 has gone down, that's not reassuring

    • 2 years ago

      Having a PDX game with a hopelessly crippled G*Romany is hilarious though

    • 2 years ago

      I've been thinking about this basically ever since they cancelled the game, even trying to make a GSG myself but not really getting anywhere because college/career got in the way. The way I envisioned it is basically Victoria 2 but with HOI4's map (or for that matter EvW's map with some differences), and you'd have a superpowers tier above great powers (which get renamed to regional powers or something). You'd also have two types of factions: military like NATO and economic like the EU and they'd serve different purposes. To keep it fun and not just bogged down in economics with the occasional war in the third world I'd have also put in a way for the UN to get dissolved so that there's no check on countries declaring wars, but that would probably upset a lot of players looking for historical accuracy. But this is all ideas guy wankery.

      >Paradox has confirmed they have another historical GSG in development that they claim is from an era they've never touched before
      I'd need to see some sauce on this. I don't doubt that it's true, but I remember most pre-Imperator leaks pointing to the next Paradox GSG being a fantasy-based one somewhat inspired by Anbennar, probably to directly compete with Warhammer: Total War

      >Everybody else would insignificant (yes, that includes China and le based Germany)
      Japan could potentially be an interesting third option for economic autists.
      >any attempt to give them buffs would create an ahistorical shitshow
      This is a valid concern, but after seeing what kinds of mods people make for PDX games these days I think it's actually what the people want, hence what I said earlier about having a way to dissolve the UN and turn the earth into a giant battle royale.

    • 2 years ago

      >Guess how a company that won't acknowledge any kind of real genocide, be it the Holodomor, the Holocaust, the Rape of Nanking or the Bengal Famine feels about adding the option to simulate the Tutsi genocide or the Balkan Wars beyond "ahah funneh Serbian musician".
      I read somewhere that the Bengal Famine does happen in the game, but since I don't have HOI4 I haven't checked myself. The Great Purge's mechanics were front and center when No Step Back came out even though most Soviet boomers who lived through that time period react to it in the same way that israelites react to the Holocaust. So some genocides do slip in, but like you said it's never any of the "popular" ones, which is how you end up with jokes like "HOI4 is an accurate representation of WWII because the Holocaust doesn't happen in it".

    • 2 years ago

      >any attempt to give them buffs would create an ahistorical shitshow
      Well, the point of any historical game is alt-history. If a player controls a nation - be it USA, China or Liechtenstein - the intention is to do something different from the historical path. and the world should react and change accordingly.

    • 2 years ago

      You could make the game in a way where it’s biased towards the cold war turning hot and the player needs to actively work against that in order to prevent ahistorical scenarios from happening. Kind of like how maintaining autocracies into the 20th century in vic2 is a historically accurate challenge. Basically make playing historically feel rewarding rather than the boring default that players have to fight against in order to have fun.

    • 2 years ago

      >the Rape of Nanking
      They actually used to acknowledge this one. Which made the fact they didn't acknowledge the rest even weirder. Not to mention it did... frick-all, being just a pop-up event.
      >Still having any sort of hopes about PDX
      That ship have sailed literally the day they've announced CK2.

    • 2 years ago

      You could make the game in a way where it’s biased towards the cold war turning hot and the player needs to actively work against that in order to prevent ahistorical scenarios from happening. Kind of like how maintaining autocracies into the 20th century in vic2 is a historically accurate challenge. Basically make playing historically feel rewarding rather than the boring default that players have to fight against in order to have fun.

      You can also go Tropico way, at least the OG:
      You ARE an insignificant power on the global scale, and you don't even matter regionally in most cases. The whole point is to not get squashed by either superpower and also try playing a big game locally.
      So the US and USSR are less than some giant blobs on the map and more about NOT getting them into your own playground in the direct, concrete way.
      Of course that removes the global scale of things and makes the game more about scenarios, something that the mentioned already Terminal Conflict did. And it wasn't exactly a good solution, especially since it put the situation on its head, as you are either US or USSR fighting a proxy.

  7. 2 years ago

    >an era they've never touched before
    EU4 but in... LE BRONZE AGE

    • 2 years ago

      this mais sans ironie

      • 2 years ago

        Europa Über Alles: Aryan Invasion. A game about language, chariots and haplotypes. Go forth, spread your Y-chromosomes and obtain imperishable glory. Dyḗus Ph2tḗr wills it

        • 2 years ago

          The gemerald that acked the hoi4rannies

  8. 2 years ago

    Just take TNO and make it Cold War orientated instead.


  9. 2 years ago

    >Paradox has confirmed they have another historical GSG in development that they claim is from an era they've never touched before

    They have never said that

  10. 2 years ago

    Either a modern geopolitical simulator or literal caveman wars then. They have done everything else.

  11. 2 years ago

    dead game

  12. 2 years ago

    Looks fun. Any other games that use HOI3's engine?

    • 2 years ago

      Vicky 2

  13. 2 years ago

    I'd make ideological blocks rather than nation states the thing that the player takes the perspecitve of. Map painting would be bringing the various AI territories more securely into your faction, rather than directly controling them. The more economically developed + ideologically aligned a country is the more directly the player would be able too control it, so you would fuctionally start the game playing as the USA if you played capitalist, but wouldn't be bound to the USA.

    • 2 years ago

      This is basically the way most cold war era strategy games already function by just letting you only play as the US or USSR, your example is that but with extra steps.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, adding extra steps is taking advantage of the fact that computers can keep track of a lot more moving parts than most people want in a board game.

  14. 2 years ago

    digits and it will be ancient china and japan

    • 2 years ago

      Reality: East India Company 2: Electric Boogaloo
      If you never heard about OG game prior - 99% of PDX playerbase never heard about EU:Rome, yet "waited in anticipation" for I:R

    • 2 years ago

      It will be Not Warhammer per my earlier post

      I've been thinking about this basically ever since they cancelled the game, even trying to make a GSG myself but not really getting anywhere because college/career got in the way. The way I envisioned it is basically Victoria 2 but with HOI4's map (or for that matter EvW's map with some differences), and you'd have a superpowers tier above great powers (which get renamed to regional powers or something). You'd also have two types of factions: military like NATO and economic like the EU and they'd serve different purposes. To keep it fun and not just bogged down in economics with the occasional war in the third world I'd have also put in a way for the UN to get dissolved so that there's no check on countries declaring wars, but that would probably upset a lot of players looking for historical accuracy. But this is all ideas guy wankery.

      >Paradox has confirmed they have another historical GSG in development that they claim is from an era they've never touched before
      I'd need to see some sauce on this. I don't doubt that it's true, but I remember most pre-Imperator leaks pointing to the next Paradox GSG being a fantasy-based one somewhat inspired by Anbennar, probably to directly compete with Warhammer: Total War

      >Everybody else would insignificant (yes, that includes China and le based Germany)
      Japan could potentially be an interesting third option for economic autists.
      >any attempt to give them buffs would create an ahistorical shitshow
      This is a valid concern, but after seeing what kinds of mods people make for PDX games these days I think it's actually what the people want, hence what I said earlier about having a way to dissolve the UN and turn the earth into a giant battle royale.

      . If they wanted an ancient east Asian setting they'd have glued it onto Imperator.

  15. 2 years ago

    >Paradox has confirmed they have another historical GSG in development that they claim is from an era they've never touched before
    Where and when did they say that?

  16. 1 year ago

    it would need the vicky 2 source code but they lost it

  17. 1 year ago

    It's going to be set in the antediluvian period. fall of the nephilim

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