Whats the difference between good fanservice and bad fanservice?

What’s the difference between good fanservice and bad fanservice?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Whether it makes my dick hard or not.

    • 3 months ago

      Whethever it makes that guy's dick hard

  2. 3 months ago

    Anthro = good
    Human = bad

    • 3 months ago

      Somewhere out there in an Anthropomorphic Civilization.

      Human = Good
      Anthro = Bad

  3. 3 months ago

    Good fan service is what I like. Bad fan service is what you like

    • 3 months ago

      This, except phrased in the form of a strongly worded opinion article on a popular gaming website.

  4. 3 months ago

    Good = Something lewd the character WOULD do/wear at a given situation
    Bad= The opposite

  5. 3 months ago

    Good: Something that is understandable for it to happen/ someone to do something
    Bad: Doing it blatantly with disregard to anything
    Using Tifa as an example: Tifa in a swimsuit on a beach is good; but if she was an absolute degenerate at the most inopportune times, it's bad.

  6. 3 months ago

    Bad fanservice is when a character is depicted behaving in ways that either don't make sense or which undermine that character. Tifa from the OG game would have hated this prostitute shit, so that's bad fanservice.

  7. 3 months ago

    I don't care about how Twittergays or ResetEra shitheads would define it.
    But I would generally prefer an approach like FF7 Rebirth as opposed to the usual one that's basically just done insultingly to point fingers and say "WHOOORE LOOK WHAT A WHOOORE SHE IS, SHE SHOULD BE RAPED BY DOGS"

  8. 3 months ago

    Good fan service is when it makes sense in universe for it to happen.
    Bad is when the story, characters and logic are thrown out the window for the sake of it.

    Good: in an otherwise serious game, the characters get some time off, go to beach to relax. There are swimsuits, the male gaze, maybe a bit of female gaze to placate the morons that think the framing of everything needs to be equal (which is cinematographically absurd, but we'll toss them a bone.) It's harmless, unobtrusive, and might even deepen the player's connection with characters by showing a different side to them. Happens often in JRPGs. Down time makes for great fan service opportunities.

    Bad: in the middle of an important battle to decide the fate of the universe, the camera suddenly zooms in on the heroine's pussy lips for five minutes from every possible angle. As the protagonist and antagonist resolve their differences, the camera focuses in on the heroine's ass instead of the protagonist and antagonist's faces.

    Exceptions exist. It depends on the tone of the game. A game that is 99% serious will have a harder time justifying fan service than a game that is more overtly playful from the start. I.E, if you establish early on in the game that the tone involves sensuality (take Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which wears its intentions on its sleeves,) the idea of bad fan service is an oxymoron. On the other hand, a serious game, like a gritty realistic war game, can only get away with fan service in specific scenarios or risk undermining its tone.

    Sexuality exerts a loud and powerful pull on the audience's attention. You wouldn't throw a random major key saxophone solo in the middle of a contemplative minor key piano ballad. It would have been inappropriate to call attention to Jessie Pinkman's beautiful boy pussy when he was being forced to cook meth by the Nazi gang. Know which head to use and when.

    • 3 months ago

      >Good fan service is when it makes sense in universe for it to happen.
      >Bad is when the story, characters and logic are thrown out the window for the sake of it.

      I think "what makes sense" is flimsy a lot of the time though. You realize half the time Redditors are full of shit. "This character is naked all the time...because they're evil!" Ok, but that doesn't actually make a whole lot of sense either for the villains to be a team of flaming homoerotic men dressed in BDSM leather jabroni outfits. Like not even trying to frick anyone else or seduce anyone else, they just look that way because they're evil. It just reflects the audience/creator's morals and sense of shame.

      • 3 months ago

        There are no real rules, only tendencies.
        If the creators of a game want their villains to look like bdsm boys, they will by default create a certain tone. The story could still have serious aspects, but simply by presenting characters in those types of get ups, they are signaling that the game places value on sensuality and absurdity, and so the game will likely appeal to an audience that also values those things.

        There's nothing inherently "bad" about this. I value tone and internal consistency most. I don't want bikini armor in the Witcher, but I'm happy to see it in Final Fantasy. What bothers me is when games try to "mix and match" seriousness and fan service without any consideration of how it might undermine that tone, but that's just preference.
        It really is just "what I like = good."

  9. 3 months ago

    Tifa is extremely sexy yet I fail to find her in a bikini as titillating as her regular outfit.

  10. 3 months ago

    Good fanservice:
    boobs, ass, pretty girls in sexy costumes, latex, erotic voice, focus on bare feet

    Bad fanservice:
    cringe jokes and focusing on cringe reactions of protagonist

  11. 3 months ago

    Good: Doesn't become the main character, tasteful, subtle and somewhat realistic
    Bad: The entire show, without it the scene or character doesn't exist

    • 3 months ago

      So Tifa is bad fanservice

    • 3 months ago

      Question. Have you ever played Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson?

      If so, what was your opinion about the hot springs chapter? I personally found that fanservice can become the sole focus of a prolonged significant time of a game and still hold true to the game, exhibit nothing but pride and elevate the whole game even.

      If you did not. I would suggest you shouldn't assume that the usual correlation is an all-encompassing rule.

      • 3 months ago

        holy frick please touch grass you fricking weirdo

        • 3 months ago

          Just saying
          >Bad: The entire show, without it the scene or character doesn't exist
          is incorrect.

      • 3 months ago

        Are you stupid? That series is inherently a fan service series, it's never out of place because that's all it is.

        You just wanted to "erm, akshually", fricking homosexual

  12. 3 months ago

    Good fan service is not concerned what non customers think

  13. 3 months ago

    bad fanservice is when it makes your average moron coomer hard
    good fanservice is when its actually sophisticated. Its hard to achieve, but imo plenty of anime does that without resolting to moronic shit like in the OP

  14. 3 months ago

    One improves the game, the other wastes time and attention.

  15. 3 months ago

    Simple, woman should be sexy and man should be cool

  16. 3 months ago

    Good fan service makes mine wiener hard, and bad fanservice doesn't exist.

  17. 3 months ago

    Good fanservice doesn't get in the way of gameplay and story, such as 2B's butt. It doesn't distract you from the gameplay or the story, it's just something there for you to enjoy stealing glances at.
    Bad fanservice is when there's nothing else of substance, just breasts and ass shoved into your face.

  18. 3 months ago

    Good fanservice is when you can put the heroines in a string bikini in newgame+.

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