What's the most brutal thing you've ever seen with someone failing to get into retro games?

What's the most brutal thing you've ever seen with someone failing to get into retro games? For me, it's watching this guy hopelessly trying to navigate the Police Quest II computer with no knowledge of command line prompts whatsoever.

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  1. 12 months ago

    >doesn't understand how to use computer
    >doesn't understand ammo needs to be loaded into guns (cause it's a video game gun, it should magically always have ammo right?)
    >doesn't understand that sights need to be adjusted on a gun (it's a video game gun, it just shoots where you point it right?)
    >doesn't understand how a shooting range works (should I shoot those targets to the side?)
    >doesn't understand how a paper target works (why would I need to push the button to bring it forward?)
    >doesn't understand he needs to talk to the captain before leaving he station, even though the captain yells at him multiple times when he tries to just go off on his own

    I will no longer accept any criticisms whatsoever from people who say Sierra games were "too hard". This was all obvious fricking shit to anyone born before the year 2000. I managed to figure this out when I was 14. He even has access to the manual.

    • 12 months ago

      >doesn't understand how to use computer
      I only watched the first part, was amusing that he got stuck in the dos console part.
      But there is no way for him to know that without having actually experienced that himself on a real (80s) PC

    • 12 months ago

      t. born in december 1999

    • 12 months ago

      all of what you just meme arrowed can also be used to describe a 10 year old playing this game in 1988

      • 12 months ago

        >10 year old choosing to play a realistic police adventure game

      • 12 months ago

        wouldn't you have to have had to navigate dos in order to open the game?

      • 12 months ago

        I was 10 in 1988 and I used these games to learn, kids these days EXPECT the game to do the work for them.

        Me: okay so the bikers beat me up when I tell them to leave the bar.. I need a weapon, but the gun doesnt work? "searches" oh, i have to grab the nightstick from my car.

        Zoomer: Those bikers keep beating me up, where's the action button that lets me mow them all down? Ughh this game is broken!!

  2. 12 months ago

    Sierra didn't exactly went out of their way to futureproof their games lol; their strategy was mostly about churning out as many as possible as disposable entertainment.

  3. 12 months ago

    The episode of "James & Mike Mondays" where they play Atari 2600 games without reading any manuals. The one that stood out to me the most was Starmaster, where they just flew around in empty space shooting at nothing for a minute before giving up.
    I saw someone else do basically the same thing with the original Star Raiders, never turned on any starship systems, never went to the galactic map. Wish I could remember any keywords to find that video (it was a "review" of multiple Atari 8-bit games)

    • 12 months ago

      i can't believe it's 2023 and people still don't realize that a manual is almost essential for all pre-1990 games

    • 12 months ago

      they never read the manual and they are proud that they never do. I watched them play Streets of Rage 2 for an bour without pulling off a single special move. dumb motherfrickers

    • 12 months ago

      >"James & Mike Mondays"
      But if you read the manual to play the game that means you didn't beat the game. No outside help!

      I don't have the GIF, but it's the one where a young girl is slamming and wiping her finger repeatedly against a Gameboy Color screen. Then there's some reaction fodder of young zoomers interacting with an Apple ][.
      Conversely, there was that video of LGR with an SGI Indigo and all he did was dick around with the keyboard, rattle off specs as verbosely as possible to pad the video length, and complain about nogaems.
      There was also a stream a few years ago of some vtubers attempting to play chess. That probably doesn't count as retro but it was pretty painful to watch.

      >Conversely, there was that video of LGR with an SGI Indigo and all he did was dick around with the keyboard, rattle off specs as verbosely as possible to pad the video length, and complain about nogaems.
      I remember he did similar with the PC98 stating something like "I have these creepy sex games that I don't like and i'll mention how much I dislike them instead of focusing on the games I do like." Why even mention them to begin with if you don't like them?

  4. 12 months ago

    >Police Quest II: released 1988
    >Microsoft Windows 3.1: released 1992
    it was a different time

    • 12 months ago

      Apple computers had guis from the mac in 1984 onwards, and windows had older versions, but yeah, most work places had DOS or equivalent.
      Also PQII is a parser game.

  5. 12 months ago

    I don't have the GIF, but it's the one where a young girl is slamming and wiping her finger repeatedly against a Gameboy Color screen. Then there's some reaction fodder of young zoomers interacting with an Apple ][.
    Conversely, there was that video of LGR with an SGI Indigo and all he did was dick around with the keyboard, rattle off specs as verbosely as possible to pad the video length, and complain about nogaems.
    There was also a stream a few years ago of some vtubers attempting to play chess. That probably doesn't count as retro but it was pretty painful to watch.

    • 12 months ago

      >google "gameboy touchscreen gif"
      >first result
      Here you go anon

      • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          Scotty was a zoomer, sigh.

    • 12 months ago

      Found it.

    • 12 months ago

      >Conversely, there was that video of LGR with an SGI Indigo and all he did was dick around with the keyboard, rattle off specs as verbosely as possible to pad the video length, and complain about nogaems.
      To be fair, other than for collector's value, bragging rights, decoration, etc, is there really much point in getting an old SGI other than dumb tech demos that came with it?

  6. 12 months ago

    I really just hate watching Twitch streamers try to play retro games in general. None of them know what they're doing and they always have to do stupid things, like comparing fricking Centipede to Celeste, or complaining about things which could have been explained if they bothered to get a manual PDF.

    • 12 months ago

      >expecting current year people to read manuals
      Lol, lmao.

      • 12 months ago

        it was always like that, it helped keep tech support in business

  7. 12 months ago

    Star citizen has shown us that you don't need to be anal about this stuff

  8. 12 months ago

    ken sent me

  9. 12 months ago

    Some of those Sierra games were legit unfair though. There's nothing logical in KQ2 that would summon the mermaid; you had to know you were playing a game which was based on the Plot, and you had to solve that riddle in the standing door as well, but - PLOT.
    And don't get me started on how to find the wand in KQ3. Fricking bullshit, that was.

  10. 12 months ago

    i have really vague memories of playing this game a long time ago. thanks for reminding me what it was called

  11. 12 months ago

    >What's the most brutal thing you've ever seen with someone failing to get into retro games?
    My parents trying to play video games. They're more from the /tg/ era, Strangely though my uncles, aunt, and even one of my grandparents all played retro games. Guess I got stuck with the boring ones

  12. 12 months ago

    Not necessarily struggling, but it really bothers me whenever people call a game that's clearly from the early 90s a "late 90s game" or vice versa. Perhaps I just have that form of autism where I'm really anal about dates and people getting them wrong or something.
    Also speedrun autists who play a game for the first time and instead of actually taking the time to enjoy the game as it's intended, they immediately try speedrun practicing on it. What the frick are these people? Do they fastforward through movies recommended to them instead of actually watching them?

  13. 12 months ago

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